31 Obstetric and
Gynecologic Emergencies
Ian B. Greenwald
Matthew T. Keadey
Obstetric and gynecologic (OB/GYN) emergencies A GYNECOLOGIC
in the prehospital setting represent a wide disease COMPLAINT
spectrum, with tremendous variability in illness
acuity. Fortunately, OB/GYN responses for EMS General Approach
are infrequently life threatening and require little
more than a focused history and physical examina- Most EMS providers are not afforded the luxury
tion along with safe and timely transport to the hos- of bedside urine pregnancy testing. Accordingly, to
pital. There are notable exceptions (e.g., imminent maximize patient safety, all female patients of child-
deliveries, prolapsed umbilical cords, and eclamptic bearing age are considered to be potentially pregnant
seizures) that have the potential to be catastrophic. until proven otherwise. Patients at extremes of age
These calls challenge even the most seasoned med- can reasonably be treated in a more directed fash-
ics and provoke significant anxiety for patients and ion. EMS providers infrequently encounter children
their families, EMS dispatchers and providers, and and pre-teens with gynecologic complaints, and any
even EMS medical directors. These are stressful, gynecologic complaint in this age group should at
time-sensitive emergencies for which most EMS least raise the suspicion of sexual abuse. Medical
providers have had limited exposure and medical directors must ensure prehospital providers under-
education. Like all prehospital encounters, these stand their states’ reporting laws and procedures for
calls are made even more challenging by limited suspected abuse. Postmenopausal women with infec-
equipment and manpower resources and unpredict- tious or hemorrhagic complaints should be treated
able environments. Deliveries encountered in the with appropriate goal-directed resuscitative therapy
prehospital setting are frequently from known high- as indicated.
risk pregnancies and are often significantly prema-
ture. These factors lend to the increased maternal Women of childbearing age with pelvic and/or
and infant morbidity and mortality found in the pre- lower quadrant abdominal pain should have a focused
hospital setting.1 assessment performed that includes vital signs, car-
diopulmonary examination, and a standard abdominal
The role of the EMS medical director is to en- examination. Providers should be taught to maintain a
sure that crews are properly trained and equipped. broad differential that includes gynecologic, obstetric,
This includes seeing that their educational staff has and intestinal causes of pain. Pain control should be
adequate high-quality offerings for the field crews administered according to protocol or after contact-
on this broad range of topics and aggressively re- ing direct medical oversight (DMO). Women with
viewing patient care reports to ensure that appropri- infectious complaints (i.e., fever, discharge, and pain)
ate, compassionate, and evidence-based care is be- should be assessed for signs of sepsis with a similar
ing consistently delivered.
focused assessment and examination. In most nonde- injured pregnant patient. BLS providers should be
livery cases, visual inspection or palpation beneath the comfortable obtaining the core gestational informa-
umbilicus should be deferred to emergency depart- tion from the patient, including estimated due date/
ment (ED) personnel. Policies and procedures should weeks of gestation, last menstrual period, number
be developed that expressly explain it is inappropri- and type of previous deliveries, membrane rupture,
ate for a crewmember to examine a patient without a bleeding, and contraction time intervals. ALS pro-
“chaperone.” Any accusation of inappropriate contact viders should be expected to expand that history
between prehospital providers and patients should be and determine if the patient has had complications
thoroughly investigated through a formal internal af- associated with the pregnancy such as gestational
fairs mechanism. diabetes, preeclampsia, or preterm labor. As soon
as it is determined that the patient is not going to
Vaginal Bleeding deliver imminently, vital signs should be obtained
and viewed in context of the normal physiologic
All patients of childbearing age with abdominal pain changes of pregnancy (Table 31.2). If there is a his-
and vaginal bleeding should be treated as possible ec- tory of precipitous delivery or the patient has the
topic pregnancies until proven otherwise.2–4 Provid- urge to push, a visual examination of the perineum
ers should be instructed to obtain IV access with use should be performed. Medical directors should care-
of supplemental oxygen for patients bleeding with fully craft strict protocols that specify when visual
an elevated heart rate, hypotension, or significant ab- inspection of the perineum is appropriate. Failure
dominal tenderness to palpation. An initial fluid bo- to have a written document for the EMS provider
lus of 500 ml of normal saline (NS) during transport to follow opens the provider, medical director, and
can be initiated if there are vital sign abnormalities. system to potential liability.
Evidence of hypotension in the setting of a “normal”
heart rate can be a sign of intraperitoneal blood and Women of childbearing age who present with
would warrant more aggressive fluid resuscitation.5 A abdominal pain can obviously have a wide spectrum
basic familiarity of the differential diagnosis of vagi- of disease etiologies.6 The EMS provider’s challenge,
nal bleeding should be taught to prehospital providers to identify life threats and initiate treatment during
(Table 31.1). transport to the hospital, is made more difficult by the
very fact that pregnancy status is often unknown by
Evaluation of the Pregnant Patient the patient. Prehospital clinical guidelines/protocols
should reflect a general approach to vaginal bleeding
All levels of EMS providers, from first respond- and abdominal pain that covers early pregnancy com-
ers to paramedics, should be capable of rapidly plications as well as nonpregnancy-related causes of
ascertaining pertinent information from the ill or bleeding and pain.
TABLE 31.1 When pregnancy status is known, quickly de-
termining the trimester helps narrow the differ-
Differential Diagnosis of Vaginal Bleeding ential diagnosis.7 The goal for the EMS system is
to quickly recognize and initiate treatment for the
Known pregnancy— Ectopic pregnancy, life-threatening problems that arise during pregnan-
first trimester threatened miscarriage/ cy, labor, and delivery.
abortion, trauma
Known pregnancy— TABLE 31.2
second and third Placenta previa, placen-
trimester tal abruption, bloody Physiology Changes in Pregnancy
show, trauma
Unknown pregnancy Blood volume increased by greater than 50%
status Ectopic pregnancy, Baseline heart rate increased 10%–15%
dysfunctional uterine Respirations increased 10%–15%
bleeding, degenerating Cardiac output increased
fibroid, menses, trauma, Blood pressure decreased or normal
CHAPTER 31 Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies 299
PREPARTUM Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia
Systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mm Hg
First-Trimester Emergencies Diastolic blood pressure greater than 110 mm Hg
Increasing pedal edema
For the prehospital provider, the key to treating a preg- Headache
nant patient with early (i.e., first trimester) potential Epigastric or right upper quadrant abdominal pain
obstetric complications is maintaining a high index of
suspicion for a possible ectopic pregnancy and recog- Placental Abruption and Previa
nizing hemodynamic instability secondary to hemor-
rhagic shock (see vaginal bleeding section). Although Bleeding in the late second or third trimester is most
there is no directed prehospital intervention for ectopic often associated with placental abruptions or previa.
pregnancies or miscarriages, crews should recognize A placental abruption is a separation of the placenta
the potential emotional distress associated with these from the uterine wall. It typically occurs following
conditions and offer psychological first aid. trauma, and prehospital providers should be continu-
ally educated on the small amount of force required
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia to cause an abruption (ground level falls, low-speed
motor vehicle collisions, and so on) Significant pla-
Preeclampsia and eclampsia are life-threatening emer- cental separation results in maternal hemodynamic
gencies requiring prompt recognition to initiate life- instability and fetal distress. Nontraumatic abruptions
saving care. Prehospital providers must be familiar with can occur and are often associated with hypertension,
the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia (Table 31.3). smoking, and cocaine use. The hallmark of abrup-
Although they are infrequently encountered conditions tions is the association between abdominal pain and
in the out-of-hospital setting, EMS providers must be bleeding late in pregnancy. The provider should gently
vigilant with measuring blood pressures in the advanced palpate the abdomen to attempt to appreciate a firm
gestational patient. It should be continually reinforced globular uterus.
with EMS crews that marginal increases in blood pres-
sure are abnormal in pregnancy. Protocols should re- A placental previa is the result of placental im-
flect that abnormal blood pressures in the pregnant pa- plantation over the cervical os. This can result in heavy
tient require DMO if a patient is contemplating refusing painless bleeding late in pregnancy. Providers should
transport to the hospital. Although the majority of ob- be instructed to only perform a visual inspection of
stetric calls likely do not benefit from peripheral IV ac- the perineum when a patient has bleeding in the later
cess, pregnant women with elevated blood pressures are half of pregnancy (to check for presenting parts). Any
an important exception. The potential for difficult-to- insertion of digits into the vagina of a woman with a
control seizures exists in these patients, making IV ac- potential placental previa can be catastrophic. Patients
cess desirable. Seizing patients should promptly receive with either a placental abruption or previa should be
IV benzodiazepines. If IV access is unobtainable, many treated for shock and quickly transported to an appro-
benzodiazepines can be delivered intramuscularly (IM) priate obstetric hospital if available.
or per rectum. EMS units that carry magnesium should
contact DMO for all pregnant patients with a diastolic Treatment of the Pregnant Patient:
pressure of greater than 100 and preeclamptic symp- Antepartum Issues
toms (e.g., headache, visual complaints, and abdominal
pain). All eclamptic patients should receive 4 g of mag- Imminent Delivery
nesium sulfate over 10 to 15 minutes.8 If no IV access All women who are in active labor should receive
can be established, 5 g of magnesium can be given IM supplemental oxygen and an IV line during transport.
in each buttock.9 Special attention should be made to Clinical care guidelines should reflect that only truly
maintaining an airway, monitoring respiratory function, imminent deliveries justify out-of-hospital delivery,
and rapid transport to the hospital. and all reasonable efforts should be made to maximize
300 SECTION C Individual Chief Complaint Protocols
the probability of an in-hospital delivery. If a delivery can intubate the neonate and suction through the endo-
is deemed imminent, crews should ensure they have tracheal tube as it is being withdrawn from the airway.
appropriate manpower to provide resuscitative care for This procedure should be continued until the majority
the mother and baby. Obstetric and neonatal resuscita- of the meconium has cleared or the newborn becomes
tion equipment should be readied. Some recommend bradycardic (Ͻ80 beats/min). The provider should not
notifying DMO of an impending delivery, in case bag the neonate or stimulate it until the meconium is
emergent assistance and advice is required. Deliveries cleared. If a provider without those advanced skills
in most cases progress with little intervention. Once is not available on scene, or if the neonate becomes
the head is delivered, the nares and mouth should bradycardic, the provider will need to ventilate and
be suctioned out with a bulb syringe. The umbilical oxygenate the infant with a bag-valve-mask and 100%
cord should be double clamped and divided after the oxygen. Endotracheal intubation is not required if wa-
remaining body is delivered. The baby should be im- tery or thin meconium is present.
mediately dried and evaluated. Inexpensive obstetric
simulators are now available and ideal for scenario- Breech
based annual refresher training. Breech presentations are high-risk deliveries. Fre-
quently the presenting part does not adequately dilate
Prolapse of the Umbilical Cord the cervix, making spontaneous delivery difficult.
A prolapsed umbilical cord is one potential compli- Morbidity and mortality are significantly higher even
cation associated with vaginal deliveries. Clinical when breech deliveries are attempted in an in-hospital
care guidelines should instruct the EMS provider not obstetric suite.11 It is extremely challenging for DMO
to push the cord back into the vagina. The provider to give adequate instructions over the radio or phone
should wrap the cord in moistened sterile gauze, and in the midst of a breech delivery. A reasonable ap-
insert two fingers of a sterile gloved hand into the va- proach is to have the prehospital providers support
gina to keep the presenting part off the pelvic brim.10 the presenting part, begin moving toward the hospital,
The patient is then placed in a knee-chest position to and let the delivery occur spontaneously if possible.
allow gravity to help take pressure off the cord and When the head presents, the EMS providers can place
potentially improve umbilical blood follow and re- two fingers forming a “V” into the vagina to allow the
duce the chance of hypoxia to the neonate. This ma- neonate to breathe. Oxygen should be administered to
neuver should be maintained throughout transport to the mother. The presenting part should never be forc-
the hospital. If the delivery is imminent, the providers ibly pushed back into the vagina.
should proceed as previously discussed.
Shoulder Dystocia
Nuchal Cord In most deliveries the shoulders are delivered easily.
A more common complication of vaginal deliveries is Unfortunately, if the shoulders become impeded the
the finding of the umbilical cord wrapped around the potential for a catastrophic outcome is real. The EMS
baby’s neck. The provider should attempt to gently lift providers should be trained to have an assistant or
the cord over the head. If the cord is tight and cannot family member hyperflex the mother’s hip against her
be lifted over the neonate’s head, the prehospital care abdomen and then apply mild suprapubic pressure
provider should suction out the oral pharynx and na- (McRoberts Maneuver). Gentle posterior traction
res before double clamping and cutting the cord. This of the head can also help to relieve the dystocia. If
maneuver will clear the airway and allow the neonate these maneuvers do not work, DMO should instruct
to breath. The neonate should be delivered as quickly the provider to rotate the shoulders while suprapu-
as possible. bic pressure is being applied. This can be accom-
plished by having the provider apply two fingers on
Meconium the front part of the top shoulder (anterior) and rotate
If thick meconium is present, EMS providers should the neonate toward the back into an oblique position
first suction out the hypopharynx with a bulb syringe. (Corkscrew maneuver). If this does not facilitate the
The neonate should not be stimulated in the normal delivery, the mother can be instructed to rotate over
fashion so as not to induce a big respiratory effort. into an upright position on her hands and knees.12–14
Depending on the level of training, equipment, and If all these maneuvers still do not facilitate delivery,
protocols, once the delivery is complete, a paramedic the crew should expedite transport to the hospital.
CHAPTER 31 Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies 301
These situations are extremely stressful for experi- Early postpartum bleeding is usually either from uterine
enced obstetricians, no less a provider with minimal atony or lacerations to the genital tract (Table 31.5).16
formal obstetrical training. If bleeding is significant, an abdominal examination
should be performed to evaluate the uterus. A soft and
Post-Delivery: Care of the Neonate boggy uterus is suggestive of uterine atony. If the uterus
is firm and contracted, the source of bleeding is most
Once the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the neo- likely a laceration of the genital tract. Unfortunately,
nate should be placed in a supine, head down position these findings are often difficult to discern in the field.
with the head turned to the side. Normally, the new- Out-of-hospital treatment is mainly IV crystalloids and
born begins to breathe and cry almost immediately oxygen. The provider should expedite transport of the
after birth. If respirations do not occur or are infre- patient to the hospital.
quent, suctioning of the mouth and pharynx should
be performed. Stimulating the feet or back may also Delivery of the Placenta
initiate breathing. The neonate should be dried and The placenta normally delivers spontaneously. The
kept warm. If the neonate is stable, the infant can be prehospital care provider should not delay transport
held close to the mother’s chest to decrease heat loss. for delivery of the placenta. Physical signs that the
placenta is about to be delivered include the uterus
A standardized method to evaluate the newborn’s becoming globular in shape, the umbilical cord
condition is the 1- and 5-minute APGAR scores lengthening, and a potential gush of blood just prior
(Table 31.4). Scores between 4 and 6 at 1 minute to the delivery. If the placenta is delivered before ar-
may indicate a mildly to moderately depressed in- rival to the hospital, the placenta should be saved for
fant, whereas scores below 3 represent a severely pathologic evaluation.
depressed infant.15 If warming and stimulating the
neonate do not initiate the infant’s respirations, the TREATMENT OF THE
prehospital provider will need to begin resuscitating PREGNANT PATIENT:
the infant according to standard Pediatric Advanced SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS
Life Support (PALS) algorithms.
Pregnant Trauma Patient
IV access is not necessary in the prehospital set-
ting unless the neonate requires ongoing and active The pregnant trauma patient represents an especially
resuscitation. Even then, it should only be performed difficult challenge in the prehospital setting. Much
if adequate hands exist to accomplish all other first- like eclampsia, its low frequency but high conse-
line resuscitative efforts. If the baby is in distress, quence relationship makes it an ideal topic for EMS
transport should be immediately initiated to the clos- continuing medical education. Basic trauma life sup-
est appropriate facility. port should be carried out according to local trauma
management protocols. Airway and hemorrhage con-
Postpartum Hemorrhage trol, high-flow oxygen, immobilization, and rapid
Blood loss of greater than 500 ml after the third stage
of labor is considered abnormal. Bleeding can occur
anywhere along the reproductive tract. Bleeding at the
placenta is usually controlled by uterine contractions.
TABLE 31.4
APGAR Scoring System
Sign 0 1 2
Heart rate Absent Below 100 Over 100
Respiratory effort Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying
Muscle tone Flaccid Some flexion of extremities Active motion
Reflex irritability No response Grimace Vigorous cry
Color Blue, pale Body pink, extremities blue Pink
302 SECTION C Individual Chief Complaint Protocols
TABLE 31.5 the scene evaluation of a traumatized patient, EMS
providers are directed to “load and go” and perform
Early Postpartum Hemorrhage all interventions and resuscitation measures en route
to the hospital. The primary directive during transport
Uterine atony is to maximize maternal resuscitative measures. EMS
Laceration providers must focus on external chest compressions
Retained placenta in an attempt to maintain some degree of perfusion to
Uterine rupture the fetus. The success of perimortem caesarean sec-
Uterine inversion tion in the ED correlates directly with the length of
time the patient has been in cardiac arrest. There are
transport to an appropriate facility remain top priori- reported cases of good neurologic outcome of the ne-
ties. Severity of injury can be difficult to determine onate if the caesarean section is done within the first
in the traumatized pregnant patient. Although normal 5 minutes of the arrest.19–23
physiologic vital sign changes seen with pregnancy
can mimic shock (see Table 31.2), the pregnant pa- SUMMARY
tient’s elevated blood volume can allow for massive
blood loss before decompensation. Respiratory re- Most obstetric and gynecologic requests for EMS in
serve obviously becomes increasingly limited as the the out-of-hospital setting require little more than an
pregnancy advances. EMS protocols should reflect uneventful transport to the hospital. But obstetric calls
that seemingly minor trauma (e.g., ground level falls, in particular can challenge the most experienced pro-
low speed motor vehicle accidents) can cause placen- vider and have the potential for catastrophic complica-
tal abruption and require transport to an appropriate tions. Medical directors should work with their crews
facility. and educators to ensure these topics are reviewed
frequently. Simulators should be used when possible.
All supine pregnant trauma patients in the sec- Symptom-based clinical care guidelines should be
ond and third trimester should be transported tilted written to reflect that women with abdominal pain of-
roughly 15 degrees to the left. (The right side of ten do not know their pregnancy status. Crews should
a long back board can be lifted approximately be encouraged to safely transport laboring patients to
15 degrees with blankets or sand bags). This posi- the hospital for delivery unless imminent signs of de-
tioning allows the uterus to be moved off the inferior livery exist. Protocols must reflect that all pregnant
vena cava, and facilitates blood return to the heart and trauma patients and all hypertensive pregnant patients
maintains uterine blood perfusion.17,18 require evaluation in the ED. Crews should be encour-
aged to contact DMO early both for guidance and to
Pregnant Patient in Cardiac Arrest allow obstetric and neonatal personnel an opportunity
Cardiac arrest resuscitation strategy for the pregnant to respond to the ED for pregnant patients in extremis
patient who is more than 20 weeks along differs fun- if necessary. Any opportunity to bring EMS providers
damentally from the nongestational patient in that to labor and delivery for refresher training should be
scene interventions should be extremely minimal and aggressively pursued.
immediate transport is the highest priority. Similar to
A 26-year-old female is undergoing a planned home was delivered vaginally in the hospital without
birth under the treatment of a local midwifery ser- complication. The midwife calls 9-1-1 for emer-
vice. It is her second child and she goes into labor gency assistance when she recognizes the birth is
at the 39th week of her pregnancy. Her first child being complicated by a shoulder dystocia. On first
CHAPTER 31 Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies 303
responder arrival (BLS fire/rescue engine crew), they upright on her hands and knees. With the mother
are instructed by the midwife to assist by flexing and on her knees, the midwife is able to “corkscrew” out
abducting the maternal thighs (McRoberts maneu- the anterior shoulder and the baby delivers spon-
ver) against the abdomen. An additional crew mem- taneously. With low initial APGAR scores, the baby
ber places the mother on supplemental oxygen. The is dried, warmed, and aggressively stimulated. He is
midwife attempts to perform the Corkscrew ma- placed on supplemental oxygen and almost imme-
neuver without success. An ALS ambulance crew ar- diately his cry, color, and muscle tone begin to im-
rives on scene and performs a brief assessment and prove. The mother and baby are transported to the
immediately contacts DMO. The physician on the hospital without further incident or complication.
base radio advises them to reposition the mother
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304 SECTION C Individual Chief Complaint Protocols