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◆ Because it will help you discover UNCOMMON PRINCIPLES to unearth your HIDDEN potentials, and get to the place of Distinction and Stardom.


◆ The way of wisdom is the way of Stardom. To be wise is to rise and to rise is to shine. Discretion is a facilitator of Distinction.
◆ This book shows the pattern of thinking that guarantees the success you've been working so hard to achieve, because the quality of your thought affects the quality of your results. To think deep is to stand tall. To think deep is to stand out.


You should expect to learn:

✓ How PURPOSE affects your DISTINCTION in life and work: The way of purpose is the way of profiting. If you don’t aim well you can’t end well.

✓ How unearthing HIDDEN potentials can facilitate your journey to STARDOM: Your possibilities are tied around your abilities. Your gift is key to your lift in life.

✓ How to know your "PLACE" and make continuous unhindered progress: Destiny is location-sensitive. Until you find your place, you don’t find your peace.

✓ How to understand the place of a spiritual MENTOR in your life: Your father is your feather to the future. Your prophet is your connector to your profit.

✓ How your PRINCIPLES facilitate your rising: Those who observe rules become rulers. Those who have personal commandments become commanders.

✓ How to know the PRICE of your RISING and pay it: For every rise, there is a price. Those who rise to the top don’t do so by chance but by fight.

You are about to STEP INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR LIFE by learning the UNCOMMON PRINCIPLES that have helped many rise up and stay up!

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Published by id_degt, 2020-12-23 11:18:22



◆ Because it will help you discover UNCOMMON PRINCIPLES to unearth your HIDDEN potentials, and get to the place of Distinction and Stardom.


◆ The way of wisdom is the way of Stardom. To be wise is to rise and to rise is to shine. Discretion is a facilitator of Distinction.
◆ This book shows the pattern of thinking that guarantees the success you've been working so hard to achieve, because the quality of your thought affects the quality of your results. To think deep is to stand tall. To think deep is to stand out.


You should expect to learn:

✓ How PURPOSE affects your DISTINCTION in life and work: The way of purpose is the way of profiting. If you don’t aim well you can’t end well.

✓ How unearthing HIDDEN potentials can facilitate your journey to STARDOM: Your possibilities are tied around your abilities. Your gift is key to your lift in life.

✓ How to know your "PLACE" and make continuous unhindered progress: Destiny is location-sensitive. Until you find your place, you don’t find your peace.

✓ How to understand the place of a spiritual MENTOR in your life: Your father is your feather to the future. Your prophet is your connector to your profit.

✓ How your PRINCIPLES facilitate your rising: Those who observe rules become rulers. Those who have personal commandments become commanders.

✓ How to know the PRICE of your RISING and pay it: For every rise, there is a price. Those who rise to the top don’t do so by chance but by fight.

You are about to STEP INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR LIFE by learning the UNCOMMON PRINCIPLES that have helped many rise up and stay up!

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This book is a





on the occasion of




May this book bring you the wisdom to
know what to do and be where you are
meant to be per time, in the Name of

Jesus Christ. Amen!


DiWstiisndfcoor tmion

6 Supernatural Secrets to
Unquestionable Stardom


includes Over 40 Destiny-Activating
Wisdom Declarations

Supernatural Secrets To
Unquestionable Stardom



Paul Enenche MD


Copyright © 2020 by Paul Enenche MD

ISBN: 978-978-51195-4-1

Published by:
Destiny Prints and Publishers Limited
Dunamis Int’l Gospel centre
The Lord’s Garden, Airport Road Abuja.

All rights reserved under international copyright law. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the author and publisher.

All Scripture quotations are taken from the Authorised King
James version and The New King James Version of The Holy
Bible, except otherwise indicated.

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National Library of Nigeria Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the Nigeria
National Library.

Designed and Printed in Nigeria by:
Kings View Publishing House

“You know the
Best O’ Lord;
I don’t know
what you know...”

Take The Lead O’ Lord

Song Received and Written

Wherever you may lead Lord
I will follow you
Your will be done in my life
I have no will of my own (2x)

Take the lead O’ Lord

I will follow you
Take the lead O’ Lord

I will follow you
Take the lead O’ Lord

I will follow you
I will follow you

You know the best O’ Lord
I don't know what you know
My future Lord is your past
You know which way I must go...


Dr. (Pst.) Paul and Dr. (Mrs) Becky Enenche

“The quality of your life is determined by the
quality of wisdom you access and apply. Success
is wisdom at work. You can't make a difference

without reason. There is no result without
thought. Wisdom is a great necessity if levels

must change.”


!Experience The

Power Of The


God gave to man at creation was


This Blockbuster Book will help you understand the ORIGINAL PURPOSE
and PRODUCTS of God’s BLESSING on man. It will also open your eyes
unequivocally, to the PATHWAYS that lead to that BLESSING.


To my Lord and Saviour,

Jesus Christ

Whose Love has turned my life around and made
something out of nothing.



Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before thou camest forth out of the
womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained
thee a prophet unto the nation.

Jeremiah 1:5

Some years ago I wrote the book, “Be Wise
and Rise!” which, by God’s mercies, has
become a great tool in the Hands of the
Holy Spirit for the lifting of many from the
dungeon of ignorance, failure, littleness, and
struggles in life.

In this little treatise also, I believe that God is
putting forth foundational principles that will
lead many to topmost positions prepared for
them in life. The objective of this book therefore,
is to help you understand the wisdom way to
Scriptures make it clear that the way of wisdom is
the way of stardom. To be wise is to rise and to
rise is to shine. Daniel 12:3 says, “And they that be
wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;” In
essence, the way of sense – supernatural sense - is
the way of shining.
The wisdom of God is behind the making of
kingdom stars.
Joseph was a man of wisdom who was established
in stardom in the land of Egypt.
Daniel was also a man of wisdom firmly
established in stardom in the land of Babylon.
David and his son Solomon - who was the
embodiment of wisdom - were men of thought
who ended as men of results.
Our Master Jesus walked in wisdom and stood
out distinctly in His days on earth.
Beloved, discretion is a facilitator of distinction.

It is not possible to abound with discretion and
be lacking in distinction.
The quality of your thought affects the quality of
your results. The deeper your thought, the taller
your life. To think deep is to stand tall. To think
deep is to stand out.

You can’t be thoughtless and be ‘result-ful,’ and
you can’t be thoughtful and be ‘result-less.’
The question is, what is the wisdom way to
distinction? If you are going to stand out in life,
what should you do? What way should you
This book presents six MAJOR principles that
you must know and practice if you must get to the
place of stardom by wisdom.
These are the principles that have helped many
rise up and stay up, and I believe that if you
conscientiously go through this volume, you will
never be found anymore at the bottom of life

See you at the TOP!

Paul Enenche, MD
Abuja, Nigeria

0 First Words 1

1 Know Your Purpose 6

2 Know Your Potential 16

3 Know Your Place 28

4 Know Your Proph et 42

5 Know Your Principle 56

6 Know Your Price 66

7 Index 97

First Words

PPurpose is the pathway to distinction. To
know your purpose is to stand out in your
Know your potentials - your gifts or endowments -
what God has loaded inside of you.
It is important to know your place if you are going
to make any meaningful progress in life and
There is a connection between your prophet and
your influence in your generation.


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

Principles are very relevant to a life of
prominence. Those who live anyhow don't get
Please take note of this and never forget it for life:
Part of knowing what you want in life is 'knowing
what to do' to get there. If you don't know what to
do to get there, you don't know what you want.

May the Lord grant you the insight that will
make you relevant in life. May He show you
the basic rudiments that will enable you to be
an asset, a solution and a pace setter in your
generation, in Jesus' Name.



“Start With These...
Purpose is the pathway to distinction.
Purpose affects pursuit and p
determines possession. u r s u i t

To exist at random is to end an

The way of purpose is the way of



Know Your

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;

”and before thou camest forth out of the

womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained
thee a prophet unto the nation.

” Jeremiah 1:5

Purpose affects
pursuit and



purposed is
nothing pursued

LPocalatec1e yoursiuhsuneieigdnatgPfnifsupoedurtcnphpertuotpiostnroeshspgrseuuimepenrdiadsuganufp,nrpefunsodipiseruosostcnssateueshtonsasdesiptsnnhddoene,gisodipsndasst.sguenhpnedrsudios.srntuinsPhogiauuotinf.rtinf.hptepgoNiucndsoNrtgeessotptuhtpuaeihpeufrrndiusmrfg,usnericugsentpeudasedusintprpd.piupuisosrorNsnspsnsuoooeoentssitdthohesthtiidinoihniaesngnigndg



Your Purpose

“ If you don’t aim well you can’t end well.
”Your aim determines your end.

PPurpose is the pathway to distinction. To
know your purpose is to stand out in
your world.
Beloved, purpose affects pursuit and pursuit
determines possession. Nothing purposed is
nothing pursued and nothing pursued is
nothing possessed. You must know your


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

purpose! To exist at random is to end as an
accident. And that is never your portion!

It is of utmost importance to note that the way of
purpose is the way of profiting. Life will never be
profitable until it is purposeful!

A man whose life is not purposeful will never
see the profitability of life. If you don't aim well
you can't end well. Your aim determines your

Please take note of the

1. The way of purpose is the way of

destiny distinction.

Anyone who knows his purpose, and follows
that purpose can never end as a destitute.
In Jeremiah 1:5, God began to unravel
Jeremiah's purpose on earth to him. He said,

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before thou camest forth out of the


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee
a prophet unto the nations.
Jeremiah's purpose was made clear to him,
and both the “knowing” and the “following”
of that purpose, made him stand out in his

Have you discovered God's purpose
for your life?

Are you following that purpose?

To know your purpose and to follow that purpose is to
end in distinction and stand out in your world.

2. To follow the way of purpose is to

end in the place of prominence.

Proverbs 22:29 says, “Seest thou a man diligent
in his business?” The phrase “his business”
means “his life assignment” - what he is meant
to do with his life.
So, to put it in context the Bible is saying,
“Seest thou a man diligent in his 'life assignment?'”
If that man is diligent about “his business,”
not another person's business, the Bible says,


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

“he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand
before mean men (ordinary people)”.

To follow the way of purpose is to end in the place of

You must know your purpose in life.
Why were you created?
Why are you alive?
What are you on earth to do?
What is your life all about?
Your purpose is key to your prominence. You
can't be purposeless and be prominent in life.
There is no 'purposeless' person that ends up
prominent in life.

3. Life assignment is key to life

enhancement and uplifting.

The assignment of your life is what will
produce the enhancement and uplifting for
your life.
A good example of this is the life of Joseph.


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

Genesis 41:36-44 says,
36 And that food shall be for store to the
land against the seven years of famine,
which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the
land perish not through the famine.
37 And the thing was good in the eyes of
Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants.
38 And Pharaoh said unto his servants,
Can we find such a one as this is, a man in
whom the Spirit of God is?
39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph,
Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this,
there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:
40 Thou shalt be over my house, and
according unto thy word shall all my people
be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater
than thou.
41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I
have set thee over all the land of Egypt.
42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his
hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and
arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put
a gold chain about his neck;


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

43 And he made him to ride in the second
chariot which he had; and they cried before
him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler
over all the land of Egypt.
44 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am
Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift
up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.
Following his life assignment helped Joseph
to experience an unprecedented
enhancement of his life. He went directly
from prison to the palace.

From Joseph's example, it is clear that following the
assignment of your life becomes the enhancement and
uplifting for your life.


Ask God to clearly reveal to you

the purpose of your life.


Wisdom for Distinction :
6 Supernatural Secrets to Unquestionable Stardom

Habakkuk 2:1 says, “I will stand upon my watch,
and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me.”
One of the most important prayers anyone
can pray is,

“Lord, why am I existing? What did
you bring me into this world to do?”

Pursue your life's purpose with

everything you have got.

The Bible says, “Write the vision, and make it
plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it”
(Habakkuk 2:2).
Write down your life's purpose and run with

Purpose affects
pursuit and pursuit



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