Table of contents
Definition Social
01 The meaning of 02 Function
prosedure text
The function of
Procedural Text
Generic Language
03 Structure 04 FeatureThe example of the text
The structure of and also with the generic
Procedural text structure of the text
The The
05 exampleThe example of 06 exerciseTo know how well you
Procedural text with its understand about
general structure
Procedural Text
Introduction Procedure text is a text that
In this part I hope all of you explains or helps us how to make
able to know what is the or use something…We can also say
meaning of procedure text and that procedure text is a text that
also often find out in the daily explain about the process to make
or use something by sequence of
activity, but the purpose we every process or steps until done to
learn this one because every do the one of that.
things has some steps to
reach a goal of something
what we have to do
Social Function
The social function of Procedure Text :
● 1. to explain or tell the reader how to
make/operate/do something through a
sequence of actions or steps.
● 2. to explain steps/instruction to
make/operate/do something.
Generic structure
There are some generic sturture of the procedure text, it consists of :
1. Goal is the purpose the writer is writing the text for example : How to make seblak
2. Material or ingredients is the material or ingrediens to make something for example :
- Garlic - Cracker
- Red onion - oil
- Egg - mustard green
- Salt - ginger
- Sugar - cayenne
3. Steps is the sequence of the steps to make or operate something, for example :
- The first is mass the aromatic ginger, garlic, red onion, and cayenne until like a pure.
- The second is boil the raw crackers until like a half –baked cracker around 5 minutes
- The third prepare the pan and put a little bit of the oil, after the pan is warm put the ground
spices and mix until the aroma wafted.
- The fourth put the egg, and after that water. After the water is boiling put the cracker and
- The fifth is put put the salt, sugar, flavoring and the mustard green.
- The last is after the taste is just right and have already ripe, serve the seblak into a bowl.
Language Features
There are some language features which is used in the text,
consist of
1. Using adverbial or sequence or temporal conjunction, e.g.
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and last.
2. Using command/imperative sentence, e,g put the cracker
and noodle, cut the onion, boil the crackers or meetball.
3. Using adverbial (adverb) to express detail the time, place,
manner, accurately, e.g for five minutes, two hours, etc.
4. Using action verb, e.g. make, boil, fry, bake, etc.
5. Using simple present tense.
Types of Procedure Texts Examples that instruct :
1. How to do a particular activity :
a. Recipes
b. Rules for games
c. Science experiments
d. safety procedure (safety tips for ATM deposit)
e. Directions (how to get from one place to
f. How to guide for doing something etc..
Types of Procedure Texts Examples that instruct :
2. How to operate things such as :
a. How to operate a machine, computer, photo
copier, appliance etc
b. How to use a vacum cleaner, a blender etc
The example of the text
The example of the text
The example of the text
The example of the text
The example of the text
06 Post
The questions :
1. What is do you think of the text?
2. What is the goal of the text?
3. Can you mention what we should prepare to create new account of instagram?
What are they?
4. How to make Instagram account according to the text?
5. Mention the generic structure of the text?
6. What are the language features of the text?
7. What do we do as the first step of making Instagram account?
8. What will we do after clicking sign up?
9. “Enter your email address and create a username and password” What is the antonym
of enter?
10. “Enter your email address and create a username and password”.” What is the similar
meaning of create?