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Published by Cian Healthcare Limited, 2023-05-23 06:26:20

Cian Visual Aid

Cian Visual Aid - 2023

Enhancing Life,Excelling in Care.

l Pharyngitis l Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis l Skin and So Tissue Infection l Community Acquired Pneumonia l Uro-genital Infection INDICATION: ALSO AVAILABLE AZIC 250 Azithromycin 250mg TAB Ø More acid stable Ø Greater Bio availability Ø Rapid & wide distribution Ø Unique tissue directed pharmacokinetics Ø High intra cellular concentration Ø Be er compliance Azithromycin 500mg AZIC 500 BLOCK INVASION OF INFECTIONS... Tab AZITHROMYCIN:

LEVCIAN 500Tab Levooxacin 500mg A VERSATILE PERFORMER AGAINST INFECTION LEVCIAN 250 Levooxacin 250mg TAB Ø Levo oxacin is a bactericidal antibiotic of the uoroquinolone drug class that directly inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis. Ø It works by killing bacteria or preventing their growth. ALSO AVAILABLE LEVOFLOXACIN: INDICATION: l U.T.I & R.T.I l Prostatitis l Endocarditis l Skin & So Tissue Infection l Pelvic In ammatory Disease

CIANCLAV-625Tab Amoxycillin 500mg+Potassium Clavulanate 125mg SERIOUS INFECTIONS NEED EFFECTIVE COMBINATION CI CLAV Amoxycillin 400mg, Potassium Clavulanate 57mg/5ml DRY SYR CIAN CLAV Amoxycillin 200mg, Potassium Clavulanate 28.5mg/5ml DRY SYR CIANCLAV LB Amoxycillin 500 mg, Potasssium Clavulanate 125 mg, LAB 60 Million Spores TAB ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It belongs to penicillin-like antibiotics group. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Ø It acts through the inhibition of cell wall biosynthesis that leads to the death of the bacteria. AMOXICILLIN: Ø It belongs to beta-lactamase inhibitor class. It works by preventing bacteria from destroying amoxicillin. CLAVULANIC ACID: INDICATION: l Skin & So Tissue infection l Sinusitis l Pneumonia l Bronchitis l UTI & RTI l ENT Infection

Cexime 200mg CIANFIT 200Tab STUBBORN INFECTION REQUIRE TOUGH ANTIBIOTIC CIANFIT LB Cexime 200 mg, LAB 60 Million Spores TAB INDICATION: l URTI & LRTI l Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections l Uncomplicated Gonorrhea ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It belongs to the class of medicines known as cephalosporin antibiotics. Ø e antibacterial effect of ce xime results from inhibition of mucopeptide synthesis in the bacterial cell wall. CEFIXIME: CIANFIT OFLO Cexime 200mg, Ooxacin 200mg TAB CIANFIT DS Cexime 50mg DRY SYR CIANFIT 100 Cexime 100mg TAB

Amoxycillin 500mg CIANMOX 500Cap FIRST LINE ANTIBIOTIC TO STOP & PREVENT INFECTION CIANMOX 250 DT Amoxycillin 250mg TAB INDICATION: l Respiratory Tract Infections l Urinary Tract Infections l Otitis media l SSTI’s l Dental Infections l Pneumonia Ø It belongs to penicillin-like antibiotics group. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Ø It acts through the inhibition of cell wall biosynthesis that leads to the death of the bacteria. AMOXYCILLIN: ALSO AVAILABLE

Cefpodoxime 200mg CIANPOD 200Tab BEST SOLUTION FOR RESISTANT INFECTION CIANPOD PLUS Cefpodoxime 200mg, Clavulanic Acid 125mg TAB CIANPOD Cefpodoxime 100mg/5ml DRY SYR 100mg CIANPOD DT Cefpodoxime TAB ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It is an oral third generation cephalosporin antibiotic with effectiveness against most Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. CEFPODOXIME: INDICATION: l Acute Otitis Media l Community-acquired Pneumonia l Acute & Chronic Bronchitis l Skin And So Tissue Infections l Pharyngitis & Tonsillitis l Uncomplicated UTI

Ø It is a bactericidal agent that acts by inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Ø It has activity in the presence of some beta-lactamases, both penicillinases and cephalosporinases, of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. CEFUROXIME: INDICATION: l Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis l Acute Bacterial Otitis Media l Acute Bacterial Maxillary Sinusitis l Uncomplicated Gonorrhea l Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections l Uncomplicated Skin and Skin-Structure Infection CIANTIL 500Tab Cefuroxime 500mg RELIABLE BROAD SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTIC FOR MULTIPLE INFECTION ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It blocks the action of enzymes produced by bacteria to inactivate Cefuroxime CLAVULANIC ACID: CIANTIL 250 Cefuroxime 250mg TAB CIANTIL PLUS Cefuroxime 500mg, Potassium Clavulanate 125mg TAB

Ø It is a uoroquinolone which inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase. It has a broad spectrum of activity against aerobic Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria OFLOXACIN: INDICATION: l Bronchitis l Cervicitis l Enteric Fever ALSO AVAILABLE OFCIAN 200 Ooxacin 200mg Tab THE VERSATILE QUINOLONE POWER OFCIAN O Ooxacin 200mg, Ornidazole 500mg TAB l Respiratory Tract Infection l Non Gonococcoal Urethritis l Gonorrhoea l ENT Infection l Atypical Pneumonia

Ø It is a broad-spectrum third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic Ø It works by inhibiting the mucopeptide synthesis in the bacterial cell wall. Ø It has broader and stronger gram-negative coverage then rst or secondgeneration cephalosporins. CEFTRIAXONE: INDICATION: l Meningitis l Pneumonia l Skin & So Tissue Infections l Infections in Neutropenic Patients l Uncomplicated Gonorrhoea l Urinary Tract Infections (U.T.I) l Preoperative Prophylaxis of Infection ALSO AVAILABLE l Syphilis l Bacterial Septicaemia l Typhoid Fever l Chancroids l Pelvic In ammatory Disease l Bone & Joint Infection Ceftriaxone 1gm+Sulbactam 500mg CEFOCIAN-S 1.5Inj WHEN SURE RESULTS ARE THE NEED OF THE HOUR CEFOCIAN 1GM Ceftriaxone 1gm INJ I-CEF 1GM Ceftriaxone 1gm INJ I-CEF T Ceftriaxone 1gm, Tazobactum 125mg INJ

Ø It belongs to penicillin antibiotics class. Ø It works by killing bacteria that cause infection. PIPERACILLIN: INDICATION: l Respiratory Tract Infections l Septicemia l Meningitis l Urinary Tract Infection l Skin & So Tissue Infections l Peritonitis, Cholangitis and other Intra-Abdominal Infection l Pelvic In ammatory Disease, Endometritis, Gonorrhea ALSO AVAILABLE Piperacillin 4gm+Tazobactum0.5 gm I TRANS 4.5Inj COMPLETE CURE OF INFECTIONS WITH COMPLETE COMPLIANCE TOTAAM 4.5 Piperacillin 4 gm, Tazobactum 0.5 gm INJ Ø It is in a class called beta-lactamase inhibitor. Ø It works by preventing bacteria from destroying piperacillin. TAZOBACTAM:

Ø erapy of choice in painful diseases Ø Be er GI tolerability than Diclofenac ACECLOFENAC: INDICATION: l Oedema & Swelling l Joint Pains & Trauma l Dental Pain l Post Operative Pain l Pelvic In ammatory Disease l Deep Episiotomy ALSO AVAILABLE Aceclofenac 100mg+P CIANMOL aracetamol 325mg Tab POWERFUL COMBINATION FOR PAIN & INFLAMMATION CIANMOL MR Aceclofenac 100mg, Paracetamol 325mg, Chlorzoxazone 250mg TAB CIANMOL 200 SR Aceclofenac 200mg SR TAB CIANMOL PLUS Aceclofenac 100mg, Paracetamol 325mg, Serratiopeptidase 15mg TAB Ø Analgesic & Anti-pyretic effect Ø Rapidly & completely absorbed in GI tract PARACETAMOL: Ø Anti-in ammatory, anti-edemic & fabrinolytic activity Ø Reduces swelling & improves microcirculation SERRATIOPEPTIDASE:

DICLO PCI Tab Diclofenac 50mg+Paracetamol 325mg DICLODISE Diclofenac 50mg, Serratiopeptidase 10mg TAB INDICATION: l Pain & Swelling l Fever, Joint Pain, Tooth Pain l Gynaecological Pain l Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis l Ankylosing Spondylitis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Analgesic & Anti-pyretic effect Ø Rapidly & completely absorbed in GI tract PARACETAMOL: is a proven, commonly prescribed NSAID that has Analgesic, Antiin ammatory, and Antipyretic properties. DOLOCIAN Diclofenac 50mg, Paracetamol 325mg, Serratiopeptidase 10mg TAB DICLOFENAC:

INDICATION: l Sprains, Wounds, Injury l Post Surgical Pain l Dental Pain l ENT Infection l Genito Urinary Infection Ø It is a nonsteroidal antiin ammatory drug (NSAID) Ø Nimesulide+Paracetamol works by blocking the production of a chemical substance (prostaglandin), which is produced by the body causing symptoms like pain and swelling. Ø It also acts on the area of the brain responsible for controlling temperature. us, helps in controlling fever. NIMESULIDE: Nimesulide 100mg NIMCITab SURE RELIEF FROM PAIN & INFLAMMATION NIMCI P SUSP Mefenamic Acid 50mg, Paracetamol 125mg/5ML NIMCI DS Mefenamic Acid 100mg SUSP NIMCI P Nimesulide 100mg, Paracetamol 325mg TAB ALSO AVAILABLE

INDICATION: l Acute & Severe Pyrexia l High Fever With Headache l Body Ache l Joint Pain Ø It has a central analgesic effect that is mediated through activation of descending serotonergic pathways. Ø It works upon the brain to block prostaglandin production. Ø A stronger Antipyretic effect Ø 2.5 times stronger than Aspirin Ø An additional neuroprotective superiority Ø Exert protective effect on oxidative stress Ø Safe & well tolerated PARACETAMOL: ALSO AVAILABLE Paracetamol 650mg TRYPTIMOL 650 Tab STRONG ON PAIN, GENTLE ON YOU COL PLUS Mefenamic Acid 500mg Paracetamol 325mg TAB TRYPTIMOL 250 SUSP Paracetamol 250 mg /5ML

INDICATION: l Hyperacidity l Peptic Ulcer l Dyspepsia l GERD Ø It is chemically more stable than Omeprazole, Lansoprazole & Rabeprazole under neutral to mild acidic conditions but is more rapidly activated under strongly acidic conditions. Ø It is more effective than Omeprazole in inhibiting meal stimulated acid secretion. PANTOPRAZOLE: ALSO AVAILABLE Pantoprazole 40mg+Domperidone 30mg SR PANCI DSR Cap In All Types Of Acid-Peptic Disorders PANCI D Pantoprazole 40mg, Domperidone 10mg TAB PANCI 40 Pantoprazole 40mg TAB PANCI 20 Pantoprazole 20mg TAB PANCI Pantoprazole 40 mg INJ Ø It is in SR form allows once a day administration. Ø Strengthens the anti-re ux mechanisms. DOMPERIDONE: PANCI LSR Levosulpiride 75mg, Pantoprazole 40mg CAP PANCI O Pantoprazole 40mg, Ondansetron 4mg TAB

INDICATION: l GERD & Heart Burn l Dyspepsia l Severe Gastritis l Acid Peptic Disorder Ø Ensures greater potency & rapid onset of maximal acid suppression than other PPIs. Ø Sustains acid suppression to provide acid control & symptom relief over 24 hrs. RABEPRAZOLE: ALSO AVAILABLE RABTAB D Rabeprazole 20mg, Domperidone 10mg TAB RABTAB Rabeprazole 20mg TAB RABTAB LSR Rabeprazole 20mg, Levosulpiride 75mg CAP Rabeprazole 20mg+Domperidone 30mg (SR) RABTAB DSR Cap When Acid Overflows... Ø Eliminates nausea, vomiting associated with GERD DOMPERIDOME:

Omeprazole 20mg+Domperidone 10mg OMCIAN-DCap FOR INSTANT CONTROL IN HYPERACIDITY OMCI Omeprazole 20mg CAP MAG 20 Omeprazole 20mg TAB INDICATION: l Dyspepsia l Hyperacidity l Peptic & Duodenal ulcer l GERD Ø Combination of trusted PPIs with Anti-emetic & GI prokinetic agent Ø Suppresses acid release thus controls the symptoms of hyperacidity Ø Domperidone provides relief from the symptoms of nausea Ø GI prokinetic helps in the fast recovery in cases of Peptic disorders Ø Providing satisfactory clinical results since years ALSO AVAILABLE

INDICATION: l Duodenal & Gastric Ulcer l Chronic Gastritis l Bile Re ux l Hyper Acidity Ø Quick relief from symptoms of re ux oesophagitis Ø Provides Oesophageal antacid action Ø Relieves discomfort from hyperacidity & reduces gas formation Ø Prevents nausea & vomiting, dyspepsia, gastralgia & abdominal distension ALSO AVAILABLE SUCRA-O Sucralfate 1000mg, Oxetacaine 20 mg /10 ML SUSP Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel+Magnesium Hydroxide + Simethicone Oral Suspension ANTACIANGel FOR SHORT TERM TREATMENTOF GASTRIC ULCER

INDICATION: l GERD l Dyspepsia l Peptic Ulcer l Duodenal Ulcer l Zollinger-Ellisons Syndrome Ø Suppresses gastric acidity more effectively and in more individual than pantoprazole 40mg & rabeprazole 20mg daily. Ø Signi cantly more effective at controlling gastric acidity above pH 4 for more than 16hrs. ALSO AVAILABLE ESOMAG 40 Esomeprazole 40mg TAB ESOMAG-D Cap PACIFY THE ANGUISH OF ACID WITH... Esomeprazole 40mg+Domperidone 30mg SR

INDICATION: l Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis l Perennial Allergic Rhinitis l Allergic Dermatitis l Extrinsic Asthma l Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria l Atopic Eczema ALSO AVAILABLE MONT Montelukast 10mg+Levocetirizine 5mg ACIANTab Combat Allergy Effectively... MONTA PLUS Montelukast 10mg, Levocetirizine 5mg TAB Levocetirizine 2.5mg, Montelukast 4mg/5ml MONTA PLUS SYR Ø It is an antiallergic which blocks a chemical messenger (histamine) responsible for runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. LEVOCETIRIZINE: Ø is a leukotriene antagonist. It works by blocking another chemical messenger (leukotriene). is reduces in ammation (swelling) in the airways and nose, and improves symptoms. MONTELUKAST:

INDICATION: l Nasal and Sinus Congestion l Allergic Symptoms Of URTI l Sinusitis l Tonsillitis l Otitis Media ALSO AVAILABLE CIANCOLD Paracetamol 325mg+ Phenylephrine 5mg+CPM 2mg TAB CIANCOLD DS Paracetamol 250mg, Phenylephrine 5mg, CPM 2mg SYR Paracetamol 325mg+Cetirizine 5mg+Phenylephrine 10mg CIANCOLD PLUSTab EASE THE DIFFICULT BREATHING... Ø It is an antiallergic which relieves allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. CETIRIZINE: Ø It is an analgesic and antipyretic. It blocks the release of certain chemical messengers in the brain that are responsible for pain and fever. PARACETAMOL: Ø It is a nasal decongestant which narrows the small blood vessels providing relief from congestion or stuffiness in the nose. PHENYLEPHRINE: CICITRI PP Cetirizine 2.5mg, Phenylephrine 5mg, Paracetamol 125mg SYP CICITRI Cetirizine 10mg TAB

INDICATION: l Acute & Chronic Bronchitis l Asthma l Lung Abscess ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It is a mucolytic in infective respiratory disorders AMBROXOL: Terbutaline 1.25 mg+Ambro CICOFxol 15mg+Guaiphensin 50mg+Menthol 1.5mg T Syp IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF COUGH WITH A POWERFUL EXPECTORANT ADIKOF Guaiphenesin 50mg, Terbutaline 1.25mg, Bromhexine 4mg, Menthol 2.5mg /5 ML SYP SYP Dextromethorphan 10mg, CPM 2mg, Phenylephrine 5mg/5ml CICOF D BIO COLD 250 Paracetamol 250mg, CPM 2mg, Phenylephrine 5mg /5ML SUSP BRADILEX Levosalbutamol 1mg, Ambroxol 30mg, Guaiphenesin 50mg, Menthol 1mg SYR Ø It Prevents bronchospasm in patients with bronchial bronchitis & emphysema TERBUTALINE: Ø It works by thinning the mucus in the air passages to make it easier to cough up the mucus and clear the airways. GUAPHENSIN: Ø It soothes in amed throat MENTHOL: CICOF CPM 2 mg, Phenylephrine 10 mg TAB

INDICATION: l Sinusitis l Hay Fever l Pharyngitis l Acute Bronchitis l Tuberculosis l Tropical Eosinophilia Ø It helps relieve allergy symptoms such as sneezing, running nose LEVOCETIRIZINE: Levocetirizine 5mg+Phenylephrine 10mg+Paracetamol 325mg TRYPTICOLDTab Ø It is an analgesic and antipyretic. It blocks the release of certain chemical messengers in the brain that are responsible for pain and fever. PARACETAMOL: Ø is a nasal decongestant which narrows the small blood vessels providing relief from congestion or stuffiness in the nose. PHENYLEPHRINE: CIANLEVO-A Ambroxol 30mg, Levocetirizine 2.5mg /5ML SYP Levocetrizine 2.5mg/5ml CIANLEVO SYP ALSO AVAILABLE Levocetrizine 5mg CIANLEVO TAB Relief from Seasonal Allergies...

INDICATION: l Eczema & Psoriasis l Secondary Bacterial Skin dissorder l Fungal Infection l Dermatitis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø It is found to be an effective, safe and suitable maintenance treatment for longterm management of VLS. Ø It is more suitable and reasonable choice for treatment of LLP than MMF. CLOBETASOL PROPIONATE: BETCIAN-GM Cream SKIN FRIENDLY, SKIN CARE TAKER Clobetasol 0.05%+Neomycin 0.5%+Miconazole 2.5% BETCIAN-G Clobetasol 0.05%, Neomycin 0.5% CREAM Ø It is an amino glycoside antibiotic with excellent activity against gram negative bacteria & partial activity against gram positive bacteria. NEOMYCIN SULPHATE: Ø It is an imidazole with anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial effects. MICONAZOLE NITRATE:

INDICATION: l Napkin Rash l Otitis Externa l Intertigonous Eruptions l Bacterial & Fungal Infections Of Skin ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Anti-In ammatory action. Controls itching & in ammation BECLOMETHASONE: CAN B Clotrimazole 1%, Beclomethasone 0.025% CREAM BEC GM Beclomethasone 0.025%, Neomycin 0.5%, Miconazole 1% CREAM MCIAN Mupirocin 2% CREAM CAN-B PLUS Cream Clotrimazole 1%+Beclomethasone 0.025%+Neomycin 0.5% Ø Imidazole Antifungal Drug. Effects by inhibition of fungal sterol synthesis CLOTRIMAZOLE: Ø Excellent antibacterial effect. Broad spectrum of activity NEOMYCIN: Say NO to Fungal Infection...

INDICATION: l Sunburn, Eczema, Rashes l Poison Ivy, Chickenpox, Insect Bites & Stings l As a Mild Antiseptic to Prevent Infections caused By Scratching the affected area l As an Astringent to Dry Weeping or Oozing blisters & Acne Abscesses ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Forms a protective barrier over blisters and rashes Ø Smoothes And Protect e Skin When It Becomes Irritated Ø Helps Prevent Infection From Scratching Ø Relieves pain and itching associated with rashes, insect bites, minor skin irritation and minor cuts CALAMINE: P PLUS Permethrin 5% CREAM Povidone Iodine 5% IODIN PLUS OINT Calamine 8%, Light liquid Paraffin 10% LACTOMINE LOTN Calamine 8% w/v+Zinc Oxide 5% w/v+Vit E 0.5% w/v+Aloevera Gel 10% w/v+ Light Liquid Parafn 10% w/v CI-CALAMINELotion Protect & Nourish your Skin with... Ø Possesses skin moisturizing, rejuvenating and healing properties Ø Retains moisture of skin against dryness ALOE VERA:

INDICATION: l Dermatophytosis l Pityriasis Versicolor l Onychomycoses l Systemic Candidiasis l Histoplasmosis l Cryptococcal Infections l Vulvovaginal Candidiasis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Broad spectrum of action with efficacy against asperagillosis, Histoplasmosis, Candidiasis as well as fungal infection of toe nails and onycomycosis. Ø A potent fungistatic that is effective even in immuno-compromised patients Ø Useful and safe agent in empirical anti fungal therapy ITRACONAZOLE: CITROZ 200Cap WINNING RACE AGAINST INFECTIONS Itraconazole 200mg CITROZ CAP Itraconazole 100mg HTRZ SR 200 Itraconazole 200 mg SR TAB

INDICATION: l Vaginal Candidiasis l Cryptococcal meningitis l Systemic Candidiasis l Pharyngeal Candidiasis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Wider range of activity than ketoconazole Ø Achieves high concentration Ø Quicker symptomatic relief Ø Prolonged elimination half-life in vaginal secretion FLUCONAZOLE: FLUCIAN DUSTING POWDER Clotrimazole 1% FLUCIAN 150Tab EFFECTIVE ANSWER TO FUNGAL INFECTIONS Fluconazole 150mg

INDICATION: l Skin Infections l Impetigo l Infected Cuts and Grazes l Infected Dermatitis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Targets the common pathogens in skin infections Ø High and sustained concentration at the site of infection Ø Minimizes cross resistance to other pathogens Ø Minimum side effects and risk of sensitization Ø Safe and effective SODIUM FUSIDATE: FUSIBEC Fusidic Acid 2 %w/w, Beclomethasone 0.025 %w/w CREAM FUSI PLUS Oint Sodium Fusidate 2 %w/w Active Action Against Infection..

INDICATION: l Vertigo l Tinnitus & Meniere ’ s Syndrom l Vascular Headache ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Provides fast relief from the symptoms of dizziness Ø Stimulates the release of histamine agonists action H1receptor & antagonistic action on H3 receptor Ø Found to increases the levels of neurotransmi ers such as serotonin in the brainstem, which inhibits the activity of vestibular nuclei Ø Safe with no reported major adverse effects BETAHISTINE: BETA H8 Betahistine 8mg TAB CINN D Cinnarizine 20mg, Domperidone 15mg TAB Betahistine 16mg BETA H16Tab THE LEADING ANTI-VERTIGO AGENT

INDICATION: Ÿ Fracture Ÿ Osteomalacia Ÿ Rickets Ÿ Osteoporosis Ÿ Chronic Kidney disease Ÿ Chronic Heart disease Ÿ Hypovitaminosis ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Be er stability & superior bioavailability. Ø Helps in mineral metabolism & bone growth. Ø Optimal rise in serum vitamin D level within 8 weeks improve cardiac dyfuctions. (Clin. J Am Soc Nephrol 2010, May) Ø Lack of cholecalciferol may be major factor in the development of diabetes. (Reversing diabetes & dietary supplement natural health 1999-2012) Ø Excellent therapy in chronic kidney disease in long term hemodialysis patient. Ø Improve proper bones development & muscle contraction. CHOLECALCIFEROL: CIAN D3Shots FACILITATES ADEQUATE ABSORPTION OF CALCIUM... Cholecalciferol 60K IU CIAN D3 TAB SOFT GEL SACHETS Cholecalciferol 60000 I.U

INDICATION: l Iron De ciency Anemia l Metabolic Disease l Post-Surgical Convalescence l Pregnancy & Lactation l Dietary Insufficiency l Menorrhagia ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Support Fetal growth & maternal health Ø Highest bio availability ensures faster Hb rise Ø Prevents megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy Ø Vital for the production & repair of DNA in Foetus Ø Prevents neural tube defects Ø Promotes bone mineral density Carica papaya 1200mg, Centella asiatica 400mg, Ext.Aloe Vera 200mg / 5ML HEMCYTE SYR Folic Acid 5mg F CIAN TAB TAB ASCOCI-XT Iron & Folic Acid Syrup SYR Ferrous Ascorbate 100mg+Folic Acid 1.5mg+Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 61.8mg ASCOCI-PLUSTab EFFECTIVE SUPPLEMENT FOR WOMEN & CHILD CARE...

ALSO AVAILABLE Omega 3 Fatty acids, 12 G+Multimineral+Multivitamin CIAN 12 G Ginseng Extr 30mg, Grape Seed Extract 10mg, Green Tea Extr 10mg, Multivitamin, Multimineral NUTRAMORE TAB BODYVIT G Multivitamin, Multimineral, Ginseng TAB l Oxidative stress l CV disorders l Antibiotic erapy l General debility l General fatigue syndrome l Imbalanced diet l Diabetes erapy l Stress & Infertility INDICATION: Ø Lowers cholesterol & Triglyceride level Ø Reduces risk of heart disease & dementia OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS: Ø Restores & enhance normal wellbeing Ø Helps to increase hemoglobin in blood GINSENG EXTRACT POWDER: Ø Helps to enhance blood circulation Ø Improves memory & concentration GINKGO BILOBA POWDER: Ø Combats mental fatigue & Fights against cancer Ø Regulates blood sugar levels GREEN TEA EXTRACT: Ø Helps to destroy free radicals which damage cell process. GARLIC POWDER: Ø Strengthens & protects living tissues GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: Ø Boosts immunity. Treats arthritis, improves vision GILOY EXTRACT: Ø Prevents infection, ghts in ammation GULAB EXTRACT: Ø Possesses Anti-in ammatory action GLYCERRHIZA: Ø Lessens swelling, acts a s blood puri er, improves immune system GREEN COFFEE EXTRACT: Ø Facilitates weight loss, Cures liver diseases. GREEN CHIRATA EXTRACT: Ø Improve heart disease risk factors. Can help treat chronic indigestion GINGER ROOT EXTRACT: Ø Used for arthritis, lowering high cholesterol, acne and other skin diseases. GUGGUL EXTRACT: SOFT GEL A Stunning Support for Healthy Life... G-BILOBA Multivitamin, Multimineral, Ginseng TAB

INDICATION: l Osteomalacia l Pregnancy & Lactation l Fractures l Osteoporosis l Hypoparathyroidism l Renal Osteodystrophy ALSO AVAILABLE Vit D3 400 IU+CCM 400mg+Zinc 7.5mg+Vit B12 1mcg+Folic Acid 200 mcg+ Vit K2-7 45 mcg+Omega 3 fatty acid 100mg CIANCAL K2-7SOFT GEL A COMBINATION FOR COMPLETE WELLNESS OF BONES CIANCAL HD Calcium Carbonate 1250mg, Cholecalciferol 1000 IU TAB CIANCAL 500 Calcium Carbonate 1250mg, Vitamin D3 250 IU TAB CIANCAL KSF Calcium Carbonate 625mg, Calcitriol 0.25mcg, Vit K2-7 45mcg, Magnesium 20mg, Zinc 7.5mg, Soya Isoflavones 40mg TAB Ø Regulates Hypercalcemia for proper calcium utilization in bones VITAMIN K2-7: Ø Supports bone building in Osteoporosis CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE: Ø Protect against neural tube defects FOLIC ACID: Ø Increases Gl absorption of a dietary calcium, Stimulates Osteoblasts VIT D3: Ø Repair damage nerve bers by stimulating axonal regeneration. VIT B 12: Ø Reduces in ammation & improves joint exibility. OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS:

INDICATION: l Bone Loss l Rickets l Osteoarthritis l Bone Fracture l Osteoporosis/Osteomalacia ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Help build bones and reduce bone in ammation. Ø Provide strength to bones. Ø Reduces risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. Ø Increase in bone mineral density. Ø Higher Bioavailability. Ø Helps in calcium homeostasis and skeletal integrity. Calcium Citrate Malate 1180mg+Vit D3 1000 IU +Folic Acid 50mcg CIANCAL-CCMTab Ensures the Strength back in Bones CICAL XT SOFT GEL Calcium Carbonate 250mg Calcitriol 0.25mcg Vit K2-7 45mcg MCB 750mcg Calcium Citrate 1000mg, Magnesium 240mg, Zinc 11mg, Calcitriol 0.25mcg CC-MZ TAB Calcium Carbonate 625mg, Vit D3 125 IU L-Lysine 50mg CICAL PLUS SUSP Tribasic calcium phosphate 210mg, Vit D3 200 IU, Vit B 12 2.5mcg /5ML CELBION SUSP

INDICATION: l Degenerative Diseases l Diabetic Neuropathy l Post Traumatic Neuropathy l Convalescence l Chronic medical diseases l Geriatric patients ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Used as a dietary supplement & to treat certain anemias Ø Plays an important role in helping the body make RBC'S METHYLCOBALAMIN: METVITES Lycopene, Multivitamin, Multimineral Syrup SYR MEMOTEK Extracts Of Brahmi 140mg, Jatamansi 100mg, Shatavari 100mg, Guduchi 50mg, Amla 50mg, Haritaki 50mg, Arjuna 40mg, Sarpagandha 4mg/3ml SYR METVITESTab Methylcobalamin 1500mcg+Folic Acid 1.5mg+Pyridoxine 3mg+ Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg+Vit D3 2000 IU Ø Supports new cell growth & nervous system health FOLIC ACID: Ø It helps the body make the hormones serotonin (which regulates mood and norepinephrine) (which helps your body cope with stress) PYRIDOXINE HCL: Ø It protect against damage to the body's cells ALPHA LIPOIC ACID: Complete Health Pack for Blissful Life..

INDICATION: l Leukoplakia l HIV Patients l Prolonged Illness l Supplement with Antibiotics l For Geriatric Patients l Boost Immunity ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Vitamin A is helpful for improving vision and treating eye disorders Ø Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Ø Folic acid is used for preventing and treating low blood levels. Ø Vitamin C enhances immunity & acts as an antioxidant TO KEEP THE BODY IN ALL-IS-WELL CONDITION OXYCIANTab Antioxidants+Multivitamins+Multiminerals Multivitamin & Multimineral ABM CAP Multivitamins with Antioxidant OXYCIAN SYR

INDICATION: l Carbohydrate Depletion l Dehydration l Fluid Depletion l Energy Loss ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Helps to adjust against stress & strain Ø Restores natural salt & uid balance Ø Replenish the lost electrolytes Ø Dextrose emits energy to overcome tiredness Ø Improves cognitive performance. Ø Provide detoxi cation, sustain mental process and reduce muscle fatigue ENJOY LIFE ENTHUSIASTICALL Dextrose 17.5gm+Sucrose 14gm+Zinc Sulphate 32.5mg+Ascorbic Acid 50mg Y GLU-FRESH Sodium chloride 2.6g Potassium Chloride 1.5g Sodium Citrate 2.9g Dextrose 13.5g CIAN SALT/ORS-MUST

INDICATION: l Hair Loss l Bri le Nails l Ageing l Early Greying of Hair Ø Strengthen hair and nails Ø Improve the health of your skin BIOTIN: BINOMIN PLUS BEAUTIFUL SKIN & LONG HAIR STARTS HERE... Biotin 10mg+N-Acetyl Cysteine 50mg+Calcium Pantothenate 50mg+ Selenium 65mcg+Copper 3mg+Zinc 22.5 mg Tab Tab Ø Dietary supplements Ø Nourishment and strengthening for hair and skin CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE: Ø Boosts hair growth Ø Reduces dandruff SELENIUM: Ø NAC may also provide antioxidants that help to combat aging factors, such as hair loss. N-ACETYL CYSTEINE:

INDICATION: l A Dietary Supplement In Growing Children l Pregnant & Lactating Mothers l Debilitating Patients l During Convalescence ALSO AVAILABLE Ø Improves body resistance Ø Optimizes overall foetal growth & weight during pregnancy Ø Boosts up immune system Ø Maintains body tissue functions Ø Reviving physical capacity in convalescing & elderly patients Ø Increasing the fatigue threshold Ø Provides energy, promote growth & development & regulate body functions CI-PROTEINPOWDER COMPLETE NUTRITIONAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR FAMILY Protein Powder with Vitamins+Carbohydrates+Iron Calcium+Minerals CI PROTEIN Protein Syrup with Iron, Vitamins & Minerals SYR CI PROTEIN SF POWDER SUGAR FREE PROTEIN POWDER CI PROTEIN PLUS Protein Powder with Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Iron, Calcium & Minerals POWDER

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Ø Maintains & balances healthy production of female hormones Ø Helps to regulate menstrual cycle & ease the transition into menopause Ø Nourishes blood & reproductive system Ø Improves fertility Ø Uterine tonic Ayurvedic Uterine Medicine & sure with... Be healthy, fit FEMINASYRUP INDICATION: l Leucorrhoea l Haematuria l Menorrhagia l Dysmenorrhoea & Other Female complaints associated with Menstrual Cycle KEEPS YOU OUT FROM UNCOMFORT ZONE

Ø Supports new cell growth and nervous system health FOLIC ACID: Folic Acid 1.5mg+Methylcobalamin1500 mcg+ Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 1.5mg+Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 200mg FOL DHA PLUS PREGNANCY IS A DREAM MAKE IT HEALTHIER WITH... TAB INDICATION: l Pregnancy l Anemia l Lethargy l Malaise l Cognitive impairment l Muscular weakness Happy Baby, Healthy Mother With....FOL DHA+ Ø Peripheral and diabetic neuropathy METHYLCOBALAMIN: Ø Essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID (DHA):

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