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ges aT~SSina er ee everyone remain in may %*3 +Eat Sb
° wants to their comfort zone - be in
i’ “ ae work, life status, or simply just an accustomed routine. It is only
i 4 —_ : ee logical to stick to the things that give us familiarity.
ot Ps™ uiA Surely, no one I know wants to be burdened whatsoever.
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» i . -\ But, there are times when we get called out of that comfort zone. God
usually calls us to step out into the unknown, leave the safety of our
Wem—s Shells, and be exposed to the realities and uncertainties of the
unfamiliar. Fear, doubt, and concerns usually arise. But these feelings
> are natural, and no one is immune to them once we are called out.
: ' This reminded me ofa story in Matthew 14:28-31.
t | “Lord, if it’s You,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to You on the water.”
a| “Some,” He said.
ws Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came
toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to
>, * ‘ sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
: : ofImmediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. “You litivie
| fith,” He said, “wiiy did you doubir”
, Besi; des Jesus, Peter was the only one who had ever walked on water.
But, fear got a hold of him. The doubts had set in, and he sank. I can
\ totally identify with Peter during the time I was first given the
opportunity to study and take up my Master’s Degree at IGSL. It was
\ exciting in the beginning, and I was stoked to do it! But as the days drew
closer to the first day of class, I suddenly felt an odd sense of
,j : restlessness. The thoughts of leaving my job, my band, and everything
else that I was used to scared me. I was already at a very comfortable
: place in my life until God called me out into the water. Just like Peter, I
hastily stepped out of the boat and walked on the water. While walking
H towards Him, fear took a grip on me and, slowly, began to pull me under.
I doubted myself. I doubted the calling. I wondered if I was just doing it
Fi for myself, or if I was just being pressured. I feared that maybe, one day,
I would realize that the entire thing was a big mistake. I was looking
|< beyond Him, and I didn’t realize that He was right there in front of me!
| We usually get engulfed with these uncertainties - with the winds
howling and the waves crashing, we cry out to be saved when we are at
oat the point of drowning. When Jesus calls us out to walk with Him on
unknown territory, it’s hard. But the key here is to keep our eyes fixed
tl| SUBIC BAY on Him! When we feel like the problems are trying to engulf us like a
wave, or when the howling winds are saying that we can’t make it and
| CONIMUNITY doubts start to settle in, remember Jesus’ question, “Why do you doubi?”
i) OF FAITH Instead, let us focus our eyes on Him and know that He will be there,
DEVELOPING DYNAMIC DISCIPLES y —holding our hands, and guiding us each step of the way. Because with
Him at the helm, there is no reason to doubt!
JB Bitangcol
Firewall Percussionist
kids hub. 01.19.20 eAa bo
.J God gave us a way to talk to Him through prayers, and ms 4|
He is always a good listener. David knew the value of a4 a .’4 aaa
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this as seen in Psalm 511-12. He knew that he could ff s | r!:
always count on God, so he laid down all of his
| problems before Him. David also acknowledged . qtA i Fxa2 e —s Ls
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all| God's love and power over things, which led him to
i give praise to our heavenly Father.
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The students at Kids Hub were encouraged to follow :
the example of David who lived out what is written in,
b | James 5:13, ‘Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them | j
4 pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.”
a| § For crafts, the Preschoolers made elephant ears, j
Ae ea 4 while the Elementary class made elephant origami to |
Sa remind them that - although these friendly giants >
bf 4)? may have the biggest ears - God is still the best 9 Jf i,
Se Zz CoPo La ; liistener ever!| >
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For moreministry updates, please visit our Faceboor page at
°connect groups.
Se mi Pyan ieaccountability. intentionality. ° 5 |
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At the end of service, please be FEBRUAR1Y,9:00am
ie =Fe sure to vp [7s
| around yyou. ¥Thank you! volunteer.
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No problem! We have m FIREWALL (Music Ministry)
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yourtithe inside
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Pastor Carlo Zaragosa / 1Chronicles 28, 29
David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not
be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or
forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.
(1 Chronicles 28.20)
When we know one thing but do another, it will hurt us.
a. Wecan undermine the truth, but we can't escape the consequence.
withb. Our struggle is not really the truth, but in what to do with it.
c. Itisone thing to know what is true and what to do, and yet another to actually do it.
Remember who God is and what He has done.
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Pii Aa By rica ,
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Subic Bay Community of Faith started in the surmmer of 2010 when a vision of church planting in
Subic Bay Freeport Zone was laid in the hearts of John Phillip and Mei Chua Chiaco. On
September 25, 2010, thirty-five people mei for the first worship service with Rev. Noel Panioja,
assisted by his loving wife Jenny Pantoja serving as the Lead Pastor/Church Planter of the team.
A year later, Rev. Maurice Adam Rivera was called io continue the spiritual leadership of SBCF.
While the church over the years continued to participate in numerous community-based
ministries such as outreaches, medical missions, church planting, fellowship groups, ministering
to the ministers, and other similar activities, the Lord steered the leadership of His Church to
prioritize discipleship and focus on the internal growth of those called to SBCF. Through His
leading and voice, the mission of SBCF became clear: to Develop Dynamic Disciples by leading
others to cultivate their inner life through Christ Jesus.
Today, SBCF continues to champion the call to Christian authenticity by prioritizing our own
relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We encourage people of all ages and
backgrounds to come and experience the joy and resteciness only Christ can bring. Worship with
us, and come as you are! Welcome io the SBCF family!
Christianity over the years has been plagued with a spiritually-drying disease known as laziness and complacency.
It has been one of the top reasons why many Christians today are unable to live life appropriately reflecting the faith
they profess. Even worse, spending time iin the Word and iin prayer is seen by many as unnecessary. The
consequence of this Is distance from God and a life of spiritual mediocrity and constant compromise to the ways of
this world. It degrades our ability to be content and see the workings of God in all situations, ancl significantly
reduces our empathy with our fellow men,
But, Christ did not redeem us to live life this way! He designed us to live a life overflowing with love, grace, integrity,
patience, kindness, joy, and contentment: and inot only to live these things within ourselves, but to share
aintentionally with others - both ln words and in actions! More importantly, He redeemed us so we could live life
walking hand in hand with Him daily!
Thus, our theme for the year 2020 is "INTENTIONAL CHURCH" As a church family, we say NO to spiritual mediocrity
Savior Jesusand compromise, and YES to intentionally growing more and more In the knowledge and understanding of our Lord
and Christ! We say YES to growing iin our relationships with our families and our church community, We
say YES in helping build up the Body of Christ! And we say YES to spreading this love to our community and social
circles so that they too may see Christ in us! We say YES to an INTENTIONAL SBCF this 2020!
Reverend Mau Rivera FIREWALL
CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR 0917 142 1112 Jaki Pantoja 0917 774 7788
Phillip Chua Chiaco 0917 326 9703 0917 893 0517
MINISTRY COORDINATOR 0917 164 1218 KIDS HUB Mei Chua Chiaco 0918 925 5628
lan Santos 0917 189 0729
CJ Bacatat
MEN'S DOS Rev. Mau Rivera 0918 900 1358
e@ 047 611 3284 0995 965 6100
SERVER (USHERS) Anne Santiago 0921 298 2436
USB Volter Santos @sbcfaithph
YOUTH WIRED Jim Bitangcol
6 [email protected] Ei