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DiQan&a AAwpithetrei colleagues and I bring food to tables. In the afternoon I offer
customers delicious cakes and tea
Café lead, Riverside Hub. What are the most common queries from visitors?
The most common queries I get are people asking me if
Now in her 3rd year at the Hub, Diana has moved from a the carousel is free, if we have an elevator and if we can
behind the scenes role to a more visible position and is now microwave baby food.
one of our café team leaders. Here Diana gives an insight into What is the best thing about your job?
what the view is like from the other side of the café counter. As a lover of coffee myself I feel the need to give customers
What was your background before working at a well-made coffee. I also love making patterns in the coffee.
Riverside Hub? And the worst thing?
Before I got my job at Riverside Hub I worked in Italy as a When a certain product runs out and a customer asks for it.
care worker. Tell us something about the Hub that would surprise
What’s a typical day like for you at the Hub? people?
Every day when I come to work I open the café and I wait How many offers the Riverside Hub has for its customers.
for people to come and I serve them. During lunch my Anything you’d like to improve for the future?
I would like to see an improvement in the café departments
equipment (a cake fridge would be nice).
Favourite holiday destination?
My favourite holiday destination is Santorini – Greece.
Santorini is paradise on Earth.The most marvellous thing
about Santorini is the architecture of the villages.
Favourite TV show?
Doctor Who.
Favourite Film?
Girls Trip is my favourite.
Favourite Music?
Pop. Havana.
Favourite Food?
Jacket potatoes with cheese and beans.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Hard-working, friendly, patient.
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Carbon Monoxide -
The silent killer you cannot smell, taste or see
After our recent weather rivalling the summer of 1976, it’s likely that you’ve managed to go several months
without heating your home. But with autumn approaching and the temperatures taking a dip, now’s the time to
think about how efficient and safe your central heating system is for the coming winter.
Only 1 in 8 properties in Northampton have had their appliances checked in the last year, and in these checks
there were 11 unsafe fires, 38 unsafe cookers and 77 unsafe boilers. CO poisoning can cause serious long term
health problems including brain damage and even death.
What to do ifyou suspect Signs of Carbon
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Monoxide Leak in the Home
• Get Fresh Air, Open all Windows, turn off Gas • Flames of lazy yellow or orange colour
Appliances, leave the house
• Dark staining around appliances
• See your doctor or go to hospital, let them know
that you suspect CO poisoning • Pilot Light frequently blows out
• If you think there is immediate danger call the • Increased condensation on the windows
Gas Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999
FaultCyOappploianisceos ncainnlgead to
• Ask a Gas Safe Registered Engineer to inspect
your gas appliances and flues to check Get your appliances checked and
whether there is a problem serviced regularly to prevent this
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Innovative Products to lie on their tummies is a welcome break from side-lying!”
The holo has actually made it possible to be comfortable
Holo for pregnancy right up until birth.Tried and tested by thousands of pregnant
mums, worldwide, it is proven to be an absolute godsend for
Relaxation in pregnancy is a difficult one, especially by the third the relief of SPD pains, catching up on sleep, turning the baby
trimester, when your bump is really getting in the way, causing into optimal position for birth and can even be used for yoga
pains in your pelvis and stopping you lie in a comfortable sleep sessions, pregnancy massage and for getting your back brown
position. Well, that was until the holo arrived! on holiday!
Unable to find a comfortable position to lie down in because Childbirth guru Dr. Gowri Motha, author of ‘The Gentle Birth
of her growing bump and losing sleep with the discomfort, Method’ and a top obstetrician has 10 in use in her Primrose
Emma Benson took a lilo and cut a hole in it. Hill clinic, praise indeed, while yoga teachers worldwide are
The result was the holo and since its launch Emma, from Ilkley, buying in bulk to the delight of their pregnant yogis.
West Yorkshire, has received messages from expectant mothers Pregnancy yoga teacher Gillian Shippey from Bingley,
and their partners from all across the globe, thanking her for West Yorkshire, believes the holo has made a big difference to
giving them some much needed pain relief. her clients since she introduced it to her classes.
“Any mum will know how difficult it is to get comfortable “I have found the holo has helped women to relax deeply,
when you are pregnant,” explained the mum of two. which I believe can profoundly impact a woman’s experience of
“And when I was expecting my first child I suffered from quite pregnancy, birth and motherhood,” she said.
a bit of pain as I got bigger. I went on holiday quite late on in “At a time when women often find it difficult to find a really
the pregnancy but I couldn’t lie and relax, other than digging a comfortable position, the holo can help not just the mother
hole in the sand. Then it dawned on me that all I needed was a find the ‘right position’, but the baby also to find the optimal
lilo with a big hole in it and the holo was born!”
birthing position.”
Emma’s ingenious invention has also been snapped up by a Midwives have also delightedly declared that the holo is an
number of top physiotherapists, who find it invaluable when amazing boon to pregnant women and questioned ‘why has this
working with pregnant patients. not been invented before?’.
“As healthcare professionals, finding a comfortable position “What a fab invention” said Amanda Wardle, Supervisor of
to treat pregnant women in can be difficult,” explained Midwives,Airedale Hospital,West Yorkshire.
physiotherapist Peter Mulvey of Pro-physiotherapy in London, So why not treat yourself to a comfortable pregnancy.You are
who use the holo with nearly all of their pregnant clients. most definitely worth it.
“The holo solves that problem easily.We can more effectively For use on land and water. Available in silver, pink and mint.
assess back pain and pelvic pain when they are on their fronts. For more information:, facebook – the lilo
It allows us to examine the pelvis properly.” with a hole, twitter @hololilo and instagram: hololiloofficial
Colleague Victoria Coombs added: RRP £39.99 including delivery to UK. Delivery also available
“It makes treating pregnant ladies easier for the clinician and worldwide. Prices available on the website.
more comfortable for the patient. For the patients to be able
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Stress and Your Lifestyle
Life should be exciting and pleasurable.
How many times have you said that to yourself?
Perhaps as you have waited in a traffic jam or opened all and keep sugar and
those bills and invoices for last month’s purchases! salt intake to a
However, for life to be enjoyable we all need to be able to minimum. This will help
manage the challenges that we face. Unfortunately, there will to support your immune
be times when we feel we cannot cope and it is then that system in its fight against c
we may experience negative stress. But experiencing signs of olds and flu. Drink plenty of water,
stress does not mean you are a weak individual who cannot it helps general health as it rehydrates your body.
cope – it just means you are human like everyone else! We Try and keep coffee and all caffeine consumption to a
all react differently to the situations we have to face because minimum and avoid using nicotine or any other
we are all unique individuals. Some of us may be passive self-prescribed drugs.
personalities whilst others may be very competitive and our • Do not feel guilty about including a period of relaxation
reaction to pressure, and especially excess pressure, will vary every day. We all need to ‘switch off’ from time-to-time.
enormously. And dependent on our reaction, will be the state Do something you enjoy that complements your life-style.
of our wellbeing and health. This could, for example, be reading, listening to music, yoga
Life in the 21st century is very different from that of only a or meditation, enjoying a warm bath with aromatherapy oils
few years ago and perhaps it would be useful to look at how added. Remember - to be comfortable both inside and out, is
we can improve our stress levels during the coming year. a vital part of living successfully!
• Make sure also that regular exercise is part of your
Some of the most common signs of stress are: everyday life and which is suitable for you. Make sure you
choose an exercise that you like or you won’t stick to it!
• Mood Swings • Anxiety and/or depression If you have any doubts as to the correct intensity or duration
then always check with your doctor before starting a new
• Skin problems • Tiredness regime.
• Do you often find yourself saying “Yes!” when in fact you
• Muscle Tension • Poor concentration/memory mean “No!”? Are you always late for appointments?
Do you get frustrated knowing you could have done a better
• Waking unrefreshed • Changes in eating patterns job if only you had organised your time better? Then learn
how to be more assertive and manage your time properly.
• Low self esteem • Digestive problems Many of us waste a lot of the day, then make excuses for
things we have not done!
It is very important to take positive action when faced with • Consider attending a stress management training course.
stress as, if experienced over a prolonged period of time, it You do not have to be stressed to attend one of these. It is
can seriously damage mental and physical health. far better to know what to do prior to experiencing stress
The following proven coping strategies can really start to than waiting until it happens!
help reduce the effects of any stress in your life. The secret to managing stress is learning how to control
• Be self-aware of your own warning signs – maybe this your personal environment, and the pressures within it, by
could be a sudden feeling of anxiety, extreme tiredness or strengthening all your resources of energy and utilising your
feeling very tearful. time efficiently.
• Review what is really causing your stress. Think about what Key Points
action you could take to change things. • Stress can be avoided by strengthening resilience
• Examine whether your expectations of yourself, and others, • It is about taking back control of our lives
are realistic? • Being fit and healthy is the best starting point
• At times of stress, we often fall into the trap of either not Carole Spiers FPSA, FISMA, MIHPE
eating sufficiently or over-eating, or even smoking.
• Try always to eat a balanced diet.
Eat complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread and
pasta, rather than biscuits or chocolate! Remember, what you
eat influences mood. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
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‘Children are the most in need
of loving attention when they act
the least deserving of it.’
Dr. Solter
Rebecca Sheikh has been a certified attachment, trauma and non-punitive discipline. Her books
Aware Parenting teacher for four have been translated into many languages and she has given
years, and her passion lies in helping talks and led workshops for parents and professionals in
parents find ways to discipline 17 countries. She lives in southern California and is the
without the use of punishments or mother of two grown children. The titles of her books are:
rewards. She taught as a primary The Aware Baby, Helping Young Children Flourish, Tears and
school teacher for 17 years before Tantrums, Raising Drug-Free Kids, and Attachment Play.
having her first child. She is now Aware Parenting is a philosophy of child rearing that has the
the mother of two children potential to change the world. Based on current research
(ages 5 and 2). She completed an in child development, Aware Parenting questions most
MA in Counselling in Education at traditional assumptions about raising children, and proposes
The Tavistock Institute in London a new approach that can significantly
and has done a Foundation Course improve relationships within a family.
in Nonviolent Communication. She also has an Oncology Parents who follow this approach
Certified Nurse qualification in Gentle Sleep Methods. She raise children who are co-operative,
teaches children’s yoga and leads staff meetings in schools to compassionate, competent,
help teachers look at alternatives to punishments and rewards. non-violent and drug free.
Rebecca leads Attachment Play workshops regularly, offers
consultations to support parents with the Aware Parenting
approach and monthly nurturing sessions for more regular
weekly parenting support. You can visit her website You can also follow her
on Instagram and Facebook.
Rebecca has invited the founder of the Aware Parenting
philosophy to speak at a 2 day conference in London this
September. The event will be held over 2 days on the
28th and 29th September 2018 at St Ethelburgas
(8 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG) in London. You can
receive an exclusive discount of 30% off the ticket prices with
the code ‘HUB’. The workshops are suitable for parents
as well as professionals (teachers, psychologists, therapists,
counsellors, doctors, nurses, social workers, etc.).
Aletha Solter is a Swiss/American developmental psychologist,
author of five books, and founder of The Aware Parenting
Institute. She studied with Dr. Jean Piaget in Switzerland,
where she obtained a Master’s degree in human biology. She
holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of California.
Dr. Solter is recognized internationally as an expert on
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Early Years
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Early Years
Inspire a colourful imagination
Fables Drama is a fun, friendly drama group for preschool
and primary children bringing stories to life through drama.
It all began with Rachel - a local mum of 2 and her love of
teaching and inspiring children to be creative through the
art of storytelling - in January 2018 Fables opened its doors.
Having taught in local schools for over 14 years Rachel
understood the positive impact drama has on literacy, reading
and writing. Fables Drama will use stories to inspire role-
plays, games, improvisations and performances. Giving every
child the opportunity to laugh, learn and grow in confidence.
Please visit for more
information. Fables Drama also offers Learning
through Laughter for 5 - 11 year olds.
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Early Years
Day Nursery
Dolphin Day Nursery and Out of School Club first Dolphin Day Nursery and Dolphin Club have a strong parent
opened its doors from premises within the heart of partnership both within the learning environment and socially.
Daventry in 2006. In this short space of time the We hold various events throughout the year for parents and
nursery has gone from strength to strength and has combine this with fundraising activities for external charities such
moved from a small twenty-five place nursery as Crackerjacks, Macmillan Trust and Barnardo’s.
within a single room of a community building to a The nursery is open 51 weeks of the year and throughout the
purpose-built 56-place setting located within a school school holidays our exciting Dolphin Club is also open between
campus on Ashby Road. The nursery is now able to 7.30am-6pm with various sessions available depending on your
accommodate children aged from three months to five years needs.The club provides a range of sport, social, craft and learning
whilst the Out of School Club welcomes children aged four activities and we have a variety of trips planned each holiday
to eleven years. This has come at a time when the setting including trips to the cinema, Country Park, soft play centre,
has achieved ‘Outstanding’ from Ofsted on two consecutive bowling, museum, swimming at the leisure centre, and the zoo.
inspections. We continue to maintain these high standards Dolphin Day Nursery and Out of School Club is committed to
maintaining its high standards and we look forward to the new
and continue to thrive. intake of children joining us each term.
The nursery embraces For more information please call 01327 301600.
individual needs and is
supportive towards the The Hub Magazine
children and parents who Page 29
attend.We have created
a homely environment
where the children are
cared for and settle
They progress through
the nursery achieving
high standards of learning
and well-being before
moving on to school.All
our staff are qualified
and our experienced
staff members continue
with their professional development and put this into practise
with detailed learning plans for each child within the EYFS
framework. We pride ourselves of catering for the individual and
this extends to the kitchen where our excellent cook prepares
hot well-balanced meals and snacks from scratch each day whilst
accommodating different dietary requirements and allergies.
We also like to have lots of fun with the children through
play both inside and outside of the nursery environment. The
children regularly enjoy our own sensory room as well as attend
external soft play centres and group sensory activities. Each
week the preschool children join in with ‘Little Laces’ which
supports preschool children moving up to school where they
learn skills such as team working and problem solving whilst
improving on their hand and eye co-ordination and physical skills.
With the children we work through the seven areas of learning
which include, Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
Communication and Language, Literacy, Expressive Arts and
Design, Mathematics, Understanding of the World, and Physical
Development.The children’s progress is tracked using a tablet-
based platform which is shared with parents who also contribute
their own observations.
Early Years
Spratton Hall is an independent, co-educational day prep
school in Northamptonshire for children aged 4-13 years.
At Spratton Hall, we believe that the best start we can give
children to their education, is to provide a wonderfully
exciting learning environment, which has been closely
matched to their developing needs, and the support of adults
who are committed to getting to know each unique individual.
We reach out to nurseries and pre-schools, we listen to
parents and most importantly, through a carefully thought-
out induction programme, we spend time getting to know
children prior to their starting with us in September.
We want to know what fascinates and inspires your child,
what excites them and how they learn best, so that, within
the beautiful surroundings of Spratton Hall, and under our
nurturing and positive guidance, they truly blossom and thrive.
Starting school is a hugely exciting and important milestone
for children, and their families.
To discover more about Spratton Hall’s ethos and what
we can offer your child please contact us on
[email protected] or 01604 847292 to
organise a visit or to come to our next Open Morning on
Friday 5th October 2018 between 10am-12noon.
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Getting back into
sleep routine after
the summer holidays
Late nights, lie-ins and special days out can play
havoc with a child’s sleep, but getting kids back
into a term time sleep routine doesn’t have to be
a nightmare according to The Sleep Council...
As the start of a new school year is upon us, parents are The Sleep Council’s top tips to help your
advised to start trying to re-establish their child’s regular child get back into a routine ready for school:
sleep routine. Summer holidays are a fun and exciting time for
children, but they can also disrupt bedtimes. • Explain the importance of a good night’s sleep to them
Sleep is especially important for children as it directly impacts • Encourage regular exercise – outdoor play, bike rides,
mental and physical development. Young children need around
10-11 hours sleep a night, older children around nine. Lack of walks or sport
sleep can make children irritable and can lead to mood swings, • Following a routine, with things done in the same order
behavioural problems such as hyperactivity and cognitive
problems that affects their ability to learn in school. before going to bed at night will help
It’s also important to have a proper wind down routine before • Reduce caffeine such as coke and other fizzy drinks, and
bedtime. Try putting away toys and particularly electronic
items, an hour before they go to bed. A bath followed by a even chocolate
warm milky drink and reading them a book is a simple and • Make sure the bedroom is tech free, or alternatively zone
effective wind-down.This gets children relaxed and ready for
bed. Make sure that the bed is comfy and welcoming too – the room into sleep and play areas
and never send kids to bed if they’re being naughty! • Create a restful sleeping environment – a room that is
dark, cool, quiet, safe and clutter free
• Make sure the bed is comfortable and that it is still big
enough for growing children.
Blackout blinds that
really do work!
Most blackout blinds and blackout curtains have gaps around
the sides, top and bottom so inevitably light pours in, no
matter how good the quality of the blackout fabric. Easyblinds
blackout blinds succeed where others fail and successfully
block outside light by closing those gaps, it is as simple as that!
Complete darkness is easily achieved by ensuring that there
are no gaps around the window where light can enter.
Easy blackout fabric attaches directly to VELCRO® brand
hook fastener (included) on the window frame. Between
uses, instead of removing your blackout blind, you can use
our magnetic tiebacks to hold your blind open and these are
available to purchase separately.
Each kit includes: easyblackout blackout material,
self-adhesive VELCRO® brand hook fastener tape and
instructions.There is enough VELCRO® brand hook fastener
tape included to make one blind of the maximum size. If you
wish to use your kit to make two or more smaller blinds,
then additional VELCRO® brand hook fastener tape may be
needed. All that is required in addition is a measuring tape
and scissors. Available in a range of colours and sizes, simply
cut to fit, the material will not fray and does not require a
Their blackout blinds really do work! Please take a
look at their award-winning blackout blinds on the website
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Go Plastic Free
Plastic straws, stirrers
and cotton buds ban
The Government announced its intention to ban the sale of plastic straws, drink
stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds at the start of the Commonwealth Heads
of Government Summit.
Single-use plastic items such as straws, stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds
have a significant impact on our environment, both on land and in our seas and
rivers when they are either littered or discarded incorrectly after use - with a
recent study showing 8.5 billion plastic straws are thrown away each year in the UK.
The UK government is a world leader on this issue, and the British public have
shown passion and energy embracing the plastic bag charge and microbead ban, and
the government have put forward ambitious plans to further reduce plastic waste
from straws, stirrers and cotton buds.
Alongside the domestic action, this week we are rallying Commonwealth countries
to join us in the fight against marine plastics, with £61.4million funding for global
research and to improve waste management in developing countries.
The Commonwealth is a unique organisation, with a huge diversity of wildlife,
environments and coastlines.Together we can effect real change so that future
generations can enjoy a natural environment that is healthier than we currently
find it.
There are over 150 million tonnes of plastic in the world’s oceans and every year
one million birds and over 100,000 sea mammals die either from eating or getting
entangled in plastic waste.
Feel good shopping
Ethical Superstore’s mission is to enable you to make feel good choices when it
comes to your shopping. To help you make the choices you feel are right they bring
together products sourced from all over the world that hold the ethical credentials
that are important. Whether you’re new to the idea of ethically-conscious buying
or you’re very passionate about a whole range of ethical issues affecting what you
buy, those values are personal to you and the Ethical Superstore are here to make it
easier for you to live by those ideals.
They strive to protect our planet and make efforts to find eco-friendly alternatives
to everyday items such as fashion, food, cosmetics and cleaners that do as little
harm to the environment as possible - giving you the choice to use environmentally
friendly products to suit your lifestyle.
To help farmers and small businesses primarily in developing countries, Ethical
Superstore offers fairly traded goods, guaranteeing fair prices at every stage of the
supply chain so that you can feel good in knowing that not a single person has been
exploited in the production process and in fact fair prices are
helping to alleviate poverty. Closer to home, they are giving
UK based brands a platform to sell products that have been
made right here in Britain, utilising local resources and cutting
carbon emissions through import. More importantly the
Ethical Superstore wants to inspire you to live life to the
full by promoting a healthy lifestyle, encouraging their
customers to enjoy the beautiful world around
us and letting you rest easy knowing you’ve
made the most positive choices for people
and planet.
Customer services 0333 400 0464
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Go Plastic Free
Cleaner Smile, Cleaner Planet
The UK’s first eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush subscription service
It is estimated that 3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes are used •The number of people in your house
worldwide each year, with the average person using around •Whether you like the soft brushes that dentists recommend ,
300 toothbrushes in their lifetime.Approximately 80% of that or popular medium brushes
plastic ends up in the sea, and then takes over one thousand • Different sizes for children and adults
years to decompose. It is time to make a change to our plastic • Brushes in different colours, so nobody gets mixed up
toothbrush habit.The Pearly White Club created the UK’s Behind the brand
first bamboo toothbrush subscription service, helping to clean Jenny Hutchings, an estate agent, and her husband Dave
your teeth and save the planet at the same time.A fresh new Hutchings, a veteran paratrooper and business owner, have been
biodegradable toothbrush is delivered to your door every 6 trying to move towards a plastic free lifestyle. In their move to
weeks, so you will never forget to change a frayed and bacteria- reduce household waste they realised the toothbrushes were
filled old brush again. one of the biggest difficulties sourcing bamboo brushes on
Cleaning up the environment the weekly shop. Jenny and Dave co-founded The Pearly White
Pearly White Club Toothbrushes are made from FSC regulated Company to create a convenient solution for plastic free living
MOSO bamboo.This means it takes just a few years to for a product people can’t live without.
decompose, it grows incredibly fast (approx.. 1 meter per day!) The Pearly White Club subscriptions for one person are
and is even certified Panda-friendly – because they don’t eat it, priced at £30 per year, or £3 per month.The subscriptions are
and it does not damage their natural environment! discounted with each additional person added. Subscriptions are
When creating the bristles,The Pearly White Club put teeth available from
first.The only fully biodegradable bristles come from animal Helping the homeless
hair, which aren’t good for your teeth – or the animals! The As well as helping the planet,The Pearly White Club are
bristles on the Pearly White Brushes are from Nylon 6, which is committed to helping people. For every subscription The Pearly
BPA free, decomposes faster than other nylons and is the most White Club donates a toothbrush to New Hope –
effective material for keeping your teeth clean. It also means the a homelessness prevention charity, providing practical and
toothbrush is 100% vegan-friendly. emotional support homeless and disadvantaged people in
Subscriptions tailored to your family Watford.
The Pearly White Club offers different subscriptions to suit your For more information visit
family with packages tailored to:
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Go Plastic Free
A pioneer in sustainable and eco-friendly flamingo, the funny crocodile and Each set includes an instruction manual
toys, BiOBUDDi is a 100% bio-based the darling duckling will inspire your
range of building blocks made from little ones to get creative with their in easy to follow pictures of how to
green polyethylene using the leftovers storytelling! BiOBUDDi is designed
of the sugar cane plant, making them to stimulate your child’s creativity and assemble each animal as well as fun
completely recyclable! BiOBUDDi is imagination through play. But it doesn’t
committed to making a positive impact stop there. Leave it to your imagination and educational facts about your newly
on the planet with their growing range to build creations of your own. Combine
of educational and wildlife themed the animals in each playset to create assembled friend.
building blocks, manufactured in the your own zoo, safari or wildlife park for
Netherlands and distributed in the UK more fun! In addition to the Wildlife range,
by Liberty House Toys.
Suitable for children from 18 months+ BiOBUDDi’s educational blocks have
the wilderness and nature are the
backdrop for the new BiOBUDDi more than 13 sets ranging from alphabet
‘Wildlife’ range, which includes a range
of 7 animals sets.The flamboyant and numbers, to shapes, animals, and
more, so children can develop their
basic skills as they play with their blocks.
To view the full range please visit our
For more information on this unique
and exciting range email us
[email protected] or
call 0330 111 6939.
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What's On
We had loads of entries for our
recent competition and the two
winners this year of a free Family
Ticket to visit the Wistow Maze are
Daria Delbani and Lisa Woods.
Wistow Maze is still open weekends
only until Sunday 23rd September,
10am - 6pm (last admission 4.30pm)
with free parking.
Admission prices:
Child £5.95 Adult £6.95
Family Ticket (2+2) £24.00
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What's On
Christmas Gifts for Patients 2018 Appeal
In the lead up to Christmas, Northamptonshire Health containing a range of items helping to make a huge difference
Charitable Fund call upon the wonderful people of to their experience of being an in-patient on the day. We are
Northampton to donate Christmas gifts so that we can hoping to do the same this year!
achieve our aim of ensuring every patient, in any of the We would be very grateful if you could donate any present
hospitals we support, receives a present on Christmas Day. to our appeal so that the charity team can work towards
Each year we are truly humbled by the generosity and ensuring that every patient receives a present on Christmas
kindness of the local community in helping us to achieve this. Day. We would welcome items such as puzzle books, slippers
Chris Wood,Ward Sister on Paddington Ward at NGH said and socks, to toiletries, biscuits and lip balms to toys, games
“We were incredibly fortunate over the festive season to receive and activities for our Children’s Wards and for the Short
many lovely gifts for parents and children. Parents were grateful Break Centres out in the community.
for fantastic overnight boxes and delighted that Santa visited at For infection control purposes can you please ensure that
midnight to deliver sacks of presents to children of all ages”. the items are new, in the original packaging and not gift
Remember it’s not only children that are in hospital over wrapped, so that we can make sure that the gifts are allocated
Christmas, adults are too and they are often the ones that get appropriately.Thank you.
forgotten when it comes to presents. Last year, we were able If you would like to take part in our appeal you can donate
to offer every patient in hospital over Christmas a gift bag items by dropping them in at the charity office at Springfield,
Cliftonville, Northampton, NN1 5BE, Monday to Friday 9-4PM.
We are situated a short walk out from A&E at the hospital,
next door to the Urgent Treatment Centre. Alternatively,
why not come and join us for our Christmas Fair on Saturday
10th November at St Andrews Methodist Church in Duston
between 1:30 - 4PM and
drop your donations off
to us then, while grabbing
yourselves a few bargains.
Your help really does
make a difference,
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Watching your child play is one of the most rewarding As well as providing free age-appropriate resources to run
pastimes. Not only because it gives you a rest for at least activities with children at home, school or in groups, the
two minutes, but because you can see the sheer joy on their charity will be calling on decision makers to prioritise cycle
face as they explore the world around them, have fun and friendly infrastructure.
burn off all that relentless energy. Making our roads safer and providing better routes away
It’s great when they can do all this in safe surroundings such from traffic is key to help you and your little ones continue
as an indoor play centre with state-of-the-art equipment exploring the world around them without fear of being
and padded flooring. But unfortunately, when it comes to injured or killed.
playing and enjoying our outdoor space, we are often limited Register now at to take
to where we can let them go and how they travel from one part and receive free resources or campaign for safer roads
place to the next.Any parent will tell you that keeping their in your area.
child safe around roads is a constant worry.
With more and more traffic on our roads, families are And if your child is aged under seven, then get them
often torn between encouraging children to be more active involved with Brake’s Beep Beep! Day on Wednesday 21
by cycling and walking, and a fear of letting them near November. Each year thousands of tots and infants are
dangerous roads. Road crashes are the second biggest cause engaged with road safety basics while raising awareness
of death for youngsters aged 5–19, so it’s easy to understand among their community.
why road safety is such a pressing issue for many families. Make sure their nursery or school is aware of it as they can
The good news is there are lots of things that can be done access lots of free games and activities to run with your
to improve road safety at a local level and Road Safety Week child and their friends.
(19-25 November) is an ideal opportunity to bring people
together to work towards safer travel for everyone. Beep Beep! Day
Road Safety Week is coordinated by road safety charity
Brake, with support from the Department for Transport. Wednesday 21 November 2018
This year’s theme of Bike Smart focuses on the importance
of protecting those on two wheels, who are some of the
most vulnerable road users.
Road Safety Week
19–25 November 2018
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Colouring Competition
For a chance to win your own Lasercraft pencil set (see page 27)
colour this picture and send it to Creative Media Magazines Ltd,
42 Friargate, Derby DE1 1DA with your name, age and address attached.
Usual competition rules apply. Closing date 5th November.
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Northampton Town have some fantastic matchday
opportunities to offer youngsters the chance to
experience some once in a lifetime moments...
Becoming a mascot is an experience any young supporter Northampton Town Football Club offer some fantastic
will never forget with each mascot receiving a full replica
kit with your name on the back, access into the Able Print matchday experiences for schools teams or groups.
Players Lounge, commemorative photograph, seating in the GUARD OF HONOUR
Executive area for one adult and one junior and of course Line up on the pitch to wave your flag and welcome the
you walk out with the players too!
BIRTHDAY PARTIES players on to the pitch. Minimum numbers of 8.
Northampton Town offer highly successful matchday OFFICIAL FLAG WAVERS
birthday party packages for young supporters on a matchday, Be one of our official matchday flag wavers lined up around
sponsored by Smyths Toy Superstore.
These packages, which have been highly popular with young the edge of the pitch welcoming the players out of the tunnel.
supporters in the last few seasons at the PTS Academy
Stadium, see the birthday child enjoy a birthday card signed Minimum numbers of 8.
by the captain, photographs in the dug outs, time in the WALK OUT WITH THE PLAYERS
FIFA GameZone in the West Stand, penalties on the pitch Here’s your chance to walk out hand in hand with a player
pre-match, food & drink, seating in the Mick George Family
Area (East Stand), the birthday child walks out with a Minimum numbers of 8
Northampton Town player while their friends help form the
Guard of Honour to welcome the players onto the pitch You may be walking out with home or away players.
and Smyths Toy Superstore give the birthday child an extra CENTRE CIRCLE EXPERIENCE
present with a £5 gift voucher and the whole party receive a Hold the centre circle banner with 10 of your friends before
goody bag too.
kick off!
These packages are very popular, so please don’t delay.
Please email [email protected] for more details.
Tickets for under 7s at Northampton Town are totally free!
They are available by calling 01604 683777 or by visiting
An awesome
ZORB Football UK specialises in delivering youths and kids
ZORB Football events in Northamptonshire, offering an
awesome sporting experience for the young people of junior
sports clubs, community organisations, colleges and schools.
A truly memorable event and one that will create a buzz in
the playground, all of their Youth ZORB Football packages
are tailored to meet your own personal needs and are ideal
for any event, birthday party, schools activity and similar
The ZORB Football Youth packages are a unique and exciting
way for young people to enjoy playing the beautiful game. The
children get to enjoy the best of both worlds, playing the game
they love whilst being able to run, jump, roll, wobble, bump and
bounce around until their heart’s content. The ZORB Football
add-ons include Premier and Champions League football kits,
personalised football boots, professional photography and
much more.
For the tailored youth celebratory package call 0800 634 8695
and make it a day remember. [email protected]
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