Impact Report
Funded and supported by:
It wasn’t just the money debts;
it was all the other stuff I was
having to deal with at the time.
Feelings. Maria was helping me get
my head round things. She got me
out of my shell and made me deal
with things - you know?
Client TH
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 3
Navigate is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation I realised that I could actually deal with these
(CIO). We are a registered charity and provide: things and they weren’t so terrible as I was
thinking they were. They’d become a monster.
• Accessible, free, impartial, confidential and
effective money and debt advice. Like an ogre; they loom over you.
• Financial education and capability courses. Client TH
We achieve: Objective Outcome
• Social benefit by tackling social and financial Equip individuals and Prevention of financial
exclusion in the communities we serve. communities with knowledge, hardship
skills and capabilities
• Financial resilience and confidence for the
people we support. Educate individuals and Build individual and
communities in financial community’ knowledge
We work with: literacy by offering high quality, and confidence to manage
innovative services that are money effectively
• High quality resources and experienced staff. accessible and responsive
• A network of organisations spanning the Empower individuals and Build confidence and
public, private, charitable and community communities to tackle social engagement through
sectors. isolation community development
Navigate’s Vision: Share learning and highlight
social inequality Inform practice and
To eliminate social isolation and financial hardship. policy, encouraging
better integrated working
O ur Mission: relationships and greater
sector investment.
To equip individuals and communities with the
knowledge, skills and capabilities to overcome
social isolation and financial hardship through
high-quality, accessible advice services.
4 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Navigate has a formal partnership with Encompass Our service currently operates in Devon and Somerset.
Southwest and Mind in Somerset known as Wis£rmoney. In West Somerset it is estimated that 16,500 (or 12%) of
households live in fuel poverty (2016 Dept. of Business,
The partnership was formed in 2012 and currently delivers Energy and Industrial Strategy). Across Devon: 41,000
a number of Financial Inclusion services across Devon households live in fuel poverty (Devon County Council
and Somerset and operates under a formal partnership Children’s Services 2019 report) and nationally 56% of
agreement. people who live in poverty are in working families (from
Joseph Rowntree Foundation UK Poverty 2019/20
Wis£rmoney specialise in providing comprehensive money Report).
and debt advice services to those who are facing financial
hardship and exclusion. We aim to respond to all clients within 24 hours of first
contact. Our immediate assistance, within a client’s home,
Encompass Southwest (ESW) is a charity that works to is recognised as one of the most unique and innovative
prevent and resolve homelessness and rough sleeping; methods of eradicating poverty.
and reduce the impact of poverty and financial exclusion.
Wis£rmoney services are unique in
In 2015-16 the Wiser£money partnership expanded to providing debt advice, welfare benefits
include Mind in Somerset; a highly regarded provider of advice and income maximisation with
specialist mental health services. in-depth casework support, delivered
through home visits across Devon and
The Wis£rmoney Partnership has developed a model Somerset. AdviceUK is not aware of any
of working that achieves outstanding results by fusing other comparable debt advice service in
specialist financial inclusion advice and support with England or Wales that delivers a home
specialist mental health services. It is unique in its
delivery as one of the only partnerships providing home visiting service in rural areas.
visiting services in rural areas.
Both Navigate CIO and Encompass Southwest are authorised
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for debt-
related activities and members of AdviceUK.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 5
OUR IMPACT 2,517successful outcomes recorded
£543,931of debt written off
1,145 individuals contacted £1.9million of debt identified and managed
us for help
1,444 cases opened
to support clients
17,589 interventions completed
on behalf of clients
of clients achieved £662,832 of annual gains in income
at least 1 successful £53,562 household support awards issued
outcome 528 individuals participated in Community Wellbeing events
of clients achieved
their financial goals
6 Impact Report 2021- 2022
All people taking part in our financial education As a result of our services,
workshops, Navigate the Money Maze, reported gaining
new financial skills and feeling more confident to tackle £3.9millionthe calculated savings to
their finances in the future.
the public purse exceed
felt they had a better understanding
of the choices available to them to this includes:
manage their money
£268,192Reduced stress and anxiety
plan to use a personal
budget at home to manage £425,592Reduced fuel poverty
£133,600Tenancy secured
felt they had a better understanding
of the pros & cons of different types homelessness averted
of financial decisions
£2,174,416Ability to maintain tenancy
felt more confident
about managing money Debt free £23,099
felt they gained a better £886,977Able to obtain advice locally
understanding of their own
decision making process We take pride in the quality of our service
The IMA said:
“The service overall is performing at a high standard.
It was evident from the cases reviewed that Navigate
provides a quality, client-focussed service. Navigate
meets the IMA’s quality assurance standards.”
✔ Independent Financial Audit
✔ Independent Case Reviews
✔ Independent Quality Audit
✔ Institute of Money Advisers (IMA)
Quality Assurance Standards
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 7
OUR APPROACH We know that everyone’s
circumstances are different.
We have a consistent approach We listen, and help our clients
across all projects, working set their own goals
collaboratively with our clients,
funders and other agencies
We meet people in their We respond promptly and We focus
own space and work at their respectfully with named on building
pace. We stay involved until caseworkers who are confidence
goals are met approachable, knowledgeable and skills to
and contactable help people
make informed decisions and
We leave people in We strive to enable maintain changes in their
control of their individuals and behaviour
situation and communities to be
aware of who more resilient and We build effective
to ask for help if provide a voice for partnerships, and
people who struggle believe
they need it to be heard in and
progress through
8 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Across the predominantly rural
areas of Devon and Somerset:
West Somerset Sedgemoor
North Devon Taunton
Torridge Mid Devon
West Devon
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 9
OUR CLIENTS requires a carer or has input from
other services, without which the
Navigate complete a comprehensive needs client would be unable to engage
assessment to ensure delivery channels offered with the money advice process.
to clients are tailored to individual needs. After
completing the needs assessment, we agree limited or no access to broadband
with the client how we can support them to (no active and reliable internet
access advice. Of the assessments completed in connection or sufficient data/credit)
2021-22 we identified clients with the following
medium or high support needs: little or no ability or confidence
using digital technology (unable
evidence of a physical illness or to find information, download/
disability impacting on ability to use apps, send emails and
engage with other services attachments, understand data, use
video calls).
evidence of financial/domestic
abuse, coercive control or other limited or no access to technology
safeguarding concerns including (tablet, smartphone or laptop).
illegal money lending
show little or no understanding
or self-awareness of a debt or
benefits trigger
10 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Clients presenting with evidence of barriers
impacting on comprehension, reasoning or
learning difficulties
or learning disability
communication difficulties
including language, hearing
or sight loss
OUR CLIENTS Financial exclusion assessments are completed by
the adviser while working directly with the client.
We record health needs disclosed by our clients This assessment identifies where a client faces
with a formal diagnosis: exclusion, barriers and/or financial difficulty. In
2021-22 we identified:
are housebound
due to their health of clients have
no savings
have dementia
have a household
have a learning income of less than
disability £16,190 per year
have a long regularly use
term illness a foodbank
have mental live with a persistent
ill health negative disposable
have a physical
12 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Economic Status % of Age range 35 - 49 50 - 64
Clients of clients
26% 22%
Carer 5%
In Training or Education 6%
Jobseeker 10% 25 - 34 17 - 24 0-16
Registered Unemployed 3% 17% 16%
Retired 15%
Self Employed 3%
Unfit for Work 40% Housing Status % of
Working Full Time 7% Homeless
Homeowner 2%
Working Part Time (16 - 29 hours a week) 8% Residential Care 17%
Tenant - Council Property 1%
Working Part Time (less than 16 hours a week) 2% Tenant - Housing Association 16%
Tenant - Private 25%
Zero Hour/Temporary/Seasonal Employment 1% Tenant - Living with friends/family 27%
Tenant - Temporary Housing 7%
Gender of clients 5%
The time we spend with each client depends on their
needs and the complexity of the case. We work at our
clients pace to reach a successful conclusion.
In 2021-22 over 40% of the clients we worked with to
provide money, debt, welfare benefits and mental health
support required 40 hours or more of intensive case work.
The most time recorded supporting a client is 70 hours.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 13
Navigate the Money Maze (NtMM) is a series of highly How do our courses help?
interactive workshops and courses. They give participants
information, tips and tools to navigate their way towards Most of us have to make financial decisions and manage
financial resilience and effectively managing their money. money at some point in our lives; as a young person
The courses and workshops are delivered through a series receiving pocket money or starting a first job, or as an
of games and discussions. adult managing a household budget. Money affects us all
and having the skills, knowledge and confidence to make
What makes our courses different? informed financial decisions can improve so many areas
of life… relationships, sleep patterns, anxiety and overall
The recognition that we all have different priorities. wellbeing to name a few!
We work with our clients to understand those priorities.
We provide information, tips and tools to enable them Course topics/modules
to make informed financial decisions. Ultimately, clients
leave our courses better equipped and more confident • Making Financial Decisions
in working towards their own financial goals with the
knowledge to assess the pros and cons of the financial • Saving and Borrowing
decisions they make. Empowering people with information
and choice! • Budgeting and Money Management
All of our courses aim to: • Interview Skills/Confidence Building
• Contribute to lifelong educational achievement • Understanding Pay and Payslips
• Myth Busting Benefits.
• Educate individuals in financial literacy and capability; Courses are available face to face and online.
build the skills, knowledge, and confidence to manage
money effectively
• Increase housing and employment opportunities
• Create opportunity to meet others, increase community
involvement and inclusion.
14 Impact Report 2021- 2022
During 2021-22 317 individuals completed our courses/workshops with 311 (98%) providing
feedback. All participants of our budgeting and making financial decisions workshops
reported gaining new financial skills and feeling more confident about tackling their finances
in the future.
felt they had a better understanding
of the choices available to them to
manage their money
plan to use a personal felt more
budget at home to confident about
manage finances managing money
felt they had a better understanding
of the pros & cons of different types
of financial decisions
felt they gained a better
understanding of their own
decision making process
Roy is a 39 year old single male living in assisted Roy also stated that he has a better understanding of the
living accommodation after spending some time in difference between financial guidance and financial advice
a rehabilitation centre for addiction. Roy is currently and the positives and consequences of different types of
unfit for work but his goals are to get his life back on financial decisions.
track following addiction, gain employment and secure
appropriate housing. Roy is feeling more confident about managing money and
feeling less anxious and worried about money. During
Roy has completed three Navigate the Money Maze the interview/confidence skills workshop Roy was able
workshops, myth busting benefits, making financial to recognise skills that he didn’t think he had! Roy was
decisions and interview skills/confidence building. surprised at the number of skills he had exercised through
everyday life and felt that he would never have looked at
In the past Roy has spent time in youth institutions and these as skills without attending the workshop. Roy stated
prisons, has had relationship breakdowns with family and that he now felt able to identify his own skills and that he
friends and has never felt able to support himself due to was feeling much more confident in himself.
poor mental health and addiction.
Following the workshops, Roy told us that he is now ready
Roy has no savings, he does have a bank account and to move on and look at building a future, he has enrolled
uses his money to make sure that he has enough to into college and is looking at part-time employment to
eat, but he finds that he is unable to maintain his other help subsidise this.
commitments and keep himself warm.
Roy said that the courses and workshops have opened his
Each course that Roy has attended has seen a visible eyes to many choices, opportunities, helpful hints/tips and
improvement in his engagement and confidence to help available that he had never heard of or would have
participate. During the first workshop - Making Financial known where to look to access. Overall Roy feels more
Decisions; Roy was reserved and very quiet. During informed of what help is available and where to go to look
the session Roy commented on how he found it very for it, is more aware of the consequences of his decision
interesting to look at what sort of decision maker he is. making and recognises what sort of decision maker he is.
Following this course Roy stated that he:
Roy is planning for the future and putting his learning into
Felt better equipped to find information to help him make practice with a personal budget, built on his own priorities
financial decisions and had a better understanding of and future goals.
his own decision making process. Roy intends to start
using the personal budget planner to help him manage his
finances at home.
16 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 17
All of our money and debt advice services
are delivered through the
Money Form Filling
Partnership. Welfare
Accessible, client centred services,
tailored to individual need.
Mental Accessible Social
Health Advice Policy
Debt Income
18 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Our ethos makes us different needing casework. In the latter case, we embark on a
journey that can be a long one; we don’t place an upper
Our target client group are the hard to reach, who are timescale on our involvement. For someone who is
often socially or rurally isolated. They are people in fuel isolated and under pressure, this can take time and we
poverty, digitally excluded or in debt. They can be faced always work at the pace that works for our clients and
with a change in circumstance, financial hardship and in a space where they are comfortable – usually their
sometimes at risk of homelessness. Our service is unique own homes. We always have a named caseworker and
in its delivery as one of the only partnerships providing communication is through a means that works for our
home visiting services, working at our client’s pace to clients. We put in mental health support if that is needed.
ensure future financial resilience.
We record evidence of the issues found by us and our
Our role is to look at the whole situation, explain the clients, and use this to influence the development of
options and enable the client to make informed decisions. social and health policy throughout our region and
It is not a quick fix; clients may require multiple visits and beyond.
cases may be open for 6 to 12 months.
Applying the knowledge we have learned over a number
Our aim is to empower clients and build their confidence, of years, we run several different projects, always working
money management skills and resilience. in partnership with other organisations. We address gaps
in service for our clients as well as providing advocacy
When clients are referred to us, either by themselves or and advice for money and problem debt. We are very
agencies, we respond quickly and triage their referral to proud of what we do!
the appropriate level of our service or signpost clearly
to others. We identify whether there is a need for a Wis£rmoney is funded by:
short amount of focussed work or a longer involvement
You feel just like a non-person:
a number in the system. I felt it was a very
personal experience with Wis£rmoney, and
that has helped me in a million ways.
Client MH
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 19
has continued to build effective partnerships with 1015 Referrals
likeminded organisations and with a wide range of
statutory and voluntary sector organisations. We received from
strongly believe that partnership work adds value
to the activities and communities we work with. partner agencies 496 Referrals
It builds the financial resilience of individuals and
reduces the stress and anxiety of many, enabling made to partner
them to open the door to greater community agencies
engagement and improved wellbeing.
Referral Partner consultation
In March 2022, we sent out an online survey to every community partner who
had made a client referral to Wis£rmoney and given permission to be contacted
about their experience of working with us.
rated our service would make would recommend
as ‘Very Important’ referrals to us us to other agencies
or ‘Important’ in in the future or clients.
comparison to other
advice services.
For details of our projects and services please refer to Appendix A.
20 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Community wellbeing events are opportunities to Quotes from our stallholders
celebrate what a community has to offer but more, to
provide a point of contact for local people and services. To have the opportunity The event gave us
By inviting a range of organisations that are available to talk in person was so invaluable time to network
locally, we aim to help people to be less isolated and beneficial.
better supported. We give an opportunity for people to
find out what is available to them in their area. We also I’ve had lots of useful It has increased my
give organisations the chance to network and build feedback, a referral and a knowledge of other
new contacts. All of this helps to build more resilient volunteer application from groups and services
communities with appropriate support. Each event we the event! operation in West Devon
host is unique to its community.
It was great to be able to network with other service
5 events held across: Winkleigh, Chagford, Lifton, providers and share ideas and experiences
Torrington, Black Torrington
From event evaluation forms, as a result of participating in
528 people involved in community events overall our event, stallholders said:
121 local agencies and organisations
304 members of the public
Quotes from the public
I’ve never been to an Very impressed! Just how
event like this, with so much is available for various
much information. needs and interests.
It’s about being made aware of what’s available, had learned had had useful
which is important. And all in one place! about other engaged contact with
services at our with other members of
services. the public.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 21
Providing a voice for people who struggle to We have particularly focussed on how this has played out
be heard. with energy and utility companies, making connections
within companies providing infrastructure and service
Achievements within the gas and electricity sector. Our clients were
repeatedly finding it impossible to contact these
• The moving of a meter box! organisations, so we wanted to explain the problem and
try to find ways of improving the situation.
• Holding a supply of spare meter box keys for those
who find it hard to get to a shop to get a replacement. It is a startling fact that contacting the CEO of one energy
supplier about vulnerable customers elicited no response
• Conveying to energy advice organisations the need for whatsoever. It took over 5 months to get a response from
joined up thinking when giving focussed advice. the Vulnerable Customer Lead/team within the same
organisation, even with the added voice of an industry
• Improving (some) methods of contact and access to lead in this area. Despite listening to the difficulties our
the Priority Services Register. clients had, the lead officer made no further contact after
this meeting. This speaks eloquently to the issues our
• Flagging up with relevant Vulnerable Customer Teams clients have on the ground. Despite numerous emails,
the issues clients have with contacting energy and another organisation took over 6 months to meet, even
utility companies, and why. with the help of their industry lead brokering the meeting.
Ultimately, this did lead to a positive outcome for one of
• Opening conversations. our clients.
The clients we support are often exposed to
discrimination, or face issues trying to access services
or help. One of the tasks we set ourselves is to provide a
voice that raises these injustices with other agencies or
into the public domain. Our aim is to start discussions
towards effecting change or at least to raise awareness
and challenge assumptions.
The year from 2021 to 2022 has been a particularly
challenging one in this aspect of our work. The fluctuating
guidelines over Covid combined with many services
closing their doors to customers have led to even greater
difficulties for many of our clients.
22 Impact Report 2021- 2022
ROBERT We are members of the NEA (National Energy Action).
We have contributed evidence from casework to their
Struggles with mental health and anxiety and has physical surveys and forums in order that it may be fed into their
disabilities. Our adviser realised he could not access work within Ofgem. We also became aware that there was
his meter box because of this. She tried to get the box a need for organisations who offer advice on energy debt
relocated, but was fobbed off, cut off, given incorrect to be aware of the possibility of their focussed advice
information, quoted a range of prices (all high), passed compromising a client’s options within the wider debt
between call centre numbers with no progress. We advice picture.
approached the infrastructure company’s Vulnerable
Customer Lead who eventually gave us two bits of Wis£rmoney also made an appeal to local MP Geoffrey
information that led to the box being moved, without charge. Cox to support the Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency
This process took the involvement of two of our team, and debate in the House of Commons in July 2021.
an official complaint. The task began in September 2020,
and the box was finally moved in January 2022. 16 months We have developed our partnership working with local
later. The gas Emergency Control Valve was located in the energy efficiency organisations in order to maximise
box. The client had to live with the knowledge that if there appropriate support for clients and be aware of developing
was a problem he would not have been able to switch off his issues uncovered by their work. Both have attended
gas. events we have hosted.
Another energy supplier was more positive, organising a
three way meeting to address our concerns around social
policy. From this we were directed to a specific manned
email inbox our advisers can use in the future for client
issues, and a direct, person manned phone number that
circumnavigates automated menus. They also approved
our Form of Authority going forward and readily supplied
spare meter box keys for us to give to clients who had lost
them but had no means of getting a replacement. They
sent us a copy of their PSR form to obviate the need for
online forms if necessary because of digital difficulties.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 23
ROBERT’S STORY in his own words
I been here 26 years. I’m well rooted here. It’s a bit of The ‘Link’ is closed now. I’d been going for quite a
dump and that, but when you’ve not had money for a while. There was another place, but they’re not going
long time you really do count every penny. You’re living either. I used to go to the church. I’m not a churchy
from day to day – you get a payment, so the overdraft person, but it was just being able to engage with a
goes and I get £10 in credit again for five minutes, and group of people, you know? I found that was really
then it goes back again. And when it goes on like that important. I can’t go to anything now. I feel I need
for years…you know, it really got to me. I was lost at that emotional support; I feel better. There are some
sea. There doesn’t seem to be any way out of it. And days I don’t speak to anybody. I don’t like it. It’s a bit
when you do get money, you’re frightened to death of odd. There’s human rights issues here; people with
spending it. I was living on bare basics and going into disabilities – vulnerable people. People who they’re
overdraft. I just found it really difficult dealing with the supposed to be looking after. Everything’s been
system, you know? It’s so not supportive. There’s no fractured. The damage is immense. I feel isolated. It’s
compassion and there’s no understanding. They don’t so wrong.
make anything easy. Organisations like yourselves give
people hope. The social prescriber was very helpful. She made the
referral to you, and that’s why Kim is here. When you
I did building work, and worked in music, arts, theatre. feel normal, issues don’t seem as big, but at that time I
Programming, organising, planning. You’re working was incredibly low.
lots of hours. It affected my health. You can’t relax.
Always stressed out. You’re working with other people I started working with Kim (advisor) in May 2020. I just
all the time. It takes a lot of energy to get people to wanted to try to straighten out my paperwork; my bills;
work together, and when you work in theatre you’ve my finances. I’d got into such a state. I get anxious
got a set time to get everything up and running. When quite quickly. I have difficulty breaking things down
you’re in that sort of job, well… it cost me my marriage. and understanding written words; verbal conversation
I burnt myself out. I never used to be like I am now. sometimes. I couldn’t put my case across to people.
It was just hoops and hurdles. I couldn’t communicate
I’ve not worked for over ten years. I’ve been in the – it gets very frustrating. Low esteem and self-
benefit’s system. I have worked and paid tax and all confidence…treading water all the time.
the rest of it, you know. And I don’t want to be in the
position I am. It’s degrading.
24 Impact Report 2021- 2022
I got ESA before, but Kim helped me to get the right
amount…PIP; and help with the Council Tax. She
sorted out a fridge freezer and help with the washing
machine, which is really good. She sorted out a shower
adaptation because I couldn’t get in the blinking bath.
And with the money Kim helped me get, I bought
several aids. I’ve got a proper walking stick. Kim asks
me what I need to sort out. It’s reams and reams of
paperwork – it just grows and grows. It doesn’t make
any sense. I can’t help it. I never used to be like it.
It’s a big plus for me that Kim comes to see me in my
own home. I don’t do this digital thing. I prefer to talk
to somebody face to face. It’s more personal. It’s real.
I just feel like I need the support and I don’t like to say
it – it’s not a man thing to say. I can’t believe where I
am, having to ask for help with things that have been
longstanding. So when Kim’s resolved them it’s been
a step forward. As well as working on the admin side,
she’s been able to chat about things. She can unravel
things. It facilitates, and makes it easier.
I’m trying to help myself as much as I can. I kinda feel
better in a way. I mean it has helped, a bit more income
coming in. No doubt.
I’m still in survival mode. I have found the extra
money coming in, and the adaptations, has given me
a cushion. When you’ve got a bit of money it acts as a
cushion, doesn’t it? It has made life a little bit easier.
Kim’s helped so much. She’s orchestrated a lot of
I can’t thank you enough for your help.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 25
Steve was supported by Lindsay, Support worker,
Adult Social Care Team
Steve: ‘I’ve lived here about 25 years. I lived with
my parents. Now I live on my own. Since my mother
died. Yes. Over 20 years.’
Lindsay: “His mum died twenty years ago. He’s
struggled all that time without her. He’s been missed:
he presents himself as so impeccably clean - polished
shoes, smartly dressed.
Steve: ‘I was self-employed. A gardener. Not been
well for a year or two. Not been able to work. Had a
couple of days in hospital.’
Lindsay: “When he went into hospital he was
extremely poorly. They treated him for self-neglect
and malnutrition. Safeguarding was involved. Heating
and hot water wasn’t working. The hospital social
services team had to put in a deep clean because
the property wasn’t fit to return to. You could see
historically the support had been put in, then on the
telephone he tells everyone he’s ok, and he disappears
for six months. Then he comes back again in crisis. He
had various illnesses: cataracts; cellulitis and swelling
in his legs; he was getting his feet dressed weekly; he
had ear infections and his face was swelling.”
26 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Steve; ‘The Work Coach at the Job Centre phoned me Steve: ‘Now I can use the heating as I need it. I feel the
every two weeks. Yes. He sent me on a computer course cold more as I get older. I can buy something in the
because I had no knowledge of computers. Talked about supermarket at full price. ‘Home Instead’ are going to
putting me on work experience, but since I’ve been signed come. Spring cleaning. Feel very good about it. Yes.
off work by my doctor I don’t need to do that now.’ Looking forward to it. The PIP money will cover that very
well. Need a bit of encouragement. Yes. A bit of help’
Lindsey: “A telephone conversation or meeting Simon
somewhere, you wouldn’t see everything going on in the Lindsay: “He was in receipt of under £400 a calendar
background. The self-neglect. Because of Simon’s mental month; he’s now in receipt of £800.He’s signed an
capacity he couldn’t take on more than one thing at a time.” agreement with a local care agency who are managing his
clutter and cleanliness in the home. Before, there was no
Steve: ‘Doesn’t seem I was getting all I was entitled to. way he could afford that.”
Was on Universal Credit only. Just the basic amount. I
managed for a while. Used to being careful with money. Steve; ‘I don’t worry about money now. Sometimes I did.
Yes. Extra careful then.’ Didn’t want to get into a debt situation. It’s reassuring.
More comfortable. Feels very good sometimes. I would
Lindsay: “We put in a referral to Wisermoney to explore certainly call you again if I needed more advice and help.
what other benefits he would be entitled to so he could look Yes.’
after himself better. When we first met him, we had to put
in emergency heating and blankets because he had nothing. Lindsey: “It’s given him so much more confidence. At
He was spending about £8 a week for his weekly food bill.” Christmas, he was able to get the local TV repairman out;
for Simon to be able to ring someone up and call them in to
Steve: ‘It took most of last year to get my benefits sorted sort a problem is big. REALLY BIG!
Lindsay: “Probably a good eighteen months from start
to finish. They went to face to face assessment, then
that got turned down. Then it had to go to a mandatory
reconsideration and got thrown out just before it went to
court. It was a really long process. Had Simon been left to
do this himself, he wouldn’t have done.”
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 27
TANYA’S STORY in her own words
I’ve been living here at least three years now. I came out Anyway, my debts came up. This is the problem. When
when I was 16, and felt under attack then for what I was. you’re behind with things then you’re playing catch-up
I got raped then, for dressing up. This shit happens. I with it all. And then it don’t work. Maria (caseworker). I
couldn’t tell my foster parents or anything as I thought got in touch with her and she came over. It got me off me
they’d think I was being dirty and put me back into care. I arse, basically. I think I was a bit stunned. Knocked by the
was taken off my mum cos she was a prostitute. I got in whole thing. And just sitting there. Not having things to do
touch, but it didn’t end well. She weren’t very nice. anymore.
I had to live my life as a man, but if I could get away and Maria’s help got me out of the rut to the point where
do it, I’d wear a dress. I had to take to dressing up and then it got me back to thinking normal again. It gave me a
putting man clothes over it. But I took to drinking heavily bit of purpose, which I’d lost. It made me think ‘There’s
and it ran out of control. I ended up in the nuthouse in hope I can get through this. Get on with living again.’ It
1987. It was an awful place. Mind you, my life had fallen wasn’t just the money debts; it was all the other crap I
apart by then. was having to deal with at the time. Feelings. Maria was
helping me get my head round things. She got me out of
I met Tony in 1988. And we got on like a house on fire. my shell and made me deal with things - you know? She
Together for 33 years and never had an argument. I loved helped me with ringing these people up and with talking to
him so much. I trusted him. Stayed clean off of everything. them. I benefitted from it; the realisation that you can deal
We got married 21 March 2018. with these companies. And that you can get something
out of them: help.
Couldn’t cope with Tony dying. He was so ill. We had to
have carers and even with them it was hard. Hoist out of Getting out of the house was my problem. I was heading
bed into his wheelchair, then another hoist to his special for a breakdown. But if you’ve got someone here, you
raised chair. He couldn’t even lift a cup in the end. I had to know, and you’ve got all kinds of different envelopes
cook his meals and cut them up and feed him. It was really and things… She’d say ‘What’s that?’ And I’d say ‘It’s just
hard work. Got me down. something…’ in all the other piles that I’d just dropped
down. And then it would be dealt with.
But when he died, suddenly I was just sitting there and
thinking ‘Well…what do I do now?’ I didn’t know. My life I realised that I could actually deal with these things and
mentally was coming apart. Lot of letters were coming they weren’t so terrible as I was thinking they were. They’d
through the door and it was just piling up and I couldn’t become a monster. Like an ogre; they loom over you.
be arsed with it. I didn’t want to do anything. I wasn’t in a
good place.
28 Impact Report 2021- 2022
I think Maria triggered a whole chain of events and got
me to where I am now. Because before I had any contact
with Maria, letters would come and just pile up. When I
get a letter now I’m straight on it. And if it’s a debt, I pay it
as soon as I can. Because I don’t read and write very well,
it got me thinking about that. It triggered me to learn. I’m
getting words.
It’s a professional relationship, but you think ‘Maria’s
coming over. Great! I like to talk to Maria!’ Most help you
get is time-limited. One size does not fit all though! The
point is, if you don’t deal with a problem through, until it’s
sorted, you might have altered the problem but it’s still
going to exist. You might not have got there yet.
At first she was doing stuff for me. But the way she
was explaining it, I started to understand a bit and do
something as well. It seems funny; it was just bits of paper
to me, but now I can pick out the bones of it. It gets the
person to realise they’re not having it done for them. Being
helped, they’ve got to help themselves as well.
I’d lost that spark I had. I was trying to prop it all up. Like
the engine had stopped some time ago, you know, but the
boat’s still drifting on. But getting me money sorted, then I
got me health sorted. My birthday, I went out. And I’m not
in debt.
It’s made me look at myself and do something.
That’s what I picked up out of it.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 29
The twelve months from March 2021 to March 2022 has Example: An elderly lady we met in a West Devon village,
seen many challenges for our clients and the work we do who lives alone and wanted to go to a lunch club in her
with them. The ongoing concerns of the Covid pandemic, neighbouring village could get no transport of any sort to
now coupled with the rising cost of living have altered the go to it.
playing field beyond belief for many people we support.
It is an irony that when the initial Covid lockdown took Equally, for those with access to a car, the cost of fuel has
place, some of our clients said it was the first time anyone impacted on clients’ abilities to travel to appointments,
in the community had asked if they had food, or enough work etc. This pressure means people isolated by
to eat, and offered food parcels. Some people felt better transport issues have seen an increase in difficulty. For
supported and less vulnerable than was their norm. those clients who need a face to face service from a
provider like a post office or bank the cost impact is huge.
Moving forward, those people have become part of what Some clients have to rely on taxis as they have no other
feels like a growing mass of individuals who need more means of travel. More people are struggling with online
support as a result of external pressures; the difference services.
is that there aren’t as many food parcels. Or indeed many
parcels of any description. Many people are ashamed and Digital, online and telephone services
embarrassed to admit they have problems with money
and debt. We have experienced many challenges to the There is an impact from companies and services changing
service we offer, and have had to work in inventive ways to remote contact only. 10.7% of Devon has slow
and through adverse circumstances to ensure we continue broadband speeds; the national average is 1.3%. West
to give the best support we can. Devon and Torridge are in the worst 10% of the entire
country for availability and access to suitable broadband.
Transport Many people also have an inability to access digital
information for a variety of reasons. Many of our clients
Transport continues to be a challenge in rural areas. are unable to monitor bills, debt etc. Unable to register for
People comment how community transport (often the only things if they have no email account – for example we met
public transport in some communities) has been impacted a client recently unable to register for the Warm Home
by Covid. There is also a lack of volunteer drivers. Some Discount scheme as he does not have an email address.
people still feel scared to travel communally. Diminution
of service offer alongside this has increased isolation for New tenancies with housing associations are often
people who are often vulnerable. now done digitally and are paperless. It can be difficult
for people to know how to sign them digitally and easy
for them to be lost in emails. Face to face contact with
30 Impact Report 2021- 2022
have limited or no They cannot always speak to or resolve the issues at
access to broadband first contact. This means advisors frequently have to
make multiple requests for information, each time with a
have little or no lengthy wait. The knock-on effect of this for clients is a
confidence using lengthening of their anxiety and the time that problems
digital technology take to be resolved. This extends the contact time and
items of work for advisors.
have limited or
no access to EXAMPLE: We have supported one client who at 96 years
technology old was getting a taxi to her nearest bank branch as
she is deaf and therefore could not get through security
housing officers is more limited than before. This can procedures over the phone. The taxi cost her £50. In order
delay communication and leave clients feeling more to work forward with this, our advisor set up a 4 way video
vulnerable and not in control. We support people with this call between herself, the client, bank, client’s son and
and broker ways of working that are more appropriate to social worker. We arranged for the son to have 3rd party
the client. access to client’s bank account so he could manage his
mother’s banking needs. The son still stays in touch with
Some people are unable to deal with automated phone the vulnerable customer lead from the bank if he comes
menus because of poor concentration due to health, or across any issues. We had to take the initiative and broker
time issues - being put on hold, cut off and even fobbed this partnership approach.
off. Lost in transit. Difficulties communicating with
creditors during covid have left clients unconfident and are housebound due
confused, and often not trying to contact creditors again. to their health
This has led, in some cases, to bailiffs, County Court
Judgements etc, which in turn impact on client health. have dementia
Hold times for HMRC/ Energy Companies and DWP are have a learning
quite often at least 45 minutes long and the services difficulty
being provided are often by people working from home.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 31
EXAMPLE: Another client with Parkinson’s was arranging of clients have a
transport from a friend 20 miles a way to take him to his recorded Mental
local bank. He could not access his online banking without Health Issue
physical help due to his memory difficulties. Our advisor set
up easy references for the client to use and rehearsed the have communication
way to log on with him. He is now managing to do it himself. difficulties
Our advisor had to advocate and enable her client whereas in
the past he would have accessed his local branch.
Ongoing pressures of rising costs are impacting on the food or gas/electricity. Many choose not to turn on any
mental health of all clients. Almost every client is showing appliances or heating unless absolutely necessary. Clients
some degree of anxiety or depression regarding the on pre-payment meters are getting electricity cut off
current climate. Mental health is worsening as people when they do not have the funds to top up. Only short
can see no real end to the issues they are facing. They term help is available and this is a long term problem.
are becoming desperate and feel any help is short in Low income clients do not have the flexibility of spare
coming. This makes our support even more necessary, and funds to meet these rises. We always ensure clients are
certainly means advisors have to be even more sensitive on an appropriate tariff, but this now does little to cover
to client need, but also their own health because of the the increasing gulf between income and outgoings. We
added intensity of the work they do. also find that in our rural area there is a limited choice
of energy source and what there is being often more
Energy expensive. Heating and running a property with poor
insulation and infrastructure is costly, but housing stock
Clients on default tariffs have seen cost increases in our area often falls into this category. Grants available
of £693, rising from £1,277 to up to £1,971 per year. to help with energy do not extend to oil; a number of our
Prepayment customers have seen an increase of £708 clients are obliged to use this but with no assistance
from £1,309 to up to £2,017. And yet our clients have available, and up-front costs extremely high. Most of the
no corresponding rise in income, or ability to raise their phone calls received by our Triage Team are from clients
income to meet these costs. The number of people having worrying about heating their homes, having no heating oil,
to choose between heating and eating is increasing. or choosing to stay in bed longer for warmth.
More people are making real choices between buying
32 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Example; A client whose gas and electric have gone up to living costs and we are seeing more and more clients
£188.00 per month (ongoing usage of £131.00, plus £57.00 having to live in a deficit budget.
towards a bill for arrears). She is a single lady. She only
receives £387.07 a month from Universal Credit, as she has There has been a huge increase in people asking to apply
£76.73 deducted for bedroom tax. 49% of her income is to local govt Household Funds administered by the council
used to pay for energy. The energy supplier have said they - for supermarket vouchers and money towards fuel and
cannot accept a lower payment for her arrears unless she energy costs. People are finding it more and more difficult
has a pre-payment meter fitted; they will then accept £3.75 to afford to meet basic needs. These funds now have more
a week. This would reduce the total monthly expenditure to specific criteria, which means advisers have to stretch the
£147.25 which is still 38% of her monthly income on energy net wider to come up with solutions to support people in
costs! Not to mention the increased tariff this client would ongoing need.
pay with a prepayment meter. Our advisor continues to work
with the case to find a way through. Advisers are having to help more and more people appeal
against refusals of PIP applications. Over the last 2
Housing years this number has increased. This may be down to
telephone assessments, instead of face to face meetings.
Private rental costs are now rising at the fastest rate on The majority are overturned at appeal. However, the
record, and in the south west are higher than the national waiting time for the appeal is extremely stressful for
average. Housing stock is limited. Many clients are finding people and has led to some nearly losing their homes, and
the Housing Allowance is not covering housing costs. not being able to afford to eat and meet disability costs
Discretionary Housing Payments are harder to get as during this period before their benefit is awarded.
local councils are cutting budgets. Private landlords have
significantly upped rents and people will not complain for This is particularly a problem when clients are waiting
fear of being asked to leave. This puts pressure on clients to hear from the DWP about a Limited Capacity for
and advisors alike in trying to plot a viable way forward. Work Related Activities assessment. Whilst a decision
Local council housing lists are available online, but some is pending, a client is still expected to undertake trips
clients are unable to access them precisely because of this. to a job centre – even though this can mean travelling
lengthy (and costly) distances which are impossible due
Income maximisation to their ill health or disability. This creates greater stress
in the situation for our clients, and again an extension
Benefits checks and income maximisation is no longer of the need for advocacy and support from our advisers.
increasing income at a sufficient rate to cover additional Sometimes, delays in decision making are actually the
reason people get into debt in the first place.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 33
Navigate will focuses resources on five key areas Continually review and develop course materials to ensure
of activity during 2022-23 they are relevant, compliant, engaging and meeting the
needs of our participants.
1) Operational Efficiency Deliver accredited courses across Devon and Somerset with
participants achieving level one and level two awards.
Ensuring that all services remain high quality, efficient,
compliant, accessible and effective for our clients, staff, 4) Social Impact
funders and stakeholders.
Continue to review and develop our social impact reporting
Maintaining high levels of service quality and compliance. framework to capture and evidence the wider impact of
our work, e.g. mental and physical health, wellbeing and
Providing clients with high-quality, accessible, savings to the public purse.
comprehensive advice, education, guidance and signposting
services delivering best practice and quality advice.
2) Awareness and Fundraising 5) Policy Change/Social Policy
Increase awareness of Navigate and the Wis£rmoney Continue to review and develop areas of identified social
partnership through targeted marketing and social media policy and issues that impact on our clients. Be a voice for
campaigns. those facing injustice by researching current and trending
Build on existing, and develop new, funder relationships to positions on key themes such as debt, benefits, poverty,
ensure continuity of services for clients. financial resilience and mental health and wellbeing.
3) Education Evidence issues through Navigate and the Wis£rmoney
Partnership that support our position, approach and
alleviation of these issues.
Increase delivery of Navigate the Money Maze educational
courses and workshops; supporting more individuals to
build the skills, knowledge and confidence to manage
money effectively and make informed financial decisions.
34 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Accessible Advice
Navigate and the Wis£rmoney partnership are
operating over a wider geographical area with
services available in:
West Somerset Sedgemoor
North Devon Taunton
South Somerset
Mid Devon
West Devon Funded by:
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 35
TRANSITIONS pace and in their choice of place, with Debt & Energy
Advisers being supported by Wellbeing Advisers.
In 2016, the National Lottery funded
this project in rural West Devon We advocate and advise, this enables clients to make
and Torridge for three years. Six years on we are in our sense of their situation and develop realistic strategies to
second tranche of funding, having successfully achieved move forward with.
and surpassed our aims and objectives. Built around our
core offer of debt and money advice, Transitions also HINKLEY POINT C COMMUNITY FUND (EDF)
builds community resilience by networking and running
Community Wellbeing events in partnership Our EDF project, funded by the Hinkley
with West Devon CVS. The Transitions Point C Community Fund aims to mitigate
Project works to improve the lives and financial wellbeing the HPC impacts of rising over-indebtedness and access
of individuals and families living across Torridge and to housing linked to the HPC development.
West Devon, to strengthen the resilience of our partners,
build community cohesion and reduce social isolation. Across the districts of Sedgemoor, Taunton and West
Somerset we provide:
1) Accessible, quality, realistic advice – providing bespoke
Our BGET project has been money and debt advice services to those at risk of
funded by the British Gas Energy facing financial crisis. Tailoring services to individual
Trust since 2018, and ended in March 2022. We have need to ensure accessibility, capability and resilience.
worked across West Devon, Mid Devon, West Somerset
throughout this time. We began a new BGET funded 2) Education – engaging, fun, interactive workshops that
project in May 2022 which extends across North and Mid make money matters simple to understand, building
Devon and has funding until March 2024. self-confidence and financial resilience – breaking the
cycle of financial hardship and creating opportunities
BGET focuses on addressing fuel poverty, mental health for individuals and communities.
issues and money and problem debt. Rural isolation
and lack of services compound these. We network with 3) Community Development – working in the heart of
agencies throughout the districts and work closely with communities with partners to improve sector capacity,
energy advice organisations on a local and national level. share learning and best practice.
Following our central ethos, we work with people at their
36 Impact Report 2021- 2022
TORRIDGE IN REACH PROJECT During 2021-22, across Mid Devon Navigate issued 269
awards to the value of £53,462.
This project funded by Torridge District Council,
provides advice and support to people who have been COMMUNITY HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE TEAM
housed following homelessness. (CHSCT) VOLUNTARY SECTOR REPRESENTATION
We work to ensure the correct income is being received. We The CHSCT voluntary sector representative role acts as a
enable people to find ways of budgeting and managing their single point of contact for all community-based nursing,
money. We source grants to help provide essential white rehabilitation, and social care teams across the Northern
goods and furniture. Devon cluster. This area includes Ilfracombe, Barnstaple,
South Molton, Bideford, Torrington, Holsworthy and
We support people to know what their financial commitments surrounding areas. The CHSCT refer patients if a need is
and income are and how to stay in control of both. These are identified that voluntary or community-based organisations
essential skills if their move is to be a successful one and would be better placed to support. An excellent
prevent their returning to rough sleeping. We find strategies understanding of the community provision available is key,
that work for people and build relationships of trust by 1:1 as well as working in partnership with all referral agents
working in their new accommodation. and key support agencies such as social prescribers, One
Northern Devon community developers and both North
HOUSEHOLD SUPPORT FUND Devon and Torridge District Councils.
Navigate work in partnership with Each client referred to the project is provided with an
Churches Housing Action Team (CHAT) to holistic triage to determine their needs and what matters
deliver the Mid Devon Household Support Fund. to them. Time is taken to build rapport and ensure services
such as befriending support, community engagement,
The fund was designed to provide rapid short-term financial transport, caring responsibility support, furniture or
support to address economic vulnerability and financial white goods replacement and financial advice (this list
hardship within households most in need of help with food, is not exhaustive) are provided, either through effective
energy and water bills. It could also be used to support signposting or referral.
households with essential costs related to those items and
with wider essential costs. In exceptional cases of genuine
emergency it can additionally be used to support housing
costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet
this exceptional need.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 37
Methodology: measuring an organisations’ social impact Navigate and Wis£rmoney advice, learning and
needs to be effective, proportionate to the size and community development services reach specific user
resources available, GDPR compliant and mindful of groups:
the communication needs of its client base and time
constraints of its staff teams and partners. • our clients - those facing financial hardship and
exclusion by reason of youth, age, ill health,
disability, financial hardship or another disadvantage;
who find accessing mainstream advice difficult
• referral partners – organisations and individuals who
refer others to our advice service and training
• community partners – involved in signposting others
to local services but may not directly refer individuals
for advice
• members of the public – interested in participating in
our educational workshops and community wellbeing
Methods of collection
Navigate and the Wis£rmoney partnership has evidenced
its social impact through a co-ordinated approach using:
• qualitative methods: case studies, face to face and
telephone surveys, learner feedback, focus groups
and public event consultation;
• quantitative methods: data project reporting, online
partner surveys and comparison research with
national partners.
38 Impact Report 2021- 2022
Financial values * HCA Additionality Guide https://assets.publishing.
Through researching wider national good practice in uploads/attachment_data/file/378177/additionality_
measuring social impact we have collected financial guide_2014_full.pdf
values against six areas. This is a mixture of:
* Modelling the value of Citizen’s Advice 2016/17
• ‘savings to the public purse’ taken from well-
established research, for example the cost saving of a Impact/Modelling%20the%20value%20of%20the%20
client’s reduced use of local health services due to an Citizens%20Advice%20service%20in%20201617%20
improvement in their financial and mental health -%20FINAL.pdf
• ‘wellbeing social value’ the value individuals’ place * (a) HACT Measuring the Social Impact of Community
on the improvement to their own wellbeing and investment 2014 page 14
circumstances – this is based on Government measuring-social-impact-community-investment-
national surveys to help politicians make informed guide-using-wellbeing-valuation-approach
policy decisions. It has been developed by HACT and
Simetrica who have analysed large national datasets * (b) Kings fund report ‘paying the price’ 2008 using
to identify how people’s wellbeing correlate to other 2007 figures page 45 Supporting public service
aspects of their life, including employment status, transformation April 2014 MN Treasure, New Economy,
financial inclusion, health, and feelings about their Public Service Transformation https://www.kingsfund.
These figures are useful as they provide comparative data * (c)Shelter briefing 2010/11 prices immediate costs
enabling us to calculate and estimate the wider value for to government of loss of home https://england.
money our service offers.
Dead weight, is factoring into our assumption the impact pdf page 6
of our advice and training interventions and what might
have happened if we did not exist, or if our service was not * (d) National Schedule of Reference Costs 2011/12 for
used. We have chosen to use a dead weight factor of 50%. NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts page 54 Supporting
Public Service Transformation https://assets.
The HACT social impact tool uses deadweight calculations
from the Homes and Community Agency’s 2014 system/uploads/attachment_data/file/300214/cost_
Additionality Guide* and these vary from 15% for training benefit_analysis_guidance_for_local_partnerships.pdf
and access to the labour market to 27% health and 28%
for development schemes. The Citizen’s Advice ‘modelling * (e) Under one roof, NEA June 2018 page 24
the value of Citizen’s Advice 2016/17’ standardised their referencing Stafford B 2014 The social cost of cold
deadweight as 50% and we have followed their example. homes in an English city.
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 39
Area of value HACT value to client & public Dead weight Number of Value
purse saving per client 50% clients/visits
Reduced anxiety £272
and stress *(b) Kings Fund 986 £268,192
£544 based on savings to local £771
Reduced fuel poverty 552 £425,592
health services £3,340
Tenancy secured 40 £133,600
homelessness averted * (e) NEA cost of cold homes 592 £2,174,416
to NHS £1543 Common mental 29 £23,099
Ability to maintain 722 £886,977
tenancy health
Debt free £3,911,876
*(c) Shelter £6679.88
Able to obtain
advice locally (a) HACT £7,347 (a)£3,673
(a) HACT £1,593 (a)£797
a) HACT £2,457 (a)£1,229
Working with Navigate is utterly inspirational. I feel so excited Working for Navigate feels special in many ways. I
that the work that we do is making a real positive difference have previously worked for statutory or other not for
to people’s lives every single day, and so proud to be part of it. profit organisations where the distance between what
motivated me on a professional level no longer matched
Cathy Parmenter, Trustee the organisation’s outlook. Believe me, feeling inhibited
by corporate culture where the service user is at the very
Working for Navigate gives me a real sense of pride. bottom of the decision making machine, can be very
My colleagues are so genuinely supportive and committed demotivating. Being part of a small charity that stays
to helping our clients get to a stage in their lives where close to its core beliefs and principles allows me to make
they feel empowered confident and capable to face not decisions safe in the knowledge that the client is at its
only financial problems but any of life’s challenges with centre. It makes me feel connected to my work. From
more independence. my point of view, it seems that the team is entirely made
up of genuinely compassionate people and it makes my
I have seen tremendous differences in some of the clients relationship with them a collaborative one where we all
we’ve worked with some of whom are debilitated with speak the same language and strive to reach the same
anxiety and mental health problems relating to their client goals.
financial situation. Money advisers and wellbeing workers
have stepped in and immediately the thought that they Claire Summers, Service Delivery Manager
have that additional input has been a relief to them. It
provides confidence and a willingness to engage in the Navigate isn’t an ordinary money advice and support
difficult subject matter of money. company. It takes its responsibilities very seriously
because it takes its clients very seriously. Everything it
The company itself is also very supportive to its staff, does is rooted in its core belief that people matter and, as
staff check in with each other and look after one another’s a Trustee, I feel proud to be associated with a team that
wellbeing . We are careful to check in with the money genuinely cares about helping to improve the quality of
advisers to ensure that they are managing their caseloads people’s lives.
and have regular supervision to ensure that we are coping
with the workload that we have. For me, it is nice to work Andrew Wallace, Trustee
for a company I believe in , one that is a genuine force for
positive change in the lives of the people it works . In the I enjoy working for Navigate as I have the resources to get
past for companies, I have worked with I like to use the on with my job and independence to manage my caseload
measure ‘would this be good enough if my family needed and time. I feel valued and supported too.
to use?’ with Navigate I feel that it would.
Abbie Doble, BGET Debt & Energy Adviser
Matt Smale, Client Liaison Officer
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 41
I’ve worked in the Voluntary Sector on and off since 1997, the freedom and autonomy to work independently with
with 2 very large charities. This is by far the friendliest, frequent opportunities for training and development.
most supportive charity I have worked for. The passion Knowing that every single person here cares about our
within the team to do the best for our clients is so great to clients gives reassurance that we are making a difference.
see and its fantastic that we are not driven by targets and
time restraints – our clients getting the best outcome for Roxi Reeder, Partnership & Social Policy Lead
them is always the main focus. As part of the Financial
Education team, we are doing everything within our Working for Navigate Charity I have felt welcomed since
power to deliver our workshops to those most in need of day 1 & feel part of a bigger team. There is an openness
help with budgeting and managing their money in these which encourages & supports people. I can help in other
worrying times. areas apart from my role bringing variety to my working
day. It is a positive Charity to be part of with the focus not
Gayle Colyer, NtMM Lead Tutor only on the wellbeing of our clients but also of the team.
Working for Navigate is challenging and rewarding. Our Martine Bryant, CHSCT Vol. Representative.
client group is challenging to work with. Without a clear
understanding of our clients and the complexity of their Go Navigate! We’ve seen such an increase in the people
needs (by our CEO, Board and funders), our clients will that need support over this year, and the complexity of
always be square pegs in round holes. As staff of Navigate their crises. Our work matters more than it ever did, and
we are supported as individuals and given the opportunity I feel proud to be part of a team that shouts about the
to combine our talents and develop our strengths and problems, gets practically involved to sort them - and
creativity within a team and within our own roles. We are pushes to make changes that allow people the chance to
listened to, respected and feel valued. No two days are lead some sort of reasonable life. The team I work with are
ever the same! The positivity and energy which we have great, and I feel valued and supported by all of them.
as an organisation is very motivating.
Julie Matthews, Partnership & Social Policy Lead.
Jan, Client Liaison Officer
I enjoy working for Navigate as my role is very varied,
Working for Navigate has been life-changing because of I find our work very empowering as there is a real lack
the ethos of support and growth offered for all employees. of financial awareness out there. Even if people only
When I started working here, I knew I wanted to help take away one piece of helpful information from us, I
people but my passion for helping communities has know this could make a really positive change to their
been ignited in my role. The leadership team provide situation. I feel very lucky to be working with such a great
effective and compassionate supervision whilst allowing organisation.
Nikki Kitch, Delivery Administrator
42 Impact Report 2021- 2022
I am extremely proud to be a Trustee of Navigate. It is a Navigate genuinely care about people - our team, clients,
unique charity that is genuinely inclusive, reaching those funders, partners and stakeholders. We strive to provide
who feel marginalised by other more conventional support the highest quality advice, support, guidance and overall
agencies. Navigate works in a personal way with each service. We do that by listening – What barriers do we
client, at their own pace and for as long as they need. need to overcome? How can we support people to achieve
This unconditional approach has demonstrated incredible their own goals? What can we do?
successes at whatever level is needed or wanted, to
suit the individual. This truly person-centred approach We learn, develop, and grow from our experiences year
is present throughout the culture and core values of on year. We have come a long way since becoming an
Navigate, attracting staff team members and Trustees independent CIO in February 2019. Supporting thousands
to join because their values gel with those of Navigate, of individuals to build financial resilience that, many of our
rather than just their qualifications or previous experience. clients tell us, has changed lives. I am extremely proud to be
Navigate provides a breath of fresh air for everyone part of Navigate and work with an incredible team of people
and anyone it reaches. Hearing experiences of being who every day bring experience, passion, and commitment
with Navigate from clients and staff is both moving and to our work. We all found our roles from a desire to help
rewarding for me as a Trustee. people, to make change and to challenge injustice – we all
have that fire in our belly to make a real difference.
Justin Roxburgh, Chair of Trustees
As we head into the new financial year, we have a lot of
challenges to face. Building our financial sustainability so
we can continue to deliver accessible, consistent services.
Working with our staff team and clients to continue to
find ways to support people facing poverty and exclusion.
Creating service capacity to support the increase in
demand for advice due to the rising cost of living.
What’s it like working for Navigate? Challenging but
equally rewarding knowing that our work, collectively, can
and does change lives.
Mel Allen, CEO
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 43
Working to eliminate social isolation and financial hardship
Navigate CIO registered charity number 1182020.
Registered address: Heatherton Park Studios, Bradford on Tone, Taunton TA4 1EU.
Navigate is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 837950 for debt-related regulated activities. Tel: 01823 299050
Mind in Somerset Encompass Southwest
Registered Charity No. 1109626, registered in England. Registered charity 1145286, registered in England, company number 07149873.
Registered address : Sussex Lodge, 44 Station Road, Taunton. TA1 1NS.
Registered address: Suite 1,2 Bear Street, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 7BU. Encompass Southwest is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority | @mindinsomerset. Tel: 01823 334906
618752 for debt-related regulated activities. Tel: 01271 371499