Volusia County Schools
Ancient World History Pacing Guide (2017-2018)
OP Chapter Organizing Principle Length Grading Period Unit Completed
# # of Unit by (+/- 5 Days)
OP 1 The earliest river civilizations began as farming 1st Nine Weeks
1-4, settlements that evolved into the first cities, kingdoms, 42 August 14 to October 13,2017
16, and empires.
days October 13, 2017
Lesson 1 CH1: What Does Historians Do?
CH2: Studying geography, economics, and
CH3: Early Humans and the Agricultural revolution
CH4: Mesopotamia
CH16: Lesson 1: The Americas
OP 2 Environmental factors influenced the settlement and 43 2nd Nine Weeks December 20,
development of three important ancient civilizations in days October 17 to 2017
Egypt, Kush, and Israel December 20, 2017
5-6 CH5: Ancient Egypt and Kush
CH6: The Israelites
Winter Break (December 21st – January 7th)
OP 3 The ancient Greeks planted the seeds that would have 42 3rd Nine Weeks March 8, 2018
a lasting impact on western civilization including the days January 8 to
areas of art & architecture, government, literature, March 8, 2018
philosophy, and science.
7 CH7: The Ancient Greeks
OP 3 The ancient Greeks planted the seeds that would have
a lasting impact on western civilization including the
areas of art & architecture, government, literature,
philosophy, and science.
8 CH8: Greek Civilization
OP 4 The Indian subcontinent was the site of one of the
world’s most ancient civilizations, and Indian culture has
had a major influence on the development of multiple
Asian societies.
9 CH9: Ancient India
OP 5 Ancient China developed a unique and long lasting 52 days 4th Nine Weeks May 30, 2018
OP 6 culture that served as a cradle of Asian civilization and a March 19 to
source of important intellectual achievement. May 30, 2018
10 CH10: Early China
The Roman Republic and Empire greatly shaped the
cultural legacy of Western civilization through its system
of laws and republican government, the Latin language,
its military and technological accomplishments, and the
spread of Greek ideas.
CH11: Rome: Republic to Empire
CH12: Roman Civilization
CH13: The Rise of Christianity