Promoting Learning Through
Common Shared Value, Knowledge-
Sharing and Best Practices"
18th – 19th May 2022
Organised By: Sponsored By:
5 CPD BQSM & 20 CCD points Baharuddin Ali & Low 1
Sdn Bhd S & H Quantity Surveyors
Sdn Bhd
Table of Contents
1 About the Conference 3
2 Welcoming Messages 4
3 The Program 9
4 Speakers 12
- Abstract 18
5 Panel Discussion Session 24
6 Parallel Session 27
- Paper Presentation 29
7 Our Sponsors
8 Committees
9 About AQSA
10 Contacts
Page 2
Assoc Prof Sr Hasmawati Harun Dr. Mohd Arif Marhani
Head of AQSA Academic Conference Chairperson of AQSA Academic Conference
About the Conference
The first ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) Academic Conference 2022 held virtually on
the 18th and 19th of May 2022. AQSA Academic Conference 2022 is the first international conference
in ASEAN that focuses on the embodiment of ASEAN quantity surveying academic community
collaboration in education, research, and professional practice. The Centre of Studies for Quantity
Surveying, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah
Alam, Malaysia, hosted this conference with the theme 'Promoting Learning Through Common Shared
Value, Knowledge-Sharing, and Best Practices'. Co-organizers include the AQSA, the Royal
Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), the Singapore Institute of Surveyors & Valuers (SISV), the
Philippine Institute of Certified Quantity Surveyors (PICQS), Persatuan Ukur, Jurutera dan Akitek,
Negara Brunei Darussalam (PUJA), and Ikatan Quantity Surveyor Indonesia (IQSI). The AQSA
Academic Conference 2022 allows for interaction and idea exchange among universities, research
institutions, governments, industry, and experts from ASEAN countries.
The conference's objectives are to establish a network of cooperation, share best practices among
ASEAN academics, and share knowledge and expertise to improve learning and teaching, research,
publications, and professional practices among ASEAN practitioners and academics. As the first
conference focusing primarily on quantity surveying practices, it will enable prospectus researchers to
collaborate in learning, teaching, and research among ASEAN practitioners and academics.
Furthermore, the organizing committee of the AQSA Academic Conference 2022 hopes that the
conference will become a well-known avenue and platform for global intellectual discourse.
Finally, on behalf of UiTM, AQSA, RISM, SISV, PICQS, PUJA, and IQSI, we would like to welcome
and thank you in advance for your participation in this conference.
Assoc Prof Sr Hasmawati Harun CQS FRISM CCM Dr. Mohd Arif Marhani PQS
Head of AQSA Academic Conference Chairperson
First ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) Academic Conference 2022
Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
Page 3
Page 4
Adjunct Professor Dato Sr Aziz Abdullah
Chairman of AQSA/ President of BQSM
It gives me immense pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to all of
you present to the 1st Asean Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA)
Academic Conference 2022. I would also like to express our gratitude to
Associate Professor Hasmawati Harun, the head of the organizing
committee, and members of the organizing committee from UiTM. It
was a privilege to get the support of UiTM to host this very first AQSA
academic seminar, as UiTM is one of the premier and oldest universities
offering of Quantity Surveying education in Malaysia, with a long-
established track records and reputations. Many of their graduates
today are leaders in many construction organizations in the Malaysian
construction industry.
AQSA was formed in 2020, and our prime objective is to promote the
mobility and qualification of the Quantity Surveying profession within
the ASEAN region. We hope to achieve this through close friendship,
cooperation and sharing best practices. All through this we hope that,
together we can advance not only quantity surveying practice, but also
contribute to the enhancement of project management knowledge and
competencies within the built environment fraternity. It's no secret that
friendship, cooperation and sharing best practices is the significant way
to improve ourselves. Sharing by networking among ourselves can help
us fill knowledge gaps, improve competency and more.
It is my wish to see that, following this conference, we will be able start collaborating in organizing CPD talks,
seminars, short courses, and training programmes before moving on to do joint research, common classes for
the relevant subjects, student and lecturer exchange programmes. I sincerely hope that we are able to build on
this from our Inaugural Virtual International Quantity Surveyors conference 2022 which was held on 25 – 26th
January 2022. The conference which was supported by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation
(MATRADE), was mooted to explore business, jobs, and training opportunities within the ASEQN region. While
we have identified several challenges which we need to circumvent before we can have common recognition
for professional services for business, I do not foresee the same problems for the academic activities.
Therefore, I sincerely urged all of you to exploit and take advantage of this opportunity to the fullest. With the
relaxation of the COVID-19 SOPs, we will soon be able to cross border and meet up with each other to organize
these activities.
In the light of the impending IR 4.0 and need for us to support the aspirations of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG), which is to “develop to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs” the theme of this conference PROMOTING LEARNING
I would also like to thank the keynotes speakers for providing significant insights to key areas for us to reflect
on, as well as paper presenters and panel discussion members who would be contributing to share knowledge
best practices with all of us.
In closing, I would like to thank the UiTM organizing committee, AQSA main committee members, especially
the secretary Ms Katherine Thiang and presidents of professional institutions, and sponsors for their
contribution to this conference. Also not forgetting participants, academics, and students for their
participations. As chairman of AQSA, I would like to see the initiative mooted by UiTM as the co-host for this
conference be continued to the next organiser next year and year after next.
Happy Conferencing Everyone and Eid Mubarak to all Muslim celebrating their Hari Raya.
Adjunct Professor Dato Sr Aziz Abdullah
Chairman of the ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA)
Page 5
Professor Datuk Ts. Dr. Roziah
Mohd Janor
Vice-chancellor of UiTM
A very warm welcome to all our eminent guests, distinguished speakers and participants to the 1st
ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) Academic Conference 2022. It is a delight for us in
UiTM to be the first host of this academic conference since the establishment of AQSA in 2021
organised by Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Architecture Planning and
Surveying (FSPU), UiTM together with the ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA).
In the ASEAN region, over the past decades the construction industry has contributed significantly
to the economy as an enabler of growth to other industries as well. If we were to look at the ASEAN
context, our industry professionals must be prepared to be at par with other global players, in terms
of capacity, components, and capability to enhance the productivity of our construction industry.
These will ensure greater certainty in areas where clients previously faced performance difficulties
and adversarial problems.
Thus, the hosting of the 1st AQSA Academic Conference is
indeed timely and relevant. This year’s theme "Promoting
Learning Through Common Shared Values, Knowledge-
Sharing and Best Practices". In UiTM, we have pledged to
continuously provide world-class education, to offer
competitive academic programmes that fulfil market needs,
spearhead national development, as well as promoting global
prosperity in line with the university’s vision. UiTM has been
produced at least 1,500 QS alumni for the past 5 years.
Graduates of UITM’s QS programme have proven to be
among the top in Malaysia and the programme itself is
ranked among the Top 200 Architecture / Built Environment
subject in 2022’s QS-World Universities Ranking by Subjects.
I hope that the AQSA Academic Conference will grow in
strength and can serve as a valuable platform to push these
endeavours actively and strategically. I would like to thank all
our guests and speakers for joining us, and I would like to
wish all participants a productive time as we gain insights,
engage in discussions, and strengthen partnerships.
Thank you.
Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Professor Datuk Ts. Dr. Roziah Mohd Janor
Vice-chancellor of UiTM
Page 6
Professor TPr Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah
Dean of FSPU, UiTM
It is with great pleasure that I welcome all distinguished guests, keynote speakers, and participants to
the 1st Asean Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) Academic Conference 2022. I am honoured that the
Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA (FSPU-UiTM), Shah Alam,
Malaysia and the ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) are co-hosting this conference together,
despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to express my gratitude to AQSA
for the tremendous support, cooperation, and trust.
Our faculty is one of the pioneer institutions offering comprehensive courses in architecture and
construction covering all areas of the built environment. Quantity Surveying is one of the most popular
programmes in the faculty. FSPU was established 55 years ago and to date has produced over 72,000
graduates. It consistently produces high quality professionals through comprehensive learning and
teaching in addressing the current complexities and challenges of the built environment. The main
strength of FSPU is that each program is accredited and recognized by local and international boards and
professional bodies. We in FSPU are very proud with our achievements to be listed in the top 200 QS
World University Ranking by Subject for Architecture / Built Environment for the year 2022.
Adhering to the theme of ‘Generations of Professional Excellence’, FSPU has devised several strategic
initiatives. One of them is to enhance the visibility of FSPU at the national and international levels. As
this conference is the first organized since the establishment of AQSA, FSPU as the co-organiser can
increase its visibility in the eyes of ASEAN countries in particular and the world in general. Likewise, the
participating countries also are able to showcase and broadcast their programs and strengths. As the
dean, I see this collaboration between the Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying, FSPU and AQSA as
the beginning of many other collaborations that can provide win-win opportunities between members
countries. It strengthens research network among nations, students and staff exchange, global sharing of
lectures and talks, MOU/MOA and many others. FSPU is in the process of establishing the South East
Asia Built Environment Research Centre (SEABERC) as a magnet for researchers to undertake research on
built environment in this region. I would welcome all members to join and collaborate with us.
The highest appreciation is given to all hardworking organising committee of QS FSPU who make this
conference a success. I am confident that everyone will make a significant contribution to this
conference and help make it a remarkable one. Thank you all for participating and I wish a fruitful and
successful conference.
Assalamualaikum and Thank You.
Professor TPr Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah
Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying (FSPU)
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Page 7
Sr Dr. Shamsida Saidan Khaderi
Head of Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying
As the Head of Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying (CSQS),
Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi
MARA (UiTM), I was pleased to welcome all the speakers, sponsors
and participants to the 1st ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association
Academic Conference 2022.
The 1st ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association Academic Conference
2022 is CSQS and AQSA initiative to cultivate the sharing of research
results through oral presentations and publications among
researchers, lecturer, practitioner and students. The aims are to
promote research in quantity surveying and facilitate the exchange of
new ideas in these fields. It includes plenary, keynote speeches and
oral presentations on different topics.
This 1st ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association Academic
Conference 2022- theme – Promoting learning through common
shared value, knowledge-sharing & best practices are organized by
the Faculty of Architecture Planning & Surveying Universiti Teknologi
MARA. I believe that this academic conference will be the impetus
continuing sharing and exchanging of knowledge and best practices
foe other more tangible collaboration such as joint-teaching,
lecturers and student exchanges between the academics, as well as
collaborative research with the construction industries of our
country, for our mutual benefit.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the organizing committee for
the time, energy, commitments and dedications. Without their endless effort and hard work, AQSA
Academic Conference 2022 could not be reality. Many thanks also to the sponsors, management of
FSPU, UiTM and all those involved in making this conference a success.
Last but not least, I wish you a fruitful conference.
Thank you
Sr Dr. Shamsida Saidan Khaderi
Head of Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying
Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying (FSPU)
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Page 8
Page 9
Day 1 - 18th May 2022
01:30 PM – 02:00 PM Registration
02:00 PM – 02:45 PM Negaraku
Doa Recital
Welcoming speech:
1. Adjunct Professor Dato Sr Aziz Abdullah
(Chairman of AQSA/ President of BQSM)
2. Professor Datuk Ts. Dr. Roziah Mohd Janor
(Vice-chancellor of UiTM)
3. Professor TPr Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah
(Dean of FSPU, UiTM)
02:45 PM – 03:00 PM Montage of UiTM & participated ASEAN countries
03:00 PM – 03:15 PM Slot video by sponsor 1
(Prime slot)
03:15 PM – 04:15 PM Keynote speaker 1
Professor Sr Dr. Fadzil Hassan
Reconstructing the Narrative for Built Environment,
Construction and Quantity Surveying Education
04:15 PM – 04:30 PM Slot video by sponsor 2
(Prime slot)
04:30 PM – 05:30 PM Keynote speaker 2:
Professor Dr. Florence Yean Yng Ling
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities that Quantity
Surveyors Need in the 4th Industrial Revolution
05:30 PM End of Day 1
Page 10
Day 2 - 19th May 2022
10:00 AM – 10:30
AM Registration
10:30 AM – 11:45
AM Parallel Session 1
3 Breakout room (1 room = 5 papers;
1 paper = 10 min presentation, 5 min Q&A)
11:45 AM – 11:50 Break
11:50 AM – 01:10 Parallel Session 2
PM 3 Breakout room (1 room = 5 papers;
1 paper = 10 min presentation, 5 min Q&A)
01:10 PM – 02:00 PM Lunch break
02:00 PM – 03:15 PM Parallel Session 3
3 Breakout room (1 room = 5 papers;
1 paper = 10 min presentation, 5 min Q&A)
03:15 PM – 03:20 PM Break
03:20 PM – 04:20 PM Panel Discussion
Assoc Prof Sr Dr. Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
Collaboration in QS Practices & Academia Among
AQSA’s Member Countries: A Way Forward
04:20 PM – 04:35 PM Q&A
04:35 PM – 04:40 PM Break
04:40 PM – 04.55 PM Closing Ceremony
Sr Dr. Shamsida Saidan Khaderi
(Head of CSQS, FSPU, UiTM)
04:55 PM – 05.00 PM Photo Session
05:00 PM End of Day 2
Page 11
- Abstract
Page 12
Keynote Speaker 1
(Day 1 – 3.15 PM)
Prof. Sr Dr. Fadzil Hassan
Centre of Studies for Quantity Surveying, UiTM
The main purpose of build environment,
construction and quantity survey, is to develop
individuals for fuller and better life, and deliver
infrastructure facilities needed by the people
and environment. In today’s era of rapid
economic and technological change, the
provision for build environment education has
never been more challenged and hurried to
incorporate corporate the changes.
Notwithstanding, shortcomings in the
education provided are becoming apparent, as
can be observed from the adverse effects of
the physical infrastructure facilities developed
by the products of our education.
This paper critically reviews this phenomenon and offers insights to the root
cause of the issues. Central in the discussions are answers to the questions of
“why are the graduates of our education seemingly less aware of the issues
which impact the people and the environment they are developing?” and
“how changes have tended to distort our education provisions?”
Page 13
Keynote Speaker 2
(Day 1 – 4.30 PM)
Prof. Dr. Florence Yean Yng Ling1, Yu Ling Tay2
1 Department of Building, National University of Singapore, 4
Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566
2 Lum Chang Building Contractors Pte Ltd, 14 Kung Chong Road,
Singapore 159150
This study investigates quantity surveying skill sets
for Industry 4.0, assesses the current proficiency
level of junior quantity surveyors (QSs) and
examines the skills deficiency of QSs. Based on an
online survey with practicing QSs, the results show
that junior QSs do not have significantly high
proficiency in 27 of the 47 quantity surveying
skills. 29 skills are currently important but an
additional 13 skills would become more important
for QSs to carve out a commercial edge in Industry
4.0. This study adds to knowledge by empirically
constructing an Importance-Performance Analysis
(IPA) matrix that identifies deficiency in skills sets
among QSs. The IPA matrix reveals the skills
deficiency of QSs to service Industry 4.0.
Areas that need attention are: data management and data literacy skills due to
the growth of digitalization and big data analytics; knowledge in advanced
construction technology arising from the highly automated industries through
human-machine interaction; sustainability knowledge and life cycle costing skills
because design solutions need to be both economically and environmentally
sustainable; and cash flow management capability to ensure project longevity and
profitability. The findings inform employers, QSs and undergraduates on the skills
development areas to carve out a competitive edge in Industry 4.0.
Keywords: Importance-performance analysis; Industry 4.0; Quantity surveyors;
Skills development
Page 14
Invited Speaker
(Day 2 – 11.50 PM – Breakout Room 1)
Yee Mon Htay
Managing Director, Cost and Contract Department,
Green Age Construction Pte Ltd. Yangon. Myanmar
Myanmar political unrest started on February 2021 with
Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases rising, activity in Myanmar’s
construction industry has seen a considerable impact on
foreign investment and the progress of many construction
projects. In addition to this, the depreciation of the kyat,
the currency of Myanmar, has contributed to increasing
unemployment. This rise in prices has also affected the
construction industry and production plants, which were
forced to stop operations temporarily or permanently due
to increasing the cost of raw materials. Foreign contractors
and companies are leaving Myanmar due to political risk
and their safety.
The Central Bank of Myanmar instructed all foreign currencies received by
residents and businesses registered in Myanmar must be converted into kyat within
one working day at the central bank's official rate of 1,850 kyat to the dollar. The
official exchange rate is about 8% higher than the unofficial market rate of around
2,000 kyats to the dollar.
Companies working for Projects under government sectors have significant
difficulties of handling projects due to protests, civil wars, material prices increased
the shortage of materials. The payment and claim process has a huge impact due
to banking sectors problem and limited transitions. 60% of government projects are
delayed due to shortage of cash, materials delivery issues, trading policies, and
sanctions. The banks in Myanmar are facing cash shortages. When setting the
project budget estimate, there are many unforeseen circumstances, and the risk for
the construction industry is unpredictable. Quantity Surveyors encountered
handling contracts is very challenging.
Keywords: Banking, Civil wars, Covid 19, Contracts, Delayed, Depreciation,
Exchange rate, Foreign investment, Impact, Political unrest, Political risk, Protests,
Shortage of materials, Unemployment.
Page 15
Panel Discussion
Day 2 (19TH MAY 2022)
3.20 PM to 4.20 PM (MYT)
Representative From ASEAN Countries
Page 16
Chairperson / Moderator:
Assoc Prof Sr Dr. Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
Senior Lecturer at the Centre of Studies for Quantity
Surveying (QS), FSPU, UiTM
List of Panels: Dr. Seng Hansen
Prof Sr Dr. Abd Lecturer of Podomoro
Ghani Khalid University / Representing
UTS Sarawak /AQSA
Secretary Assoc Prof Daniel
General/RISM Wong Hwee Boon
Ibu Ellyyanti Taher Deputy Head,
Department of the Built
Construction Contract Environment, College of
Practitioner. Founder Design and Engineering,
and Director of National University of
School of Quantity Singapore
Surveying Indonesia
Mr Goh Ngan Hong Mr Alexa Ray
Past President (QS),
Singapore Institute of Dean, College of
Surveyors and Valuers Engineering, National
University Manila
Page 17
Parallel Session
Page 18
Parallel Session 1 - 19th May 2022
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM (MYT)
Theme : Project Management
Moderator: SUZANA C. ALIH
10:30 AM Facilities For Persons With Disabilities At Public Hospitals
Nashatul Afiza Nazri, Adnin Syaza Jaafar, Yuhainis Abdul Talib, Muhammad Anas
Othman, and Kartina Alauddin
10:45 AM A Review On Waste Management Practices In University Campus
11:00 AM
Nur Fatiha Mohamed Yusof, Kartina Alauddin, Puteri Sidrotul Nabihah Saarani, Noor
Anisah Abdullah, Siti Nur Aishah Mohd Noor, Shafikah Saharuddin
The Critical Success Factors Of The Lean Construction (LC) Approach For
Residential Projects
Izzatul Najiha Abdul Haris, Mohd Arif Marhani, Raja Rafidah Raja Muhammad Rooshdi,
Noor Akmal Adillah Ismail and Shaza Rina Sahamir
11:15 AM Brief Evaluation Of Road Condition In Mersing District
Aeisya Syafiqa Sanusi, Yuhainis Abdul Talib, Adnin Syaza Jaafar, Muhammad Anas
Othman, and Kartina Alauddin
Theme : Construction Contract and Procurement
10:30 AM Are Contract Provisions Used In The Procurement Of Islamic Philanthropic
10:45 AM Facilities Comply With The Shariah?
Prof Sr Dr Khairuddin Abdul Rashid
Maintenance Management Elements During Procurement Stage Of Private
Finance Initiative (PFI) Project : A Pilot Study
Muhammad Haziq Md Anuar, Kharizam Ismail, Irwan Mohammad Ali and Mohamed
Imran Mohamed Ariff
11:00 AM The Contractual Challenges And Strategies Of Building Information
Modelling (BIM) In The Malaysian Construction Industry
Lau Yue Han
11:15 AM Mediation Effects Of Field Of Experience On Barriers In Communication
And Project Delay
Norazlin Abd Aziz, Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim and Nur Mardhiyah Aziz
11:30 AM A Thematic Review Of Issues In The Final Account In Construction Projects
Mohd Rahman Mohd Nor, Siti Suhana Judi, Zulhabri Ismail
Page 19
Parallel Session 1 - 19th May 2022
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM (MYT)
Theme : Sustainability
10:30 AM Environmental And Thermal Comfort Assessment Of Different Wall Types In
School Building During Pandemic
Emmanuel Atienza, Ryan Chan and Jason Maximino Ongpeng
10:45 AM Analytical Review Of Barriers In Implementing Sustainable Construction
Shafikah Saharuddin, Nurul Fatihah Hassan, Siti Nur Aishah Mohd Noor, Nur Fatiha
Mohamed Yusof and Noor Anisah Abdullah
11:00 AM Challenges Of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Implementation For
Green Practices In The Malaysian Construction Industry
Muhammad Akmal Hafiz Mohamad, Noor Akmal Adillah Ismail and Raja Rafidah Raja
Muhammad Rooshdi
11:15 AM Assessing Productivity Improvement Strategies In Sustainable Construction
Noor Aisyah Asyikin Mahat, Hamimah Adnan, and Norazian Mohammad Yusuwan
11:30 AM Best Practices Of Construction Waste Minimisation And The Challenges Of
Implementing Sustainable Practices Of Construction Waste Management
Noor Rizallinda Ishak, Siti Akhtar Mahayuddin and Hayroman Ahmad
Page 20
Parallel Session 2 - 19th May 2022
11:50 AM – 01:10 PM (MYT)
Theme : Technology And Innovation & Learning
11:50 AM Myanmar Political Unrest And Pandemic Impact The Construction Industry
Yee Mon Htay
12:05 PM The Influence Of Pandemic Outbreak Towards Employability Of Fresh
Graduates In Malaysian Construction Industry
Asniza Hamimi Abdul Tharim, Puteri Sidrotul Nabihah Saarani, Siti Asmaa’ Mohamad
Zaini, Noraziah Wahi and Mohd Norazam Yasin
12:20 PM A Single Common Standard Method Of Measurement (SMM) For Asean
Countries: An Academic Perspective
Anis Rosniza Nizam Akbar, Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad, Shariffah Zatil Hidayah Syed
Jamaludin, Suzana C. Alih, Siti Rashidah Hanum Abd Wahab and Siti Asmiza Muzafar
12:35 PM Addressing The Dearth Of Quantity Surveying Professionals In The Philippines Through
Academe-Industry Linkage
Alexa Ray Fernando, Julie Christie dela Cruz, and Allan Alzona
Theme : Sustainability
11:50 AM Interdependencies Between Economic, Environmental And Social Values Of
Oil And Gas Infrastructure Projects: A Thematic Review
Zahidah Jahidi, Saipol Bari Abd Karim, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri
12:05 PM Quantity Surveyor Practice In Cambodia
Ngu Kea Yuan
12:20 PM The Application Of Biophilic Design Concept In The Malaysian Construction
Yusuf Amir Zairul Azidin, Nurul Afida Isnaini Janipha and Zulkhairy Affandy Zaki
12:35 PM The Employers’ Expectation Towards Soft Skills Competencies Of Quantity
Surveying Graduates In Malaysia
Muhammad Adlan Zainul Abidin, Siti Nor Azniza Ahmad Sekak, Anis Rosniza Nizam
Akbar1 and Yusmady Md Junus
Page 21
Parallel Session 3 - 19th May 2022
02:00 PM – 03:15 PM (MYT)
Theme : Technology And Innovation & Learning
02:00 PM Strategies To Enhance The Effectiveness Of Explicit Knowledge In Quantity
Surveying Firms
Mohammad Ilya Adhwa Abu Bakar, Kartina Alauddin, Adnin Syaza Jaafar, Yuhainis
Abdul Talib, Muhammad Anas Othman and Nur Fatiha Mohamed Yusof
02:15 PM RICS Competency Development Model: A Self-Assessment Tool For Filipino
Quantity Surveyors
Bernadette Agulto Magsumbol
02:30 PM Competency Of Quantity Surveyors Towards Adapting Industry 4.0 In
Malaysia – A Pilot Study
Siti Nur Aishah Mohd Noor, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Mohamad Syazli Fathi
02:45 PM The Effectiveness Of Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQ)
Zulkhairy Affandy bin Mohd Zaki , Dhaniyah Aqilah Binti Abdullah, Nurul Afida Isnaini
binti Janipha, Nasyairi bin Mat Nasir
Theme : Project Management
02:00 PM Cloud Computing For Better Construction Project Management
Shamsida Saidan Khaderi and Noor Fatihah Raub
02:15 PM The Process Of Risk Management Plan Among Service Providers For Clinical
Waste At Healthcare
Ani Saifuza Abd Shukor and Norsyahirah Othman
02:30 PM Human Behavioral Impact To Organizational Success And Performace : An
Application Of Resource Based View Theory
Farrah Rina, Kharizam, Nor Suzila and Lilawati
02:45 PM Exploring The Critical Success Factors Of Value Management For
Sustainable Public Housing In Malaysia: Findings From A Preliminary Study
Shahfarhan Yassin, Aini Jaapar and Mohd Arif Marhani
Page 22
Parallel Session 3 - 19th May 2022
02:00 PM – 03:15 PM (MYT)
Theme : Quality Management
02:00 PM Reconceptualising The Construction Project Management Body Of
Knowledge For Malaysian Construction Industry
Muhamad Zaihafiz bin Zainal Abidin, Padzil Fadzil Hassan and Norfashiha Hashim
02:15 PM Hesitance To Change Behaviour: Key Factors Of Construction Foreign
Workers’ Safety Non-Compliances
Azreen Ariff Zulkeflee, Nasruddin Faisol, Faridah Ismail, Noor Akmal Adillah Ismail,
02:30 PM Why Quality Plans (PQP) Can Be Inadequate For Construction Quality
Management: Insights From The Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (KVMRT)
Project Case Study
Norfazliana Azmi, Padzil Fadzil Hassan, Norfashiha Hashim and Keoy, K.H
02:45 PM Implementing Managerial Competencies As A Critical Benchmark For
Project Managers In The Construction Industry
Nurhayatul Khursniah Hasim, Hafez Salleh and Hasmawati Harun
Page 23
Our Sponsors
Page 24
Baharuddin Ali & Low Sdn Bhd (BAL or BALOW) has been providing quantity
surveying and construction cost consultancy services since the early 1970’s. At that
time, when the quantity surveying profession was relatively still in its infancy in
Malaysia, we were privileged to be one of the pioneer firms responsible for
establishing the quantity surveying profession to the level of recognition that it is
today. The profession is now well established in the Malaysian construction industry
and quantity surveyors are invariably involved in most major construction projects.
Over the years, we have been commissioned by a variety of clients and have been
involved in a wide variety of projects. Further, the influx of international clients,
design consultants and contractors and claims consultants into Malaysia meant that
the construction industry was exposed to a very challenging international
Page 25
The new breed of quantity surveying practice was incorporated in 2012. S & H
QUANTITY SURVEYORS SDN BHD prides itself to be young, dynamic and vibrant firm
that offers a full range of professional services. With an excellent track record,
consistent and reliable; single-minded commitment; staying close to Clients,
respond rapidly and independent of any design are our main aims and objectives.
Recruiting and appointing the best people and teams are key elements in the
success of our practice. Our team has been equipped with technical knowledge
through continuous training. We give our commitment to satisfy Client by providing
quality and value added services within the required time and cost.
Our Company Profile
Page 26
We appreciate the hard work and help of the following persons in the
organization of this conference:
Prof. TPr Dr. Prof. Madya Sr Sr Dr. Shamsida
Jamalunlaili Abdullah Hasmawati Harun Hj Saidan Khaderi
Patron Head of AQSA Academic Head of CSQS
Prof. Sr Dr. Fadzil Dr. Mohd Arif Dr. Siti Nor Azniza
Hassan Marhani Ahmad Sekak
Advisor Chairperson Secretary
Norazmi Ahmad Bari Suzana C Alih Ts. Zulkhairy Affandy Mohd Zaki
Sr Dr. Siti Suhana Judi Ahmad Arzlee Hassan
PROGRAMME BOOK MODERATOR Sr Ts. Wan Mohd Nurdden Wan Muhammad
Irma Hanie Ibrahim Suzana C Alih Hanyzam Selamat
Nurul Afida Isnaini Janipha Ahmad Arzlee Hassan
Mysarah Maisham SOUVENIRS
BROCHURE/POSTER Edelin Hussein Hjh Hazwani Ramli
Ts. Abdul Izz Mohammad Kamil Dr. Noor Akmal Adillah Ismail Sr Dr. Norazian Mohamad Yusuwan
Mohd Ridzwan Mohd Yusoff Dr. Har Einur Azrin Baharuddin
INVITATION ASST. MODERATOR Shariffah Zatil Hidayah Syed Jamaludin
Sr Dr. Siti Mazzuana Shamsuddin Irma Hanie Ibrahim Assoc Prof Sr Hasmawati Harun
Sr Dr. Anis Sazira Bakri Sr Nasyairi Mat Nasir Suzana C Alih
Shariffah Zatil Hidayah Syed Jamaludin
REGISTRATION Ts. Zulkhairy Affandy Mohd Zaki PUBLICATION
Dr. Anis Rosniza Nizam Akhbar Dr. Raja Rafidah Raja Muhammad Rooshdi
Sr Dr. Ani Saifuza Abd Shukor FOOD & BEVERAGES Dr. Har Einur Azrin Baharuddin
Sr Nor Azlinda Mohamed Sabli Dr. Norfashiha Hashim
Dr. Faridah Muhamad Halil
Dr. Noor Akmal Adillah Ismail
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About AQSA
Bridging ASEAN Through Quantity Surveying
ASEAN Quantity Surveyors Association also known as AQSA was established
in December 2020. Our aim is to extend cooperation among ASEAN countries
through Quantity Surveying services mobility, fostering close working
relationship, establishing base line standard for practices and education
AQSA membership is currently consists of professional bodies of quantity
surveyors in ASEAN countries. Member Country can submit list of qualified
individual and consultants that are licensed to practice as Quantity Surveyors
to be evaluated and approved by AQSA.
Members and Associate Members
Our country members:
Brunei Darussalam
Our associated members:
Thank you to the AQSA Council and AQSA Malaysia Chapters for co hosting.
Special acknowledgements to Ms Katherine Thiang, AQSA Secretariat .
For more information on AQSA, please visit
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Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA
[email protected]
FSPU Website +603-5544 4418 QS UiTM FB
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