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Published by design, 2021-05-06 13:45:03

Mark Wall Training prospectus May 2019

Mark Wall Training prospectus May 2019


for the public and third sector

A series of unique but interconnected
training courses for staff working
in the public and third sector to
improve communication and media
management skills.

Mark Wall Communications now offer a series
of stand-alone but related courses helping people
to develop their communication skills. Although
the core content is set, each course is designed
specifically for the target audience where all
examples and exercises are agreed with the
organisation in advance to ensure relevance.

Training courses available:
Media management

Negotiating and Influencing skills

Recruitment and selection

Presentation skills I found it very useful to
Crisis communications get real world learning
Social media from a PR and journalist
Pitching for new work perspective. The top tips
will be invaluable and
the practical experience

of being filmed on
camera helped frame
my thoughts as well

as think about the
presentation of my
message on camera

I thoroughly
enjoyed myself

and learnt a
great deal and
others to attend

I wish I’d had this
training years ago

How to use the media
…without letting them use you

We all know just how powerful the media are in modern society.
We all criticise them; but we all keep buying the papers, watching
the TV and looking at the websites. But how do we use them
to achieve our business goals? How do we make sure they
understand and broadcast our message? And what do we do when
they are running a negative story about us – legitimately or not?

This course will give you a comprehensive (getting your message across) while giving
introduction to the media – what they are, them what they need (a decent story,
how they work and what they want. The good copy). If both parties are happy then
day is packed with practical exercises and a more positive story appears. This is
everyone on the course will be interviewed true both reactively and proactively, and
on camera, with the group providing a full whether the story is negative or positive.
review. The day will also equip participants
with crucial back up theory that will explain Print Interviews
what is going on in the communications
transaction with the media. Understanding the choreography of a
print media interview and the meaning of
Content terms such as “off the record.” A series
of hints and tips will support the theory
There are five elements to the training outlined earlier and participants will have
offered: the chance to practice an interview, with
bespoke scenarios, and supportive critical
Communication theory feedback.
and models
Radio Interviews
Understanding what is going on when we
communicate is vital. Having a clear model Understanding the differences of a radio
in your mind of how to communicate and interview: live vs. recorded; voice tone;
prioritise key narrative messages ensures space; speed.
that the interviewee and not the interviewer
controls the interview. The message house Television Interviews
model is simple and works; allowing the
interviewee to have a clear view at all points The difference with television is partly
on the messages to be delivered. obvious (you can be seen) but is also more
subtle. All of the lessons and discussions
Understanding a Journalist of the training are brought together in
the final session where everyone is given
This is all about getting into the mind of the a specific scenario and interviewed on
journalist and understanding the pressures camera. Videos of interviews can be kept
they are under and the needs they have. by the trainees if requested.
Our view is that you can get what you want


By the end of the day participants will be able to:

• Better understand how a journalist thinks • Be interviewed on a positive story

• Understand what tip and tools you need • Be interviewed on camera dealing
to be a successful interviewee with a negative story

I just want to say what an excellent day I had on Tuesday. The
training was really interactive and fun. The whole day was executed
in a very professional manner, but still allowing us all to be informal
and relaxed throughout. I personally feel much more confident with
the expertise you shared with us on the day and feel that my next

appearance in the media will be a more pleasant experience

Identifying bid opportunities,
preparing and pitching for
new contracts

There is an increasing demand being placed on organisations in
the third sector to compete and bid for work. There is now huge
pressure to retain and expand contracts, and staff need to be
skilled at identifying, pitching for and then sustaining contracts
with funders.

This course is aimed at managers who are responsible for
identifying, developing and maintaining business contracts. The
day will equip participants with the crucial skills they need to be
successful in this area.

Aims 3. Pitching for a bid

• Understand why and when you How to pitch if you get shortlisted.
should bid.
Understanding narrative, voice and
• Master the key elements of any audience.
successful bid.
The pitfalls of poor pitching.
• Writing a successful bid.
4. Maintaining good Client relations
• Pitching effectively.
Reporting success and negotiating
• Negotiate necessary change. change.

• Keep clients informed and happy. Understanding who your key
contacts are.

Course elements Maintaining client confidence.
A checklist for maintaining clients.
1. Identifying bids

Is it new business? Is it an extension of Content
existing business?
The one day course will be a mixture of theory
How do you evaluate the opportunity? and practice. The morning will provide context,
theory and a series of top tips, supported by
Is this a good fit? Does it match our a handbook. The afternoon session will be an
values? Does it suit our strengths? “as live” bidding process involving writing and
pitching for a bid.
Is it good value? Does it make money?

2. Preparing a bid

Understanding context: Who are my
competitors? Where is my USP?

How do I write a persuasive bid document?

A quick email to say
a big thank you for
arranging the media
training yesterday.

It was fantastic

Very well run, good pace
and interaction, excellent
presenter, communicative,
informative and well versed

Negotiating and influencing skills

Most of us have to negotiate at some point: with colleagues, with
competitors, with providers. It is a crucial skill for middle and
senior managers to have. And yet there is very little time given
over to exploring the skills needed to be an effective negotiator.
Linked to this, we all need to understand how to influence people.
What can we do to help them see our point of view and make
decisions that help our organisation and clients? This course looks
at a range of negotiating and influencing skills, giving participants
the understanding and techniques they need to be effective.

Mark and Nick were very engaging and personable.
I very much enjoyed the training and would
welcome any further input from them both.

Content The trainers were very
motivating and passionate
Evolution has equipped our conscious about the subject matter.
minds to be thoughtful, altruistic and
accommodating; in effect preparing us to Types of questions and the power of
be effective negotiators. Simultaneously, probing; the impact of liking and the
the older, emotional part of our brains relevance of Stockholm syndrome.
remains and can lead us to display subtle Internal messages: exercising pre-meet
degrees of selfishness, disdain and thoughts to ensure you are as prepared
obstinacy; often without us having any as you can be; the importance of
awareness. assertiveness.
External messages: how to make the
This course shows participants how to best use of body language; the concept of
harness both of these human inevitabilities mirroring and the broken record approach.
to ensure meaningful commitment to Framing language: Trump and Clinton;
the negotiation process on both sides. Obamacare versus the affordable health
Participants learn how to rewrite their care act; understanding your bottom line.
‘inner dialogue’ to maintain a positive
approach to negotiation.

We concentrate on psychological framing
with a view to creating a holding point
which both parties feel comfortable to
share, by speaking a common language.

We also explore and apply the academic
writing of key thinkers such as Stephen
Pinker and Robert Cialdini to ensure that
we can utilise the very latest approaches to
effective influencing.

Modern examples are used to explain
theories and exercises devised to be
relevant and helpful to participants.

Elements of the day Outcomes:

Questionnaire: what do you do? Why do we By the end of the course attendees will:
often get it wrong? When we are faced with
someone who can’t see what to us is obvious, • Understand key theories about
we tend to think they are daft, obstructive, negotiating
etc. How do we get beyond this?
• Have a range of techniques to employ
Language: what’s the difference between in a negotiation
Influencing and Manipulating? Exploration
of bullying, cajoling, bribing and seeking • Be able to plan and prepare well
• Understand what influences them and
The persuasive funnel: what is it and how how they can influence others
does it work? Why you can’t force the
penny to drop but you can cause people • Be adept at using framing to maximise
to think, which can lead to the penny the effective use of language.

Presentation skills

We all have to do presentations: in business meetings, to pitch for
work, to enthuse staff teams or to placate funders. But if we’re
honest, most of the presentations we have to endure are simply
dull. They are little more than the speaker’s notes transcribed
onto a PowerPoint slide deck and projected on the wall. This
course will equip you with tried and tested techniques to make
your presentations stand out and have real impact.

This course will give you a new Elements of the day
approach to preparing and delivering
a presentation. We start by examining Communication theory
the theory of how we communicate and and models
how we identify and understand our
audience. Then we use the concepts of Understanding what is going on when we
the message house and storyboarding to communicate is vital. Having a clear model
develop a series of simple but effective in your mind of how to communicate and
techniques to make your presentations prioritise key narrative messages ensures
engaging and entertaining. The day is a that the presentation can be specifically
mixture of theory, exercises and practical targeted and so gain traction with the
presentations, with each participant given target audience. The message house
the time and support they need. model is simple and works; allowing the
presenter to have a clear narrative arc
Content throughout the presentation.

Participants experience and practice a wide Storyboards
range of techniques proven to engage and
maintain audience attention. These include A storyboard is by far the best way to plan
the use of creative thought techniques out your presentation, adding different
to inject originality and freshness to the styles and stories as necessary. It allows
planning process; methods to evaluate the presenter to take a strategic view of
a presentation well before the event; the presentation, and avoids the dreaded
researching the audience, and framing a “death by PowerPoint”
talk to ensure key points are accepted in
an atmosphere in which confrontation and PowerPoint slides
controversy are minimalised.
How to make the best use of a slide deck.
The course is based on a variety of Participants will end the day with a clear
techniques; from those employed by the understanding of how a PowerPoint
Greek orators through to present day file can both add and detract from their
speakers. We explore the concept that presentation. We emphasise throughout
the best speakers think more about their the day that a slide deck is not your
audience than themselves; and in particular presentation; it is a useful tool to support
understand the power of story, metaphor your presentation. A series of hints and
and analogy. tips will be given to enliven and minimise
the use of PowerPoints.


By the end of the day participants will be able to:

• Plan and test a presentation using the • Start and finish a presentation
storyboard technique memorably

• Differentiate between germane and • Use story, metaphor and analogy to
superfluous content make messages truly stick

• Research and tailor talks to specific • Use visual aids sparingly and for
audiences specific purposes

The trainer made me feel very much at ease and because
he delivered the training within a small group this allowed

me to overcome my fear of public speaking

Crisis communications

A full day course for those who have already attended the basic
media management course. Trainees will be taken through an
as live exercise, utilising their skills to respond positively and
strategically to a developing crisis.

Participants will need to consider the media, staff, stakeholders
and the public as they plan and deliver their communication
against tight deadlines.

Content In their teams they will need to agree
strategy, review and adjust and retain the
The day will be an as-live media confidence of their peers, seniors and the
management exercise. As the participants media. All of this will be to extremely tight
arrive they will be split into groups of 3 or 4 deadlines.
and given a detailed and realistic scenario.
The scenario will change and develop
They will be given specific tasks to complete every hour, providing a greater degree of
to tight deadlines, including for example: challenge to the team. The culmination of
the exercise will be a challenging interview
• agreeing a line to take to one member of each team.

• briefing journalists off the record The exercises will be interspersed with
reminders of communication theory,
• answering questions a revisiting of the top tips previously
discussed and mentoring and support from
• dealing with door-stepping the trainers.

• deciding whether or not to do
interviews and if so, who, how and

Communication skills

Content Great trainers/teachers
who were clearly
This half day programme introduces
trainees to the theory underpinning subject matter experts
communications, and suggests a new and therefore able to
model for planning and implementing bring the strategies to
communication in a variety of settings. life with meaningful

A three hour session for up to six examples.
people will cover:

• An understanding of what is
happening in the communications

• An awareness of the benefits of
narrative led communication.

• Tip and tricks to communicate
more effectively.

• How to use the message house
model to shape and plan your
communication at all levels.

• How to shape communications
for a specific audience.

• Top tips on better use of language.

Recruitment & selection

Recruitment is essential to any organisation, the ratio of time
spent in a robust procedure is repaid time and again in the years
following recruitment of the best person for the role.

Many interviewers never get below the surface because they are
often stuck by worries about asking ‘illegal questions’, by myths
around having to ask all applicants exactly the same questions,
and a lack of tenacity in the process. We also cover the reasons
that brain-teasers and trick questions are a waste of time in

On this course we coach participants in The interview
contemporary behavioural interviewing
techniques to ensure they have the skills How to ‘get below the surface’ and find
to establish the values of their applicants out what your applicants really think and
by reaching beyond prepared answers feel using contemporary behavioural
and use a range of questioning techniques interviewing techniques. We provide
to explore applicants’ work and life individualised coached practice in
experiences in the context of the role. interviewing techniques in a safe and
supportive environment. We include
Of particular importance is the role o comprehensive guidance on what
supplementary work tests and visits to gain interviewers ‘can and can’t ask’.
as complete a picture of a candidate as
possible. Candidate tasks and tests to
support the interview
Some people are ‘good’ at interviews and
Person specification some are not – either way, interviews are
and Job Description often not sufficient to see what an applicant
is really like. We sample a range of activities
How to avoid vague general terms and and tests which can support the interview to
ensure both you and applicants know provide a deeper, more complete picture of
exactly what you’re looking for. How to each shortlisted applicant.
design person specifications to make
shortlisting straightforward. Screening. References

Adverts and supporting We provide clear guidance in this often
information misunderstood area.

Ensure prospective applicants really know
what the job entails by creating attractive
and accurate advertisements. Includes how
and where to advertise.


By the end of the day participants will be able to:

• Create a genuinely attractive job • Select appropriate tests and activities
description and person specification to support an interview

• Draft an authentic and enticing advert • Use behavioural interviewing
techniques to truly examine candidates
• Accurately shortlist applicants

I’d really like to thank you for what was I thought was an excellent
training day! It was incredibly productive for the training to be so
tailored to the sector and individual attendees, which is rare and
which I felt really made for a great learning experience. The group
size also felt appropriate too, with plenty of one-to-one time and
with good opportunities to learn from each other too. Importantly,

the training will enable me to work across the organisation in
strengthening media and promotional activities

Social media

How do you use social media to promote your organisation, manage
your stakeholders and respond to developing agendas? And how do
you make sure you control it and not the other way round?

Content Having attended lots of
This half day course provides an excellent sessions in the past, I must
practical introduction to using social media
for your business and organisation. We say that I was pleasantly
will look at the main social media channels impressed by how relaxed, well
(twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and show prepared and knowledgeable.
how you can find a balance between
communicating and engaging through They created a really great
them and not being overwhelmed or over atmosphere and I was excited
committing resources to deal with it. throughout the day and was
looking forward to what was
The role of social media in crisis
communications is also addressed. going to happen next.

The outcome of the course will be that
participants feel equipped to develop a
strategy for social media to benefit their

A full day course can also be provided
with the afternoon dedicated to a practical
demonstration of setting up social media
platforms and the various tools available to
help you run them.

Why use Mark Wall?

Mark is a Recent clients include
communications the London Sexual
specialist working Health Transformation
across NHS, Programme, YourMK
third sector and (a regeneration
Local Authority company in Milton
organisations Keynes), the London
to improve Housing Foundation,
communications HealthWatch Somerset,
and provide Weston Hospital,
specialist support. Yeovil Hospital, Health
Watch Bristol, the NHS
A theologian and Litigation Authority, Learning Partnership
ambulance man West, the National Association of School
by training, he Business Managers and The Care Forum.
worked for 10
years as a senior manager in social housing He was asked by the World Health
in London before re-joining the NHS in Organisation to develop and deliver
2003. During his NHS career, Mark was the communications training for 50 health
Head of Communications at a major acute service leaders in Athens in 2014.
Trust in Somerset with responsibilities for
all external and internal communications, Mark is also a regular contributor to
public engagement, online presence, social local media and a prize winning stand-up
media and marketing. He was awarded the comedian.
prestigious national “Best Communications
Improving Patient Care” award in 2001.

Mark now runs his own PR and
communications agency providing expert
communications advice, strategic support
and training to clients on a variety of
communication challenges.



I just want to say what an excellent day I had Mark’s enthusiasm,
on Tuesday. The training was really interactive passion and expertise have
and fun. The whole day was executed in a very
professional manner, but still allowing us all to been invaluable in the
delivery of this complex,
be informal and relaxed throughout
high profile project
Senior Manager, London based Housing Association
Dr Andrew Howe,
Director of Public Health

Mark Wall Communications Mark is an excellent communicator; creative,
have helped us with Media flexible and very easy to work with. He is

and Communications well known in the NHS and across the south
Training, tailored marketing west media and gets things done. His ability
to calmly and effectively manage in a crisis is
projects, including media
planning and social media extremely valuable.”

management in the last Andrew Brown, Director
year. They have listened
and understood our brief
for each of these projects
and delivered accurately
and on time, every time.

The training has been
interesting, well received,
remembered and used by

our staff – thank you

Comments from a recent National
Association of School Business

Managers conference included: “Shame
we ran out of time”, “some helpful

hints”, “Taught me a new way to get my
message over successfully”

The trainers & associates

Mark Wall David Evans set
BD (Hons.) (Lond.), up The Campaign
M.Phil (Exon.) was a Company in 2001,
senior communicator and now leads this
in the NHS for almost successful million
ten years and now runs pound organisation
his own successful with links across the
communications business. He has public sector. As Assistant General
extensive experience of presenting Secretary of the Labour Party from
to a wide variety of audiences for a 1999-2001, he had responsibility for
broad range of purposes. As well as his the organisation of the 2001 General
professional experience across the public Election campaign. He now works across
sector he is a published author, a regular the political spectrum bidding for and
contributor to local media and a prize winning work with local authorities,
winning stand-up comedian. health and third sector bodies. David’s
company wrote the definitive guide to
Dr Nick Napper consultation and engagement - “New
has over 30 years’ Conversations” – which was published by
experience as an the Local Government Association. David
HR and Learning now regularly presents a masterclass on
& Development engagement for the LGA.
professional. In the
course of his career Joanna Drzazga
he has also taught outdoor pursuits, Joanna has extensive
Emergency Services and designed filming experience and
national online learning programmes. approaches all projects
Nick specialises in improving the with a creative flair
efficiency of communication and and eye for detail. She
teaching methods using evidence- also benefits from technical expertise,
based methods, whilst maintaining whether that be with camera and lighting
an emphasis on treating everyone as equipment or utilising social media
individuals. platforms for live streaming purposes.

David Woodland has been a working journalist with ITV for 30 years
and covered stories for Sky for 15 years and currently works with the
BBC. He has produced over 5000 news stories, interviewed some of
the big beasts of the political world and understands what makes a
good story. David will use his current experience to explain how a
journalist thinks.

If you would like to discuss your training needs or receive further
information about any of these courses please contact Mark Wall:
[email protected] Tel: 0790 999 3278 01823 271508

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