The History of Me
By:Ryan Garcia
On the beginning of Thanksgiving break when I was 11 years old
I went to Mexico with my brother to visit my grandma, uncle and
cousins.My brother and I stayed there from the beginning of
thanksgiving break to the end of it.It was fun because we spent
time with family we barely see.The surroundings were dirt,
rocks, houses and a lake.
One time in Christmas time I went to church with my family and
celebrated a Mexican tradition called posadas.Posadas is when
you celebrate god, people and saint Mary.What they do is that we
eat and drink food and drinks and celebrate how Jesus was
born.It was amazing and at the end the priests gave us bags of
candies.It took at least 2 hours and they celebrate at night time
because since Jesus was born at night.
An invention that has improved my life is the iphone because it
helps me communicate with my family so I can know if my
parents will pick me up from school.If I would have not had my
phone I would be lost and I would not have gone to my parents if
I could not call them or at least tell them where I am.
My household rules are that I shouldn’t eat in my room or in the
living room.I also shouldn’t play video games during doing my
homework and to not stay up at night watching TV.If I break at
least 1 household rule I will either get my phone taken away or I
will not be able to watch TV for the rest of the day.Since I have
gotten older my household rules haven’t changed but I have to
go to bed earlier.
Time for bed
My household chores are to make the bed, vacum, and to wash
the dishes.I don’t get allowance but if I do enough chores then I
can play video games and I can have free day which is a day
without chores.My mom and brother have other chores but I am
still happy with the chores I have and I like the rules I have.
Social Structure
My family is a family of four and I have 1 brother 0 sisters a mom
and a dad.My dad’s name is Carlos, my mom’s name is Sandra
and my brother’s name is Kevin.My dad is 43, my brother is 14
and my mom is 35.We like to play marbles together which we put
marbles in a square and with one marble we have to try to get as
many marbles outside the square.This is how I describe my
A marble we use for playing