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Five ethics differences between Muslim and Western Societies

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Published by jyhe1314, 2022-11-30 04:59:48

Five ethics differences between Muslim and Western Societies

Five ethics differences between Muslim and Western Societies

SGDN 1043




Prepared by:


Five ethics
between Muslim
and Western


Role of dress code

Muslim Western

• Muslim women have to be modest in • Women in western civilizations have a
clothing and visibility diverse range of clothing styles and are
fully integrated in the society with men.
• For example, traditional dress for
Muslim men has typically covered at • Usually women can wear trouser suit
least the head and the area between or skirt with blazer. If they attend the
the waist and the knees, while women’s banquet, women can wear ball gown,
Islamic dress is to conceal the hair and evening gown or cocktail while the man
the body from the ankles to the neck. can wear the formal morning dress.

Censorship Western


• Censorship in the Islamic world is often • In the West, censorship is more
crude, imposed by governments, mullahs and refined and decentralized. Its
imams, and, more recently, militant Islamic practitioners are financial backers;
movements. members of the entertainment
industry of the Public Broadcasting
• For example, the Taliban leadership has set System(PBS), influential interest
up a media monitoring office that screens group.
every broadcast program for full compliance
with strict Islamic and political preferences. • The people will get their due human
rights, be treated fairly and justly,
• At the same time, more than 130 journalists and have personal safety.
and media personnel were detained and
some were tortured by the Taliban in the
same period.

Marriage In the Islamic culture, “marriage is
half of religion”. According to
Islamic, the women who get
married is always taking care of
children, housework and family at
home. While the men after
marriage is responsible to make
money for family expenses and the
men also can marry multiple wives.

Either the men or women or
both of them can work, which
is can make the money to
support the family. Marriage in
western culture is normally for
them. For example,
unfortunately, if their marriage
can’t go forward, they can just
break up or divorce.

Foodie culture

Islamic perspective Western perspective

Muslims have limitations on their diets. The food is allowed For western foodie culture, food production can be use
for Muslims to be known as halal food. In Islam, the food and in any material which can consumed food and drink to
nutrition are subject to the necessary syariah provisions stay alive and grow. Westerners don’t have any their
meet the characteristics of halal, pure and quality. Of course, dietary restrictions. Wine and alcohol is allowed use in
the food should be not argument its prohibition in al-Quran everyday life.
or hadith. The quality of food should be good which the food
that is nutritious, pure and
clean, does not harm physical, spiritual and intellectual health.

Women’s rights

Islamic perspective Western perspective

Women have none of those rights so they In western society, women have
don’t have the right to choose. Besides freedom and rights in society and
that, the women are required to wear country. They have the rights to
clothing that cover their parts of body vote, wear, talk, do whatever their
except the eyes. If single women are like and interest. In addition, no
talking to another single man, the women matter what kind of things women
will be charged for prostitution society. do, there will be no slurs or insults.

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