Policy Document on Shariah Governance
Since the introduction of the Shariah Governance Framework for Islamic Financial Institutions in 2011,
the Islamic finance industry in Malaysia has achieved significant milestones towards institutionalising
governance structures, policies and processes to promote end-to-end Shariah compliance in Islamic
finance operations.
Efforts to further strengthen Shariah governance standards remain a priority to the Bank as good
governance models and practices evolve in tandem with the growing complexity of the Islamic financial
industry. As such, the revised policy document on Shariah Governance outlines a more integrated
Shariah governance policy and implementation that will impact business model and strategy of Islamic
financial institutions as well as drive innovation of value-adding Islamic financial products and services
through effective implementation of the Shariah contract-based regulatory framework.
Key organs under Shariah Governance
Control Management Board Shariah Secretariat
functions committee
Ensure effective Ensure compliance with Ensure institutionalisation of Provide objective and Provide operational support
management Shariah at all times a robust Shariah sound Shariah decision for effective functioning of
of Shariah
governance framework or advice the Shariah committee
non-compliance risk
Key responsibilites and requirements
Board Shariah committee
Ensure integration of Shariah governance Establish a robust methodology for
considerations within business and risk decision-making process
strategies of Islamic financial institutions Each member must exercise professional
Promote sound Shariah compliance objectivity and consistency in providing
culture views
Frequent quality engagement
Have “due regard” on Shariah committee Update board on any Shariah issues or
decision or advice matter that may affect safety and
Oversee effectiveness of Shariah soundness of Islamic financial institutions
committee in the aspects of appointment, Disclose any conflict of interest
reappointment and cessation processes,
professional objectivity, development of
skills and expertise, performance
assessment and remuneration, and
succession plan
Management Control functions
Establish management structure and Must be independent from business lines
reporting arrangement that provides clear Senior officers overseeing Islamic financial
scope of accountability between business institution’s risk management, compliance
lines and internal control functions and internal audit must be responsible for
Implement effective Shariah governance the following functions respectively
policies, procedures and practices
Shariah risk Shariah Shariah
management review audit
Proportionate arrangements for Islamic windows and foreign branches
“Board” refers to governing body or any committees locally (for foreign branches)
Shariah committee – minimum 3 members; at least 2 meetings a year
Disclosures on Shariah governance to be part of group/financial institution annual report
(for Islamic windows); submitted to the Bank (for foreign branches)
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