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Published by Old Colony YMCA, 2019-03-26 08:49:47

OCY 2017 Annual Report

OCY_2018 Annual Report



Dear Friends, We must simultaneously be a safe space for
at-risk teens, a wellness hub for individuals
As time goes by, the YMCA’s model of service living with chronic disease, a fresh start for
has become increasingly unique. With many families experiencing homelessness, and an
businesses and organizations focusing on a engaging environment for children of
singular audience or issue, the Y continues to all abilities.
cast a wide net. The Y is about people, because people are
Our services do not narrow; they widen. They the Y. Our focus, in that way and in that way
do not contract; they expand to serve more only, is singular and unwavering. You could
people and more communities in more ways even say that people are our niche, and that
than ever before. maybe our model is not so unique after all.
Why? As you browse this year’s Annual Report,
Because our communities are dynamic, you’ll see our theme come to life through
constantly changing how they look, feel, and the experiences of people. These are your
sound in real-time. neighbors, friends, and members of your
Because different families need different community. They’re also part of our Y family.
things, each one comprised of its own This collection of stories – the faces of the
environment, culture, and tradition. Y – serve as a reminder of just how inspiring
Because today’s youth cannot be stereotyped and impactful people can be. These people
or generalized. They are as distinctive and are a shining example of the power of
exceptional as any generation that has come relationships and the result of
before them. determination and will.
Because there is not a one-size-fits-all They are the reason we do what we do.
solution to the effects of poverty or trauma. The Y is about people, because people
It takes empathy and perspective to make are the Y.
connections, build relationships, and With gratitude,
make progress.
Our communities are not consistent or John Twohig
predictable, so we, in turn, must be flexible Chair, Board of Directors
and adjust to their needs with the fluidity of
a living, breathing organism…of a growing Vincent J. Marturano, ACSW, MSW
child…of an evolving family. President & CEO
This is who we serve, after all. People.
We have always been committed to
addressing the most pressing community
needs through programs that truly are
“for all.”


FY 2018

Number of people served 144,467

73% who were served were age 17 or younger
Number of facility visits 1,305,284
Number of members 72,270

53% 3,011 campers attending more than
10,000 sessions

53% of campers received financial assistance

60% 3,275 in childcare
60% of families received financial assistance


Children and families enjoyed more than 19,000 program sessions:

Arts 891 | Enrichment Classes 1,291 | Competitive Swimming 335

Swim Lessons 6,321 | Sports Leagues and Classes 7,515 | Y-Ability 275

220 Children involved with
DCF served by our Family
Support program

2018 596 women, men, and children
experiencing homelessness
served by our Family

Services Branch

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 330 Children and adults served in
our licensed Mental Health Clinic

378 Children receiving
mentoring and leadership
development services


*Today, 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder. At the Y, we are committed to offering programs that are DAY CAMP
inclusive and accessible for everyone regardless of ability. After There are few experiences quite like summer camp. The adventures,
seeing first-hand the increasing need for adaptive programs memories, and friendships made throughout the course of one
designed to engage families with children who have Autism, summer can have a profound impact on the life of a child.
Asperger’s, and Down syndrome, we developed a program – along At the Y, all the traditional elements of camp continue to thrive.
with parents and families – that offers three types of classes: Archery, ropes course, swimming, boating, sports, arts, horseback
swimming, fitness, and music and drums. A YMCA of the USA riding, and many more activities keep children engaged and active.
signature program, Y-Ability was developed by parents, for parents, In recent years, however, we have begun to look at the summer a
and is a wonderful example of how families and the Y work little differently.
together to meet community needs. We began infusing academic enrichment and summer learning loss
curriculum into our daily camp schedules. We integrated a new
Our Y also continues to sponsor the E.A.S.T. Youth Center to camp – Camp E.A.S.T. – geared toward children with differing needs
provide opportunities for children both with and without disabilities and abilities and their siblings. We develop incoming high school
to engage in cooperative athletic and team learning experiences. freshmen into leaders and mentors to younger campers. We even
The Y offers EAST space, funding, and technical assistance for their expanded a new behavioral support program to all camps, ensuring
summer camp effort to provide inclusive programming to children all campers are able to get the most out of their experience.
with moderate to mild disabilities and special needs. Open to all children in our community regardless of income, our
*(Source: Centers for Disease Control) five camps – Camp Clark, Camp Massasoit, Camp Satucket, Camp
CHILD CARE Yomechas, and newly renamed Camp Christina in Stoughton –
Childcare at the Y is about so much more than caring about kids. continue to reinvent the summer experience and redefine
It’s about nurturing their development and providing a safe place summer camp.
to learn and make connections with their peers. With 46 licensed SUMMER IN THE CITY
sites, Old Colony YMCA is the largest childcare provider in The Y serves thousands of Brockton area teens through Summer in
Southeastern Massachusetts. Our programs for infants, toddlers, the City, a program that offers youth a safe alternative to spending
preschoolers, and school-age children utilize Developmental Asset idle time on the street or surrounded by negative influences on hot
and Family Strengthening principles to ensure all children and summer evenings. Instead, youth are engaged in sports, arts, and
families are supported in their growth. violence-prevention programming alongside their peers and caring
The Y is fully committed to a world free of child sexual abuse CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP
and helping the entire community to share and understand that Young minds not engaged outside of school can easily fall behind
commitment. Through our work with the nonprofit organization their peers who have more access to educational programming.
Darkness to Light, we have committed to train more than 10,000 This phenomenon is exacerbated during the summer, when kids
individuals to raise awareness of the prevalence and may be left without structured, enriching activities for weeks at a
consequences of abuse. Authorized facilitators educate time. In particular, low-income families are often unable to afford
community members about the steps they can take to prevent, the cost of summer camp or other summer learning resources and
recognize, and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse. materials, putting their kids at the highest risk to lose up to three
WATER WISE months of reading and math skills during a given summer. If the
Though entirely preventable, the leading cause of death among circumstances repeat summer after summer, the educational losses
children between ages 1 and 4 is drowning. In fact, an average of become nearly impossible to recover. We call this the Summer Slide,
two children drown every day. As the nation’s leading provider of and the result is the Academic Achievement Gap between kids with
community-based swim lessons, we know we have the expertise, means and kids without.
resources, and responsibility to step up and make a difference. At the Y, we have developed programs to close the gap and stop
Enter Water Wise, a partnership between Old Colony YMCA and the Summer Slide. It’s summer school, the Y way.
local school districts to deliver aquatic safety programming to
elementary school students free of charge.

Best Summer Ever



An excerpt from Jayla’s speech at the 2018 Brockton Summer Leaders graduation:

“One thing about this program that I’m extremely grateful for is
being given the opportunity to find out what I really want to do

career-wise. After working with these kids, I know I am
definitely sure that I will be working with kids some day in the future.

The YMCA always makes people feel important, and I want to make

someone else feel as important as I have this summer.”


Yaxsarie’s Story: I Have A Lot To Give

17-year-old Yaxsarie’s list of accomplishments is getting longer
by the day.
Now in her senior year at Plymouth North High School, she has
already contributed more to her community than most people do
in a lifetime.
Born in Puerto Rico, she moved to New York City with her mom,
brothers, and sisters when she was five and experienced a lot of
instability during her time there. Her family was constantly moving
until they finally landed in Plymouth when Yaxsarie was 11.
She began a school club called Leaders In New Connections
(cleverly, LINC), through which high school students give back to
the community through service initiatives like mentoring
elementary school children, building a bookshelf for the South
Shore Women’s Resource Center, and running workshops on
relevant topics to today’s teens like healthy relationships
and diversity.
But that’s not all.
A member of Healthy Plymouth, Yaxsarie helped to sort and
distribute more than 600 winter coats last year to individuals and
families in need. She interns and volunteers at her church. She
runs the Community Center at Algonquin Heights in Plymouth.
She even addressed 1,000 teachers at Plymouth Public School’s
annual opening day event without breaking a sweat.
“I just feel like I have a lot to give, and while I’m able
to, I want to do everything I can to help people.”
This past summer, she worked for one of the Y’s Education Gap
programs, Power Scholars. The program gives kids an opportunity
to access programs that might normally be out of reach. Referred
by the schools because they may be at risk of falling behind
academically, students spend their mornings in the classroom,
focusing on literacy and math skills. In the afternoon, they
participate in enrichment activities like arts and crafts, sports,
and interactive games.
“If I had the opportunity to go to a program like this
when I was little, I would have been grateful today.”
Today, Yaxsarie is a member of our Plymouth Branch’s
Board of Governors.
As she begins to explore colleges and prepare for the
next phase of her life, it’s clear that there’s no limit to
what she will achieve and no shortage of expectations
she will shatter.

RISEUP! Jamele Adams, Dean of Student Life at Brandies University, who
In the summer of 2018, we partnered with Canton Public Schools delivered a compelling keynote on promoting love and inclusion
to support 3rd grade students reading below grade level. A amongst one’s peers. Many students reported that they had been
combination of classroom time with certified teachers and camp touched by the honest and powerful keynote address.
activities helps to make learning fun and build social skills as well as
academic ones. The program culminates with a graduation Giovania Horta, a then-sophomore at Brockton High,
ceremony that celebrates the commitment of both the child and accepted the Core Values Award for demonstrating leadership
parent or guardian in the youth’s success. Given that a child’s 3rd within her school and community. Ms. Melissa Jean, a teacher at
grade reading level is a major indicator of future academic success, New Heights Charter School, received the first-ever Unsung Hero
we are proud to report that 100% of students raised their guided Award, which recognized her for the positive contributions and
reading level this summer. impact that she has had on many students’ lives.
Power Scholars Academy was developed by Building Educated Students had the opportunity to participate in two workshops
Leaders for Life (BELL) in collaboration with the YMCA of the USA facilitated by agencies and organizations in the community.
to address the academic achievement gap facing youth from Workshops covered topics such as anti-bullying, college and
low-income backgrounds. In the summer of 2018, Old Colony YMCA career readiness, and volunteerism. Chaperons attended a panel
collaborated with Brockton Public Schools and Plymouth Public discussion focused on ensuring school safety and supporting
Schools to offer Power Scholars in each community. students, facilitated by the East Bridgewater Police Department
The overall goal of the program was to not only prepare our 211 and the East Bridgewater Public Schools.
scholars for the school year by improving their skills in literacy and
math, but to also improve their attitude towards school and The day concluded with lunch and a resource fair, where
confidence in the classroom and community. students were able to connect with 25+ youth-serving
In just 6 weeks, scholars demonstrated an average increase of 2-3 organizations made up of local colleges, community programs,
months in both their math and reading levels. and volunteer opportunities.
Quote from Christina, Summer Leader: “It’s not always the As the YMCA’s premier youth development program, Youth &
teacher that does all the teaching.” Government empowers teens to develop their networking,
leadership and advocacy skills, with the democratic process
SUMMER LEADERS serving as the medium. Teens prepare legislative bills, debate
The Summer Leaders program was designed as a high school topics, create media articles, and represent defendants in trial
readiness program for incoming freshmen. Now in its 7th year the settings – while sharing viewpoints and meeting new friends from
program provides professional development and leadership across the state. In FY-18, teens from the Stoughton branch
training for youth from both the Brockton and Plymouth participated in the Massachusetts Youth & Government program
communities, enhancing their confidence and self-esteem while that culminated in a conference in Boston. After being sworn in by
building youth into community activists. After two weeks of initial Governor Charlie Baker at the State House, the delegates enjoyed
training, Summer Leaders serve as valuable role models for sharing ideas, and polishing their public speaking and advocacy
younger campers at Camp Yomechas and Camp Clark twice a week. skills – while learning to embrace other outlooks and opinions.
Our graduated leaders will join past graduates as future Counselors
in Training (CITs), employees, Board Members, and more as MENTORING
opportunities arise within our Y family. Our YMCA offers a cadre of Mentoring Services, ranging from
YOUTH CONFERENCE 1:1 mentoring through our Old Colony Y Mentoring program, to
For the 29th year in a row, Bridgewater State University hosted the peer mentoring through our Kidz Konnect Advisory Council and
Old Colony Y’s Annual Youth Conference. Nearly 300 students from programs at Roosevelt Heights in Brockton. While we continue to
various schools across Southeastern Massachusetts gathered for a be in need of volunteer caring adult role models, we work hard to
day of empowerment and networking. To bring people and ensure that all youth who are waiting for a mentor throughout
communities together, the conference theme focused on unity and the 29 communities we serve receive support through YMCA
inclusion. We were honored to welcome our keynote speaker, resources like our Mental Health Clinic, as well as through special
events, field trips, and our annual drives for back-to-school and
the holidays.

All our matches, in additional to children on our waiting list, have
access to all the Y has to offer. These wraparound supports are
part of our integrated approach to youth development.

HEALTHY LIVING Victoria’s Story: Find A Sense Of Community
Since she was a child, Victoria has always felt
8 comfortable on a court or in the pool, competing
against other athletes in basketball, tennis, and
swimming. Born with Spina Bifida, she has required
the use of a wheelchair to get around her entire life,
but that never stopped her from participating
(and winning).
“Growing up I never saw a lot of women involved
in adaptive sports, and I thought there was
something I could do about that.”
In 2003, she joined the Special Olympics Swim Team,
and went on to compete in the regional and state
finals. That experience lead her to try other events,
and suddenly sports had become a major part of
her life.
A few years ago, some of Victoria’s friends told
her about the Miss Wheelchair Massachusetts
competitions. She viewed the competition as an
opportunity to promote adaptive sports through
interviews and speaking engagements. Not only did
she achieve that goal – but in 2018, she was crowned
Miss Wheelchair Massachusetts. Earlier this year,
she even competed in the National competition
in Michigan.
You can find Victoria at the Middleboro Y a few times
a week, playing sports or taking a class. She knew she
would be part of the Y family for a long time after she
met Kerin Thrasher, the Group Fitness Coordinator at
the branch. Victoria wanted to take a p90x class, and
Kerin helped her to create a modified program – not
just once, but every time a new version of the
program launches.
“It’s great to feel included. I just want people to
know that it’s really important to find a sense of
community wherever you are. Surrounding
yourself with good people who genuinely care
about you is so important in helping you achieve
your goals. Luckily I’ve found that here in
Middleboro and at the Y.”

Old Colony Y has been a strong partner to healthcare DRUG FREE COMMUNITIES
providers serving our communities and has developed Easton Wings of Hope, recognized as the official youth
strong clinical community linkages. As the healthcare substance abuse prevention coalition of the town of Easton,
structure shifts from one of sick care and fee for service to one was primed and ready to make a difference in its community
of prevention and true health care, Old Colony Y has worked to this year. Awarded a Drug Free Communities grant from the
deepen partnerships with providers through a more integrated Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
model that identifies shared goals to improve health outcomes (SAMHSA) last fall, Wings of Hope worked tirelessly during its
and decrease healthcare costs in a sustainable way. This has first year of federal funding to spread its mission of reducing
called for an investment from the Y, which convened the Medical youth substance use through education, awareness, and policy
Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of our Board of Directors, change throughout town. During year 1 of the grant, Wings
and last year established a stand-alone Healthy Living Branch. of Hope endeavored to not only reduce substance use among
In December, the Healthy Living team will present with Easton youth but also strives to engage Easton residents in an
Signature Healthcare at the national Clinical Integration effort to increase community collaboration concerning this
Conference convened by YMCA of the USA to share how we have public health effort. Now entering year 2 of the 5-year,
developed a mutually beneficial partnership and collaborate to $125,000 per year grant, Wings of Hope aims to continue
improve population health through an integrated health model. connecting with the community by providing area youth
volunteer and leadership opportunities, parents essential
REACH education surrounding youth substance use, and making itself
Old Colony Y and the Healthy Communities Coalition (HCC) have made known as the go-to resource for all Easton residents who wish
an intentional effort to address the social determinants of health and to learn more about youth substance use prevention.
health equity in Brockton and Stoughton, and were fortunate to Old Colony Y has served as the coalition’s fiscal agent and has
receive four years of funding to support this work through the provided technical assistance for coalition development and
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Racial and Ethnic Approaches to grant writing since the coalition formed.
Community Health (REACH) Cooperative Agreement. The initiative
focuses on reducing health disparities among the African American
population in Brockton and Stoughton. The Y and HCC have focused
efforts to reach long-term goals of reducing rates of chronic disease,
promoting healthier lifestyles, increasing cultural competency among
healthcare providers, creating clinic-to-community linkages, and
reducing healthcare costs. Highlights from the past year include:
• The training of 14 community members to lead Stanford’s
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in Portuguese,
Cape Verdean Creole, Haitian Creole, and Spanish.
• The identification and development of opportunities to

provide culturally competent education and healthcare,
including marketing and communications efforts in
conjunction with grassroots community outreach.


YMCA’S DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM Quote from Ed, Diabetes Prevention
After multiple learning sessions with Taunton municipal employees Program Participant: “It worked! I lost 10% of
and Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), the need for programs supporting my body weight on this program. What was the
chronic disease prevention was apparent. BCBS engaged OCY to magic behind this? I can’t pinpoint it exactly.
provide the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program to eligible City of Maybe it was a combination of the support from
Taunton employees or family members covered under their health our YMCA facilitators, Margie and Cheryl, the
care plan. Funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield, the program is support of my fellow program participants, or
provided at no cost to Blue Cross Blue Shield beneficiaries. The the accountability for fat, calorie, and exercise
initial pilot session quickly filled with 13 participants who on tracking. Did I know I was overweight before this
average are halfway to the weight loss goal at only just over one program? Yes, for sure. Did I know I should lose
month of the year-long lifestyle change program. Participants are the weight? Absolutely. Did I have any measurable
very eager to learn the evidence based curriculum and continue and long-lasting success before this program?
to improve their eating and physical activity habits each week. A Nope. But this program worked.
second class will begin in October to meet both the interest and the Try it – it worked for me and it can work
need of an additional group of municipal employees. for you!”
OCY is also running current sessions in both the Stoughton and East
Bridgewater branches. At the end of October, six months of
aggregate program data will be sent to the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) to determine OCY’s CDC recognition status. It is
anticipated that OCY will receive CDC recognition to become an
eligible Medicare provider of the Diabetes Prevention Program.

In 2015, Mass in Motion Taunton opened the Silver City
Farmers’ Market in the City of Taunton, joining other cities in
the area to host a farmers market that accepts Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits as a form of
payment. In 2016, the Department of Transitional Assistance
created the Healthy Incentive Program (HIP). This program
allowed households that receive SNAP benefits to receive a
monetary match on purchases made at farmers markets. For
the last two years, we have worked to connect members with
fresh produce that may otherwise be out of reach, and in
support of those efforts, launched a pop-up farmers market
in the front lobby of the Y.



114 cancer survivors had the

opportunity to participate in the
LIVESTRONG® at the Y Program


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Christine and Jenna: This Is Our Story

12 In Christine’s own words:
My name is Christine and I have a beautiful 15 year old
daughter, her name is Jenna. This is our story.
Jenna and I were residing in a shelter; it was not in the best
neighborhood. She was enrolled in a ‘tough’ school and often
did not want to attend. Her attendance was not good at all
and eventually led to the school filing a CHINS truancy.
After applying for housing assistance, Jenna and I moved to a
housing project in Fall River and through the courts we
became involved with the Department of Children and
Families. The Department recognized that we could both
benefit from supportive services and a referral was made for
Old Colony Y Family Stabilization Services.
Honestly, I was concerned about having a “service” in my
home. I didn’t know who they were going to be, what they
would be like, or what they wanted to know. I was so afraid
that if I said something wrong they would take my daughter
away from me. After working with the YMCA, I am happy to
say that I no longer have those concerns, I understand that
my team of workers is working with me to strengthen Jenna
and I as a unit.
The Y has helped my daughter and I in many ways, especially
with learning how to effectively communicate with one
another. Another huge help has been the Y’s ability to assist
me in strengthening my parenting skills, something my
daughter has reluctantly admitted she enjoys. It helps to
have an outside person that we trust, someone who can
offer us positive guidance, people that do not judge us and
can recognize our strengths as individuals and as a family.
When we were in a shelter I never thought about the future
for myself or Jenna, I was too worried about the present to
make any future plans for us. Life was full of doubts. Now I
have my sights set high; I think about my daughter’s future
every day and how I can help her reach her goals. My plan is
to be Jenna’s cheerleader while she reaches for the stars.
When I used to think of the YMCA I thought it was a building
with a gym that families could use, I never thought they
offered services outside of the building that could help
families the way the Y has helped me.

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) In 2015, Old Colony Y was one of 85 YMCAs in the country
• Brockton and New Bedford STARR – Stabilization, reintegration, and to be named a DIG Innovation YMCA. Our YMCA has
placement services for adolescent males and females committed to intentionally implement diversity, inclusion,
• Community-Based Programs, Fall River – Multi-agency stabilization and global strategies across key parts of our organization.
services for children and families in their homes These strategies strengthen our mission, community
• Family & Adolescent Stabilization Program, Fall River relevance, and sustainability on a daily basis and are carried
• Old Colony Y Group Home, Fall River – Residential assessment and out by a formal staff committee. To fully immerse our staff
treatment for adolescent males and females in these efforts, we enrolled 11 individuals at various levels
• Pre-Transition to Independent Living, Fall River – Reintegration and of the organization in the Emerging Multicultural Leadership
independent living preparation for young adult males and females Experience, (EMLE), a national professional development event
• SPARKS Adolescent and Mentoring Program, Brockton that resulted in the implementation of several related projects
Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) at our Y. We anticipate sending ten new individuals to the
• Boys Detention Program, Brockton – Staff secure residential upcoming fall 2018 EMLE conference as well. Additionally, this
program for adolescent males past year, staff participated in the Emerging Global Leaders
• Boys Revocation Program, Brockton – Assessment and Institute, (EGLI), affording them the opportunity to attend the
reintegration program for adolescent males Youth Summit of the Americas in Mexico City, Mexico, and the
• Community Services Network – Southeast Region World Council of YMCA’s in Chiang Mai, Thailand. With that
• Girls Secure Detention Unit, Brockton – Staff secure residential opportunity, staff implemented a new training focused on DIG
program for adolescent females practices and poverty informed care for their colleagues. A
• South East Independent Living (SEIL), Brockton – Educational, new staff person will participate in next year’s EGLI cohort as
vocational, recreational, and clinical supports for older adolescents well, and look forward to having a cadre of trained staff who
• STRIVE Transition Program, Lowell – Transitional services for can further enhance our DIG efforts.
young adult males In addition to our DIG efforts with staff, we have a DIG
Department of Labor (DOL), federal Board Committee that has helped us to identify our
Workforce development and education for young adult males and females community needs, and ensure we are intentionally recruiting
• YouthBuild Brockton Board Members who are reflective of the community, while
• YouthBuild Fall River also providing our existing Board members with more DIG
Massachusetts Office of Community Corrections (OCC) training initiatives. This past spring, staff and Board
Services and resources provided to justice-involved individuals referred members together were able to participate in YMCA of the
by the Massachusetts Trial Court, the Sheriff’s Department, the USA’s Dimensions of Diversity training and we hope to
Department of Corrections, or the Massachusetts Parole Board. continue offering these opportunities to employees and
• Barnstable County Community Corrections Center volunteers alike.
• Berkshire County Community Corrections Center As a major piece of our current strategic plan, we have
• Bristol County Community Corrections Center established a formal global partnership with the YMCA d’Haiti
• Middlesex County Community Corrections Center to help fundraise for and develop a new program center. We
• Plymouth County Community Corrections Center are happy to report we are well under way with this project,
Massachusetts Department of Housing and and have commissioned a YMCA d’Haiti Board Committee to
Community Development (DHCD) ensure the project is completed, and to oversee future
Transitional living for families experiencing homelessness sustainability of the Center. Old Colony Y has committed
• Bolton Place Family Center $35,000 for the development of the new site, in addition to
• David Jon Louison Center our annual investment in the YMCA d’Haiti. We anticipate the
• Family Life Center new Program Center in Jacmel will be dedicated in the late
Other contractual funders include the Massachusetts Department of spring or early summer of 2019. We also continue to foster
Mental Health, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, a local collaboration with the Haitian Community Partners in
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, and more. Brockton and serve as their fiscal agent, which has enhanced
both our fundraising efforts and programming we provide to
our youth and families.


High rates of unemployment, high school dropouts, and poverty are From 2007 – 2017, the number of families experiencing
a recipe for violent gang activity. Unfortunately, they also describe homelessness in Massachusetts increased by more than 65%,
one of the communities we serve. Vulnerable cities like Brockton the 2nd highest increase in the nation. Nearly 60% of the 11,298
offer the perfect environment for gangs to recruit, as they take people in those families were under the age of 18…they
advantage of young people with little to lose and seemingly were children.*
everything to gain. Old Colony YMCA’s work in providing a safe place for families
In the wake of the gang activity that has plagued Brockton and to stay allows heads of households the opportunity to focus on
surrounding towns for years, our Safe Corners team takes action. tackling their individual barriers to obtaining permanent housing
This team of dedicated individuals take to the street to intervene in without the stress of wondering where their children will sleep at
the aftermath of violence, taking measures to avoid retaliation and night. Our dedicated staff works individually with each client to
further incident. provide the navigational know-how needed to access resources,
However, Peace Advocates, as we call them at the Y, are really all from food assistance to transportation to housing search.
about prevention. Safe Corners is a street outreach effort in every When one becomes homeless, they are often uprooted from their
sense of the term, creating opportunities for peace and positive jobs, childcare and general sources of stability. It is our goal to
community connections for the individuals and families they serve. work collaboratively to foster improved health and wellbeing for our
They also provide resources to meet basic needs, including clothing families, enhance their connection to the community and ultimately
and food, and make referrals to mental health, employment, end family homelessness.
or academic services for those who need help navigating The key to our approach lies in our ability to provide in-house
the community. wraparound services, supports, and resources to each and every
At The Keith Center in Brockton, Peace Advocates provide individual family who comes to our door – and where we fall short, we have a
student support. This could mean helping a youth or family find network of community partners with whom we can collaborate to
emergency shelter to avoid spending the night on the street, help a family in need. Some of these supports include mental health
mediating gang-related conflicts to deter violence in and around and substance abuse counseling at our licensed clinic, mentoring
school, or making themselves available for students who may feel services, basic needs like food and clothing, YMCA memberships,
unsafe. camp scholarships, and childcare assistance. Additionally,
Tirelessly working to dissuade young people of a life of violence individualized case management addresses the unique needs of the
on the street, the Safe Corners team responded to, and provided whole family, providing equitable support services to each member
services for, more than 300 people last fiscal year. of the household.
When Old Colony YMCA started providing supportive housing and
wraparound services for families in 2003, we piloted this program
in just one site. We have since grown in response to the need,
serving 596 people during this fiscal year in five buildings and
multiple scattered apartments throughout Brockton and beyond.
*(Source: Department of Housing and Urban Development)


Kamren’s Story: Should I Really Take This Leap?

“Where you’ve been and what you’ve been through doesn’t
define where you’re going.”
That’s a message Kamren learned early on during her days
at YouthBuild Fall River, and a message she wants to share
with future students in the program.
Kamren – or Kam for short – moved around quite a bit
as a kid. She moved to Fall River with her family at age 7,
but was quickly put into foster homes due to her mother’s
struggle with addiction.
Two months into 6th grade, she dropped out of school and
ran away from a group home at age 12. Back in foster care
at age 17, she entered a GED program with high hopes, but
it wasn’t the right fit. She was back on the street, and was
arrested soon after.
In 2016, Kam’s sister and her friend Lashon, two former
YouthBuild graduates, convinced her to visit the program.

“This was the beginning of my rebirth.”

While she was waiting for a spot to open up in the program,
Kam was working at a local nursing home, saving money,
and waiting for a call. When a spot opened, her employer
gave her an ultimatum: Continue to work full-time, or leave
altogether for YouthBuild.
“Should I really take this leap?” she remembers thinking.
She leapt.
Earlier this year, Kam received her HiSET – or high school
equivalency – at the age of 23, and joined the Carpenter’s
Union in the fall.
“We’re all just a family,” she explained. “They (staff) all do
whatever they can to make sure we stay on the right track.”
Kam plans to return to YouthBuild in the coming months to
speak to the next cohort of students about her story and
her success. “They brought out the leader in me, and I
hope my story helps the next person in my seat.”
Walking past the program staff on her way to leave after
sharing her story, she knocked on the office window
and said, “love you guys,” just as she had hundreds of
times before.

“Love you too,” they all replied in unison.


Our Mental Health Clinic, which opened in 1994 as a means to Our most recent YouthBuild Brockton and YouthBuild Fall River
provide clinical services to youth and families in our care. The clinic cohorts graduated 48 students, many of whom went
offers traditional services with a unique approach to effectively directly into post-secondary education or employment in several
engage and connect with populations that may be at-risk or different fields like retail, human service, healthcare and trade
hesitant to engage in behavioral health services. unions. These two programs help out-of-school youth
The clinic has developed and evolved over the past 24 years to develop leadership and life skills by providing them with the tools
provide an array of behavioral health services. Last fiscal year, and support they need to obtain their HiSET diploma. Formerly
324 children, adolescents, and adults received high-quality mental known as the GED, this certification affords the students all the
health and substance abuse treatment services through the clinic’s benefits of a traditional high school diploma. In addition, students
strength based and trauma informed care setting. receive hands-on occupational training in the construction and/or
Services included: allied health industry.
• Individual counseling In construction, the students can earn the Home Builder’s Institute
• Family counseling PACT (Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Training), which is an
• Couples counseling industry recognized credential. Students also earn an OSHA 10
• Group therapy – including anger management and substance certification in the construction classroom.
use support groups for adults In the allied health field, students can attain both their HHA (Home
• Case management Health Aide) and CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certification.
• Assessments and evaluations This has opened the doors to many employment opportunities in
• Psychiatric services for all ages the in-demand industry. 85% of students who attained the HHA/
• Specialized services for families experiencing homelessness, CNA credential found a job placement in the field upon graduation
youth served in the juvenile justice system, and youth and from the program. A cornerstone element to the program is
families who have experienced trauma community service. As a result of their service hours, students can
earn an AmeriCorps Education Award of over $1,500 that can be
applied to post-secondary education costs. In the last five years,
four students have continued their AmeriCorps service after
YouthBuild by serving one year commitments to National Civilian
Community Corps (NCCC) in different parts of the country. The
students give back to their communities in many ways, but are
primarily focused on working to rehabilitate a home in the city
utilizing their newly learned construction skills. The projects
specifically benefit low-income families. Over the past 12 years,
we have built or renovated 17 properties in Brockton and Fall River.
Both programs were ranked in the top nationally – out of
approximately 300 – for education award attainment
through AmeriCorps.


PEOPLE GET STRONGER BECAUSE OF THE Y. Barbara’s Story: I Have Found My Perfect Place
In Barbara’s own words:
$2,007,174 raised for annual campaign
$8,155,477 provided in aid to the community Have you ever donated money to an organization and wondered if the
money would be put to good use? Have you ever wanted to give a child the
Youth Development same experience you enjoyed at camp in the summers of your childhood?
Have you ever thought about helping a family who has lost everything, but
3,275 infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school didn’t know how?
age children were cared for across our childcare
sites Are you still looking for a place to volunteer?

60% of these children received financial aid I no longer worry about these questions or struggle to find ways to make a
difference. I have found my “perfect place” at Old Colony YMCA.
3,011 kids had the time of their life during more
than 10,000 sessions of Y Camp this past summer I became involved at the Y many years ago by serving as a volunteer on the
Board of Directors. The experience was helpful for me professionally, but it
53% of campers received financial aid did not begin to fulfill me until I retired 10 years ago.

275 children and adults with differing needs Once retired, I had an opportunity to get more involved and learn about
enjoyed at least one Y-Ability program, including: the many programs at the Y. I not only learned about the programs and the
people being served, but more importantly, I have gained an education.
Swim-Ability, Fit-Ability, Yoga, Drums Alive
and more! The Y operates transitional housing programs for hundreds of families
experiencing homelessness. Because they’re part of the Y, families have
Healthy Living access to Y memberships, camp scholarships, childcare assistance, mental
health and substance abuse counseling, and so many more services and
114 cancer survivors had the opportunity to resources. By offering these wraparound supports, the Y is able to help
participate in the LIVESTRONG® at the Y Program people rise above their circumstances and stabilize long term.

6,321 youth participated in swimming lessons Prior to my involvement at the Y, I was walking through my comfortable life
oblivious to what was truly going on around me. I’ve become much more
7,515 youth joined a youth sports team or class diligent, generous, and understanding of the needs of the community.

Social Responsibility There isn’t a day that I spend at the Y that I don’t come away learning
something new. The qualified staff of professionals is passionate about their
378 youth received mentoring and leadership work and the difference they are making in the lives of children and families.
development services
When you see a child at the Y, they are so happy and joyful – as a child
84% of mentees received back-to-school supplies should be. When you see a young teen in the mentoring program, you see
96% of mentees accessed a Y membership at them achieving. When you see families at the Family Life Center you can
no cost sense their relief, security, and anticipation of a new beginning.

330 children and adults were served in our As a result of my time spent working at the Y, side by side with many of the
licensed Mental Health Clinic staff, my giving has become more focused. I now understand where every
dollar is spent, who is spending it, and most importantly – I see the results.
49 young adults graduated from YouthBuild,
a program focused on education, workforce My donations have broadened to include items of comfort that I would
training and life skills preparation normally take for granted, including clothing, household items, toiletries, and
whatever personal items a person may need.

At the top of the page, I posed a series of questions. If you are still unable
to answer them, you might not be getting everything you could from your
charitable contributions.

It’s time more people began looking at Old Colony YMCA as more than a
place to swim and work out, because when you look closer, you see
communities growing stronger, families coming together, and children
becoming leaders. Be prepared to be amazed!



East Bridgewater All Star Gala Easton Ring in the Spring Middleboro Winter Gala Rise Up Gala

Brockton Golf Tournament Taunton Golf Tournament Middleboro Golf Tournament Plymouth Golf Tournament

Spin-a-thon Heritage Club


2018 Mass. Dept. of STATEMENT OF 2017 2018
23% $ 4,169 $ 4,554
Cash and Cash Equivalents 300 403
Mass. Dept. of Short Term Investments
Early Education Accounts Receivable, net 4,514 5,066
& Care Pledges Receivable, net 452 516
9% Prepaid Expenses 862 420
Mass. Dept. of Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts 9,825 10,479
Children & Families Property, Plant and Equipment, net 791 828
Federal Total Assets 41,797 40,550
Government 62,710 62,816
Other State & Liabilities and Net Assets $ 4,635 $ 5,005
Local Government 940
5% Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses 1,006
Office of 19,171
Community Corrections Deferred Revenue 20,277 25,116
5% 25,918 37,700
Bonds/Notes/Mortgages Payable 36,792 62,816
Mass. Dept. of Total Liabilities 62,710
Housing & Community Total Net Assets
Development Total Liabilities and Net Assets


SERVICE REVENUE BY ACTIVITY | 06.30.18 Residential
STATEMENT OF 2017 2018 2018 34%
ACTIVITIES Membership/
$ 59,573 $ 61,419 Y Programs
Revenue from Operations 60,243 61,813 31%
Expenses from Operations Childcare
Change in Net Assets (670) (394) 24%
1,992 2,164
from Operations Community Based
Depreciation and Amortization 1,335 1,301 Programs
Change in Net Assets from 665 907 5%
Non-Operating Activities 3%
Change in Net Assets Youthbuild



William M. Ames, Community Volunteer Peter Neville, President, Concord Foods Marline Amadee, Haitian Community Partners
Shaynah Barnes, District Representative, John Noblin, Owner, Noblin Enterprises, Inc Conrod A. Boone, Esq., Attorney
David Offutt, Owner/Broker, Century 21 Jeff Charnel, Mutual Bank
US House of Representatives Mark Oliari, Owner/CEO, CNT Precious Metals Scott Clement, Sign Design
Stuart Benton, President & CEO, Bradford Soap David Orloff, Community Volunteer John Creedon, Esq., Creedon & Creedon
Don Block, President & CEO, NorthEast Courtney Palm, Assistant Vice President & Marketing Thomas Kenney, Retired, Brockton Public Schools
Marc Lane, Cushman Insurance, Inc.
Electrical Distributors Officer, North Easton Savings Bank Brian McGuire, In Good Health
Wayne Bloom, CEO, Commonwealth Financial Network Randy Papadellis, Community Volunteer David Offutt, Century 21
James Burke, Esq., Law Offices of James M. Burke William Payne, Principal, PRW Wealth Management, LLC Debra Roberts, National Telecommuting Institute, Inc.
Jane Callahan, Principal, HR Alternatives William Payton, Principal, Payton Associates Mozart Saint-Cyr, Shamrock Financial
James Carden, Director, Liberty Bay Credit Union Marie Peeler, Principal & Executive Coach, Melanie Shaw, Pupil Services Administrator,
Joseph Casey, President, HarborOne Bank
Tiffony Cesero, Owner, K-9 Protection Peeler Associates Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School
Fred Clark, President, Bridgewater State University Honorable Gregory Phillips, Justice, Christopher J. Sulmonte, CPA, Sulmonte & Frenier, LLP
William Clay, President, Walker-Clay, Inc. Joseph Tansey, Jr., Rockland Trust Co.
John Creedon, Esq., Creedon and Creedon Taunton District Court Brent Warren, Esq., Law Offices of
Timothy Cruz, Plymouth County District Attorney Mark Porter, Executive Director/Chief of Public Safety,
William Daisy, Managing Director, CBIZ & Brent Warren (Chair)
MHM New England Mary Pritchard, Manager, Arbella Insurance Group BOARD OF GOVERNORS
Peter Dello Russo, President & CEO, Donald Quinn, Esq., Donald P. Quinn, PC Janet Fletcher, BID-Plymouth (Chair)
Howard Randall, Jr., Marketing and Lynn Mitchell, Community Volunteer
Bridgewater Savings Bank EASTON BOARD OF GOVERNORS
Charles Dockendorff, Community Volunteer Business Development Consultant Jean Bradley Derencourt, Councilor-at-Large, Brockton
Shaun Fitzgerald, Owner, Fitzgerald Appraisals Jonathan Richman, President, Health Thomas Brussard, Uno Restaurants, LLC
Janet Fletcher, Community/Staff Education Instructor, Lisha Cabral, EdD, Superintendent, Easton Public Schools
Management Associates Christopher Conley, Kenney & Conley, P.C.
Beth Israel Deaconess – Plymouth Moises Rodrigues, Councilor at Large, City of Brockton Ryan Cook, Broker/Owner, First Class Realty Group
Eli Florence, President, Kaydon Group, LLC William Rosa, Esq., Partner, Wynn & Wynn, PC Jaime Faverty, Coastal Heritage Bank
Chuck Fraser, President & COO, Sysco Boston LLC Wayne Smith, Treasurer, Suburban Enterprises Ed Hands, Historian/Community Volunteer
David Frenette, Esq., Attorney, Frenette & Associates, P.C. Robert Spencer, Esq., CPA Ian Hobkirk, Founder/President,
Henry Frenette, Jr., Community Volunteer Scott Stikeleather, Executive Vice President,
Thomas Hardiman, DPM, Podiatrist/Private Practice Commonwealth Supply Chain Advisors
Barbara Hassan, Community Volunteer IBC Corporation Jeremy Kay, Law Offices of Jeremy L. Kay, P.C.
Michael Hogan, President/CEO, AD Makepeace Corp. Steve Striar, President, Striar Development Corporation Dr. David Mudd, Steward Healthcare/Good Samaritan
Mitzi Hollenbeck, Partner, Citrin Cooperman Michael Sullivan, Esq., Partner, The Ashcroft Group, LLC
Kim Hollon, President/CEO, Signature Healthcare Scott Tirrell, Community Volunteer Medical Center
Richard Hooke, AVP Business Development Officer, Daniel Trout, Senior Vice President, Mutual Bank Jennifer Nosalek, Encompass Home Health
George Turner III, Managing Partner, Courtney Palm, North Easton Savings Bank (Chair)
Crescent Credit Union Hoagland Rosania, Retired, Orthopedic Surgeon
Richard Hynes, President, Barbour Corporation Turner Brothers, LLC Linda Thomson-Clem, MicroVenture International
Pamerson Ifill, Regional Supervisor of Probation Services John Twohig, Esq., Executive Vice President, Lewis Victor, Community Volunteer
Jean Inman, New England Center for Nutrition Education Thomas Wooster, North Easton Savings Bank
Jessica Katz, Esq., Attorney, Jessica Katz Law, LLC New England Development (Chair) Jillian Yung, Stonehill College
Gary Maestas, EdD, Superintendent, Frank Veale, Esq., Professor,

Plymouth Public Schools Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Russel Martorana, President, FBinsure Brent Warren, Esq., Law Offices of Brent Warren
Keith McLaughlin, Director, D’Angelo Real Estate Arthur Wyman, Partner, Wyman Residential, LLC
Jan Miller, Vice Chairman, Eastern Bank Corporation Joseph Zaccheo, COO, Sullivan Tire Co., Inc.
David Mudd, MD, FACP, Stewart Medical Practice


Scott Allen, Chief, East Bridgewater of Middleboro Meghan Driscoll, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA
Kayla Florence, Kaydon Group, LLC
Police Department Mary Pritchard, Arbella Insurance Group Jean Inman, New England Center for Nutritional
Kara Chapman, Prophett-Chapman, Thomas S. Rogers, FBinsure
Kim Thomas, Realty One Group Education (Chair)
Cole & Gleason Funeral Home Kira Watkins, T.M. Ryder Insurance Agency Nadine Israel, Fred & Nadine Real Estate
Meg Clapp, Head of Pharmacy, Signature Healthcare PLYMOUTH BOARD OF GOVERNORS Danielle Justo, Rich May Law
William Clay, President, Walker-Clay, Inc. (Chair) Stacy Antonino, Community Volunteer Frank Lyons, FIS
Pastor Jim Conley, Union Congregational Church Kathryn Barnicle, AECOM Susan Lyons, Stoughton Public Schools
John Cowan, Retired Chief, Tiffony Cesero, K-9 Protection (Chair) Karen MacDonald, Town of Stoughton
Micki Hardiman, Medical Monofilaments Jeff Perry, PRESS Realtors LLC
East Bridgewater Police Department Julie King, Mutual Bank Alissa Porcaro, Community Volunteer
Rachel Haines, Paraprofessional, South Shore Jack Lane, Keller Williams Realty Carolan Sampson, Stoughton Public Schools
Mark Leppo, Coldwell Banker Marge Shepard, Community Volunteer
Regional Vo-Tech Shelby Maclary, Nautical Wellness Lisa Wheeler, Triad Advertising Corp.
Hilary Lovell, Signature Healthcare Suzanne Miraglia, Mirbeau Inn Keith Wortzman, Independent Consultant
Bruce Marquis, Salon Esprit Suzanne Obin, Community Volunteer TAUNTON BOARD OF GOVERNORS
Charles Muise, NEAD Insurance Trust Nancy O’Keefe, Simple Small Business Solutions A.J. Andrews, Realty-Network Associates
Howard Randall, Marketing & Business Consultant Chris Pinto, The Hartford Paul Arikian, City of Taunton
Kristine Resendes, Bridgewater Savings Bank Joe Powers, Rogers and Grey Michael Chatwin, Bristol County Savings Bank
Katie Riley, Realtor, Heritage Homes Realty Sean Spiegel, Plymouth South High School Donald Cleary, City of Taunton
Nick Riley, Senior Vice President and Human John Damaso, Taunton Federal Credit Union
Student Representative Alyssa (Gracia) Haggerty, City of Taunton,
Resources Director, Middlesex Savings Bank Scott Tirrell, Community Volunteer
Lynn Calling, Executive Director, MA Association Yaxsarie Velozquez, Plymouth North High School Mayor’s Office
Mark Karsner, Esq., Karsner & Meehan
for Education of Young Children Student Representative
David Sheedy, East Bridgewater Board of Selectmen Friend Weiler, Community Volunteer Attorneys at Law, PC
Julie Whitmore, Whitmore’s Yard Care Cliff Westberg, With Integrity Wealth Management Jessica Katz, Esq., Attorney,
Gina Williams, Assistant Superintendent, SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD OF GOVERNORS
Craig Barger, Community Volunteer Jessica Katz Law, LLC (Chair)
East Bridgewater Public Schools James Burke, Esq., Law Offices of James M. Burke Samson Kimani, EXIT Top Choice Realty
FAMILY SERVICES BOARD OF GOVERNORS Timothy Cruz, Plymouth County District Court Russel Martorana, FBinsure
Diane Bell, Bridgewater State University Charles Dockendorff (Chair) Julie Masci, Morton Hospital
Kevin Brower, HarborOne Bank Kimberly Godfrey, PBS Learning Institute Shaunna O’Connell, State Representative
James Carden, Liberty Bay Credit Union (Chair) Kim Hollon, Signature Healthcare Kelly O’Connor, Mechanics Cooperative Bank
Reva Castaline, Brockton Public Schools Pamerson Ifill, Office of the Commissioner Ryan Prophett, Attorney, Prophett Law Office, LLC
Vandy Densmore, South Bay Mental Health Thomas Pontes, Esq., Wynn & Wynn PC
Michael Ellen, Tatum LLC of Probation Jeanne Quinn, Esq., Silvia & Quinn PC
Judy Fishman, Nite Group Benjamin Kravitz, Community Volunteer Bill Rosa, Attorney, Wynn & Wynn PC
Jonathan Niver-Honrado, Kidz Konnect Jan Miller, Eastern Bank Dina Swanson, Wynn & Wynn PC
Eileen Murphy, Community Volunteer David Offutt, Century21 Steve Turner, Taunton Police Department
Jack Murphy, DMD Beverly Pavasaris, Community Volunteer Richard Zusman, Community Volunteer
Sabine Pietri, Community Volunteer The Honorable Gregory L. Phillips, Justice, YOUTH BOARD OF GOVERNORS
Kelly Silva, PhD, Brockton Public Schools John DiCicco, PhD, University of Phoenix
Robert Ventura, Esq., TCF Law Firm Group PLLC Taunton District Court Richard Hooke, Crescent Credit Union (Chair)
MIDDLEBORO BOARD OF GOVERNORS Paul Studenski, Community Volunteer John Snelgrove, Brockton School Department
Judi Bonanno, FBinsure Michael Sullivan, Esq., The Ashcroft Group, LLC
Holly Camillo, Medtronic Thomas Thibeault, Brockton Housing Authority
Hanwar Harnett, Rockland Trust Company
Mitzi Hollenbeck, Citrin Cooperman (Chair)
Justin Jeffrey, Bridgewater Savings Bank
David Lamoureux, Lamoureux Properties






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