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Published by puspagobi, 2021-07-04 14:26:42

Kirby Virtual English Week 2021

English Week Paper work 2021

Keywords: English Week 2021

SJKT Ladang Kirby

Theme: Enriching English In The New Normal

During the Movement Control Order (MCO), due to the COVID-19 pandemic
outbreaks, the English Week Programme have to be done through certain method base
on pupils’ and teachers’ capability to access, to reach through and to communicate
through Whats app, Googlemeet and some other applications. English Week is one of
the programme that aligned with Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) and MBMMBI
Policy. The Activities are carefully planned in the purpose of creating an interactive
platform for the pupils to learn English in a fun way by not forgetting the main goal,
which is to enhance students’ language proficiency.

✓ To inculcate positive behaviour towards the learning and usage of English

✓ To occupy pupils’ lockdown period with resourceful interesting language
activities which are believed to be beneficial for them.



Stay Hygiene Lockdown Explorestory

Pandemic Immune
Robots Booster



Stay Hygiene

O (12/07/2021

Activity : List down hygiene Activity : Washing hands steps.

properties from head to toe with Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm

correct spelling in a circle map. Procedure :

Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Shoot a video on washing hands

Procedure : steps. Demonstrate verbally step by

create a circle map and list down step.

the related things to keep oneself eg- firstly…….after that…finally…

clean from head to toe with correct Send it to your subject teacher in

spelling in English. telegram within the time given. Late

eg- shampoo, …….. posts will not be entertained.

Send it to your subject teacher in

telegram within the time given. Late

posts will not be entertained.


Lockdown Atrocities

O (13/07/2021

Activity : Lockdown Hobbies. Activity : Lockdown Haiku

Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Procedure : Procedure :

Talk on an interesting activity or Create one haiku poem

hobby that you had picked up regarding Lockdown in powerpoint

during this lockdown in about 3 to 5 template (1 slide) according to your

sentences in English. Record it as a creativity. You may google to get

videoclip some ideas on Haiku but you can’t

eg- board games, collecting coins, exactly copy and recreate the Haiku.

singing Send it to your subject teacher in

Send it to your subject teacher in telegram within the time given. Late

telegram within the time given. Late posts will not be entertained.

posts will not be entertained.



O (14/07/2021

Activity : Character Transformation Activity : story title guessing

Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Procedure : Procedure :

dress up like a story character of your Pupils identify the Story title by

choice and talk like the character in looking at the characters or incident

English minimum 3 sentences. Record occurs in the story. Quantity – 10

it as a videoclip stories.

eg- I am a bad wolf. I love to play Subject teacher will post pictures

tricks. I stay in the wood near relevant to this activity at 3.30pm,

the…../I’m hunting for ….. guess the 10 story titles based on the

Send it to your subject teacher in pictures, list them down correctly in

telegram within the time given. Late English, send it to your subject

posts will not be entertained. teacher in telegram within the time

given. Late posts will not be



Pandemic Robots

O (15/07/2021)

Activity : My Pandemic Robo 2021 Activity : My Pandemic Robo 2021

Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Procedure : Procedure :

Create, draw and colour a robot which Create a mini robot which helps

helps human in this Pandemic. Write human in this Pandemic.

the details accordingly below the Say something about your robot in

robot. English (1 minute) , record it as a

voice message and send the voice

recording and your robot pic via

Whats App year 4, 5,6 groups.

NAME : eg- This is Detolox 21. It can spray
SPECIAL FEATURES: sanitizer up to 5 kilometres for free. It
FUNCTION: has huge sanitizing container. It able to
scan out human and pump out 2 drops
NAME : Detolox21 of sanitizer liquid into their palms. It
SPECIAL FEATURES: white and grey colour with blue charges itself by using solar power.
FUNCTION: can spray sanitizer to 5 kilometres Late posts will not be entertained.

Send it to your subject teacher in Materials needed: small boxes (match
telegram within the time given. box/tooth paste box etc), coloured A4 papers,
Late posts will not be entertained. glue, scissors.

Materials needed: drawing block, colour
pencils/magic colour/crayon/water colour.


Immune Booster Chefs

O (16/07/2021

Activity : My Booster Fruit Activity : story title guessing

Punch/Salad. Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Time : 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Procedure :

Procedure : 1. Create a video clip of making Fruit

1. Create a Fruit punch/Salad with punch/Salad in English with parents’

parents’ guidance. (snap and send a guidance.

picture) 2. Please remember to use Sequence

2. List down the ingredients and steps Connectors …Firstly, Next, After that,

to make the Fruit punch/Salad in a finally …

paper and share in your class Whats share your video recording in your

App group within the time given. Late class Whats App group within the

posts will not be entertained. time given. Late posts will not be

eg: entertained.

Papaya smoothie

Ingredients : Papaya, honey, Syrup

Rose, milk and ice cubes.

Steps : 1. Peel and cut papaya.

2. Add honey , Syrup Rose, milk

and ice cubes and blend it.

3.Tasty Papaya Smoothie is

ready to serve.


Stay Hygiene Lockdown Atrocities

E-Certificate for 1st place & 2nd place E-Certificate for 1st place & 2nd place
winners for Year 1-6 . ( no cost ) winners for Year 1-6 . ( no cost )

Explorestory Pandemic Robots

E-Certificate for 1st place & 2nd place E-Certificate for 1st place & 2nd place
winners for Year 1-6 . ( no cost ) winners for Year 1-6 . ( no cost )

Immune Booster Chefs

E-Certificate for 1st place & 2nd place
winners for Year 1-6 . ( no cost )

Announcement of winners and E-Certificate will be shared via class
Whats app group on the following week.

English Language Panel really hope that Virtual English Activity would be really
helpful to shine out our school’s young creative and potential talents in each class.
These activities cater for all the students by considering their different competency
levels and backgrounds in a way to safe time, energy and cost. In a nutshell, English
Week activities are promising to be fun and enjoyable moment for the pupils that
encourage literacy.


# Practicesocialdistancing
# Becreativeathome
# Maintainhygienelifestyle
# Learnfromhome
# Englishisfun

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