The History Of Atoms
By Lucy Han
1 Introducing atoms
3 Democritus
4 Aristotle
5 John Dalton
6 J.J. Thomson
7 Ernest Rutherford
8 Niels Bohr
9 Erwin Schrodinger
10 Albert Einstein
11 Werner Heisenberg
12 Citation
Introducing atoms
- Atoms are the smallest element that makes up everything in our daily life.
- It’s made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
- Electrons
- Negatively charged
- On the outer layer of the atom
- Protons
- Positively charged
- Makes up the nucleus with neutrons.
- Neutrons
- No charge
- Part of nucleus
- Discovered the theory during 442 BC. Democritus
- If you took stone and keep cutting it in
Democritus’ Atom
half, every pieces’ mass is the same, Model
then you will get a piece that is small
enough that you can no longer cut in Analogy
in half.
- He decided to use a ball to represent
his ideas.
- Fur is made of one type of atoms, and
gold made up of another type of atoms.
- But his ideas were being rejected by
two of the best-known philosophers of
Ancient Greece: Aristotle and Plato,
and were put away for 2,000 years.
Aristotle Analogy
Aristotle’s Elements
- He discovered his theory in 322 B.C.E.
- He believed that all matters on Earth are made Model
up of small amounts of these 4 elements: earth, 4
fire, water, and air; instead of atoms.
- He decided to separate the elements on earth
into air, fire, water and earth, each take ¼ of
the square.
- Mud is made up of elements of water and earth.
- He tutored young Alexander The Great.
John Dalton John Dalton
John Dalton’s element Models Analogy
- Discovered his model in 1808. 5
- He studied the weight of elements and
compounds, and noticed the weight and
the volume (for air) is based one a fixed
ratio. Wither how much is measured, the
proportion mass of the element is the
same. He also noticed that there could be
more than 2 elements in an combination.
- He decided to use different symbols to
represent different atoms, and connect
them to represent compounds.
- For example, if you pour a gallon of
water, the ratio of the mass of oxygen
and hydrogen is always the same.
- He was red-green color blind.
J.J. Thomson
- He discovered electron in 1897. Atom Model
- By using a cathode ray tube (a air-free tube
Plum Pudding Model 6
with a cathode and anode on one end), he finds
a beam of rays travelling towards the other end
of the tube. He discovered that the beam of
rays are electrons.
- He decided to use a ball to represent the whole
atom, and use negative sign balls to represent
electrons, all the other spaces are positively
- The plum pudding is made up of outer
materials, and the plums are like the electrons.
- He received the Nobel Prize in 1906 in Physics
J.J. Thomson
Ernest Rutherford
- Discovered nucleus and structure of modern Rutherford Model
day atom model in 1911.
Ernest Rutherford
- Discovered protons and point out the
hypothesis of the existence of neutron in 1919.
- He shooted alpha particles at a layer of super
thin gold foil, and found that majority of the
alpha particles passed right through the gold
foil, but a small number of alpha particles
passed through at an angle as if they had
bumped up to something, and some bounced
straight back at him.
- He decided to put nucleus in the middle, and
ou tracks of electrons on the outside.
- When solids are put into water, there are
plenty of space inside for the solid.
- He is a student of J. J. Thomson.
Analogy 7
Niels Bohr His atom model
- He created the new model of atoms in 1915.
- He proposed a theory that energy is
transferred only in certain well defined
quantities. Electrons should move around the
nucleus but only in setted orbits. When
jumping from one orbit to another with lower
energy, a light quantum is emitted.
- For example, the atom Iron is made up of
several layers of electrons.
- He stayed at Cambridge,in 1911, he worked
under J.J. Thomson’s guidance,
- He also worked in Rutherford’s laboratory in
Manchester in 1912. he was at work in
Niels Bohr
Analogy 8
Erwin Schrodinger
His atom model
- He discovered the wave equation in the first Erwin Schrodinger
half of 1926.
- He used mathematical equations to describe
the possibility of finding an electron in a
certain position(this atomic model is known as
the quantum mechanical model of the atom,
predicts the odds of the location of the
- The gold atoms’ structure follows this model.
- The darker color part is where the probability
of finding the electron is greatest; the lighter
part is less likely to be in a less dense area of
the cloud.
- He was a student at the University of Vienna.
Analogy 9
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
- 1916 he published his theory of relative gravity Analogy
theory and photoelectric effect. Picture of relativity
- Even though observable particles are much
larger, they still generate pressure the same
way as the invisible molecules in which they are
immersed. So, if the concentration of large
particles varies, they also flow to even out their
concentration just like the atoms and
molecules in which they are put in.
- Atomic energy
- Energy = mass*(speed of light)^2
- Award the Nobel Prize in Physics for his
services to theoretical physics, and especially
for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric
Werner Heisenberg
- Discovered the theory of quantum mechanics
in 1925.
- When measuring the electrons' properties by
hitting it with gamma rays, the electrons'
behavior would alter.
- Because the electron’s position would alter, the
positions of the electrons are impossible to
determine, so it must be around the nucleus. Electron Cloud Model
- Just like his theory, fried egg is an great
example. The yoke is like the nucleus, and the
egg white is like the electrons around the
- In 1941, Niels Bohr him discussed nuclear Werner Heisenberg
research together.
Basic information Citation
- Picture of atom model
- Judge, Michael. “What Are the 4 Atomic Models?” Sciencing, 2 Mar. 2019,
- Atom history outline
- González, Daenna. “Atomic Models Timeline.” Issuu,
Democritus & Aristotle Citation
- Democritus
- Picture of him
- Williams, Matt. “Who Was Democritus?” Universe Today, 27 July 2016,
- Picture of his Element theory and other informations
- “Democritus.” The History of the Atom,
- Picture of real life analogy
- Garcia, Angelina, et al. “H2o Formula Made By Oxygen Bubbles In Water Beach Towel for Sale by Maxim Images Prints.” Fine Art
America, 8 Oct. 2019,
- Aristotle
- Picture of him
- “Aristotle: The Purpose of Life.” Live Your MAGIC!,
- Picture of his model
- Early Development of Atomic Theory,
- Fun fact of him
- “Aristotle.” History of the Atomic Theory,
- Picture of analogy
- “Fear Not The Mud.” Real Women, 2 Oct. 2018,
- His experiment
- “Sutori.” Sutori,
- Year of discovery
- “History of the Atomic Theory Timeline.” Timetoast,
- John Dalton John Dalton & J.J. Thomson Citation
- Picture of him:
- “John Dalton.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Oct. 2017,
- Fun fact:
- “John Dalton.”, A&E Networks Television, 15 May 2019,
- Everything else
- Libretexts. “4.6: Dalton's Atomic Theory.” Chemistry LibreTexts, Libretexts, 18 Aug. 2019,
- J.J. Thomson
- Picture of him
- “J. J. Thomson.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2019,
- Fun fact, picture of his model, and year of discovery
- Libretexts. “4.12: Thomson's Atomic Model.” Chemistry LibreTexts, Libretexts, 5 June 2019,
- Picture of plum pudding model
- Duck. “Plum Pudding Yo.” Chemical Scavenger Hunt, 13 Dec. 2015,
- Picture of analogy 14
- Mandrixta. “H20 分子.” Depositphotos, Depositphotos,
Ernest Rutherford & Niels Bohr Citation Bohr
- Ernest Rutherford
- Experiment & Picture of Rutherford Model
- “Lord Rutherford.” The History of the Atom,
- Everything else
- “ERNEST RUTHERFORD.” Ernest Rutherford - Important Scientists - The Physics of the Universe,
- Analogy
- “Underwater Sea Pebbles and Rocks 库存影片视频(100% 免版税)1015061434.” Shutterstock,
- Niels Bohr
- Picture of the model and model created year
- Libretexts. “5.6: Bohr's Atomic Model.” Chemistry LibreTexts, Libretexts, 5 June 2019,
- Experiment
- “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922.”, 1913, Niels Bohr proposed,a light quantum is
- Fun facts
- “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922.”,
- Analogy
- “Iron, Atomic Structure - Stock Image - C013/1539.” Science Photo Library, 15
Erwin Schrodinger & Albert Einstein Citation
- Erwin Schrodinger
- Picture of him, date of discovery, fun fact
- “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933.”,
- Experiment and description of the model
- Development of the Atomic Theory,
- Picture of the model
- “Erwin Schrodinger - 1926.” Erwin Schrodinger - 1926,
- Analogy picture
- “Gold, Atomic Structure - Stock Image - C013/1636.” Science Photo Library,
- Albert Einstein
- Picture of him
- “Albert Einstein Letter to Roosevelt on the Atomic Bomb.” Albert Einstein Letter to Roosevelt on the Atomic Bomb,
- Year of discovery and fun fact
- “Albert Einstein.” Atomic Heritage Foundation, 14 Mar. 1879,
- Experiment
- Ansnuclearcafe, and Ansnuclearcafe. ANS Nuclear Cafe, 20 Mar. 2012,
- Picture of relativity
- “Blackboard Full Of Equations Stock Photo.” IStock,
- Picture of analogy
- “Ghana Atomic Energy Commission - GAEC.” Facebook, 16
Werner Heisenberg Citation
- Publish year, picture of him & fun fact
- “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932.”,
- Experiment
- “1927 - Werner Heisenberg - An Atom's Story.” Google Sites,
- Fried egg analogy picture
- Nikolaev, Alexandr. “Fried Egg Perfectly Round Best Simple Breakfast Logo Stock Vector - Illustration of Circle, Meal:
102413888.” Dreamstime, 29 Nov. 2017,