page Gunung Jerai floods an page
2 act of God: Minister 3
Govt bid to block
citizenship ruling slammed
No. 7866 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
PLAY IT SAFE ... Students
aged 16 and 17 from schools
in the Petaling District were
among the first in the Klang
Valley to get inoculated
yesterday at the
Management and Science
University vaccination centre.
page 4
Brain over
oFocus on investments that require skilled labour, govt urged
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI Jakarta has exceeded the amount giants Intel and Infineon as
[email protected] fixed in Malaysia. Since 2015, the companies that are in high value-
minimum wage in the Indonesian added activities and therefore pay
PETALING JAYA: The time capital has risen 9.75% annually, higher wages for the necessary
has come for Malaysia to from Rp2.7 million (RM789.65) to skills, compared with packaging
focus on high-skill jobs Rp4.3 million (RM1,257.59) today. company Carsem and textile
over cheap labour. The rate of increase in the producer South Island Garments.
The way to achieve this is to minimum wage in Malaysia has Rajah pointed out that when
slowly remove incentives for been slow over the years, and deciding on the minimum wage,
low-wage labour intensive Rajah attributed this to the the government should also take
industries and shift the focus to consequences of slow value-added into account the cost of living of a
quality foreign direct investments growth since 1999 relative to low household of four.
(FDI), according to economists. exchange rates. He said the government should
He also blamed it on the focus have enforced a 1991 policy of
Ultimately, the position of the on largely low value-add activities gradually removing incentives for
government should be one of and the easy availability of companies that rely on lowly paid
raising the minimum wage to low-skilled foreign labour. workers for labour-intensive
RM1,500 a month by next year, “It is a reflection of premature activities.
with provisions for it to be even de-industrialisation since 2000, “As a result, we continue to get
higher for workers who live in with little effort to upgrade to high excited about FDI inflows without
highly urbanised locations, value-added activities.” regard for the quality of such
Universiti Malaya professor of Rajah said the availability of low investments. We should instead
Economics Datuk Dr Rajah Rasiah wages puts little pressure on make it more attractive for
told theSun. investors to upgrade to high industries that require skilled,
value-added activities, but technical and professional
Currently, the minimum wage is the current situation does Turn to labour, with the option to
RM1,200 a month irrespective of not favour an immediate offer permanent residence
the difference in the cost of living solution. — status to stimulate economic
between urban and rural areas.
page 3
Rajah was commenting on a
report that the minimum wage in He singled out electronics upgrading,” he added.
Gunung Jerai floods an
154 children act of God, says minister
orphaned by Covid
o‘Nologgingwascarriedoutsinceareawasdeclared a the annual cut ration, but only 10,949ha had
A TOTAL of 4,422 children have lost a geopark and gazetted as a forest reserve’ been logged.
parent or guardian to Covid-19 since the
pandemic began early last year. Of the KUALA LUMPUR: The floods in Gunung Jerai, no approval has been given for logging in the Last year, approval was granted for logging in
total, 154 have been orphaned as of Kedah last month was the will of the Almighty. Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, including near 39,345ha of forest land but only 22,931ha had
Sept 13. Gunung Jerai. been logged.
In explaining his rationale for this statement,
Women, Family and Community Energy and Natural Resources Minister Datuk “I was there myself (during the floods) and I Anwar said that illegal logging is not a new
Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said there had not been watched trees with their roots still intact being issue. “This problem has been around for many
Harun said the ministry will provide cash any logging activities in the area since it was carried away by the water. This shows that there years despite all the laws to curb the illegal
aid and other support to these Covid-19 declared a national geopark and gazetted as a were no logging activities but it was an act of activities. My question is why is logging allowed
orphans to help them. An allocation for forest reserve. God.” to continue despite the fact that it causes floods.”
such aid has been approved under
Budget 2021. “What happened (has to be) an act of God, He pointed out that Gunung Jerai is located He then cited the fact that the grounds where
given that logging is no longer carried out in the in the 160,000ha Ulu Muda Forest Reserve Universiti Utara Malaysia was eventually built
Rina said her ministry will also look Ulu Muda Forest Reserve.” where logging is allowed in 88% of the forest was already stripped of its forests while the
for suitable families that could adopt area, leaving 12% as a protected area. authorities were unaware.
these children. Otherwise, the children In response, Opposition Leader Datuk Seri
could be placed in welfare homes. Anwar Ibrahim scoffed at his logic, pointing out He said the forest will be replanted under a “This should not happen again. There has to
that rather than an act of God, it could have RM75 million restoration plan. Also covered be strong political will to curb this.”
“We will be giving them counselling been the result of the “greed of humans” who under the plan is Gunung Jerai.
individually or in groups, apart from have ruined the reserve. In acknowledging that illegal logging had
offering psychological therapy.” In August, a massive deluge hit the Gunung been going on for years, Takiyuddin said it is
Takiyuddin was responding to a question Jerai area, forcing nearly 1,000 families to impossible for the government to stop it
To a question from Hannah Yeoh from Sabri Azit (Jerai-PAS) when he made the evacuate. Four people were killed in the floods, altogether but it can be minimised.
(Segambut-PH), who wanted to know statement. Sabri had wanted to know what the described as a “small tsunami”.
why there is a discrepancy in the data, ministry would do to restore the area that is now “The government is serious about this and I
Rina said the earlier figures did not still considered unsafe. Kedah Mentri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md accept the suggestion by the opposition leader
account for data from ministries apart Nor has also refuted allegations that the floods that more political will is necessary to address
from hers. Takiyuddin said that from 2014 to 2019, were caused by logging activities. the situation. However, it also needs the
approval for logging activities had been granted cooperation of all quarters, including
Last month, Rina announced that 33 only in 25,000ha of forests in Kedah. However, Takiyuddin said that in 2019, approval for contractors, developers and the private sector.”
children had been orphaned by logging in a 43,299ha area was granted under
Covid-19. Takiyuddin said that as of July 31 last year, a
total of 26 cases of illegal logging were recorded
She said that apart from her ministry, in Peninsular Malaysia, 37 cases in Sabah and 93
other ministries and government in Sarawak.
agencies were also involved in compiling
data on children affected by the
“We have held discussions to
integrate the data with the Education
and Health ministries, police and the
National Disaster Management Agency
to ensure that no child is left out.”
No provision in Constitution for non-Cabinet ministerial rank: Tun M Govt urged to
reopen rural
FORMER prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir any position. take over. schools
Mohamad has described the conferment of “But what is certain is that when Ismail Sabri later announced that
ministerial rank for non-Cabinet positions as THE government has been urged to allow
“bribery”. someone is given the status of minister, he Muhyiddin would be made chairman of the schools in rural areas to reopen to bridge the
gets all the benefits a minister is entitled to. National Recovery Council and he would be education gap with urban areas.
Mahathir (Langkawi-Pejuang), who has Such appointments are a form of bribery. It given the rank of minister.
served as the nation’s chief executive twice is not done to reflect the task given to the Lukanisman Awang Sauni (GPS-Sibuti) said
in his long political career, pointed out that individual but rather to ensure he earns Mahathir said he made similar the Covid-19 pandemic has widened the gap
there is no provision in the Federal higher wages.” appointments when he was prime minister, and this has led to a “lost generation” in rural
Constitution for such a practice. but the individuals he picked had retired locations.
Although he did not single out any from politics and merited the position.
He said several individuals have been person in particular, it is understood He attributed the unequal educational
appointed to new positions and given that he was referring to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Therefore, he said the government development between urban and rural areas to
ministerial ranks recently. Yassin, who resigned as prime minister should set certain criteria before appointing poor internet connection that students in rural
last month to pave the way for his then someone to a ministerial post. schools have to face.
He added there is no set criteria on how deputy Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to
the status of a minister can be conferred on “Otherwise, it will look like bribery,” “Some are even forced to climb hills or go to
Mahathir added. farms just to get internet access.”
Ban on interstate Lukanisman suggested state education
travel to be directors and district education officers be given
lifted soon the power to reopen schools, especially in rural
THE government will soon allow Nancy replying to questions raised in the House yesterday.
Malaysians to travel across state “I see that Putrajaya is too ‘Putrajaya-centric,’
boundaries to boost the domestic where the government is busy managing and
tourism industry. planning the reopening of schools in city areas.
While I agree with parents that their children’s
Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister safety is paramount, the most badly affected are
Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said that children or students in rural areas.
discussions on lifting the current
interstate travel ban are expected to be “A school in Sibuti, Sarawak has a total of 20
held in the next few days. students only and it is situated merely a few
metres from the students’ homes but it has not
“Not only islands but also mainland reopened. (There are still) no detailed standard
attractions such as Genting Highlands, operating procedures to allow schools in rural
Cameron Highlands, Fraser’s Hill and areas to reopen during this Covid-19 period.”
other destinations that can attract
people will also be opened. Lukanisman said based on information on
the Education Ministry website, there are a total
“Tourism is all about mobility. When of 14 schools in the Sibuti constituency that
they move, our economy can also have fewer than 50 students and these schools
improve,” she added. are located just beside or behind the longhouses
where the children live.
Nancy was responding to a
statement from Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul He said these students have to travel far away
Rahman (Muar-Independent), who from home just to seek internet access, despite
expressed hope that the tourism travel the fact that their schools are just a short walk
bubble could be extended beyond away.
“I’m confused why no measures have been
She stressed that the ministry was taken since the pandemic started last year to
committed to ensuring cross-state give opportunities to these children who are in
travel will be allowed for tourism rural areas or in the outskirts to go to school.”
Schools in states that are under Phases 3 and
Nancy added that aside from 4 of the National Recovery Plan will be allowed
Langkawi, islands such as Redang, to reopen from Oct 3, but those in states still in
Pangkor, Perhentian and Tioman are Phases 1 and 2 will remain shut.
also slated to start accepting visitors.
Lukanisman pointed out that some parents
However, the final decision will be were willing to travel from their villages to cities
based on a report on Langkawi’s travel with their children so that they are able to learn
bubble experience, she added. through online classes.
Govt attempt to block NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS
centre closed
citizenship ruling slammed NILAI: The mega-vaccination
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI centre at Universiti Sains Islam
[email protected] o Move to deny recognition to overseas born Women’s rights advocate Ivy Malaysia (USIM) ceased
PETALING JAYA: Several interest children wrong on multiple levels, say rights Josiah said Idrus was sending out operations on Sunday.
groups have criticised the groups and Johor Sultan confusing messages.
government’s bid to overturn a High USIM deputy vice-chancellor
Court ruling that children born possibility of rejection, high costs for an appeal against the decision. “While the Women, Family and (academic and international) Prof
overseas to Malaysian mothers and visa applications as well as associated “Not conferring rights to Community Development minister Dr Mohd Radhi Ibrahim said the
foreign fathers automatically have the consequences such as the inability to and de facto Law minister are centre had administered 200,516
right to citizenship. leave an abusive marital relationship citizenship to overseas-born children supportive of the High Court ruling, doses of the Covid-19 vaccine
or seek compensation for abuse of Malaysian mothers is a clear act of the Home minister appears not to since it started operating on June
The All Women’s Action Society because of uncertainty over the regression of women’s recognise gender equality as 28, involving 100,736 first doses
(Awam) noted that the word “father” child’s legal identity. empowerment, and it positions guaranteed by the Federal and 99,780 second shots.
in the Second Schedule, Part II, Malaysian women as subordinate to Constitution,” she said.
Section 1(b) of the Federal “Enabling this equality is crucial in Malaysian men,” it said. “The high number of vaccine
Constitution would continue to be leading to equality of results. It will “Clearly, there is bias against half recipients have contributed some
grounds for exclusion of mothers to lead to a reduction in the number of “This is dangerous, as such of Malaysia as the question of dual 26% towards herd immunity in
the right to have their children Malaysian mothers who are deprived legislative actions may be interpreted citizenship is only a problem when it Negri Sembilan to curb the spread
recognised as citizens. of this right to citizenship for their by the public as men having power comes to mothers but not fathers,” of Covid-19,” he said in a
children, and thereby reduce the over women, which opens the door to said Ivy, who is also former statement yesterday.
Awam said in making the ruling, number of stateless children,” Awam acts that are rooted in gender power secretary-general of the Society for
the High Court judge had made way pointed out. imbalance.” the Promotion of Human Rights. Mohd Radhi also expressed
for substantive or considerable appreciation to all volunteers from
equality in the conferring of Recently, Johor Ruler Sultan Awam added that the decision to She added that it is a human rights various levels of society and
citizenship. Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan appeal also reflected the violation because women’s rights are agencies who had worked hard to
Iskandar urged the government to Attorney-General Tan Sri Idrus human rights. ensure the smooth running of the
“Substantive equality is at the abort its plans to appeal the High Harun’s inability to analyse social centre.
heart of the matter,” it said, adding Court decision. justice issues in the broader context “The Universal Declaration of
that with the precedent set by the of society. Human Rights was not written for Meanwhile, state Human
judge, mothers would now have “It doesn’t feel right that men alone. You are withholding a Resources, Plantation and
equal opportunity to confer Malaysian fathers and mothers are “Idrus needs to realise that this mother’s right to confer nationality Non-Muslim Affairs Committee
citizenship to their children born viewed differently in the eyes of the appeal actually reflects the resistance on her children,” she said. chairman J. Arul Kumar said the
abroad. law concerning their child’s of the government towards progress centre has been recognised as one
citizenship. Are Malaysian mothers in development and democracy. Women’s Aid Organisation deputy of the three best facilities at the
“They will no longer have to worry less Malaysian than Malaysian Malaysia’s image as a developed executive director Yu Ren Chung said national level.
about going through the many fathers?” he said in a Facebook post. country will be affected negatively, equal citizenship is a fundamental
barriers in getting their children and this is not the image that right. “At the end of July, Negri
recognised as citizens,” it said. Awam said the government is Perikatan Nasional wants to portray Sembilan was among the top six
sending the wrong message by filing internationally.” “The High Court decision finally states recording highest Covid-19
The challenges are many, gave equality to Malaysian women to daily cases. The number of daily
including a long waiting time, high confer citizenship and the minister’s infections has now decreased.
response in Parliament that dual This is following the ramping up of
citizenship is a concern is sexist and the vaccination process through
outdated,” he said. the setting up of vaccination
centres, including at USIM, which
helped us to achieve the set
target,” he said. - Bernama
Zoning system 764 SOP
to protect coral violations since
reef ecosystems June 1
KUALA NERUS: The Terengganu KUALA BERANG: The Domestic
government has been urged to Trade and Consumer Affairs
implement a system to create several Ministry has recorded 764 cases of
categories of zones to protect coral National Recovery Plan (NRP)
reef ecosystems in the state’s waters. standard operating procedures
(SOP) breaches since June 1.
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Deputy Minister Datuk Rosol
(UMT) coral researcher Dr Tan Chun Wahid said the offences were
Hong said apart from helping to recorded following monitoring
prevent destruction of the marine and inspections on 228,223
treasures, the zone system would business premises nationwide.
also facilitate monitoring by “Compounds involving
enforcement agencies. RM3.67 million have been issued.
More than 2,000 enforcement
“We at UMT are ready to share personnel were deployed in the
our expertise to make this a reality. operations, during which some of
This is one of the initial steps that the staff were disguised as
can be taken by the state customers,” he said yesterday.
government in protecting coral reefs Tan showing images of corals under threat during a briefing on reef ecosystems. – BERNAMAPIX Of the 764 cases, 323 offences
that are currently facing threats to were for failing to check-in using
their survival. conservation impact. sources of energy. important so that conservation the MySejahtera app or
“Although the method has not “In addition, seawater pollution programmes to regrow corals can be registration book, conducting
“The different zoning systems, carried out in the designated areas. unauthorised activities (130
such as having special areas been adopted in Malaysia, it is not due to untreated wastewater, Where the corals have been cases), failing to provide distance
designated for scuba diving and too late for the government to initiate agricultural and industrial chemical damaged, the sites must be closed to markers (61 cases), failing to wear
snorkelling, scientific research, it as the rate at which coral reefs are waste and garbage, also contribute allow them to recover naturally.” face masks (46 cases), failing to
aquatic farming activities and dying, at 5% a year, is quite alarming.” to global warming. display customers maximum limit
exclusive sites closed to all parties, There are almost 550 species of (27 cases), not complying with
could help this conservation effort in Tan added that one of the main “The authorities need to take corals in the country’s waters and operating hours (five cases) and
the long run,” he said. factors of coral reef destruction was strict measures to control these, not UMT is conducting several studies other offences (172 cases).
global warming, but it can be only for the sake of the coral reefs, on their reproductive system and He said the ministry had also
“Australia has adopted such a controlled by reducing carbon but also for environmental growth, as well as collecting data received complaints of businesses,
zoning system at the Great Barrier dioxide emissions or choosing sustainability in general. nationwide. – Bernama especially restaurants and
Reef, the largest coral reef system in green and environmentally-friendly
the world, and the move taken by the “As such, this zoning system is
country has created a positive
‘Strict rules needed to curb entry of low-skilled labour’ eateries, that failed to check the
vaccination status of dine-in
customers and the situation had
caused unease among others
Among other things, Rajah Economics Dr Yeah Kim Leng Alternatively, he said the pool of activities that rely less on foreign present at the premises.
said the government could From pointed out that it would be Indonesian workers available to labour. “Some people have informed
introduce strategies to upgrade front increasingly tougher for Malaysian employers would likely be me of this personally, apart from
wages, raise standards at page Malaysia to recruit workers from remote areas where job He added that higher wages will complaints of some premises
opportunities are scarce. “They are also raise production and business
selection, monitor performance from Indonesia. also likely to be less educated and costs, which will eventually be owners who were not serious
and appraise outcome for all He said Malaysian employers unskilled,” he told theSun. passed on to consumers in the form about getting their customers to
businesses that enjoy incentives. would have to depend on an “excess” of higher prices of goods and use the MySejahtera app when
“There must also be stringent supply situation in Indonesia, where Yeah said the plantation and services. checking in. We want to ensure
rules, including imposing levies (not only those who are unemployed or construction sectors that are already SOP compliance as it involves
just for domestic maids) to who are unable to make ends meet in seeing severe shortage of unskilled “If prices rise faster than income, public safety and health, so
discourage the entry of low-skilled cities with a high cost of living such foreign labour due to the Covid-19 purchasing power will erode. But if a everyone must remain vigilant
foreign labour,” he said. as Jakarta would take up job offers in pandemic, will be under even greater rise in output keeps pace with an although restrictions have been
Sunway University professor of Malaysia. pressure to shift to higher value increase in wages, it would be eased.” – Bernama
Be aware of new umrah
Vaccination starts for teensrules,agenciestold
KUALA LUMPUR: Umrah management
agencies need to be prepared to understand o Programme involving 3.2 million adolescents aged 12,620 cases last year.
new rules and the standard operating between 12 and 17 to be conducted via several methods Khairy added that all states with vaccine
procedures (SOP) set by the Saudi Arabian supplies had been given permission to start
government for the minor pilgrimage. the immunisation programme for teenagers.
He said the programme had started in
Tabung Haji (TH) haj executive director Sarawak on Sept 8 and Labuan on Sept 11
Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman said PUTRAJAYA: The National Covid-19 the vaccine. after the vaccination rate in the state and
the move was important to ensure umrah Immunisation Programme for adolescents He added that the list of special centres for federal territory reached 80%.
pilgrims received complete information and officially kicked off yesterday involving 3.2 The programme started on Sept 16 in
were aware of the regulations in Saudi Arabia. million teenagers aged 12 to 17. walk-in vaccinations will be announced today. Sabah.
He said it was important to implement the As of Sept 16, a total of 86,076 teenagers
“Umrah agencies must always follow current Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said had been given the first dose of Covid-19
developments, including pilgrim criteria such the programme will be carried out through programme in preparation for reopening of vaccine in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, he
as vaccine dosage and the age allowed to several methods such as outreach to schools schools next month, Bernama reported. said.
perform the ritual. or institutions on a scheduled basis, injections A total of 323 students of SMK Putrajaya
at health clinics and hospitals, as well as It was also to ensure reduced infection risks Precinct 8 (1), consisting of 156 Form Four
“They also need to ensure that umrah walk-ins at selected vaccination centres in schools as well as to prevent occurrence of and 167 Form Five students, received the
pilgrims understand the practice of physical nationwide. clusters and cases among school children, Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine yesterday.
distancing in buses and hotel rooms, as well as he added. The supply of Covid-19 vaccine for the
insurance management and the increase in “Parents or guardians must be present to booster dose and national Covid-19
costs following the enforcement of the new SOP sign the consent form before the teens can On Sept 12, Radzi said his ministry would adolescent immunisation programme is
in Saudi Arabia due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” receive the vaccine,” he told a joint press begin face-to-face school sessions from Oct 3 adequate, said Khairy.
he told Bernama. conference with Senior Education Minister according to the respective phases in the Priority for the administration of the third
Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin at Sekolah Menengah National Recovery Plan. dose will be given to high-risk groups that
TH is not responsible in determining any Kebangsaan Putrajaya Precinct 8 (1) include healthcare frontliners,
matter related to umrah management, which is yesterday. Khairy said the increasing trend of immune-compromised individuals, the
under the supervision of the Tourism, Arts and Covid-19 infections among children aged 18 elderly with comorbidities and those residing
Culture Ministry, Syed Salleh said, adding that Khairy said adolescents with health and below in Malaysia was worrying.
TH was confident the Saudi Arabian problems will be exempted from receiving
government was ready to accept a larger URGENT A total of 400,668 cases were recorded this
number of pilgrims to the holy land. PROJECT ... year, involving 256,569 school children and
Soldiers carrying 42,381 pre-school children, compared to
“The Covid-19 situation there is being out wiring work
brought under control from 1,000 new cases for a field hospital and working at long-term healthcare
recorded in early August to 120 cases a day. We at the Penang facilities.
believe the umrah pilgrimage will be safer, Hospital car park When asked if a booster dose is required
especially with a small number of pilgrims. in George Town for the single-dose CanSino vaccine, Khairy
yesterday. The said CanSino had submitted an application to
“Saudi Arabia has also announced an hospital is the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory
increase in the number of umrah pilgrims from expected to start Agency stating the possible need for a second
60,000 people to between 90,000 and 120,000 operations next dose after six months.
people a day. It is estimated that they will be week to Meanwhile, a total of 5,887 students aged
able to handle two million pilgrims a month,” accommodate between 12 and 17 at schools in military
he said. Covid patients. camps nationwide will also be vaccinated
– MASRY CHE under the Back to School vaccination
On the increase in the cost of umrah and haj, ANI/THESUN programme.
Syed Saleh said the hike would have more “The vaccination for students of the Royal
impact on umrah agencies that offer packages Military College at the Sungai Besi Camp here
at cheap prices. will be implemented as soon as the 504
students return to college on Sept 27,” he told
“Recently, the pilgrims had to pay between a joint media conference with Radzi after
RM15,000 and RM20,000 for five to seven days, attending the vaccination programme at SMK
involving three locations, namely Arafah, Desa Tun Hussein Onn yesterday.
Muzdalifah and Mina for tawaf and saie rituals
Fourth wave hits hospital frontliners hard
KUALA LUMPUR: Forensic pathologist Dr Nur Even now, 27 bodies of foreign workers have person we were able to contact (initially) was able to provide the best care they could for
Ayutimasery Abdullah described the been lying for over a month in refrigerated their 11-year-old son,” she said, adding that they patients. They are also traumatised over having
unrelenting pressure she and her staff felt containers the hospital uses as makeshift managed to get hold of the boy’s uncle who to make life or death decisions for patients.
dealing with the fourth wave of Covid-19 at a morgues, waiting for respective embassies to came to claim the bodies.
hospital in Klang. give the green light to release the remains for Consultant psychologist Dr Hariyati Abdul
burial. The armed forces, Civil Defence Department Majid, who is also the adviser to Mercy
The wave, which began in June this year, has and non-governmental organisations such as Malaysia’s mental health and psychosocial
been deadly, and as the forensic medicine She said the pressure has eased now as daily Mercy Malaysia, in partnership with Maybank, support, said the drop in daily cases may not
department head at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah new cases in the Klang Valley have lately have provided assistance to help reduce the necessarily mean less stress for healthcare
Hospital, Nur Ayutimasery has had to deal with dropped to below 3,000. hospital’s burden. workers.
increasing number of bodies and other related
issues within a short space of time. Nur Ayutimasery said although her Mental health specialists, volunteering at The hospital’s emergency and trauma
department deals with death daily, some Mercy Malaysia psychosocial support service department head Dr Ahmad Tajuddin
At one point in August, when daily new Covid-19 deaths hit them hard. One example is unit at the hospital, said they observed Mohamad Nor said the emergency department
infections in Selangor surpassed 8,000, her a case they had in July involving a man and his hypervigilance and anxiety among many of the was initially overwhelmed as they were
department had to deal with 155 bodes, wife. healthcare workers. unprepared to deal with big numbers of
she said. patients needing care all at once. – Bernama
“They both died due to Covid-19. The only Some reported feeling guilty for not being
51 PERLIS 1,050 KELANTAN C VID-19 Total 2,112,175
967 KEDAH UPDATE concafisremsed
1,170 PENANG
As of noon yesterday New Total
0 LABUAN ac�ve cases cNaesews 14,345
TERENGGANU 804 210,468
1,090 PERAK Total
recoveries Current
1,365 SELANGOR PAHANG 779 recovery 88.25%
307 K.LUMPUR 1,863,922
11 PUTRAJAYA 1,255 SABAH rate
162 MALACCA SARAWAK 3,611 Death New 700
toll fatali�es
As of September 19
Received second doses
JOHOR 1,598
22,001,266 18,453,322
BRIEFS MARKETING EXEC Calculated effort to set
CHARGED WITH MURDER longest webinar record
SHAH ALAM: A marketing officer of a o Math teacher to conduct all students and is free of charge. April last year, with only a few students. Instead
private company, who was arrested lessons without stopping Janahan is at home with large numbers, and of charging them, he decided to forgo the fees.
for driving against traffic flow and for 14 hours
causing the death of two teenagers not just with math text books. He now tutors “I realised that many of the students’
earlier this month, was charged at a █ BY ELLY FAZANIZA more than 5,000 students online, putting in six parents had lost their jobs and were struggling
magistrate’s court here yesterday with [email protected] to eight hours each day to solve mathematical to pay bills.”
murder. K. Devaaswin, 24, was NUMBERS have always been a passion for math problems faced by his students.
charged with killing Nur Afiqah Abdul teacher Janahan Arumugam and now, he is He said a brochure on his classes was shared
Karim, 18, and Muhammad Hafiz counting on this to get him into the Malaysia Like all teachers, Janahan’s journey into widely on social media, and soon after more
Syamir Dzul Asri, 19, at 1.50am at Book of Records. online teaching began with the Covid-19 students signed up.
Km8.6 of the Federal Highway, near pandemic.
Shah Alam on Sept 12. The charge was Janahan plans to conduct a 14-hour math To extend his reach, Janahan invested some
framed under Section 302 of the Penal webinar, the longest anyone has given lessons He recounted the daunting task of learning of his savings into buying new equipment and
Code, which carries the death penalty. online, without stopping. how to use online tools to reach his students. subscribing to Zoom.
No plea was recorded as murder
cases are under the High Court’s The attempt, scheduled for Oct 10, is open to “I had trouble getting through to them as I However, to keep himself afloat, he finally
jurisdiction. Magistrate Nur Faizah would in a physical classroom. It was began to charge each student a small tuition fee.
Abdul Sani set Oct 21 for remention. emotionally stressful, and it even brought me to
Deputy public prosecutor Shukor Abu tears,” he told theSun. Janahan said although he misses teaching in
Bakar prosecuted, while Devaaswin a classroom, he has begun to get used to
was represented by lawyers Pushpa But within a few months, with support from conducting online classes.
Ratnam and R. Thanuja. It was friends and students, he managed to get it
reported that the two teenagers were together. “Living with the new normal is an
killed when a car they were travelling eye-opener. I started exploring various ways to
in crashed head-on with a Mitsubishi Janahan conducted his first online class in make my classes more fun and engaging.”
Triton, driven by the man against
traffic flow at the Federal Highway. Janahan conducting math lessons online. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN The plan to set a new record in online
– Bernama teaching came while he was on a trip to
distribute dry goods and essentials to
MAN HELD OVER orphanages and homes for underprivileged
INOCULATION SCAM children in the Klang Valley.
SEMPORNA: Police detained an elderly “At a home in Sungai Buloh, I met a
man at Taman Kanak-Kanak Pekan student, who tugged at my heartstrings. There
Semporna after he was suspected was a white flag hanging outside her house,
of being involved in a Covid-19 and it looked like it once served as her
vaccination scam. Semporna police school uniform.”
chief Supt Farhan Lee Abdullah said
the 61-year-old suspect, who is Janahan said as a teacher, he felt that it was
jobless, was arrested at 2.35pm last not only his duty to teach but also to inspire his
Friday. “The suspect, a local, had been students, and going for a record-breaking feat
offering vaccination services at RM20 would be a way to achieve this.
per customer at the Semporna
Community Hall, and so far 16 people The second of four children, Janahan has
have been duped,” he said in a always been good at math since school days.
statement yesterday. “The police view
this matter seriously as the “I’ve never scored anything less than an ‘A’ in
government is providing vaccination Math or Additional Math,” he said with pride.
for free,” he said, adding that stern
action would be taken against He first set his sight on becoming an
individuals or syndicates involved in engineer, which was the reason he put in all his
such scams. Farhan Lee urged the 16 effort to ace math. But as an undergraduate
victims to report to the nearest student, he also wanted to be independent so he
police station to assist in the began giving math classes in the weekends to
investigation. He said the case is being earn some pocket money. It eventually became
investigated under Section 420 of his vocation. Janahan also took a shot at
the Penal Code, and urged anyone publishing when he wrote a book on solving
with information to contact math problems, aptly titled Math Key, in 2019.
investigating officer Sgt Mohamad
Hayazi Hariff Fazilah at 017-895 4967 The book, which sold 1,000 copies, comes
or 089-782 020. – Bernama with more than 100 mathematical challenges.
Defamation suit settled with apology from ex-IGP Cops cripple drug
distribution ring
KUALA LUMPUR: Lim Kit Siang’s defamation defendant, will apologise and withdraw the Through the draft agreement of the second
suit against Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar and statement made against the plaintiff (Lim) defendant (Sinar), the company will among SERDANG: Police have arrested seven
Sinar Karangkraf Sdn Bhd has been settled, during the Karamah Bangsa Convention at others, publish a written apology to the plaintiff individuals suspected of being involved in a
after the former inspector-general of police and Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam on regarding the publication of articles dated Sept syndicate distributing 4.87kg of cocaine, and
the company apologised to the veteran DAP Sept 6, 2018. 6, 2018, and Sept 11, 2018, as well as withdraw seized 174 sacks containing drug-processing
leader at the High Court here yesterday. both articles simultaneously. chemicals, estimated to be worth over
“I hereby record an unconditional apology RM50 million.
Counsel Sangeet Kaur Deo, who regarding the statement I made involving the A public written apology will be published
represented Lim as the plaintiff, said the two plaintiff at the convention. I retract my in Sinar Harian Online and Sinar Harian Bukit Aman narcotics crime investigation
defendants (Mohammed Hanif and Sinar statement in its entirety and unconditionally. newspaper, no later than Sept 25, and read in department director Datuk Razarudin Husain
Karangkraf) read out apology statements at the court. The plaintiff will also withdraw the said the suspects, five men and two women
case proceedings, which took place online in “I confirm that the detention of the plaintiff claims against the second defendant, with aged between 27 and 57, were arrested in
front of Judicial Commissioner Quay Chew in 1969 was not on the grounds that he had costs amounting to RM20,000, to be paid by the Selangor from Sept 10 to Sept 16.
Soon via Zoom. asked for Malaysia to be divided on racial company by Sept 27 at the latest.
grounds, and further, I also confirm that he The drugs seized are believed to be not only
“Quay Chew Soon recorded the consent never proposed so,” Mohammed Hanif said in Lim, who filed the suit on Oct 17, 2018, for local distribution but also for foreign
judgment of the case,” the lawyer told reporters. the draft agreement. claimed that Mohammed Hanif issued a market such as Qatar and Hong Kong.
Also present at the proceedings were lawyer defamatory statement while speaking at a
Datuk Muralee Menon, representing According to the draft agreement, the convention, which was then published in the “Apart from that, in one of the seven
Mohammed Hanif, and counsel Zuwita plaintiff accepted the apology and retraction of Sinar Harian newspaper. raids conducted on a shophouse, 174
Kamaruzaman, who acted on behalf of Sinar the statement by the first defendant, and that sacks containing 5.5 tonnes of a brown powder
Karangkraf. the plaintiff would retract the statement made The senior DAP leader claimed that the were found.
against the first defendant as contained in a defamatory words, among others, implied that
The trial was supposed to take place statement dated Sept 7, 2018, posted on the he was responsible for and had the intention to “Preliminary tests found the substance to
yesterday through to Sept 23 in front of Quay plaintiff’s blog on the Rocketkini website and direct DAP to separate or divide Peninsular be one of the chemicals used to make
online, but both sides agreed to settle it the plaintiff’s tweet dated Sept 7, 2018, as well Malaysia into two parts based on race, and syabu and MDMA,” he said during a press
through a consent judgment. Based on the as withdraw the suit against the first defendant, intended to sow discord between the Malay conference at the Serdang district police
draft agreement, Mohammed Hanif, as the first without an order regarding costs. and Chinese communities. – Bernama headquarters yesterday.
MACC confirms arrest of three senior officers He said all the suspects had no criminal
record, while urine tests carried out found one
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti- investigation, and it hopes that all quarters if found to be true,” the statement stated. of them to be positive for drugs.
Corruption Commission (MACC) has would not speculate on the matter as the case Meanwhile, Federal Police (Bukit Aman)
confirmed that three of its senior officers have is still under investigation. The case is being investigated under
been detained to assist investigations into criminal investigation department director Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
allegations of abuse of power and “All the three individuals were remanded Datuk Seri Abd Jalil Hassan said his Police also seized several vehicles, a sum
misconduct in the case of a former head of under Section 117 of the Criminal Procedure department had taken note of news of cash and watches totalling about
department of the commission. Code for six days from Sept 14. being viralled on social media that claimed RM1.22 million.
three senior MACC officers had been
MACC in a statement yesterday said that “The MACC will not compromise or remanded over allegations of theft. “This syndicate has been active for more
the commission will conduct a thorough protect any of its officers involved in any – Bernama than six months, and they have buyers from
criminal act and will take appropriate action within and outside the country. We are still
carrying out investigations to ascertain where
the cocaine originated from, whether from
Colombia, Mexico, the United States or other
countries,” he said. – Bernama
SHATTERED DREAMS ... Immigrants, mostly from Haiti, gathering on the bank of the Rio Grande on Sunday in Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, across the border from ‘Hotel Rwanda’
Del Rio, Texas as US authorities began deporting them. – AFPPIX hero convicted
on terror charges
MOSCOW: A student armed with a Six killed in Russian BRIEFS
hunting rifle opened fire at a university shooting KIGALI: Paul Rusesabagina, the
university in the Russian city of Hotel Rwanda hero who became a
Perm yesterday, killing at least six o Student-gunman wounded during arrest, available for purchase for hunting, fiercely outspoken government critic,
people and wounding many others, being treated in hospital: Investigators self-defence or sport to those who was found guilty of terror charges
investigators said. meet specific requirements. yesterday after what his supporters
The gunman was identified as a time, it’s been years, and I realised labelled a politically motivated show
Video shown on news websites student at the university who had the time had come to do what I In May, a lone teenage gunman trial.
showed panicked students leaping obtained the hunting rifle in May, it dreamt of,” said a posting on a social opened fire at a school in the city of
from first-floor windows to escape said. media account attributed to him Kazan, killing nine people and He was convicted by a High Court
Perm State University, 1,300km east that was later taken down. wounding many more. in Kigali of forming a rebel group
of Moscow, landing heavily on the Local media identified the blamed for deadly gun, grenade and
ground before running to safety. gunman as an 18-year-old student It indicated that his actions had That was Russia’s deadliest arson attacks in Rwanda in 2018 and
who had earlier posted a photo of nothing to do with politics or school shooting since 2018, when a 2019.
“There were about 60 people in himself on social media, posing with religion but were motivated by student at a college in
our classroom. We closed the door a rifle, helmet and ammunition. hatred. Russian-annexed Crimea killed 20 “He founded a terrorist
and barricaded it with chairs,” said people before turning his gun on organisation that attacked Rwanda,
student Semyon Karyakin. That photo could not be Russia has strict restrictions on himself. he financially contributed to terrorist
independently verified. civilian firearm ownership, but activities,” said Justice Beatrice
The gunman was wounded after some categories of guns are Russia raised the minimum age Mukamurenzi.
resisting arrest, and was being “I’ve thought about this for a long for buying firearms from 18 to 21
treated in hospital, the Investigative after the Kazan shooting, but the Prosecutors have sought a life
Committee law enforcement agency new law has yet to come into force. sentence for Rusesabagina, the
said in a statement. – Reuters 67-year-old ex-hotelier credited with
saving over 1,200 lives during the
University spokesman Natalia country’s 1994 genocide, and whose
Pechishcheva earlier said the actions inspired the Hollywood film.
shooter had been “liquidated” but
later said he was in police custody. Neither Rusesabagina nor his
lawyers were in court for the verdict.
Footage from the scene showed
his body lying on the ground outside He is expected to appeal.
the university building. Security forces were deployed
both in and around the court, which
The committee had initially said was packed with journalists and
eight people had been killed. diplomats from foreign embassies.
Rusesabagina, who used his fame
Afghan women outraged by Taliban work restrictions to denounce Rwandan leader Paul
Kagame as a dictator, has been
KABUL: Fears were mounting in women working with me. Now, we students back to secondary school husbands as a result of two decades behind bars since his arrest in August
Afghanistan yesterday as the Taliban have all lost our jobs,” she told AFP, at the weekend, but made no of conflict. last year when a plane he believed
tightened their grip on women’s insisting she not be identified for mention of the country’s millions of was bound for Burundi landed
rights, slashing access to work and fear of reprisals. women educators and female But since returning to power on instead in Rwanda’s capital. – AFP
denying girls the right to secondary pupils. Many Afghan women fear Aug 15, the Taliban have shown no
school education. The acting mayor of the capital they will never find meaningful inclination to honour those rights. KREMLIN HAILS‘OPEN
Kabul has said any municipal jobs employment. AND HONEST’POLLS
After pledging a softer version of currently held by women would be When pressed, Taliban officials
their brutal and repressive regime of filled by men. Afghan women have fought for say women have been told to stay at MOSCOW: The Kremlin yesterday
the 1990s, the hardliners have been and gained basic rights in the past home for their own security but will said weekend parliamentary
stripping away at freedoms one While the country’s new rulers 20 years, becoming lawmakers, be allowed to work once proper elections in Russia had been
month after seizing power. have not issued a formal policy judges, pilots and police officers, segregation can be implemented. open, competitive and honest,
outright banning women from mostly in large cities. after the opposition decried the
“I may as well be dead,” said one working, directives by individual “When will that be?” said a vote as rigged. “The
woman, who was sacked from her officials have amounted to their Hundreds of thousands have woman teacher yesterday. competitiveness, openness and
senior role at the Foreign Ministry. exclusion from the workplace. entered the workforce – a necessity honesty of the elections were and
in some cases as many women were “This happened last time. They are the most important thing for
“I was in charge of a whole That came after the Education widowed or now support invalid kept saying they would allow us to the president,” said Kremlin
department and there were many Ministry ordered male teachers and return to work, but it never spokesman Dmitry Peskov. With
happened.” – AFP 95% of votes counted, the ruling
United Russia was ahead with
49.6% followed by the
Communist Party with 19.2%.
Allies of jailed Kremlin critic
Alexei Navalny said the vote was
being falsified on a massive scale,
pointing to repeated delays in
releasing the results of electronic
voting in Moscow. – AFP
PARIS: French President
Emmanuel Macron yesterday
asked for “forgiveness” on behalf
of his country for abandoning
Algerians who fought alongside
France in their country’s war of
independence. Tens of thousands
of Algerians fought with the
French army in the war that
pitted Algerian independence
fighters against their French
colonial masters from 1954 to
1962. When the war ended, the
loyalist “harkis” were left to fend
for themselves, despite earlier
promises that France would look
after them. – AFP
Trudeau future on the line as Canadians vote
OTTAWA: Voting kicked off yesterday steer the nation’s pandemic exit, A sudden surge in Covid-19 cases up in westernmost British Columbia two main political parties were neck
in Canadian elections that are without having to rely on opposition led by the Delta variant late in the at 7pm. and neck, with 31% of voting
headed for a photo finish, with liberal party support to pass his agenda. campaign, after the lifting of most intentions each and four smaller
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau public health measures this summer, After six years in power, Trudeau’s factions nipping at their heels.
seeking a third term but threatened But the contest, after a bumpy five has also thrown a wrench into the administration is showing signs of
by a strong challenge from rookie weeks of campaigning, appears set works. fatigue, and it has been an uphill An estimated 27 million
conservative leader Erin O’Toole. for a repeat of the close 2019 general battle for him to convince Canadians Canadians are eligible to cast a ballot
election that resulted in the one-time Voting across Canada’s six time to stick with his Liberals after falling to select 338 members of Parliament.
Trudeau called the snap election golden boy of Canadian politics zones started in the Atlantic island short of high expectations set in his
hoping to parlay a smooth Covid-19 clinging to power, yet losing his province of Newfoundland at 8.30am 2015 landslide win. To keep his job, Trudeau’s Liberals
vaccine rollout into a new mandate to majority in parliament. (7pm in Malaysia) and was to wrap must win a plurality of seats and take
Going into the final stretch, the at least 170 for a majority. – AFP
Aukus pact could trigger BRIEFS INDONESIA EASES
nuke arms race: North Korea COVID RESTRICTIONS
PYONGYANG: North Korea’s o Official says new US alliance will upset peace and stability of the region,” JAKARTA: Indonesia yesterday
Foreign Ministry said yesterday a strategic balance in Asia-Pacific said the North Korean Foreign reported 1,932 new daily
new alliance in Asia-Pacific and Ministry official. coronavirus infections, the lowest
Washington’s recent submarine since August last year, data from
contract with Australia could trigger US President Joe Biden’s Aukus the Covid-19 task force showed,
a “nuclear arms race” in the region. alliance is widely seen as aimed at and the government further
The United States announced Nuclear-armed North Korea fired Korea’s defence science agency countering the rise of China. eased restrictions in Java and Bali.
Aukus, a security pact with Australia two missiles into the sea last called Seoul’s newly developed Indonesia has reported nearly 4.2
and Britain, last week as part of a Wednesday, with Seoul successfully SLBM a “clumsy piece of work” His administration’s relationship million infections overall and over
strategic partnership under which test-firing a submarine-launched lacking key technology. with North Korea has marked a 140,000 deaths, but new cases
American nuclear submarines will ballistic missile (SLBM) hours later, change in tone from his predecessor have dropped 98% from their
be supplied to Canberra. becoming only the seventh country “The homegrown SLBM unveiled Donald Trump, who engaged in an peak in July, said Coordinating
“These are extremely undesirable in the world with the technology. by South Korea will not be able to extraordinary diplomatic bromance Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut
and dangerous acts which will upset serve as an effective means of attack with Kim Jong-un. Pandjaitan. Its average positivity
the strategic balance in the South Korea’s test is a strategic at war.” rate was just below 4% this
Asia-Pacific region and trigger off a advance for Seoul. “The US double-dealing attitude, month, under the World Health
chain of nuclear arms race,” North The spate of missile tests and getting all the more pronounced Organisation’s 5% threshold for
Korean news agency KCNA quoted a It has been strengthening its bumper defence deals in the Pacific after the emergence of the new determining whether an outbreak
Foreign Ministry official as saying. military capabilities to counter the have highlighted a regional arms administration, seriously threatens is under control. – Reuters
“This shows that the US is the threat posed by the North, which is race that is intensifying as a the world peace and stability,” said
chief culprit toppling the under international sanctions for its China-US rivalry grows. the North Korean ministry official. LAOS LOCKS DOWN
international nuclear nuclear weapons and ballistic CAPITAL AS CASES SOAR
non-proliferation system.” missile programmes. “It is quite natural that The official said North Korea “will
neighbouring countries including certainly take a corresponding VIENTIANE : Laos has locked down
But in a statement carried by China condemned these actions as counteraction in case it has even a its capital and barred travel
KCNA yesterday, the chief of North irresponsible ones of destroying the little adverse impact on the security between Covid-hit provinces, as
of our country”. – AFP cases soared to a record high. The
communist country appeared to
Thousands flee have escaped the brunt of the
as volcano pandemic last year, and by March
erupts on this year had reported fewer than
Canary Islands 60 cases. But a surge since
mid-April has seen its caseload
steadily increase, and on Saturday
the country reported 467 new
cases of community infection, its
highest ever single-day tally.
Vientiane Mayor Sinlavong
Khoutphaythoune declared a
strict lockdown on Sunday for two
weeks, ordering residents to stay
in their homes unless obtaining
food, medicine or making their
way to a hospital. – AFP
MADRID: The Canary Islands’ first the village of El Paso along with La Palma had been on high alert Cumbre Vieja spewing ‘Drone-delivered’
volcanic eruption in 50 years has sections of roads, Mayor Sergio for an eruption after more than out columns of smoke, gun used in
forced the evacuation of about 5,000 Rodriguez told TVE radio station. 22,000 tremors were reported in the ash and lava near El Paso prison shooting
people, including 500 tourists, space of a week in Cumbre Vieja, on Sunday. – AFPPIX
officials said yesterday. He said the lava was spreading which belongs to a chain of talks with the islands’ government ROME: An Italian prisoner shot at
through neighbouring villages, volcanoes that last had a major on managing the eruption. fellow inmates through the bars of
The Cumbre Vieja volcano putting hundreds of houses at risk. eruption in 1971. An emergency services their cell with a weapon believed to
erupted on Sunday, shooting lava spokesman said it was unclear what have been smuggled in by drone, a
hundreds of metres into the air, Volcanologist Nemesio Perez said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez path the lava would take to reach the prison union said yesterday.
engulfing houses and forests and there were unlikely to be fatalities as arrived in La Palma on Sunday for ocean and that authorities had
sending molten rock towards the long as no-one behaved recklessly. evacuated people with mobility The 28-year old, who has links to
Atlantic Ocean over the sparsely issues from several coastal towns. the Neapolitan mafia, fired three
populated area of La Palma, the – Reuters shots on Sunday at prisoners he had
most northwestern island in the argued with, but without injuring
Canaries archipelago. them, said Donato Capece, head of
the Sappe prison union.
No fatalities have been reported
but the volcano was still active The man had got permission to
yesterday. leave his cell to have a shower, and
once the door was open he pulled out
A Reuters reporter saw heavy the gun and pointed it at a guard,
smoke coming from the volcano and forcing him to hand over his keys to
houses burning. the other cells.
“The lava is moving towards the Unable to open the cells of his
coast and the damage will be enemies, the inmate shot through the
material. According to experts, there bars instead.
are about 17-20 million cubic metres
of lava,” said regional president The man then used an illegal
Angel Victor Torres. mobile phone to call his lawyer, who
advised him to turn his weapon over
The lava flow has destroyed about to the authorities in the high-security
100 houses so far, said La Palma prison, 100km southeast of the
council president Mariano capital Rome.
“We assume that the weapon
About 20 houses were engulfed in arrived by drone,” said Capece.
Philippines to reopen 120 schools for in-person classes The incident was just the latest in a
series which have raised concerns
MANILA: The Philippines will because we might lose a generation Written consent from parents will classes, printed materials and over the poor management of Italy’s
reopen up to 120 schools for limited if we don’t have face-to-face be required. lessons broadcast on television and cramped prisons.
in-person classes for the first time (classes).” social media, will continue.
since the start of the coronavirus “If the pilot class is safe, if it is The country has the most crowded
pandemic in a pilot approved by Under guidelines approved by effective, then we will gradually France Castro of the Alliance of jails in the European Union, with 120
President Rodrigo Duterte, officials Duterte yesterday, up to a hundred increase it,” said Education Secretary Concerned Teachers said the prisoners per 100 places, compared
said yesterday. public schools in areas considered Leonor Briones. decision was “long overdue”. with 115 in France and 70.8 in Spain,
“minimal risk” for virus according to the Council of Europe’s
While nearly every country in the transmission will be allowed to take Duterte rejected previous Fifteen-year-olds in the report last year.
world has already partially or fully part in the two-month trial. Twenty proposals for a pilot reopening of Philippines were at or near the
reopened schools for face-to-face private schools can also participate. schools for fear children could catch bottom in reading, mathematics and Italy’s jails came under intense
lessons, the Philippines has kept Covid-19 and infect elderly relatives. science, according to data from the scrutiny in June, when footage
them closed since March last year. Classrooms will be open to Organisation for Economic emerged of guards at one institute
children in kindergarten to grade But there have been growing calls Cooperation and Development. beating inmates with truncheons as
“We have to pilot face-to-face three, and senior high school, but from United Nations’ children fund apparent payback for protests during
(classes) because this is not just an the number of students and hours Unicef and many teachers for a Most students attend public the first coronavirus lockdown.
issue for education, it’s an issue for spent in face-to-face lessons limited. return to in-person learning amid schools where large class sizes,
the children’s mental health,” concerns the prolonged closure was outdated teaching methods, lack of The Uipla prison guard union
presidential spokesman Harry Schools wanting to take part will exacerbating an education crisis in investment in basic infrastructure called on the government to set up a
Roque told reporters. be assessed for their preparedness the country. such as toilets, and poverty have crisis unit following the shooting
and need approval from local been blamed for youngsters lagging incident, saying the prison system
“It’s also an issue for the economy governments to reopen. A “blended learning” behind. – AFP was “out of control”. – AFP
programme, which involves online
Travel after the Covid-19 pandemic
COMMENT The economic costs from Covid-19 importance of focusing on environmental The Clean and Safe Certification promoted
by Datuk Seri DrVictorWee lockdowns and exhaustion among the protection, and upgrading the quality and among Malaysian hotels to elevate cleanliness
population have given rise to a shift in experience of eco-tourism destinations and standards, hospitality norms and behaviours
WITH the rapid rollout of approach for some Southeast Asia countries by beach and island resorts. to meet the new health and safety challenges
vaccination averaging half a treating Covid-19 as endemic. will shore up confidence among guests.
million per day, Malaysia’s With the pocket facing financial constraints,
vaccination rate has reached Malaysia, along with Singapore, Thailand there is a temptation for people to place more The Safe Business Events Venue
68.8% of the adult population early this month, and Indonesia, has started to adopt the importance on value for money over ethical Certification to create a safe and secure event
bringing the country close to achieving herd strategy of learning to live with the virus. considerations. venue is a necessary precondition for the
immunity. meetings, incentives, conventions and
Restrictions will be eased in areas that see But we should not overlook the importance exhibitions industry to pick up.
The region with the highest number of an improvement in the Covid-19 situation, and of sustainability that has become a crucial part
vaccines administered occurred in the Klang business and travel will slowly begin to pick up. of travel. Tourism players should use enhanced
Valley with 6.94 million individuals or 82% of technologies to provide a seamless and
its total population having received the first Domestic travel is expected to be the first to There should be close coordination among contactless end-to-end travel experience.
dose. About 71% of its population received take off as people look forward to spending governments at the international level, and
double vaccines. meaningful time with family and friends. between the government and private sector to After Covid-19, travellers are expected to
harmonise the lifting of travel restrictions and migrate to quality by travelling less but better.
Under the National Covid-19 Immunisation They travel to familiar destinations and facilitate movements across national
Programme rolled out on Feb 24, Malaysia is undertake flexible travel as more work from boundaries. Travel agents and operators must know
targeted to achieved herd immunity by the home. their destinations well to offer this value-
fourth quarter of 2021. Travel destinations want to be assured that added service.
Although it is still uncertain when tourism all incoming travellers have undergone health
We are headed for Phase Four of the plan will flow across the Asean countries, short- testing and vaccination to avoid imported Travel companies that invest money on
where businesses and inter-district and haul regional travel will ensue first before Covid cases. research can give unbiased information about
interstate travel are expected to be reopened. medium-haul international travel with the a destination.
improvement in the Covid-19 situation among Some form of mutually accepted digital
Although the infection and hospitalisation countries. health certification will be required to enable The businesses that have a long-term
numbers remain high, hospitalisation has people to travel seamlessly in their own relationship with their customers and can
largely been for those unvaccinated. Travellers look for safety and flexibility in country and abroad, and for governments to anticipate their requirements will be at an
their travel arrangements where their bookings reopen borders without quarantine advantage.
But there are also breakthroughs by the are protected from changes in travel policies requirements. Professor Datuk Seri Dr Victor Wee served as
Delta variant for those vaccinated. The surge of and restrictions that can occur on short notice.
cases among countries with high vaccination To win the confidence of international the Tourism Ministry Secretary-General and
rates appears to be casting doubt on the zero- Tourism organisations should focus their tourists, Malaysian tourism authorities will Tourism Malaysia Chairman. He is now leading
cases approach. early marketing efforts to incentivise domestic need to work with the tourism service
travel and encourage Malaysians to explore providers by going through the entire value research at Taylor’s University on tourism for
nearby destinations. chain to raise the standards of service, safety United Nations World Tourism Organisation
and hygiene, reliability and trust. and Asean member countries. Comments:
The national and local government [email protected]
authorities should not overlook the
A ‘win-win’ situation over submarines
█ BY ERIC S. MARGOLIS their biggest military programme in memory. revolution would have failed. business. Conventional submarines are fine for
AUSTRALIA has been a very close US ally – one The French, never calm, are really in a fury. Washington’s behavior was crude and ham- defending territorial waters.
could even say protectorate – since the
beginning of World War II. A US Marine The sub deal is a “stab in the back” fumed handed. Its new secretary of state, Anthony But the seas around China are very far from
formation is based there. France’s irate foreign minister. Blinken, deserves brickbats for this embarrassing Australia – near the operating range for
fiasco. conventional submarines.
The US Navy makes routine port and France makes quite good submarines and
maintenance calls in Australia, which lies right was counting on the Australian deal to help keep President Joe Biden, who has so far been However, Canberra’s new US subs with
on the dividing line between the Indian and their naval industry alive. doing a pretty good job of managing the world, nuclear propulsion will be able to stay on station
Pacific Oceans. deserves an F- grade for this debacle. The highly for three or more months, posing a major threat
Worse, the British somehow sneaked into the experienced Biden should have known better. to China’s all-important maritime commerce, its
The Aussies now feel increasingly threatened sub deal with the US, abandoning any hopes of front-line warships and will, of course, bolster
by the rapid expansion of China’s naval and air post-Brexit military cooperation with France, Meanwhile, the British Royal Navy is having Taiwan’s maritime defences, which are today
power, so they have turned to the United States which is still supposed to be a close British ally in serious trouble finding enough sailors to man it vulnerable to Chinese blockade.
for more protection by just announcing the the Nato alliance. current subs and its shrinking number of surface
purchase of a fleet of nuclear-powered, but warships. I have a better way for China to extricate itself
conventionally armed, attack submarines. “Perfidious Albion”, raged the French. The from this Pacific mess. Beijing, which is rolling in
Brits, by contrast, were quietly amused by London has had to borrow US warplanes for cash, should offer to buy all the French subs
These new, high-tech subs are to be built in France’s distress. its new, and only, aircraft carrier. available.
Australia to augment the nation’s small fleet of
older, but still capable, submarines. Britain’s always nasty media needled the So, it’s up to Uncle Sam to keep patrolling the The French will be pleased and able to sell
French with usual references to the battles of China seas. Australia won’t be able to deploy its more Hermes handbags to Chinese tourists.
Focusing on submarines makes good sense Agincourt, Trafalgar and, of course, Waterloo. new submarines for six to eight years, maybe
for Australia which is surrounded by two vast more. China will have the latest French sub
oceans and huge distances. Like the United Paris retorted by asserting, “nous sommes technology and quality rather than China’s not so
States, its oceans provide ultimate protection trahis!” (we have been betrayed). Indeed, they Warship construction has always had a great undersea craft.
from potential foreign invaders. were. painful, slow learning curve.
The Aussies will have their new US-
However, the deal with the US has abruptly No mention of cancelling the US$66 billion Too bad the Aussies did not allocate some of engineered subs, and Britain will claim that its
torpedoed a US$66 billion deal made by deal was made by the US or British before they their submarine funds for building fire shelters imperial sagacity enabled this happy solution.
Australia to buy 12 French-made submarines, abruptly barged into it. This was no way to run an for their endangered wild animals who have
alliance. been burned alive by the millions by recent Eric S. Margolis is a syndicated columnist.
massive conflagrations. Comments: [email protected]
France is America’s oldest ally. Without
military help from France, the American China, as usual, will see a dark side to this
Find out who won at the TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 21, 2021
73rd Annual Emmys
>>> Page 3
Pearl Jam showcase
new songs
>>> Page 2
AFP Destination Langkawi
>>> Page 6
Kim Jae-joong confirms Pearl Jam’s
comeback in new drama performance
at the
FANS are excitedly awaiting upcoming romantic drama Sea.Hear.Now
Kim Jae-joong’s comeback to between a man whose life is festival was
drama after a four-year changed due to a memory its first live
hiatus. The multi-talented eraser, and the woman who performance
singer, songwriter, actor, and has control over his fate. in three
director is reported to be years. –
considering the role of the The series is looking to air PEARL JAM
male lead in the new drama in 2022. INSTAGRAM
series, Bad Memory Eraser.
The drama depicts the
Jae-joong, who was in the growth of the main
2017 drama, Manhole, characters as they heal their
started a Q&A session on his wounds not through the
personal Instagram account memory eraser as expected,
on Sunday. but instead, find their true
selves through love.
In his Q&A stories which
were only up for only 24 Meanwhile, actress Jin Se-
hours, he answered some fan yeon has already been
speculations and confirmed confirmed to be the female
that he attended the script lead role for the drama, and
reading session for Bad showed great excitement
Memory Eraser that took through her social media and
place the day before with the a previous VLive with her
rest of the cast. fans, which she shared that it
might be airing on streaming
Bad Memory Eraser is an platforms.
Kim makes Jatmo mneinwgtunes These plans, including the tour
his return to that was expected to start on Mar 18,
television inevitably fell through due to the
after a four- Covid-19.
year hiatus. –
KIM JAE- Pearl Jam was also joined by
JOONG guests, including Sea.Hear.Now
INSTAGRAM producer Danny Clinch, who played
the harmonica during Red Mosquito,
o Pearl Jam debuts six new songs in front and Patti Smith guitarist Lenny Kaye
of 30,000 strong crowd in New Jersey for Neil Young’s Rockin’ in the Free
Han Ye Ri reveals her unique A FESTIVAL crowd that previous releases, including six new
‘me time’ method numbered around 30,000 songs from Gigaton, their latest Along with the new material, Pearl
had the chance to catch the album that dropped last year. Jam also played the hits Elderly
rock titan Pearl Jam’s Woman Behind the Counter in a
lengthy performance set at the iconic The live show was also a means to Small Town, Given to Fly, State of Love
Sea.Hear.Now Festival over the introduce new touring member Josh and Trust, Better Man and Porch.
weekend in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Klinghoffer, on guitar and backing
vocals. Frontman Eddie Vedder excitedly
The band’s performance marked announced that the band was happy
their return to live shows after three According to Variety’s sources, to be there with the crowd, who
years of absence. Klinghoffer was scheduled to open mostly consisted of people that
Pearl Jam’s 2020 North American tour purchased the tickets from last year,
In a 20-song long set, Pearl Jam with his Pluralone project, and even when the festival was originally
had more than enough leeway to fit a to contribute to several of Pearl Jam’s supposed to take place.
wide swathe of song selections from prior sets.
“We’re happy we could make it
and I think we’re all gonna make it
together,” Vedder said.
For the next two weekends, Pearl
Jam will be at the Ohana Festival in
Dana Point, California.
THE past year has been quite it was about 18 hours. I am Shang Chi continues to dominate box office
an exciting and hectic time not even hungry when I am DISNEY’S Shang-Chi and the Legend
for Korean actress, Han Ye Ri. like that.” Han’s latest of the Ten Rings continues to reign at
Since the release of the series, the the box office and sent two new
Oscar-nominated feature Nonetheless, the actress thriller releases sinking in their debuts.
film, Minari, Han has received was quick to note that her Hometown,
international acclaim and back hurts from doing this. “I debuts this This clearly emphasises the
recognition for her role as had second thoughts to my week. – HAN dissimilarity between the type of
Monica Yi – as Harper Bazaar choice. My back actually YE RI movies people are willing to head
nicely puts it, Han anchors really hurt.” INSTAGRAM outdoors for during the pandemic.
the film with her “quiet
strength and layered Since her remarkable Shang-Chi, broke new grounds as Liu made headlines in the title role of Shang Chi. – MARVEL STUDIOS
performance.” performance in Minari, Han it features an Asian star as a Marvel
has been involved in superhero and Asian casts. It was no to increase at a high rate. first pandemic-era release to cross
However, despite her numerous projects. Her surprise that the movie gained Films that target adult audiences US$200 million (RM834.4) in North
recent achievements, the upcoming show, Hometown, another US$21 million (RM87.6) in its America.
Korean actress is still not one is a thriller series that follows third weekend of release despite have always been a tough sell,
to stay out during her off a detective investigating a facing a 39% decline from the however, CGI-heavy adventures Disney recently announced the
days. In a recent episode of string of unsolved murders. previous weekend. The film has continue to become relevant in the rest of its 2021 film plan which
SBS’s My Little Old Boy, Han made US$176.9 million (RM738 cinema. includes Marvel’s Eternals and the
revealed that she still finds In the midst of it, he million) at the local box office to date. remake of Steven Spielberg’s West
joy in staying home when stumbles upon Marvel Studio’s latest offering first Side Story that will premiere
she is not busy dazzling Jung-hyun Ticket sales for Shang-Chi are premiered only in theatres over the exclusively in theatres.
audiences. who is played particularly significant as the film that Labour Day holiday and aim to be the
by Han, a was released earlier this month has
“I don’t have the energy to woman in brought in more money between
go out on my day-offs search of Friday and Sunday as opposed to this
because I use so much her niece. weekend’s latest worldwide releases –
energy while I work. I think I Clint Eastwood’s Western
usually stay about a week at Fans can drama Cry Macho
home.”The self-declared look forward and Gerard
homebody went on to say: to catching Butler’s R-rated action-thriller
“As I spend much time in the series Copshop – combined.
bed, the beddings are so this month
important to me. I never as it is Both films received an
realised the importance of expected to underwhelming response as their
the thickness, weight and the premiere on
feel of the beddings until I South Korea main target audience were the
got old.” TV channel older audience, a demographic
network, tvN that has restrained
When asked how long she this themselves from returning
has stayed in bed, Han took Wednesday. to the cinemas as the
the panel by surprise with spread of the Covid-19
her interesting reply. “I think delta variant continues
STREAMING giant Netflix dominated The stars and producers of Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit celebrating their Emmy win for best limited series. – REUTERS
the Emmys on Sunday night
(Monday morning in Malaysia), Crowning glory about women having each other’s backs,”
finally winning television’s biggest o The Crown, Ted Lasso and The “The one thing that no algorithm can said Winslet.
prizes with The Crown and The Queen’s Queen’s Gambit rule the night in predict and no billion dollar budget can
Gambit and bagging an all-time record- triumphant Emmy outing manufacture is word of mouth,” he said of She praised the show’s creators for
equalling awards haul at a scaled-down the show becoming a global phenomenon. creating “an middle-aged, imperfect,
ceremony. and sent chessboard sales skyrocketing flawed mother ... you made us all feel
worldwide as more and more people But the limited series lead actress prize validated, quite honestly.”
Despite transforming the entire TV watched. went to Kate Winslet for small-town
landscape since it began to create original whodunit detective drama Mare of Ewan McGregor won best limited series
programming in 2012, Netflix had never “You brought the sexy back to chess, and Easttown, which also won both limited actor for fashion designer series Halston.
before won any top series prize at the small- you inspired a whole generation of girls and series supporting acting awards for Julianne ‘Heck of a year’
screen equivalent of the Oscars. Now, it has young women to realise that patriarchy Nicholson and Evan Peters. Apple TV+ global smash hit Ted Lasso won
two of them. simply has no defense against our queens,” best comedy series and a slew of acting
executive producer William Horberg told “I just want to acknowledge my fellow prizes.
In the comedy categories, Apple TV+’s star Anya Taylor-Joy on stage. nominees in this decade that has to be
Ted Lasso was this year’s big winner. Co-creator Bill Lawrence praised the
A magical night ... show’s “fearless leader” Jason Sudeikis,
Television’s top stars gathered in person (right) Jason who won best actor as an out-of-his-depth
for the event in Los Angeles for the first time American football coach handed control of
in two years – held at a partially outdoor Sudeikis wins the an English soccer team.
venue due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns, best lead actor in
after a mainly virtual show last fall. a comedy series “Heck of a year,” said Sudeikis. “I would
say that this show is about family, this show
“We’re gonna have a party now. I’m lost for his work on is about mentors and teachers, this show is
for words, and I’m very, very grateful,” said Ted Lasso; which about teammates. And I wouldn’t be here
The Crown creator Peter Morgan, dialling in without those three things in my life.”
with fellow cast and filmmakers from a he shared (left)
remote London satellite hub. with the rest of The show also claimed the night’s first
the cast; (below) two awards in comedy for supporting acting.
The fourth season of the wildly popular British actor Josh
British royal series, which depicted the ill- O’Connor won But it missed out on comedy writing and
fated marriage of Prince Charles and his first Emmy for directing to Hacks, whose star Jean Smart
Princess Diana, swept the drama awards. his role as Prince won best actress for portraying a faded diva
scrambling to save her residency in Las
Olivia Colman – who won an Oscar for Charles in The Vegas.
playing Britain’s Queen Anne in The Crown; while
Favourite – got best actress for portraying Olivia Colman Veteran TV star Smart earned a standing
her descendant Queen Elizabeth II. earned hers for ovation and paid an emotional tribute to
her portrayal of her actor husband Richard Gilliland, who
Colman paid tribute to her father who Queen Elizabeth died six months ago, for “putting his career
died during the Covid-19 pandemic, saying II in the same on the back burner.”
he “would have loved all of this.” show. – REUTERS #EmmysSoWhite
/SHUTTERSTOCK The show opened with rappers LL Cool J
Josh O’Connor, named best actor for and Lil Dicky and actress Rita Wilson
playing Charles, said making the show had Jean Smart, Hacks leading the celebrities in a singalong of late
been “the most rewarding two years of my LEAD ACTOR, LIMITED SERIES OR rapper Biz Markie’s Just A Friend, riffing on
life.” MOVIE: Ewan McGregor, Halston the year’s nominated television shows.
The Crown also won both supporting MOVIE: Kate Winslet, Mare Of Presented by comedian Cedric the
actor prizes – including one for Gillian Easttown Entertainer and featuring presenters such
Anderson for her portrayal of Margaret SUPPORTING ACTOR, DRAMA: as the indigenous cast of Reservation Dogs,
Thatcher – and awards for best writing and Tobias Menzies, The Crown the ceremony drew on a diverse range of
directing. SUPPORTING ACTRESS, DRAMA: talents.
Gillian Anderson, The Crown
Its tally including technical awards SUPPORTING ACTOR, COMEDY: But all 12 major acting awards went to
handed out before Sunday’s ceremony Brett Goldstein, Ted Lasso white performers, causing some social
came to 11 – tied this year with The Queen’s SUPPORTING ACTRESS, COMEDY: media users to adopt the hashtag
Gambit, and one short of the drama record Hannah Waddingham, Ted Lasso #EmmysSoWhite.
held by Game of Thrones. SUPPORTING ACTOR, LIMITED
SERIES OR MOVIE: Evan Peters, Mare “(S)uper disappointed that we saw so
The two Netflix shows brought the Of Easttown many nominees of colour overlooked
streaming giant’s tally this year to 44 Emmys despite the incredible number of
– matching a record set by CBS network way nominees,” tweeted one user, Cory Allen.
back in 1974, when shows like M*A*S*H
and The Mary Tyler Moore Show ruled the While there were a record number of
airwaves. nominations for people of colour, only a few
were translated into wins, including RuPaul
The Queen’s Gambit – about a troubled for RuPaul’s Drag Race and Michaela Coel,
orphaned girl who storms the world of who was recognised as the writer of I May
professional chess – captivated audiences Destroy You, in which she also starred and
List of Winners
HERE is a selected list of winners from “Write the tale that scares you, that
the major categories at the 73rd makes you feel uncertain, that isn’t
Primetime Emmy Awards: comfortable,” Coel said, dedicating her
OUTSTANDING DRAMA SERIES: Emmy to the survivors of sexual assault. –
The Crown Agencies
Ted Lasso
The Queen’s Gambit
Josh O’Connor, The Crown
Olivia Colman, The Crown
Jason Sudeikis, Ted Lasso
The elixir of life(above)Tanand
Nadia bottling
oTwo friends have turned their love
(left) The F Series of kombucha into a force for good
█ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI which aims to redefine beauty in produ
reskill and empower the underprivile
HEALTH food enthusiast Tan Shi Wen focus on hiring members of th
is passionate about two things in life community to help us with the prod
– her health, and saving so-called bottling and transportation of our kom
‘ugly food,’ which are vegetables or said Tan.
fruits thrown out by grocers or removed from
supermarket shelves due to a deformity or “Our objective is to provide them w
failing to meet standards on size and shape. skills and job opportunities at the sam
Such food items are discarded despite still
containing the same amount of nutrition and Tan added: “All proceeds, minus th
taste, becoming a major contributor to food go to our sister charity organisation
waste. Malaysia.”
Consequently, ‘ugly food’ movements have
sprouted around the world, intending to Tan and Nadia co-founded the no
(left) Nadia is a rescue and redistribute such aesthetically- enterprise with the aim to reduce foo
cofounder of challenged items. and poverty.
Tan, who is a lawyer, had the bright idea of
Project F Series. turning these otherwise unwanted foods into a “It’s like ‘kombucha with a kause’!“
Tan also took the time to answe
healthy drink – kombucha, a fermented tea questions about kombucha:
rich with health benefits and probiotics. How is kombucha made?
Tan, 34, worked with her friend Nadia “It is made by fermenting sweetened
Fadzil, 32, a food and beverage operations starter kombucha and a gelatinous p
consultant, and together they founded the like substance called SCOBY (sy
Project F Series to utilise otherwise salvageable culture of bacteria and yeast).
fresh produce. “It eats up most of the sugar in
“We tried kombucha for the first time three transforming the liquid into a slight
years ago, and found it interesting,” said Tan. refreshingly fizzy beverage. Kombu
“Back then, kombucha was not as popular as it base and the fermentation process g
is now, and most of the kombucha in the beverage similar benefits as plain
market was expensive and tasted more on the fermented foods.
very sour side. “These include probiotics that en
“So, we launched our community Project F gut bacteria diversity and aid digestion
Series, and decided to start our first product by as antioxidant properties.”
brewing and selling kombucha that was more How is your kombucha different from
balanced in taste, at a more affordable price.“ in the market?
Tan (right) says the Currently, they produce Original and “Our brew is made in small boutique
Project F Series which allow us to control the flavour
aims to redefine Passion Mango flavours consistently, while acidity. Our brew is not as sour as those
beauty in produce two other flavours are made depending on the in the market as a lot of mass-
and empower the variety of fruits they manage to obtain. kombucha has really high acidity.
underprivileged. – “But there is nothing wrong with
ALL PICTURES The project not only puts imperfect fruits just a different preference in flavour.
CURTESY OF TAN and vegetables to good use and reduces food “We also curate our flavours based
SHI WEN waste, but also provides a way for those in need fruits’ – produce that are rejected by
to earn extra income. stores purely for cosmetic reasons (t
“Project F Series is a community project
because they have a lower shelf life and
their appearance changes due to
discolouration or oxidisation).
“But the taste and nutrition are not
affected. We have strict quality control
measures in place to ensure what we
deliver to our customers’ doorstep is
fresh, safe, delicious and nutritious. If we
wouldn’t drink it, we won’t sell it.”
What motivated you to use
such produce?
“At SESO Malaysia, we
uce, and always have to find
eged. We creative ways to use
he B40 surplus produce, and
oduction, kombucha is a great
mbucha,” way to help save
with new surplus produce by
me time. extending its A sip into the
he costs, shelf life and kombucha world
n, SESO creating an
on-profit interesting
od waste product.
“ “This
er a few reduces the KOMBUCHA has an almost has many bioactive compounds that are
amount of mythical reputation among not typically found in fermented foods,
tea with surplus food aficionados. However, such as polyphenols, which serve as a
pancake- going to waste although kombucha has been powerful antioxidant in the body.
ymbiotic and ending up in documented as far back as
landfills that create 221 BC in the Bohai region of Kombucha contains lactic-acid bacteria
the tea, methane gas, that is bad China, surprisingly little is as well, which has the ability to work as a
tly sour, for the environment. known about it, despite probiotic that can improve numerous
ucha tea “It also helps create becoming one of the most aspects of health from digestion, to
give the jobs for the community, popular health food trends inflammation and even weight loss.
tea and especially given the over the past few years. Kombucha may also provide the same
ncourage current pandemic Kombucha is made by health benefits as the teas used to make it,
n, as well situation, where many fermenting sugar- including improving cholesterol levels and
have lost their jobs. By sweetened tea (either green, blood sugar control.
m others turning ‘ugly fruits’ into black or a combination of
a business, it helps to both) with strains of yeast Although studies in animals have
make SESO more and bacteria known as proved that consuming kombucha has in
sustainable, so that more SCOBY (symbiotic colony of fact lowered their cholesterol and blood
people can benefit from bacteria and yeast). sugar levels, more research still needs to be
the cause. The presence of acetic done to find out whether it has the same
“It is really a win-win- acid, a variety of other acidic effect in human beings. Despite this, many
win situation.” composites and the small kombucha faithful swear by the benefits of
traces of alcohol and gases the drink.
batches, What kind change do you after the fermentation process
and the hope for? makes this drink fizzy, and It is vital to keep in mind that fermenting
e offered “We hope that a more results in a sour, almost vinegar- kombucha means allowing bacteria to
-brewed sustainable food movement like taste. form in a liquid that you are going to
that, it’s changes the way people view The health benefits of kombucha consume, and to make sure that it has been
on ‘ugly fresh produce on the shelves are still widely debated, but have prepared properly to prevent harmful
y grocery in supermarkets and the food been compared to those of other bacteria or mould from growing.
typically on our plates. Give imperfect fermented food, like yoghurt and raw
fruits or vegetables a second fermented vegetables such as pickles But if you are ready to try a new health
chance!” or sauerkraut. However, kombucha trend, and do not mind the sour taste, you
can always give kombucha a try. Do
remember to refer to a doctor beforehand
to clear up any misgivings about its
suitability to your diet.
TRAVEL Take a scenic
boat ride through
6 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Langkawi’s lush
mangrove forest
Langkawi getaway –123RF
o Things to do on your next trip to the
newly-reopened island destination
█ BY MARIETTA MU Pantai Cenang Tantalize your performances while you’re there. Telaga Tujuh
Pantai Cenang is one of the most tastebuds with some Besides learning how to fly a wau or Known as the island’s most
NOW that more than half the famous and best-loved beaches in Kerabu Bronok during getting your portrait painted, you can wonderful natural attraction, Telaga
population of Malaysia has Langkawi with a huge number of your stay – PIX VIA Tujuh Waterfalls is a natural
been fully vaccinated, activities and water sports. At sunset, FOODSAMARITAN also shop for some pretty batik- Langkawi attraction, with locals
things can slowly get back relax and watch the natural light complex with a huge lake in the print beachwear at the Oriental claiming it to be the home of faeries.
to normal, and that includes show slowly illuminate the sky in centre, and a wide range of souvenir Village. Seven Wells Waterfalls refers to a
establishing travel bubbles for those colours of purple and orange. A stores selling handicrafts and knick- Pulau Payar Marine Park series of seven connected natural
itching for a long-awaited holiday. diverse mix of cafes and restaurants knacks. Check out the various If you want an activity that pools fed by seven separate waterfalls
are located on the beach, and will last you for the whole in Gunung Mat Cincang. Visitors can
Popular travel destination alongside Langkawi’s famous duty- day, Pulau Payar Marine Park enjoy a dip in the cool water or brave
Langkawi opened up its shores to free outlets. At night, Pantai Cenang is the site for you. A popular the steep climb to the top of the falls.
travellers on Malaysia Day last week, livens up Langkawi Island with plenty destination for snorkelling and Horse rides and ziplines are also
and if you’re heading over there with of beachfront bars and lounges diving enthusiasts who wish to available, and the site is about 1km
your family, here are a few things you offering inexpensive alcohol and explore Langkawi’s underwater away or a 10-minute walk from the
can look forward to doing on the snacks, as well as live music and Oriental Village.
island. Just make sure to remember cultural performances late into the action, you can also enjoy the sight of Gunung Raya
to follow the SOPs and to continue to night. coral gardens and baby sharks. Just For hike lovers, on the other side of
stay safe! Laman Padi (Rice Garden 30km south of the main island and a the island, and with an altitude of 881
Mangrove Tour Museum) 45 minutes speedboat ride from Kuah metres, is Gunung Raya. Hailed as the
Langkawi is covered in beautiful If you like agro-tourism and want to jetty point, the pristine marine park is highest peak in Langkawi, the
mangroves, so the best way to visit it spend some time with nature, Laman the largest within the four islands mountain is said to be the cursed
is to take a scenic boat tour of the Padi is the place to be. Located in (which include Pulau Kaca, Pulau form of a giant called Mat Raya who
area. A mangrove tour allows you to Pantai Cenang, the museum consists Lembu and Pulau Segantang). once lived on the island. The dense
interact with the wildlife in the area, of four parts, namely Heritage rainforest is home to numerous
including on visits to the bat and Gallery, Paddy Gallery, Herb wildlife such as leaf monkeys, flying
crocodile cave, and monkey and Garden and Garden of Variety. foxes, macaque monkeys, squirrels,
eagle feeding sessions. Most of the The museum has a collection of mountain hawk eagles, white-bellied
boat tours last around two to three artefacts, photos, charts and sea eagles, and great hornbills.
hours, and you can get off at certain tools on the history of rice
spots in the mangrove swamps and cultivation in Langkawi. At the
walk around to take in some of the Paddy Gallery, there is a
natural beauty. breathtaking view of a multi-
Wonderland Food Store tiered rooftop rice garden. At
When looking for dinner in Kuah, the Herb Garden and Garden
Wonderland Food Store should be of Variety section, visitors can
on top of your list. This must-try even step into the muddy fields
Chinese Muslim seafood restaurant and try traditional rice farming for
has won over the hearts and bellies themselves.
of many visitors to Langkawi. They Oriental Village
have a wide variety of dishes, Before heading over to the Sky Bridge
including vegetarian food. The & Cable Car station, you can rent a
restaurant is Halal-certified and Segway and ride around Oriental
most importantly, inexpensive and Village, an Asian-themed open-air
MARDI Langkawi Agro Technology
At the MARDI Langkawi Agro
Technology Park, you can go on a
guided fruit farm tour or jungle trek,
or even camp out at their campsite. In
the fruit farm, guests can enjoy a
delicious tropical fruit buffet! Some of
the delicious fruits that you can
sample here include jackfruit,
mangosteen, durian, rambutan,
dragon fruit, and mangoes.
One of the Kerabu Bronok
must visit While in Langkawi, don’t forget to try
places during Bronok, a type of sea cucumber
your stay at usually eaten raw as kerabu. When
Langkawi is sliced and mixed with shredded
the iconic vegetables, it becomes an exotic and
Dataran Lang exquisite salad that is very rare
–123RF outside of Langkawi. Kerabu Bronok
is unique as it is not cooked and has
to be eaten raw. Due to its shape,
Bronok is also known as a ‘sea potato,’
and it is said to be a very nutritious
food and full of collagen.
Traditionally, the Bronok slices are
mixed with different ingredients and
spices like chilli, young mangoes,
asam jawa, red onions, kerisik (fried
grated coconut flesh), lengkuas
(galangal), as well as coconut
condiments and sambal.
Besides the attractions listed, you
can also have a look at a past travel
guide we did on Langkawi:
Lifelong, enriching eye education
o At MSU, optometry is as an educational craft
that benefits those in the industry
COUGHING and high dreaming of making it in optometry Ooi, of the MSU
temperature may be and venturing into entrepreneurship. Class of 2020
symptomatic of COVID-19, “Optometry is in demand in (right) , is now a
yet research has shown that Penang, especially at Queensbay director at De
so too are ocular manifestations. The Mall, where I work. There are thirteen Human Eyes
eye has been recognised as a possible optical shops in the mall, but only Optometrist.
point of entry into the body, and pink one or two optometrists, and still only
eye or conjunctivitis is included in a few in Malaysia. I felt that it was my
the World Health Organisation’s calling to address the lack of
COVID-19 symptoms list. awareness about optometry among
the general public. I knew it would be
As such, ocular transmission of a tough leap from opticianry to
the coronavirus must not be ignored, optometry, so I looked for a
and it is supported by one research university that could help me achieve
published in the British Medical my dream. I found MSU and was
Journal Open Ophthalmology that inspired by an academic member to programmes are offered with the employment within six months of
discovered sore eyes to be the most start my journey.” student’s convenience, as well as their graduation, MSU is ranked by
significant ocular symptom It was a first step that meant 355 their educational and professional the Ministry of Higher Education
experienced by COVID-19 sufferers. kilometres of travelling from Bayan backgrounds, in mind. (MoHE) as Malaysia’s #1 for graduate
Lepas in Penang Island to the Lifelong learners from all walks of employability. Also rated by MoHE as
Most times, they may be not so MSU main campus in Shah life may access MSU’s range of SETARA Tier-5 Excellent Status
severe, and thus go unreported, but Alam Section 13. “Mostly twice undergraduate as well as University and ranked as The Most
ocular symptoms are present in four a month but sometimes every postgraduate programmes, and Entrepreneurial Private University in
to 31% of those infected. weekend,” says Ooi. choose from a variety of study modes Malaysia
The adult learner who to fit their situation best. The university’s award-winning
“An optician can only help you persevered, then graduated with Blending technical vocational academic programmes meet
with the basics such as checking the the MSU Class of 2020, is now education and training (TVET) with stringent standards of local and
eye power. It is the optometrist who Director at De Human Eyes traditional academic curricula, MSU international bodies. MSU
can do more for patients including a Optometrist. enhances competencies with accreditors include the Malaysian
prognosis on serious issues such as “I encourage more opticians to industry internship, community and Qualifications Agency (MQA), the
diabetic retinopathy, cataract, pink further optometry degree and seek to creative entrepreneurship, as well as United Kingdom’s Accreditation
eyes and others. They are well- learn new things.” global exposure; empowering MSU Services for International Schools,
equipped with the knowledge and A known name in higher graduates with the well- Colleges & Universities (ASIC), the
skills to advise on eye-related matters education, MSU promotes excellence roundedness desired and sought Japan’s Alliance on Business
that may need immediate medical and advances quality education, with after by employers. Education and Scholarship for
attention,” says MSU alumnus Ooi a culture of industry and Among the best in the region, Tomorrow (ABEST21) and the
Joo Liang. entrepreneurship embedded the university’s programmes of Accreditation Council for
ecosystems, research, innovation, study are meticulously crafted to Entrepreneurial & Engaged
Ooi had come to the Bachelor of and technology within the high- enhance graduate potential, Universities (ACEEU).
Optometry (Hons) programme at the performance culture within the producing graduates that are a
Management and Science University university. popular pick among
(MSU) Faculty of Health and Life MSU also offers breakthrough employers. For more, call 03-5521 6868, email
Sciences (FHLS) Department of ways for working adults wishing to With 98.7% of its graduates [email protected], or visit
Optometry and Vision Science with a further their studies. A wide range of successfully securing
Fellow of British Dispensing
Opticians (FBDO) qualification. He
had worked a very long time in an
optical shop in Penang, constantly
Astro Radio collabs
with TikTok oThreenewweekendshows
have been planned for listeners
ASTRO RADIO has increase of content creation on we’re excited to work with Astro
kickstarted a collaboration TikTok, there has been an increase in Radio to encourage even more
with TikTok, leading the demand for music from the creative expression across Malaysia.”
destination for short-form platform as well, and through this
mobile videos, launching three new collaboration, we continue to bring The weekend shows on HITZ, MY
weekend shows on HITZ, MY and Malaysians together through the and GOXUAN will feature trending
GOXUAN. power of music.” songs from TikTok, viral challenges,
as well as interviews with TikTok
The collaboration is expected to Sheau Mei Cheah, Music Creators on-air or via the SYOK app.
expand reach and cross-promote a Marketing Lead, TikTok South East
wider selection of content and music Asia commented: “As the leading On HITZ TikTok Hour: Everything
across platforms. platform for music discovery in Trending on TikTok this week! hosted
today’s digital landscape, TikTok is an by Calista, listeners can enjoy TikTok
Kenny Ong, CEO of Astro Radio, integral part of this country’s musical Live sessions with fans for
said: “Astro Radio continues to evolve heartbeat. discussions about artistes featured
audio experiences for our 17 million on HITZ playlists, including ACE,
weekly listeners. We are excited to be “From homegrown talents to Billie Eilish and more.
the first Malaysian radio network to international music icons, the
collaborate with TikTok, a global support of our user community has MY fans can catch the MY TikTok
digital content destination, to helped launch many diverse music Music Chart show hosted by Daniel
entertain and delight our listeners careers to greater heights. Wong, for a countdown of the top 10
with more relevant music and Chinese TikTok viral songs along with
content. With the tremendous “Inspiring creativity and bringing updates on trending TikTok
joy is our main goal at TikTok, and challenges.
Win gold bar from shopMYairports
IN conjuction with shopMYairports experience for travellers and non-
first birthday, Malaysia Airports travellers.
recently announced a new Hani Ezra further added that
shopping campaign – Are You The one of their primary initiatives is to
CEO, Goldenaire. revive the local airport retail
Founders and The campaign grants shoppers industry as their platform has
Co-Founder the opportunity to win a grand proven to help the airport retail
of the five prize of 200g gold bar that features partners adapt to a new business
selected start- a fine silhouette of KL International environment while providing the
ups. Airport (KLIA), and monthly prizes finest products and services.
of 2.5g gold wafers worth up to shopMYairports is now
Opening doors for start-up businesses RM100,000. available for international delivery
Shoppers can participate from that will cater to global shoppers
September 2021 to Feb 28, 2022 who are looking to shop for the
AIMING to ensure business retail, throughout the five-month gain access to both domestic and by purchasing a RM10 best of Malaysia in a unique
continuity, Cyberview Sdn Bhd programme. worldwide markets through private Goldenaire shopping voucher airport retail environment
(Cyberview), the Tech Hub and public initiatives. and redeeming it on as well as providing
Developer of Cyberjaya extends its As Malaysia is expected to move to shopMYairports e- retailers an excellent
commitment to support the start-up an endemic phase, the accelerator The Head of Technology Hub commerce platform. opportunity to tap into
community with their business programme will provide start-ups Development Division, Cyberview The senior general the new market. Malaysia
development and commercial- with the right tools to focus, refine Shafinaz Salim mentioned the CLLA manager of Commercial Airports’ long-term
readiness through the Cyberview solutions and gain critical advantage. programme will aid local businesses Services, Hani Ezra Hussin digitisation initiative
Living Lab Accelerator (CLLA) The Managing Director of Cyberview, in remaining resilient and robust. said the campaign is aims to facilitate the
programme. Najib Ibrahim said it is vital to ensure the perfect way to growth of airport
that they continue to support tech The five start-ups are offered rent- celebrate retailers and lay the
Five start-ups which are Klean, solutions as it will play a greater role free workspace at Colnnov8, a smart shopMYairports’ first foundation to
Supagene, Hive, Guardian AI in a more digitised reality. city collaborative space sponsored by birthday since their transform airports
(BeacoHealth) and Dwebly were Cyberview and will receive industry launch back in 2020. into shopping and
selected by a committee for the 16th This programme will aid start-ups mentoring and different value-added Since the lifestyle
cohort of the accelerator programme and innovators who are looking to services worth over RM100,000 as pandemic, destinations.
following a stringent evaluation move towards commercialisation. well as opportunities to trial their shopMYairports has For further
process. These companies will The entire city of Cyberjaya will be ideas with Cyberview and Cyberjaya provided a dynamic information,
accelerate the development and offered as a sandbox that enables stakeholders. Towards the end of the boost to retailers to follow Malaysia
commercialisation of high-tech, e- them to undertake proof-of-concept programme, a platform will be given enhance sales Senior general Airports’ Facebook
commerce and mobility solutions testing of their goods and solutions. to present their unique ideas and through a new manager of and Instagram
across a variety of industries, solutions to relevant investors, airport shopping Commercial Services, pages.
including healthcare, mobility and With Cyberview’s support, they business partners, government Hani Ezra Hussin.
can also network and interact with agencies, and the media.
key industry professionals as well as
The Class of 2021 is here.
Speak to theSun’s Sales team now for special deals on BOOKING & STORY DEADLINE 28 SEPTEMBER, 2021 (Tuesday)
digital, video and print advertising.
COMMENT by GeoffreyWilliams
Merge, reform universities post-Covid
PRIVATE higher education institutions
(PHEI) have been hit hard by the Cutting fees has also been proposed, not so government in 2020 which contained some which are closely connected to the pay and
Covid-19 pandemic, with lockdowns much to help PHEI but to help students paying meaningful ideas but has been overtaken by conditions for academics and staff that have
affecting current students as well as full fees for online programmes. events. It should be revived but is in need of eroded to de-professionalising levels.
enrolment of new students. With falling revenues and enrolment this will significant revisions.
make financial stress worse and cost-cutting These should focus first on rationalising the Students are suffering because cost-cutting,
According to the National Association of will further reduce quality to students and put sector through structured mergers, creating which falls on staff salaries, dissolves quality.
Private Educational Institutions (Napei) as pressure on the salaries of academics already in dedicated teaching and online offerings in Students also have no redress even when their
many as 60 PHEI closed during 2020 alone, precarious jobs. some PHEIs and releasing others to focus on degree accreditation is revoked.
student numbers fell by 20% to 50% and In fact the market itself is pushing fees down, traditional knowledge creation.
international enrolment fell by 20% to 30% and with undergraduate fees now as low as If mergers of PHEIs are left to the market Malaysia should establish an independent
might fall further by 50% due to extended RM24,900 and one household name PHEI they will be unstructured and based only on Office for Students modelled on that of the
lockdowns in 2021. offering an entire portfolio of commercial factors. United Kingdom to provide students with some
Private highermasters programmes for RM8,000. The interests of students and source of help and support when PHEI fail.
As many as 200 out of 600 technical These lower prices come at lower staff will certainly not be considered
vocational education and training (TVET) educationquality in the red ocean of the and the outcomes will be very Of course at the route of these problems are
centres had no new enrolments at all because uncertain. the perennial issues of financing and the
they rely on face-to-face practical training and private degree market and it is Disputes over valuations and elephant in the room is the National Higher
at least 16 have closed with losses of RM160 must merge,students and staff who are suffering ownership will also disrupt market- Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN).
million according to Napei.
most. We had been promised reform following the
The Covid-19 lockdowns have had a improveAs we look to the future, an based mergers to the detriment of very honest assessment of the unsustainability
significant impact on enrolment, finances and optimistic business-as-usual improved quality. of its model by PTPTN itself in 2019.
operations for PHEI which has made the conditions forapproach post-Covid might say that Structured mergers guided by a
already chronic financial stress even worse. broader set of stakeholder The Strategic Plan 2021-2025 announced in
the recent lockdown was as an July 2021 was disappointing window-dressing.
Many switched to online learning with high- aberration and campus reopening concerns, including the interests of
cost investments, which they might struggle to will restore operations, growth and students, staff and the wider We need a full re-evaluation of the overall
recover as fees for online courses fall and education system allows a more financing system of higher education involving
students return to campus for traditional face- students andfinances. formal approach with more certain both the public and private sector.
to-face classes. Some will also point to outcomes.
This must reduce dependency on loans and
Separately, scandals related to the staff andmanagement changes and claim They would create larger, more enhance the role of PTPTN to become a
revocation of accreditation of multiple viable institutions and save costs by strategic investment partner in the system as a
programmes at a leading local PHEI leaving that they improved performance, whole.
hundreds of student stranded without degrees
and the sale of one foreign franchise at less than reformpivoted to online learning and We must look at new funding options
the cost of its establishment have signalled finances tochanged pedagogical approaches in reducing replication of perhaps using vouchers or other choice-based
deeper and persistent issues in quality and management, programmes and financing rather than loans.
viability across the sector, which we have been a smooth transition to Education
highlighting for many years. build back4.0. facilities. We must also recognise the importance of
A more realistic assessment Shared admissions schemes dual-vocational education such as the German
Civil society groups and politicians have betterwould recognise that the lockdowns would slash the wastage from Dual Vocational Training Model that has been
made some suggestions, which although well- marketing and recruitment successfully piloted in Penang Skills
meaning, show how uninformed many people have exacerbated persistent Development Centre, which takes an
are about PHEI. post-covidunderperformance and raised the departments. alternative view in which working is the primary
Horizontal integration, merging aim and study compliments the process in a
For example, tax breaks for PHEI have been risk of closure of many HEIs. business-focused HEI with medical- formal and structured way.
proposed without noting that around 40% of More likely, the poor outcome
universities are tax-free foundations, or owned indicators and lower quality will focused HEI for example, can be This offers a funding model shared between
by state-entities or GLCs, and do not need tax become endemic. used to create comprehensive universities. students, employers, the universities and the
breaks. A lack of direction, cut-throat competition Vertical integration could merge universities government.
and a pivot to new degrees and online learning with colleges and even private schools to
The remainder are making losses which can will further erode quality. provide student pathways. Professor Geoffrey Williams is an economist
be carried forward and so they will not pay taxes So, we need some positive proposals to Public universities could acquire PHEI to and specialist in higher education
now or in the next few years. begin the debate on how we could respond. offer private commercial courses.
A blueprint, “Way forward for private higher Second, reform must address the urgent management and finance at the Malaysia
education institutions: Education as an collapse in the quality of the working and University of Science and Technology based in
industry 2020-2025”, was produced by the studying environment for staff and students,
Kuala Lumpur. The views expressed here are
his own. Comments: [email protected]
Gearing up for revival of tourism activities after a long hiatus
THE last time I took a flight was 16 masks and practised physical on “Training and Shortages of Tourist any inland touristic town as the view and relatives. and 34.7% for
days before the movement control distancing. Guides in Sarawak” when the of the open sea was blocked by shops shopping.
order (MCO) was introduced on Sarawak Tourism Workshop was held. and buildings lining both sides of the
March 18, 2020, to curb the spread of But for more than 16 months from road. Man-made structures should Another 5.2% were for
Covid-19 in the country. I travelled to March 2020 until now, I have been On both occasions, the quality of not have been built on the side entertainment, sport or business
Sarawak and did not wear mask grounded in Kuala Lumpur whereas guest rooms and food were on par between the beach and road. events, 4.6% medical treatment and
during the entire trip. in the past, I have often flown north to with the best five-star hotels that I 4.5% others.
Penang and Langkawi or east to have stayed. Thankfully, Pantai Cenang proved
Around the same time, there was a Kuching and Kota Kinabalu to to be very popular for the local So far, all my domestic travels have
religious gathering at a mosque in Sri conduct training. Although fully owned by the population as it was well suited for been business events that involved
Petaling, Kuala Lumpur over four Sarawak Economic Development domestic visitors for its affordability, mostly training in the tourism
days from Feb 27 to March 1 and On March 1, 2020, I flew to Corporation, a statutory body, while foreign tourists choosing to stay industry.
attracted 16,000 participants, of Kuching to attend a gala dinner held Riverside Majestic Hotel was at beach hotels were happy with the
which 14,500 were Malaysians and in conjunction with the first surprisingly well run by a team of privacy of the seashore at the hotels’ Hence, the revival of tourism
1,500 foreigners of various anniversary celebration of Suara professionals. backyard devoid of crowds. activities begins with the
nationalities. Sarawak, a local Malay newspaper. remobilisation of service personnel
Towards the end of this month, I After a five-year hiatus, I would be and equipment to restart operations
It was only on March 11 that the I was then a columnist with the may fly from Kuala Lumpur to taking notes on areas where the or step up another gear.
first Covid-19 case was detected from New Sarawak Tribune, an English Langkawi to participate in a holiday island had progressed,
this gathering that developed into the newspaper under the same group of workshop to revise the modules of a stagnated or regressed. Instead of continuing with
largest cluster in Malaysia. companies. compulsory course which travel business as usual, safety and health
agents having been attending since In 1994, I helped organised the have become even more paramount
Meanwhile, everyone could travel On that fateful Sunday morning, 2012 in order to have their company first Langkawi tourist guide training under the new normal.
freely and those that were cautious Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was sworn licences renewed. course. Before that, I visited the
wore masks as the first case detected in as the eighth prime minister of island for meetings and checked out Therefore, adequate measures
in the country was on Jan 25. Malaysia. In October 2016, I attended a my branch office. and contingency plans must be put in
three-week course in Langkawi with place by all tourism service providers
A total of 42,023 individuals were In the evening, the dinner held at participants from other Asean Hopefully, the Langkawi travel to ensure that guests have already
screened in this cluster and 3,375 the Riverside Majestic Hotel was countries and qualified as one of the bubble will be a success and been fully vaccinated, tested negative
were confirmed Covid -19 positive attended by the chief minister. The two Asean Master Tourism Trainer replicated throughout the country, and in full compliance with the latest
with 34 deaths. air was truly electrifying, on politics for travel agencies in Malaysia. The and face-to-face training starts to standard operating procedures,
and winds of change. venue was the four-star Holiday Villa pick up. including wearing masks and
This one cluster alone accounted Beach Resort and Spa Langkawi. practising physical distancing.
for 38.9% of total cumulative Covid-19 For convenience, I chose to stay at Zoom sessions are good for
cases and 28.1% of total Covid -19 the same hotel so that I could return Since then, I had written much briefings but less effective than YS Chan is a master trainer for
deaths in the country as of July 9, 2020. to my room in a jiffy after dinner about Langkawi, focusing on Pantai classroom training with more Mesra Malaysia and an Asean
without having to limit my drinks. Cenang, which was a disappointment interactions between trainer and Tourism Master Trainer. He is also a
By then, the MCO had been to me as the entire stretch was participants. tourism and transport business
replaced by the conditional MCO The hotel management granted developed haphazardly, looking
(CMCO) in May and further relaxed me a complimentary room, making more like a cowboy town when I was To develop domestic tourism consultant and writer, and
with the recovery MCO (RMCO) from my stay even more enjoyable and the there than an international tourist intelligently, we ought to take into researcher for the Travel Industry
June. entire trip memorable. spot for well-heeled visitors. account the main purpose of travel Occupational Framework published
for domestic visitors.
I then got to conduct some Earlier in 2018, I stayed in the same Walking along Jalan Pantai by the Department of Skills
training safely in large function hotel when invited by the Ministry of Cenang was not much different from Only 10.4% were for holidays, Development. Comments:
rooms of hotels where everyone wore Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and whereas 40.6% went to visit friends [email protected]
Sports Sarawak to facilitate a session
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
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20/09/2021 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
% RM m RM m RM m
43.0 Institutions 1241.1 1259.0 -17.9
38.8 Retail 1194.8 1056.1 138.7
18.2 Foreign 467.0 587.8 -120.8 20.62 29.50 821.62 155.55
100.0 2902.9 2902.9 0.0 1,527.89 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED
3,041.73 24,099.14 7,248.17
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to SCI NIKKEI TSEC KOSPI
Source: Bursa Malaysia
KL MARKET SUMMARY Budget 2022 expected
September 20, 2021 to be expansionary
FBMEMAS 11,205.62 -160.20
FBMKLCI 1,527.89 -20.62
CONSTRUCTION 163.76 -2.48
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,234.40 -55.39
ENERGY 707.72 -22.05
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 679.47 -5.54 management of environment, natural
HEALTH CARE 2,542.31 -74.10 o MaybankIBseesnonewtaxesorincreases,predicts resources and climate change such as
TRANSPORTATION 869.65 -16.66 extended perks for property, auto and tourism sectors renewable energy.
PROPERTY 715.98 -12.65
PLANTATION 6,241.27 -185.10 On the other hand, the research house
FBMSHA 12,181.44 -232.60 does not expect the government to table tax
FBMACE 7,006.61 -194.60 PETALING JAYA: Budget 2022 is expected to Covid-19 Fund (2020-2021: RM65 billion) to hikes, windfall tax, a return to GST and new
TECHNOLOGY 92.43 -1.15 be expansionary to support economic address socio-economic scarring effects of taxes like capital gains tax and carbon tax.
recovery and address the socioeconomic the pandemic and build resilience as the
TURNOVER VALUE scarring effect of Covid-19 with a budget-to- situation becomes endemic. “It’s too late to charge windfall tax on
4.689 BIL RM2.902 BIL deficit ratio of 6.3%, translating into a deficit glove manufacturers as the profit super-
spending value of RM103.9 billion; and is not It believes this will translate into a cycle has peaked in H1’2021, although
5 MOST ACTIVES expected to come with tax increases, continuation of measures such as cash another round of voluntary contribution by
September 20, 2021 imposition of windfall tax, goods and handouts and financial assistance; wage the industry to Covid-19 Fund is possible.
services tax (GST) comeback, and new taxes, subsidies; grants and funding schemes for For banks, interest-free loan moratorium is a
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) according to Maybank Investment Bank MSMEs; training, reskilling and upskilling trade off to windfall tax,” it said.
PASUKGB 168,111,200 9.0 -2.5 (Maybank IB) Research. programmes; job retention and worker-
KANGER 154,890,100 5.0 UNCH hiring incentives. Maybank IB pointed out that the pre-
EMICO 146,159,400 54.5 -12.0 It believes the budget will be supportive budget statement laid out the revenue strategy
DNEX 118,613,500 76.0 -4.0 of domestic demand recovery via higher The bank said the budget should also for 2022 will focus on managing revenue
YONGTAI 108,483,900 16.0 -4.0 gross development expenditure (GDE) of take the opportunity from the leakages, strengthening tax compliance and
RM62.5 billion, a positive for the “Pandemicrisis” to undertake reform and review of tax incentives on investments.
5 TOP GAINERS construction and infrastructure segment as restructuring, to spur domestic direct
September 20, 2021 only 77% or RM53 billion of Budget 2021 investment in local production capacities Furthermore, it noted the government
(versus above 90% normally) was realised and supply capabilities for economic move to raise the domestic debt ceiling to
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM due to disruption and delays caused by the resilience and securities, as well as 65% of GDP from 60% of GDP indicates the
PMBTECH 1,228,800 9.30 1.86 containment measures. accelerate economic restructuring to boost funding of the budget via debt rather than
PMBTECH-LA 9.20 1.70 productivity and competitiveness via major tax measures to boost revenues.
PMBTECH-WA 44,900 6.37 1.46 “We also expect Budget 2022 to be technology adoption, automation,
DIN045801028 152,800 0.70 positive for property, auto and tourism digitalisation, innovation and creativity, “Medium-term narratives and fiscal
ATAIMS-CH 107.50 0.295 sectors with extensions of fiscal incentives which will be supported by higher GDE transparency are keys to address concerns
20 0.30 and tax exemptions for purchases of that includes digital infrastructure capex. about sovereign credit ratings ie Medium
800 properties and passenger cars as well as Term Fiscal Projection (a rolling three-year
domestic tourism spending,” said Maybank IB It also expects Budget 2022 to feature fiscal projections) and the Fiscal
5 TOP LOSERS in a research note yesterday. sustainability with a focus on inclusive Responsibility Act to be outlined together
September 20, 2021 human capital, social and regional with the tabling of Budget 2022.
Furthermore, Budget 2022 will include an developments, as well as investing and
additional RM45 billion allocation for the developing green economy through the “Clarity on tax measures to enhance
revenues and generate new sources of incomes
will come next year with the release of Medium
Term Revenue Strategies,” said Maybank IB.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM Solution Group to complete supply of 3.5m
GENETEC 443,700 34.20 1.82 doses of CanSino vaccine to MOH by November
MPI 114,300 44.20 0.70
F&N 62,600 27.00 0.56 PETALING JAYA: Solution Group Bhd (SGB)
PETGAS 492,900 16.86 0.52 is expected to complete its supply of 3.5
PANAMY 19,800 30.00 0.50 million doses of CanSino Biologics Inc’s
single-dose Convidecia Covid-19 vaccine to
EXCHANGE RATES SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 the Health Ministry (MOH) by November.
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy “A total of 300,000 doses were handed to Solution Group says deliveries of CanSino’s Convidecia vaccine to the Health Ministry will reach
the MOH last month, while 2.6 million doses 2.6 million doses by the end of October.
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD will be delivered by end October, with the
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2470 4.1220 4.1120 entire supply of 3.5 million doses to be CanSino’s Convidecia as a booster shot for including CanSino’s Convidecia vaccine as
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1010 2.9790 2.9630 completed by November,” said SGB deputy safety and immune response. part of the booster dose programme. We
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1450 3.0530 3.0450 group managing director Datuk Dr Mohd have the infrastructure through our fill and
1 EURO 3.3230 3.2350 3.2230 Nazlee Kamal in a statement yesterday. Mohd Nazlee said the new data showed finish facility and the capacity ready to take
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.9860 4.8270 4.8070 that a booster dose of CanSino’s single-dose on the rise in demand. We can provide the
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 3.0000 2.8910 2.8750 SGB’s wholly owned subsidiary, Solution Covid-19 vaccine can help increase antibody booster shots for Malaysia and at the same
1 STERLING POUND 3.1450 3.0530 3.0450 Biologics Sdn Bhd, cited data from a recent responses among the study participants who time, supply to the Asean region.
1 SWISS FRANC 5.8360 5.6540 5.6340 Chinese clinical study that taking a booster had previously received one or two doses of
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5410 4.4380 4.4230 shot with CanSino’s single-dose Covid-19 inactivated vaccine. Malaysia is considering booster shots to
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 116.9900 110.9400 110.7400 vaccine after receiving a two-dose enhance the immune system against the
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0630 4.7510 4.5510 inactivated vaccine is proven to be safe and “We hope that with the results of the virus beginning early October.
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR able to effectively produce an immune study, the government will consider
100 INDIAN RUPEE N/A N/A N/A response to the Covid-19 virus.
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 55.1600 52.4200 52.2200
100 JAPANESE YEN 5.8600 5.5000 5.3000 The study by Jiangsu Center of Disease
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 0.0309 0.0280 0.0230 Control published by MedRxiv before a peer
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.8650 review revealed that the Convidecia booster
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 3.7450 3.7350 shot demonstrated an increase of at least 78-
100 QATAR RIYAL N/A N/A N/A fold in average neutralising antibody levels,
100 SAUDI RIYAL 2.5800 in comparison with a booster shot with the
100THAI BAHT 8.6100 2.4100 2.2100 same inactivated vaccine showing 15.2-fold
117.9400 8.1200 7.9200 increase in antibody levels.
114.5200 111.9600 111.7600
13.3300 108.7200 108.5200 The base for the study came from a
11.8200 11.4200 randomised, controlled, observer-blinded
trial of 300 participants aged between 18 and
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama 59 years old who received one dose of
Sinovac Biotech Ltd’s CoronaVac in the past
one to three months or two doses in the past
three to six months. The study then
compared Sinovac’s CoronaVac with
M’sia’s first 5G digital airport AT RM126M LAST WEEK
o Both parties will jointly build a smart ‘tourist PETALING JAYA: Foreign
hub’ platform which enables passengers to have investors remained net buyers
centralised access to travel guides, promotions, last week for the sixth
and offers consecutive week, which saw
net inflow amounting to
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia Airports enhance the digital transformation of Ogut (left) and Shukrie speaking at the virtual commemoration of the partnership RM125.97 milion. MIDF Research
Holdings Bhd (MAHB) has entered KLIA’s (including klia2) ecosystem in between MAHB and Maxis for the 5G digital airport. noted that foreign investors
into a partnership with Maxis Bhd to all aspects including connectivity and were net buyers amounting to
co-develop a digital transformation development of smart solutions. transform the airports with a this partnership, both parties will co- RM58.39 million last Monday as
roadmap for smart airport operations. “passenger first” experience. create 5G use cases and solutions for the market reopened last week.
The smart Wi-Fi infrastructure is a smart travel and tourism, as well as for The research house said foreign
Maxis will be managing the WiFi holistic solution with in-built MAHB group CEO Datuk Mohd smart retail and smart security,” he investors were net buyers for
and 5G-related network services and capabilities such as data analytics, Shukrie Mohd Salleh said it hoped said. everyday of the week except on
solutions at both terminals of KL where airport retailers can tap into this partnership would be able to Friday.
International Airport (KLIA). In the this resource to better understand transform the airports to smart Maxis CEO Gokhan Ogut said 5G
future, Maxis will also be developing customer behaviour and provide airports. would potential and possibilities for DHL TO RAISE PRICES
5G-enabled digital solutions for insights to capitalise on omnichannel an elevated customer experience. BY 4.9% NEXT YEAR
MAHB’s airport tenants and marketing and ensure a seamless “5G will be the catalyst for
passengers. sales experience. connecting us to new business and “Airports have evolved from being PETALING JAYA: DHL Express will
economic opportunities. The a transit hub into a destination for an increase its prices in Malaysia by
MAHB’s group-wide digitalisation MAHB and Maxis will be jointly deployment of 5G will strengthen the end-to-end travel experience. While an average 4.9% starting Jan 1,
initiatives transformation journey developing smart retail and smart foundation for enabling new we await the skies to fully reopen, we 2022.“The prices are adjusted on
started in 2018. Since then, the airport travel and tourism solutions which technologies and digitalisation of our are eager to start work with MAHB to an annual basis by DHL Express
operator has ramped up efforts to put includes a “tourist hub” platform for airport operations. It will also help us enhance their connectivity taking into consideration
in place the technological foundation passengers to have centralised access to create a new, smart travel experience and services to its visitors inflation and currency dynamics
that would enable the to travel guides, promotions, and experience for the passengers. With and passengers,“ he said. as well as administrative costs
implementation of these initiatives. offers. The long-term goal is to create related to regulatory and
a converged digital ecosystem of security measures,“ it said in a
The availability of 5G-related MAHB’s existing solutions and new statement yesterday. DHL said
network services and solutions at the ones developed by Maxis to truly these measures were being
airport by Maxis will facilitate and regularly updated by national
and international authorities in
Techna-X to pause metallurgical coke business each of the more than 220
countries and territories that
PETALING JAYA: Techna-X Bhd’s temporary cease this business is an remaining second half of the current digital transformation businesses for DHL Express serves.
wholly owned subsidiary Linyi Yehua attempt to safeguard our year. The industrial coke division growth and value creation.
Coking Co Ltd will temporarily cease shareholders’ value and to preserve continues to have limited visibility of Additionally, the impending disposal M&G GETS PETRONAS
its metallurgical coke business the financial position of the group recovery as the coke industry of the coke business, once VESSEL CONTRACT
operations by Dec 31, 2021 until the from deterioration further pending (especially for independent coke completed, a significant ‘gain on
business improves and a clearer the completion of the proposed producers) is expected to continue to disposal’ may be recognised by the PETALING JAYA: Marine &
prospect forward can be established. disposal of the metallurgical coke face many challenges moving group,” added Tunku Naquiyuddin. General Bhd (M&G) subsidiary
The group’s coke business which business,” said Techna-X executive forward. Jasa Merin (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
has been classified as “discontinuing chairman Tunku Naquiyuddin The impending cessation, once has received an additional
operation”, remains in dire situation Tuanku Ja’afar. “The board believes that the materialised, is expected to improve vessel award (AVA) worth
as it recorded a cumulative net loss of group’s other business activities, the overall performance of Techna-X RM10.8 million from Petronas
RM59.1 million for the six-months The group’s metallurgical coke namely that of the digital technology for the financial year ending Dec 31, Carigali Sdn Bhd for the
period ending June 30, 2021. business has been suffering which have started to gain traction, 2022. However, at this juncture, it is provision of one offshore
The group stated that the significant losses over the past few will continue to be viable to sustain unable to ascertain the extent of the support vessel. The AVA, which
temporary cessation will years with losses of RMB308 million the group moving forward. As soon as impact. is expected to commence at
immediately address the ongoing (RM198 billion) in FY2019, RMB265 the group is able to dispose of the end-September 2021 until the
operational losses as well as to stem million in FY2020 and had already continued loss-making coke The group’s board believes its contract expiry on Nov 10, 2022,
the continuous financial strain. clocked-up about RMB100 million business, more resources and efforts other business, namely digital is for a duration of 420 days.
“The board’s decision to for the first half of FY2021. Such trend can be channelled towards building technology, has started to gain
is expected to continue for the up the promising technology and traction and will continue to be viable HUP SENG SUSPENDS
to sustain the group moving forward. OPS AT BATU PAHAT UNIT
GFM Services to enter highway Rest and Service Area business PETALING JAYA: Hup Seng
Industries Bhd said the
PETALING JAYA: Integrated facilities and food and beverage (F&B) chains and bank borrowings. RSAs daily, translating to a total of suspension of operations at its
management service provider GFM and local established restaurant He said the design of the proposed more than nine million visitors per wholly owned subsidiary Hup
Services Bhd has entered into a joint brands to cater to a wide pool of year. The rest stops can become Seng Perusahaan Makanan (M)
venture agreement with Amzass (M) travelers. We are confident that our RSA would be incorporated with congested, especially during peak Sdn Bhd (HSPM), in Batu Pahat,
Sdn Bhd to collaborate and complete initiatives will attract a large crowd to smart technology with green building periods such as public holidays and Johor, is expected to trim the
the upgrade of the Northbound and the RSA,” he said in a statement characteristics. festive seasons. Hence, our proposed group’s annual production
Southbound Bemban lay-bys in yesterday. Bemban RSA will relieve the volume by about 3%. HSPM
Malacca located along the PLUS He said the group would seek congestion at existing stop areas had received a notice on
Malaysia Bhd North-South GFM will build a petrol station on advice on asset and facilities along the expressway,” he said. Sunday from the Health
Expressway into Rest and Service both sides of the Bemban RSA under management solutions from its Ministry to temporarily suspend
Areas (RSA). the Dealer Own, Dealer Operate associate company Tanand He said the project has been part its operations until Sept 30 for
arrangement, where GFM will Technology Sdn Bhd, an Internet of of the group’s plans to accelerate its carrying out disinfecting
GFM executive vice-chairman construct, own Things solutions provider. growth and the partnership with exercise on the entire premises.
Ruslan Nordin said the Bemban lay- and operate Amzass enabled the group to enlarge
bys are equipped with basic facilities these petrol “We have its scope of services and fortify its RESTU AG TO BRING
such as washrooms, surau and stations. experience in position in the concessions segment. FAVIMOL TO SE ASIA
roadside food stalls. providing total
“High-power asset lifecycle Amzass has been authorised by PETALING JAYA: Private equity
“The lay-bys will be developed electric vehicle solutions to the Malaysian Highway Authority to investment holding company
into a modern and contemporary (EV) charging greenfield upgrade the existing facilities of the Restu AG Group’s wholly-owned
RSA featuring full facilities with the stations will also be built, offering on- development of Bemban lay-bys, as well as to unit Norazu Bhd has entered
aim of delivering an optimum the-go convenience to drivers who public infrastructures that construct a petrol station on both into a distribution agreement
experience to visitors. With a want to recharge their EVs during incorporate environmental, social sides of the proposed RSA. The with Neutec Ilac San Tic AS to be
combined gross floor area of 20,000 their travels,“ it said. and governance elements to make the Bemban lay-bys are situated in the sole distributor and supplier
square metre, the proposed two- facilities carbon neutral. Malacca, between the RSA of Ayer of the generic antiviral drug
storey RSA will have a bigger Ruslan said the construction of the “The PLUS North-South Keroh, Malacca and Pagoh, Johor. Favimol used to treat Covid-19
commercial space with a variety of RSA and petrol station is anticipated Expressway links major cities and across the Southeast Asia region.
food and retail stalls, kiosks, outlets. to commence in 2022 with an towns in West Peninsular Malaysia The JV is pursuant to the heads of The drug contains the active
Apart from having a food hall, we estimated capital expenditure of and is a significant mover of people agreement between the two parties ingredient Favipiravir used to
intend to bring in major convenience, RM80 million, which will be funded and goods. for GFM to acquire up to 70%-stake in treat infections caused by novel
by GFM’s internally generated funds “About 25,000 travelers visit the Amzass. or re-emerging influenza-type
viruses and other RNA viruses.
PETALING JAYA: Public Bank Bhd
has bagged three awards at the
Malaysian e-Payments Excellence
Awards 2021 for its outstanding
contribution towards the growth
of Malaysia’s e-payment
ecosystem. It was awarded with
the Best MyDebit Bank, Best
MyDebit (Acquirer – Bank), and
Best IBG Bank. The bank has been
a seasoned winner of these
awards throughout the years.
12 theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Fed expected to stay
SUNBIZ cautious as economy
sends mixed signals
Supply chain risks top
concern of Asia Pacific CEOs WASHINGTON: With the United States on the
upswing from the Covid-19 pandemic, the
oKPMGglobal survey Top three threats to growth ranked by CEOs in Asia Pacific Federal Reserve is expected to weigh in this
finds 59% of chief execs in week on whether the economy is healthy
region moreoptimisticnow Rank 2021 2020 2019 enough to begin withdrawing stimulus
about economic recovery measures credited with aiding the revival.
1 Supply chain risk Talent risk Environmental/climate
PETALING JAYA: A global survey conducted change risk But the two-day meeting of the policy-
by KPMG International found that 59% of setting Federal Open Market Committee
CEOs in Asia Pacific (Apac) are more 2 Cyber security risk Supply chain risk Emerging/disruptive (FOMC) beginning today ultimately may be a
confident about economic recovery technology risk static event, like many others in recent months.
compared with earlier this year, but they are
also increasingly concerned about the risk to 3 Emerging/disruptive Return to territorialism Return to territorialism Analysts do not expect the Fed to
their supply chains. technology risk and cyber security risk immediately begin the much-expected slowing
of its massive bond purchases, and while the
The KPMG 2021 CEO Outlook surveyed Source: 2021 Global CEO Outlook, KPMG International committee will release updated economic
more than 1,300 global CEOs about their forecasts, few big changes are expected from
strategies and outlook over a three-year growth objectives. CEOs are focused instead on providing BRIEFSprevious estimates released three months ago.
horizon. Among almost 500 CEOs in Asia Other key findings within Asia Pacific: increased flexibility for their workforce with 41%
Pacific, 66% of them stated that their supply looking to invest in shared office spaces. The FOMC “likes to prepare markets for any
chains have been under increasing stress 0 Scrutiny on environmental, social and Furthermore, 34% will look to implement a major change,” said Joe Brusuelas, chief
over the past 18 months. It is thus governance (ESG) continues to rise hybrid model of working, where most employees economist at RSM US.
unsurprising that CEOs ranked supply chain Some 70% of CEOs face increased demands work remotely two to three days a week.
risk as their top threat to growth this year. from stakeholders for more reporting and 0 People-powered digital agility The FOMC will convene as the economy
transparency on ESG issues, with pressures While 68% of CEOs are placing more capital sends mixed signals about two of the central
KPMG Malaysia managing partner Datuk predominantly coming from institutional investment in buying new technology, they bank’s top priorities: employment and prices.
Johan Idris observed that pre-pandemic, risks investors (57%) and regulators (31%). are also looking to build human capability
to the supply chain had been steadily gaining However, 42% stated that a key challenge with 49% planning to invest in digital training, The United States added a disappointing
attention due to increasing volatility from when communicating their ESG performance development and upskilling to ensure 235,000 new jobs last month, though there
trade tensions and climate-driven events but to stakeholders is the struggle to create a employees’ skills remain future-focused. were better employment gains in prior months
were still considered a low priority for CEOs. compelling ESG story. as Americans returned to positions lost to
Covid-19 business closures or found new ones.
“However, the pandemic brought this 0 Reaching net zero with government support “It is evident that our combined
issue into sharper focus as organisations About 81% believe that government stimulus experience over the past years have continued The rebounding economy has spurred a
struggled to maintain supply chain will be required if all businesses are to reach to prepare us in imagining what our new sharp uptick in inflation this year, but in August,
continuity during worldwide lockdowns.” net zero. Roughly the same percentage (80%) reality would look like. A major lesson is the the consumer price index grew at a slower pace
agree that large corporations have resources need to change our ways and work together. than in prior months. – AFP
Apac CEOs continue to recognise the to help governments find solutions to Successful CEOs will be those that connect a
importance of building resilient, flexible pressing global challenges, which showcases trusted purpose with digital agility to drive YELLEN URGES CONGRESS
supply chains. Some 36% have stated an that CEOs recognise that greater public- growth and prosperity,” concluded Johan. TO RAISE DEBT LIMIT TO
intention to monitor deeper into their supply private partnerships are needed to better AVOID FINANCIAL CRISIS
chain to better anticipate potential problems, address ESG issues. The survey was conducted from June 29 to
while 34% will diversify sources of input by 0 Changing sentiment on the future of work Aug 6, and included leaders from Malaysia and WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Janet
adding new locations of inputs to make their Just 18% of CEOs now say they are planning to 11 key markets (Australia, Canada, China, Yellen pleaded on Sunday for Congress to
supply chain more resilient. downsize, or have already downsized, their France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK raise the debt ceiling in order to avoid a
organisation’s physical footprint. This is a and US) and 11 key industry sectors (asset “historic financial crisis.” In an editorial
Meanwhile, 14% will prioritise reconfiguring dramatic shift from August 2020 where 75% management, automotive, banking, consumer published in The Wall Street Journal, Yellen
their supply chain to provide greater resiliency stated their intention to downsize their space. and retail, energy, infrastructure, insurance, points out that the United States has
and more consistent access to achieve their life sciences, manufacturing, technology, and always raised the debt ceiling before
telecommunications). exceeding its limit. “The US has never
defaulted. Not once. Doing so would likely
China Evergrande shares dive to over 11-year lows precipitate a historic financial crisis,“ Yellen
wrote. “Default could trigger a spike in
HONG KONG: China Evergrande Group The stock closed down 10.2% at HK$2.28 broader property sector as well as the yuan, interest rates, a steep drop in stock prices
shares plunged yesterday to over 11-year (RM1.23), after earlier plummeting 19% to its which fell to a three-week low of 6.4831 per and other financial turmoil.” The debt
lows, extending losses as executives try to weakest level since May 2010. dollar in offshore trade. ceiling prohibits the US from borrowing
salvage its business prospects and as default more than the current US$28.4 trillion
fears grow over a looming deadline for The company’s property management unit Shares of Sunac, China’s No. 4 property (RM119 trillion) limit if not raised. – AFP
payment obligations this week. dropped 11.3%, while its electric car unit developer, tumbled 10.5%, while state-backed
declined 2.7%. Movie streaming company Greentown China shed closer to 6.7%. THAILAND INCREASES
Evergrande has been scrambling to raise Hengten Net, majority-owned by Evergrande, GOVT BORROWING
funds to pay its many lenders, suppliers and plummeted 9.5%. Other property firms were also in the firing CEILING TO 70% OF GDP
investors, with regulators warning that its line, with Henderson Land losing 13.2% and
US$305 billion (RM1.28 trillion) of liabilities Evergrande is due to pay US$83.5 million New World Development more than 12%. Sun BANGKOK: Thailand has increased the
could spark broader risks to the country’s interest on Sept 23 for its March 2022 bond. It Hung Kai Properties shed 10.3%. Sinic ceiling of its public debt-to-gross domestic
financial system if not stabilised. has another US$47.5 million interest payment Holdings called a trading halt after its shares product (GDP) ratio to 70% from 60%,
due on Sept 29 for March 2024 notes . Both crashed 87% – wiping out US$1.3 billion from Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith
With the property sector accounting for bonds would default if Evergrande fails to chairman Zhang Yuanlin’s wealth, leaving him said in a statement yesterday, allowing the
more than a quarter of Chinese gross domestic settle the interest within 30 days of the with US$250 million, according to Forbes. government to raise more funds to help a
product, there are concerns of a spillover into scheduled payment dates. struggling economy. The higher debt
the domestic and global economy. Hong Kong’s Heng Seng Index was down ceiling will provide room for the
The company’s woes also pressured the 3.3%. – Reuters, AFP government to borrow more for fiscal
policies in the medium term if required,
Indonesia clings to coal despite green vision for economy while maintaining good debt servicing
ability, Arkhom said. The new debt limit was
JAKARTA: Even as Indonesia wins cautious industry that contributed US$38 billion of Indonesia and miners are among the approved by the fiscal and monetary policy
praise from some green groups for ambitious (RM159.2 billion) in export earnings in the first biggest taxpayers. committee, chaired by Prime Minister
plans to cut carbon emissions, the world’s seven months of 2021. Prayuth Chan-ocha. It will be reviewed at
biggest exporter of thermal coal shows no The government has been encouraging least every three years. As of July, the debt-
sign of weaning itself off the polluting fuel “We are phasing out coal power plants. But miners to invest in production of dimethyl to-GDP ratio was at 55.59%. – Reuters
any time soon. if you ask whether we’re closing down mines, ether (DME) from coal. It has touted DME as a
we have the coal and there are other replacement for imported liquefied US OPENS PROBE INTO
Indonesia, the eighth-biggest carbon utilisation options,” Dadan Kusdiana, the petroleum gas and a feed stock for chemicals 30 MILLION VEHICLES
emitter, recently brought forward its goal for energy ministry’s head of renewable energy, and fertiliser. OVER AIRBAG INFLATORS
net zero emissions from 2070 to 2060 or told Reuters.
sooner, ahead of the United Nations Climate Making DME requires burning coal, so it WASHINGTON: US auto safety
Change Conference in Glasgow in November, The UN’s climate change report warned that needs to be paired with CCS to be investigators have opened a new probe
and joined a US-led Global Methane Pledge. global warming was dangerously close to being environmentally friendly, Dadan said. into 30 million vehicles built by nearly two
out of control in what has been described as “a dozen automakers with potentially
It also plans to stop commissioning new death knell for coal and fossil fuels”. Coal power generation is Indonesia’s defective Takata airbag inflators, a
coal-fired power plants and phase out coal for second-biggest emissions source after government document seen by Reuters on
electricity by 2056 under a new, greener long- Still, Indonesia is exploring ways to keep deforestation, contributing 35% of its 1,262 Sunday showed. The National Highway
term economic vision. consuming and extracting value from coal by gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent a year, Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on
using carbon capture and storage (CCS) government data showed. Friday opened an engineering analysis
But – as with other coal producers such as technology, although environmentalists say into an estimated 30 million US vehicles
Australia and India – Indonesia is wrestling CCS is unproven and expensive. Indonesia consumes about 130 million from the 2001 through 2019 model years.
with how to balance its environmental targets tonnes of coal annually to fuel 60% of its 73 The new investigation includes vehicles
with the cost of pulling the plug on an With nearly 39 billion tonnes of reserves, gigawatt electricity capacity, and exports assembled by Honda Motor, Ford Motor,
coal remains the economic backbone of parts about three times that amount. – Reuters Toyota Motor, General Motors, Nissan
Motor, Subaru, Tesla, Ferrari NV, Nissan
Motor, Mazda, Daimler AG, BMW Chrysler
(now part of Stellantis NV), Porsche Cars,
Jaguar Land Rover and others. An
announcement from the NHTSA was
expected later yesterday. – Reuters
302 Jobs IN THE MATTER OF THE 322 Notices 13theSUN ON TUESDAY | SEPTEMBER 21, 2021
Registration No. IN THE MATTER OF MCLAREN star Daniel Ricciardo
Requirements: 199501003180 (332374-M) CONCRETE FLOORS ASIA SDN. BHD. believes Max Verstappen is still Verstappen still
· Minimum 1 year sales experience (In Members’ Voluntary Winding-Up) Registration No.: frustrated with Lewis Hamilton frustrated with Hamilton
At a General Meeting of the Company duly 201001031434 (915357-U) about their clash at Silverstone. over Silverstone clash
in newspaper and digital convened and held at Wisma Goshen, (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) Ricciardo managed to secure McLaren’s
advertising 2nd Floor, 60, 62 & 64 Jalan SS 22/21, At a General Meeting of the Company duly first win since 2012 at the Italian Grand Prix – on the track and that’s it. I guess he still maybe
· Attractive commission package Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, convened and held at Wisma Goshen, and his first trip to the top step of the podium was carrying a bit of anger or a little bit of
and incentive Selangor Darul Ehsan on Tuesday, 14th day 2nd Floor, 60, 62 & 64 Jalan SS 22/21, since Monaco in 2018. frustration from Silverstone.
· Able to start immediately of September, 2021, the following special Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya,
· Central, Northern, Southern, resolutions were duly passed: Selangor Darul Ehsan on Thursday, The Australian seized the lead early on and “Maybe that’s why he just said ‘stuff this’
East Coast and Sabah/Sarawak 1. THAT, the Company will be liquidated by 26th day of August, 2021 the following his job was made that bit easier when and walked away.
way of Members’ Voluntary Winding Up. Special Resolutions were duly passed: Verstappen and Hamilton collided and were
Send in your application with your 2. THAT, Ms. Lam Lee San and Ms. Lee Yee 1. THAT, the company will be liquidated by forced to retire early. “I think there were things where Lewis was
photo to [email protected] Ching, both of Norvic Corporate Services way of members’ voluntary winding up. trying to reverse and get out, look I’ve
Sdn. Bhd., Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor, 60, 2. THAT Mr. Tan Kee Huat and Ms. Lam Lee There was some level of controversy after probably already got too involved but maybe
322 Notices 62 & 64, Jalan SS 22/21, Damansara San both of Norvic Corporate Services the incident as Verstappen appeared to walk Max saw that and thought, ‘okay Lewis is fine,‘
Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Sdn. Bhd., Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor, away from the wreckage without but I don’t know.”
Darul Ehsan be appointed as Joint 60, 62 & 64 Jalan SS 22/21, Damansara checking on Hamilton –
and Several Liquidators to act for the Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor but Ricciardo insisted The eight-time Grand Prix winner is
purpose of winding-up the Company’s Darul Ehsan be appointed as Joint it was not what it confident the Dutchman would not have
affairs and distributing its assets. and Several Liquidators to act for the seemed. hesitated to come to Hamilton’s aid had
3. THAT, the said Liquidators be authorised purpose of winding-up the Company’s
to divide amongst the members in affairs and distributing its assets. “I know Max, the 36-year-old been injured.
specie or kind, the whole or any part 3. THAT the said Liquidators be authorised we were Ricciardo, who joined McLaren for
of the assets of the Company and may, to divide amongst the members in teammates for a the start of the current campaign,
for such purpose, set such value as specie or kind, the whole or any part few years,” also refused to criticise Verstappen
they deem fair upon any property to be of the assets of the Company and may, Ricciardo told for attempting the move.
divided as aforesaid and may determine for such purpose, set such value as the Pardon “If we go through an accident and
how such division shall be carried out as they deem fair upon any property to be My Take
between the members. divided as aforesaid and may determine podcast. we know the other driver was injured,
Ng Hock Chong how such division shall be carried out as I’m 100% sure we would all try to help, we
Director between the members. “ T h a t ’s wouldn’t just turn our backs,” he added.
Dated this 21st day of September, 2021. Khoo Wing Wah him, he is a
IN THE MATTER OF THE Director competitor, he’ll “I don’t think what Max did was
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Dated this 21st day of September, 2021. leave it stupid, he saw an opportunity and went
IN THE MATTER OF THE for it, but it was obviously not the best
and COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Verstappen
IN THE MATTER OF (manoeuvre).”
INDAH MARINE RESOURCES SDN. BHD. AND Formula 1 returns for the Russian
Registration No. IN THE MATTER OF
199501003180 (332374-M) CONCRETE FLOORS ASIA SDN. BHD. Grand Prix in Sochi this weekend, with
(In Members’ Voluntary Winding-Up) Registration No.: 201001031434 Red Bull’s Verstappen holding a
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors slender five-point lead over
of the above Company are required to send (915357-U) seven-time world champion
in their names and addresses and the (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) Hamilton. – Express
particulars of their debts or claims and the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors Newspapers
names and addresses of their solicitors (if of the above Company are required to send
any), to the undersigned (the Liquidators of in their names and addresses and the
the said Company) at the belowmentioned particulars of their debts or claims and the
address by 5.00 p.m. on 22nd day of names and addresses of their solicitors (if
October, 2021:- any), to the undersigned (the Liquidators of
c/o Norvic Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd. the said Company) at the belowmentioned
Reg. No. 200201033104 (600769-D) address by 5.00 p.m. on 22 October 2021:-
Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor c/o Norvic Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd.
60, 62 & 64 Jalan SS 22/21
Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor
Damansara Jaya 60, 62 & 64 Jalan SS 22/21
47400 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan Damansara Jaya
The creditors (either through their 47400 Petaling Jaya
solicitors or personally) who do not Selangor Darul Ehsan
file their debts and claims on or before The creditors (either through their
the specified date and time above will solicitors or personally) who do not
be excluded from the benefit of any file their debts and claims on or before
distribution made. the specified date and time above will
Lam Lee San (f) be excluded from the benefit of any
Lee Yee Ching (f) distribution made.
Liquidators Tan Kee Huat
Dated this 21st day of September, 2021. Lam Lee San (f)
DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI Dated this 21st day of September, 2021. 322 Notices BRIEFS down five-time champions
SHAH ALAM Kohli to quit as Mumbai to 136-8. “I felt Rutu and
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI RCB skipper Bravo got us more than what we
NO: BA-28NCC-419-09/2021 Sunday that he will step down as get close to 160 was
MALAYSIA In the matter of Sections 466(1)(A) of JOHOR DARUL TA’ZIM, MALAYSIA captain of his Indian Premier tremendous.”
PETISYEN PENGGULUNGAN SYARIKAT the Companies Act 2016; NO. PENGGULUNGAN League side Royal Challengers
Bangalore (RCB) after the Clarke wins after playoff
NO : BA-28NCC-399-08/2021 And SYARIKAT: JA-28NCC-86-08/2021 ongoing edition of the Twenty20
In the matter of HITTI BUILDERS Dalam Perkara Seksyen 466 Akta Syarikat- tournament. “This will be my last DARREN CLARKE of Northern
Dalam perkara Seksyen 466 Akta Syarikat SDN BHD [Company Registration No. Syarikat 2016; leg in the IPL as captain of RCB,” Ireland made a birdie on the
2016 201601036543) Kohli said in a video message on second playoff hole yesterday to
Dan his team’s Twitter feed, three days win the Sanford International for
Dan BETWEEN Dalam Perkara YM FURNITURE DESIGN after his decision to also quit his third Champions Tour title of
BESTWELD STEEL SYSTEM SDN BHD (M) SDN.BHD. India’s T20 captaincy at the end the season. Clarke, Steve Flesch
Dalam perkara SL FREIGHT SYSTEM (Company No.: 200001022897) (No. Syarikat: 1199808-x) of the World Cup in October- and South Korea’s KJ Choi
(M) SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: November. “This has been on my headed to a three-way playoff
199601026985(399337-K)] ...PETITIONER ANTARA mind for a while as I recently after tying atop the leaderboard
AND LEE TAT LEE HARDWARE SDN. BHD. announced stepping down from at 12-under 198 at Minnehaha
ARTHA LOGISTICS SDN BHD HITTI BUILDERS SDN. BHD. (NO. SYARIKAT: 437261-W) the T20 captaincy to manage my Country Club in Sioux Falls,
[No. Syarikat: 803505-M] (Company No.: 201601036543) workload which has been South Dakota. The trio finished
…PEMPETISYEN immense for so many years and I two shots ahead of Spain’s
...PEMPETISYEN ... RESPONDENT DAN want to be committed to the Miguel Angel Jimenez and
ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION YM FURNITURE DESIGN (M) SDN.BHD. responsibilities I am fulfilling. I Australia’s Rod Pampling, who
DAN NOTICE is hereby given that a petition (NO. SYARIKAT : 1199808-X) felt I needed this space to tied for fourth at 10-under. US
for winding-up of the abovenamed refresh, to regroup and be Ryder Cup captain Steve Stricker
SL FREIGHT SYSTEM (M) SDN BHD company by the High Court was, on ...RESPONDEN absolutely clear in how I want to placed sixth at 9-under with
[No. Syarikat: 199601026985 the 13 September 2021, presented IKLAN PETISYEN move forward.” three straight rounds of 67.
(399337-K)] ...RESPONDEN by Bestweld Steel System Sdn. Bhd., NOTIS ADALAH DENGAN INI DIBERI bahawa
322 Notices having its address at 75B, Jalan Kenari suatu Petisyen untuk penggulungan Super Kings down Ko comes out tops
NOTIS IKLAN PETISYEN 20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas oleh Mumbai in IPL opener in Portland
Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. And Mahkamah Tinggi telah pada 02 OGOS
IN THE MATTER OF 322 Notices NOTIS ADALAH DENGAN INI DIBERI bahawa that the said petition is directed to be 2021 dikemukakan oleh LEE TAT LEE INDIA’S Ruturaj Gaikwad SOUTH KOREA’S Jin Young Ko
WAWASAN TUAS SDN. BHD. satu Petisyen untuk Penggulungan heard before the Court sitting at Shah HARDWARE SDN.BHD. (No. Syarikat: smashed an unbeaten 88 as shot a 3-under 69 yesterday to
(Company No. 199501042112 IN THE MATTER OF Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas oleh Alam at 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon, 437261-W). Chennai Super Kings beat win the rain-shortened Cambia
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam telah pada on the 3rd day of January 2022; and DAN bahawa Petisyen tersebut telah holders Mumbai Indians by 20 Portland Classic by four shots. Ko
(371316-D) 30 haribulan Ogos, 2021, dikemukakan any creditor or contributory of the diarahkan supaya dibicarakan di runs in the first match of the finished at 11-under 205,
(In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) AND oleh ARTHA LOGISTICS SDN BHD (NO. said company desiring to support or Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Johor Bahru revived Indian Premier League comfortably ahead of South
IN THE MATTER OF SYARIKAT: 803505-M) yang beralamat di oppose the making of an order on the pada hari RABU bersamaan dengan 06 yesterday. The 14th edition of the Korea’s Jeongeun Lee and
NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING VILA PROPERTY SDN. BHD. Lot 9002, Jalan Telok Gong, 42000 Port said petition may appear at the time OKTOBER 2021 jam 9.00 pagi. Covid-hit Twenty20 tournament Australia’s Su Oh. Both golfers
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to [201801023429 (1285449-A)] Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. of hearing by himself or his counsel DAN mana-mana pihak pemiutang atau resumed in the United Arab shot 69 yesterday. The event was
Section 459 of the Companies Act, 2016 MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP for that purpose; and a copy of the penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang ingin Emirates with limited spectators shortened to 54 holes after the
that the final meeting of the abovenamed At a general meeting of the members of DAN bahawa Petisyen tersebut diarahkan petition will be furnished to any creditor menyokong atau menentang sesuatu back in the stands in Dubai. third round at Oregon Golf Club
Company will be held on Wednesday, VILA PROPERTY SDN. BHD. duly convened supaya dibicarakan di hadapan or contributory of the said company perintah mengikut Petisyen tersebut boleh Ruturaj, an opening batsman, at West Linn, Oregon, was
27th October 2021 at 2.00 pm at Suite and held on the 20th day of September Mahkamah yang bersidang di Mahkamah requiring the same by the undersigned hadir dengan tujuan itu secara peribadi lifted CSK from a precarious 24-4 washed out due to heavy rain.
1, No. 25, Jalan Meranti Merah, Melodies 2021, the Special Resolution set out below Tinggi Shah Alam pada pukul 9.00 pagi, on payment of the regulated charge for atau melalui peguambelanya pada to 156-6 with key partnerships The 26-year-old Ko shot a bogey-
Garden, 80250 Johor Bahru, Johor for the was duly passed. pada 30 haribulan November, 2021. the same. masa perbicaraan. Sesalinan Petisyen which took the attack to the free round yesterday to win her
following purposes:- MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP The Petitioner’s address is at 75B, Jalan tersebut akan dibekalkan oleh pihak opposition bowlers. Pace bowler ninth career LPGA event. It was
1. To receive an account from the RESOLVED that pursuant to Section DAN mana-mana pihak pemiutang atau Kenari 20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 yang bertandatangan di bawah ini kepada Dwayne Bravo then returned her first tour appearance since
439(1)(b) of the Companies Act 2016 penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang ingin Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. mana-mana pemiutang atau penyumbang figures of 3-25 from his four the Tokyo Olympics. “I had a lot
liquidators showing the manner the Company be liquidated by way of menyokong atau menentang sesuatu The Petitioner’s solicitors is WONG LU Syarikat tersebut dan kadar bayaran overs as Chennai bowlers kept of practice with my coach and
in which the winding up has been members’ voluntary winding up and that perintah mengikut Petisyen tersebut boleh PEEN & TUNKU ALINA, 21-6, Block B, The yang telah ditetapkan akan dikenakan had a lot of workouts,” Ko said.
conducted and to hear explanations CHOONG SIEW KAY of Suite 2110, 21st hadir dengan tujuan itu secara peribadi Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran oleh peguam Pempetisyen bagi salinan
that may be given by the liquidators. Floor, Plaza Permata, No. 6, Jalan Kampar, atau melalui peguambelanya pada masa Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. Petisyen tersebut.
2. To determine by ordinary resolution 50400 Kuala Lumpur, be appointed perbicaraan. Alamat Pempetisyen adalah di No. 15,
in the manner in which the books, as Liquidator to act for the purpose of signed Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya,
accounts and documents of the winding-up the company’s affairs and Salinan Petisyen tersebut akan dibekalkan …..…........................ 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor. Peguamcara
Company and the liquidators thereof distributing its assets and other relevant oleh pihak yang bertandatangan di bawah WONG LU PEEN & TUNKU ALINA bagi Pempetisyen ialah Tetuan Chng, Yin
shall be disposed of. matters relating thereto. ini kepada mana-mana pemiutang atau NOTE: & Co yang beralamat di No. 63A, Jalan
TANG AH MOI Dated this penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang Any person who intends to appear Dedap 6, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor
Liquidator 21st day of September 2021 meminta dengan bayaran yang ditetapkan. on the hearing of the said Petition Bahru, Johor.
Dated this 21 September 2021 WONG CHEE KIN must serve on or send by post to the
Johor Bahru Director Alamat Pempetisyen adalah di Lot 9002, abovenamed solicitors, notice in writing T.T.
Note : IN THE MATTER OF Jalan Telok Gong, 42000 Port Klang, of his intention so to do. The notice ….…………..........
A member entitled to attend and vote at THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 Selangor Darul Ehsan. must state the name and address of Peguamcara Pempetisyen
the above meeting is entitled to appoint the person, or, if a firm, the name and Tetuan Chng, Yin & Co.
a proxy to attend and vote instead of AND Peguamcara Pempetisyen ialah Tetuan address of the firm, and must be signed PERINGATAN:-
him. A proxy need not be a member of IN THE MATTER OF Puspalingam, Kasmani & Partners yang by the person or firm, or his or their Sesiapa yang ingin hadir pada
the company. VILA PROPERTY SDN. BHD. beralamat di No. 2-2-1 (2nd Floor), Lorong solicitor (if any) and must be served, perbicaraan petisyen tersebut hendaklah
[201801023429 (1285449-A)] Tingkat KS/01, Off Jalan Istana, 41000 or, if posted, must be sent by post in menyampaikan, atau menghantar dengan
MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. sufficient time to reach the abovenamed pos kepada Peguamcara yang dinamakan
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors not later than twelve o’clock noon of the di atas suatu notis bertulis tentang
of the abovenamed company which is ...........t.t.......... 2nd day of January 2022 (the day before niatnya sebegitu. Notis tersebut mestilah
being wound-up voluntarily are required Tetuan Puspalingam, the day appointed for the hearing of the menyatakan nama dan alamat pihak
on or before the 20th day of October 2021, Kasmani & Partners Petition). berkenaan, atau jika ia sebuah firma,
to send their names and addresses with (Peguamcara bagi pihak Pempetisyen) This Advertisement of Petition is taken nama dan alamat firma, dan mestsilah
particulars of their claims and the names out by WONG LU PEEN & TUNKU ALINA, ditandatangani oleh pihak atau firma
and addresses of their solicitors (if any) to NOTA:- 21-6, Block B, The Boulevard, Mid Valley berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, jika ada.
the undersigned liquidator at Suite 2110, Sesiapa yang ingin hadir pada hari City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Notis hendaklah disampaikan atau jika
21st Floor, Plaza Permata, No. 6, Jalan perbicaraan Petisyen tersebut hendaklah Lumpur, solicitors for the petitioner dihantar dengan pos, hendaklah dihantar
Kampar, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, and if so menyampaikan atau menghantar abovenamed whose address is at 75B, dalam jangkamasa mencukupi, supaya
required by notice in writing from the said dengan pos kepada Pempetisyen atau Jalan Kenari 20, Bandar Puchong Jaya, sampai kepada pihak yang dinamakan
liquidator, by their solicitors or personally peguamcaranya yang dinamakan di 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan diatas sebelum pukul 12 tengahari pada
to come in and prove their said claims at atas suatu notis bertulis tentang niatnya [Petitioner’s solicitors’ telephone no.: 05 Oktober 2021 (sehari sebelum tarikh
such time and place as shall be specified sebegitu. Notis tersebut mestilah 03-29388833 Facsimile : 03-29388811] yang ditetapkan untuk pendengaran
in such notice, or in default thereof, may menyatakan nama dan alamat pihak [File reference : L3 15798] Petisyen tersebut) [Ruj kami: CYCO/GL/
be excluded from the benefits of any berkenaan, atau jika ia sebuah firma, WU/9520/05-2021]
distribution made before such claims are nama dan alamat firma, dan mestilah
proved. ditandatangani oleh pihak atau firma
Dated this 21st day of September 2021 berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, jika ada.
CHOONG SIEW KAY Notis hendaklah disampaikan, atau jika
Liquidator dihantar dengan pos, hendaklah dihantar
dalam jangkamasa yang mencukupi,
supaya sampai kepada pihak yang
dinamakan di atas sebelum pukul 12
tengahari pada 29 haribulan November,
2021 (sehari sebelum tarikh yang
ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan Petisyen
[Ruj. Kami: PKP/KP/7486/21/CVL(Winding
Up)/Tel: 03-3371 4150/03-3372 1155/
Faks: 03-3373 0746]
Messi decision Real late show Bayern stay top
for good of Ancelotti salutes Madrid fighting spirit after comeback win after Wolfsburg
team: Pochettino REAL MADRID coach Carlo Ancelotti held at home
praised his side for refusing to give in Real Madrid forwards, we are lucky to have
PARIS ST GERMAIN manager Mauricio even when they were playing poorly, them,” he told Spanish sports daily Marca. “But I WOLFSBURG lost their 100% record yesterday,
Pochettino has defended his decision to with his side snatching a 2-1 La Liga win am satisfied with everyone. missing the chance to regain top spot in the
substitute forward Lionel Messi in at Valencia after scoring two late goals yesterday. Bundesliga as their 1-1 home draw against
yesterday’s 2-1 win over Olympique “Hazard was good, Camavinga was good. The Eintracht Frankfurt meant defending
Lyonnais in the French Ligue 1 and said Valencia took the lead in the second half with three forwards were fantastic and then, in the champions Bayern Munich finish the weekend
the Argentine was okay with being taken a strike from Hugo Duro but Vinicius Jr levelled second half, when we were controlling the play, first in the table on goal difference.
off. in the 86th minute before sending in a cross for they were very dangerous in the area.”
Karim Benzema to head the visitors in front two After winning their four previous league
Messi, making his third appearance minutes later. The defeat was hard to digest for Valencia games, Wolfsburg’s draw leaves them level on
for the side, hit the woodwork but failed coach Jose Bordalas, whose side overcame first 13 points, but second on goal difference behind
to score on his Parc des Princes debut Real also pulled off a last-gasp victory in the half injuries to Carlos Soler and Thierry Correia Bayern, who thrashed Bochum 7-0 on Sunday.
and was substituted in the 75th minute Champions League by beating Inter Milan with and had dominated the game until Real’s late
with the score at 1-1. an 89th-minute goal from Rodrygo while they fightback. Wolfsburg fell behind when Frankfurt striker
have now scored six goals in the final five Sam Lammers curled his shot inside the post
The 34-year-old former Barcelona minutes in five games in all competitions this “We’re sad because the team made an and beyond the reach of home goalkeeper
player looked puzzled when he was season. incredible effort after the problems we had with Koen Casteels just before the break.
replaced with fullback Achraf Hakimi and Carlos and Correia,” he said.
exchanged words with Pochettino as he “I have a team that scraps and fights whether Wolfsburg striker Wout Weghorst slammed
walked off the pitch. they are playing well or playing badly,” Ancelotti “We did exactly what we wanted to do and his fists into the turf after firing a golden chance
told reporters. played much better than them, pressing them over the bar, but made amends by putting the
“I think we all know we have great high and controlling the game. We played 75 hosts level 20 minutes from time, firing in from
players in this 35-man squad. Only 11 “We didn’t beat them thanks to our quality, perfect minutes but we couldn’t afford to drop a tight angle after.
can play, we can’t play more,” Pochettino we did it thanks to our indomitable spirit. We
told reporters. kept going right until the end.” our concentration for even a Earlier, Erling Braut Haaland scored with a
second. stunning lob as his two-goal haul helped
“The decisions in the game are made The win took Real to the top of the standings “We were a little unlucky Borussia Dortmund hold off Union Berlin with a
for the good of the team and each but Ancelotti believes his side are still far from but we should have 4-2 home win to go third, a point behind
player. their best. managed the last few Bayern and Wolfsburg.
minutes better. We didn’t
“Every coach thinks about that. “We have quite a young team and I’ll be the read the game well and “Erling is simply a goal-hunting machine.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it first person to admit we’re not playing ended up paying for our When he sees a chance to put the ball in the
doesn’t. Sometimes players like it and spectacular football at the moment,” he said. mistakes.” – Reuters net, his eyes light up and a fire is lit,” Dortmund
sometimes they don’t. At the end of the defender Mats Hummels told DAZN.
day, that’s why we’re here. “We didn’t play well in the first half,
we attacked well on the break but we However, the Dortmund defender was less
“These are decisions that have to be were pegged back a lot and when you impressed with how the hosts allowed Union
made by the coach. As for his reaction, I sit too deep it’s easy to concede back into the game.
asked him how he was, he said he was goals.”
okay. That was it. That was our exchange.” “I was very happy up until 3-0, then we
Ancelotti went on to praise allowed an opponent back into the game who
A stoppage-time goal by Mauro Icardi Vinicius and Benzema, but were finished,” he said. – AFP
earned PSG a victory as the leaders highlighted that the other
maintained their perfect record with 18 attackers played a key role as well. TOUCHLINES
points. – Reuters
“Vinicius and Benzema are BARCELONA are preparing to bid for Borussia
Koeman not Dortmund and Norway striker Erling Braut
worried about Haaland, 21, Manchester United’s France star
his future Paul Pogba, 28, and Spain playmaker Dani
Olmo, 23.
BARCELONA coach Ronald Koeman said Real Madrid’s Karim WITH Pogba’s Manchester United contract set to
he is not worried about his future Benzema (centre) vies expire next summer, the club are prepared to
despite criticism in the wake of last with Valencia’s Toni offer a £400,000-a-week (RM2.3m) deal to make
week’s drubbing by Bayern Munich in Lato (left) and Daniel him the highest paid Premier League player of all
the Champions League. Wass during their time.
Spanish La Liga match ENGLAND midfielder Jesse Lingard, 28, and
“The only thing is to think about the at the Mestalla stadium Ivory Coast defender Eric Bailly, 27, are among
game, think about the team,” the 58- yesterday. – AFPPIX seven players who could be sold by
year-old coach said. “The other things Manchester United in a January clearout.
are not in my hands.” CHELSEA will go head-to-head with Juventus for
Monaco’s France U-21 midfielder Aurelien
Barcelona were outclassed and Tchouameni, 21, in January.
beaten 3-0 by Bayern in last LIVERPOOL,Tottenham and Juventus are set
Wednesday’s group stage match, with to battle it out for Bayern Munich and France
Koeman’s team failing to register a single winger Kingsley Coman, 25.
shot on target over the 90 minutes. CHELSEA are also interested in Coman after
Bayern Munich’s ex-sporting director tipped him
In La Liga, the Catalan club are in to leave the club.
10th spot, six points behind leaders and TOTTENHAM and England striker Harry Kane,
arch-rivals Real Madrid. But Barcelona 28, may still be feeling the effects of his failed
have two games in hand, and Koeman Manchester City transfer this summer.
was confident his injury-ravaged team JUVENTUS were set to sign Gianluigi
would return to winning ways. Donnarumma, 22, on a free from AC Milan this
summer, but had to withdraw for financial rea-
“So I’m calm, I’m trusting that we are sons, allowing Paris St-Germain to bring in the
going to win games as we did at the Italy goalkeeper.
beginning of the season. We have seven PSG sporting director Leonardo has dismissed
points from three games, so there are a suggestions that Argentina forward Lionel
lot of games to go. Messi, 34, will earn more than £30m (RM172m)
per season during his three-year contract.
“I know, in the end, the results MANCHESTER UNITED are in contact with
count and nothing else. And I have no Portugal midfielder Bruno Fernandes, 27, and
fear for my future. Ultimately the England defender Luke Shaw, 26, over new con-
president decides on behalf of the club.” tracts.
– Reuters ARSENAL are lining up a £20m (RM115m) bid
for Dutch U-21 and Club Bruges winger Noa
Angry Allegri relieved after Juve earn point Lang, 22.
FORMER Manchester United captain Roy Keane
ANGRY Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri “Tonight I’m quite angry. The team played substitutions,” Allegri added. “I got it wrong. has defended England winger Jadon Sancho over
said it was lucky the final whistle blew in the 1- well in the first half, only conceding a long shot “I should have put more defensive players the 21-year-old’s slow start to his OldTrafford
1 home draw with AC Milan yesterday because to Milan. career.
his team could have lost. on and put the 1-0 lead under lock and key. I
“In the end, we even risked losing despite take responsibility for that.”
Juve took an early 1-0 lead thanks to Alvaro the fact that until they equalised we were in
Morata’s strike and looked in control going total control. Milan coach Stefano Pioli praised his side
into the latter stages but they spurned a for coming from behind to take a point,
chance to earn their first Serie A win of the “Unfortunately we lost attention and especially given the injury absentees.
season. determination… we have to improve even if
the team are to take a step forward.” “We conceded a goal where we made too
Ante Rebic equalised late in the second half many naive mistakes, which allowed Juve to
and Milan had chances to win as the Turin side Allegri also shouldered some of the blame defend deep and counter in the first half,” he
failed to keep a Serie A clean sheet for the first for a result that leaves Juve languishing in 18th told DAZN.
time since early March. place on two points from four matches after
bringing on forwards Moise Kean, Federico “As always, Milan do not lack desire,
“Luckily the referee whistled for the end Chiesa and Dejan Kulusevski in the second character, determination and grit, so we
otherwise we could have lost it,” Allegri told half. continued seeking the victory throughout the
DAZN. match. I have always seen my players ready to
“I will admit that I made mistakes on the overcome their limitations.” – Reuters
Pundits slam Tottenham’s lack of energy
SKY SPORTS pundit Roy Keane has sluggish performance. “The game is 90 minutes long, they body language today, his the line, that comes from within, we
vented his anger about Tottenham “I thought Chelsea were excellent, done well in the first half, it doesn’t performance today… oh my can criticise maybe the coach and a
Hotspur’s lack of energy in the second matter. goodness. lot of other stuff but get to the ball,
half of their 3-0 defeat to Chelsea. we know what they’re about, real stop the shot.”
quality, a lot of energy, desire, men vs “It’s over the course of the game, “I’m pretty angry watching Spurs,
Spurs were the better side in the boys,” Keane told Sky. you get through your difficult spells, you talk about Football, the second Fellow pundit Graeme Souness
first half, heading into the break 0-0 try and survive, stay in the game. goal the difference between desire waded in, saying: “Spurs looked a
but the Blues came out in the second “I can’t believe how poor Spurs and wanting to win a football match team that’s not a team, they’re making
45 to score three goals to go joint top were but you can have an off day and “Chelsea had an amazing team you we seen that. fundamental mistakes which led to
of the Premier League. lose to quality but lack of desire like seen it with the substitutions they goals at this level you don’t do the
we saw with the second and probably brought on, pure quality. “Tottenham players not doing the basics right you get punished.” –
The loss sees Tottenham in third, all the goals. Talk about putting basics, I’m talking about closing Express Newspapers/The Independent
seventh and Keane fumed at their your body on the line. “I’ve no problem with Tottenham someone down, putting your body on
being short of quality, even Kane’s
saves ‘Be careful with Virgil’
(Maupay 35-pen, Welbeck 50) Leicester 1 (Vardy LIVERPOOL vice-captain James
61), Tottenham 0 Chelsea 3 (Silva 49, Kante One of Leicester’s two Milner admits they have to look
57, Rudiger 90+2), West Ham 1 (Benrahma 30) disallowed goals should after Virgil Van Dijk even if the
Manchester United 2 (Ronaldo 35, Lingard have stood, says Rodgers players think he is Superman. The
89). Netherlands captain was rested for
the midweek victory over AC Milan,
P W D L F A Pts but returned to play his fifth full 90
Chelsea 5 4 1 0 12 1 13 minutes in the Premier League this
Liverpool 5 4 1 0 12 1 13 season since making a successful
Man Utd 5 4 1 0 13 4 13 recovery from ACL knee surgery
Brighton 5 4 0 1 7 4 12 last October as Crystal Palace were
Man City 5 3 1 1 11 1 10 beaten 3-0. “We all think Virg is
Everton 5 3 1 1 10 7 10 Superman and he is, 99 times out
Tottenham 5 3 0 2 3 5 9 of 100,” said the veteran midfielder.
West Ham 5 2 2 1 11 7 8 “But the injury that he has come
Brentford 5 2 2 1 5 2 8 back from – and to look as good as
Aston Villa 5 2 1 2 8 7 7 he has done since he has come
Watford 520368 6 back – you know, he’s not 21. To do
Leicester 5 2 0 3 5 8 6 what he has done since he’s been
Arsenal 520329 6 back is incredible. It shows what a
Crystal Palace 5 1 2 2 5 8 5 good player he is, what a mentality
Southampton 5 0 4 1 4 6 4 he has. But he needs looking after
Wolves 510425 3 as well, no matter how angry he
Leeds 5 0 3 2 5 12 3 gets at being left out of the team.
Newcastle 5 0 2 3 6 13 2 He is going to need looking after
Burnley 501439 1 and that is rotation.”
Norwich 5 0 0 5 2 14 0
Kane salutes Greaves
LA LIGA: Mallorca 0 Villarreal 0, Real Brighton’s Danny Welbeck (left) celebrates scoring the second goal with teammates during their
Sociedad 0 Sevilla 0, Real Betis 2 (Willian English Premier League match against Leicester yesterday. – REUTERSPIX HARRY KANE says he is inspired to
Jose 41, Fekir 45+4) Espanyol 2 (Aleix 16, beat the goalscoring numbers of
Cabrera 90+7), Valencia 1 (Duro Perales 66) █ SONIA TWIGG why on that one Barnsey is half blocking him. former Tottenham striker Jimmy
Real Madrid 2 (Vinicius Junior 86, Benzema 88). “But definitely on the second one, the ball Greaves (pix) who died on Sunday
BRENDAN RODGERS was in no doubt that aged 81. Greaves is the club’s record
TOP 10 P W D L F A Pts one of Leicester’s disallowed equalisers in comes in, Barnes is moving out, everything’s in goalscorer with 266 goals in 279
Real Madrid 5 4 1 0 15 7 13 the 2-1 defeat at Brighton should have front of the goalkeeper, he can see it, it’s just a great appearances and has been
Atletico 5 3 2 0 7 4 11 stood. leap and a great header and at no time has he ever remembered as “finest marksmen
Valencia 5 3 1 1 10 4 10 The Seagulls found themselves on the right side blocked the view of the keeper. this country has ever seen”. England
Sociedad 5 3 1 1 6 4 10 of VAR throughout the game as Leicester had two captain Kane is second on the list,
Bilbao 523041 9 levellers ruled out in the final stages, with Harvey “The keeper is six foot five or whatever he is and 43 behind Greaves, and has hailed
Sevilla 422051 8 Barnes judged to be offside and obstructing the he’s seen it all the way, it was just a great header, so the England World Cup winner’s
Osasuna 522166 8 goalkeeper on both occasions. I think today we just never had the luck on our side numbers. “Frightening, really, how
Mallorca 522133 8 with those decisions and I think ultimately that cost good a player he was, the goal
Vallecano 521285 7 Neal Maupay put the hosts ahead from the us.” ratios that he returned, the goals he
Barcelona 321074 7 penalty spot in the 35th minute, sending Kasper scored year in, year out,” Kane told
Schmeichel the wrong way, and Danny Welbeck Brighton made the breakthrough through a Sky Sports. “For someone like me to
SERIE A: Empoli 0 Sampdoria 3 (Caputo 31, doubled Brighton’s lead just after the break with a penalty, when a ball into the box was headed by look at those numbers and try to
52, Candreva 70), Venezia 1 (Ceccaroni 59) well-timed header. Shane Duffy and struck Jannik Vestergaard’s hand achieve those numbers and
Spezia 2 (Bastoni 14, Bourabia 90+4), Verona 3 at close range, with referee Stuart Attwell pointing to hopefully one day go on to break
(Barak 49, Caprari 54, Faraoni 63) Roma 2 However, after going two goals behind, it was the spot after a discussion with his assistant. those numbers would be
(Pellegrini 36, Ilic 58-og), Lazio 2 (Immobile 45, Leicester who dominated, with Jamie Vardy pulling incredible.”
Cataldi 83) Cagliari 2 (Joao Pedro 46, Keita 62), one back just after the hour mark with his 150th goal “Probably like everyone, I think the first one was
Juventus 1 (Morata 4) AC Milan 1 (Rebic 76). for the club on his 250th Premier League never a penalty and I was disappointed with the
appearance. process in terms of how that was given but I think it
Inter Milan P W D L F A Pts was clear that it wasn’t a penalty,” Rodgers said.
AC Milan 4 3 1 0 15 4 10 VAR then came to Brighton’s rescue to leave the
Napoli 4 3 1 0 8 2 10 Foxes frustrated. Brighton manager Graham Potter admitted he
Roma 330062 9 had not seen the incidents back, but said his side
Fiorentina 4 3 0 1 11 5 9 “You see it in games, you’ll see teams that have were on the other end of decisions last season.
Udinese 430176 9 two around the goalkeeper, we’ve one around it, but
Lazio 321062 7 I don’t think there’s any doubt that we should have “I’ve not seen them back. Instinctively I thought
Atalanta 4 2 1 1 11 6 7 had at least one of those two given a goal,” Rodgers it was a handball for the penalty.
Bologna 421143 7 said.
Torino 421158 7 “The offside ones felt tight to me so they
420274 6 “The first one, I can see a little bit, it was similar wouldn’t surprise me if they very, very tight,” he
to Norwich, the type that comes in, it’s in the middle said.
BUNDESLIGA: VfB Stuttgart 1 Bayer of the goal, I think the keeper thinks that Jannik
Leverkusen 3, Borussia Dortmund 4 Union (Vestergaard) is going to head it and he misses it so “That’s life sometimes. It goes your way and it
Berlin 2, VfL Wolfsburg 1 Eintracht Frankfurt 1. it catches him by surprise. goes against you. I’m sure there will be a time when
it goes against us.
“I think he can see the ball but I can maybe see
“At the moment we’re happy but we’re not
getting too carried away. We know we’ve had a bit of
luck to get the three points.” – The Independent
P W D L F A Pts De Gea started pre-season early to revive career: Solskjaer
Bayern 5 4 1 0 20 4 13
Wolfsburg 5 4 1 0 7 2 13
Dortmund 5 4 0 1 17 11 12 DAVID DE GEA returned from holiday to start always behind De Gea and believed he could Declan Rice initially picked up the ball but
Leverkusen 5 3 1 1 15 7 10 pre-season early and revive his Manchester return to the form he has shown in the past. he handed it over to Noble, who was brought
Mainz 05 5 3 1 1 6 2 10 United career, manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer on to take the spot-kick.
Freiburg 523064 9 has revealed, after the goalkeeper’s dramatic Speaking after the match, Solskjaer said:
Cologne 5 2 2 1 9 7 8 penalty save earned victory at West Ham on “He came in pre-season and said: ‘I know I’m However, the 34-year-old’s poor effort was
Union Berlin 5 1 3 1 7 8 6 Sunday. supposed to be rested but I want to come saved by De Gea – leaving Hammers boss
Hertha Berlin 5 2 0 3 7 12 6 back early’ and that just shows his David Moyes red-faced.
Hoffenheim 5 1 2 2 8 7 5 The 30-year-old Spaniard stopped Mark determination.
Noble’s 95th minute spot kick to earn his side a “It was the last minute, I made the save,” De
FRENCH LIGUE 1: Nice 2 Monaco 2, Reims 0 2-1 win and keep their Premier League title “He’s come back focused, really determined, Gea explained. “A massive three points for us.
Lorient 0, Clermont 1 Brest 1, Troyes 1 challenge on course. with a desire to show who he is. Going through my head was ‘save the ball’.
Montpellier 1, Angers 1 Nantes 4, Marseille 2
Rennes 0, Paris Saint-Germain 2 Lyon 1. De Gea looked set to be phased out last “It’s his 11th season and we’ve never “It was a really tough game, both teams had
season as Dean Henderson began featuring for stopped believing in him, and it’s important good chances, again a great goal from Jesse.
Solskjaer’s men. that he also knows that.
“It is a massive three points. In the dressing
But the Norwegian coach insists he was “You know he’s a top keeper, everyone room we said the three points were the most
loves having him behind them.” important thing.” – Express Newspapers
I know Max, we were teammates for a
few years. That’s him, he is a competitor, he’ll
leave it on the track and that’s it. I guess he still
maybe was carrying a bit of anger or a little bit of
frustration from Silverstone.”
Daniel Ricciardo
United victory show fine margins between football’s big decisions
█ MIGUEL DELANEY – both during the process of picking disappointed in myself if I hadn’t made decision himself. He wasn’t the only Wednesday.
IT WAS an afternoon that displayed the Mark Noble as penalty taker and after the decision. United figure that could be said of. Paul Pogba was hauled off for Jesse
precariousness of decisions in football the substitute had missed.
and how the sport’s capacity for chaos “Because of his record I thought he There were some questions of the Lingard, who had faced a barrage of
can upend all logic. “Do I regret it? Not at all, because was the one who would be most suited refereeing decisions, too, not least from criticism. That didn’t just apply to the
Mark (Noble) is one of the best penalty to taking it.” Solskjaer. last few days though. There was also
It was best exemplified by David kick takers we’ve got. Lingard’s very decision to stay at
Moyes’ call for that penalty, but best Moyes said he had considered the While West Ham could look to an United.
summed up by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. “We had time to think about it, time situation at the Euro 2020 final, where Aaron Wan-Bissaka foul on Tomas
to make that choice. It was my choice. Marcus Rashford went on late for a Soucek, United were left wondering It had been seen as a bit of a joke, as
“It is always the outcome that My decision. That is what happens in penalty and missed. about two lunges at Cristiano Ronaldo. if he was inexplicably giving up on first-
determines the narrative,” the management, you have to make big team football. That got worse after
Manchester United manager said after a decisions. The flip side, of course, is that three “The first and the last are stonewall Wednesday against Young Boys.
somewhat fortuitous 2-1 win, that was United and Villarreal players came on in and you cannot even argue against
the opposite of Wednesday in Berne. “Sometimes they go and sometimes the last minute of their Europa League them,” Solskjaer argued. And yet Lingard has ended the week
“That is just football.” they don’t. Maybe the job is for final and all scored. as the brilliant match-winner in what
some people and not for “The lad puts his foot out and was a tough and important match for
Moyes, for his part, was others, that is why you “It went through my mind quickly Cristiano runs straight and he is fouled. United.
actually admirably decisive have to take the decisions. and I asked Mark ‘how you feel about The last one – Paul (Pogba) had a foul
“We had a really doing it?’ he said he was good, if he had against Kurt Zouma. This is one thing those close to him
when explaining his good penalty kick taker said no then I would not have done it. insist on. West Ham wasn’t just a good
thinking sitting on the bench, I “He did not touch him but he went fit for him at that point.
think I would “Ultimately I made the decision, I’m over him so why is Cristano’s third
have the one who asked him and, because of appeal not a penalty? It restored his confidence, and
been his record, I felt that he was the one reminded everyone what an effective
more who would be more suited to take it.” “Hopefully it will not be ‘Cristiano is Premier League player he can be.
never going to be a penalty’.”
But then that’s the thing – it would It gave him the belief to stick it out
all be irrelevant if David De Gea had Solskjaer’s own decisiveness is to be at United this season. It’s so far one
gone the wrong way. lauded, especially given the way decision that has very much paid off. –
he had the courage of his The Independent
The goalkeeper made the convictions
right from
Manchester United’s
Jesse Lingard
(centre) celebrates
scoring the second
goal with
teammates during
the English Premier
League match
against West Ham
United at the
London Stadium.
Fantastic N’Goalo
Tuchel hails ‘unique’ Kante after Chelsea win bragging rights at Tottenham
█ JONATHAN VEAL believe how good he is. He is a unique guy, there can change any momentum. result and with the quality of players that Chelsea
are no more words from me. N’Golo is N’Golo, he “It seemed to be from characteristics to go a bit have they create problems, straight balls, running
CHELSEA boss Thomas Tuchel says he is fantastic.” in behind and that is the main reason.
cannot believe how good N’Golo Kante is more defensive but we wanted to improve our
after the Frenchman inspired Chelsea to Spurs, who were mourning the death of their compactness, our ball wins, our spirit as a team “We are going to analyse, there is lots of things
a statement 3-0 win at Tottenham. record goalscorer Jimmy Greaves played with and have a higher intensity and work rate in our we have to look at, but the first impression is the
After being unhappy with what he saw in the high energy in the first half and Tuchel did not like match and then rely on our skills. way we conceded really punished us after all the
first half in north London, Tuchel sent on Kante at what he saw from his side. energy we put into the first half.
halftime and it paid immediate dividends as “I am happy with the reaction, it was
Chelsea scored two goals in the opening 12 “We did not change the system, but that maybe absolutely needed and we played a very strong “We have to find solutions. Since the
minutes of the second half. was the whole point, it seems like we changed the half to deserve our win.” beginning this is our focus – to find solutions that
system, we played the system with more belief, can help the players to perform. To find
Kante scored the second, after Thiago Silva’s with more energy, quality, sharper,” he said. After winning their opening three games partnerships.
opener, and Antonio Rudiger added a third in under new boss Nuno Espirito Santo things are
injury time as Chelsea ended the weekend on top “It was simply too sloppy, not sharp enough, beginning to unravel for Spurs with a second “We started one way at the beginning of the
of the Premier League. we relied only on our skilful play in the first half, I successive 3-0 defeat in the League. season because those were the players available
had the feeling we forgot to bring the right attitude to build on.
“Top player, if you have N’Golo you have and energy to this game. They looked bright in the first half, but could
something everyone is looking for,” Tuchel said. not find the breakthrough and were unable to “The international break came and we had
“As a team we allowed too many chances, way recover from Silva’s 49th-minute opener, which problems. Now, I honestly believe the first half
“You have everything you need in midfield, too many ball losses and we had a feeling every came from a set-piece. was really good, really good.
you have work rate, intensity, ball wins, skilful 50-50 duel went against us. This had to change.
play, dribbles, half-field drives and even a goal. “I think the change of the game was a set- “The energy that we put on the pitch – the
“If you have N’Golo on the bench and you piece, after that it became really hard for us to get attitude, the spirit the players had. So if there’s
“I see this every day in training and it is hard to want to step up in these patterns of the game, he is back into the game,” Nuno said. only one positive today, that was the first half.” –
the best player to bring because he is unique and The Independent
“The goal we conceded, we started chasing a
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