Images: JJ Harrison - Parliament House; Chris Shain - St James' Altar Cross
MARION MADDOX a religious test for public office. mentions in the decade 1951-60. It
Even before Federation (and the dropped away again until the 1990s,
State and federal elections, falling passage of the Commonwealth of but is now making a comeback,
either side of the extended Easter- Australia Constitution Act), though, raised in debate 11 times since 2011.
and-Anzac Day holiday period, international observers remarked
might evoke musings on political on what a French visitor, in 1892, As variable as the frequency is the
deaths and resurrections or perhaps called ‘the absolute separation of the range of issues to which the phrases
heroic losses. More profoundly, church and state in all the colonies’. were attached. Marriage remained a
the intertwining of our political constant theme—whether speakers
(elections), liturgical (Easter) and Yet debates about public issues were concerned about ease of
commemorative (Anzac) calendars in Australia often invoke the idea divorce, the difficulties faced by
also invites reflection on the part that ‘we are a Christian nation’, or couples saving to get married, or,
Christianity plays in our idea of who ‘a Christian country’. A search of most recently, the marriage equality
we are as a nation. federal Hansard (House and Senate) debate.
reveals that the idea of Australia as
Australia is regularly said to enjoy a ‘Christian nation’ or a ‘Christian Apart from that, exhortations to
a separation between church and country’ was discussed ten times think of Australia as ‘Christian’ until
state. This is often attributed to our in the first decade after Federation; the decade 1941-50 nearly always
Constitution’s section 116, which barely registered in the decades focussed on the welfare of the least-
prevents the Commonwealth from spanning WWI and the Depression; well-off citizens.
making laws for the establishment and reached an all-time high of 20
of any religion, prohibiting the free continued overleaf
exercise of any religion or imposing
In 1903, Tasmanian maverick King Number of mentions Australia as a 'Christian country' /
O’Malley warned: 'Christian nation' in federal Hansard by decade
It is wrong for us who have 25
enough in this world not to 20
think of the thousands of 15
destitute old men and women 10
throughout the Commonwealth 5
who are tonight going to bed 0
without sufficient to eat.
Honorable members may have 121111111121999990999909947532608001111111111111------------121111111212099999909990485013971621000000000009
noticed the other day that that
unfortunate man killed his wife Decade
and children and then himself
because he was trying to live nation’ should reconsider its parliamentary speeches parallel
upon 14s. a week in a Christian treatment of people seeking asylum. numerous petitions from citizens
country, where men go down to Conversely, some, like Senator exhorting politicians to take
church Sabbath after Sabbath, Pauline Hanson in 2017, argued that particular action ‘because Australia
turn up the whites of their eyes, being a ‘Christian country’ meant is a Christian nation’. Most recently,
and thank God that they are not restricting immigration, especially a large number of petitions asked
labour chaps. on the part of Muslims. Parliament, in view of the nation’s
‘Christian’ character, to limit
In 1908, he returned to the theme: ‘I Currently, the platforms or Muslim immigration.
say that it is not a Christian country constitutions of three parties
which forces old men to have represented in federal parliament Australia is not alone in seeing a
recourse to begging.’ invoke Australia as a ‘Christian recent upsurge of arguments tying
nation’ or as founded on ‘Christian a supposed identity as a ‘Christian
From the 1930s through the 1950s, principles’. They are the Nationals, nation’ to a wish to keep out people
as mentions of the concept became Australian Conservatives, who are different. In Saving the People:
more frequent, a new strand and Katter’s Australian Party. How Populists Hijack Religion (London:
entered the debates: speakers Additionally, until mid-2018, One Hurst & Co 2016), Nadia Marzouki,
contrasted ‘Christian’ Australia with Nation’s online policy page stated Duncan McDonnell and Olivier
communist countries. The social that ‘Australia is a Christian nation’ Roy (Eds) analyse how political
justice frame remained prominent: and therefore should end Muslim appeals to the idea of a ‘Christian
speakers suggested that if Australia immigration. It now advocates a nation’ are gaining traction in
did the ‘Christian’ thing in caring Trump-style travel ban on people numerous countries, including the
for the poor at home and assisting from ‘countries that are known US and in European countries such
development abroad, communism sources of radicalism coming as Hungary, Italy and Austria, as
would have less appeal. into Australia’, as well as listing well as among France’s Catholic
policies ranging from defunding right. Marzouki and colleagues
The Royal Commission on Human the Bankstown Poetry Slam (for draw a distinction between (on the
Relationships (1974-77) returned alleged ‘Islamic ranting’) to the one hand) Christianity as a faith
focus to matters like abortion, government’s ‘urging Islamic leaders tradition and set of community
divorce and relations between the to modernise their faith’. Hanson practices and (on the other hand)
sexes. In something of an innovation, regularly describes Australia as a Christianity invoked as an identity
from the 1970s, discussion of ‘Christian nation’. marker, independent of doctrine
‘Christian’ Australia also became or practice. In the latter case, the
increasingly concerned with public The Hansard demonstrates that it meaning is not ‘Christians, who
order and national security. is worth further investigating this believe x’ or ‘Christians, who do y’,
recent rise of our Christian fortress. but ‘Christians—us—as opposed to
Most recently, ‘Christian’ Australia Political discourse is not just built those dangerous others’.
has been particularly invoked in by politicians, and references in
relation to immigration. Some
politicians argued that a ‘Christian
Some scholars use the term the ‘Christian nation’ of care and in the water to ‘force’ Australian
‘Christian nationalism’ to describe justice evoked by King O’Malley and defence personnel to rescue them,
this second usage. In Myth and the other early Australian users of the with the declaration that ‘we don’t
Christian Nation: A Social Theory of phrase. The myths underlying the want people like that coming to this
Religion (London: Equinox 2008), Christian nationalism uncovered country’. At other times, it shows up
Burton Mack identifies what by Whitehead and colleagues almost in passing, such as repeatedly
he calls the ‘Christian myth’, or emphasise cultural and blood expecting Muslim citizens to
‘Christian mentality’, which is the purity, often by violent means; reaffirm their loyalty.
fusion, inherited from medieval when Christian nationalists refer
Christendom, of divinity and to biblical themes, they selectively The Christchurch terrorist was
political power. The resulting favour the vengeful, warlike and seemingly influenced by European
‘Christian myth’, he argues, sees apocalyptic elements; and they tie Christian nationalist movements,
Christianity as inherently superior the nation’s perceived Christian obsessed with keeping ‘Christian’
to all other religions, with the identity to excluding other religious nations free from the taint of
default self-understanding of the faiths or cultures. Whitehead and outsiders. The Christian nationalism
church as an ‘institution of empire’. his collaborators note that, by that uses Christianity as a boundary
A scholar of Christian origins, Mack using the broad term ‘Christian’, marker to divide ‘us’ (good) from
sees this universalising drive as a the Christian nation mythology can ‘them’ (bad), even to the point
drastic departure from the diffuse unite ‘both personally religious and of licensing hatred and violence,
and diverse groups of the earliest irreligious members of conservative is arguably an outgrowth of the
Jesus followers. groups’. This helps explain how ‘Christian myth’ that Mack warns
Trump retains the support of the us is inherent in much of the default
Andrew Whitehead, Samuel religious right, even though, as ‘Christian mentality’. And it is on
Perry and Joseph Baker published Whitehead and colleagues observe, the rise, including in Australia.
an article in the journal Sociology he is ‘not traditionally religious or Christians, and others, need to be
of Religion in 2018 called ‘Make recognised (even by his supporters) ready to challenge it whenever it
America Christian Again: Christian to be of high moral character.’ arises.
Nationalism and Voting for Donald
Trump in the 2016 Presidential In the wake of the Christchurch Marion Maddox, BA, PhD, PhD, FAHA,
Election’. They used detailed terrorist attack, Senator Fraser is Professor of Politics at Macquarie
survey analysis to identify the Anning was widely condemned University.
characteristics of Trump voters. Like (and singularly egged) for holding
other researchers, they found that the Muslim victims ‘not blameless’ JOKE SPOT
strong predictors of being a Trump for their own murders. And he used
supporter included belonging to the specifically Christian references, Benjamin listened closely as
white working class; feeling working weaponising Matthew 26:52 (‘Those the Rabbi read from the
class economic anxieties; anti-black who take the sword will die by Scriptures.
racism; fear of Islamic terrorism; the sword’), which has often been
misogyny; and xenophobia. interpreted as a charter for pacifism. “May I ask a question?” Ben
After controlling for all the If Hanson and Anning represent
factors just listed, Whitehead and the outer reaches of Australian “Of course, go ahead, ask your
colleagues found an even stronger politics, the practice of using religion question,” replied the Rabbi.
indicator of someone being a Trump as (in the terms of Marzouki et
supporter: holding Christian al.) an identity marker to divide “Well, the Bible says that the
nationalist views. Christian an imagined ‘us’ from ‘them’ has a children of Israel crossed
nationalism, according to their data, much more mainstream pedigree. the Red Sea,” continued
was not a matter of attending church Sometimes, it shows up in dramatic Ben, “also that the children
or believing religious doctrines, but incidents, such as in 2001, when of Israel built the temple, the
believing particular myths about the federal government falsely, and children of Israel did this and
the religious foundations of the knowingly, accused mainly Muslim the children of Israel did that.
nation. Those myths are far from asylum seekers of throwing children Didn’t the grown-ups ever do
A BROKEN WORLD human constants; as can be seen in Photo: Christopher Shain
the effects of greed and a desire for
Recently, journalist Chris Uhlmann power at all costs, a lack of integrity are against me”. He then outlined
wrote an article for the Sydney and moral principle in leadership, his aggressive intentions for the
Morning Herald (SMH) on the the ignoring of rising environmental wider world, which included the
problem of the loss of faith in our and social problems, and a invasion of Iraq in the search for
societal institutions and their justice system that is beyond the non-existent weapons of mass
leaders. In doing so, he cited the financial capacity of ordinary folk. destruction, which in turn led to
failure of political leaders to pursue From Genesis to Revelation the the further destabilisation of the
their policies because of avoidance consequences of human brokenness Middle East and remains with us
of internal party conflict and remain―as it was in the beginning today.
the pursuit of public popularity. is now and ever shall be!
Moreover, he wrote, what were Bush’s way of trying to convince
once moral principles for political Chris Uhlmann’s arguments people of his position was to create
leaders have too often been ditched are nothing new. Philosophers, a binary argument, which is an
for the sake of expediency and the theologians and social either/or dichotomy where no
maintenance of power. commentators have been saying other option exists. This is an old
similar things for the past fifty years. debating trick still used by many in
Uhlmann also pointed to the Nevertheless, we seem to have come public discussion. Binary thinking
failure of church institutions to a point where the consequences presents arguments in terms of
and their leaders. He argued that are no longer only in the minds of two positions that are mutually
the failure of Christianity in the the prophets but rather are now exclusive―yes or no. It is a way
modern era has its roots deep in the in the experiences of the average of forcing people into accepting a
philosophical changes coming out person. Uhlmann therefore wrote: position that may not be to their
of the Enlightenment. Those things liking or even based on truth.
that once retained some emotional As we keep discovering, there is
and intellectual assent no longer no perfection here on earth. And Binary thinking is entirely
make sense in the face of science we find ourselves in an age when appropriate in mathematics
and secular criticism. Institutional everyone knows something is and similar disciplines. It is also
Christianity in Australia therefore broken but no one knows how apposite when asking, “At the
died in the twentieth century and to fix it. (SMH, 27 Mar 2019) end of the road do I turn left or
the recent Royal Commission into right?”, or “Do you have milk in
child abuse became its funeral. The THE PROBLEM OF BINARY your coffee?”; although, even these
reputations of church leaders are THINKING questions do not entertain other
now in tatters and the faithful await possibilities such as stopping at the
resurrection and renewal. Coupled with the failure of end of the road or wanting soy in
institutions and their leaders is the your coffee.
Finally, Uhlmann looked at matters problem of communication and
of philosophy and social theory. its correlation with polarisation.
In this respect he mentioned the As people on the fringes speak
ideas of the nineteenth century past each other and disregard the
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, validity of their differing arguments,
who wrote of the ‘death of God’ and it has become more difficult to
its consequences, as subsequently engage in healthy debate. Again,
worked out in the twentieth there is nothing new in this, but
century with the rise of communism our tribalism, gracelessness and
and fascism, two world wars (and deceptiveness does not serve the
many smaller ones), and several community well.
large economic failures.
In 2001, and in response to the 9/11
In response, I argue that these attacks in New York, United States
consequences of extremism, war President George W. Bush in a fit
and economic failure arise from of messianic hubris proclaimed that
“If you are not with me then you
Binary thinking, however, can of adapting to their times and sectarianism and its contribution to
come to dominate the way a person circumstances. bigotry and identity politics.
understands the world, such that all
matters become a choice between Even later in life, I found these Binary thinking therefore
two opposites, without entertaining principles useful in the study contributes little to the
that there may be more than two of theology, especially when complex world of humanity
choices (or perhaps none). In this it is understood to be a human or God. Nevertheless, it is an
way the human world becomes description of a more complex understandable rationale for those
split between simple dichotomies reality that we call God. In this way, who seek certainty, simplicity
such as truth and falsity, right and theology can become a description and control. Unfortunately, it can
wrong, goodness and evil, without of God and humanity that will fool people into crooked ways of
entertaining the complexity that change over time as the nature thinking that ultimately lead to
lies behind such terms. of the world and human society disaster through the creation of
changes. But not all in the church faux conflicts, social polarisation,
This phenomenon was explained think this way! hard-line division, and the negation
in Dean Peter Catt’s article in of creative approaches to complex
the previous edition of Parish Dualism, which proposes that problems. In this way, it is an
Connections wherein he described the world is divided between example of human brokenness.
the difference between simple, opposing forces, has its roots in
complicated and complex systems. both ancient Greek philosophy REDEEMING THE TIME
Simple systems can operate with and many ancient religions.
a high degree of binary thinking, Platonism divides the world into An important part of the Christian
less so with complicated ones, and physical and spiritual realms; early faith is its ministry of reconciliation
not at all with complexity, where Christianity understood the world and resolution of conflict―both
there are too many variables and as a battleground between good between humanity and God and
often insufficient knowledge and and evil; and René Descartes made within humanity itself. This is
understanding. a distinction between the operation partly because of God’s call for
of physical matter and mental people to seek justice, love and
I remember the first in a series of activity. In contrast is monism, the peace; partly because our faith gives
lectures on economic theory at proposition that mind and matter us the strength to takes risks for the
university, in which the lecturer are not separate but one. common good; and partly because
emphasised the importance of of an ethos that respects service and
understanding that the theoretical Christian dualism has a moralistic humility as virtues.
model is never the reality, but only base that tends to divide people
an approximation of it. Moreover, between the righteous and Reconciliation can be understood
as with any good science, such unrighteous, the saved and the as both part of the nature of
theory is only held provisionally damned, the right and the wrong, God and a means of achieving
until a better one arises. those who are ‘in’ and those who are transformation. At the centre of this
‘out’. In doing so, it tends to cause is the overriding importance of good
Later, I found that it was similar those of such a disposition to adopt relationships―that is, with God,
with military doctrine, which binary thinking with its subsequent each other, oneself and nature. All of
understood that changes in social pathology, which is why this is centred around the paradox
technology and human behaviour it is so difficult to have a rational of love; for love requires that
will always have an impact on conversation with such a person. there must be freedom to choose,
the battlefield. “Doctrine is for otherwise it is not love but coercion
the guidance of the wise and the The problems of dualism and binary and abuse. Love is therefore a risky
slavish obedience of fools”, the thinking in the church can be seen business; we cannot make people
lecturer would say. Indeed, that is down through history; especially love us, we can only offer love and
why we don’t use horses in warfare through a propensity toward hope that it will be reciprocated.
anymore! Norman Dixon’s book On tribalism and faction, exclusivism
the Psychology of Military Incompetence and clericalism, special pleading continued overleaf
provided a wealth of examples and obscurantism. In Australia, this
of where leaders were incapable has been especially evident through
The importance of good and to live without tension―in other Muthuraj Swamy encourages us
loving relationships in all their words, to live in peace. This is our to develop the skills of humility
diversity is that they counteract the mission as the church―that is, and self-criticism if we are ever
consequences of binary thinking to bring peace even in the face of to contribute to the building of
and identity politics. In this respect, exclusion, bullying and violence; as relationships and the overcoming of
the Bible describes the complexity Jesus did on the cross. brokenness. Likewise, Jesus taught
of relationships within humanity and demonstrated that changing
and with God over time. It includes The Two Great Commandments the world does not require pride
many stories of brokenness and (about loving God and one’s or the exercise of dominance over
sin, followed by reconciliation and neighbour) summarise Jesus’ others. When Mrs Zebedee came
restoration. approach to addressing the problem wanting special honours for her
of brokenness. The implication is two sons in the kingdom of heaven,
During Lent, several groups at that we need to choose to love God Jesus responded by lecturing them
St James’ have been studying the and our neighbours, as we love on the concept of servant leadership
book Reconciliation by theologian ourselves; but what is this love? St (Matthew 20: 20-28).
Dr Muthuraj Swamy. He describes Paul describes it as love ‘without
how we live in a world of division strings attached’, a gracious love If we wish to redeem the time and
and conflict that fears diversity that expects nothing in return; overcome the effects of brokenness,
and ‘otherness’. In response to our a love that goes on loving even along with social and political
fears, we tend to adhere to power if the object of our love does not polarisation; we, our leaders, and
structures that exclude those of reciprocate. Moreover, it is a love social institutions would do well to
whom we disapprove or don’t like. that is actively concerned for the once again recognise the necessity
other’s well-being and growth, of service and humility in the public
In contrast, the ministry of effectively illustrated in the parable domain.
reconciliation is meant to overcome of ‘the prodigal son and the loving
this destructive behaviour and father’ (Luke 15: 11-32). The Rev’d Andrew Sempell is the Rector of
draw humanity back into a state of St James’
‘atonement’, which is the capacity
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The Rev’d Dr Gregory Seach will be our to teach English Literature (as well In 2006 you moved to Clare
Holy Week and Easter preacher this year as History and Drama) at Trinity College Cambridge. I know that
at St James’. He recently sat down with SJI Grammar School in Sydney. your PhD combined your love of
Director Christopher Waterhouse for this literature and of theology, but
interview. What led you to study theology? what was your PhD thesis about?
Welcome home! We’re pleased In 1994 I spent some time in During my study of theology I
to welcome you back to St James’ England, and having that time became intrigued by Dietrich
and to your home town of Sydney. away from the busy routine of Bonhoeffer, especially his letters
When did you first come to St teaching, and a slightly slower pace, from prison. In particular I was
James’? allowed me space to think. While drawn to a letter in which he states
I was there, I enrolled to do the BD that we need to find a new language
Thank you! I think I first visited St through Kings College, London to talk about God. If we were to
James’ in around 1979 as a student. and started teaching myself New do that in English, I thought we
Year 9 used to be the time you Testament Greek at the kitchen needed to look at the great users
did ‘Australian history’ at school, table! On my return to Sydney I of English, by which I mean the
and I was lucky enough to have a had a conversation with Fr Austin great creative writers. If we’re
teacher who spent the first couple Day (of Christ Church St Laurence) going to fashion a new language to
of months teaching us a little about and he encouraged my developing talk about God, that’s where we
Aboriginal history, before getting sense of vocation. I was to have should start, I thought. So, I started
on (inevitably!) to the arrival of attended a selection conference in my research and began reading
the First Fleet. And I wanted to 1996, but I remember thinking that everything Bonhoeffer had written.
see some of the work by convict it was all a big mistake, and it took I discovered that he had actually
architect Francis Greenway. I some 10 months before I finally written a novel in prison, which
started attending regularly in 1988 went down to Melbourne, where few people are aware of. It wasn’t/
and was a member of The Choir of I was accepted as a candidate by isn’t a very good novel at all. But
St James’ from Advent 1990, until Archbishop Rayner. By 1998 I was what I wondered was, what led
my trip to the UK in 1994. living in Melbourne and studying him, in the confines of Tegel prison,
theology at Trinity College and to attempt to write a novel? And
Your first degree was in English just loving it. I was ordained in then I realised that from his earliest
Literature from the University of Melbourne and ministered at St writing, on to the letters and poems
Sydney. Was there a particular John’s Camberwell. and the novel, his whole theological
author or work that inspired you trajectory revealed a struggle with
to study English Literature? Could you tell us something of and resistance to the Idealism that
how your personal journey in was the dominant mode of German
I remember at High School faith began? theology (indeed, German thinking,
sneaking into the library and post-Kant) when he was a student,
‘hiding’ in the Shakespeare section. I I am what you might call a ‘cradle which is why he embraced [Karl]
loved the study of Shakespeare. We Anglican’. I saw my Grandmother Barth so much. So I extracted
started with The Merchant of Venice kneeling at her bed every night, and various elements of Bonhoeffer’s
in Year 9, then Twelfth Night in Year that had a profound impact on me; work and, having made some sense
10, followed by Hamlet and Macbeth, knowing she was praying for me of the theological thinking he was
and so it began. I also remember and all sorts of other people. Sitting on about, I then mapped this onto
my Year 12 English teacher and, between her and Mum on Sunday the writings of D. H. Lawrence. In
through his teaching, I developed a mornings, with Dad on the aisle, the end, my PhD thesis was titled,
great love of the poetry of Samuel and going to the 8am BCP service ‘Wholly Attending: Theological
Taylor Coleridge and Robert Lowell. was very formative. I developed a thinking after Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Before I left school, I came to the great appreciation for the Book of and D. H. Lawrence’ The wholly
conclusion that I should become an Common Prayer. I think that’s what attending comes from the last line
English teacher so that I could get helped with Shakespeare! of Lawrence’s poem ‘Thought’:
paid to read books all day; if only
it worked like that! Having given continued overleaf’
up Law after three years, I went on
Thought In 2015 you returned to Australia Beyond academic life do you have
as Warden of Wollaston College, time to be involved in parish
Thought, I love thought. Perth. Could you tell us a little ministry?
about the College?
But not the jiggling and twisting of Not really, but I go up to the parish
already existent ideas Wollaston Theological College is of York which is about 2 hours
the training college for all clergy north-east of Perth every few
I despise that self-important game. in the diocese of Perth. We also months and occasionally assist
conduct Continuing Ministerial in other parishes around the city.
Thought is the welling up of unknown Education for clergy and lay people, When I’m not doing something,
life into consciousness, and we run a Certificate course I like to attend one of the local
which can both serve as a ‘taster’ parishes, St Luke’s in Mosman.
Thought is the testing of statements on for lay people, including those I’m also fortunate to be invited to
the touchstone of the conscience, ‘enquiring’, and which, because of preach at churches including Christ
our links with Murdoch University, Church St Laurence and St James’
Thought is gazing on to the face of life, can then lead on to study at the in Sydney.
and reading what can be read, University.
What are your interests outside
Thought is pondering over experience, And what does your role involve? of College life and ministry?
and coming to a conclusion.
Overseeing all aspects of the I love music and particularly
Thought is not a trick, or an exercise, or academic, strategic and liturgical enjoy attending concerts given by
a set of dodges, leadership of the College, as the West Australian Symphony
well as the management of Orchestra (WASO) and the
Thought is a man in his wholeness its administration, finances, occasional ones by the Australian
wholly attending. admissions, and pastoral care. Chamber Orchestra on the rare
I’m involved in developing the occasions they come to Perth! I
In 2008 you were appointed Dean curriculum in collaboration also enjoy listening to opera when
of Clare College. What did you and consultation with the I get the chance. When I get the
enjoy most about your years in Archbishop of Perth, Archbishop opportunity, I still teach, and
that role? Kay Goldsworthy AO, and the beyond my work at Wollaston, I
academics at Murdoch. That lecture in theology at Murdoch
I particularly enjoyed our regular process involves considering the University (Fr Gregory is currently
services of Choral Evensong and College’s delivery of theological delivering a unit on the Triune
termly full Choral Eucharists in education, formation and training God) and occasionally lecture at
that extraordinary chapel. I also programmes for those entering Notre Dame, Fremantle.
enjoyed lecturing in the Faculty of ministry as well as those already
Divinity at Cambridge University involved in ministry. I’ve maintained my earlier interest
and the wonderful theological in English Literature through all
conversations that were had with An important part of that includes of this, in fact just recently I gave
lots of very bright young people― proper provision for those who an introductory lecture to a course
in supervisions, obviously, but also must supervise the Ordination on Chaucer looking at medieval
just in day-to-day dealings with Candidates, and the newly pilgrimage.
students and the older Fellows ordained. As Warden I’m also
of the College and great minds involved in leading and developing I’m a Member of the Board of the
in the University. Theology held the liturgical life of the College, Anglican Schools Commission, a
(and continues to hold) a place offering prayer and worship for Fellow of Council of The Guildford
alongside other major disciplines at staff, students and the wider Grammar School and Member of
Cambridge, and it was fascinating community around the College. the Doctrine Commission of the
to discuss and debate matters of Anglican Church of Australia. So, it
theology with those from a wide is never a dull life!
range of other fields and disciplines.
Above all, I enjoyed the chance
to meet so many extraordinary
people and to supervise a number of
excellent PhD candidates, many of
whom I have kept in touch with.
Holy Week and Easter is rich in The scene is St James’ Hall one SUE MACKENZIE
liturgy, symbolism and meaning. Sunday afternoon around Easter
Is there a day or service during 2018. The speaker is Canon Emma settings such as Scripture Union
Holy Week and Easter that Percy from Oxford in conversation beach missions. Frequently I have
particularly resonates with you? with Christopher Waterhouse, had a leadership role, but managed
Director of the St James’ Institute. to ‘fly under the radar’ in most
To be honest, all of it. What Towards the send of the session a cases! For example, I think I may
happens in all these events question is raised from the floor: “So be the only female to have had
during the course of the week is what advice do you have for women sole leadership of a beach mission
at the heart of our faith, and it’s in the Sydney scene?” team, albeit a small one, in the late
an extraordinary experience to 1970s. However, I was only allowed
progress through the various Emma has been taking us back to a to preach in my local Presbyterian
liturgies of Holy Week from Palm time in England, several decades ago, church when it was felt that few
Sunday to Easter Day. But, if when she became part of a group people would attend; one extremely
I’m pushed to it, there is always of women working towards being hot New Year’s Day springs to mind
something about the ‘stripping accepted as legitimate candidates when the congregation numbered
of the church’ after the liturgy on for ordination as Church of England about 11.
Maundy Thursday. I remember clergy. Her questioner at St James’ I first confronted the topic of the
once reading about that―as an and many of the audience were role of women within the Christian
impressionable undergraduate― clearly frustrated with the current church when asked to become an
that, as this happens, ‘the Church attitudes towards women within elder in the Presbyterian Church
goes into mourning for her Saviour’. the Anglican Church in the Diocese (an elder is similar to a deacon).
A bit of pious romanticism, I of Sydney. Emma’s advice: “Be After much prayer and soul-
know… but I sometimes think the creative!” searching, I agreed. But meanwhile,
wonder of early Easter morning the Session (which includes the
only really ‘works’ if we’ve given This was my inspiration to write minister and elders) changed
ourselves to the full wonder―albeit the mid-year Bible studies for their mind; so they asked me and
a very different kind―of Maundy 2019, not only for use within St another woman who had also been
Thursday and Good Friday. And James’, but also hopefully to reach nominated for the role to withdraw.
preaching Holy Week gives me a a wider audience among churches They cited 1 Timothy 2. After
chance to think and feel (Lawrence within Sydney. I had been toying talking about the matter for hours,
again!), through engagement with with various ideas but had not felt the other woman and I concluded
a community and with those inspired until then. Having come that we would step aside. In those
remarkable texts and events, all from an evangelical background days I had not examined the biblical
that this extraordinary time offers. within the Presbyterian Church, references very thoroughly nor in
where current attitudes towards
The Rev’d Dr Gregory Seach will be women in many quarters are similar continued overleaf
the guest of SJI Director Christopher to those in the Anglican Diocese of
Waterhouse for a special ‘in conversation’ Sydney, I felt I was familiar with
event on Palm Sunday afternoon (Sunday the arguments promulgated by
14 April) from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Their those who see the role of women
conversation will explore more of Fr within the church to be somewhat
Gregory’s work and ministry and the limited when compared with the
themes that he will discuss in his sermons roles available to men; the handle,
during Holy Week and Easter. This event ‘Women’s Ministry’ is frequently
provides an excellent opportunity to meet used.
and get to know Fr Gregory a little better
as we begin Holy Week together. Full I have been involved in church work
details of upcoming services can be found since I was a teenager and have
on page 38. experienced first-hand the attitudes
towards women in a variety of
contexts, such as within my local
church and in inter-denominational
the light of biblical scholarship, so As I write this I am taken back to passage at one time and finding
I was inclined to read the text at discussions my church friends and that certain sections of it resonate
face value. I, therefore, accepted I used to have with my father, a strongly; but then years later other
the interpretation (particularly of 2 Presbyterian elder, who argued sections become more important.
Timothy) advanced by my minister strongly for a liberal approach As the writer to the Hebrews (in
and some others as the only viable to biblical interpretation. As a 4:12) puts it, ‘…the word of God is
interpretation, even though the role teenager at the time I was so certain living and active…’.
appealed and I felt I could do the that we, and not my father, were
job. But church unity and harmony right in our rigid, one-dimensional Once the questions are formulated,
won out. understanding of Scripture. I then add contextual notes, check
commentaries, and sit with what I
Today I am more aware of the Nowadays, in contrast to those have written for a while; very often
importance of context, both times nearly 50 years ago, once I refining questions or notes as I
scriptural and cultural/historical am set on a topic for a Bible Study strive for clarity of meaning. Lastly,
when interpreting the Bible. My series, and have chosen relevant I add the introduction and make
evangelical stance has become more passages in Scripture, I then sure to the best of my ability that
liberal. Attitudes within society and formulate questions for discussions. the result and my initial aims match.
within the church have changed too. The aim of such questions is to
There is now a greater acceptance encourage group members to This year’s topic, ‘The Role of
of women taking leadership roles. explore the topic in the light of their Women in the Church’ will span
Biblical scholarship has moved on own experience and understanding the centuries, for I am loosely
too. of the Bible; it is not to arrive at a defining ‘the Church’ to include
pre-determined ‘right’ answer. New Testament and Old Testament
My approach to writing Bible times, as well as our contemporary
studies, however, does still begin I believe it is important not to lose situation. Thus we are focusing on
with the text. And, just as in my sight of the roles of the Holy Spirit Miriam and Rahab; Deborah and
Presbyterian days, I continue to and prayer, both in the writing Ruth; New Testament women such
believe that the Bible is God’s Word. phase and during the times of as Priscilla and those who travelled
When interpreting Scripture these group discussion. Throughout the with Jesus; and lastly we will
days, however, I try to be sensitive writing process I pray for guidance, consider the contentious references
to the variety of literary genres, the believing that the Holy Spirit will to women in the Pauline Epistles.
use of metaphors and hyperbole, the inspire me and others in the group, The aim in all four studies (held in
presentation of the status quo by an as we wrestle with the topic and June) will be to apply what we learn
author in an ironical way, and the with Scripture. The Spirit helps us to our lives and to today’s church.
use of customs employed by authors to discern the meaning of Scripture
in the classical times of the first and within the context of our lives and Sue Mackenzie is a parishioner at St
second centuries BCE. Hopefully I current situation. Many have had James’ Church and the proofreader of
am also less dogmatic! the experience of reading a biblical Parish Connections.
Due to increased postage and printing costs, we need to charge a fee to cover the cost of sending out copies of
Parish Connections. We have the following subscriptions available:
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To be put on the mailing list or to purchase a Parish Subscription, please call the office on
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ERECTION OF A WAR 3. Moved by Mr. E. B. Giles, of superstitious reverence’. The
MEMORIAL AT ST JAMES' seconded by Mr. de Courcy Archbishop believed there was a
Russell: “That the Rector and danger of the proposed Crucifix at
PART I Wardens be requested to take St James’ being regarded this way.
immediate steps to carry out the
War Memorial foregoing resolutions.” The letter, which was published in
full in The Church Messenger of
A general meeting of St James’ The suggestion was also made, and May 1919, concludes:
parishioners was held in the met with general approval, that the
Hall on Friday, 29 November, to names of nurses who had been on But apart from the question of
consider and approve of a scheme active service should be recorded legality, the proposed Crucifix
of memorial to those of the Parish on a tablet to be placed in the would be an innovation in this
who had fallen in the war. A plan of Church. The meeting concluded diocese. I fear it would wound the
the proposed memorial was on view with the singing of the National feelings of many church people,
to those present. Anthem. who could not avoid seeing it in so
public a place.
In his opening remarks the Rector Note the date of the meeting―just
pointed out the need of taking eighteen days after the signing of the It appears also to me to be contrary
steps for the erection of such a Armistice! to the spirit of the Reformed
memorial at the earliest possible Church of England. For these and
date now that hostilities were over In the Messenger of January- other reasons, and in the exercise of
and a conclusive victory won by February 1919, the Rector, my discretion, I decide that it does
the Allies. Such a memorial would Reverend Philip Arthur Micklem, not seem advisable that I should
be a fitting tribute of honour to announced that he had applied to give my approval to the application.
those who had sacrificed their lives the Archbishop of Sydney, Most I therefore must decline to approve
to the great cause and a perpetual Reverend John Charles Wright, for or issue a Faculty.
reminder to succeeding generations the grant of a Faculty for a War
of the cost at which the victory had Memorial in the form of an outdoor Yours very faithfully, (Signed)
been secured. Pulpit and Crucifix. JOHN CHARLES SYDNEY.
The following resolutions1 were On 14 April 1919, the Archbishop PART II will appear in the next
put to the meeting and carried writes that he declined to ‘approve issue of Parish Connections.
unanimously. or issue a Faculty’2 for the erection
of an open-air Pulpit, with a 1 The Church Messenger, December 1918
1. Moved by Mr. B. Addison, Crucifix. The grounds for the 2 The quotations in this paragraph are from
seconded by Mr. P. Faithful: refusal were (1) probable illegality; the Archbishop’s letter.
“That a “War Memorial” in the and (2) inadvisability. Whilst
form of an Open Air Pulpit, being prepared to approve of an Colin Middleton is the Archives Assistant
surmounted by a Calvary, as open-air pulpit, ‘subject to minor at St James’ Church.
shown in the plans exhibited, modifications of architectural
be erected at the east end of St. details’, he had ‘grave doubts’ as
James’ Church, facing Queen’s to ‘the legality of the erection of
Square, in commemoration of such a Crucifix’. He quotes a case
those members of St. James’ who appealed to the Privy Council,
have fallen in the war." Clifton v. Risdale (1877), where it
was held that ‘a Crucifix inside the
2. Moved by Mr. Justice Pring, Church erected on a screen must be
seconded by Mr. S. C. Allen: removed as unlawful, not being an
“That efforts be made to erect architectural decoration, but being
an Honour Roll in St. James’ in danger of becoming an object
Church containing the names
of members of the Church who
have served in the war.”
I lost my dear mother (Mary) on 5 As part of my role as a counsellor I Loretta King is a psychotherapist,
March. She was 96. People tell me understand that these are normal counsellor and coach. She specialises in
she had ‘a good innings’ and, while I but complex and difficult reactions many areas of mental health and wellbeing,
acknowledge this, it hasn’t lessened to grief and loss and on that basis I and works with individuals of all ages,
the impact of my grief at losing her. allow myself the time and freedom couples, families and groups. She is
I’ve gone through and continue to to express and accept all of it. available by appointment at Counselling
experience the cycle of the stages There’s a sense of pause in my life @ St James’.
of grief; back and forth from shock, that forces me into an abyss of
disbelief and numbness at what contemplation, self-reflection and
was an unanticipated outcome a reassessment of my beliefs and
of her illness, to a whirlwind of values, my identity and the meaning
conflicting emotions. There’s hurt and purpose of life. Fundamentally I
and anger at what could have am left with the sense that love and
prevented her death, anguish and forgiveness are the most important
guilt for perhaps something more things we can give to others and
I could have done, regrets over any indeed ourselves. This is what I
past conflicts we had as a mother carry forward with me through
and daughter, and a sense of peace my grief. This is what I hope will
in the fundamental knowledge of always guide me in my future
our close bond and love for one choices, behaviour and actions. I
another. Then there are the lows wish all of you a loving and peaceful
of depression from missing her and Easter period.
the irreplaceable void I am left with
at losing her.
St James’ Organ
R ep lac em ent & RestoAratpiopn eal
Striving for the second million!
Thanks to your generosity, the St James’ Organ Appeal raised $950,000.
A great effort!
Our next target is to raise $2 million by the end of 2019. Spread the word
amongst your friends and keep up the momentum!
Pick up a donation form in the Baptistry or go to the Appeal website to
download one.
Why support this appeal?
A pipe organ plays a significant part in the life of a church and in the wider
music community of the city. The new Dobson organ at St James’ will be the
third largest pipe organ in Sydney after the Sydney Opera House and Sydney
Town Hall. Its point of difference is that, apart from its use in regular church
services, it will also be available to international organists and music students
for concerts and recitals. In this way, generous donors can be assured they are
making a difference to both the cultural and spiritual life of Sydney.
Visit the Appeal website:
The St James’ Music Foundation
ABN 81 868 929 941
“What is truth?”. These famous in the position of the original human society, which he thinks
words are those of Pontius Pilate decision maker and must apply the it a wickedness to abandon,
during the trial of Jesus.1 We will legislation relevant to the particular constrains him and compels him
return later to this question in its case to the facts as I find them. to this duty. … [T]he wise judge
original context but I want to begin That is to say, I am concerned with does these things, not with any
with a personal account. finding out the truth to the best of intention of doing harm, but
my ability. because his ignorance compels
Early in 1979, I was approached him, and because human society
by the Commonwealth Attorney- Early in my SSAT appointment, I claims him as a judge.
General’s Department and asked mentioned it to our then rector,
whether or not I would become Peter Hughes. He referred me I hasten to say that torture is not
a part-time member of the to a chapter in St Augustine of a routine part of our legal system,
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Hippo’s City of God.2 In this chapter, although some witnesses subject
(AAT). I was, at that time, a Augustine discusses the difficulties to aggressive cross-examination
senior lecturer in social policy in involved in finding the truth in the may think otherwise. Also, in my
the Department of Social Work at legal system by acknowledging role at the AAT, I am not a judge. I
the University of Sydney. Having that even the most perspicacious hold a statutory office but make
obtained the University’s approval, judge has no access to another’s essentially administrative, not
I accepted the offer. However, in conscience. In his day, torture was judicial, decisions. Having said
August of that year, I was going on the usual method of finding the both those things, I recognise the
12 month sabbatical leave in the UK truth. Augustine poses the problem point that Augustine is making:
and could not immediately take up of an innocent man who is tortured finding out the truth can be very
an appointment until I returned. to find out the truth and in order difficult and there is always a
When I came home, they had given to avoid putting the innocent to level of uncertainty. Despite the
the position to a recently retired death. The torture is so severe that uncertainty, we require persons to
colleague of mine. the innocent eventually confesses do their best to discover it. Those
to the crime he did not commit and persons recognise their duty and
In March 1981, I was approached is put to death. Of this, Augustine perform it to the best of their
again, this time by the then says: ability.
Department of Social Security,
who knew about my previous And when [the innocent man] Some things are easy to discover
agreement, and was asked to join has been condemned and put with relative certainty. Our
the then Social Security Appeals to death, the judge is still in bureaucracy keeps good records;
Tribunal (SSAT). I accepted this ignorance whether he has put they are not perfect but are
position and thus began a part-time to death an innocent or a guilty generally reliable. It is usually easy
membership of that tribunal that person, though he put the to discover when a person was
lasted until 30 June 2015, when the accused to the torture for the born and to produce the necessary
SSAT was abolished and rolled over very purpose of saving himself documents. I did once have a case
into an enlarged AAT. I continue to from condemning the innocent; where a person’s birth records had
be a part-time member of the AAT, and consequently he has both been destroyed in the bombing of
with an appointment that ends on tortured an innocent man to Rabaul in WWII. The question
30 September 2024, if I last that discover his innocence, and was whether or not he qualified for
long; I turn 80 this year. I am the has put him to death without the age pension. I resolved it by
longest serving member of the AAT discovering it. using other forms of evidence and
and am possibly the longest serving by simple common sense.
member of any tribunal in Australia. Augustine then asks whether or not
anyone will become a judge under Other kinds of decisions require
My job has always been to review such circumstances. He says that the making of a judgement or
decisions made in Australia’s social they will because: the exercise of a discretion. For
security system, that is, decisions example, I am, relatively frequently,
now made by Centrelink. I stand
continued overleaf
1. John 18:37
2. Augustine, City of God, Book XIX, Chapter 6
WHAT IS TRUTH continued
required to determine whether or the laws of our community than we personal basis on which to continue
not a person is to be regarded as a might realise. to respect the dignity and integrity
‘member of a couple’, either with a of those who appear before me,
person of the opposite sex or with What then is truth? So far, we regardless of who they are. I do
a person of the same sex. Some of have seen that it can be a verifiable not suppose that others who do
these persons are legally married, fact or a judgement made by an not share my faith are in any way
others are not. These cases arise authorised decision maker, by a deficient in this regard. I know that
when the authorities decided in the bureaucrat, a tribunal member or a they are not. I am reporting only on
positive and the person or persons judge. It can also be a conclusion my own approach.
disagree. reached by a decision maker after
considering a number of factors. We live in a world that thrives on
The law sets out some features the denigration of others. This
of a relationship that must be To return to where we began, none denigration is assisted by the
taken into account in coming to a of these forms of truth are what electronic media at our disposal,
conclusion. They include finances, Jesus and Pilate discussed, if their which makes the dissemination of
the nature of the household, sexual interchange can be so described. comment instant and infectious.
relationship, how people hold Nevertheless, Pilate’s question Popular culture is hard to resist,
themselves out in public and the has a relevance to people in my and an alertness is required if we
emotional support that they might situation. When Jesus said that are to treat people truthfully, in
give to each other. It is relatively he came to testify to the truth, he the way implied in the interchange
easy to discover the finances, was referring not to what we might between Jesus and Pilate.
but parts of the other criteria call our everyday involvement with
are known only to the persons truth-telling. He was referring We will be the more able to act
themselves. Because the conclusion to his revelation of the nature of as we should if we cultivate what
is contested, the decision is usually God. What we say about God is philosophers and theologians call
a matter of judgement, of weighing a reference to fundamental truths ‘virtue’. In this context, virtue
up the various parts. I do not need about our existence. When, for is, according to Thomas Aquinas,
to find ‘beyond reasonable doubt’; example, we say that God is a disposition to act well. Such
the ‘balance of probabilities’ is love, we are making a comment dispositions can be cultivated so
the measure that I must use. My about the fundamental nature that they become habits. That is to
decision becomes the ‘truth’ of of relationships. We call the say, our proper behaviour is more
the matter and will be used by kind of truth that Jesus revealed assured if we do it habitually, not as
Centrelink, subject to the right of ‘Incarnation’, the bringing of the a result of having to think on every
further appeal. That is to say, my nature of God into direct contact occasion about what we should do.
decision becomes the truth even if, with us. In some ways, this is the essence
unknown to me, it is wrong. of professionalism, behaviour
We may note how Jesus dealt with that is ingrained. Aquinas warns
These are no light matters. Such all sorts of people. He did so in a us against equating virtue with
decisions may involve debts of way that proved to be significantly emotion. Whilst emotion can
considerable size or affect the rate unpopular in his world. He was support our virtuous behaviour, it
at which a pension is to be paid. called a friend of prostitutes and can also divert us into satisfying
So, I can find myself in the very drunkards. He befriended the ourselves at the expense of others.
position that Augustine describes. corrupt, not approving of their In that event, we will have departed
I make a decision to protect corruption, but recognising their from the truth that Jesus represents
the public purse or to relieve inherent humanity and dignity. and that we should espouse.
individuals of onerous debts in a Christians often say that we are
situation where I can never be as made in the image of God but we Associate Professor Michael Horsburgh
sure as I would like. As Augustine may all find it hard, from time AM is a Lay Reader at St James’ Church
says, I cannot see into another to time, to give effect to that and a member of The St James’ Singers.
person’s conscience. I am far from proposition in our lives.
alone. This situation is much more
common in the administration of The relevance of this to the things
that I do is to give me a firm
MARYLON COATES had rung in every bell tower in Australia and
New Zealand, but I’m not sure that I have kept
up with new installations. I have also rung in
the USA and the UK. When travelling, one has
an automatic introduction to a pleasant group of
people who are generally most welcoming. You
have a privileged view of the insides of churches
and cathedrals, being allowed in when and
where normal visitors do not go!
Answers to this are bound to be biased. St James’
is a great tower: good sound, easy bells to ring. I
Marylon is the current Ringing Master at St James’. particularly enjoy the sounds of heavier bells. I
HOW DID YOU COME TO think St Philip’s is my favourite 8-bell tower in
BELLRINGING AT ST JAMES’? Sydney. The tenor (heaviest bell) is almost twice
as heavy as that of St James’. I was in London
In 2002, the weekly pew sheets announced many years ago when I heard the bells of St
that bells were going to be installed at St James’ Martin’s ringing. I went up the tower and stood
and bellringers would be needed. After several outside the door of the ringing chamber until
weeks, I decided to give it a try. I had seen the ringing stopped. Bells often sound very loud
bellringing before as my son learnt to ring as in the stairs but these sounded like a rich organ.
a child, but stopped ringing when he married. I went in and was invited to join in the superb
Gordon Connon, at St Philip’s, Church ringing.
Hill, was teaching new ringers for St James’. AS THERE IS ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN
Learning to handle a rope seemed to take ages WITH BELLRINGING, WHAT ARE YOU
but Gordon persisted, and after several months CURRENTLY WORKING ON?
I was able to ring by myself. I also went to
learners’ practices at St Mary’s. Twice-weekly I am challenged with new methods at St Mary’s
practice helped but my age showed. I was in and am currently working on Cooktown Orchid
my sixtieth year when I began. Delight Major and St Clement’s College Bob
WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT Triples. At St James’, I am working on London
BELLRINGING? Surprise Minor, St James’ Bob Doubles and Kent
Treble Bob Minor.
I enjoy the sound of the bells and the challenge
of being part of a team, learning new methods, WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE RINGING
and improving my style. I like teaching
others to ring and providing an enjoyable I am getting older and so now I would like to
atmosphere in the tower, where everyone teach some learners aged 45-55 who will be able
has an opportunity to ring something they to take St James’ on for the next 20 years. These
are working on. Particularly, I love the clever would be people settled in their jobs so that they
patterns woven in the various methods will be around for a while, and whose children
(sequences) which I ring or read about. are old enough to be left alone. Sometimes all
WHERE ELSE HAVE YOU RUNG members of a family such as this learn to ring.
BELLS? Jackie Dettmann is Tower Captain and Marylon Coates is
It is good to be part of the wider bellringing Ringing Master at St James’ Church.
community. These days I ring regularly at
practices in Sydney on four days of the week.
I also ring for weddings and funerals at other
towers, as well as our own. Until recently, I
The Parish of St James’, King Street, to his fortune teller to find out what School in York for many years, a
is entering a period of celebration the future held for him. The fortune school that I am told still exists.
of two hundred years of worship in teller peered into his crystal ball
the heart of Sydney. Central to our and said, “I have good news for you. Alcuin made a journey to Rome to
worship is the Sacrament of Holy You will shortly meet a beautiful see the Pope. Can we even imagine
Communion or the Holy Eucharist, young student who will be deeply how dangerous that was? The old
firstly in the words of the Book of interested in you and will know all Roman roads had fallen into ruin
Common Prayer and more recently your secrets.” and law and order had generally
in the Prayer Book for Australia. broken down.
“Great” said the frog. “Where do I
Every time we share in the Holy meet her – at a party?” The fortune A CHANCE MEETING
Eucharist we commence the liturgy teller replied: “No. In a biology
by reciting a beautiful prayer. It dissecting class!” On the way home Alcuin had a
begins “Almighty God, unto Whom chance meeting that changed his life.
all hearts be open, all desires known, WE HAVE NO SECRETS FROM He met the famous Charlemagne, the
and from Whom no secrets are GOD King of the Franks. Charlemagne
hid…….” Can you complete the was later to be crowned as Holy
prayer by heart? Our Prayer Book This searching prayer reminds us Roman Emperor on Christmas Day
calls it the ‘Prayer of Preparation’ that our Heavenly Father knows of the year 800. Charlemagne invited
and it is traditionally known as the all about us. Our hearts are open to Alcuin to join a team of scholars
‘Collect for Purity’. him, our desires are known to him working to raise the educational
and we have no secrets where he is standards of his kingdom. Alcuin
It is so familiar that the danger is concerned. We can hide our inmost was to write a vast collection of
that we allow the words to roll over thoughts and motives from others biblical commentaries, together
us without thought. When you but not from God. I have heard this with more controversial material. He
come to worship, take a little time prayer described as the ‘open heart was also a prolific letter writer and
to pray this prayer and let it speak to prayer’. It lays us bare before God. more than 300 of his letters survive.
you before the service begins.
That great reality should make us Among his writings is the first
This prayer is in all the Anglican humble. Humility is a theological version of our prayer, which appears
prayer books. It was Archbishop virtue that is very difficult to attain. up in a book of services put together
Thomas Cranmer who translated it Among political leaders it seems to by Alcuin. The tradition is that
into beautiful English and included be in short supply. The English peer this prayer was written for the
it in the First Prayer Book of King Lord Longford wrote a book about coronation of the king, and was to
Edward VI, more than 450 years ago. the theological virtue of humility. remind him when he was crowned
He said it was the finest book ever king that there was a still greater
OUR MEDIEVAL CATHOLIC written on the subject! King, who had his eye on him no
HERITAGE matter how great Charlemagne
ALCUIN AND BEDE became. Read it over and see how
In Latin the prayer is found in the it fits: all hearts are open…even
medieval Sarum Missal and was I researched the long history of this the heart of the king…..all desires
one of the prayers said by the priest prayer and found it quite fascinating. known….even the lust for worldly
before Mass. You will find the It first appeared in the writings of power that uses piety as a mask…
complete Latin text on the Internet. Alcuin, a famous Christian scholar of and from whom no secrets are
This is yet another reminder that the Anglo-Saxon period of English hidden.
our Prayer Book is deeply in debt to history, the period before the
our Roman Catholic heritage from Norman Conquest in 1066. Alcuin God knows all our secrets, even
the time of the Middle Ages. Our was born in the year 735, and was those of Trump and Clinton and all
Prayer Book is not just a prayer book educated at the Cathedral School the leaders of nations.
that was written at the time of the of York where his teacher had
Reformation. been a pupil of the Venerable Bede.
Alcuin was ordained a deacon but
Let me remind you of the old joke never advanced to the priesthood.
about the frog. The lonely frog went He taught in the ancient St Peter’s
OLD SARUM this day. Old Sarum was abandoned. It is significant that this prayer is
Today the only trace of the first used at the beginning of the Holy
So the beautiful Collect for Purity cathedral is the outline of the Communion service. When Jesus
appears from the pen of Alcuin foundations in the turf on the lonely spent the last night of His life
about twelve hundred years ago. windswept hill. with us before the cross, He did
From there it entered the Sarum not teach propositions or rules for
Rite. This was the cycle of worship CRANMER His followers. He instituted the
services used in the Diocese of Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Salisbury in England. I have visited But the memory of Old Sarum lived He broke the bread. He shared the
Old Sarum which has a fascinating on in the beautiful Latin liturgy that cup. He said simply: “Do this to
history. had been used there. When Cranmer remember me.” “As often as you eat
came to prepare his liturgy for the this bread and drink this cup you
It is a hill on the A345 road about reformed Church of England, he show forth the Lord’s death until He
three km north of modern Salisbury, used the best of the prayers from comes.”
and I visited it with my wife in Old Sarum and other liturgies. He
1975. It is the earliest settlement translated them into splendid Today Christians should still use
in the area and the Romans called English and we still have them as this prayer to prepare for the
it Sorviodunum. The Normans part of our heritage today. When we Sacrament, because our hearts are
built a castle and royal palace there come to Holy Communion we are open to God and our desires are
and then a cathedral and bishop’s reminded of the loving and searching known to him.
residence. Some claim that the gaze of Almighty God. Like the frog
completed Domesday Book was in the story we must confront one Fr Robert Willson taught religion and
presented to William the Conqueror who knows all about us. We pray history at the Canberra Girls’ Grammar
there. that, by the power of the Holy Spirit School and was Chaplain there for 17
we may perfectly love Him and years.
However, only five days after the worthily magnify His holy name.
Cathedral was consecrated, a wild
storm destroyed the tower. One One scholar has written that what
witness said that the site was barren, this prayer asserts is that the whole
dry and solitary and exposed to the relationship between human beings
rage of the wind. Also the site was and time, our participation in time,
overcrowded. So in 1220 the bishop is part of our relation with God: past,
started to build a new cathedral present and future.
down in the valley on the banks of
the Avon river, where it stands to
We aim to publish a wide
range of views and opinions
in this magazine. Publication
should therefore not be read
as St James’, the Rector,
Parish Council, staff or
parishioners necessarily
endorsing or approving any
particular view or opinion.
Old Sarum from the air. Image: Robert Willson ST JAMES’ PARISH CONNECTIONS PAGE 17
Women in Pyay Deanery carry containers after collecting water © ABM/Brad Chapman 2015
In 2019 for the Anglican Board of will be taken from the mountain to improve their access to clean
Mission’s (ABM) ‘Integrated Water 2.4 miles (3.9km) from the village water. This year ABM aims to
Sanitation and Hygiene Project’ and will be piped into the village build two tube wells and provide
in Myanmar, I have set myself by using plastic PVC Pipes. Two piped mountain water to a total of
a challenge―to raise $50,000! cisterns will be built (one in the 774 people, and conduct hygiene
Many villages in Myanmar do not village and one will be at the water and sanitation awareness raising
have access to clean water due source). seminars.
to contamination of rivers and
existing wells drying up during Oun Tee Wa villagers are using Training workshops, typically
summer. Consequently, women water from the stream of Kalet conducted in the local church, cost
and children can spend hours in the Chaung, which is muddy during $60, and educate 20 people on
hot weather every day walking long the monsoon and also dirty in personal hygiene and sanitation,
distances to collect water for their summer. Unclean water causes gender and environmental
villages. many diseases, such as cholera and awareness, and agriculture.
diarrhoea, even when people use
I recently visited Myanmar with boiled water for drinking. Kalet Two basic fly-proof latrines cost
ABM, who currently have several Chaung stream is 25 minutes walk $100, and $500 funds the fee of a
development projects there. I saw from the village. The villagers need professional water technician. The
first hand the lack of access to clean potable drinking water and this construction of a tube well, which
drinking water and the serious project will solve their issues. There provides water for up to 225 people,
implications for people’s health, are 43 families, 77 children (35 male, costs $2,750.
such as water-borne disease. 42 female), 160 adults (84 male, 76
female) in Oun Tee Wa Village. One very important factor to me
This project is to support healthy about ABM’s work here is that
potable drinking water to Oun ABM has placed a priority on the benefits go to everyone, of any
Tee Wa village. The water source helping communities in Myanmar religion, and even the non-believers!
If you belong to a group, society and Hygiene Project’, together we some amazing culture! If you are
or an organisation that you think can ensure people in Myanmar interested in joining us and for
may be able to help my challenge villages gain access to clean water more information please contact
I am very willing to visit, show and learn about good hygiene and Wilnor Flores wilnor.flores@
a presentation and answer any safe sanitation.
So please join ABM and myself in To donate please visit
A small donation from Australia
goes a long way in these villages in reaching our goal of $50,000 in 2019.
Myanmar. They are very resourceful
people who work hard and nothing From 1 to 14 February 2020 I will Gifts to the Integrated Water
much goes to waste. be travelling with ABM on an Sanitation and Hygiene Project are
organised trip to Myanmar to tax-deductible.
With your generosity in supporting see various projects including,
the ‘Integrated Water Sanitation Integrated Water, Sanitation Anthony Naake is a parishioner at St
and Hygiene, and of course James’ Church.
Tony Naake by the lake in Yangon.
Men, women and children help carry
PVC pipes for the construction of their
water system. The pipes will bring water
to the village from the mountain. © ABM
Children carrying water jars and waiting
their turn at the communal tap, after
ABM’s water system was installed in
Yung Let Wa village. © ABM
To help Tony reach his goal please donate via this link:
Matthew, what brought you to the years and have you always
St James’ and how long have you been an Anglican?
been a parishioner here?
I was baptised a Methodist but
I came to St James’ via its fantastic stopped going to church when I
music programme. I joined The was a kid. I really found my faith
St James’ Singers and fell in love again when I started going to St
first with the music, and then James’ regularly. When I moved
with the message of St James’ and to London in 2017 to do a Masters
Christianity more generally. degree, I got a recommendation
from one of the parishioners at St
Were you born and bred in James’ and attended St Barnabas
Sydney? If not, would you like to West Ealing, which was another
say something about your origins? really welcoming community.
I am from the United States, but I Would you like to say something different shaped Frisbees and you
have been living in Australia for the about your faith/spiritual journey try to throw them into baskets
past 23 years or so―although you over the years―how it began, (located about 100-200m away)
wouldn’t be able to tell it from my some of the things you have in as few throws as possible. It’s
accent! learned, how it affects your daily a different way of ‘spoiling a good
life? Have there been any other walk’ to paraphrase Mark Twain!
What do you do for a profession? influences on you?
I am a barrister. I am relatively new, Being in the St James’ Singers gave Is there anything you’d like
having joined the profession in me the opportunity to hear the to share with the Parish
September last year. I do work in powerful message of the gospel, as Connections readers that hasn’t
a lot of different areas. Right now, well as some excellent preaching. been covered here?
I find myself doing a lot of family Eventually, doing things like
provision cases (where people are singing the mass started to have a Nope – I’m grateful that I was
disputing a will). It’s an area of law deeper and more profound meaning picked!
that needs a lot of sensitivity and for me. Eventually, I realised that
compassion. I wanted to commit myself more Brooke Shelley is Communications and
Media Manager at St James’ Church.
Do you undertake any roles
at St James’ such as Reader, deeply to God than I had COUNSELLING
Intercessor, Sidesperson, Flower previously. @ ST JAMES’
arranger etc?
I think that becoming a St James’ Church offers a socially
I was a member of The St James’ practising Christian has inclusive and non-faith based professional
Singers, I continue to be part of the helped me to be more counselling service as part of its outreach
team of servers, and I am helping introspective and to ministry to the city.
Michael Horsburgh as secretary for realise the things about
the AGM. myself that I should Our professional counsellors/psychotherapists/
change. I think that it coaches are available to assist individuals,
What do you enjoy about St James’; has taught me to be more couples and family members on a wide range
why do you keep turning up? patient and kind, and of issues. Appointment flexibility is offered
to be more mindful of to accommodate work schedules. The service
I greatly admire its message of whether I am a positive is provided in rooms in the lower level of St
inclusivism, and the bravery and or negative influence on James’ Church, located in the heart of the city.
fearlessness with which St James’ other people.
communicates that message. The To make an appointment, or for further details,
people have always been wonderful Do you have any please visit or telephone
and welcoming. And the music is particular (or peculiar) 8227 1300.
absolutely fantastic! interests or hobbies?
Are there any other churches that I play disc golf―it’s a
you have been a member of over sport where you have
At a recent concert, the famous The Argument With oil my head: thou shalt bespread,
English choir The Sixteen sang nine My cup is fully dight. [set in order]
tunes composed by Thomas Tallis The Christian man Thy goodness yet: and mercy great,
in 1567 for some metrical psalms Confesses he can Will keep me all my days:
from Archbishop Parker’s Psalter. How God his life doth guide In house to dwell: in rest full well,
Matthew Parker (1504-1575) was With meat so good With God I hope always.
Archbishop of Canterbury from Of heavenly food The Collect
1559 until his death. Elizabeth I, From death his soul to hide Lead us Lord by the rules of thy
although she reportedly disliked comfortable precepts, that when we
him personally, favoured him Psalm XXIII have obtained the habitation of thy
because of his moderate views everlasting mansion, we may be fully
and because he had been chaplain The Lord so good: who giveth me food satisfied with the cup of joyful eternity,
to her mother, Anne Boleyn. His My shepherd is and guide: through Christ our Lord. &c.
inquisitiveness is said to be How can I want; or suffer scant,
the origin of the epithet ‘nosey When he defendeth my side. Archbishop Matthew Parker
Parker’. More importantly, he Image:
was behind the production of the To feed my need: he will me lead, Photo Credit: Trinity College,
39 Articles and the version of the In pastures green and fat: University of Cambridge
Book of Common Prayer used in He forth brought me: in liberty, How We Came To Sing Hymns appeared
Elizabethan times. To waters delicate. in the February/March 2019 edition
of Parish Connections.
In 1567, Parker published his own My soul and heart: he did convert, Associate Professor Michael Horsburgh
metrical Psalter, translating into To me he sheweth the path: AM is a Lay Reader at St James’ Church
verse from the Hebrew. The work Of righteousness: in holiness, and a member of The St James’ Singers.
began with a long poetic preface His name such virtue hath.
extolling the virtues of Psalm
singing and a long argument from Yea though I go: through death his woe,
St Athanasius to the same effect. His vale and shadow wide:
Each psalm was preceded by its I fear no dart: with me thou art,
‘argument’ and followed by a collect. With staff and rod to guide.
Here is his version of Psalm 23.
Thou shalt provide: a table wide,
For me against their spite:
Have you ever considered advertising your The next edition of Parish Connections will be
business in Parish Connections? published on Friday31 May.
Please phone 8227 1301 or email Deadlines (advertising and editorial):
[email protected] for advertising design Monday 20 May. Please phone 8227 1301 or
criteria, quotes and copy deadlines. email [email protected].
THEOSOMNIA: A Christian Theology of Sleep
by Andrew Bishop
(London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2018, ISBN 978-1-78592-218-3)
At a first glance it might seem odd indeed practice―of sleep. disciple, actions at the beginning
to develop a theology of sleep. Sleep, and at the end of the day are integral
surely, is a passive state, a time of One of Andrew Bishop’s starting to the hallowing of every moment.
emptiness and suspension, when the points is the understanding of sleep Bishop writes that sleep is a part of
stuff of living is put on hold. Yet as as a gift from God. It is a state of mystical theology in that it cherishes
soon as we realise that one-third of grace. It can never be earned, but sleep as an act of faith and hope
our lives is spent sleeping, and that rather is to be thankfully received ‘because it entrusts that which is
an absence of sleep or poor quality and embraced. As a gift from God, outside our conscious life experience
of sleep can have dire or unpleasant and as a state of grace, there is no to the watchfulness and care of God.’
consequences, there is immediate point in our striving or struggling for Here is theosomnia―hallowed sleep,
pause for thought. it. Rather, sleep can be seen in terms sleep that is intentionally committed
of Christian practice that sees the to God, offered to God.
Neuroscience is revealing in that self submitted to the will, care and
while our bodies might be essentially providence of a loving God. Fundamental to hallowed sleep is
unoccupied while we are asleep, our preparation for sleep. Here, Andrew
brains remain as active as ever. An Very early on, Bishop invites us to Bishop draws heavily on what
unfamiliar, unexplored world opens discard the notion of sleep as an liturgical practices―some ancient―
up, uninvited. We lose control. We exercise of sloth or sign of laziness. can teach us today. Central here is
dream. Some Calvinist teachings certainly the office of Compline, in which a
pitched their tent there, seeing Christian community would wind
What, in fact, is sleep? Why is it the body as essentially base, and up its day and commit itself to the
necessary, and how does it relate to sleeping as sinfully indulgent. In active care of God during the night.
our waking hours? Some matters our hectic and pressured 24/7 lives A detailed look at the office―not
are relatively straightforward. We where not even one minute can be least the psalms and the prayers―
know that sleep is an essential wasted, it can be too easy to dismiss can provide some guidance for
prerequisite to a good waking sleep (or a perceived excess of sleep) the believer at the end of the day.
life, supporting our physical and as a luxury or sign of weakness, Essentially, it involves a prayerful
emotional well-being. We also when exhaustion simply forces us awareness of God’s presence and
know how profoundly precarious to adopt this unpreferred means of care, whether anything formal
sleep is, sometimes frustratingly killing time. is used or not. A large number
elusive. How might we understand of evening prayers and hymns is
sleep, including that very peculiar Not so, according to the idea of available, while another example of
moment when being awake slides ‘God-sleep’. Bishop frequently goes a more structured approach is the
into being asleep? And what to the many points in scripture Examen of Consciousness. Here,
sense might we make of it all where God uses sleep as a means
theologically? of encounter. Jesus asleep in the
boat as the storm raged around him
It was Karl Rahner’s wonderful A is one example. Overall, we are
Theology of Everyday Life (2010) that encouraged to thankfully accept
prompted Andrew Bishop to explore sleep as a gift and as a sign of God’s
whether and how a fully-fledged grace. It is a time of letting go of our
theology of sleep could be developed. egos and of our consciousness, an
Building on scripture (with its many emptying out for the sake of living
references to sleep) and on Christian the day ahead well.
practice (e.g. liturgy, evening
prayers and hymnody) Bishop What is good sleep? How does
develops what he calls theosomnia― it relate to well-being, to being a
literally ‘God-sleep’ as the basis for complete human being in body,
a Christian understanding―and mind and spirit? For the Christian
St Ignatius Loyola in his Spiritual We think of the linking of is both fascinating and rewarding, if
Exercises puts forward a five-fold sleeping, waking, our mortality, challenging.
sequence prior to sleeping, involving darkness, light, and the hope of
expression of gratitude to God, our resurrection. Some might see This is not, emphatically, a ‘self help’
review of the day that is drawing sleeping as a metaphor of dying, or ‘how to’ guide―to better sleep
to a close, expression of any sorrow and waking as resurrection, or at or anything else. Yet, like all good
concerning that day, seeking God’s least waking in the hope of the theology, the insights provided in
forgiveness, and asking God for resurrection to come. this short, readable volume have the
grace to live the day ahead well and potential to take us into broader
to see God’s presence more clearly. We know that our bodies might and deeper understandings that we
be ‘switched off’ while we are never could have imagined―with
Another theme that is explored is sleeping, but also that our brains all the real-life implications and
watchfulness and vigilance. The remain extremely busy. What do benefits that are available to us, both
sentinel or ‘watchman’ will forego we make of this? What is going on? individually and collectively.
sleep, so that others might. Bishop Theosomnia encourages the sleeper
encourages us to think of Christian to commit it all to God. And what Phillip Jones is a parishioner at St James’
living as being of watchfulness and of dreams and dreaming? Exploring Church.
vigilance, with both sleeping and human responses to the world of
waking part of a keen awareness of our dreams, especially through
the love and providence of God. scripture, hymnody and literature,
Sean Meredith Cook and Thi Thanh Hoa Le......................................................................................... 16 February 2019
THE PARISH OFFICE Level 1, 169–171 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
PHONE 8227 1300
OFFICE E-MAIL [email protected]
RECTOR The Reverend Andrew Sempell 8227 1303 (m 0419 018 225)
ASSOCIATE RECTOR The Reverend John Stewart 8227 1304 (AH 9410 3077)
DIRECTOR OF ST JAMES’ INSTITUTE Christopher Waterhouse 8227 1305
HEAD OF MUSIC Warren Trevelyan-Jones 8227 1306
ORGANIST Alistair Nelson 8227 1308
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Dianne Ward 8227 1300
ACCOUNTANT Michelle Chan 8227 1302
PARISH CONNECTIONS EDITOR Brooke Shelley [email protected]
COUNSELLING@ST JAMES’ Loretta King 8227 1300
PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR Chris Cheetham 0407 017 377
FACILITIES MANAGER Tony Papadopoulos 8227 1312
VERGERS Gilbert Santayana/Max Singer/ 8227 1312/0432 879 801
James Farrow
The National Gallery of Australia
(NGA) is currently presenting its
summer/autumn exhibition: Pre-
Raphaelite Masterpieces from the
Tate Gallery, London, which also
brings together works from various
Australian collections. A number
of the paintings are on religious
The original group of seven young William Holman Hunt, The scapegoat 1854-55, oil on canvas, 33.7 x 45.9 cm,
artists and writers who formed Purchased 1906, Manchester Art Gallery
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
in England in 1848 were rebelling sometimes labelled atheists, their of these paintings offended the
against the art establishment. depth of engagement with the sensibilities of a significant slice
Revolution was in the air. While Easter narrative is impressive. For of Victorian England. However, for
figures such as Sir Joshua Reynolds the rooms in the NGA featuring modern Australian audiences―
had lauded Renaissance art the theme of ‘Faith’, the curators multi-faith or increasingly with no
(which had first flowered with provide some historical context. faith allegiance―interpretation
Raphael) by then, practitioners The late 1840s were a time when may present more fundamental
had become rather stale and the Catholic or High Church challenges.
unimaginative. The Pre-Raphaelites Anglican flavour pervading many
had a detailed stylistic agenda, Among the artists, William Holman
linked to their views on their Hunt achieved lasting fame for his
rapidly industrialising society; but painting The Light of the World, [see
essentially they wanted art to be p. 31] depicting the crucified Christ
visually exciting once more. knocking on the closed door of an
uncaring world. But some of his
Others of similar mind joined lesser known works are also on
them; and for a bunch of artists display. Hunt went on at least
two pilgrimages to the Holy Land,
intending to bring authenticity and
historical accuracy to scenes from
the Bible. Thomas Seddon joined
him in 1847, and two landscapes
from that trip are in the NGA
Thomas Seddon Jerusalem and the Valley of Jehoshaphat from the Hill of Evil Seddon’s canvas, Jerusalem and the
Counsel 1854-55, oil on canvas, presented by subscribers 1857, Tate, London Valley of Jehosophat from the Hill of
Evil Counsel, is described in the
exhibition audio-tour: “barren
hills …bathed in intense summer
light … descending to the Garden of
Gethsemane … the focus is on the
Old City, topped by a grey dome.” as foretelling his death. Details Brown are on display. Jesus Washing
At this site, traditionally where the include a red headband hinting at Peter’s Feet has been described as a
house of the High Priest Caiaphas the crown of thorns and a halo in ‘democratisation of holiness by the
stood and where Judas plotted to the arc of the window. Pre-Raphaelites’―although it was
betray Jesus, Seddon set up his tent, actually Jesus making that point
working in the early morning and In the Old Testament, The Scapegoat, which is re-enacted each Maundy
late afternoon. A shepherd pictured also painted by Holman Hunt, Thursday. The Entombment has
tending his flock helps create an was driven away on the Day of been a favourite subject with
almost timeless setting, leading us Atonement, carrying the sins religious artists down through
into the events of Easter. of the people as a sacrifice on the centuries, drawn to the almost
their behalf. In New Testament sculptural effect of the heavy,
Holman Hunt’s The Shadow of Death theology, one reading of Christ’s falling limbs and the reverent, yet
depicts a scene from Jesus’ early crucifixion is that he fulfilled that awkward, manoeuvre involved.
life, in the carpentry workshop role and his death has been, once Sombre colours evoke a funerary
in Nazareth. In its day it was for all, efficacious. The location atmosphere, with the whole scene
considered quite controversial― of this painting is the Dead Sea; drenched in sorrow. Yet we, the
possibly due to the combination but given the whole scene is viewers, know that this is not the
of the spiritual and the worldly. rich in symbolism, the strange, final act in the Easter story.
The light effect against the strong vivid purple landscape could be
wooden beam creates a shadow allegorical. There is a rainbow of Perhaps of all these paintings, John
of the crucifixion on the wall. hope and promise, and the red wool Stanhope’s Why seek ye the living
Jesus is shown full of youth and around the dying animal’s horns among the dead? is most ‘typically’
vigour, a well-tanned Anglo, who suggests the crown of thorns. Some Pre-Raphaelite, in its somewhat
seems oblivious to the portent. people consider this painting ugly; static composition, a particular
But his mother, the Virgin Mary, perhaps we still miss the point the style of female beauty, and the rich
observes it with foreboding. She artist is making about the ugliness colours of the robes, hair tones etc.
reaches for the gifts of the Magi, in of the crucifixion. Three of Christ’s female disciples―
particular the myrrh, always seen Mary of Clopas, Joanna the wife
Two paintings by Ford Madox of Herod’s steward, Chuza, and
Mary Magdalene kneeling in the
foreground―are shown on the first
Easter morning. In the scene, as told
by St Luke, they discover the empty
tomb; an angel poses the question
that gives the painting its title. In
the gospel narrative the angel then
utters words of assurance for all
humanity: “He is not here, but is
risen”. Brightly coloured flowers
at the angel’s feet symbolise this
resurrection message―in contrast
to the barren soil in the lower left
foreground where the grieving
women seem almost rooted to the
spot. A distant landscape leading
to the cave-like tomb suggests our
own earthly journey.
Ford Madox Brown The entombment 1870-78, watercolour, gouache, gold paint and continued overleaf
gum arabic over pencil on paper, 94.1 x 112.2 cm, Felton Bequest 1905, National
Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Together with the flattened sense of their romanticism has appealed to LOVE &DESIRE PRE-APHAELITE
space and the use of gold leaf, this a whole new generation. We might MASTERPIECES from the TATE
painting is strongly reminiscent of be inclined to dismiss them as an is currently on display at the
a frieze or altar-piece in an early artistic dead end―compared, say, National Gallery of Australia,
Italian church. It reminds us how with the French Impressionists. Canberra until 28 April 2019. For
art has been continuously employed However, their profound influence details, including images of these
during centuries of Christian on the Arts and Crafts movement and other works, go to
worship. However, it might also be cannot be overlooked. Generally, lovedesire/
seen as an example of the contrived even less attention is paid to
artifice of the Pre-Raphaelites― the spirituality that imbues a Margaret Johnston is a parishioner at St
decorative and seductive, yes, but significant part of their work. Yet James’ Church.
maybe we should be wary of such these paintings still challenge the
deliberate imitation. Christianity viewer’s imagination, inviting us
shouldn’t be seen as stuck back in to a shared space of contemplation
the Middle Ages. and devotion.
Finally, mention should be made
of William Holman Hunt’s work,
Christ and the two Marys, which
was a first attempt at the Pre-
Raphaelite manner. The scene
from St Matthew depicts Mary
Magdalene and Mary the mother
of James in their first meeting with
the risen Christ, this astonishing
event marking the beginning of
Christianity. The artist aims to
capture the immediacy of that
encounter―with a real, credible
figure standing before them. But
Holman Hunt was dissatisfied
with his work and put it aside for
half a century. Apart from some
technical difficulties, perhaps he
sensed, from his own faith journey,
the ultimate limitations of human
expression when faced with this
subject. Despite its imperfections,
however, the painting we see today
does convey both joy and awe,
intermingled. In its luminosity
there is something of the ‘lightness
of being’ that is our Easter
Their contemporary society became William Holman Hunt The shadow of death 1870-73, oil on canvas, 214 x 168.2 cm,
familiar with the Pre-Raphaelites, Gift of William Agnew 1883, Manchester Art Gallery
as improved printing technology
ensured reproductions of their
work were disseminated widely.
Over the past 170 years they have
at times gone out of fashion, until
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope Why seek ye the living among the dead? c 1875 or 1890, oil, gesso, gold leaf and wax on
canvas, 129.8 x 168.8 cm, Gift of Arthur Moon, KC, in memory of his mother Emma, born in Sydney, daughter of John de Villiers
Lamb 1950, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: William Holman Hunt Christ
and the two Marys 1847-
• Images supplied by the 48/97, oil on canvas over
National Gallery of Australia, wood panel, d'Auvergne
Canberra Boxall Bequest Fund
1964, Art Gallery of South
• NGA: captions, audiotour Australia
transcripts, Canberra, 2018
• Hilton, Timothy, The Pre-
Raphaelites Thames and Hudson,
London, 1970
• Menz, Christopher,Morris and
Company, Pre Raphaelites and
the Arts and Crafts Movement, Art
Gallery Board SouthAustralia,
• Watkinson, Raymond, Pre-
Raphaelite Art and Design, Trefoil
Publications London, 1970
The St James’ Donation form for:
The St. James’ Building and Property Foundation
An invitation from the Right & The St. James’ Music Foundation
Reverend Richard Hurford, OAM
Directors: Chairman
In 1999, as the Chairman of the Australian Council of the International CEO
Guild of Church Musicians, I was part of a small group of church Right Reverend Richard Hurford OAM, KStJ
Graham Smith
music supporters which shared the vision of establishing the St James’ Christine Bishop LLB (Syd) FAICD
Foundation. I then served as the Foundation’s first Chairman. Robert Cameron JP
Daniel Ferguson JP
The current Board of Directors invite you to support this dynamic Gregory West CA
resource for St James by way of donation or bequest.
The St James’ Foundation Ltd.
The St James’ Foundation Ltd is a company limited by guarantee and is the
trustee of two charitable trusts, the St James’ Music Foundation and the Mobile
St James’ Church Building and Property Foundation. Address
Right Reverend Richard Hurford OAM, KStJ (Chairman),
Graham Smith (CEO), Christine Bishop LLB (Syd) FAICD, Postcode
Robert Cameron JP, Daniel Ferguson JP and Gregory West CA
are directors of the Foundation.
Please accept my donation to the
The St James’ Music Foundation Capital Fund of the Music Foundation
The object of the Music Foundation is: $
To provide financial and other assistance to enable the production and
performance of sacred and secular music with a particular focus on choral Please accept my donation to the
Capital Activities Fund of the
and pipe organ music along with other expressions of the creative Music Foundation
and performing arts.
The Music Foundation allows two kinds of donations; those towards the
capital fund, which is invested to provide annual distributions to the Parish. Please accept my donation to the
Organ Replacement & Restoration Fund
The second kind of donation can be to particular reserves, like the organ of the Music Foundation
restoration/rebuilding fund, scholarships, production of CD’s or other
reserves that meet with the requirements of the Foundation and the needs $
of the Parish. Donations to the Music Foundation are tax deductible.
Please accept my donation to the
The St James’ Church Building Capital Fund of the Building Foundation
and Property Foundation
The object of the Building and Property Foundation is to provide financial
assistance to St James for the restoration, preservation, maintenance, Please draw cheques to the
improvement, enhancement and upkeep of the Church building, its St James’ Music Foundation or
fixtures, fittings and ornaments. The Building Foundation is principally a The St James’ Building Foundation and forward to:
The Treasurer, Unit 2702/5 York St, Sydney 2000
capital fund, the income of which is distributed to the parish. Donations to
the Building Foundation are not tax deductible. OR
The two Foundations have provided well over two million dollars, in Direct Bank Transfer
distributions to the Parish of St James over the past 13 years. (electronic payment) to:
WBC - BSB 032 007 / Acc. No. 181314
Please debit my: Visa Mastercard
Card No. /
Exp. Date
Please send me information (to the above address) of
how I might include a bequest for The St. James’ Music
Foundation or The St. James Building Foundation in my will
All donations to The St. James’ Music Foundation
over $2.00 are tax deductible
At this time of Lent and Easter, it Trust, a Christian Aid organisation, family in that area and to work with
is timely to be reflecting on the identified a family of six who would Summit to support them.
question asked of Jesus in the like to come to Australia. We wrote
Gospels, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ a letter of support to the Australian Chester Hill Parish has asked us to
Embassy in Jordan in March 2018, be involved with some of the work
On Ash Wednesday we prayed: and received an acknowledgement they are doing, specifically to help
of our letter from the Embassy. We with a family picnic on Saturday,
Forgive us for remaining silent and have been working with Anglicare, 8 June (about midday-3pm). This
bound by fear. and now with Anglican Aid, to is an opportunity for us to attend
try and see where the process was the picnic, prepare food, help to
Give us the courage to speak and act heading. Hope and Trust have serve the food, and to organise some
with justice. been unable to find out what has games for children. There will be
happened to the proposal. We are more details in the Pew Sheet in
At St James’, we have identified now going back to the Embassy to coming weeks.
people with whom we can work in make further enquires.
practical ways to speak and act with St James’ has also been contributing
justice. In the meantime, we have raised to the Asylum Seeker Centre (ASC)
about $13,000, with a plan to at Newtown, where a number of
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM increase this to over $20,000. We parishioners do voluntary work.
SEEKERS have started to collect household The Centre provides health care,
goods and have met with Chester food, English classes, family support,
Many of you will know that St Hill Parish. They have a programme lunch five days a week, music,
James’ has been working to propose called Summit, which is reaching employment support for those
a Syrian family currently living in out to refugee families living in their allowed to work, and services for
Jordan in a Refugee Camp to come area. A number of these families children.
to Australia. It is turning into a are Syrian, so we plan to house the
rather long saga with no outcome continued overleaf
in sight at present. Hope and
Reproduced with permission.
Many others at St James’ have that health is the biggest issue. The and sent to yet another committee.
been contributing to the ‘shop’, public health system is underfunded, This was the Joint Select Committee
where families are given supplies under-resourced and there are on Constitutional Recognition,
of basic foods, cleaning products limited services available, not just and St James’ made a submission
and toiletries. These are purchased for the refugees, but for the local in support of the Uluru Statement
with the Coles, Woolworths and population as well. which was signed by 74 members
IGA vouchers that are being placed of St James’ one Sunday morning.
in the offertory plate or left at the In our Lenten Groups, we have This was received by the committee
Parish Office. This is very much been using the Archbishop of and retained in their computer files.
appreciated by the ASC and their Canterbury’s Lenten Studies, this The original document was kindly
clients. Other parishes also support year written by Dr Muthuraj returned by Ms Julia Morris, the
this work. Swamy, which has the theme of Secretary of the Committee. It will
reconciliation. We also prayed on now be part of the archives of St
Under this umbrella, we have also Ash Wednesday: James’. A copy of the submission
been trying to contribute to the sent to the committee is currently
push to change the way Australia is Let us pray that we will join together on the noticeboard at the entrance
managing the asylum seekers and in working for reconciliation, and the to the crypt if you would like to
refugees moved to Nauru and Manus healing of our ancient land and its see it.
Island. These people have now been people.
in ‘no man’s land’ for over five years, Dean Parkin is one of the Aboriginal
and numbers of them have died from ABORIGINAL AND TORRES people who has been working
illness and suicide. Some of these STRAIT ISLANDER with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
people have moved to the USA and RECONCILIATION Islander Elders on the development
some have come to Australia for of the Uluru Statement. He has
medical care and are still here. All St James’ acknowledges the Gadigal produced a TED Talk (see reference
the children have now, thankfully, peoples of the Eora Nation on below) about the meaning of this
been moved away. For those who whose land our church is built. The to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
remain on Nauru and Manus Island, St James’ Institute hosted the book Islander peoples. So, the question is,
many people are working to bring launch of Our Mob: God’s Story, which will we stand with our First Nation
them to Australia. It is an ongoing was produced to celebrate the 200th Peoples to help them to achieve
humanitarian issue for our whole anniversary of the Bible Society in constitutional recognition and more,
community. Joining protests and Australia last year. It is a wonderful now that we no longer believe in
writing letters to our local members collection of Aboriginal and Torres ‘terra nullius’―or do we?
are some of the ways we have been Strait Islander paintings of bible
trying to support them. stories and verses. There is also now This article was written in the
a plaque above the northern door of wake of the murder of at least 50
Act for Peace has been working with the church celebrating the Gadigal people at prayer in Christchurch
local services on Manus Island to Peoples of the Eora Nation and also in New Zealand on 15 March,
try and improve health services for a plaque in the baptistry. 2019. A chilling fact is that it was
the locals and the men still living perpetrated by an Australian. Our
there. One of the men spoke to Caz Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander involvement in this is complex, and
Coleman, who is the Act for Peace peoples are our neighbours and they although we are not personally
representative, on her recent visit to are wanting reconciliation, a voice responsible, it belongs to us all. It is
Manus Island: to Parliament, a Makarrata (truth- so aptly shown in Cathy Wilcox’s
telling about history) and a Treaty. cartoon ‘Sticks and Stones’ in the
Asal*, one of the men I had the Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday
privilege to meet while on Manus, In 2017, the Aboriginal and Torres 19 March. She has kindly given her
told us that life has become “too Strait Islander peoples sent permission for us to include this in
horrible” for the men: “people feel representatives to the meeting at this edition of Parish Connections.
too frustrated about their future. Uluru and produced the Uluru
People are everyday getting sick. Statement from the Heart. After As I thought about the consequences
Some people hurt themselves. It’s extensive consultation and working of this massacre for the people of
too hard living here.” It’s very clear to produce a consensus statement, Christchurch, and especially for
the Uluru Statement was dismissed
*not his real name. by the Commonwealth Ministers
the refugee population in that city, encounters with our family, friends, ‘Who is my neighbour’ is a group
I reflected on what the massacre neighbours and work colleagues. of people meeting via email and
could have meant to the Wiradjuri This is a challenge for us all. associated with St James’ Church
peoples of central NSW, when who have been challenged to think
settlers moved onto their lands References about this issue and contribute in
in 1830s and gunned them down, their own way. Email updates are
and poisoned their waterholes, as 1. Uluru Statement from the Heart 2017 sent out to the people on the list
described by Stan Grant in his 2016 and if you want to join, please email
speech. au/sites/default/files/2017-05/Uluru_ Libby Hindmarsh on hindmarsh@
Statement_From_The_Heart_0.PDF and ask to be added
The question ‘Who is my neighbour?’ to the list.
remains to be answered by each of 2. Ted Talk on Uluru Statement https://
us on a day-to-day basis in all our Elizabeth (Libby) Hindmarsh is a
31jD4XcA Parishioner at St James’ Church and
coordinates Who Is My Neighbour?
3. Mr Stan Grant
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William Holman Hunt The light of the world 1851-56, oil on
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Manchester Art Gallery. See pp. 24-27
It is now over a year since the postal Although some of the 34 principals Image: Derek Anson.
survey resulted in legalisation to withdrew their support for the photos/pbda/
legalise same-sex marriage. Water letter, committing themselves to
continues to flow under the bridge, continue in non-discriminatory ‘our schools do not expel students
as this new reality sinks in. As ways, this was not matched by or dismiss staff on the basis of
one very public reaction to this Archbishop Glenn. Although he their sexuality, nor have they
changed landscape, the heads of 34 appeared to offer an apology for ever wanted that right.’ These
Anglican schools in NSW wrote an the (in his words) ‘unfortunate are extraordinary claims in the
Open Letter urging federal MPs to consequences’1 of the letter, he light of the Standing Committee’s
protect existing exemptions in the had earlier deflected blame recommendations―baffling in fact.
Sex Discrimination Act allowing onto the social and print media
them to sack gay teachers. The for misunderstanding and Perhaps it is true that schools,
letter was written at the request of misrepresenting the letter. He churches and the diocese won’t
the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, did not (as far as we are aware) discriminate merely on the basis of
Glenn Davies. admit to any personal or Diocesan a person’s (non-chosen) sexuality.
wrongdoing. However, the Archbishop knows
So strong was the public outcry full well that they most certainly
that followed the release of the MISLEADING STATEMENTS will be discriminated against in
letter that Archbishop Glenn was terms of what they ‘do’ with their
decidedly put on the back foot. In an ABC Radio National interview sexuality, if they get married
Nevertheless, there were some on 8 November, Archbishop Glenn to someone of the same sex, for
promising signs that perhaps the claimed that he had ‘never wanted’ example.
penny might finally have dropped and had ‘never asked for’ religious
for the Archbishop; that he had at exemptions, and, in fact, was ‘on Those thousands of alumni and
last got the message that the people the same page’ as the LGBTI+ parents who petitioned the 34
of Sydney, and in fact of Australia, community in wanting an end to principals, some of them taking
were no longer willing to put up the exemptions. Unfortunately, he to the streets to march, were
with discrimination against LGBTI+ failed to mention that, at the time absolutely right to express their
fellow Australians, not least against when exemptions were added to alarm. The Open Letter wasn’t
children and their teachers. the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) misread or misunderstood.
in 2013, the Standing Committee of It was clear that its purpose
After more than a week of fierce the Diocese of Sydney, along with was to encourage the Federal
public reaction to the Open Letter, the Australian Christian Lobby Government to introduce even
the Archbishop appeared to and Freedom 4 Faith, argued that stronger ‘religious freedom’
backtrack on his church’s quest to the exemptions were necessary. In legislation to strengthen the right
persuade the Federal Government other words, they were wanted, as of organisations like the Sydney
to retain exemptions to the Sex now…until stronger legislation can
Discrimination Act 1984, allowing be created. One of the Standing
religious bodies to discriminate Committee’s recommendations was
on the basis of sexuality or gender. for an expansion of discriminatory
He and the signatories of the powers to ‘include discrimination
Open Letter had argued that these that is connected with the
exemptions were needed, as the appointment or retention of persons
‘only significant legal protections to work within the religious body,’
available to schools,’ until more the power to hire and fire.
‘positive’ legislation could be
passed to enshrine these rights (to The Archbishop was reported in
discriminate) in more permanent The Australian (9 Nov) as saying
law. that there were ‘some exemptions,
such as those relating to sexuality,
But did the penny really drop? We we do not use and have no wish
don’t think it did. to preserve.’ He also claimed that
1 As reported in The Australian, Nov 9, 2018,, ‘Archbishop apologises for hurt to gays’.
Anglican Church to discriminate on Any variation of sexuality and other church-owned corporation
issues of sexuality and gender. gender has thus effectively been or enterprise, unless the policy is
defined out of existence by a amended to bring it into line with
THE DIOCESAN VIEW OF church which now wants to impose existing (and clearly conflicting)
GENDER AND SEXUALITY this understanding upon all of its legislation and codes of ethics for
institutions, including schools. workers in these fields.
According to the Diocese’s
literalistic and, we think, simplistic PROPERTY LEGISLATION PLANS ALREADY
reading of the Bible, there are UNDERWAY
only two genders and all people At its most recent Synod in
are created to be heterosexual. In October 2018, the Sydney Diocese The screws are just about to be
a Report of the Sydney Doctrine significantly strengthened its tightened further. At a recent
Commission dated 31 July 2017, ability to discriminate against (Sydney) Anglican Education
the current principal of Moore those who ‘give in’ to their Commission Governor’s
Theological College, Mark (misunderstood) experiences Symposium (8 November 2018)
Thompson, argued that because of gender identity and sexual Associate Professor Neil Foster
only two genders are mentioned orientation. Nervous that their (Newcastle Law Centre) gave a
in Genesis and Matthew then understanding of sexuality, presentation in which he conceded
there are only two genders, and gender and marriage might not be that sexual orientation alone
the ‘transgender tsunami’ which considered as one of their essential would not be sufficient grounds
is currently sweeping the western ‘doctrines, tenets or beliefs’, the for disciplining or expelling
world increasingly impacting diocese moved to include it under students or staff. The simple act
churches, schools and homes’ needs that matrix. It then successfully of identifying as gay, bisexual or
to be resisted. And the way to adopted a policy which not only lesbian might, however, suggest
resist it is by advising (ultimately prevented same-sex marriages that the person concerned is
misguided) children that any and associated celebrations from opposed to the moral framework
desire to change their gender is happening on church-owned (or ethos) of the school. Should
‘sinful’, and that they should be told properties, but also ruled out that person get married or admit
(compassionately, of course) that advocacy for ‘expressions of human to being in a romantic relationship
they must live ‘as far as is possible, sexuality contrary to our doctrine with someone of the same sex, they
in conformity with [their] God- of marriage’. would, of course, have violated the
given sex,’ and, if they have started school’s ethos and therefore could
transitioning, they should stop, and Under the heading of ‘Doctrine of be asked to leave. Hence the need,
thereafter avoid all forms of ‘cross- Marriage and Human Sexuality’ the especially if current exemptions
gender identification.’ following associated motions were are removed, to have even stronger
adopted: powers to discriminate.
Essentially, the same advice is to be
given to those who, as the Diocese 18. We believe that there are Students, staff, and principals at
puts it, ‘struggle with same-sex only two expressions of faithful Sydney’s Anglican schools who
attractions.’ The leadership of the sexuality: marriage between have had to hide their sexuality and
Diocese is uncomfortable with the a man and a woman, and gender experiences―helped a little
self-designation of people as gay, abstinence in singleness. in some schools by increasingly
bi-sexual, lesbian or transgender supportive policies―will need
because, as Thompson said, there 19. Church property must to sink back into hiding. Those
are only two genders: male and therefore not be used for who have had to put up with
female. Any deviation from this activities which promote sexual chaplains and other church
norm is a defect, a sad result of intimacy outside of marriage, authorities describing them and
the fall of human beings into sin, or which promote a version of their relationships as ‘broken’ and
and, if acted upon, a perversion marriage which is inconsistent ‘defective’ will soon have those
or abomination, or, as a 2014 with God’s plan for marriage. messages shouted at them from
Report by the Sydney Doctrine school assemblies and in chapel
Commission put it, ‘an assault on This is the Diocese’s long-game services designed to bring them to
the image of God.’ and it most definitely will affect
its schools, counselling services, continued overleaf
nursing homes, Anglicare, and every
repentance and possible healing. apologised to LGBTI+ people for are finally able to speak up and to
LGBTI+ staff will not be able to failing to spell out that different feel confident about who they are
provide comfort and role modelling points of view can still be aired. and what that means for them, the
to students. Old stereotypes will As a result of some last-minute Diocese of Sydney should persist
be returned, resulting in increased discussions with a group of with broken and unsustainable
bullying and suicide attempts. concerned Anglican churchgoers, ways of reading and understanding
the policy was amended (despite the Bible―which also hurt people.
The situation is a grim one. How protests by some in Synod) to make
grim it is, is illustrated by the fact it clear that the policy was not It is disappointing that the Diocese
that so few of the 34 Principals designed to ‘prevent discussion and of Sydney doesn’t acknowledge
have had the courage to publicly debate about contentious issues.’ that other Christians―in
distance themselves from the Open This is a step in the right direction fact, probably most Australian
Letter and from the unfolding and is to be applauded. Anglicans, including the leadership
Diocesan plans, with many afraid of most other dioceses―are
that they, too, will be looking for 3. Efforts to extend and moving in exactly the opposite
employment outside of an ever entrench discriminatory direction to Sydney, in listening to
more controlling diocese. practices should be resisted. the experiences of LGBTI+ fellow
The right to freedom of thought, Christians, and apologising for past
WHAT CAN BE DONE? conscience and belief has long been and present wrongs, whilst also
protected under our common law seeking to create safe and affirming
1. Principals, parents, alumni system, as well as in employment spaces for all those who come to
and students - speak up! law. There is simply no need for church, attend or teach at their
It is most definitely time to speak increased protections, and certainly church schools.
up, to intensify the pressure not the ones the Sydney Diocese
already being applied. The time for appears to want. We at Equal Voices believe it is
petitions and marches isn’t over yet. never too late to take remedial
4. Elevate the voices of action, never too late to start
2. Freedom of religion cuts LGBTIQA+ people in listening again, never too late to
both ways: Anglican churches, schools say sorry and mean it, never too
Not every Sydney Anglican, even and agencies, who can speak late to re-think one’s theology and
among those who go to church most directly, honestly and practice. It is never too late to come
regularly, agrees that marriage is authoritatively about issues of faith together in our diversity, letting
and always should be between and discrimination. The Diocese unconditional love define us more
one man and one woman for life. sometimes likes to ignore the strongly. It will take some courage,
According to internal polling existence of LGBTIQA+ Anglicans, but the Lord we all serve, the Lord
within the Diocese, as many as but at Equal Voices, we believe Jesus, didn’t lack the sort of courage
20% of church-going Anglicans their presence and contribution to his Spirit can inspire. We continue
in Sydney expressed support our Church is a vital gift we cannot to pray for that.
for marriage equality legislation. keep ignoring and must begin
Doubtless, the percentage was even celebrating. Natalie Cooper is a member of Equal
higher amongst principals and staff Voices. For more information about
of Diocesan schools, and amongst It is with some sadness that this Equal Voices:
the many other employees of the paper has been written. It has been
Diocese. The Sydney Diocese must disappointing that Archbishop
be asked to respect the religious Glenn Davies hasn’t been as up-
freedom of its own congregants and front or as honest as he could
employees. It must allow students have been with the Australian
and staff to have, express, and even public. It is disappointing that, at
to advocate for an alternative point a time when Australian culture
of view―as is their religious right. as a whole has become so much
more understanding and informed
A small sunbeam of light at the about issues of sexuality and
recent Synod was a speech by gender, where LGBTI+ people
Bishop Michael Stead where he
The following sermon was preached by deliberately planned to destroy it, took the bold decision to build a
Christopher Waterhouse on Sunday Coventry’s 14th century Cathedral, brand new Cathedral next door
24 March 2019 at St James’ Church. dedicated to St Michael, was and preserve the ruins as a moving
Christopher is a Lay Minister in the bombed and almost completely reminder of the folly and waste of
parish and Director of the St James’ destroyed by fire. On the night in war. I’d like to draw on the example
Institute. question my great-grandfather was of Coventry, and those involved
there with his friends, with buckets with acts of reconciliation and
The ruins of Coventry Cathedral. of water, trying desperately to renewal after the war, as a way to
Image by DeFacto - Own work, CC save his beloved Cathedral, where reflect on what reconciliation might
BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia. he was a bellringer and regular be about.
org/w/index.php?curid=52310613 parishioner.
At the altar of the old Coventry
“You shall call nations that you do But it was too late and there was Cathedral today you’ll find a
not know, and nations that do not not enough water. The cathedral charred cross―a replica of the
know you shall run to you, because burned and the roof eventually cross that was placed there soon
of the Lord your God, for he has caved in―thankfully Great- after the blitz by the Cathedral’s
glorified you.” (Isaiah 55:5) Grandpa and his friends escaped. stonemason, Jock Forbes, who
On the evening of the 14 November Today the shell of the building is noticed in the rubble two of the
1940, the city of Coventry in still there, fragments of medieval charred medieval roof timbers
England was bombed from the skies glass still in the window frames. which had fallen in the shape of a
as the German Air Force carried out Miraculously, the great spire cross. He set them up in the ruins,
a series of targeted bombing raids survived complete with its 12 bells and the words ‘Father Forgive’
codenamed ‘Moonlight Sonata’. for change ringing, some dating were later inscribed on the ruined
The aim of the raids was to destroy back to 1675. There’s a curious St sanctuary wall.
the industrial city and the many James’ connection here. Thomas
factories that were building planes, Mears, of the Whitechapel Foundry The cross is a potent and
cars and weapons for the British in London, recast one of the powerful symbol of forgiveness
war effort. Coventry bells in 1799. His son, and reconciliation. It represents
Whether the German pilots saw Thomas Mears II cast the very first suffering, death and pain, but also
the spire and mistook it for a bell for our church of St James’ in hope, forgiveness and the promise
factory chimney, or whether they 1820. The ‘Mears’ bell is heard every of the new life that comes with the
day in this church to call us to resurrection. Those words ‘Father
worship and at the Great Elevation Forgive’ echo Christ’s words on
in the Eucharist. the cross, and were the starting
point for a powerful ministry of
Today if you visit Coventry reconciliation at Coventry that
Cathedral you can walk around continues to this day.
the ruins of St Michael’s and if
you’re lucky, hear the bells being While the wooden beams of the
rung. Although I never knew roof had been charred in the fire,
him, I always think of my great- so too the old medieval nails in the
grandfather when I hear those bells roof were found in the ruins―huge
and the stories I was told as a child nails, the sort you might use to
of the Coventry blitz and his heroic nail someone to a cross, actually.
efforts. In taking three of these nails and
forming the shape of a cross, the
Coventry Cathedral today is in Rev’d Arthur Wales created the
fact two buildings. Rather than now famous Coventry Cross,
demolishing what was left of the which adorns the High Altar in
ruined Cathedral and starting the new Coventry Cathedral and
again, inspired by Christ’s message has become the symbol of the
of reconciliation, the Dean and
Chapter of Coventry Cathedral continued overleaf
Cross of nails, Coventry Cathedral and more than anything some of Dresden in Germany was utterly
attempt at regeneration. destroyed by the British Airforce in
worldwide Community of the similar bombing raids in 1945.
Cross of Nails, which has provided The foundation stone of the new After the war, Bishop Bell hoped
spiritual and practical support in Cathedral was laid by Her Majesty for a move towards unity and
areas of conflict throughout the the Queen on 23 March 1956. ecumenism, and to continue the
world, including to Tasmania Basil Spence’s new building is the work he and Bonhoeffer had begun
after the massacre there in 1996. A modern Coventry Cathedral. It is before the hostilities. He laid
replica of the Cross of Nails hangs famous for its 1960s’ art and design, down a blunt and direct message
in St David’s Cathedral, Hobart. striking windows and the vast in a radio broadcast calling for an
It is the only one in Australia. tapestry at the East End by Graham Anglo-German alliance, not blaming
Because my Mum is from Coventry Sutherland. It is also famous for either side but saying that all must
and because of our family’s long its Chapel for Unity, on a 999 take responsibility. His words are
history there, I wear the Coventry year lease to the ecumenical joint today etched in stone at the foot
cross on my suit jacket, close council―where Christians of all of the altar bearing his name in
to my heart. The Archbishop of denominations can come together Oxford’s Cathedral.
Canterbury wears the cross of nails to worship, pray and receive the He said this:
as his pectoral cross, as he was sacraments together.
once the Canon for Reconciliation “No nation, no church, no
at Coventry. This experience The symbols and art of Coventry individual is guiltless. Without
of reconciliation ministry has Cathedral, old and new, speak of repentance and without
clearly stayed with him, hence him the truth about Christian mission forgiveness, there can be no
selecting a book on Reconciliation and ministry―with a potent regeneration.”
for his Lent book this year, which reminder to us that we should The altar itself is an intriguing piece
many of us are working through at all of us be in the business of of liturgical art. The artist, Jim
the moment. reconciliation, with one another, Partridge, took a solid piece of oak,
and with God. cut from a tree in Windsor Great
Rebuilding Coventry Cathedral Park, a gift of Her Majesty the
was a sign of faith, trust and hope I’m familiar with another chapel Queen especially for the project.
for the future of the world. The for unity and reconciliation, which
Provost, Richard Howard, wanted features a powerful piece of Bell Altar, Christ Church, Oxford
to lead the people of Coventry liturgical art that serves to me as a
away from feelings of bitterness reminder of what reconciliation is
and hatred, and towards rebuilding, really all about. It’s called the Bell
hope, love―even for old enemies, Chapel and it’s in a side aisle at
Christ Church Oxford.
It’s named in honour of George
Kennedy Allan Bell, one time
Dean of Canterbury and later
bishop of Chichester. Bishop Bell
is remembered as a pioneer of the
ecumenical movement, as a great
friend of the German theologian
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and for his
active opposition to blanket-
bombing or area-bombing of towns
during the war and the resulting
slaughter of innocent men, women
and children.
For as much as Coventry suffered
under the bombing raids of the
German Airforce, so too the town
Reconciliation statue by Josefina de Vasconcellos
Partridge scorched the wood while The altar is regularly used for daily Gathered around that altar to
it was still green, to symbolise the services in the Cathedral and receive the sacrament, it became
death, destruction and damage of especially for services that have a clear to me that we are the body
war. From the centre of the solid focus on unity and reconciliation. I of Christ―as we declare in the
piece of wood, he carved a cross, think it’s especially powerful that liturgy. We are to be the body of
which stands near the altar today. the altar is actually used; it’s not a Christ in the world, to bring Christ
The cross-shaped hole in the centre static work of art, it has a function. into places of darkness and sadness
of the altar is still there, leaving it And having experienced it first- where the joy and hope of new life
hollow at the base. As a whole the hand, to gather around that altar brings light.
piece seems to say, if you are in and to share Communion there is
the business of reconciliation and a deeply spiritual and prayerful But we must do more than talk
forgiveness you are hollow until experience. about it. Bonhoeffer once said that
you put the cross at the centre of preaching is insufficient to make us
your reconciliation, until you put I think there’s also a strong message members of Christ’s Body; that the
Christ at the centre, or at the heart. about being the body of Christ. sacraments have to be added.
continued overleaf
With that in mind, as we receive “All have sinned and fallen short PALM SUNDAY 14 APRIL
the sacrament together this of the glory of God. 7:45am Holy Eucharist*
morning, we bring with us prayers 10:00am Procession of Palms &
for the people of Christchurch New So, for the hatred which divides
Zealand, prayers for the people in nation from nation, race from Choral Eucharist*
Utrecht, our own friends and family race, class from class, 2:00pm St James’ Institute:
who are in need, and perhaps those
with whom we need to reconcile. Father, forgive. In Conversation with
Like Bishop Bell and Bonhoeffer, The Rev’d Dr Gregory Seach
we seek to live out Christ’s call to The covetous desires of people
reconcile and forgive, remembering and nations to possess what is MONDAY 15 APRIL
that this involves God, who is not their own, 8:30am Morning Prayer
woven into our relationships―so 12:30pm Holy Eucharist
when it feels like our feeble human Father, forgive. 6:30pm Parish Eucharist*
attempts have failed, or when false
reconciliation comes and then The greed which exploits the TUESDAY 16 APRIL
crumbles away after a short while, work of human hands and lays 8:30am Morning Prayer
then we must turn not to our own waste the earth, 12:30pm Holy Eucharist
strength but to God’s. 6:30pm Parish Eucharist*
Father, forgive.
"You shall call nations that you do WEDNESDAY 17 APRIL
not know, and nations that do not Our envy of the welfare and 8:30am Morning Prayer
know you shall run to you, because happiness of others, 12:30pm Holy Eucharist
of the Lord your God, for he has 6:30pm Parish Eucharist*
glorified you." (Isaiah 55:5) Father, forgive.
Coventry was not glorified because Our indifference to the plight of 8:30am Morning Prayer
of its military strength. Nations did the imprisoned, the homeless, 12:30pm Holy Eucharist
not run to join up and follow their the refugee, 6:30pm Solemn Eucharist of the
lead because of their brute strength
or out of fear or intimidation,the Father, forgive. Lord’s Supper*
approach taken by some of our
world leaders today. Instead, the The lust which dishonours GOOD FRIDAY 19 APRIL
glory of Coventry is evidenced the bodies of men, women and 9:00am Stations of the Cross
by their response to the tragedies children, Noon Solemn Liturgy of the
of war. Both sides went to war
claiming that God was on their side Father, forgive. Cross*
and that God would glorify them. 7:30pm Choral Tenebrae
Actually, the glory was given in the The pride which leads us to trust
acts of forgiveness that came when in ourselves and not in God, HOLY SATURDAY 20 APRIL
the fighting was over. 9:00am Morning Prayer
Father, forgive.
In conclusion then, for me, the EASTER DAY 21 APRIL
symbols of reconciliation at Let us be kind to one another, 6:00am Great Easter vigil*
Coventry and at Oxford remind tender hearted, forgiving one 8:00am Parish Breakfast in the
me of the centrality of Christ and another, as God in Christ
the cross and of God’s abiding love forgave us. Amen.” Crypt
for us. In humility then, we beg 9:00am Sung Eucharist with
'Father Forgive'. In the words of the The images in this article are from www.
Coventry Litany of Reconciliation, Procession*
said every Friday in the ruins of that 11:00am Choral Eucharist with
great Cathedral:
The Rev’d Dr Gregory Seach
On Palm Sunday afternoon (Sunday guest tickets to use, which must be Christopher Waterhouse
14 April 2:00pm-4:00pm) I hope used before Easter, so perhaps this
you’ll consider joining us for a occasion is the ideal one on which to exhibition Art from Inside, which
special ‘in conversation’ event invite a friend for free. Subscribers is coming to Sydney in June 2019.
with our 2019 Holy Week and may contact the office for further We are also pleased to welcome
Easter preacher, Fr Gregory Seach. details or with any questions about Martin Howard to speak to us
Fr Gregory is currently Warden this ‘guest’ ticket deal. about the restorative justice
of Wollaston College, Perth, and programme, The Sycamore Tree Project.
formerly Dean of Clare College ‘The reredos of Christ Church Oxford' Martin is a member of the global
Cambridge. His association with by G.F. Bodley steering council for Restorative
St James’ goes back many years Justice International (RJI) and
and it is a particular pleasure to be Image: The Rev’d Ralph Williamson’ Vice Chairman of Restorative
welcoming him back to the parish Practices International (RPI)
to share this significant season of On Sunday 5 May from 2:00pm- in Queensland. He has been an
Holy Week and Easter together. 3:30pm we are exploring ‘God advocate in the field for over 20
In our conversation together we’ll behind bars’ and looking at the years. As part of the leadership
discuss Fr Gregory’s work and work of prison chaplains and team in Prison Fellowship
ministry, his earlier studies in chaplaincy programmes, especially Australia, he established and
English Literature (and the impact those run by the Prison Fellowship. conducted the first Sycamore Tree
of his love of language on his Across Australia there are over 1000 Project in Queensland in 2011 and
theology) and the role of Wollaston volunteer men and women visiting has overseen the programme since
College in the training of ministry prisoners, running programmes then, training new facilitators and
candidates for the Diocese of Perth. in prisons, organising camps and inducting crime victim participants.
providing Christmas presents for Martin worked with restorative
The Rev'd Dr Gregory Seach prisoners’ children, supporting ex- justice pioneer Dan Van Ness and
prisoners when they are released, the Prison Fellowship International
We’ll also spend some time talking playing sports, running in-prison (PFI) Centre for Justice and
about Holy Week and Easter and Bible studies, and providing many Reconciliation (Washington DC),
preparing to hear Fr Gregory’s other services. Peter Abood, State and has been involved in many
sermons each day between Palm Manager of Prison Fellowship restorative justice learning events
Sunday and Easter Day. The ‘in NSW/ACT joins us to talk about and conferences. Tickets for this
conversation’ is a wonderful the work and ministry of Prison event are $30/$25 concession. SJI
opportunity to meet Fr Gregory, Fellowship through a number subscribers free. Following this
or to catch up with him since you of these programmes, including SJI event, The Choir of St James’
last met him, find out what he’s Christian courses such as The and BachBand@StJames’ present a
been up to, and get to know him a Prisoners Journey, restorative justice Cantata service at St James’ Church
little better as we enter Holy Week programmes, and the annual at 4:00pm, Du Hirte Israel, hore
together. Tickets for this event are (BWV 104).
$30 adults, $25 concession, free for
SJI subscribers. A reminder that our continued overleaf
2019 subscribers each have two free
Our book discussion group will Sturt University and was a
be meeting monthly from May to research fellow at the University
September on the fourth Thursday of Queensland. His books include
of the month at 7:30pm. Our 2019 Christ the Stranger: The Theology of
book is The Spirit of Early Christian Rowan Williams, Milton’s Theology of
Thought: Seeking the Face of God by Freedom, and The Apostles’ Creed: A
Robert Wilken. J. Taylor, writing Guide to the Ancient Catechism.
for 'The Gospel Coalition' said,
‘Wilken’s work is a wonderful George Herbert (Image:
achievement and a marvellous humanities/George-Herberts-The-Altar)
synthesis, eloquently making his
massive learning and historical George Herbert (1593–1633) was Dr Benjamin Myers
expertise readily available and an English poet of the metaphysical
accessible to those who seek school. He was born in Wales This seminar is presented in St
to carry on the pattern of early and educated at the University of James’ Hall on Saturday 25 May
Christian thinking by seeking the Cambridge. He was made a fellow from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. Tickets
face of God.' Copies of the book of the University in 1616, and was $30 adults, $25 concession. SJI
are now available for sale from later ordained in the Church of subscribers free. The Choir of St
the St James’ Parish Office. The England, spending the rest of his James’ Concert of music by George
group meets in Cremorne (address life as rector of Bremerton, near Frideric Handel follows at 5:00pm
supplied after registration). To Salisbury Cathedral. Many of (tickets for the concert must be
register call 8227 1305 or email Herbert’s poems reveal his own purchased separately).
[email protected] spiritual struggles and the solace
he found in the priesthood. He also To book, or for further information
wrote A Priest to the Temple, a book of about any of these upcoming
guidance for rural clergy. events, please visit
institute, or call 8227 1305 or email
Dr Ben Myers is director of the [email protected]
Millis Institute, a liberal arts
programme at Christian Heritage
College in Brisbane. Previously
he taught theology at Charles
Later in May, we look forward to George Herbert’s
welcoming back to the St James’ Easter Wings was
Institute Dr Benjamin Myers, to printed sideways
speak about the priest and poet and on opposite
George Herbert. This seminar facing pages.
explores the George Herbert’s
devotional poetry. Through a close APRIL/MAY 2019
reading of a selection of Herbert’s
poems we will see how his poetry
investigates the subtle interplay of
the human and the divine.
In February, barely had the Choir lingua on Palm Sunday, the Choir’s mode, with Handel’s pastoral ode
rested their voices from the appearance at the lunchtime L’allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato.
January Orchestral Masses when concert series, Duruflé’s lush This utterly delightful work marks
they presented the first Bach Ubi caritas on Maundy Thursday, Handel’s turn to writing only
Cantata Vespers of the year. The Victoria’s moving setting of the English language works, driven
Choir enjoyed working with guest John Passion at the Good Friday partly by necessity because Italian
conductor Paul McCreesh, who Noon Liturgy, Victoria’s sublime language operas had gone out of
directed morning and afternoon Lamentations for Holy Saturday favour. He utilises all of his musical
services on Sunday 10 February. at Tenebrae on Good Friday, and inspiration and well-developed
Paul, who previously directed the St Dove’s mesmerising Missa brevis on understanding of the human
James’ concert A Venetian Coronation Easter Day. The Choir gets to take voice to create a remarkable work.
in 2014, comes with a formidable it easy the following week, and we Charles Jennens, the librettist,
reputation as founder and artistic will therefore be welcoming the who in the following year was
director of the Gabrieli Consort Bar Choir to sing Evensong the responsible for compiling the
& Players. What struck the Choir Wednesday after Easter. Then The biblical texts of Messiah, edited
in particular was his fine detailed St James’ Singers will be singing and rearranged two poems by a
attention to the meaning and for the Anzac Evensong on the young John Milton (‘The Cheerful’,
expression of the text, especially following Sunday. and ‘The Thoughtful’), and added
in the Bach cantata. Otherwise, his own (‘The Moderate’). The
February and March were relatively On the first Sunday in May will be performance will feature extensive
uneventful, unlike April and May to the next Bach Cantata vespers. Du contributions by two very fine
come. Hirte Israel, höre will be the second of soloists: soprano Amy Moore, and
Bach’s Cantatas for Good Shepherd tenor Richard Butler.
This month begins with two Sunday which will be performed
exciting events on Saturday 6 in the Bach Cantata Series (Ich Alistair Nelson is Organist at St James’
April, which will be taking place bin ein guter Hirt was performed in Church and directs The St James’ Singers.
as this magazine is printing. The 2016). This year’s Cantata uses
first concert of the series Encounters a pastoral text which Bach sets
is Captivity and Freedom, which to lilting pastoral dances. Also
includes musical settings of texts in this service will be a lively
from Christians in prison, as well Magnificat super Surrexit Pastor Bonus
as other Christian meditations by Michael Praetorius. In this
on captivity and freedom. On the setting, the Magnificat verses are
same evening is Cocktails in the Crypt, based on a motet by Lassus (‘The
where interested parishioners will Good Shepherd has arisen’), and
be hearing the latest developments are interpolated with verses of
about the new Dobson organ to various Easter Chorales. It appears
be built for St James’. In particular, to be rarely recorded, but you can
they have a chance to view the two hear it at
possibilities for casework designs meineke/magnificat-super-surrexit-
which are being developed. This is pastor-bonus where it is performed
a key element of the design, as we by the Bach Choir of Holy Trinity
work on finding the best option for Lutheran Church, New York City.
St James’ which acknowledges our This church’s Bach Vespers has
significant history, and also looks been an inspiration for the format
to the future. of our services here at St James’
(see http://www.holytrinitynyc.
April is full of glorious music, as org/bach-vespers/ for more
the church traces the journey from information).
Palm Sunday to Easter. Musical
highlights include Josquin’s In the concert Encounters with Mr
rhythmically intricate Missa Pange Handel, we remain in a pastoral
The Choir of St James’ continues to offer inspiring choral music of the highest standards. Here is its music list for
the next two months.
Responses: Morley (sung by The Bar Choir)
Canticles: Gibbons – Short Service Responses: Ferial
Anthem: Sheppard – Libera nos Canticles: Gibbons – Short Service
Anthem: Mozart – Ave verum corpus
5:00PM – CONCERT Captivity & Freedom
SUNDAY 7 APRIL Mass setting: Sumsion in F
Motet: Phillips – Surgens Jesus
Mass setting: Allegri – Missa Che fa oggi il mio sole 4:00PM – CHORAL EVENSONG
Motet: Shelley – God so loved the world (sung by The St James’ Singers)
Responses: Sanders
WEDNESDAY 10 APRIL Canticles: Sumsion in A
Anthem: Stainer – God so loved the world
Responses: Byrd WEDNESDAY 1 MAY
Canticles: Byrd – Short Service
Anthem: Byrd – Turn our captivity, O Lord 6:15PM – CHORAL EVENSONG
Responses: Tomkins
SUNDAY 14 APRIL (PALM SUNDAY) Canticles: Gibbons – Second Service
Anthem: Sheppard – The Lord’s Prayer
Mass setting: Josquin – Missa Pange lingua SUNDAY 5 MAY
Passion setting: Drury
Motet: Weelkes – Hosanna to the Son of David 11:00AM – CHORAL EUCHARIST
Mass setting: Victoria – Missa Vidi speciosam
THURSDAY 18 APRIL (MAUNDY THURSDAY) Motet: Phillips – Ecce vicit Leo
Mass setting: Palestrina – Missa Brevis Cantata: J.S. Bach – BWV 104: ‘Du Hirte Israel, höre’
Motets: Duruflé – Ubi caritas
Lassus – In monte oliveti
FRIDAY 19 APRIL (GOOD FRIDAY) Responses: Clucas
Canticles: Watson in E
12:00 NOON – LITURGY OF THE CROSS Anthem: Stanford – O for a closer walk with God
(sung by The Choir of St James’ & The St James’ Singers)
Reproaches: Victoria SUNDAY 12 MAY
Passion setting: Victoria
Motets: Morales – O crux ave 11:00AM – CHORAL EUCHARIST
Mass setting: Schubert in G
Ouseley – O Saviour of the world Motet: G. Gabrieli – Jubilate Deo
Lamentations: Victoria
SUNDAY 21 APRIL (EASTER DAY) Responses: Shephard
Canticles: Jackson in C
6:00AM – CHORAL EUCHARIST (VIGIL) Anthem: Schubert – The Lord is my Shepherd
Mass setting: Dove – Missa Brevis
Motet: Baston – Dum transisset Sabbatum
Introit: Richafort – Christus resurgens
Mass setting: Dove – Missa Brevis
Motets: Stanford – If ye be risen again with Christ
Crecquillon – Congratulamini mihi
Mass setting: Stanford in B flat and C Responses: Leighton
Motet: Bainton – And I saw a new heaven Canticles: Dyson in D
Anthem: Twist – How shall we sing?
(sung by Shore Prep School) 6:15PM – CHORAL EVENSONG
Responses: Smith
SATURDAY 25 MAY Canticles: Stanford in B flat
Anthem: Stanford – If ye be risen again with Christ
5:00PM – CONCERT Encounters with Mr Handel
11:00AM – CHORAL EUCHARIST Mass setting: Palestrina – Missa Viri Galilaei
Mass setting: Darke in F Motet: Vaughan Williams – O clap your hands
Motet: Shelley – Praise the Lord
Experience the peaceful atmosphere of Sydney’s oldest church as it is filled with music every Wednesday lunchtime
between 1:15pm and 1:45pm. A suggested donation of $5 helps us to cover the cost of putting on the concerts.
Concertgoers can present their programmes at Jardin St James’ to receive a 15% discount between 1:45pm and 3:30pm.
Bach Cantata Series BWV 104
Music at St James’ presents a series of Free Admission
Cantatas performed in a liturgical setting
You Shepherd of Israel, hear
Du Hirte Israel, höre
4:00pm, Sunday 5 May
St James’ Church, King Street, Sydney
The Choir of St James’ with BachBand@St James’
Directed by Warren Trevelyan-Jones
First performed in 1724, this six movement Cantata is a setting of pastoral poetry, taking the listener on a journey of life
under the guidance of God, the Good Shepherd, and returning to his sheepfold in death.
H a yll ar M u si c T o ur s h a s pl a n n e d a t w o- w e e k t o ur t o S p ai n fr o m 2 8 A pril u ntil 11 M a y 2 0 2 0.
T h e t o ur will i n cl u d e c o n c ert s b y T h e C h oir of St J a m e s’, i nf or m ati v e St J a m e s’ I n stit ut e t al k s a s w ell a s t h e
o p p ort u nit y t o e x pl or e t h e b e a utif ul t o w n s a n d i nt er e sti n g a n d v ari e d l a n d s c a p e s o n C a mi n o Fr a n c e s.
Gr o u p l e a d er s will b e T h e R e v’ d A n dr e w S e m p ell, W arr e n Tr e v el y a n- J o n e s, a n d C hri st o p h er W at er h o u s e.
T o b o o k vi sit w w w. h a yll ar m u si ct o ur s. c o m/ st-j a m e s or c o nt a ct H a yll ar M u si c T o ur s
o n ( 0 2) 8 0 91 2 5 4 5 or c o nt a ct @ h a yll ar m u si ct o ur s. c o m
Pl a c e s ar e li mit e d a n d s elli n g f a st. B o o k y o ur pl a c e b y E a st er t o a v oi d di s a p p oi nt m e nt!
W W W. H A Y L L A R M U SI C T O U R S. C O M