Volusia County Schools
US History Pacing Guide
The completion dates are a guideline to stay on track to complete the course and cover all standards by the end of each
OP # MODULE Organizing Principle Length of Grading Unit Completed by
# Unit Period (+/- 5 Days)
OP 1 1 America, Africa, and Europe 1.5 weeks 1st Nine August 30th
before 1500 Weeks
Planning Career Planning – completion
can be achieved in the first
week or alternate days through
the 1st and 2nd Nine Weeks
OP 2 2 Exploring the Americas 2.5 Weeks 1st Nine September 15th
OP 3 3 The English Colonies 3 Weeks 1st Nine October 13th
DBQ - Jamestown 1 Week Weeks
OP 4 4 British Control and Colonial 1 week 2nd Nine November 3rd
Lessons 1-3 Reactions 2 weeks Weeks
Declaring Independence
OP 4 4 American Revolution 3 Weeks 2nd Nine December 6th
Lessons 4-5 DBQ – Revolution 1 Week Weeks
OP 5 5 Forming a Government 2 Weeks 2nd Nine December 20th
OP 6 6 Citizenship and the Constitution
OP 7 Optional – Semester Exam
OP 8
Winter Break (December 21st – January 7th)
OP 9
OP 10 7 Launching the Nation 2. 5 Weeks 3rd Nine January 24th
February 16th
March 8th
8 War and Expansion in America 2.5 Weeks 3rd Nine
March 30th
9 A New National Identity Weeks April 11th
10 Age of Jackson 3 Weeks 3rd Nine
Spring Break (March 9th –
March 16th )
11 Westward Expansion 2 Weeks 4th Nine
12 Expansion and Conflict Weeks
13 The North 1.5 Weeks 4th Nine
14 The South Weeks
15 Slavery in the United States
OP 11 16 Reform Movements in the 1 Week 4th Nine April 18th
United States Weeks
OP 12 17 A Divided Nation 1.5 Weeks 4th Nine April 27th
OP 13 18 The Civil War 2.5 Weeks 4th Nine May 14th
OP 14 19 Reconstruction 1 Week 4th Nine May 18th
Review for EOC 3- 4 Days 4th Nine May 23rd