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Published by ronin0472, 2022-11-18 06:27:56




Thunderous Rebuke (8m; Supplemental; Instant; of its next turn, it arrives at a new location, ready to
Withering-only; Essence 3): This Charm applies a act. This Charm functions from any location within the
single withering tail strike attack to the individual storm that birthed the serpent where lightning could
Defenses of all targets within short range; the storm plausibly strike, including within storm clouds, and
serpent gains full Initiative from the target who took the can take the serpent to any such location within the
most damage, +1 for each additional target who took bounds of the same storm. Attackers cannot target the
any damage, plus any gained from Initiative Break. storm serpent while it’s in transit. Eclipses can use this
DEFENSIVE CHARMS Charm in any storm, but using it in a storm with an
Evaporating Defense (7m; Reflexive; Instant; Per- active storm serpent is dangerous — they’re highly ter-
ilous, Uniform; Essence 2): The storm serpent was born ritorial. A wise Eclipse plans to land somewhere solid
from lightning, wind, and water, and can become for her final location — a rooftop, a spire, a high cliff
them. The storm serpent gains +2 Evasion until its next ledge — or risks plummeting from the sky.
turn, and reduces withering damage by half before Storyteller Tactics
applying soak (rounded up). A storm serpent isn’t given to negotiation, nor is it easily
Live Wire (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Counterattack, controllable without overcoming its defenses with mag-
Withering-only; Essence 2): The storm serpent re- ic. However, an Exalt (or a brave mortal) may be able to
sponds to any ranged or close attack it attempts to talk one of these elementals into fixating on a specific
parry with an 11-die withering counterattack, rep- target by appealing to its vanity and pride. Storm ser-
resenting a shock of lightning. It occurs after the attack pents have precious few weaknesses save their short
is rolled but before damage is rolled; it doesn’t count lifespans, and are usually only vulnerable to attack when
as the serpent’s combat action, and the serpent only near the ground.
gains 1 Initiative no matter how much damage it deals
with this counterattack. Challenged directly, a storm serpent dashes every struc-
MOBILITY CHARMS ture it can find to flinders before turning its rage directly
Ascending to the Heavens (5m, 5i; Simple; upon those who oppose it, relishing the moment when
Instant; Eclipse, Perilous; Essence 3): Storm systems they realize they have no shelter. Storm serpents never
can stretch for miles, and storm serpents are impa- turn aside their destructive fury, never flee or surrender
tient. The serpent transforms into a massive fusillade of — their lives are too short to shamefully waste, and they
lightning, arcing from cloud to cloud; at the beginning punish foes for thinking they could challenge the spirit
of the storm itself.



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


The following spirits are demons — progeny of the unknowable Yozis of Malfeas,
working toward their alien aspirations as they toil in their rigid hierarchy.


the Demon Spider, Demon of the First Circle

Anuhles are not a single type of First Circle demon, but and disturbing deeds. Anuhles universally delight in the
a category of them. Most First Circle demons with the hunt, though their favored prey isn’t always people.
shape and behavior of a spider are called anuhles, though
their purposes, colorations, and personalities differ de- Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 7 dice
pending on their Second Circle forebears, and they are Personal Motes: 70
many and varied. Generally, anuhles are web-weaving Health Levels: −0/−1x2/−2x2/−4/Incap.
predators ranging in size between a large dog and a draft Speed Bonus: +3 (breeds large enough to serve as
horse. mounts)
Actions: Conceal/Disguise Webs: 8 dice; Feats of
Anuhles descending from Calondra, Scribe of Tides Strength: 7 dice (may attempt Strength 3 feats); In-
Forgotten, attend to lost lore stashed within her manse. timidate: 7 dice; Senses: 10 dice; Spin Silk: 12 dice;
They weave forbidding tomes from their silk that can Stealth: 8 dice; Tracking: 8 dice
withstand the manse’s acidic environment, meticulously Resolve 3, Guile 3
recording the activities of every being in the Demon City COMBAT
and the movements of its celestial bodies. In Creation, Attack (Bite): 10 dice (Damage 13)
they weave alien structures instead, to lay eggs within Attack (Webbing grapple): 10 dice (10 to
that hatch not into more anuhles, but into eerie words — control)
tales of demonic exploits written into earth, sea, and sky, Combat Movement: 12 dice
imparting mind-warping lessons or prompting spon- Evasion 4, Parry 3
taneous quests to discover long-lost songs. These dog- Soak/Hardness: 8/5
sized anuhles have bulbous abdomens like an orb-weav- SPECIAL ABILITIES
er, ranging in color from dusty blue to deep indigo. Dripping Fangs: An anuhle’s decisive bite attacks
are venomous. The most common anuhle venom is a
Riotous anuhles descend from Stanewald, She Who vitriolic toxin that deals 3i/round (L in Crash), with du-
Surmounted the Omphalos. Boisterous and destructive, ration 5 rounds and a penalty of −4. Different breeds
these demon-spiders crawl out from rubble left behind may have others.
after her dances. They cannot abide stoicism and prey MERITS
upon those who refuse to dance. These anuhles possess Sharp-Eyed Terror: Double 9s on all Senses and
a splash of rainbow color, with eight graceful legs and Tracking rolls. Anuhles suffer no sight-based penalties
slender bodies riding low to the ground. for dim conditions or darkness, mundane or magical.
Octavian, the Living Tower, raises anuhles from his black Hell-Silk Weaver (7m or 7m, 1wp; Supplemental;
oil and the viscera of those he’s slain. These vindictive, Instant; Essence 1): For seven motes, the anuhle may
warlike anuhles gleefully hunt and kill lovers. They have supplement a Spin Silk roll to create hell-silk instead,
a huntsman spider’s frightening shape and a warhorse’s a lightweight material with the strength of a steel
size, and drip black ichor when they move. cable. Each supplemented Spin Silk action creates
enough hell-silk to make one square yard of fabric.
A sorcerer may summon the specific breed of anuhle
she wishes to command, or leave it to Malfean whim.
Summoners call up anuhles to pursue or slay targets,
weave their magical hell-silk, or perform more unique




Alternatively, for seven motes and 1 Willpower, this victims, although the anuhle is free to perform other
Charm can supplement a grapple gambit, doubling actions and suffers no Defense penalties. In combat,
8s on the control roll and dealing one level of lethal this Charm requires a successful gambit with diffi-
damage to the grappled victim for every non-reflex- culty equal to motes spent. Hell-Silk Weaver and
ive action she performs while clinched. Web-Snaring Nightmare can supplement this Charm.
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Web-Snaring Nightmare (5m; Supplemental;
Essence 2): The anuhle moves with blinding speed, Until the clinch ends; Essence 2): If the anuhle restrains
taking a flurry without the usual restrictions — it can a grappled opponent after its first round of control, it
flurry two of the same action if desired, and ignores may wrap the victim in webbing, allowing it to take
the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense. other non-reflexive actions while the grapple contin-
Silken Spike Offense (8m; Simple; Instant; De- ues and suffer no Defense penalties. The opponent’s
cisive-only; Essence 2): The anuhle weaves a foot- penalties to attacks while clinched increase by one.
long spike of hell-silk and propels it at a target within DEFENSIVE CHARMS
medium range, as a decisive attack with 10 dice that Leaping Demon-Spider Dodge (4m, 2i; Reflex-
ignores up to 3 Hardness. An enemy damaged by the ive; Instant; Perilous; Essence 2): After successfully
spike suffers one lethal damage die per round until dodging an attack, the anuhle moves one range band
she removes the spike, which requires destroying it or away from the attacker in any direction. This Charm
a difficulty 3 feat of strength. is usable once per scene, but it resets whenever the
Thread-Spinning Snare (3m, 1wp; Simple; anuhle Incapacitates or kills a non-trivial opponent.
Instant; Eclipse; Essence 1): The anuhle sets a trap MOBILITY CHARMS
that deals no damage, filling the area out to close Monstrous Flying Leap (5m; Supplemental;
range from it with webbing. Anyone who enters the Instant; Essence 1): The anuhle leaps, pounces, or sails
area is subject to a webbing grapple gambit using on a string of silk, moving two range bands with one re-
the anuhle’s traits, even if the demon isn’t present; the flexive move action. This is only usable once per scene.
web itself performs the clinch, and can only restrain



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

These traits reflect the basic competencies of any anuhle;
Bloodthirsty Stalker (5m; Simple; Indefinite; each specific type has a few additional Charms, Merits,
Essence 1): If the anuhle has tasted the target’s blood and/or special abilities to reflect its unique nature. For
before (having dealt at least 1 level of lethal damage example, Calondra’s anuhles also possess Demon Lore: 7
with a bite attack), it doubles 7s on rolls to track, dice. If requested, they may spend 3 motes to recite one
follow, and find her; if she uses concealment magic, random fact about Malfeas, demons and Yozis, or celes-
use an appropriate pool to roll off against the anuhle’s tial and seasonal cycles. Stanewald’s anuhles also pos-
Senses or Tracking pool, depending on the situation. sess Many-Legged Dances: 8 dice. By spending 5 motes
Hurry Home (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): and 1 Willpower, they automatically succeed at a feat of
The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavailable demolition requiring fewer than 10 successes.
when unbound.
Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence Armor crafted from hell-silk gains the Silent tag.
1): Spinning itself from fears and venom, the anuhle Mundane means cannot harm or destroy it, and it is im-
enters Creation in physical form. mune to Dragon-Blooded anima flux.
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
1): The anuhle can read anyone it has hunted and
caught, or is currently hunting.


the Choral Equestrian, Demon of the First Circle

Fulope are masses of flexible fibers like spun glass, each Actions: Beautiful Song: 11 dice (5 with its own
aglow and moving as if adrift underwater. When calm, a voice); Fly: 4 dice; Host Impersonation: 5 dice (8 for
fulope swims through the air, but fits of passion tangle it long-term hosts); Read Intentions: 6 dice; Senses: 6
into knots, each snarl blistering into a burning eye with a dice; Social Influence (non-Performance): 7 dice
lamprey-like maw as its pupil. Appearance 3, Resolve 4, Guile 2

Like many of the Silent Wind’s brood, the choral eques- COMBAT
trian lives to sing. Its own voice a harsh buzz, it possesses Attack (Bite): 7 dice (Damage 10)
others to perform. Fastening itself to the nape of another Attack (Tendril slash): 10 dice (Damage 8)
creature’s neck, it winds scorching, yet painless nerve-fi- Attack (Grapple): 8 dice (7 to control)
bers into the victim’s brain and larynx to seize control. Combat Movement: 4 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 2
Confronted with another singer of any kind, the fulope Soak/Hardness: 4/0
competes to prove its mastery until they stop. Rival fu-
lope engage in lengthy duels of song, leaving their hosts’ OFFENSIVE CHARMS
throats raw. Neural Reins (20m, 1wp; Simple; Indefinite; Deci-
sive-only; Essence 2): Expend all rounds of a grapple’s
A fulope often obsesses over something or someone as control to roll (10 + rounds of control forfeited) dice
its muse — most enticingly, Malfeas’ green sun. Left to it- against the higher of the target’s (Resolve or current
self, a choral equestrian seizes a flying demon’s body and Willpower). If successful, it gains control of her body,
soars into Hell’s sky. Those that fly too high burn, their using her physical Attributes, health track, and voice.
stolen bodies plummeting like meteors to the city below. Observers may make a difficulty 3 (Perception +
Awareness or Medicine) roll to notice a small glassy
Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 2 dice lump in the nape of her neck, and a difficulty 5 (In-
Personal Motes: 70 telligence + Occult) roll to understand its significance.
Health Levels: −0/−1x2/−2x4/−4/Incap. At the end of each scene in which the fulope’s host is
Intimacies: Defining: Current Muse (Obsession), “I present, she may roll (Wits + Integrity), difficulty 3, as
must sing.” one interval of an extended action with terminus 3 and
goal number 10 to expel it. She may also roll whenever




the demon tries to force her to act against an Intimacy, Uncoiling Glassy Thread (8m; Supplemental; Instant;
adding the Intimacy’s rating in bonus dice. Essence 1): The fulope’s strands elongate to grapple an
A character may submit willingly; the demon pays the enemy at short range, with three bonus successes on the
Charm’s cost and automatically succeeds without a roll. attack and control rolls. Success drags the victim to close
A target who retains control while possessed — having range. The strands’ pulsing heat is extraordinarily painful,
sorcerously bound the demon or persuaded it with social increasing the grappled target’s Defense penalty to −3.
influence — can spend the higher of (her Essence) or 3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS
of the fulope’s motes per scene on social Charms. She Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
can relinquish control to let the demon act for her with its 1): The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavail-
own social and mental traits, and regains control at will. able when unbound.
An extended (Intelligence + Medicine) roll with dif- Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
ficulty 5, goal number 10, and interval one hour 1): The demon weaves itself from snatches of stolen
extracts an embedded fulope surgically from a re- song in a hundred foreign voices.
strained or subdued host. The patient suffers two lethal Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
damage per roll, ignoring Hardness. Magic that 1): The fulope reads anyone it possesses.
ends possession, such as Burning Exorcism Technique
(Exalted, p. 356), can also expel it. Storyteller Tactics
Song-Stealing Mollification (6m; Supplemen-
tal; Instant; Essence 1): While possessing a host A fulope without a host tries to grapple the most appealing
and in control, the fulope doubles 9s on a Perfor- target. Choose the opponent with the highest Performance
mance-based social influence roll to uphold its host’s rating, or if none have Performance, Charisma. Enemy sor-
Intimacies by singing. Using this Charm more than cerers can use summoned fulope to enhance their abilities, or
once per scene temporarily shifts one of the host’s In- take discreet control of someone important. Someone who’s
timacies toward a more demonic context or subject already possessed makes for a good introduction to a mystery
with each subsequent use, until the fulope is expelled. the characters can investigate, following rumors of strange
behavior or noticing it themselves in someone they know.



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


the Malfean Elemental, Demon of the First Circle

The demon realm of Malfeas lies wholly apart from the pools and/or static values relevant to the rivalry’s
mortal world, subject to its baleful masters’ whims and nature, adding two dice each to pools or +1 each to
never graced with the orderly presence of Creation’s ele- static values, to a maximum of the rival’s unmodified
ments. Instead, its cracks ooze with Theion To, or vitriol: value. It also copies one of the rival’s iconic Charms,
the acid of Hell. The metody are vitriol spirits, alien cous- non-Story Merits, or other powers for which it has
ins to Creation’s elementals. They can assume any twisted the prerequisites. Each time the rivalry persists into
or distorted human form, often horned or hooved, or dis- the next story, the metody may improve three more
figured animal shapes. They only take unblemished forms dice pools or static values (including ones previously
under compulsion. Their passage etches smoldering foot- enhanced by the rivalry), and choose an additional
prints into stone and trails a sulfurous stench. Charm, Merit, or similar power. All benefits disap-
pear if all of the metody’s negative Intimacies toward
Their personalities are consumptive and acidic as their the rival drop below Major. Otherwise, the benefits
natures, passive-aggressively tearing others down and become permanent if the metody personally and de-
pointed in their commentary. They approach obstacles cisively defeats the rival.
with lazy defiance, believing nothing lies beyond their
ability to dissolve eventually, whether physical materials
or ephemeral relationships. When a metody establishes
a rivalry, it evolves to take on some of its foe’s qualities.

Essence: 3; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 5 dice
Personal Motes: 80
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x3/−2x3/−4/Incap.
Intimacies: Defining: “Everything exists for me to
dissolve.”; Major: Creation’s Elementals (Spite)
Actions: Feats of Destruction: 9 dice; Read Inten-
tions: 8 dice; Resist Disease/Poison: 8 dice; Senses:
5 dice; Weaken Intimacy: 9 dice
Appearance 1, Resolve 4, Guile 2
Attack (Strike): 7 dice (Damage 10)
Attack (Grapple): 7 dice (6 to control) (see Acidic
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion 4, Parry 2
Soak/Hardness: 8/0
Blessed Acidic Body: Targets grappling or grap-
pled by the metody suffer an environmental hazard
(Exalted, p. 230) that deals 3L/round, with dif-
ficulty 5. The demon heals health levels equal to
damage it would take from any other acid source.
Rival Nature Subsumption: Once per
story, a metody may establish a rivalry with
someone toward whom it has a negative
Major or Defining Intimacy (other than
its summoner). It chooses three total dice




Shifting Mutable Form: The metody assumes any ignores damage that wouldn’t harm ordinary acid.
humanoid or similarly sized animal (or animal-like) It also counts as an acid bath environmental hazard
shape as a miscellaneous action. In fluid form, it (see Blessed Acidic Body).
ignores difficult terrain and can fit through any space Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
a liquid could squeeze through, but can’t take any 1): The demon flows back to its summoner’s side; un-
non-movement actions. available when unbound.
OFFENSIVE CHARMS Materialize (40m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
Fluid Embrace (8m, 2i; Supplemental; Instant; Ag- 1): Reality peels back, smoldering, as the metody
gravated, Dual; Essence 3): One withering attack sears its way into Creation.
ignores all soak, or one decisive attack ignores all Measure the Wind (5m, Simple; Instant; Essence
Hardness. 1): The metody can discern the nature of anyone
DEFENSIVE CHARMS burned with its acid.
Liquid Evasion Tactic (4m; 4i; Reflexive; Instant; Storyteller Tactics
Uniform; Essence 1): The metody disperses into siz- Metody love to dissolve things — objects, structures,
zling globules, gaining +2 Evasion against one agreements, organizations, and relationships. They take
attack. On a successful dodge, it moves one range their time, though, believing it’s inevitable that one day
band in any direction it can flow, unless in Devouring they’ll dissolve all of Creation. Thus, unless bound to the
Acid Form. task, clever would-be victims might divert a metody’s
MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS attention to dissolving something more urgent with suf-
Devouring Acid Form (6m, 1wp; Simple; One ficient social influence. Malfean elementals meet aggres-
scene; Essence 1): The metody dissolves into froth- sion in kind. Known for spite, they’ll destroy an enemy’s
ing, acidic foam. It devours mundane objects and possessions before they kill her, just because they can.
structures, burrowing through soil, sand, or other soft
substances with movement actions, or through one A metody without specific orders to the contrary as-
yard of harder substances per minute. It cannot take sumes liquid or foam form to flee while dealing maxi-
non-reflexive actions except feats of destruction, and mum collateral damage upon taking damage to its first
−2 health level.



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


the Eternal Wheel, Demon of the First Circle

These demons tumble from place to place humming and rings striking the ground as they spin. These messengers
whispering, quietly singing or mumbling about their ob- roll up the mirror-polished surfaces of Malfean glass
sessions. An oldrasek has no eyes, but it sees; no mouth, towers, carrying correspondence for the Demon City’s
though it speaks. A half-dozen to a dozen glittering, ro- inhabitants and bearing their decrees to Creation’s far-
tating, concentric rings composed of any combination of thest-flung reaches.
brass, blackened steel, pitted bone, tendons, glistening
viscera, basalt, or etched crystal, encircle its heart. No Summoners and demon princes call upon oldrasek to deliv-
two oldrasek possess the same set of rings, but each has er messages with dogged persistence. Tasked with deliver-
a scintillating fire opal at its center. ing a missive, the demon commits it to memory and takes
it to its target without regard for the challenges or dan-
The demon rolls along, propelled by its ever-turning gers of terrain. An oldrasek does not stop for any obstacle,
rings. These shift and twist in turn to give it unparalleled smashing through panes of living glass, toppling a Dynastic
maneuverability, casting bright arcs of reflected light in estate’s marble pillars, or crumbling the palisade erected
around a fort. It rolls through raging battles, plumbs pela-
all directions. Ringing, clat- gial depths, and trundles through raksha courts with nei-
tering, and meaty slapping ther fear nor regard for the wonders and horrors it passes
follow in an oldrasek’s by. Upon arrival, it relays the message exactly as it was re-
wake, its various ceived, in a language the recipient understands.

Oldrasek obsess over language and the delivery of
messages. To amuse themselves, they translate
the messages they carry into countless
tongues, searching for hidden mean-
ings and coded phrases to deci-
pher, and memorizing corre-
spondents’ linguistic patterns.
They recombine dispatches
to form a strange kind of
found poetry, some of which
borders on the prophetic.

Each message it delivers
links one being to another,
forging an invisible chain
across Creation and Malfeas
alike. Some occultists believe
that if one plotted out an ol-
drasek’s journeys on a map, its
path would resemble the words of
an incomplete missive. They suggest
that if all oldrasek wanderings were
so traced, they’d spell out a prayer
the demons themselves have
been composing for millennia.




Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 8 dice laws, an oldrasek can move vertically as well as hor-
Personal Motes: 70 izontally as long as it has a surface to roll on. Eclipses
Health Levels: −0x5/−1x2/−2x2/−4/Incap. with this Charm must roll as well, either by dropping
Actions: Feats of Strength: 8 dice (may attempt prone and rolling bodily or using a wheeled device.
Strength 5 feats); Linguistic Feats: 8 dice; Navigation: Unstoppable Dervish Approach (8m, 1wp;
10 dice; Resist Disease/Poison: 8 dice; Senses: 5 dice Supplemental; Instant; Essence 2): Add 3 dice to a
Resolve 3, Guile 2 feat of strength to smash through a mundane obstacle.
It crushes any object up to the size of an adult human,
COMBAT or creates a similarly sized hole in a wall or barrier.
Attack (Rolling trample): 10 dice (Damage 14, When the oldrasek is within medium range of its mes-
minimum 2); Tags: Smashing sage’s recipient, the demon may attempt Strength 7
Combat Movement: 13 dice feats to destroy obstacles in its way. This is only usable
Evasion 4, Parry 3 once per scene; reset by moving at least one range
Soak/Hardness: 8/4 band per round for five consecutive rounds.
Eternal Wheel: So long as an oldrasek bears a Hurry Home (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
message and continues to move, it needs no rest or The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavailable
nourishment, suffers no penalties for difficult terrain, when unbound.
and ignores damage from environmental hazards. Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
Additionally, as long as it moves at least one range 1): In a whirl of brass, flesh, and blood, bands of
band per round in combat, it waives the Initiative cost sinew, and the smell of heat, an oldrasek takes ma-
for smash attacks. terial shape.
Sturdy as Stone: An oldrasek cannot be knocked Measure the Wind (5m, Simple; Instant; Essence
back or prone except by magical effects or creatures 1): An oldrasek reads the nature of anyone to whom
of Legendary Size. A grappled oldrasek cannot be it’s delivering a message, or anyone who’s ordering
thrown or slammed unless magic such as Dragon Coil such a delivery.
Technique (Exalted, p. 280) is used, or if the attack- Storyteller Tactics
er is of Legendary Size. Summoners and more powerful demons use oldrasek
to relay important messages to their allies or threats to
OFFENSIVE CHARMS their enemies, leaving plenty of opportunity for charac-
Spinning Gimbal Crush (5m; Simple; Instant; De- ters to bind one of their own or intercept critical infor-
cisive-only; Essence 2): An oldrasek pulps flesh and mation relayed via demon.
grinds bone within its swirling sphere. Add three dice
to a decisive attack. This attack ignores all Hardness An oldrasek resorts to Spinning Gimbal Crush only if
except from a Charm or other magical ability. If the cornered or if someone tries to prevent it from making a
oldrasek deals any damage, it may then take a reflex- delivery. If its target is unwilling to hear the message, it
ive rush action against another target, or a disengage smashes bodily into the recipient until he stops moving
action if escaping the fight would be more prudent. or complies — messages must be delivered. Whenever
This is only usable once per scene; reset by moving at an oldrasek has no message to carry, it obsessively seeks
least one range band per round for five consecutive another, roaming about and offering its services like a
rounds. rickshaw driver seeking fares.

MOBILITY CHARMS If forced into battle, an oldrasek flees once it’s taken
Earth-Defying Gyration (6m, 1wp; Reflexive; damage to its last −1 health level.
One scene; Eclipse; Essence 1): Unbound by natural



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


the Clamorous Cloud Arsenal, Demon of the First Circle

At the beginning and the end of each day in Hell, the to- peasant child. They do these things to honor the Yozis’
mescu scream with the awful knowledge of their own incomprehensible wishes and to return some of their
dooms. One tomescu out of every 100 stays rebellious- masters’ memory to Creation.
ly silent. Of a set of 10,000, only one foresees a glorious
end, and its scream is joyous. These tomescu, other de- Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 7 dice
mons fear. Personal Motes: 70
Health Levels: −0/−1x3/−2x3/−4/Incap.
A tomescu appears as a swirl of vapor. When it attacks, Intimacies: Defining: “Die in pain or glory”; Major:
long, insectoid limbs protrude from this airy haze, each “All actions serve the enemies of the gods.”
ending in a vicious weapon. Beneath the cloud, a tomes- Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (may perform
cu’s true form has a green carapace and dozens upon Strength 4 feats); Honor the World-Makers: 8 dice;
dozens of dexterous limbs. Though adept at the many Read Intentions: 7 dice; Senses: 7 dice; Wailing
arts of combat, the tomescu have no love for violence, Threats: 8 dice
for they know their lives will end in pain and suffering, Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 2
and they wish to enjoy what brief pleasures they can in COMBAT
between their visions of death. Attack (Sword limb): 12 dice (Damage 10)
Attack (Axe limb): 10 dice (Damage 12)
Bound or not, a tomescu seeks out small, odd tasks and Attack (Sledge limb): 8 dice (Damage 14/3)
performs them for no obvious reason, from rearranging
garden stones just so to saving — or taking — the life of a




Attack (Composite bow limb): 10 dice (Damage as a summoner follows a tomescu’s predictions, she
10); Tags: Archery gains +4 bonus dice to relevant actions.
Combat Movement: 7 dice Hurry Home (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Evasion 3, Parry 5 The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavailable
Soak/Hardness: 8/0 when unbound.
Note: A tomescu may have other kinds of weapon Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
limbs in addition to the common ones listed here. 1): Weaving itself from broken weapon shards and
MERITS wailing doom, the tomescu takes physical shape.
Ten Thousand Deadly Limbs: Each of the tomes- Measure the Wind (5m, Simple; Instant; Essence
cu’s limbs ends in a weapon. These are grown from 1): The tomescu can read anyone who faces it in
the demon’s own carapace and cannot be broken or combat.
disarmed except with attacks that would sever a limb. Natural Prognostication (1m; Reflexive; Simple;
OFFENSIVE CHARMS Essence 1): Unbidden, the tomescu howls of misfor-
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; tune doomed to be befall a target (often paranoid
Essence 2): The tomescu moves with blinding speed, summoners). This is expressed as a one-sentence
taking a flurry without the usual restrictions. It can statement of something that may come to pass. If fol-
flurry two of the same action if desired, and it ignores lowing a tomescu’s prediction helps a character avoid
the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense. misfortune, she regains one Willpower point, loses
Furious Thousand-Armed Counter (3m; Reflex- one Limit if applicable, and forms a Minor Tie of trust
ive; Instant; Counterattack, Withering-only; Essence to all tomescu (or strengthens an existing Tie by one
1): After the tomescu has applied its Parry defense but step). Once per story.
before damage is rolled, it makes a withering coun- Storyteller Tactics
terattack with its choice of weapon limb. Successes on Summoners typically summon and bind tomescu for one
this damage roll reduce the target’s Initiative one-for- of two reasons: they need a versatile combatant, or they
one. The first time in a turn it uses this ability against a wish to have someone’s fate foretold. Though the de-
particular opponent, it doesn’t pay the mote cost. mons don’t read the Loom of Fate, they’re attuned to the
DEFENSIVE CHARMS Yozis’ vast knowledge. More often than not their guesses
Many-Limbed Interception (2m; Reflexive; are correct when they cry of doom and despair. Many a
Instant; Essence 1): Ignore all penalties to Parry sorcerer has ignored a tomescu’s warnings and met her
Defense against a single attack. The first time in a turn untimely end. However, they only predict doom — some-
it uses this ability against a particular opponent, it times without being asked.
doesn’t pay the mote cost.
MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS Tomescu are frightening to behold in a fight as flurries
Foretell the Future (10m, 1wp; Simple; One of limbs and vapor. They tear into opponents one at a
scene; Essence 2): In Malfeas, the tomescu read the time until all that’s left is a haze of bloody mist. The same
wind and listen to the whispers hidden behind ev- whirlwind of insectoid legs catches blows as easily as it
er-present songs, and know the Yozis’ wishes. In Cre- delivers them; a tomescu in combat constantly parries
ation, they do their best to guess, finding the former and counters.
World-Makers’ thumbprints in hidden places. As long
A tomescu must scream at dawn and dusk when it
glimpses its own demise, which obviates stealth.



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


the Ever-Open Door, Demon of the Second Circle

An icy black wind presages Audegar’s arrival. Coils of vi- Legend says that wherever Audegar delivers a message,
olet cloth unfurl from empty air, assuming the form of a a strange sapling sprouts, eventually growing into a
tall, powerful man entirely swathed in purple. No flesh tree doomed to bring bloodless death: a climbing child
exists beneath those robes, only cold, stormy darkness. falling from its boughs, a brigand hung upon a gallows
built from its lumber, or perhaps a tyrant slain by poison
Audegar serves the demon princes as messenger and brewed from its bruise-colored blossoms.
courier. By entering the midnight tempest that is him-
self, he can travel anywhere in the same realm of exis- While Audegar abhors bloodshed, he’s fearsome in bat-
tence, and may bring passengers with him. Though he’s tle, unfurling lengths of purple fabric to smother and
honorable in his way, his winds are treacherous, inclined strangle, or to draw enemies into the shadowy typhoon
to tear travelers from him and cast them adrift on far, within him. Some victims appear in the ocean’s depths
lonely shores. or plummet from the heavens. Others simply vanish, for-
ever lost.
Jacint, the Prince Upon the Tower — Audegar’s demon-
ic progenitor — creates Hell’s winding sky-roads with Essence: 6; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 8 dice
voice alone. On occasion, lesser demons consecrate Personal Motes: 110
those roads to Audegar by hanging their kin from them Health Levels: −0/−1x5/−2x5/−4x5/Incap.
until dead. In like manner, an earthly bridge from which Intimacies: Defining: “I am honored to serve as a
a person has been hanged is hallowed unto him for so messenger.”; Major: “It is not the journey that matters,
long as the body remains.




but the destination.”, “I abhor bloodshed.”, “There within long range, such as high above the ground or
is beauty in death and silence.”, the Demon Princes at the bottom of a lake; the target must be able to fit
(Respect); Minor: Philosophers (Desire to Debate) normally in the space where they appear. This cannot
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (may attempt guarantee death, but may be fatal without supernatu-
Strength 3 feats); Resist Disease/Poison: 10 dice; ral protection or swift rescue. Once per scene; reset by
Senses: 7 dice; Social Influence: 6 dice; Stealth: 8 defeating a non-trivial opponent using other means.
dice; Teleportation: 8 dice; Tracking: 7 dice Porphyreal Brocade Barrage (6m, 2i; Simple;
Appearance 3 (Hideous), Resolve 4, Guile 4 Instant; Essence 4): Audegar sends streamers of
purple fabric lashing out in all directions. This is a single
COMBAT withering attack with 13 dice and 13/3 damage
Attack (Cloth whip): 11 dice (Damage 11) against all opponents within close range. He gains
Attack (Grapple): 9 dice (10 to control) Initiative normally for the highest damage roll, plus up
Combat Movement: 11 dice to three Initiative for each other target struck. Anyone
Evasion 6, Parry 3 this attack crashes flies back one range band and
Soak/Hardness: 10/0 (see Resilient Cloth Body) lands prone. Once per scene; reset when attacked 5+
times in one round by non-trivial opponents.
Levitant: Audegar doesn’t touch the earth, but rather Implosive Evasion (5m, 2i or 5m, 2i, 1wp; Re-
drifts above it. He ignores relevant difficult terrain. flexive; Instant; Essence 5): Audegar folds into himself
Resilient Cloth Body: Audegar has Hardness 6 to escape harm, gaining +3 Evasion. If he dodges
against attacks that deal bashing decisive damage. successfully, he vanishes and immediately reappears
Soul-Scrap Vessel: Should Audegar be killed, anywhere he wishes within short range (or medium
his windy Essence clings to a fragment of violet cloth range with a 1 Willpower surcharge), ignoring ob-
that reflexively flees via Borne on Black Winds (see structions.
below). This soul-scrap vessel has a single −4 health MOBILITY CHARMS
level and 10 motes, and is only capable of move- Elusive Skyborne Wisp (2m+; Reflexive; Instant;
ment, perception, social influence, and stealth. Aude- Essence 4): Add up to three successes to any combat
gar’s Essence gutters out by the end of the next story movement roll, or up to +3 to Evasion, for two motes
unless an artisan weaves him a new body as a major per success or point of Evasion.
crafting project. MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS
Travel Through Nothingness: Audegar can tele- Borne on Black Winds (10m + 5m/passenger;
port when taking a reflexive move action, ignoring Simple; Instant; Essence 6): Audegar vanishes into
obstructions and difficult terrain. He may bring one the cold, dark winds inside himself to travel afar.
willing character whenever he teleports; this counts as These winds exist outside Creation; while traveling, he
the passenger’s next reflexive move action. neither perceives nor interacts with the world and vice
versa. Audegar travels 100 miles per hour, ignoring
OFFENSIVE CHARMS obstacles except those that block immaterial beings.
Enshrouding Textile Snare (5m; Supplemen- Passengers treat the icy winds as an environmental
tal; Instant; Essence 5): Banners of Audegar’s violet hazard (1B/hour, difficulty 1) and must roll (Stamina
cloth cocoon a foe. Double 9s on a grapple gam- + Integrity) or be torn free, falling back into the world
bit’s attack roll, Initiative roll, and control roll. Once somewhere off-course determined by the Storyteller. If
per scene; reset by successfully using Inner Whirlwind he transports a large group, the Storyteller may make
Banishment against a non-trivial opponent. one roll to represent the whole group. This Charm
Flickering-Air Ambuscade (6m, 2i; Simple; cannot transport people between realms of existence.
Instant; Uniform; Essence 6): Folding into himself, Audegar himself must roll Teleportation with vari-
Audegar vanishes, reappearing behind an enemy able difficulty: 1 for a place within line of sight, 2 for
within medium range and making a normal cloth whip a place he knows well, 3 for a place barely known
attack. or unknown but well-described, or 4 for a place
Inner Whirlwind Banishment (10m, 1wp; Re- unknown and only vaguely described. Failure leads
flexive; Instant; Perilous; Essence 6): Pulling an en- him off-course. A botch takes him and his passengers
snared enemy inside himself, Audegar exiles her into wildly off-course, or they encounter some disastrous
his internal storm. He may only use this Charm while inner peril — like a spectral behemoth, black-light-
controlling a grapple at Initiative 10+ with at least five ning storm, or hurricane of bones — of the Storyteller’s
turns of control. The target vanishes, reappearing at choosing.
the start of the next round in some dangerous location



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence petitioner and those around her for the scene. The
1): Audegar fades away and vanishes on his next Charm ends if the petitioner leaves the bridge or if the
turn, drawn instantly to his summoner’s side or to a bridge loses its sanctification. An Eclipse can activate
petitioner with whom he’s communing via Pontal Sky- this Charm when someone speaks her name, not Au-
Shrine Intercession. degar’s; this requires a bridge sanctified via actions
Materialize (55m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence and symbols evoking the Eclipse’s own personality
1): Audegar unfurls from a gust of cold, dark wind. and nature, as agreed upon with the Storyteller.
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
1): Audegar can discern the nature of anyone who Storyteller Tactics
travels through him.
Pontal Sky-Shrine Intercession (5m; Reflex- Sorcerers typically bind Audegar for conveyance, though
ive; One scene; Eclipse; Essence 4): Audegar may he’s also an efficacious messenger and adequate com-
activate this Charm whenever someone in the same batant. While unbound, he usually eschews combat,
realm of existence speaks his name while on a bridge preferring diplomacy and fleeing the first time he takes
sanctified to him. He can hear and be heard by the any damage. Should a summoner’s orders compel bat-
tle, he prefers hit-and-run tactics, picking off stragglers
with Enshrouding Textile Snare and Inner Whirlwind


the Sigil’s Dreamer, Demon of the Second Circle

Makarios appears as a youth with hair of copper wire COMBAT
and a rainbow shimmer upon his eyes. His foremost de- Attack (Unarmed): 10 dice (Damage 10)
sire is to spread his sigil across Creation, binding mortal Combat Movement: 6 dice
dreams to him. Sorcerers call Makarios to advise them Evasion 3, Parry 3
in trade negotiations or to bargain for his otherworld- Soak/Hardness: 8/4
ly treasures. Crueler summoners set the demon to tor-
menting foes in dreams. MERITS
Cult 2: Sigil-bearers pray for relief that never comes.
Those wishing to bargain with Makarios must do so in Demon-Merchant’s Prerogative: Any social influ-
dreams, where he resides in a citadel of apple-green ence that would compel Makarios to give away his wares
chrysoprase and white alabaster, filled with sensual de- without a fair deal is unacceptable (Exalted, p. 220), in-
lights. The wonders Makarios offers are rarely found in cluding commands from a sorcerer who’s bound him.
Creation: gems of crystalline sorrow, nightmare-scented Dream-Binding Sigil: A character with Occult 5,
perfumes, the language of toads. His cost is always fair, or Occult 3 and a specialty in Demons, may make
though well-negotiated. a difficulty 3 (Intelligence + [lower of Linguistics or
Occult]) roll to draw Makarios’ sigil on the brow of
Essence: 5; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 8 dice a willing or helpless mortal. Marked mortals can’t
Personal Motes: 100 regain Willpower from sleep, and can’t dream at
Health Levels: −0x1/−1x3/−2x5/−4x3/Incap. all unless Makarios visits them. Every (10 – Integri-
Intimacies: Defining: “Expand the ranks of my sig- ty) days a marked character with zero Willpower
il-bearers.”, “Breaking bargains is unforgivable.”; goes without recovering any Willpower, she either
Major: “Bring my goods to broader markets.”, Sig- gains the Minor Madness Derangement (Exalted,
il-Bearers (Possessiveness); Minor: The Guild (Fond- p. 168), or increases the Derangement’s intensi-
ness) ty one step if she already has it. Removing the mark
Actions: Appraise Goods: 12 dice; Bargain: 14 unbinds her dreams, but doesn’t remove Derange-
dice; Crafting: 12 dice; Demon City Lore: 7 dice; Eco- ments. She can wash away an inked or painted sigil,
nomics: 10 dice; Investigate: 7 dice; Read Intentions: but a branded or scarred sigil must be removed either
9 dice; Senses: 8 dice; Social Influence: 10 dice; with magic capable of healing crippling injuries or by
Tracking: 5 dice cutting away the marked flesh, which inflicts four dice
Appearance 4, Resolve 5, Guile 4 of lethal damage that can’t be negated or prevented.




OFFENSIVE CHARMS whose approximate location he knows, letting him
Prismatic Cloud Touch (6m, 3i; Supplemental; speak to and engage in social influence with her.
Instant; Dual, Eclipse, Perilous; Essence 3): Wreathing Objects held or worn by both participants’ physical
a hand in a colorful haze of dreams and nightmares, bodies accompany them; any exchanged objects
Makarios saps his foe’s will. A withering attack that appear at the recipient’s physical location. Makarios
crashes an enemy, or decisive attack that hits an doubles 9s on all actions if the dreamer bears his sigil.
enemy, supplemented by this Charm steals one Will- (Eclipses can’t gain this benefit.) At any time, Makari-
power from the target; this can increase Makarios’ os can commit a 10-mote, 1-Willpower surcharge to
Willpower beyond its maximum, but excess unspent change the dream into a nightmare in which he and
points vanish at the end of the scene. the dreamer can harm each other, with damage and
Tarnished Trinket Glint (7m; Simple; Instant; De- other deleterious effects carrying over to their physical
cisive-only, Eclipse, Psyche; Essence 3): Roll 12 dice bodies. It’s not possible to die this way — Incapacitat-
(Eclipses use [Manipulation + Bureaucracy]) against ed characters lose all Willpower instead.
the Resolve of an enemy within medium range as a Lotus-Gilding Tongue (5m; Supplemental; Instant;
difficulty 4 gambit. Success makes the victim see an Essence 5): Double 8s on a bargain roll. Double 7s
illusory treasure somewhere within medium range of instead if Makarios offers something he crafted from
Makarios, tailored to appeal to one of her Major or otherworldly materials.
Defining Intimacies. She must move toward it, and Waking Dream Affliction (10m, 1wp; Simple; One
can’t attack any target until she reaches it. The Solar scene; Eclipse, Psyche; Essence 3): Roll 12 dice (Eclipses
Charm Eye of the Unconquered Sun and comparable use [Manipulation + Bureaucracy]) against the Resolve
effects render characters immune to this Charm. of one or more characters. Affected characters perceive
SOCIAL CHARMS an illusion — either an alteration to the environment, or an
Gates of the Dreaming Market (5m, 1wp illusory entity up to the size of a house — as real, unless
[+10m, 1wp]; Simple; One dream; Eclipse; Essence physical interaction with it reveals otherwise. Characters
3): Makarios enters the dreams of a sleeping character can spend 1 Willpower to resist if their belief in the illu-
sion imperils a Major or Defining Intimacy.



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

Makarios offers unique and valuable treasures. He ac-
Heartfelt Treasures Appraisal (8m, 1wp; cepts many forms of compensation — vast sums of cur-
Simple; One scene; Eclipse; Essence 4): Makari- rency, artifacts, favors, and so on — but his favorite deal
os perfectly ignores attempts to misrepresent the by far is payment in unwilling mortals marked with his
value of objects offered for sale or trade, including sigil. Confronted with moral objections to this, he ex-
Psyche effects like the Solar Charm Soul-Snaring Pitch presses polite bemusement.
(Exalted, p. 286), unless the seller’s sole motivation
is upholding a Defining Intimacy, not profit. Makarios Makarios can’t threaten the Exalted in combat. If nego-
can free others from such influence by informing them tiations fail, he disorients enemies with Waking Dream
of the truth. He automatically discerns any Ties a seller Affliction and stalls the strongest foe with Tarnished
has to her wares. Trinket Glint, then dematerializes and flees. His true
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence weapons are his connections in Creation; take this op-
1): On his next turn, Makarios vanishes to his sum- portunity to introduce unique and colorful antagonists
moner’s side; unavailable while unbound. — cultists, sorcerers, Exigents, the Guild, etc. He has
Materialize (50m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence no mercy for those who renege on deals with him, and
1): Makarios appears from a swirl of prismatic mist. exacts punishments ranging from tormented dreams to
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence sending minions or the indebted to harass the perpetra-
1): Makarios determines the nature of a sigil-bearer tor in the waking world.
or someone bargaining with him.
Sigil-Seeking (10m; Simple; One scene; Essence
3): Double 7s on Senses-based rolls against sig-





the Cancerous Cornucopia, Demon of the Second Circle

Bipedal and pleasant to the eye, with a half-dozen arms Combat Movement: 8 dice
that each end in a many-fingered hand, the Malfean gar- Evasion 4, Parry 5
dener Rimvidas tends to the development not only of Soak/Hardness: 10/0
Creation’s vegetation when summoned and what twist- MERITS
ed flora thrive in Hell, but anything that can bloom and Cult 1: Rimvidas’ worshipers are gardeners, animal
grow: blossoming ideas captured from creative mortal breeders, and other nurturers with an infernal bent,
minds, a thriving economy, a war for conquest and ex- or those desperate to make a productive change: the
pansion, or even new love. They drape themselves in oppressed and downtrodden as well as the greedy
cloth-of-brass unless put to a particular task, in which and ambitious.
case their clothing shifts to something appropriate — Green Thumb: Rimvidas rolls Cultivate for any
gleaming armor when called upon to aid in conquest, action that involves growing something in any way,
for instance, or a merchant’s finery when commanded to at the Storyteller’s discretion, even if the action would
bolster trade. normally fall under another pool. Example actions
include rallying for numbers while commanding a
It’s dangerous to rely on the Cancerous Cornucopia; battle group, instill actions to create a new Intimacy or
they never know when to stop. Left unchecked, their strengthen an existing one, crafting new objects or re-
gardens overgrow to the ruin of entire castle towns. The pairing broken ones, and any action that contributes
loves they encourage intensify until the unfortunate vic- to the health and growth of a living being.
tims become codependent and obsessed. A campaign Overgrowth: On the final roll of any extended
of conquest stretches a nation’s resources so thin their action with a terminus (Exalted, p. 189), Rimvidas
entire empire collapses practically overnight. Rimvidas may accept a complication or deleterious side effect
continues to tweak and meddle indefinitely, sometimes for the action to increase the terminus by one roll. They
accomplishing precisely the opposite of their intentions. may do this indefinitely, but all complications and
Sorcerers must craft commands carefully to avoid de- side effects stack. Complications need not necessarily
stroying what they wish to make flourish, and any sum- affect Rimvidas themselves; they could affect the en-
moner worth their salt advises their students to always vironment, the demon’s allies, or even the stability of
give the demon a hard deadline or quantitative limit. infrastructure, if the action has a large enough scope.
Rimvidas never takes the blame for tasks they botch this Perfectionist: Rimvidas may spend 1 Willpower to
way, petty and spiteful in its accusations of others even if immediately reroll a failed roll for any non-extended
interference was impossible. action that supports one of their Intimacies with no in-
creased difficulty and take the higher result, although
Essence: 6; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 7 dice any costs required to use relevant magic must be paid
Personal Motes: 110 again.
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x4/−2x6/−4/Incap.
Intimacies: Defining: “Cultivate things that grow.”; DEFENSIVE CHARMS
Major: “Nothing is ever my fault.”, “My work is never Conscript-Pruning Strategy (20m, 1wp; Re-
done.”; Minor: “Everything I touch must be perfect- flexive; Instant; Essence 4): Rimvidas prunes not
ed.”, “The more drastic the change, the better.” for quality, but for quantity. This Charm enhances
Actions: Cultivate: 12 dice; Demon Lore: 7 dice; a rally for numbers action that either Rimvidas or
Feats of Strength: 6 dice (may attempt Strength 3 one of their allies takes. If this action restores more
feats); Read Intentions: 8 dice; Resist Disease/Poison: than the battle group’s maximum Magnitude, the
10 dice; Senses: 8 dice; Social Influence: 9 dice; group gains 1 Size, to a maximum of 5. Whenever
Stealth: 7 dice the group’s Size would increase beyond 5, reduce
Appearance 4, Resolve 4, Guile 5 either its Drill or Might by 1 and create a new Size
COMBAT 1 battle group under Rimvidas’ command with
Attack (Spade): 12 dice (Damage 10/2); Tags: traits appropriate to the nature of the recruits, which
Piercing can increase in Size the same way. Drill can’t drop
below poor and Might can’t drop below 0; if cre-
ating a new battle group this way would decrease



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

either past their minimums for the larger group, this and the roll succeeds, this Charm bestows one dot per
Charm fails. The extra numbers may be defectors eight motes spent of any valid Merit upon the subject,
from an enemy army’s own lost Size, innocent by- including supernatural Merits but excluding Story
standers roped into fighting, or even ferocious wild Merits, Merits for which the character doesn’t meet
animals drawn from the surrounding area. the prerequisites, Merits that affect Exaltation, and
SOCIAL CHARMS Merits that are strictly social or experiential in nature.
Fertilizing the Grapevine (15m, 1wp; Supple- If the Charm’s subject isn’t sapient, such as a mundane
mental; Eclipse; Instant; Essence 3): Like overgrown plant or animal, Rimvidas need not roll, and chooses
vines, an idea or feeling creeps unchecked from one mundane or supernatural non-Merit mutations to
mouth or mind to another. This Charm supplements bestow instead as long as they add rather than sub-
an instill action to create or strengthen an Intimacy. If tracting anything. For instance, they could add a tail
successful, the next time the target speaks to another to a creature, make a flower produce more pollen, or
character about a topic related to the Intimacy, roll give sight to a blind animal.
Rimvidas’ action again with all its original enhance- For each Merit after the first bestowed upon the same
ments, but without costs. If successful, the new target sapient target, that target gains a new Minor Intimacy
also falls victim to the same instill action. This chain for something demonic in nature, of the Storyteller’s
continues until the action fails or until four days have choice. For each mutation after the first bestowed
passed, whichever comes first. upon a non-sapient target, its form or function percep-
MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS tibly warps in some way that brings it more in line with
Coaxing Stem and Bone (8m per Merit dot; Malfean ideals or aesthetics. Rimvidas cannot use this
Simple; Instant; Essence 5): Rimvidas may shape the Charm on any subject that has reached full maturity,
form and function of any developing living being. Roll and can only use it once per target per story. Player
Cultivate with a difficulty equal to the target’s Stamina characters who receive its benefits enter experience
or Resolve, whichever is lower. If its subject is sapient debt for the Merit dots received and all experience




points the player earns must pay off the debt before subtract a die from any pool Rimvidas possesses other
being applied to other traits. This Charm bypasses the than Cultivate for the scene.
need for training time. Hurry Home (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Fecundity in Motion (8m; Simple; One scene; The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavailable
Essence 3): The Cancerous Cornucopia may give life, when unbound.
but what else do they give along with it? Roll Culti- Materialize (55m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
vate with a difficulty equal to the target’s Stamina or 1): With the scent of wet dirt and the iron tang of fresh
Resolve, whichever is lower. If successful, the target blood, Rimvidas takes material shape.
converts one aggravated damage level to lethal or Measure the Wind (5m, Simple; Instant; Essence
heals one lethal or bashing health level at the begin- 1): Rimvidas can read anyone they’ve directly target-
ning of each of their turns for the rest of the scene. If ed with a Charm at any time in the past.
they have no damage to heal, they gain one tem-
porary −0 health level per turn instead; damage fills Storyteller Tactics
these temporary health levels first, and they vanish Summoners commonly call on Rimvidas to bestow
upon filling with lethal or aggravated damage. For blessings upon their children, crops, or lavish gardens.
each temporary health level the target gains, they Cautious summoners know not to allow the demon too
also gain a Flaw (Exalted, p. 167) that lasts for much free rein, though, lest they take abundance to the
the rest of the current story; the player and Storytell- extreme and bring the sorcerer’s endeavors to ruin. Left
er should work together to choose the Flaw, and the to their own devices, Rimvidas always continues to grow,
player may choose to keep it permanently. If the Flaw tweak, and perfect whatever they get their hands on un-
is a Derangement, each level of severity counts as a til forced to stop, either by command or by circumstance.
separate Flaw. A character can’t gain more Flaws this
way than their Essence rating. Rimvidas cannot end Rimvidas loathes bloodshed. Though capable of defend-
this Charm early. ing themselves to survive or protect their summoner,
Green Sun Nourishment (2m per die rerolled; battle ill suits their nature. If they must engage in it, they
Supplemental; Instant; Essence 2): When two trees wield a gleaming brass spade sharp enough to punch
grow too close together, only the one that can reach through orichalcum with alarming skill despite their ha-
the sunlight first survives. Whenever Rimvidas rolls tred for violence. The demon dematerializes and flees at
Cultivate, they may reroll one failed die per two motes the first opportunity unless forced to fight.
spent. For each success that results from the reroll,



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


She Who Surmounted the Omphalos, Demon of the Second Circle

Stanewald appears only where shadows fall and the dust Essence: 6; Willpower: 8; Join Battle: 8 dice
is thickest, for her form fades in strong light. Summoners Personal Motes: 110
who have seen her describe Stanewald as handsome, Health Levels: −0/−1x3/−2x5/−4x3/Incap.
floating just above the earth and wearing a tanned horse- Intimacies: Defining: “I must dance.”, “I seek a
hide as a cloak over a colorful, flowing tunic and white new passion.”; Major: “All stone crumbles before
silk pants. me.”; Spirits and Elementals of Stone (Hatred); Minor:
Wulfthryth (Companionable Love)
Like many Malfean denizens, Stanewald is a dancer. Actions: Architectural Knowledge: 12 dice; Dancing:
Music and dance permeate every corner of the realm, 12 dice; Demonic Lore: 8 dice; Feats of Strength: 9
and all demons feel such arts deep in their bones, from dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Read Intentions:
the lowliest metody to the majestic Green Sun himself. 7 dice; Ride: 10 dice; Senses: 7 dice; Social Influ-
Stanewald is known for her 13 efficacious dances that ex- ence: 8 dice; Stealth: 10 dice
press her joy in shattering stone, widely regarded as the Appearance 5, Resolve 4, Guile 4
pinnacle of dance-based magic. Any being can earn the
grudging respect of demons far and wide if they manage COMBAT
to learn even one of Stanewald’s infamous dances. Attack (Boulder-Exploding Kick): 12 dice
(Damage 14/4)




Attack (Grapple): 10 dice (12 to control) the Charm’s Initiative cost, but requires Stanewald to
Combat Movement: 12 dice meditate for five minutes before using the Charm.
Soak/Hardness: 10/3 (12/5 while wearing Hurry Home (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Wulfthryth) The demon returns to its summoner’s side; unavailable
when unbound.
MERITS Materialize (55m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
A Voice to Mute Flames: All firedust within short 1): Swirling from the dust that settles after a stone wall
range loses its charge at the sound of Stanewald’s collapses, Stanewald takes form.
voice, becoming permanently inert. Measure the Wind (5m, Simple; Instant; Essence
Answer to the Earth: Whenever Stanewald makes 1): Stanewald can read anyone whose hands have
a decisive attack against an earth elemental or other worked or broken stone, and anyone transfixed by
spirit associated with earth or stone, the damage is her unearthly dancing.
aggravated. When she attacks an Earth Aspected Thirteen Efficacious Dances: Summoners call
Dragon-Blood or another non-spirit being with strong upon Stanewald for her efficacious dances, which
ties to earth and stone, her unarmed attack damage crumble walls and transmute solid stone. The effects
becomes 15/5. of dances with a duration longer than Instant persist
Cult 2: Worship of Stanewald is popular among until Stanewald’s task is complete, or until her dancing
occult masons and geomancers, as well as those who is interrupted. If an efficacious dance is interrupted
craft magical siege weaponry. partway through, it leaves the task only partially com-
Defying Stone and Dust: Stanewald is immune plete.
to environmental hazards based on sand, earth, or
stone, and automatically reduces withering attacks Storyteller Tactics
made with magical earthen qualities (such as attacks Stanewald is an untamed, energetic presence in a sto-
made by earth elementals or with the Earth keyword, ry. 70 years ago, when she was called the Answer to the
or from weapons made of white jade) to minimum Earth, elder demon lords commanded her to climb the
damage. Her spiritual connection to the element Imperial Mountain. No one save Stanewald and those
imposes a −3 penalty to her Resolve when she is sum- who gave the order know why. Whatever she did while
moned in the presence of crumbling or broken stone. upon the peak forever changed her, pushing her to find
Familiar 3: Her beloved familiar is Wulfthryth, the a new obsession; once she does, it replaces “I seek a new
horsehide she wears, both a separate entity and an passion” as a Defining Intimacy until she loses interest
innate part of her. When he separates from Stan- in it, at which point it reverts back and she pursues a
ewald, Wulfthryth is a spectral horse-skin with hollow, new one yet again.
skeletal legs wearing black steel horseshoes. He can
transform from cloak to horse-body or vice versa as Sorcerers call her from Malfeas to bring down impen-
a miscellaneous action. As a mount, Wulfthryth has etrable fortresses, perform drastic terraforming, and
the following traits: Speed Bonus +4, Health –0x3/– create geomantic conditions favorable for further mag-
1x3/–2x3/–4/Incap., and the dice pools, Merits, ical works. Beyond what her summoner commands, she
and special abilities of a trained horse (Exalted, constantly seeks another driving passion — and Creation
p. 567). He is immune to fear. If Wulfthryth dies, he is full of so many fascinating opportunities. Stanewald
regenerates completely at midnight of the next new develops an obsession with any character willing to help
moon. her find this passion. She bargains with or cajoles her
summoner to let her use her more unusual and specific
OFFENSIVE CHARMS dances if they don’t command it first.
Gate-Shattering Touch (10m, 2i, 1wp; Sup-
plemental; Instant; Decisive-only; Essence 3): Stan- In combat, Stanewald wields artful, calamitous strikes
ewald’s blows strike with a force to shatter mountains. to build up to her devastating Gate-Shattering Touch.
Against a target wearing armor, the damage roll for a She uses any applicable Reflexive or Supplemental,
successful decisive attack doubles 10s and ignores Instant-duration efficacious dance whenever possible.
Hardness. Armor made of mundane steel shatters She prioritizes attackers wearing heavy armor or carry-
into irreparable pieces, while artifacts suffer –4 Soak ing artifacts of jade — especially white jade — over un-
and –2 Hardness until restored with a repair project encumbered enemies, and flies into a destructive rage
(Exalted, p. 242). Outside combat, Stanewald may whenever faced with spirits of earth and stone or Earth-
use this Charm to automatically and instantly succeed Aspected Dragon-Blooded.
at a Strength 10+ feat of demolition; doing so removes



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

Thirteen Efficacious Dances

Dance Cost and Effect
First (5m; Supplemental; Instant; Eclipse; Essence 1): Halve the Strength requirement to perform a feat of dem-
Second olition on a building or object made of stone (a wall, a statue, etc.).
Third (3m; Simple; One scene; Eclipse; Essence 1): Erode a boulder or an equivalent amount of mundane stone
Fourth into sand.
(10m, 1 wp; Simple; Indefinite; Eclipse; Essence 3): Create a mild earthquake across a six-square-mile
Fifth area centered on Stanewald; this is an environmental hazard (1L/minute, difficulty 3).
Sixth (8m; Supplemental; Instant; Essence 2): Double-8s on an instill or inspire action that provokes feelings
Seventh of spite toward earth and stone; against trivial opponents, the action becomes automatically successful
Eighth (10m; Simple; Instant; Eclipse; Essence 3): Torment a captive earth elemental with agonizing pain that
Ninth deals no damage.
(8m; Simple; Instant; Eclipse; Essence 3): Take an automatically successful inspire action that causes a
10th random local spirit to act with destructive animosity toward a stone structure.
(5m, 1wp; Supplemental; Indefinite; Eclipse; Essence 2): Roll Dancing with difficulty 2 to carve a tunnel
11th through earth and rock of one cubic yard per threshold success per hour. Eclipses roll Dexterity + Perfor-
12th mance instead, and must roll Stamina + Resistance, difficulty 1, every two hours to continue dancing, with
a cumulative difficulty increase of +1 per roll.
13th (10m, 1 wp; Simple; One scene; Eclipse; Essence 4): Roll Dancing, difficulty 2. Create a pit beneath Stan-
ewald’s feet seven miles deep and one square yard in radius per threshold success. She does not fall in.
(20m, 2wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 5): Roll Dancing, difficulty 2. Create a volcanic vent that launches
rocks and gases into the sky. It lasts for a year per threshold success. This is a persistent environmental
hazard (2L/minute, difficulty 3) out to medium range.
(20m, 1wp, 1 lhl; Simple; Indefinite; Essence 6): Roll Dancing opposed by a god-blooded target’s
Stamina + Resistance; the target must be within six miles of Stanewald. Upon success, strike the divinity
from the target for as long as the dance continues uninterrupted. This renders them mortal, but does not
kill them.
(15m, 1 wp; Simple; Indefinite; Eclipse; Essence 5): Create a severe earthquake across a six-square-mile
area centered on Stanewald; this is an environmental hazard (3L/minute, difficulty 4).
(20m, 1wp; Simple; One scene; Essence 6): Dissolve a fortress-sized stone structure into molten earth.
Anyone inside or within short range of the structure must resist a lava environmental hazard (6L/round,
difficulty 5).
The 13th dance is unknown.





the Rampart of Serpents, Demon of the Third Circle

Life is pain; pain is change; change is life. This is the wis- Strength 5 feats); Read Intentions: 9 dice; Resistance:
dom of the Rampart of Serpents. She sees herself as a 14 dice; Senses: 13 dice; Social Influence: 10 dice;
teacher, though few in the demon realm welcome her tute- Stealth: 1 die (human form 8 dice); Threaten: 12 dice;
lage, for her tuition is gathered by venom and paid in agony. Tracking: 10 dice
Appearance 5 (Hideous in wall form), Resolve 5,
Sibri winds across the Demon City as a wall of living Guile 3
snakes taller than a bowshot, parting crowds and barring
passage. Though she’s scarcely a yard thick, few dare COMBAT
cross through her; to those enfolded in her serpents’ Attack (Bite): 14 dice (Damage 12/3; poison
coils, that lone yard can seem endless. Some of her ven- when decisive: damage 3i/round [L in crash], 3
oms are lethal. Others are crueler. rounds, −3 penalty)
Attack (Unarmed, human form only): 14 dice
When Sibri enters Creation, she rises from the earth as (Damage 12)
a pillar of snakes, then stretches outward as a mile-long Attack (Grapple): 12 dice (9 to control)
living wall in accordance with her summoner’s will, fol- Combat Movement: 8 dice (see Horizon-Span-
lowing long sweeping curves like the path of a chariot at ning Bulwark)
full gallop. Alternatively, she may condense herself into Evasion 0 (human form 6), Parry 6
human shape — tall, lean, and dark, clad in many-colored Soak/Hardness: 17/7
snakeskin robes, with venomous fangs and the milky
blue eyes of a molting serpent. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Fangs of the Serpent Gate: Whenever someone
In all her forms, she scars the earth where she pass- passes through the Rampart of Serpents — whether
es, leaving it cracked and furrowed. Water that flows she willingly creates an opening or the creature uses
through these gullies grows brackish and salty. Those a feat of strength, appropriate stunt, or magic — she
who taste it later dream of old pains or lost youth. may reflexively attack him using Infinite Suffering
Venom or Mind-Opening Venom at no cost. Influence
She favors outcasts, sorcerers, children, and the impov- that would prevent her from thus attacking a target
erished, maimed, chronically ill, and elderly. Her famil- she’s never poisoned is unacceptable.
iar-serpents sometimes cross between worlds to offer Limitless Serpent Assault: Whenever Sibri takes
these her aid and wisdom. Some legends suggest that a bite or grapple action without Charms, she makes
rarely, she’s personally drawn to Creation to answer the a single attack roll, applying it to any number of op-
prayers of slaves, the abused, or princes laboring under ponents within close range. If withering, she only
imperial yoke. These she teaches harsh lessons in per- gains full Initiative for the highest damage total, and
severance, treachery, and the brutal demands of victory. one Initiative for each other damaged opponent.
Thousand Pythons Embrace: While Sibri con-
Essence: 9 (human form 5); Willpower: 9; Join trols a grapple with a smaller creature, she suffers no
Battle: 12 dice penalties for being in a grapple and may perform
Personal Motes: 140 (human form 100) non-clinch actions without a flurry. Drag actions move
Health Levels: −0x10/−1x15/−2x20/−4x10/ the victim along Sibri’s body.
Intimacies: Defining: “I am the death of igno- MERITS
rance and innocence.”; “None pass through me Cult 4: In addition to scattered cults among Creation’s
unchanged.”; The Ebon Dragon (Wary Admira- oppressed, many of Ixcoatli’s snakefolk worship her
tion); Major: “Pain and struggle are the mothers of as part of their pantheon.
wisdom.”; Minor: My Students (Stern Devotion); The Hatchling Demon-Prince Sequestration: If
Gods (Pity) Bestow the Ophidian Familiar is active when Sibri
Actions: Feats of Strength: 14 dice (may attempt dies, the familiar persists indefinitely; she regener-
Strength 7 feats; human form 12 dice, may attempt ates within it. It grows into her human form over one
month, and attains her full power after a year and



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its

a day; some Intimacies may change, and she loses sorceries, and other efforts that encompass much
many memories. Multiple familiars produce multiple of her body. She can only move by extending her
human forms; Sibri can only restore herself fully from leading edge; see Horizon-Spanning Bulwark.
one when the rest are dead. Seething Rampart Body: Sibri chooses whether
Legendary Size: Sibri suffers no onslaught pen- to be difficult terrain or not for any given character
alties from attacks from smaller opponents, unless climbing her, within her, or standing atop her, and
magically inflicted. Withering attacks from smaller can change this reflexively.
enemies cannot crash her unless they have at least 10 Serpent-Spirit Senses: Between her countless
post-soak damage dice, although attackers still gain eyes, preternatural olfactory sense, and vibration
all Initiative damage dealt. Decisive attacks from sense, Sibri doubles 8s on Senses rolls and ignores all
smaller enemies cannot deal more than (3 + attacker’s nonmagical penalties.
Strength) levels of damage to her, not counting levels Unexpected Interposition: Sibri can extend
added by Charms or other magic. herself into the thick of other characters when she’s
Living Landscape: Sibri can’t be grappled, summoned, transforms into rampart form, or lengthens
knocked down, knocked back, or lifted into the air via Horizon-Spanning Bulwark. A character within
by creatures or forces of lesser scale, even by magic close range of Sibri as she unfurls must roll (Dexterity
like Dragon Coil Technique. (To overcome this, see + Athletics), difficulty 5, to control which side of her he
the “Felling Gigantic Foes” sidebar in Exalted, p. ends up on; on a botch, he ends up inside her.
274.) Damage to individual snakes has little impact;
she’s effectively immune to harm from nonmagical OFFENSIVE CHARMS
sources, while magical sources can’t deal more than Infinite Suffering Venom (10m, 1wp; Simple;
(attacker’s Essence) damage per instance of damage. Instant; Decisive-only, Venom; Essence 5): Sibri
The Storyteller should make exceptions for massive makes a decisive bite attack while at Initiative 10+
battle groups, siege weapons, wildfires, expansive to inflict a poison (0 damage, unlimited duration,
–3 penalty). Drugs can dull the pain for a time, but





Sibri may employ a Charm with the Venom keyword either in addition to or instead of her normal poison.

Sometime after a Venom Charm wears off, the target sheds his skin like a molting snake, while also weakening or
removing an Intimacy of his player’s choice as appropriate to the poison’s effects or his recent experiences. This
Intimacy manifests in the shed skin; it takes on a pseudo-life of its own, twisting itself into a serpentine shape and
slithering away, hissing words of shame and regret. Shed skins have (Intimacy + 3) dice for social influence, mainly
for inspire or instill actions tied to their Intimacy, but are noncombatants (Exalted, p. 208) and otherwise harmless.

it inevitably returns. Only powerful techniques like opponent or routing a battle group.
Wholeness-Restoring Meditation or Order-Affirming Tsunami Sweeping From the Serpents’
Blow can purge this venom. Usable once per scene, Sea (15m, 5i, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Dual, Perilous;
unless reset by defeating a non-trivial opponent. Essence 9): Like a tidal wave, the Rampart of Serpents
Mind-Opening Venom (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; sways and topples upon her foes in a seething reptili-
Decisive-only, Eclipse, Venom; Essence 5): Sibri makes an tide. Roll one undodgeable withering attack (20
a decisive bite attack while at Initiative 10+. It carries dice, 20/5 damage) against every opponent within
a hallucinogenic poison with 0 damage, duration 24 long range of one side of her, awarding Initiative nor-
hours, and penalty −5 (also applying to Resolve and mally for the highest damage roll and a maximum of
Guile). During this time, Sibri’s mind touches his; she five Initiative for each other target struck. Then, if any
shows him visions of dreadful futures that may or may opponents in that area are battle groups or crashed
not come to pass, or confronts him with terrible truths (whether or not her attack crashed them), roll one
about himself, others, or the world. His player gains decisive bite attack against each such character.
or alters a relevant Major or Defining Intimacy of his Sibri becomes prone afterward, and must spend her
choice relating to these visions. Usable once per scene, next action rising from prone. This cannot be flurried,
unless reset by using this Charm against a willing target. and characters may cross over her during that turn,
Nature-Molting Venom (10m, 1wp; Simple; treating her as difficult terrain; her special abilities and
Instant; Decisive-only, Venom; Essence 5): Sibri Merits that apply to characters traversing her don’t
makes a decisive bite attack while at Initiative 15+. apply. Usable once per story, unless reset by uphold-
If she deals at least one level of damage, the target ing a Defining Intimacy through defeating, educating,
must roll (Stamina + Resistance) against difficulty 5 or or transforming a powerful character.
sleep for a full day, undergoing a supernatural trans- DEFENSIVE CHARMS
formation. Sibri rolls nine dice, awarding the target up Enfolding Serpent Shield (1m; Reflexive; Instant;
to (successes) dots of innate and/or purchased Merits Essence 6): Sibri interposes a writhing mesh of snakes
of her choice. She may transform a willing creature between an ally and harm, performing a defend
without attacking or dealing damage. This venom other action to protect a character within close range.
can only affect a given target once. Usable once per Gathering of Serpents (10m, 1wp; Reflexive;
story; reset by the target achieving a major story goal Instant; Essence 8): Hissing, the Rampart of Serpents
in pursuit of a Major or Defining Intimacy. calls to her earthly kin, and they rise from the earth to
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; join with her. Roll (Essence), healing levels of damage
Essence 2): Sibri moves with blinding speed. She acts equal to successes. Only usable once per story.
twice without flurry penalties, and may take the same MOBILITY CHARMS
action twice if desired (normally attacking twice). Horizon-Spanning Bulwark (10m; Simple; In-
Rain of Vipers (5m, 2i; Simple; Instant; Dual, Peril- definite, Stackable; Essence 9): Sibri unfurls like a
ous; Essence 6): Sibri shakes, showering serpents on scroll, extending herself into an even vaster rampart.
those below. Roll one withering attack (15 dice, She lengthens by one mile over a few minutes, distrib-
15/3 damage) against every opponent within short uting this increase in either or both directions. When
range, awarding Initiative normally for the highest releasing committed motes, she may likewise diminish
damage roll and a maximum of five Initiative for each herself at either or both ends. In combat, she extends
other target struck. Then, if she damaged any battle and/or retracts one range band per turn instead; she
groups or crashed any characters, roll one decisive can do this while grappling smaller opponents without
bite attack against each such opponent. Usable once a drag action.
per scene, unless reset by incapacitating a non-trivial



C h a p te r T h r ee : S p i r its


In human form via her Clothed with Humanity Charm, Sibri loses all Special Abilities and Merits except Cult, Hatch-
ling Demon-Prince Sequestration, and Serpent-Spirit Senses.

She can use all Snake style Charms (Exalted, p. 427-431), including Mastery effects. She may spend an additional
1i to deliver a Venom-keyword Charm with a decisive unarmed Martial Arts attack.

MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS Materialize (70m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence
1): Sibri weaves herself together from thousands of
Bestow the Ophidian Familiar (5m; Simple; In- snakes that slither up out of the earth and rain down
definite; Essence 6): Sibri releases a rainbow-scaled, from the sky.
blue-eyed viper containing a fragment of her Essence Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
to serve as a character’s familiar. It has the traits of a 1): The Rampart of Serpents can discern the nature of
venomous snake (Exalted, p. 575), with a Defining anyone she’s ever envenomed.
Intimacy of devotion to Sibri and a Major Intimacy of Storyteller Tactics
obedience to its new master. It can use Infinite Suf- Sibri uses her shape and mobility to her advantage,
fering Venom and Mind-Opening Venom if its master forming arrow slits and parapets for allied missile troops
willingly pays the Charm costs. Sibri can only release and employing Horizon-Spanning Bulwark to divide op-
the committed motes by reabsorbing the familiar — ponents, engage ranged foes, and encircle mobile foes
assimilating its memories and experiences — or when so they can’t escape. She uses her special attacks intel-
the familiar dies. ligently, reserving them for powerful and dangerous
Clothed with Humanity (5m; Simple; Instant; opponents.
Essence 1): The Rampart of Serpents assumes human
form. She loses much of her physical prowess and While summoned and bound, Sibri loyally obeys the
magic for the duration, but may revert to her true spirit of her instructions. Within those restrictions, she
demonic form reflexively and at no cost. See the tries hard to avoid dying even in the face of suicidal com-
sidebar for details. mands and always bestows at least one familiar to ensure
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence her survival. Unbound, she prefers caution, typically
1): Sibri fades away and vanishes on her next turn, withdrawing from battle upon taking damage to her −2
drawn instantly to her summoner’s side; unavailable health levels.
when unbound.




Inaol drifted high as she dared, wanting to cover as much ground as possible before becoming
earthbound once more. She spied the red-lacquered gates of Arran, and counted herself lucky.
The village was three days’ ride from her own; she could seek shelter there until Calibration

She alit inside the gates. Her mother said the people of Arran greeted the year’s end with loud
revels, to frighten catastrophe away. Yet, where drums and horns ought to have assailed her, the
only music came from wind whistling down chimneys. Where she should have smelled roasting
meat and woodsmoke, the only scent was the sharp bite of snow on the air.

The townspeople were scattered around the bones of the bonfire, all dead.

She was suddenly glad she’d kept the Icewalker’s spear.

Some had fallen, stiff-backed and rigid, as though they were toppled statues. Others bore peck
marks and burns in a coil pattern, all of which appeared septic. The rest had died clawing at their
throats, choking for breaths they couldn’t draw.

She didn’t have to wonder what had done this to the people of Arran. The culprit stood on the other
side of the bonfire, its dread gaze locked on one last victim. The cockatrice had a lizard’s scaly
body, leathery wings, and a rooster’s bright-plumed head, and it held Arran’s last defender captive
with its piercing stare. The woman’s short sword lay forgotten at her feet. Her shield hung loose at
her side.

Soon, either the bird would dart in for a poisonous bite or the warrior would fall over dead from its
gaze alone.

I have to distract it. Inaol hefted the spear. She’d only half-heartedly trained with one at home,
but she didn’t need accuracy for this. She aimed not for the cockatrice, but beyond it, toward an
abandoned cart of pots and pans. Their likely owner lay nearby, probably killed before he could
return them to the kitchen to be refilled.

The spear flew, knocking one pot askew and sending the rest tumbling. The cacophony startled
the cockatrice. It moved to investigate the ruckus. Inaol kept herself at its back and darted to the
warrior’s side. The woman was sluggish, but allowed Inaol to drag her out of the monster’s sights.

They crouched down behind an overturned wagon while the warrior’s will returned. It wouldn’t
be long before the cockatrice came looking for its missing prey, and now neither of them had a

But she still has her shield.

The warrior didn’t protest when Inaol unstrapped it from her arm. Red lacquer, like Arran’s gates,
coated the wood. Inaol saw her face in the polish. It wasn’t perfect, but it might do long enough to
let them escape.

The cockatrice crowed with rage. Its talons scraped along the hard ground, ever closer.
Inaol secured the shield in front of them, then waited, not daring to peek, until she heard the
cockatrice’s footsteps stop. At last, she dared a glance over the shield’s edge. The monster bird
stared at its own reflection, transfixed.

“GO.” Inaol mouthed to her companion. Together, the women broke for the gate.



Chapter Four

of the Wyld

11 Descending Fire

Why we decided to venture into the bordermarches in the first place, I’ll never know. What I do
know is that we’ve been following this goat around since before the sun set, and it’s nearly dawn
now. We keep talking about turning back — we’ve even started to, several times! But we always end

up back here with this damned goat. If this keeps up, we’re liable to walk until we starve…

Black Hollow

Most people never see a black hollow — only the effects Evasion 4, Parry 1
of its passage. Concealed within a featureless, black- Soak/Hardness: 12/6
er-than-black sphere, it drains color from whatever
it touches, stripping it from surfaces and tearing into SPECIAL ABILITIES
anything thicker than paper to get at the hue hidden Starved for Hue: With a successful flense attack
within. It’s fond of the brilliant carmine red of human on an Exalt whose anima banner is visible, the black
blood, and leaves victims a twisted fractal of gray pulp hollow steals the character’s Essence for itself: two
and fluid after it shreds them alive. No evidence of the motes if the banner is at the glowing level, four at
black hollow’s true shape remains when it perishes, only burning, or six at bonfire/iconic. This can increase the
an explosion of color that stains anything nearby with black hollow’s pool beyond its usual maximum, up to
the hues it most recently consumed. Some savants be- 30 total motes; however, unused motes in excess of
lieve the black hollow doesn’t have a true shape, nothing 20 vanish at the end of the scene.
more than its endless hunger. The light of the Exalted
soul spilling out into the world gives off pure, sublime MERITS
colors a black hollow cannot resist. Color Scent: Black hollows are blind, but they can
sniff color out, even beneath skin or behind a wall,
Essence: 2; Willpower: 5; Join Battle: 7 dice and then destroy those barriers to get at it. They can’t
Personal Motes: 20m detect things that are completely black or white, trans-
Health Levels: −0x5/−4x2/Incap. parent objects like glass, or each other.
Actions: Feats of Destruction: 6 dice (may attempt Oubliette: A successful grapple gambit pulls the foe
Strength 3 feats); Senses: 7 dice (see Color Scent); into the sphere, where the black hollow devours all
Stealth: 4 dice (see Pitch Black); Tracking: 10 dice light. The victim is blinded until they escape, suffering
Resolve 1, Guile 5 a −3 modifier on actions that rely on sight.
COMBAT Pitch Black: Characters who can’t see in total dark-
Attack (Flense): 9 dice (Damage 9/3); Tags: ness increase penalties to find or notice the black
Melee (see Anima-Devouring Maw) hollow in dim light or darkness by two.
Attack (Grapple): 8 dice (10 to control) (see Ou-
Combat Movement: 7 dice Fractal Strike (1-5m; Supplemental; Instant; Dual;
Essence 2): The black hollow’s attacks twist around
obstacles in impossible ways. A supplemented with-
ering attack ignores soak from armor equal to motes



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

spent, up to five; a decisive attack Whenever a black hol-
ignores Hardness from armor equal low deals damage to an
to motes spent, up to five. enemy or breaks an object, it
DEFENSIVE CHARMS consumes some of the target’s pig-
Chaotic Veil (2m, 2i per +1; Re- ment, turning its colors paler and less saturated. The ef-
flexive; One scene; Essence fect reverses at the end of the scene unless the target is
1): A thin, almost invisi- destroyed.
ble ribbon of warped
prism always surrounds A black hollow flees combat when it has taken damage in
the sphere. This Charm its first −4 health level.
expands that ribbon to
fill more space; all char-
acters within short range,
including the black hollow
itself, gain +1 Evasion per
two motes plus two Initia-
tive spent against any at-
tackers that rely on sight, to
a maximum of +3. The black
hollow cannot end this Charm
Anima-Devouring Maw (6m
per anima level; Simple; Instant;
Essence 2): The black hollow con-
sumes one level of an Exalt’s visible
anima banner per six motes spent, ab-
sorbing the divine light into itself
and diminishing the target’s anima
display accordingly. This Charm
can target anyone within range of a
flense attack. The sphere can hold up
to three total anima levels, whether
from the same target or different ones.
For each anima level it has absorbed,
its flense attacks increase their reach by
one range band as the sphere grows in size;
thus, with one anima level its attacks can reach
to short range, with two to medium, and so on. All
consumed anima levels vanish at the end of the scene.

Storyteller Tactics

Black hollows only care about eating color, the brighter
the better, and blood red is their favorite. Though they’re
silent and their matte-black spheres are easy to miss in
darkness, they’re too single-minded to deliberately em-
ploy stealth. A difficulty 3 gambit to distract a black hol-
low with a brighter color can pull it away from its cur-
rent combat target.





Betimes, a hen lays an egg without a yolk. These “cock’s COMBAT
eggs,” so named because many believe a cock laid them
rather than a hen, never hatch under normal circum- Attack (Bite): 6 dice (Damage 9)
stances — but sometimes, in places where Creation’s Attack (Tail lash): 9 dice (Damage 11)
fabric wears thin and the Wyld seeps through, a cock’s Attack (Toxic breath): 8 dice (Damage 7); short
egg hatches. It’s not a chick that crawls out of the bro- range (see Vile Fumes)
ken shell, but a winged lizard with a rooster’s head and Attack (Tail grapple): 8 dice (7 to control)
a long, serpentine tail. Blessed with deadly sight, its first Attack (Paralysis grapple): 10 dice (12 to
victim is usually its mother, followed by the remainder control) (see Eyes of Flame)
of her flock. Hunting is never difficult for the cockatrice, Combat Movement: 9 dice
and it has little to fear from predators; even if they slip Evasion 5, Parry 1
by its gaze, they perish at its touch. A cockatrice never Soak/Hardness: 6/0
learns fear, not even of humans, who die just as easily
under even a juvenile cockatrice’s gaze. A single cock- SPECIAL ABILITIES
atrice can wipe out entire villages, so mortals in the
Threshold smash cock’s eggs when they find them just Eyes of Flame: The cockatrice’s gaze has a hyp-
in case, to keep disaster at bay. notic effect. It performs a difficulty 3 ranged grapple
gambit at up to medium range. (Wits + Integrity)
Essence: 2; Willpower: 5; Join Battle: 6 dice opposes the control roll. Success indicates the cock-
Health Levels: –0/–1x2/–2x2/–4/Incap. atrice locks eyes with the victim, paralyzing them;
Actions: Fly: 6 dice; Senses: 8 dice; Stealth: 7 dice blind characters are immune. It doesn’t suffer Defense
Resolve 2, Guile 1 penalties while using this ability. It may only savage
or release a grappled target; savage attacks burn
the victim from the inside out. Another character can
intervene, but the cockatrice



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d


A character guessing when it’s safe to open her eyes and attack, and when to close them because she thinks the
cockatrice is about to look at her, leaves herself vulnerable to Eyes of Flame; no one can perfectly anticipate those
moments. The cockatrice’s gambit roll represents the constant interplay of these guessing games and the crea-
ture’s own ability to catch victims off-guard.

From a systems perspective, players must choose at the beginning of each round between fighting blind for the
entire round or risking the cockatrice’s success on the staredown gambit. Even those choosing to fight blind must
peek to interpose themselves effectively between the cockatrice and a paralyzed ally; doing so always risks the
gambit. See Exalted, p. 188, for blindness penalties.

reflexively makes a new control roll as though it had and engages those who sneak up behind it by grabbing
succeeded on the grapple gambit against the inter- or lashing them with its tail while it paralyzes those who
loper. Failure transfers the paralysis to that character, face it head-on.
resetting the cockatrice’s rounds of control based
on the new result. The original target is then free to Clever gambits, such as distractions or traps, are the best
move, as the cockatrice can only stare a single target way to deal with a cockatrice without falling prey to its
to death at a time. However, it can maintain Eyes of lethal stare and toxic touch. Indirect attacks, such as fire
Flame and a tail grapple simultaneously. or volleys of arrows, can work, but don’t always guaran-
MERITS tee a quick death — and a cockatrice can fly away from
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated threats. Fighting blind protects against its stare but not
damage to cockatrices. its poison, and few can boast the training needed to sur-
Vile Fumes: The cockatrice’s breath and bite are vive against such a foe without sight.
toxic, exposing victims to its venom when it succeeds
on these attacks. Its touch is also a vector. The poison The most reliable way to kill a cockatrice is with a mir-
deals 4i/round (lethal in Crash), lasts for three rounds, ror: It locks eyes with itself and thinks its reflection is
and imposes a −3 penalty (see Exalted, p. 232). an enemy, performing its Eyes of Flame gambit against
its own Defenses. Trapping a cockatrice with a mirror is
Storyteller Tactics a difficulty 4 gambit and requires finding a mirror with
sufficient polish and of a size that the cockatrice paralyz-
A cockatrice is deadly, and it knows it. This makes it es itself before whoever holds it. Such treasures are rare
foolhardy, brazenly confronting humans face-to-face. It in the Threshold.
likes to stare down at foes from a high, haughty perch,


When Creation first formed from the writhing mass of for the Getimian Exalted, which makes them prey for
the Wyld, the epochines bore witness. They rose from Sidereals.
the waters on brilliant wings, borne aloft not only by
winds but by possibility. The epochines observed all the Epochines are winged serpents with the faces of tigers.
empires that rose and fell and rose again, collecting their Their scales and plumage tend toward deep blues and
stories and tucking their memories away. They have ob- emerald green, giving them a touch of the peacock’s
served the ends of ages, and have seen the world end beauty.
more times than there are stars in the sky.
While an epochine would never deign to be a familiar,
They understand situations and events that might have the creatures enjoy imparting knowledge from eras long
been and never were. When threads are snipped from past. Epochines have, as their name implies, lives that
the Loom of Fate, epochine birds pick them up and tie span epochs. This makes them long-winded — many
them to their tailfeathers. They have a special fondness think nothing of spinning a tale that spans days, weeks,




or even months in the telling. They require the listener’s MOBILITY CHARMS
utmost attention; interruptions wound their pride and Flight of Fancy (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 1):
may cause the epochine to rescind its goodwill. With a beat of its mighty wings, the epochine flies
straight up, launching itself to long range. Once per
Epochines have observed so many stories with so many scene, if engaged in combat, it may do this without
possible outcomes that boredom sets in easily. Someone rolling to disengage.
who seeks their input on a situation that is new to an ep- SOCIAL CHARMS
ochine is a welcome companion indeed. Threads of the Past Meditation (15m; Simple;
Instant; Essence 2): The epochine spends a round in
Essence: 2; Willpower: 8; Join Battle: 8 dice quiet contemplation of its target’s Essence. From this
Personal Motes: 50 study, it can follow the branches of history and fate
Health Levels: −0x5/−1x5/−2x3/−4x3/Incap. that led the character to this moment and gains insight
Intimacies: Defining: “I have outlasted many things, about the difficulties facing her. Based on this knowl-
and I will outlast you.”; Major: “I desire new experi- edge and that of similar lives it has observed, the ep-
ences.”; Minor: Getimian Exalted (fondness) ochine predicts three distinct possible outcomes to the
Actions: Fly: 7 dice; Historical Knowledge: 12 dice; target’s current situation and pending choices.
Occult Lore: 8 dice; Read Intentions: 6 dice; Senses: MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS
7 dice; Social Influence: 7 dice; Wyld Lore: 10 dice Demonstration of Insignificance (10m; Simple;
Appearance 4, Resolve 5, Guile 6 Instant; Essence 2): The epochine plucks a feather from
COMBAT its body and speaks its enemy’s name as it releases the
Attack (Claws): 10 dice (Damage 13) feather into the wind. Until the epochine’s next turn, the
Attack (Grapple): 12 dice (12 to control) target becomes overwhelmed by how miniscule he is
Combat Movement: 6 dice by comparison to Creation and its vast history, suffering
Evasion 5, Parry 3 a −3 dice penalty to all non-reflexive actions.
Soak/Hardness: 6/0 Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
MERITS 1): The epochine can determine the nature of anyone
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated approaching it seeking the wisdom of the past.
damage to epochines.
Storyteller Tactics

Epochines prefer talking to fighting, and attempt to
persuade an enemy to settle their differences without



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

violence. Failing that, they favor evasive maneuvers, good look at the world below. Then, like a seagull drop-
making their opponent give chase — both to tire him out ping a crab to break its shell, the epochine lets go. It will,
physically and to deplete his mote pool if he has one. If of course, remember the victim after his death.
the enemy still insists on fighting, the epochine attempts
to grapple its target and fly as high as it can, giving him a An epochine attempts to flee when it suffers damage to
its first –4 health level.


With the screams of his slain Solar brethren still ringing The furiae are vengeance and merciless justice incar-
in his ears, the Full Moon Fedaran fled beyond Creation’s nate. Though they care little for human laws and lives,
borders. His only thought was to run until exhaustion fi- the surge of emotions that accompanies those who
nally drowned out the sounds of death and grief stopped have been wronged intrigues them. Righteous anger,
squeezing his heart. He screamed his pain and fury and cold-blooded calculations, bottomless grief, and ca-
loss into the chaos, hearing it echo back on Wyld winds. thartic release draw the furiae with the promise of sus-
tenance. These creatures have hawk-like bodies with
But the voice that came back wasn’t entirely his own. The wingspans up to 10 feet. Their faces are almost human,
Wyld gave shape to his rage. At first, it was nothing more like statues carved from red jade, until they open their
than a red, twitching mass crying the names of Fedaran’s mouths. Within, rows of sharp-tipped teeth gleam.
Solar family and whispering the names of the Dragon-
Blooded who murdered them, like knives sharpening on a Furiae make their nests from the bones of the guilty.
whetstone. Then it looked into Fedaran’s heart, and it grew They hear the piteous wails of the betrayed and set out
wings, and terrible sharp claws, and so very many teeth. to exact revenge on the perpetrators of those crimes.
While they are creatures of emotion and instinct, furiae
When Fedaran left the Wyld, he did not leave alone. are also intelligent. In some towns in the far reaches of
Retribution came with him. the Wyld, citizens call upon a furia to sit in judgment




over those accused of egregious acts. The creature won’t regain a like amount of motes instead of the Initiative it
feast on the innocent, but eagerly devours the guilty. would have gained from the attack.
Righteous Strike (3m; Reflexive; Decisive-only; Instant;
Essence: 2; Willpower: 5; Join Battle: 7 dice Essence 2): On a successful decisive attack, add bonus
Personal Motes: 40 dice to the damage roll equal to the target’s Guile.
Health Levels: −0x3/−1x4/−2x4/−4x3/Incap. SOCIAL CHARMS
Intimacies: Defining: “The taste of justice is sweet on my Guilt Wrack (5m; Simple; One scene; Essence 2): The
tongue.”; Major: “All guilty parties fear retribution, and I furia floods its target with guilt for any harm he’s caused.
savor that fear.”; Minor: The Wronged (Protectiveness) Gain +3 dice on social actions against that target.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (may perform Heavy Soul Introspection (10m; Simple; Instant;
Strength 3 feats); Fly: 8 dice; Integrity: 7 dice; Read Essence 2): The furia peers into its target’s soul to see
Intentions: 6 dice; Senses: 5 dice; Social Influence: 7 the sins that weigh it down. Gain three automatic suc-
dice; Tracking: 6 dice (see Keen Eyes) cesses on a roll to discern the target’s Intimacies.
Appearance 2, Resolve 3, Guile 3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS
COMBAT Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence
Attack (Bite): 12 dice (Damage 15, minimum 3) 1): The furia can discern the nature of someone guilty
Attack (Claws): 10 dice (Damage 12) of a crime.
Combat Movement: 6 dice Storyteller Tactics
Evasion 3, Parry 4 A furia relentlessly pursues its prey, harrying him until he
Soak/Hardness: 6/0 turns and faces it or collapses from exhaustion. It calls out in
MERITS the voices of both living and dead victims to unsettle its tar-
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated get, provoking regret and guilt. Should the target confess his
damage to furiae. crimes, it ceases its harrying tactics in favor of inflicting pain
Keen Eyes: Double 9s on vision-based Senses rolls. and injury; should the crime be severe enough, they may in-
OFFENSIVE CHARMS flict death. Forgiveness is for the victims to grant. Punishment
Feast of Vengeance (1wp; Simple; Instant; belongs to the furiae, and they will have their due.
Essence 2): The furia feasts on its target’s fear and
remorse. After a successful withering attack, it may A furia attempts to flee when it suffers damage to its first
–4 health level.


the Thousand Hungry Wings

Every flock of birds sighted in the far West brings a mo- herself, not knowing that for every bird slain, two more
ment of dread: “Is this the day I die?” Usually, it’s only a squirm out of the corpse to take its place.
flock of starlings. But one time in a thousand, the flock
only gets louder, larger, and angrier as it approaches. A grelidaka is a battle group by default. The traits below
When it descends to attack, it’s already too late to run. already include calculations for battle group traits where
appropriate; for instance, values given for Evasion and
The grelidaka is an ever-growing mass of Wyld-crazed Parry already include the group’s Drill and Might bonus-
mutant birds, each one jet black, that exists only to strip es. Components of a grelidaka never act alone.
the flesh from anything that lives. It can wipe entire
villages off the map in minutes. The grelidaka is a true Essence: 1; Willpower: 5; Join Battle: 8 dice
hive being: Individuals removed from it sicken and die in Magnitude: 5 + Size
days, no matter how they’re cared for. They tear them- Actions: Feats of Destruction: (5 + Size) dice (may
selves apart to reproduce, one bird birthing two or more attempt Strength 3 feats, or 5 at Size 5); Flight: 8 dice;
others. Sometimes they do this of their own accord; Resist Disease/Poison: 6 dice; Senses: 6 dice
other times, it happens as someone frantically defends Resolve 4, Guile 1



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

Attack (Claw): (7 + Size) dice (Damage 11 + Size) Legion Swarm Tactics: The grelidaka adds Size to
Attack (Peck): (7 + Size) dice (Damage 7 + Size); its Feats of Destruction and combat movement pools in
Tags: Piercing addition to the usual traits.
Combat Movement: (7 + Size) dice Mindless: Grelidaka treat all social influence as un-
Evasion 6, Parry 4 acceptable and have perfect morale.
Soak/Hardness: (2 + Size)/0
Storyteller Tactics
SPECIAL ABILITIES A grelidaka is not especially smart. It cares only about
Blot Out the Sun: Terrain within short range of a killing, attacking the most obvious target rather than
grelidaka is considered difficult, and characters within swarming weaker prey. It cannot open doors, though it
it suffer an Evasion penalty equal to the grelidaka’s smashes through obstacles when it can; only sturdy cov-
(Size/2), rounded up. At Size 5, the area of effect in- er and silence keep a grelidaka out. Once it scours the
creases to medium range. Characters who otherwise area clean, it moves on. It’s not vindictive and doesn’t
ignore difficult terrain still suffer the Evasion penalty. hunt down stragglers if it doesn’t immediately perceive
From One, Many: A grelidaka comes into being them. It doesn’t recognize individuals as separate from
as a Size 1 battle group with elite Drill and Might groups, so if one piece of the whole vanishes during the
1. When its Magnitude track fills with damage, it fight, it doesn’t realize that “piece” still exists in any
gains a level of Size instead of losing it. For every meaningful way afterward.
Magnitude box marked with damage, add +1 to
the grelidaka’s dice pools; these bonuses vanish The specific means of destroying a grelidaka are subject
whenever Magnitude refreshes. If the group grows to Storyteller discretion and player ingenuity. As a rule
to Size 5, the next time its Magnitude track fills with of thumb, allow a solution to reduce Size by one if it can
damage, it splits into two Size 3 grelidaka. Once destroy birds wholesale and en masse rather than mere-
the two flocks finish off their current prey, they go ly injuring or killing them piecemeal, but give the flock
their separate ways. the usual defense the threat allows to avoid it. Options




include large explosions and other massive applications Characters can also find non-violent solutions, such as
of fire, aerial environmental hazards like poison mists, putting the flock to sleep, luring it away from vulnerable
attacks and spells that affect a large area (like Death of mortals, or sealing it away.
Obsidian Butterflies (Exalted, p. 472) or the Dragon-
Blooded Charm Arrow Rain Tempest), creative gam- A grelidaka doesn’t flee combat unless a raksha warlord
bits with high difficulties that use the environment, etc. or sufficient magic commands it to.

Haloed Husk

Sometimes, when it rains in a Wyld-touched area in the SPECIAL ABILITIES
Northern Threshold while the sun shines, chaos taints Blinding Light: Once per turn, reflexively spend
the clouds, turning a normal sun shower into a Wyld one. one Willpower to gain +3 Evasion for one turn, as
The altered rain burns where it lands, not with flame but the light within becomes blinding. Anyone who can
with searing heat. The storm scorches crops and severe- visually perceive the haloed husk must roll (Wits +
ly burns anyone caught in the deluge. Even after the skies Awareness), difficulty 3, to react quickly enough to
clear, a secondary threat lurks in puddles of pooled light. look away; failure leaves them blinded (Exalted, p.
188) for the next round.
When a person or animal drinks of the liquid sunlight, Call the False Rains: For one Willpower, a haloed
their core catches ablaze. Light coruscates from every husk induces a Wyld sun shower as a miscellaneous
orifice as their body sizzles and steams. The false sun- action, as long as full sunlight or equivalent illumi-
light boils away their minds and personalities, until all nation shines upon it. This creates an environmental
that remains is the haloed husk — a being of pure radi- hazard with damage 1B/2 rounds, difficulty 5. The
ance and raw instinct wrapped in its still-living flesh. liquid sunlight left behind is a poison when ingested,
Some people nickname these creatures “sun dogs,” as dealing 4i/round (L in Crash) with duration 5 rounds
their most common forms in human settlements are and a −3 penalty; characters who would die to this
those of beloved pets turned monstrous. poison transform into haloed husks instead. Husks are
immune to these effects.
A haloed husk needs to feed on light to survive. Despite Luminescent Feast: For one Willpower, the husk
their animal cunning, husks can’t kindle flames or light rolls 10 dice at difficulty 1 to steal from a single light
lamps, instead stealing illumination from their sur- source within short range as a miscellaneous action,
roundings. Ambient sunlight nourishes them during the decreasing that source’s illumination level by one (see
day, but after sunset, they approach human settlements chart) and healing one bashing or lethal health level.
or campsites and attack the inhabitants to steal light Exalted anima banners pilfered this way decrease by
from lanterns and hearth fires; in cold Northern climes, one intensity level; however, if the light source has
losing one’s campfire to a desperate husk can prove an Essence rating, the Luminescent Feast roll’s diffi-
deadly. Exalted anima banners provide particularly po- culty becomes (source’s Essence). If the husk spends
tent sustenance. consecutive rounds successfully stealing light from the
same source, it doesn’t need to spend more than one
Essence: 1; Willpower: 3; Join Battle: 6 Willpower.
Health Levels: −0/−1x2/−2x2/−4x1/Extin-
guished MERITS
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (may attempt Lambent Salve: Real light, such as Creation’s sun-
Strength 5 feats); Sense Light: 10 dice; Senses: 6 dice light, firelight, Exalted anima banners, or light cast by
COMBAT artifacts, grants a haloed husk vigor and endurance.
Attack (Bite): 6 dice (Damage 9) Add one −0 health level per level of light currently
Attack (Claw/Pummel): 7 dice (Damage 11) shining on the husk based on the chart below, which
Combat Movement: 5 dice breaks illumination down into discrete levels for pur-
Evasion 2, Parry 1 poses of haloed husk systems. Without a source of
Soak/Hardness: 3/3 real light, a husk takes one level of lethal damage per
hour, ignoring Hardness. Wyld-generated light, in-
cluding a husk’s own inner glow, provides no benefits.



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

Storyteller Tactics Animals with the Tiny Creature Merit are too small to
become haloed husks; the liquid sunlight kills them out-
Haloed husks are creatures of instinct. They create Wyld right. Conversely, creatures of Legendary Size suffer su-
sun showers out of pure revelry; new husks born this perficial burns if they drink the false sunlight, but are too
way are just side effects. When sated, they’re violent and large to be transformed.
impulsive, while waning light or darkness makes them
cunning in their desperation. They can operate doors If a haloed husk suffers damage to its −4 health level
and even use rudimentary tools if they have opposable due to lack of light, it curls in on itself like a banked coal
thumbs, but are incapable of speech beyond guttural and lies dormant rather than being Extinguished. It uses
cries. While they’re not predisposed to pack tactics, a Luminescent Feast reflexively and subconsciously while
lone light source can draw several to the same point, and dormant whenever sufficient light shines on it, and re-
a pecking order quickly develops. awakens when it heals its first −1 health level.

Lambent Salve

# of Added −0 Illumination Level
Health Levels

+0 Total darkness; no moon

+1 Candle; waning moon

+2 Torch; full moon; glowing anima banner*

+3 Campfire; burning anima banner*

+4 Massive bonfire; dawn/dusk; overcast/shaded daylight; bonfire anima banner*

+5 Raging inferno; full sunlight

* Solar Exalted anima banners count as one illumination level higher.
If the light source is focused from a single point rather than ambient, lower its effective illumination by one step per range
band the husk is from the source.





the Heartmirror, from Whom Intention Springs

In the palace of Kian-Ji, the table is always set for a feast. Is his palace real? Was it all a waking dream? Those who
At first glance, Kian-Ji is a severe man, thin and point- have dined at his table have no good answers. But the
ed, seeming more like a satrap’s overworked functionary things that emerged from his mouth, those are real. They
than a king of the Wyld. But his welcoming smile melts are creatures born of his guests’ Intimacies, made flesh
away that impression, and he engages his guests in such and given purpose.
a range of topics that time passes quickly. With each
course, the food grows stranger, but Kian-Ji samples Essence: 3; Willpower: 8; Join Battle: 6 dice
every dish with gusto. Soon, visitors recognize familiar Personal Motes: 100
things upon his plate: the signet ring of a rival, a lover’s Health Levels: −0x8/−1x10/−2x8/−4x3/Incap.
sly smile, a cobblestone from a street in their beloved Intimacies: Defining: “A good host helps his guests
Nexus. Kian-Ji eats them all, opening his mouth wide achieve their highest potential.”; Major: “I know what
and wider still to accommodate every bite. people need, even when they themselves don’t.”;
Minor: His Guests (Bemused Affection).
When the meal ends, Kian-Ji opens his mouth one more Actions: Command Avatar: 10 dice; Feats of
time, so wide it seems a person could fit inside. But in- Strength: 8 dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Read
stead, creatures come out. Some are human-like, others Intentions: 12 dice; Senses: 8 dice; Social Influence:
less so. One wears the rival’s signet on a finger with too 15 dice
many joints. Another’s lips quirk like the lover’s, looking Appearance 3, Resolve 8, Guile 6
like her and yet not. Another has skin the color of Nexus COMBAT
cobblestones and smells of home. They set off into the Attack (Bite): 15 dice (Damage 20)
world. Kian-Ji thanks his guests as his servants clear Attack (Unarmed): 10 dice (Damage 10)
away the meal’s remains. Then he is gone, and his palace Attack (Grapple): 12 dice (12 to control)
with him.



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d


Should an avatar remain in the Wyld rather than traveling back to more stable areas of Creation, Wyld mutation
takes effect. As the avatar mutates, so does the character’s related Intimacy; changes are rarely so straightforward
as “I no longer hate my rival.” Perhaps the victim grows convinced that the rival is the head of a vast and impossible
conspiracy, or that an impostor has replaced the rival, whom he actually doesn’t hate so much and must therefore

Combat Movement: 5 dice them. An avatar based on hatred for a rival might try
Evasion 5, Parry 3 to ruin or kill the rival, for example. One based on a
Soak/Hardness: 15/0 Principle like “Honesty is my watchword” may punish
the dishonest.
MERITS These avatars are directly linked to the victims’ Intima-
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated cies. If the avatar dies, the Intimacy degrades by one
damage to Kian-Ji. degree. Social actions that strengthen or weaken the
Fae Nature: As a raksha, Kian-Ji is ageless and character’s Intimacies heal or harm the avatar by 3
needs not eat or drink (though he greatly enjoys it). bashing levels, 2 lethal levels, or 1 aggravated level
His body heals as one of the Exalted and he cannot per Intimacy shift.
die from mundane disease, but he does need to Use an appropriate non-unique antagonist from this
breathe and sleep as mortals do. In Creation, he book or Chapter 8 of Exalted to determine the ava-
slowly withers and calcifies to death, but can stave off tar’s traits. For example, it may be a human-like creature
this fate indefinitely by feeding on mortal souls. He is emulating a shikari, an animal-like creature emulating an
incapable of breaking the letter of a sworn promise. eagle, or a more abstract representation of the Intimacy
emulating a bonesider or metody (p. 105).
SOCIAL CHARMS The Truth Will Out (—; Reflexive; Instant; Essence
Beguiling Idyll (5m, 1wp; Supplemental; Instant; 3): When Kian-Ji is Incapacitated or killed, his maw
Psyche; Essence 2): When Kian-Ji inspires a char- opens wide and his very first victim emerges. Use the
acter, he may also cloud her mind to obfuscate any Barbarian Warlord (Exalted, p. 545) or Wandering
perils that might contradict the inspired mood. Gain Deathknight (Exalted, p. 550) to represent this Exalt,
+2 dice on inspire rolls to persuade her to act along or any First Age Exalted character who fits the story.
with the emotion. Resisting the deceiving inspiration This Exalt has a defining Tie of hatred toward the char-
costs 2 Willpower. If another character points out the acters and immediately Joins Battle.
danger or the target is touching iron, the cost is 1 Will- Storyteller Tactics
power instead. If attacked, Kian-Ji attempts to use Untouchable
Untouchable Performer Technique (5m; Sup- Performer Technique to dissuade his foes from harming
plemental; Instant; Essence 1): Kian-Ji may use his him. Failing that, he creates avatars and orders them to
Social Influence pool to roll Join Battle. In addition defend him, putting his enemies’ own ideals at risk.
to determining starting Initiative, this builds a Tie of
adoration and loyalty for himself in characters whose Should Kian-Ji die, one last being emerges from its
Resolve is overcome by the result. Characters who mouth. This is the creature’s original victim, a hero of
don’t resist this influence don’t fight him, and attempt the First Age whose convictions shone like a beacon in
to restrain or talk sense into allies who attempt to do the Wyld. The raw power of the Wyld surrounded this
so. first, true Kian-Ji, personifying his desire to aid those in
need to a horrifying extreme. The real Kian-Ji has been
MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS trapped within the Wyld creature for millennia, and is
Create Avatar (30m per avatar; Simple; Instant; likely much changed by his captivity. If the creature dies,
Essence 3): Kian-Ji creates beings from Wyld Essence he emerges in whatever horrific form has resulted from
that bring his guests’ Intimacies to life. These avatars his centuries in Wyld imprisonment.
take on physical traits that represent the chosen In-
timacies and attempt to act on the emotions tied to




Lava Moth

A swarm of lava moths is a sight to behold. Their gos- But lava moths are born of the Wyld, and they don’t al-
samer wings flicker the color of sunsets and bonfires as ways take what’s offered. Some supplicants return with-
they dance gracefully against the sky. However, their out any love in their hearts for the families that gave them
beauty is best observed from a great distance: Lava joy. Others lose their keen wit, or find their passion for
moths have little regard for what they burn, and their a beloved career has faded. A singer loved by a Nellens
hunger has been known to wipe out hundreds of miles of captain sought the moths’ flame, hoping it would scour
forest in a single night. away her fear of drowning. Instead, they stole her love of
music, and she lost both the captain’s affection and her
The moths are large, about the size of a human hand. livelihood.
Their wings consist of a thin, molten membrane, whose
flames burn hot enough to sear stone. Fire drips in their The Dajazeen tell stories of people who went even fur-
wake, spreading and consuming. ther, letting the moths wrap them in a burning cocoon
for ten days and ten nights, and emerging as someone
While most objects caught in its path burn as if touched else entirely.
by normal fire, a lava moth’s flame affects humans dif-
ferently. The fire latches onto something within, rather Essence: 2; Willpower: 4; Join Battle: 6 dice
than without. It burns away an intangible part of the vic- Health Levels: −0x2/−1x2/−2x2/−4x2/Incap.
tim — her fear, an old love, guilt she’s held onto for too Actions: Burn: 10 dice; Lure: 9 dice; Fly: 8 dice;
long. Some seek out a lava moth’s fiery blessing, hoping Read Intentions: 6 dice; Senses: 5 dice
they’ll at last be free of their burdens. Resolve 2, Guile 1



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

COMBAT disengage or withdraw on their next turn.
Attack (Wing buffet): 9 dice (Damage 9) MERITS
Combat Movement: 5 dice Dousing Bane: A thorough soaking in water or
Evasion 5, Parry 2 freezing temperatures douse a lava moth’s flame. It
Soak/Hardness: 6/0 loses access to all special abilities and its Burn pool
until the scene ends or it warms up and dries out
SPECIAL ABILITIES again, whichever comes first.
Burning Dive: Once per scene, the moth may Moth to the Flame: The lava moth senses passions,
spend a Willpower to fly up to long range vertically gaining one automatic success on Read Intentions
as its reflexive move action, tuck its wings, and dive at rolls.
its enemy in a meteoric streak. This decisive attack Tiny Creature: Lava moths gain +2 Evasion against
gains +4 dice to the attack roll, doubles 10s on the attacks made by larger foes. Larger foes subtract two
damage roll, and deals aggravated damage. successes from Awareness rolls to notice a lava moth.
Conflagration: Once per scene, the lava moth Storyteller Tactics
burns a piece of the target’s memory or nature away. Lava moths normally attack in a swarm, harrying and
If the target is unwilling, roll the lava moth’s Burn overwhelming their prey with sheer numbers, though a
pool against the character’s Resolve. If the moth suc- number small enough to be individual combatants can
ceeds, the Storyteller and player should decide what be just as frightening as a sky-obscuring mass. A large
the moth’s fire burns out of the character and how it swarm is a battle group with Size 2, average Drill, and
affects them. This may be reflected by a change in the Might 2.
character’s personality, adjusting or replacing one of
their Intimacies or some other agreed-upon effect. It If someone approaches the moths in a bid to request or
can even erase Charms or other capabilities related demand their power, the moths are content to flit around
to the chosen memory loss; if so, refund the experi- the target while he makes his case. As creatures of the
ence points spent on it to the player. This counts as an Wyld, their interpretation of the target’s needs doesn’t
instill action for purposes of Charms and other effects always match his intentions.
that defend against instilling.
Harry: If a lava moth moves into close range of an A lava moth attempts to flee when it suffers damage to its
enemy and deals 5+ damage to them with a with- last –2 health level.
ering attack in the same turn, that enemy cannot





the Congeries of Obsidian and Aurora

Mata-Yadh is a larval behemoth, freshly born from the conventional wound penalties. However, characters
Wyld. Its house-sized body is a swirling congeries of ma- may attempt to disable the beast by shattering one
ny-colored aurora with a ridge of obsidian atop it, where of its 12 limbs as a difficulty 5 gambit. Each time a
a daring rider can stand. Mata-Yadh has twelve clawed limb is shattered, Mata-Yadh loses 3 Initiative points.
limbs of obsidian, each one standing high as a human, but For every two limbs destroyed, Mata-Yadh suffers a
not physically connected to the behemoth’s central body — −1 wound penalty, maximum −4. If all limbs are de-
only faint wisps of aurora limn its uppermost edge. Mata- stroyed, Mata-Yadh is immobilized, unable to attack
Yadh is representative of the low-end Wyld behemoths the and effectively prone with no ability to rise.
Fair Folk might ride into battle or send to head their armies. Shadowsense: Mata-Yadh has no eyes, but senses
shadows cast by its aurora. Double 8s and negate
Essence: 3; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 10 dice penalties on all Senses rolls except in total darkness
Personal Motes: 50 or total illumination in which shadows can’t exist.
Health Levels: −0x25/Incap. (see Obsidian Body)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 12 dice (may attempt Prism-Pyre Immolation (10m, 1wp; Simple;
Strength 7 feats); Senses: 8 dice; Threaten: 9 dice Instant; Decisive-only; Essence 3): Mata-Yadh initiates
Appearance 3, Resolve 4, Guile 1 a grapple with +5 dice on the gambit roll. It suspends
COMBAT a grappled enemy within its aurora body, which is an
Attack (Obsidian claws): 12 dice (Damage environmental hazard (damage 4L/round, difficulty
15/5) 3). Mata-Yadh ignores the usual penalties for grap-
Attack (Grapple): 12 dice (12 to control) pling, but cannot savage, slam, or throw its foe. It
Combat Movement: 10 dice has Defense 0 against attacks made by the grappled
Evasion 4, Parry 6 enemy, but the penalty the victim suffers for being
Soak/Hardness: 16/10 grappled subtracts successes, not dice.
SPECIAL ABILITIES Raking Obsidian Shards (10m, 1wp; Simple;
Overwhelming Might: Mata-Yadh makes un- Instant; Decisive-only; Essence 3): Mata-Yadh’s
opposed grapple control rolls against enemies of claws whirl in a razor-sharp obsidian vortex. Roll one
smaller size, unless they use magic that allows them to decisive attack with +5 dice against all characters
grapple larger foes, such as Dragon Coil Technique within short range. Roll (Initiative / 2) total dice of
(Exalted, p. 280). damage against all characters it hits, but subtracts its
MERITS current wound penalty from this damage roll. This at-
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated tack’s range is reduced to close at wound penalty −2
damage to Mata-Yadh. or higher.
Legendary Size: Mata-Yadh suffers no onslaught
penalties from attacks made by smaller enemies, unless DEFENSIVE CHARMS
they are magically inflicted. Withering attacks from Aurora Bleed (5m, 5i; Reflexive; Instant; Deci-
smaller enemies cannot Crash it unless they have at sive-only, Perilous; Essence 2): When Mata-Yadh
least 10 post-soak damage dice, although attackers takes decisive damage from a close range attack,
still gain the full amount of Initiative damage dealt. De- a prismatic flash erupts from the wound. This is a one-
cisive attacks from smaller enemies cannot deal more time environmental hazard applied against all charac-
than (3 + attacker’s Strength) levels of damage to it, not ters within close range (damage 5L/instant, difficulty
counting any levels added by Charms or other magic. (8 ‒ current wound penalty). A damaged character
Obsidian Body: As a being of living glass, is blinded for the rest of the scene (Exalted, p. 168).
Mata-Yadh lacks the anatomy for susceptibili- Blinding Aurora (5m, 2i; Reflexive; Until its next
ty to mundane poison, disease, deprivation, or turn; Perilous; Essence 1): Enemies within medium
range take a −3 penalty on attack rolls and other vi-
sion-dependent actions targeting Mata-Yadh.
Foe-Snatching Grasp (5m, 1wp; Reflexive;
Instant; Clash, Decisive-only; Essence 3): Mata-Yadh
can clash with a grapple gambit and may enhance



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

it with Prism-Pyre Immolation reflexively. Winning the made by anyone other than its rider. It gains 1 Initia-
clash grants +3 successes on the Initiative and control tive if it successfully applies its Resolve.
rolls. This does not count as Mata-Yadh’s combat Otherworldly Horror Mien (5m; Reflexive;
action. It can’t use this Charm at wound penalty ‒2 Instant; Essence 2): Gain +5 dice to a threaten roll
or higher. and ignore all penalties on that roll. Resisting costs +1
God-Monster Revival (1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Willpower and requires invoking at least a Major Inti-
Perilous; Essence 2): When Mata-Yadh crashes an macy of courage in the Decision Point.
enemy, it may roll (current Initiative ‒ current wound MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS
penalty). It costs one resulting success to heal one Wall-Rending Claws (5m; Supplemental; Instant;
level of non-aggravated damage, and three success- Essence 2): Double 7s on the roll for a feat of demolition.
es each to restore a disabled limb. This Charm resets it
to base Initiative and is usable once per scene. Storyteller Tactics
Many-Legged Pursuit (6m; Supplemental; Mata-Yadh is a monstrously powerful grappler and uses
Instant; Essence 1): Mata-Yadh can rush an enemy that to its advantage, taking the biggest threat among a
with lower Initiative from medium range with +5 dice, group of enemies into itself and picking off the rest with
instantly closing the distance on a success. It cannot Raking Obsidian Shards. It thrives when surrounded,
use this Charm at wound penalty −2 or higher. banking on its enormous size and defensive Charms to
SOCIAL CHARMS protect it. As more limbs break and it weakens, it shifts
Loyal Monstrosity (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Essence to cautious tactics, preferring to blind and separate foes
1): Gain +4 Resolve against any social influence before squashing them. When Mata-Yadh’s wound pen-
alties reach −4, it flees combat to heal unless a rider forc-
es it to continue with magic.




As a mount, Mata-Yadh follows its master’s commands of the high ground her perch offers. Mata-Yadh shines
and never spooks or disobeys until its wound penalties when its master’s foe plays hard to get, maximizing its
reach −4. A rider can coordinate her attacks with the mobility advantages and crushing cover underfoot to
Congeries’ for a devastating offensive, making ranged clear the way for its rider’s attacks.
attacks on suspended opponents and taking advantage


Mirrorkin are shape-stealers born from reflections. Any The mirrorkin moves like its living counterpart, adopt-
shiny surface in the Wyld can spawn one: a mirror, an undis- ing his graceful gait or her Legion-trained stride. It can
turbed puddle, the gleam of a well-polished shield. The mir- speak in simple phrases and adopt any accent and char-
rorkin emerges wearing the face and form of the one whose acteristic idioms it heard its double speaking when it
likeness created it and sets off to experience the world. was born, but cannot carry on a complex conversation.
The mirrorkin acts mostly on instinct, seeking out basic,
The type of reflective surface it came from shows in the tangible pleasures with no complex agenda. Inhabitants
mirrorkin’s skin. One born from a puddle ripples like of some towns in the bordermarches greet one another
water. Another that stepped out from an orichalcum with riddles or rapid-fire questions, knowing a mirror-
blade’s keen edge glows golden in the sun. If the mirror kin won’t be able to provide the appropriate response.
that birthed it was cracked with age and covered in dust,
fine lines etch the mirrorkin’s dull flesh. Mirrorkin make mediocre decoys with their inability
to improvise. However, one princess in Jibei famously



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

hired a musician to play for her mirrorkin while she SPECIAL ABILITIES
herself snuck out into the city. When her guards looked The Road Between: The mirrorkin can slip into any
in on her, they saw only their lady enjoying a quiet eve- reflective surface, whether its body should be able to
ning’s concert, and for months they were none the wiser. fit into it or not, and emerge from another within long
Essence: 1; Willpower: 4; Join Battle: 5 dice MERITS
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x3/−2x3/−4/Incap. Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated
Actions: Feats of Strength: 4 dice (may attempt damage to mirrorkin.
Strength 3 feats); Mimic: 8 dice; Senses: 5 dice; Storyteller Tactics
Social Influence: 4 dice; Stealth: 6 dice A mirrorkin follows its senses toward pleasing things,
Resolve 1, Guile 1 such as the smell of a cookfire, the sound of an oud, or
COMBAT the voice of its counterpart’s lover; it knows these things
Attack (Mirrorshard): 8 dice (Damage 10) instinctively as desirable, even if it doesn’t understand
Combat Movement: 5 dice why. It comprehends simple directions, but is unreliable
Evasion 3, Parry 2 and easily distracted.
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Note: A mirrorkin can also use any weapon or fight- If unarmed, the mirrorkin breaks off a shard of itself to
ing style familiar to its counterpart, using the original’s use as a dagger in a fight, although it only resorts to vi-
physical traits with a −2 dice penalty. It cannot use olence in self-defense. It adopts its attacker’s fighting
any of the original’s Charms or other magical effects. style, though the motions are reversed.

A mirrorkin attempts to flee when it suffers damage to
its last –1 health level. At Incapacitated, it shatters into


the Tongue Scorcher

Something stumbles drunkenly into town making a hor- Attack (Bite): 5 dice (Damage 6; infection vector,
rible, droning racket. The wise bar their doors and stay see Infectious)
silent. The foolish warily approach; the fortunate among Attack (Acid Spray): 7 dice (Damage 7); short
them flee before the thing sprays them with caustic death, range (see Acidic Fluids)
its jaws dissolving, fumes rising from where saliva drib- Evasion 1, Parry 1
bles. This thing that was once a person is a victim of na- Soak/Hardness: −3 to usual values
paxu, a Wyld-twisted strain of rabies. Unimaginable pain
drives the unfortunate mad even before its later stages SPECIAL ABILITIES
set in. They spread the illness as their overactive salivary Acidic Fluids: Infected creatures can spray their
glands spray concentrated acid wherever they go. acidic bodily fluids out to short range as a wither-
ing acid spray attack. If successful, the target risks
Use the napaxu victim’s original mundane traits exposure to the virus (see Infectious) in addition to
except as noted here. An infected creature cannot use losing Initiative. Alternatively, the creature may spend
any Charms or other magical effects without spending 1 Willpower without a roll to create an acid bath en-
an additional 1 Willpower per Charm or effect. vironmental hazard within close range of itself (3L/
Actions: Movement: 3 dice; Resist Disease/Poison: round, difficulty 5) that lasts two rounds. Anyone who
12 dice; Senses: 4 dice; Social Influence: 0 dice takes damage from this hazard also risks exposure.
Resolve 1, Guile 0 The infected creature automatically and reflexively
COMBAT creates the hazard when crashed at no cost.
The infected creature can use any mundane attacks it Detonate: Advanced napaxu cases lead to violent
would normally possess plus the following: reactions inside the victim’s body. When an infect-
ed creature takes damage to its last −4 health level,




roll one die. On a botch, the creature immediately Storyteller Tactics
dies and explodes in a burst of acid that sprays ev- Creatures suffering napaxu’s pain are disinclined to long
erything within medium range; roll a decisive acid waits, ambushes, or tactics in general. They often try to
spray attack once against the Defense of each target. quench their burning mouths with whatever’s available,
Anyone hit by the attack risks exposure (see Infec- leading them to contaminate water sources. The mala-
tious). dy causes heightened aggression, so most infected don’t
Infectious: Like mundane rabies, napaxu has vir- hesitate to sink what remains of their jaws into others.
ulence 2, morbidity 4, and an interval of one day. They prefer to use their acid spray attack rather than the
Any contact with the victim’s bodily fluids, including close-quarters bite until their target is sufficiently weak-
through a successful bite attack, is a vector for expo- ened, but whenever it takes damage to its last −2 health
sure (Exalted, p. 234); a character who takes lethal level, it moves toward its foes instinctively in anticipa-
damage from an infected source or ingests any fluids tion of detonating.
from one risks it. Victims’ mouths tingle, then burn, and
then literally fall apart. Exalted victims cannot die of It is difficult to poison or further infect a napaxu victim,
napaxu and never detonate, but it certainly makes as the Wyld virus allows no competition for its host. Only
their lives miserable. specialized magic, such as Ailment-Rectifying Method
(Exalted, p. 341), can cure a napaxu victim; such a victim
MERITS cannot cure the virus themselves even with such magic,
No Lesser Pain: Infected creatures don’t suffer whether in themselves or others.
wound penalties, as the pain of the infection is far
worse than that any injury could inflict.



C ha p t e r F o u r : C r e at u r e s of th e W i l d

Parasitic Shadow

The Wyld once whispered to a traveler’s shadow, teaching it MERITS
ambition and hatred for the being keeping it prisoner with
their gift of form. The shadow strangled they who cast it and Awaken Shadow: The presence of an attached
fled, possessed of a life of its own. Now, it seeks other shad- shadow transforms the victim’s natural shadow into
ows trapped by material beings, latching onto them as a sec- an embryonic parasitic one. If the original parasitic
ond shadow and whispering to the first. Both draw strength shadow is destroyed before the host dies, her true
from the hapless victim, who slowly sickens and dies. Once shadow lapses into quiescence; otherwise, when she
the parasitic shadow’s work is done, another rises to join it. expires, it becomes a new parasitic shadow in its own
right and seeks another victim.
Essence: 1, Willpower: 5, Join Battle: 6 dice Essence Rasp: When unattached, a parasitic
Personal Motes: 20 shadow loses 5 motes per day. If wholly drained of
Health Levels: –0x3/Incap. its Essence, it takes 1 point of lethal damage per day
Actions: Attach: 9 dice; Flee: 8 dice; Senses: 6 dice; until it regains at least 1 mote or perishes.
Stealth: 8 dice Intangible: Parasitic shadows have no sub-
COMBAT stance; physical attacks cannot harm them. Wholly
Attack (Strangle): 5 dice (Damage 2) magical attacks, such as Flight of the Brilliant Raptor
Combat Movement: 9 dice (Exalted, p. 473), and attacks that strike immaterial
Evasion 5, Parry 0 entities can, although it is not considered immaterial.
Soak/Hardness: 1/0 Total immersion in bright light leeches away the shad-
ow’s Essence, inflicting 1 lethal damage and draining
1 mote per turn.




If its host dies suddenly, such as from taking more than make a sound, and she cannot touch anything ma-
their Stamina in damage in a single blow or falling terial. Magic that affects immaterial beings affects
from a great height, the shadow permanently loses her, but nothing else material can. Victims are often
one dot of Willpower from the shock. If it loses all its mistaken for ghosts; determining the truth requires an
Willpower dots, it fades into nonexistence. Intelligence + Occult roll, difficulty 3.
Escaping this state requires full immersion in light. Both
MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS the shadow and its victim suffer the usual effects of this
Parasitize (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The immersion, per Intangible. The victim must succeed at
shadow rolls Attach opposed by the Stamina + Re- a Wits + Integrity roll opposed by the shadow’s Flee
sistance of a living being. If successful, it latches pool to remain in the light. It detaches after taking
on, conforming to her silhouette and matching her damage to its second −0 health level, as normal (see
movements perfectly but slightly offset from her true Storyteller Tactics).
shadow. Noticing its presence requires a Perception Storyteller Tactics
+ Awareness roll, difficulty 4; the Storyteller should Parasitic shadows are creatures of instinct and seek vic-
apply situational bonuses or penalties based on the tims indiscriminately to reproduce, although they avoid
lighting. The living host takes 1 lethal damage per Exalts with obvious Caste marks or anima banners un-
day as the shadow drains her life force to survive; it less desperate. They cluster in ever-growing packs when
regains 1 mote and heals 1 health level of any type possible, moving from host to host to increase their
per hour while attached. The damage stacks for multi- numbers one by one. A pack of parasitic shadows focuses
ple parasitic shadows attached to a single victim, but its efforts on one victim at a time if they can, the better to
a character can’t have more shadows attached than quickly reproduce.
she has health levels. A parasitic shadow can detach
from a character reflexively, or they may force its de- If noticed, a parasitic shadow employs Substance Thief
tachment by either killing it or giving it nowhere to to keep the victim from seeking aid; if the host is not
hide (see Intangible). alone, additional shadows attached to her detach and try
Substance Thief (10m; Simple; Indefinite; Essence to Parasitize her companions to render them intangible
1): By flowing up into the host’s ears, nose, and as well.
mouth, the shadow spreads its nature to her. While this
Charm is active, the parasitic shadow itself is unno- A parasitic shadow attached to an Exalt whose anima
ticeable except with magic that can detect possession flares at bonfire level treats it as full light immersion. A
and other such spiritual states. The victim becomes shadow immediately detaches and attempts to flee when
effectively immaterial, but is still visible. She appears it takes damage to its second −0 health level.
transparent and as if shrouded in shadow even in
broad daylight. She is completely silent, unable to


Silence is a shroud. It’s the hush that falls after a snow- mouths as though their spoken wisdom had never been
storm and the weight of clouds before thunder peals and uttered. It sits beside cradles and steals the babies’ hungry
rain pours. It’s a room full of secrets everyone knows but wails. It stalks battlefields and steals commands from mes-
no one dares speak and the force of words withheld out sengers who bear them. It steals songs and spells and oaths,
of anger, cruelty, or fear. It’s the pause before the battle and then it slinks away, belly full of nuance and sentiment.
breaks out, the stillness of the hunted when the hunt-
er draws near. Silence is comfort’s companion when no Warriors from one Northern clan have tamed a small
words can soothe a broken heart. pack of sileres and ride the beasts into battle. They am-
bush their foes in soundless charges — no thunder of rac-
In the Wyld, silence is a thief, slinking about on padded feet. ing paws heralds their approach to wary scouts. A prince
on a remote Western island keeps a silere in his throne
The silere stalks soundlessly through the trees, resembling room to hush his advisors’ squabbling and eat the advice
a panther. Its pale coat is nearly translucent, letting it blend and petitions he disagrees with. An Iselsi spy keeps one
in with its surroundings. Its voiceless roar suppresses in her menagerie to keep the rumors about her house’s
sound. It sneaks into villages and steals words from elders’ machinations in check.



Some Exalts train sileres as familiars, learning to selective-
ly control which sounds the beast takes: a spell from a sor-
cerer’s lips mid-cast, for example, or the solemn promise
of a Dynast from one Great House to the head of another.

Rumors abound of sorcerers trying to use a silere to
nullify deals they’ve made with demons and spirits,
but it never ends the way they’d like. Such deceitful be-
havior grates against the magic of the bindings — and
it’s the sorcerer who suffers for their hubris, not the
creature they used as a vehicle for their dishonor.

Essence: 1; Willpower: 4; Join Battle: 6 dice
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x3/−2x3/−4x2/Incap.
Speed Bonus: +4
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (may attempt
Strength 3 feats); Resist Disease/Poison: 5 dice; Roar:
7 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 8 dice; Tracking: 5
Resolve 1, Guile 1
Attack (Bite): 8 dice (Damage 10)
Attack (Claw): 8 dice (Damage 9)
Attack (Grapple): 9 dice (10 to control); sileres
cannot throw or slam grappled enemies
Combat Movement: 5 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 2
Soak/Hardness: 5/0
Ambush Hunter: Add three dice to unexpected
Leaping Pounce: If a silere moves into close range
of an enemy the same size or smaller and deals 5+
damage to them with a withering attack on the
same turn, it may pay 1 Willpower to reflexively
attempt a grapple gambit against its prey.
Silencing Roar: The silere opens its mouth in a
soundless roar as a reflexive action. All noise within
close range of the beast is canceled out for the next
five rounds. Affected characters may roll Charisma +
Resistance opposed by the silere’s Roar pool to make
themselves heard anyway during that time, if only
Stolen Words (Magical, 10m): The silere’s master
points it at a target it can perceive and utters a
command, which the silere can hear even if all sound is
suppressed. When the animal gets within close range
of the target, it steals the words of one specific con-
versation up to an hour long that in which they have
participated within the last day; the master doesn’t
need to have witnessed the conversation, but she must
know it took place and roughly what was said. This

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