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AAEP National Updates on Behavioral Emergencies Conference Supporter/Exhibitor Prospectus for 2023

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Published by Association Publications, 2023-07-25 17:51:20

2023 NUBE Supporter/Exhibitor Prospectus

AAEP National Updates on Behavioral Emergencies Conference Supporter/Exhibitor Prospectus for 2023

L A S V E G A S , N V D E C E M B E R 6 - 8 , 2 0 2 3

E X C L U S I V E O P P O R T U N I T Y ! E X C L U S I V E O P P O R T U N I T Y ! FRIDAY BREAKFAST SUPPORTER - $15,000 FRIDAY LUNCH SUPPORTER - $18,000 E X C L U S I V E O P P O R T U N I T Y ! E X C L U S I V E O P P O R T U N I T Y ! PRESENTING & WELCOMING RECEPTION SUPPORTER - $25,000 GREETING GOODIES SUPPORTER - $11,500 Stand out as our premier event supporter. Receive special recognition before, during, and after the event via a pre-conference stand-alone email to the entire AAEP membership database, printed signage, mobile app listing, social media posts, printed handout to attendees in the registration area, a postconference list of opted-in attendees, and two complimentary conference registrations, exhibit hall party Wednesday Welcome and engage with an expected 150 attendees as they arrive on Wednesday, December 6th with an elevated themed snack bar and beverage station. Recognition will be distributed via printed signage, logo in email to attendees, and in the mobile app. Enjoy an exclusive meal as our lunch supporter . This supporter will receive a handout/promotional item placed at each seat at the lunch tables, signage, logo in email, acknowledgement on social media, opportunity to address attendees for a fiveminute welcome, a post-conference list of opted-in attendees, and two badges to attend the conference. S U P P O R T E R O P P O R T U N I T I E S All Exclusive Supporter packages include a complimentary exhibit booth and two exhibitor badges. THURSDAY BREAKFAST SUPPORTER - $10,000 THURSDAY LUNCH SUPPORTER - $15,000 Enjoy an exclusive meal as our breakfast supporter . This supporter will receive a handout/promotional item placed at each seat at the breakfast tables, signage, logo in email, acknowledgement on social media, opportunity to address attendees for a five-minute welcome, a post-conference list of opted-in attendees, and two badges to attend the conference. Enjoy an exclusive meal as our lunch supporter . This supporter will receive a handout/promotional item placed at each seat at the lunch tables, signage, logo in email, acknowledgement on social media, opportunity to address attendees for a five-minute welcome, a post-conference list of opted-in attendees, and two badges to attend the conference. Enjoy an exclusive meal as our breakfast supporter . This supporter will receive a handout/promotional item placed at each seat at the breakfast tables, signage, logo in email, acknowledgement on social media, opportunity to address attendees for a five-minute welcome, a post-conference list of opted-in attendees, and two badges to attend the conference. 1

SNACK SUPPORTER - $2750 per break COFFEE/BEVERAGE SUPPORTER - $2,750 per break CHARGING STATION SUPPORTER - $1,500 Nosh on delicious snacks and network with attendees during a break. Recognition will be distributed via printed signage, logo in email to attendees, and in the mobile app. Two breaks are available per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, on both Thursday and Friday. Quench attendee thirst with refreshments. Recognition will be distributed via printed signage, logo in email to attendees, and in the mobile app. Two breaks are available per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, on both Thursday and Friday. Allow attendees to recharge their devices at a charging station branded with your company's information in the registration area. BREAK SUPPORTER - $5500 per break Be the sole supporter of one break! Capture attendees' attention in the exhibit hall with both refreshments and snacks. Recognition will be distributed via printed signage, logo in email to attendees, and in the mobile app. S U P P O R T E R O P P O R T U N I T I E S E X H I B I T O R O P P O R T U N I T I E S FOR-PROFIT EXHIBITOR - $1,500 NONPROFIT EXHIBITOR - $1,000 It all comes together in Las Vegas, Nevada this December with participants from all over the United States, solely focused on advancing evidence based, compassionate care for behavioral emergencies through research, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Showcase your products and services while building relationships with influential professionals in the emergency psychiatry field. 2 2 0 2 2 B Y T H E N U M B E R S 270 EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRIC ATTENDEES 38:1 RATIO OF ATTENDEES TO EXHIBITORS If you have questions about supporting/exhibiting at the 2023 NUBE conference, please contact Nerissa Magnuson at

F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S All accepted exhibitors will be sent a confirmation notice following registration. Additional information containing instructions to register onsite attendees, arrange for shipping, electrical service, and more will be provided starting in August. MOVE-IN and setup will begin Wednesday, December 6th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Booths must be ready for the exhibit hall to open by 10:00 am. MOVE-IN AND MOVE-OUT EXHIBITOR KIT EXPO HOURS The exhibit hall will be open for attendees Wednesday, December 6th 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Thursday, December 7th beginning at 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. The exhibit fee includes admission to the exhibit hall and meals. Up to 2 additional representatives may be registered for an additional fee of $350. Breakfast Morning Break Lunch Afternoon Break Thursday, December 7, 2023 Breakfast Morning Break Lunch Afternoon Break Friday, December 8, 2023 Afternoon Break Reception Wednesday, December 6, 2023 WHAT'S INCLUDED Draped Table 2 Chairs 1 trash can Each booth space will receive: *Please Note all exhibit area is carpeted. Hours subject to change. EXHIBIT PERSONNEL MOVE-OUT and dismantle of the expo hall will happen Thursday, December 7th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The exhibit area must be completely vacated by 6:00 pm. EXHIBIT CANCELLATION POLICY All exhibit space cancellations must be submitted in writing to AAEP at A confirmation of receipt will be sent in response to all cancellations. Cancellations will be refunded as follows: EXHIBIT ACCEPTANCE & PAYMENT Exhibit space is limited and exhibitors are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Full payment must be received by December 4th. Exhibit personnel may attend all functions in the exhibit hall. Exhibitors wishing to attend sessions must register as a conference attendee and pay the appropriate registration fee. An exhibit personnel registration form will be sent to your company's point of contact after November 1st. Please watch for this form and register your personnel as soon as possible. SECURING LODGING Lodging options will be available in August. Book early to ensure room availability and reduced rates. Cancellation Date Refund less $100 proessing fee No refunds Refund Policy On/After November 1st Before November 1st Number of Exhibitor Badges For-Profit: 2 Nonprofit Exhibitors: 1 ATTENDEE SUPPORTER OPPORTUNITIES 3

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