The English text above is based wholly upon the translations and commentaries of
original Pali texts, rendered into English by Theravada monks and scholars, and printed
and distributed by the Buddhist Publication Society (BPS) in Sri Lanka.
Some such sources are follow :
Bodhi, Bhikkhu. The Noble Eightfold Path. Kandy : BPS, 1984.
Ledi Seyadaw. The Noble Eightfold Path and its Factors Explained. Kandy : BPS, 1977.
Malalaskera, G. P. 2500 Years of Buddhism. Columbo : Lanka Buddha Mandalaya,
(no date)
Nanamoli, Bhikkhu, The Path of Purification (Vissuddhi Magga). Kandy : BPS, 1975.
Narada, Mathathera. The Buddha and his Teachings. Kandy : BPS, 1980.
Nyanaponik, Mahathera. The Road to Inner Freedom. Kandy : BPS, 1982.
……………………….. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation. London : Rider, 1983.
Nyanatiloka, Mahathera. The World of the Buddha. Kandy, BPS, 1967.
* Note: Original Pali spellings of words such as “Dhamma,” “Kamma” and Nibbana,”
that may look strange to occidental eyes, have been substituted with “Dharma, Karma
and Nirvana,” which will be more familiar to a wider, English-speaking audience.