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Pillow Talk 3
English version

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Published by PT, 2024-01-30 07:43:51

Pillow Talk 3

Pillow Talk 3
English version


3 Pillow Talk Vol.3 We rarely see tender moments between Bulma and Vegeta, but they have been together a long time. At some point they have to speak to each other, and it's most likely after sex when they're lying in bed. This is the story of their relationship told from mostly pillow talk, starting during the three year gap and stretching into their married life. --Embarassedbutkinky Chapter 9 Bulma's Drunk …4 Chapter 10 First (Swear) Word Paparazzi …16 …22 Chapter 11 Wedding Planning Honeymoon …34 …41 Chapter 12 Memories Trunks' Cake …51 …60

Acknowledgements I only started watching Dragon Ball a year and a half ago, but right away I was sucked into because the characters were so engaging, and so much of their story was missing or done off screen. It left so much room for so many fanfiction ideas, and it pushed me to start writing again. I‘m so excited that Aolihui and AlphaSheWolf have given me the opportunity to share some of those ideas with a wider audience. ― Author: Embarassedbutkinky Vegeta, I loved him forever. I came across “Pillow talk”, and it is by far the one fic owning my heart. a three years gap story following Vegeta and Bulma‘s relationship, a perfect blend of Drama and humour. I really wanted to make the Manga version of Pillow talk, so I contacted the Artist Ao Lihui and asked if she'd have been willing to sail with me to this new adventure! She was keen to accomplish and fortunately so was the author! Now, we’re working as a Team to get the most out of this narrative, I personally am trying as Manga editor not to ever manufacture the author‘s choices, yet I rewrite each chapter providing the Illustrator with an edited script that she then can easily turn into panels! ―Manga Editor: AlphaSheWolf In January 2020, I got into DB again, especially Vegeta, and started to draw illustrations for the first time in ten years. This story is the best fanfic story I’ve ever read in my life including Japanese ones. I’m glad to share this wonderful story with many people, and I wish Japanese people would also enjoy it with my translation work. Thanks to our genious author Embarassedbutkinky for letting me make your precious story into manga, and to my amazing editor AlphaSheWolf for giving me such a big chance to draw it. ―Illustrator/Japanese Translator: Ao Lihui This book is a fan-based Manga. Dragon ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by FUNimation, Toei animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release. This Manga shall not be copied, nor in any way shared without permission.

Chapter 9. Bulma’s Drunk (1) Harder!! If you keep yelling you'll wake the boy. Who cares?

Come on, is that as hard as you can go? …… For your information it takes a concentrated effort on my part not to straight up kill you. You don't want to see ‘as hard as I can go.’ Then just a little more. I just need a little… !!!

Ah!! AAh!!! Is that more of what you needed, A'met? Ah!!! AAh!!! hA… Ah!!! SLUP SLUP SHUDDER SHIVER SLRP SLSH THRUS T THRUS T SLUP SLUP

Yeeeeess!!! I don't know, sounds like it's too much for you. Should I stop to let the Queen of Earth collect herself for a moment? Ka … kashesho… UGH!! Ah!! Ah!! AGh!! AH…HAH… aaahhh!! Ah… Ha… …… ……? GULP IGG IGG Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust SLUP SLUP

Ah… AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! AHH…!!…!! That was dangerous. Do you always get suicidal when you're drunk? NAh. Just really horny. PULL

You have my attention. I don't know why, I just get that way when I've had a few. …… I'd say you had more than a few. Issa’ celebration! Chichi’s pregnant! You could've come too, spoil sport.

If Krillin was desperate enough to call me to come collect you then … How could they possibly think Mr.Satan defeated Cell? Huh? Are the people on this planet all morons? We had to have a drink. Well, she didn't. The rest of us did. Hey, we deserved to let loose after all the Cell bullshit! That's been my experience, yes. They're throwing him parades, Vegeta! He doesn't deserve a parade! Gohan deserves a parade! Gohan deserves a medal and the world's gratitude… CHATTER CHATTER

and… his dad back. DAD !!! You said … he is going to have a younger sibling. Oh, yeah, That's something I guess. I hope the baby's just like Goku. Great. Hey, That's a brand new half Saiyan for you to fight when he grows up. Mmm, … Good. And one near Trunks’ age for sparring.

Come on, Where's that Super Saiyan stamina? . Essacly … You really are plastered, Woman. Lil’ bit … Again. Again?! HUG

Ha … You really wanna marry me? yank !"#$

It means nothing to me. Still an awful proposal, but I'll take it! ! From what I've seen on television, mating is more final than marriage. It would be redundant for us. But … I would be annoyed if you achieved marriage and then refused to be mated. So, I would not refuse the Earth way. Do it now, and we'll have more sex afterward. How am I supposed to marry you right now? Someone else has to marry us. That's ridiculous, it is no one's business but our own. Certificate of Marriage & Vegeta Certificated by Cmvnb Lbnj Groom Bride This certifies that Were United in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony

Wow, you're really not gonna like it when you find out what a wedding is… wobble.. Why the f… Basically we throw a great big party where we're the center of attention … and we get married in front of our family and friends. Hey, Earth tradition!! if we're gonna do it I wanna to do it right!! I don't know about you but I only intend to do it once! ………………. ………………. I’ll …….. …. attend. ! Don't expect me to be pleasant among a crowd. I never do. SNAP!

Vegeta, our baby’s first word was 'fuck’. Chapter 10. First (Swear) Word … Maybe you heard him wrong. Fuck! …… Well, at least he's learning English first, like you wanted. Trunks, no. ! F u U U c k Hahahaha! CRUNCH CRUNCH

You said it four times before breakfast this morning. That's a bad word, we don't say it. Shut the f… oh. Shit! I mean shoot! Damn it, this is hard! So the boy swears. why does it matter? It's not polite for kids. Besides, he can't talk like that in school, he'd get kicked out. You can't honestly be intending to send Trunks to one of those child prisons I've seen on television. CHEEKY MONKEY PRIMARY SCHOOL RUMBLE RUMBLE

He will learn to fight with me. He can learn martial arts, but he has to learn regular stuff too. He's already beginning to walk, we should start any day now. He's going to be living on Earth, he needs an Earth education. !"#$% clang clang !"#$%

Hit me. Then maybe stop teaching him to slap people? Akatecho. Not bad. We start tomorroW. No way! He's not even a year old. He's not ready! If he slapped you like that you'd lose a tooth. !&#'(% Da!

All the more reason to begin training. Y… You better be nice to him! I will be watching. If he looks upset or scared… I'm guessing you would not be thrilled if he were to rip your father's cat in half trying to test his strength. The first lesson is what to attack. He might be confused for a few minutes, but he'll enjoy it. Just like when he was learning to walk. …… !! POW!

He was stubborn like you even then. He wouldn't let anyone help him back up when he fell. …… POW POW

We're not done arguing! I am. Chapter 10. Paparazzi You go let him out right now or I swear I’ll … You'll what, Woman? I’m with ZTV! Wait! Please! He was in the bushes. Near the bathroom. You were showering. I have a right to protect my property. I'm not your property, Buddy. Besides, I looked through his camera. They were all just PG-rated window shots, …

… mostly of you. Surveillance … Paparazzi. Did you really think I wouldn't control your every single move?! I’m watching you, Vegeta! HEHHEH HEH now let him go. You know it's actually illegal to hold a human against their will? !!! Damn it …

If he's such a weakling, Somebody… Help… I only set the Gravity Room to ten times Earth's, if he weren't such a weakling he could have escaped by now. what are you afraid of?

BA M!! I am not afraid. I am pissed.

!!! You are mine, Bulma. The Weakling is damn lucky I haven't plucked his eyes out. No man gets to see you the way I can. Don't go all possessive on me, Saiyan. I do what I want, same as you. I could care less what you get up to in your free time. PULL

…!!! but this is mine. For a woman who hates the idea of being owned you certainly are very interested in being in this position. Say that you'll let him go …!! Or what? Or no sex! !!! Or… less sex. BA M BA M

Don't think this argument is ov… … Fine. But I will inform him of exactly what will happen if he steps foot onto my property again. AH… AH…! AH… AAH HA… AH You're so wet for me, A'met. Just me. Just … you … Condom …!! Not this time. I want you just like this. SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP

Ah… You're going to take all of it. Ah…AAH! ——!!! Ahn!! AHH!! AH!! THRUST . . . Still a bad idea … I’m on the pill … but … THRUST THRUST THRUST

AH… I almost forgot how good you feel raw … Mmm… AH AAH But I guess it didn’t work last time … It’s definitely a risk …

…!! Kaza’ti nos krovos, Bulma. Mine. …Yours. AHH! AH! AAH! AH…!! Forget it … It’s not that important …


Go let him out, Vegeta. !!! IGG SQUEEZE… IGG IGG IGG IGG

Absolutely bring her! I guess, I mean…I really like her… I just didn't want to upset you. Do I sound upset? I know she was on the wrong side of the last fight, and she hurt people. I thought she might make everyone else uncomfortab… Krillin!! Chapter 11. Wedding Planning VOI VOI VOI VOI

the groom tried to murder all of us and blow up the planet. !!! Oh, uh, that's a good point! Okay, if you're sure then I'll ask her as soon as she wakes up. Wakes up? …… I’ve had enough of this planet !!!! I’ll turn you to ashes along with it !!!!!

Is she there now, Krillin? ……That was before the Time Chamber. !!!!! Uh, I've gotta go, Bulma, see you at the wedding next Saturday!!! Oh, lighten up, it's cute. Don't be pissy just because Eighteen kicked your ass. I could destroy her now. ! Z Z Z …

Just come to bed, it's late. ……You're in my way. Go to sleep if you're tired. Who said anything about sleep? …… HMPH

What did you eat, a rotting carcass!? What? !!! Good gods, Woman!!! It tastes like an animal died in your mouth!! Oh, what a drama queen. Wedding planning is stressful. I had one cigarette, sue me. Cigarette… You've spent years expecting your planet to be destroyed by androids but… planning a wedding was enough to break you!? Imminent death I understand… Ugh, they're disgusting. Don't put them in your mouth, they ruin it. *SNIFF*

Then don't come looking for a kiss!! I'll just fuck you from behind so I don't have to smell that!! Marriage, … not so much. ! I'll smoke if I want to. You're going to lecture me about bad habits? I can't get you into a shower after training unless I join you!! I smell like battle!! Those smell like shit!! I still don't understand their purpose, is there some nutritional value to them? Then they are unnecessary. Ah, no. Once you're used to them they are relaxing.

……I can relax you. So what… when I'm stressed I'm just supposed to drop all my work and yell 'hey Vegeta come fuck me’. Ideally, yes. After you brush your teeth, perhaps. !! …….

Chapter 11. Honeymoon SHAAAA …

Can I take this ridiculous garment off now? There's one more thing you have to do. Son of a bitch! What!? Just help me out of my dress, Grouch. I can't breathe in this thing. Oh…

For what? And thank you. For not being as big of an asshole as you could have been. I do not dance. Did I ask you to dance with me? I had fun dancing with Gohan, I even pulled Piccolo out once. You weren't jealous were you? Of an eleven year old and a genderless slug man? Not particularly.

But then the Weakling… I turned him down. UTIi !!! I know.

You thought about murdering him, didn't you? I didn't go through with it. See? Not as big of an asshole as you could have been. …….!!! !? How expensive was this? Several hundred thousand Zeni if I remember… Whatever RRRRRRIP

…… Phew! crack Well, at least we got pictures. You're not smiling in any of them, but they exist. What comes next? Do all your friends come here to open presents after we change? I assume that's why you wasted your money on such a large room when we have a perfectly good home. It's our honeymoon, Doofus. And? What is expected of me?

Do you know what a honeymoon is Vegeta? You had to have heard it in all the TV you've watched. You've thrown the word around. I assumed it was like the ceremony or reception. It's for sex. Basically you've got me alone in this big ass room with a Jacuzzi … … and champagne for two days.

Most of them, yeah. I didn't invent it. And this is an official part of a wedding? Everyone knows about it, it's like the only time it's not awkward for your friends to know you're getting laid. HMPH…

Right. And no condoms? And why did you not tell me about this sooner?

I wanted to see the look on your face. That one, that look. Worth it.

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