Reprinted from: June 2002 issue, pgs 83-85. Used with permission. Process/Plant Optimization—Loss Prevention/Environment
Minimize flaring with
flare gas recovery
To reduce facility-wide air emission, a refinery retrofitted
the flare system and reuses waste gas as fuel gas
P. W. Fisher, Lion Oil Co., El Dorado, Arkansas, and recovery system required both careful evaluation of existing
D. Brennan, John Zink Co., LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma flare operations and design of the recovery unit. The recov-
ery system must process the flare gases safely and effi-
A n Arkansas refinery operates two elevated flares—one ciently without compromising the safety and operability of
for low-pressure service and another for high-pres- the existing flares. Therefore, the refinery developed a total
sure service. Through combustion, the flares safely project strategy that included facility process data analysis;
dispose of waste gas (flare gas). In refinery operations, review of existing flare equipment; technology review and
flammable waste gases are vented from processing units dur- selection; supplier selection; detailed system design fabri-
ing process upsets and normal operation. These waste gases cation and installation; commissioning; training and per-
are collected in piping headers and delivered to a flare sys- formance testing.
tem for safe disposal. While
the primary function of Preliminary design. The
flares is to protect the facil- refinery contacted a team of
ity, employees and the sur- flare gas recovery engineers
rounding environment, flar- with significant experience
ing gases creates trade-off in both flare technology and
emissions, such as nitrogen recovery applications to do
oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides an initial engineering assess-
(SOx) and greenhouse gases ment and feasibility study.
(CO2 and CO). These com- This engineering team per-
ponents in combination with formed tests to collect oper-
unburned hydrocarbons may ating data and reviewed the
contribute to the total facil- existing equipment to estab-
ity emissions. lish a flare gas recovery sys-
In coordination with state tem design that effectively
environmental authorities, controlled emissions at effi-
this refinery investigated the cient capital and operating
potential to reduce total expenses.
facility emissions. Based on Fig. 1. Simplified representation of a flare gas recovery unit integrated with an To determine typical flare
investigation results from existing flare system. header flowrates over time,
both parties, the refinery and the engineers installed
environmental authorities agreed to initiate a plan to lower instrumentation upstream of each flare. Flows were mea-
facility emissions by reducing flaring at this site. Flare gas sured and electronically recorded for a number of weeks to
recovery technology was identified as the preferred solution. understand flow patterns as related to normal daily oper-
ations. During the course of the flare gas survey, refinery
Emission-control solution. Flare gas recovery systems lower lab technicians gathered gas samples that were analyzed by
emissions by recovering flare gases before they are combusted gas chromatography to determine flare gas compositions
by the flare. In practice, a flare gas recovery system collects gas over the test period.
from the flare header before it reaches the flare, compresses the Concurrently, the team reviewed the design and operation
gas and cools it for re-use in the refinery-fuel gas system (Fig. of both facility flares to determine possible integration issues
1). Otherwise depending on the composition of the flare gas, between the existing flares and new flare gas recovery units.
the recovered vapors may also be recycled as a refinery feed- This important step identified modifications to the existing
stock. A flare gas recovery system offers other benefits through flare equipment and controls required for integrating and sus-
reduced fuel gas costs, visible flame, odors and auxiliary flare taining optimum performance of the flare gas recovery unit.
utilities, such as steam for smoke suppression. Test results showed that the liquid-seal vessels of the exist-
Refinery operators recognized that implementing this ing flares would have to be modified to meet the refinery’s
specified performance parameters. depth. Inadequate design may produce:
Understanding the process conditions
• Surging that could cause the flare
and requirements enabled the engineers flame to pulsate (ignite, extinguish and
to form a design basis and to evaluate then re-ignite) and result in smoking, puff-
technology options for key recovery-sys- ing and undesirable noise, or
tem components. This evaluation included • Capacity control problems that may
a comprehensive review of various com- result in nuisance system shutdowns and
pressor technologies. Operating and main- inefficient operation.
tenance costs, refinery utility costs and Safe, efficient, reliable flare gas recov-
the value of the recovered gas were also ery depends on maintaining mechanical
studied to fully define the total project integrity and operational safety of the liq-
economics. In addition, the engineering uid-seal system.
team also evaluated integration of the The engineers considered two liquid-
recovery control system with the facility’s seal modification options to preserve safe
existing process control systems. flare operation. The engineering team deter-
Once a preliminary design was final- mined the most cost-effective option was to
ized, the flare gas recovery engineering replace the liquid-seal internals rather than
team developed and presented cost esti- to install complete, new liquid-seal ves-
mates and project schedules to the refinery. sels. Each flare stack was approximately 20
A cooperative effort at this stage was a key Fig. 2. Installation of new liquid-seal internals. years old and measured 166-ft in height
factor to develop a system design that met with a 10-ft diameter liquid-seal base. An
the refinery’s emissions reduction expectations as well as a plan engineering inspection and analysis was done to determine
for predictable and effective project execution. The detailed plan structural loading of the flare stack for temporary bracing as
and study information also helped protect the refinery from required to safely modify the flare’s base. A large opening
implementation problems, unexpected cost overruns and project approximately 6-ft wide by 10-ft high was cut in the base of each
schedule delays. flare stack allowing access to remove old internals and install
new liquid-seal internals (Fig. 2).
Supplier selection. The refinery accepted the plan and con-
tracted the team of flare gas recovery engineers to provide two Recovery system design. Operation of the flare gas recovery
complete recovery systems. The refinery’s decision was based system is predicated on the pressure condition in the flare
on the engineers’ price and delivery evaluation, demonstrated header. Header pressure is monitored to establish the operation
experience with flare system engineering and proven capa- rate for the liquid-ring compressor, which maintains a pressure
bilities in gas recovery technologies. In addition, the refinery balance on the flare gas line. Maintaining positive pressure in
recognized that a single supplier would focus project account- the flare header ensures that air is not drawn into the flare or
ability, thereby streamlining the process to resolve critical flare gas recovery unit.
integration issues between the new unit and existing facility If the volume of gas relieved into the flare system exceeds
operations. the capacity of the recovery unit, pressure in the flare header
will build until it exceeds the backpressure created by the liq-
Design and operation considerations. A flare system should uid level in the liquid seal. In such cases, the excess gas vol-
include both a knockout vessel and a liquid seal. The knockout ume will bubble through the liquid seal and evenly flow to the
vessel protects both the flare and flare gas recovery unit from con- flare. The recovery unit will continue to operate and recover at
densate or liquid carryover. The liquid seal enables safe operation its maximum capacity. The integrated control of the flare gas
of the entire system and provides backpressure in the flare header, recovery system automatically adjusts flow turndown as required
which is necessary for an optimum flare gas recovery unit per- to meet process requirements.
formance. The flare gas recovery unit ties into the flare gas header
between the knockout vessel and liquid seal, and pulls flare gas Selecting a compressor. Considering the system design basis
from the header whenever flow is detected (Fig. 1). The flare gas and intended flare gas recovery capacity, the team selected a gas
recovery unit is installed parallel with the existing flare system and compressor configuration. The compressor best-suited for flare
both are continuously operational. Total flow potential of the gas recovery depends on many factors, such as process require-
flare system is greater than the economically justified design ments, efficiency, dependability and maintenance requirements.
capacity of the flare gas recovery unit. Note: if the flare gas flow The engineering team selected three liquid-ring compressors
is less than the design rate of the recovery unit, all of the waste- for each flare gas recovery unit (Fig. 3). Each compressor was
gas flow is recovered and none is combusted. If the flare gas flow specified for a capacity of 1.0 MMscfd at a discharge pressure
exceeds the capacity of the flare gas recovery system, the unit oper- of 120 psig, driven by a 400-hp, 1200-rpm, 2300-V motor.
ates at maximum capacity and the flare safely combusts the Liquid-ring compressors use a liquid (often water) to form
remaining flare gases. The optimal design capacity of flare gas a seal in the shape of a ring between the outer ends of the
recovery units is typically less than the maximum flare gas flow. impeller and compressor housing. The centrifugal force from
the rotating impeller forces liquid to the outside wall, forming
Existing system modification. The efficient flow-capacity a seal. This liquid also removes some heat of compression
control of the recovery unit depends on adequate flare header from the recovered gas and wets the compressor internals for
backpressure, which is a result of the depth of the liquid seal. added safety.
At a depth of approximately 6 in., the refinery’s existing liquid Compressor selection was based on reliability, total cost of
seal was too shallow. The engineering team reviewed special ownership and specific manufacturer’s features. Liquid-ring
design considerations required to increase the liquid level compressors are extremely reliable, offsetting lower efficien-
Fig. 3. Simple flare gas recovery unit, liquid-ring compressor type. Fig. 4. Refinery’s new flare gas recovery units enable near-zero flaring. Process/Plant Optimization—Loss Prevention/Environment
cies with longer run-times and lower maintenance costs. The gas system. Since the operating liquid absorbs most of the
engineers selected the compressors specifically for the refin- heat of compression, the recovered-gas temperature rise during
ery’s application and to operate at speeds suitable for direct-drive compression is minimal. Therefore, the liquid compressor does
service. The compressors are two-stage units specially con- not require a gas after-cooler. The three-phase separator also
structed with an overhung-impeller design—a feature selected serves to separate any condensed hydrocarbon liquid from the
to obtain operability advantages, including enhanced reliabil- operating liquid; thus, the hydrocarbon liquids may be returned
ity and ease of maintenance. The recovered flare gas mixed with back to the facility for treatment or injection as feedstock
the compressor operating liquid is discharged directly to the streams.
three-phase separator (Fig. 1).
After separation of the compressor operating liquid from
Three-phase separator solution. The engineering team the gases and hydrocarbon liquids, the operating liquid dis-
designed, fabricated and installed a vessel to: charges from the separator and is cooled through a heat
exchanger. To accommodate the refinery’s limited cooling-
• Separate recovered gases from the compressor operating water availability, the engineers selected an evaporative cooler
as the heat exchanger. Once the operating liquid is cooled, it
fluid returns to the compressor where it is re-used to create the com-
pressor seal. As designed, the system did not require a booster
• Return these gases and liquids to the facility pump to move the operating fluid from the separator to the
• Re-circulate the compressor operating fluid. compressor.
The recovered gas discharges from the separator and is To maintain the quality of the operating fluid, even in the pres-
directed back to the facility for injection into the refinery fuel- ence of sour gases, the engineers included liquid-bleed and
makeup capabilities to automatically monitor and maintain the
Paul Fisher is the special projects manager for Lion Oil fluid quality, as necessary. The new flare gas recovery system
Company’s El Dorado refinery. He has more than 20 introduces a continuous flow of fresh operating liquid into the
years of experience in process and project engineering system to prevent acid build up and contamination of the oper-
in the refining industry. Mr. Fisher earned a BS degree in ating liquid.
mechanical engineering from the University of Arkansas.
Project completion. The flare gas recovery units (Fig. 4) were
Dan Brennan, PE, is a director of engineering and pro- shipped from the supplier’s fabrication facilities in June. Instal-
ject management at John Zink Co., LLC in Tulsa, Okla- lation and operator training were completed by July, and the sys-
homa. He has more than 12 years of experience in tem commissioning was completed in August, requiring only
hydrocarbon vapor recovery and combustion. Mr. Bren- five days per system. The modular design was specifically
nan earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from developed to streamline equipment installation and provide
Oklahoma State University. easy access for system operation and maintenance.
The final flare gas recovery systems, which were installed
under budget and on schedule, have met and exceeded expec-
tations. The two flare gas recovery systems have reduced flar-
ing to near-zero levels, thereby achieving the refinery’s emission-
reduction objectives and conserving facility resources.
LK/3M/8-02 Article copyright © 2002 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
John Zink Company LLC
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