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The June/July 2019 edition of the St James' magazine, Parish Connections.

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Published by St James' King Street, 2019-06-05 02:24:19

Parish Connections June-July 2019

The June/July 2019 edition of the St James' magazine, Parish Connections.




Images: JJ Harrison - Parliament House; Chris Shain - St James' Altar Cross

Chapel of the Holy Spirit, St James' Church. Image: Chris Shain (Images for Business)



A CHRISTIAN great difficulty, ever gets tangled giving God glory in worship, and

SACRAMENTAL SOCIALISM up in the messiness of the social, glorifying God’s name in the world.

The Christian socialist tradition political, and economic issues of the Wherever this kind of Christianity
is profoundly impatient for day. It’s not that the personal side of
the renewal of the world, for faith and conversion is unimportant. is found, albeit in poor and
society, and, more recently, for Rather the true test of that inward
the planet. That same tradition quickening of the Holy Spirit has, inadequate forms, then the Church
is fundamentally ecclesial and as any good sacramental theology
communal in orientation, and would argue, a visible outward may have a Christian future amid
profoundly impatient with a certain embodiment in the world. Hence
kind of Christian pietism that is sacramental socialism generates a all the other practical atheistic and
curved inwards and that only, with most natural symbiosis between
semi-atheistic options too often

in evidence—idolatrous practices

that give testimony to the gods of

this world: money, property, self-

aggrandisement, private religion,

and the like. continued overleaf

1. This article is a slightly revised version of the final section of the author’s article, ‘A Most Meddlesome God: A Christian Future for the
Church’, published in St Mark’s Review, No. 224, June 2017 (2), pp. 153-170. For the full article see


AGENDA FOR AUSTRALIAN as a nation. Indonesia is the largest values. The particular complexities
Muslim country in the world, the associated with this mean there
CHRISTIANS fourth largest population in the are no simple solutions; only a
What do we need to be engaged world, and only a couple of hours willingness to find new forms of
in for the sake of God’s Gospel flying time from northern Australia. solidarity on a journey of suffering
in the coming years? The Church There are more Christians in and hope. It is too easy to fall victim
is often called to exercise a Indonesia than people in Australia. to rhetorical flourishes on such a
prophetic role, a counter-cultural Here is a fundamental relationship profoundly weighty matter. There is
role. It will inevitably be a costly that we ought not ignore. It was a sense in which our life as a nation
discipleship. The road to Calvary is Bishop Burgmann over 70 years and our aspirations for the common
so unwelcome. Is it any wonder that ago in 1944, in the midst of Second good hang in the balance in relation
a private faith is so attractive, and World War, who wrote The Education to the way we, as a country, find
not just for politicians? What does of an Australian. In the final chapter, a pathway to walk together with
a public faith mean today? What ‘Wither Australia?’, Burgmann the First Peoples. I continue to be
ought the Church of Jesus Christ stated that the first priority for inspired by those people who give
be engaged in? To whom ought the the nation was to take stock of its voice to a common journey on the
Church’s doors be open? To whom geographical place in the world. unfolding reconciliation road. I think
ought disciples go? What’s on the Noting that Australia was an island of Dr Lowitja O’Donohue AC, an
list? What are the particular social off the south-east corner of Asia, he original visionary for The Australian
issues for the churches of Australia? declared bluntly: ‘We belong to the Centre for Christianity and Culture
Can we identify and prioritize? How Orient, and in relation to it we must (ACC&C). Lowitja saw the need for
might a fresh public engagement live and grow.’2 a place that might contribute to a
offer a genuinely hospitable and reconciled people beyond injustice;
welcoming Church? b. The plight of refugees and asylum a place to promote peace between
seekers. Here is a fundamental Indigenous and non-indigenous
I briefly name below a few issues question about our humanity, Australians. Fr Frank Brennan SJ, an
(unranked) and invite you to values, and national identity. I have Ambassador of the ACC&C, offers
consider what social issues are on found no better reflection on this moral, intellectual, and practical
the agenda of the churches and the matter in relation to Australia’s commitment to this same cause.
nation. The issues identified below national conscience than that offered
are all susceptible to being captured by the historian Alan Atkinson, d. The challenge of climate change.
by contemporary identity politics provocatively entitled: ‘How Do We Here is a moral imperative to
from either the left or the right. Live With Ourselves? The Australian seriously invest in renewable energy
Genuine wisdom for the common National Conscience.’3 Atkinson sources for the sake of the planet,
good points to a more encompassing notes that the refugee crisis comes humanity, and the gospel. Seriously,
and challenging horizon, informed at a time when Australia’s national the clock is ticking on this life or
by a robust and intelligent Christian conscience is ‘especially feeble and death matter. We can no longer
faith. While this should never breed the way forward especially dim.’ He write a world history. Rather, our
a uniformity of opinion, it does finds the brutalities of the present focus has to be on a planetary history
include a critical moral vision that moment a continuation of that that embraces and impacts upon
challenges the predictable pragmatic longstanding brutality in relation to world history. Earth-system science
utilitarianism that infects Australian the First People of this continent. in the age of the Anthropocene
society. Which leads me to name this points to the disastrous impact of
matter as one deserving of renewed human habitation on the future
a. Looking beyond our shores the engagement by the churches. of the planet and all life. It raises
relationship between Australia and a fundamental existential and
Indonesia (politically, economically, c. Reconciliation with the First theological question about the
culturally, and religiously) seems Peoples of Australia. Here too is nature of hope. Immanuel Kant’s
to me to be deserving of a major a litmus test of our fundamental third question haunts us as never
investment of our time and energy before, i.e. ‘What may we hope for?’

2 Ernest Burgmann, The Education of an Australian, reprint St Marks National Theological Centre, Canberra, 1991 [1944], 127.
3 Alan Atkinson, ‘How Do We Live with Ourselves? The Australian National Conscience’, Australian Book Review (September 2016): 34–46.



e. Inter-religious engagement f. The Church’s welcome of gay if it is not ready to be subjected to
and common action in the service and lesbian people. This matter repeated scrutiny. God does not
of peace and social flourishing. is exceedingly controversial and want us to believe lies. Truth is shy
According to the census, 14 million generates strong views. It is a and hard to woo, but she is very
Australians indicate an adherence matter that is easily caught up in lovely and worth a life’s devotion.”
to a particular religion. It stands contemporary identity politics. And
to reason that the public disdain there are no ready-made, quick fix The purpose of Christian social
and marginalization of the deepest solutions. How might the churches engagement with the issues of
spiritual impulses of a people, together learn a better way beyond the day is to discern where God’s
expressed through particular faith sharp extremes and political light is shining, revealing darkness,
traditions, is truly a great folly jockeying by various advocacy and pointing to the horizon of the
and hubris. Indeed, such attitudes groups to the left or the right? coming kingdom. This was of deep
threaten to undermine one of the Minimally, the Church needs to offer concern to those faithful Christians
few domains of contemporary a fresh and generous gospel witness at the founding of St James’ King
Australia life that can draw upon that recognises that we are all fellow Street two centuries ago. Today,
ancient wisdom in the pursuit travellers along the Emmaus Road. at the time of the Bicentenary of St
of peace. Christians in Australia A common pilgrimage requires James’ it is good to remember that
have a great responsibility and open and welcoming conversations in every age the gospel of God has
opportunity to work towards peace marked by truthfulness, humility, to be updated. We can do no less,
in society through joining with and hope. because Christian social engagement
those of different religious traditions is an imperative of the Gospel, and as
in a new engagement with the The above issues have political such it is an imperative for Christian
things that matter. Of course, such implications regarding laws, policies, discipleship. And as such it is an
engagements take place under two and redistribution of resources. imperative for the Church, if it
shadows: first, the shadow of the They will provoke controversy as desires a genuinely Christian future.
abuses revealed in the current Royal we seek the truth together. Can
Commission into Institutional Sex this become a new political reality The Right Rev’d Professor Stephen Pickard
Abuse in the churches and other in a post-election Australia? In this is Executive Director of the Australian
institutions; and second, the shadow respect Bishop Burgmann’s final Centre for Christianity and Culture, and is
of the cross which ought to cause public words, broadcast on the ABC, the Preacher at Pentecost, 9 June.
followers of Christ to seek such fresh are worth repeating: “My conviction
engagements in a spirit of humility. is that nothing is worth believing

Join us in celebrating the

St James’ Patronal Festival

Thursday 25 July Sunday 28 July

6:30pm Festal Choral Eucharist 7:45am Said Eucharist

Followed by Parish Dinner 10:00am Choral Eucharist
Setting: Victoria - Missa O quam gloriosum
Motet: Manchicourt - Jubilate Deo Preacher: The Rt Rev’d Richard Hurford OAM
Introit: Victoria - O lux et decus
Saturday 27 July Setting: Mozart - Missa Brevis in D
Motet: Tomkins - O sing unto Lord

3:00pm St James’ Talk 4:00pm Choral Evensong

(St James’ Hall, with Dan Mullins) Responses: Leighton

5:00pm Concert: The Marriage of Canticles: Howells - St Paul’s Service
England & Spain Anthem: Bairstow - Blessed City

(Music celebrating the marriage of Queen Mary to
Philip II of Spain)



It is an unforgettable experience to day, recorded in Acts 17, is very Areopagus. Image: kameraadpjotr (Flickr)
climb the steps and see the glorious famous, and the visitor may read
Temple of Athena on the Acropolis the text of it in bronze on a tablet the Divinity class this story, and
in Athens. In the Temple of Athena at the foot of the steps leading to pointing out that Paul chose a good
once stood a magnificent statue in the summit. It was a cold and bleak opening gambit for his address.
gold and ivory of the goddess who day of light rain when we came, Paul commented that, as he had
was known as ‘Athena Parthenos’, but the chance to stand where Paul wandered about the city looking
the virgin goddess. Hence the preached was too good to miss. I that their objects of worship, he
temple was called the Parthenon. watched my step very carefully as I had noticed an altar bearing the
Even in ruins today it is a majestic climbed up to the top. inscription To an unknown God.
symbol of Athens.
One writer on the visit of Paul This would have grabbed their
The Acropolis is a flat-topped rocky has imagined the conversation of attention. He told them that what
mountain which dominates the city. the members of the Assembly as they worshipped but did not know,
From the Acropolis the ceaseless they arrived. If they talked among that is what he now proclaimed
tides of visitors look out over themselves, it might be thus: to them. He told them that the
Athens, but many scarcely notice a God who created the world and
much smaller rocky hill nearby. “This rock gets steeper every time everything in it, who is Lord of
we meet.” heaven and earth, does not live in
St Paul arrived in Athens on his shrines made by men, for He himself
travels in 50AD, about 17 years “Take your time, Councillor.” is the universal giver of life and
after the Crucifixion of Christ. breath and all else.
The British travel writer H. V. “What’s the name of this fellow
Morton comments that Athens we are supposed to examine?” Paul went on to illustrate his
was different from all other cities argument by quoting from the
that Paul had visited, because it “Paul, a Jew from Tarsus.” Greek poets. One poet wrote We are
had not previously been visited by also his offspring. My heart warms to
a Christian missionary and was “Have you heard any of his Paul because I too love poetry. Paul
the intellectual stronghold of the babblings?” had clearly been reading the Greek
Roman world. You will find the poets and committing some of their
story of his visit in the Book of Acts, So Paul, a Jew converted to lines to memory. He was highly
chapter 17. Christ on the Damascus Road, educated and his learning was
preached his first sermon before a across the full international range of
When my wife and I visited Athens sophisticated Greek audience. classical scholarship.
for the second time, we were
determined to inspect the small I vividly recall our School
rock known as the rock of the Chaplain at Scots College telling
Areopagus, which the Romans
called the Hill of Mars, their god
of war. From ancient times this
rock had been the meeting place of
a Court of wise men who regularly
assembled there in the open air. The
Romans had stripped this Court of
most of its power, but these men
still held jurisdiction over matters
of religion and morals. So naturally
when Paul arrived they summoned
him to appear before them to
answer the charge that he spoke
about strange gods.

The sermon that Paul preached that



One may imagine that up to this ideas, not reach a conclusion leading said to tell them that there is no
point the Council would have been to a change of life. hell. But the third, wiser than
sympathetic to his preaching, but the others, said to just tell them
suddenly all changed. It is fascinating to note the three that there is no hurry.
reactions to Paul’s message:
Paul reached the core of his message, However, we are told that some
which was that God had sent his 1. Some, probably the majority, believed Paul’s message. Their lives
Son into the world in the person laughed at Paul’s message. This were changed that day. Probably
of Jesus Christ. Christ had been is so common in the 21st century. they formed a little house church
crucified but God had raised him They were sophisticated group for prayer and the breaking of
from the dead. This was, and intellectuals and they were bread. One of them was Dionysius,
remains, the heart of the Gospel. not going to be taken in by who was a member of the Council
It is the supreme truth of the this foreign preacher. They of the Areopagus. One wonders
Christian faith. One great scholar laughed at the very idea of a if his fellow members gave him a
and preacher has said that if we risen saviour. To them the grim hard time and laughed at him as
were asked to give a summary of the realities of life were all that a credulous fool. Tradition says
Christian message to the world in mattered. that Dionysius later became the
one word, that word would have to first Bishop of Athens. We wish we
be “Resurrection”. Because Christ 2. But others of the Council said to knew more about the woman named
lives, we shall live also. Paul, “We will hear you again.” Damaris, also converted that day.
It has been said that the most
But this message was all too much dangerous moment in a person’s We hear no more of Christians in
for many of the Council who heard life is when he or she can put off Athens until a century later, and
him that day. Though the great days an important decision. there is no surviving letter of Paul
of Athens were past, she was still to the Athenians, but the seed of the
the University city and scholars 3. There is an ancient legend about Gospel was planted there that day.
loved to debate all the intellectual the three devils talking about
issues of the day. But these men winning people to Satan. One Fr Robert Willson is an Anglican priest in
wanted to talk and discuss new said to convince people that the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
there is no heaven. A second

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Winston Nolutshungu was, you Winston used to remind me of here, Winston seemed always at
could say, born into the bosom of my own father―a man who was home, in a home-away-from-home,
the Anglican Church. His parents, not a church-goer, but whose which simply proved to him that
Lydia and Horace (he was the entire moral sensibility had been the Church was an international
local village police officer), were shaped out of a childhood in the fellowship.
devoted members of Christ Church, local Anglican Church in small-
at Clydesdale Mission, a couple of town rural Victoria, in the early In terms of strict chronology, it
hours inland from Durban, in the years of the twentieth century. must be true that Winston had
KwaZulu-Natal province of South Until his final unhappy years, my only been serving here for a couple
Africa. Winston remembered his father still used to sing along to of years when I first met him, but it
childhood in this church with snatches of sacred music on the already seemed as if he must have
enormous fondness. It was the radio or a record in a pleasant and been serving this Church―along
custom of the church then to undiminished light-tenor voice. with other churches in his home
induct promising kids into the This same sense of the church and country South Africa―his entire
performance of the liturgy from a its musical heritage as a source life. The business of serving seemed
very early age, and he grew up from of beauty and mystery in an etched into his person, so that he
primary school years among the otherwise quotidian world was didn’t seem to have to worry about
sounds and smells of the traditional equally evident in Winston, and the problems that beset most of us
High Church Anglican Communion, it was perhaps one reason why I in this liturgically-fastidious place.
which anchored his family’s faith, felt so keenly drawn to Winston as At least in our better moments,
and gave them a sense of identity a friend. Also like my own father, when we succeed in leaving our
and pride. The powerful scent of Winston was what is sometimes own ego and vanity out of the
incense, which assails all of us in referred to as a ‘nature’s gentleman’, equation, serving is an opportunity
the sanctuary of St James’, was a term commonly used to suggest to be closer to the heart of the
irresistibly poignant for Winston: that some have a sense of good mystery of this thing called Holy
like the famous madeleine cake manners born into them, rather Communion. And our practical
in French literature, it seemed to than acquiring it by ‘breeding’. I business is to efface ourselves,
summon up his entire childhood suspect that in both men’s cases to become invisible so that the
in an instant, and the effect of this there was some truth to this, and congregation can experience this
on Winston was to make him seem also some falsehood. Their gentility mystery for themselves, with our
even calmer and more grounded, of nature may partly have been a getting in its way.
and to cause him to pad around gift of nature; but was also shaped,
the sanctuary with an air of great partly by parenthood and partly by Much of the time, though, we are
contentedness. their second family, the church. too busy worrying about details
of tradecraft (or even stagecraft)
In this, as some other things, Winston liked to tell the story of to truly centre ourselves in this
how, when he moved to Australia mystery, and so we drift in and out
some years ago to rejoin Tiny of the service, alternately uplifted
(his wife) here, he had searched and preoccupied, perhaps only
restlessly across the Sydney half-comprehending the words and
Diocese for a church that could half-hearing the music. Winston,
generate that same feeling he however, had a special relationship
had experienced as a child in with serving. To him the experience
Clydesdale. The Sydney Diocese of the service, and the business of
being what it is, his search seemed serving in it, seemed somehow to be
doomed to disappointment, until woven together into the same cloth,
Tiny and he walked into St James’ so that he could be absorbed in the
one Sunday, and Winston heard music, listening attentively to the
the familiar sounds and smelled the words, and also be entirely focussed
aromas―and he felt, as he liked on the physical activity of serving,
to recall, immediately at home. all at the same time. Watching
And for all the time I knew him him, I tried to emulate this skill of



Winston’s, but I have never truly him): it was an entire, integrated beginning of the Apartheid system
succeeded. Instead, I would wander whole-of-senses experience, from that wreaked such extraordinary
off into private reveries about the hymns (which he loved, and damage on South African society,
the liturgy, or the setting, or an persisted in singing in the South even though it seemed to have
unexpected accidental in the hymn. African manner as a tenor ‘part’, left no evident mark whatever
And then I would see Winston rather than by following the on Winston’s dignity or sense of
looking at me, more indulgently melody) to the different parts of personal pride. He turned 71 earlier
than sternly, mentally preparing a the setting, to the Latin words this year, an age which still counts
few words of advice for after the which he knew by heart, to the as old in South Africa, though
service. And of course he was right, incense, which produced such a we have come to have think of it
as he generally was right about powerful emotional effect upon as not quite so old in fortunate
these things. To lose yourself in the him. He loved the hymns and Australia. But in in some ways
service to the point of forgetting musical settings of this place so he seemed ageless. Because of his
your role within it, is to be guilty of well, in fact, that he liked to carry love of St James’ and the spiritual
self-indulgence: we are here to serve them around with him through the culture which produced it, he still
others, after all, and not ourselves. working-week. He used to carry approached his duties here with
his phone with him in his trouser- the enthusiasm of a young man.
For those among us who at our pocket during the service, with the And while his face was creased, his
worse moments liked to glory audio recorder set to record. He smile was still a young man’s smile.
in ourselves and our roles in the then replayed them during quiet In one respect, I suppose, he was
more responsible tasks, Winston moments across his working week, fortunate: he died active, happy
reserved an especially indulgent in order to sing with them quietly and at peace with his life, in an
smile. It seemed to him simply to himself. This characteristic age when so many of us die later
amusing that people should and endearing habit produced the than we might have wished. The
contend over roles and precedence only moment I can recall when I last sight we all had of him was
when we are here simply to serve ever saw Winston make what you when he slipped down the staircase
God as his children, and hence could reasonably call a mistake― from the servers’ changing-
all as equals. The same smile, but that fateful morning when he room, exuberant as a teenager to
perhaps with rather less indulgence accidentally pressed ‘play’ rather be revisiting his family and his
admixed into it, would play over than ‘stop’ at the conclusion of the homeland.
his face in the presence of prejudice final hymn, so that the opening bars
of whatever kind, whether social, of the ‘Kyrie’ came out booming Winston was, quite simply, one of
ethnic, national or simply personal: rather magnificently from the the nicest and most decent people
I never knew him to prejudge general direction of his hip-pocket. I ever knew. We will all miss him
another, and questions of race― Teased about this unwonted terribly, and I in particular will
despite the state of South Africa lapse of decorum after the service, never be able to enter the sanctuary
in Winston’s youth―counted as Winston simply chuckled ruefully of this place without seeing him in
nothing to him. In those lovable but and shook his head, like a well- my mind’s eye sitting here, hands
exasperating moments where he mannered but errant schoolboy. I clasped in his lap, his face at once
would arrive at church, following can still recall quite clearly the look serious almost to the point of
another of South Africa’s numerous on his face at that moment: he was severity, alert and entirely attentive,
cricket successes over his adopted genuinely delighted by the image and yet also thoroughly delighting
country, full of exaltation and of his own momentary silliness, in the moment, and somehow all at
triumph, he delighted in the somehow made all the more the same time.
exploits of his nation’s entire team, sublime by its rarity.
regardless of their ancestry. In that David Burchell is parishioner at St James’
sense he was a patriot of the best Winston was born, as his first name and a member of the St James’ Servers’
kind. suggests, in the years immediately Guild.
following the Second World War.
For Winston, the Church was In fact, his birth date, the year 1948,
not simply the Word (though corresponds exactly with what
the Word was very important to modern historians take to be the



A new and important stage has other more ‘Contemporary’. The that the church is not a museum but
been reached in the restoration Group had determined that it ought is a dynamic and living community
and rebuilding of the St James’ to decide on a design that was that respectfully and creatively
Organ. This project is one of the key sympathetic to St James’ past, yet adapts to evolving needs.”
initiatives to mark the bicentenary that also looked to the future; one
of the church, the celebration of that would withstand the test of The Organ Working Group is
which commences later this year. time, even for a further 200 years! confident that the new visual design
is representative of this time in
The Organ Working Group, A St James’ Organ Appeal Cocktail history, and of this generation’s
established by Parish Council to Party on 6 April 2019 was a good contribution to the continuing life
manage the build of the project opportunity to test the two design of the Parish. Moreover, it reflects
(as distinct from the St James’ options with those in attendance. It the deliberate philosophy adopted
Organ Appeal Committee that is is significant that the overwhelming by the Parish over the building’s
fundraising for the project), has sentiment was in favour of the recent 100-year history of allowing
made a decision about the new ‘Contemporary’ option. each change that has been made
organ’s visual design. The decision in that period to speak honestly
is to adopt what might be described The comments made by one of its time. While inspired by the
as a ‘Contemporary’ design for the member of the Organ Working historic and aesthetic importance
new organ case. Group provide a neat summary of of St James’, and sympathetic and
the reasons for the decision: “For responding to its significant historic
The Organ Working Group spent me, the Contemporary design is context, changes in the church must
considerable time debating design clean…and adds a brightness to the also reflect the continuing role St
options, casting aside the personal chancel. It has an elegance that is James’ has in Sydney’s spiritual and
tastes of individual members to not intrusive. It does not engulf the cultural life and the role it will likely
develop a corporate vision. After sanctuary, and facilitates a rightful perform for the next 200 years.
many months of discussion with the focus on the altar. It seems to me
designer and builder, Lynn Dobson to be a design that is sympathetic Brooke Shelley is Communications
of Dobson Pipe Organ Builders to the history of the building and and Media Manager at St James’. The
Limited in the USA, the Group complementary to the existing information in this article came from a
settled on two design possibilities: case base, while at the same time report to Parish Council from the Chair of
one more ‘Traditional’ and the pointing to the future. It says to me the Organ Working Party, Chris Lock.

The most recent computer-generated impression of the design of the new organ. Image supplied by Dobson Pipe Organ Builders Ltd.


St James’ Organ
R ep lac em ent & RestoAratpiopn eal

Striving for the second million!

Thanks to your generosity, the St James’ Organ Appeal has
raised just over $1 million.
A great effort!
Our next target is to raise $2 million by the end of 2019.
Spread the word amongst your friends and keep up the
Pick up a donation form in the Baptistry or go to the Appeal
website to download one.

Why support this appeal?

A pipe organ plays a significant part in the life of a church and
in the wider music community of the city. The new Dobson
organ at St James’ will be the third largest pipe organ in Sydney
after the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Town Hall.
Its point of difference is that, apart from its use in regular
church services, it will also be available to international
organists and music students for concerts and recitals. In
this way, generous donors can be assured they are making a
difference to both the cultural and spiritual life of Sydney.
Visit the Appeal website:

The St James’ Music Foundation
ABN 81 868 929 941


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ERECTION OF A WAR MEMORIAL AT ST JAMES' regard in this matter be paid to English precedent,
we can refer you to numerous instances of the
PART 2 erection in England of Calvary groups and crucifixes
in the open air as memorials to the fallen, the legality
War Memorial of which has not been questioned, and which have
been solemnly dedicated by Bishops of the Church.
On receipt of the letter from the Archbishop, the Presumably they have come to the conclusion
Rector, Churchwardens and Parish Council replied, in that there is no danger of these figures being made
these terms: the objects of superstitious reverence. Why, then,
should there be any such danger here? Our own
ST JAMES’ CHURCH opinion indeed is that the figure of our crucified
Redeemer set up in the public place proposed would
King Street, May 9, 1919 serve for all who passed by as the most fitting and
appealing reminder of the sacrifice through which
Your Grace,—We have received your reply to our our liberties have been won.
application for a faculty for the erection of a pulpit
and crucifix against the outer wall of the east end As to (2) the advisability of the action proposed in
of St. James' Church. Your refusal of the required the interests of the diocese, we fully recognise that
permission is a deep disappointment to us and to the Authority for the decision rests with you. Yet
the large body of churchpeople whom we represent. we would urge that the question cannot rightly
The reply reached us just four months after our be settled by a mere balance of public opinion or
application was made, and though we fully admit feeling on the subject; or if it be so, then surely
that the question demanded careful consideration the feelings of the applicants have as much claim
the long delay has been of great inconvenience to consideration as the feelings of those many
as hindering any progress in the erection of this churchpeople, who, you fear, might be offended at
or any alternative form of war memorial, such as the sight of a crucifix in a public place. Moreover, it
we had hoped to have well advanced or complete must surely be agreed that an innovation is not to
by October of this year, when we celebrate the be condemned merely as such. We feel that these
centenary of the laying of the foundation stone are days (we write on the day of the publication of
of the church. But further, the grounds of your the draft of the Peace Treaty) in which innovations,
refusal as alleged in your reply do not seem to us an even on time-honoured traditions, are justified,
adequate justification of the action taken, when full and when the letter of the law may well yield to
consideration is given to the fact that our request the desires of many hearts. We feel that the phrase
was backed by the express and united wish of the “superstitious reverence” is peculiarly inapt in this
parishioners of the church. connection, unless regard for an object which calls
up the tenderest and most sacred associations
You base your refusal on the two-fold grounds of (1) which the human heart can cherish be considered
the legality, and (2) the advisability, of the erection as such. Our soldiers have grown accustomed to
of the proposed crucifix. As to (1) we do not think seeing and venerating the representations of Christ
that the legal issue can be disposed of by reference crucified erected broadcast in the towns and
to a decision of the Privy Council given in the year country towns of France. A touching instance is
1877. We can quote a number of instances in more given in the Sydney Diocesan Magazine for this month
recent years, in which the erection of crucifixes of respect and care bestowed by our men on a “life-
with figures of the Virgin and St. John have been size piece of beautiful statuary of our Lord’s figure,”
authorised. It would appear that in these and and to our returned soldiers at least no more fitting
other similar instances the judgment of the Privy reminder of their fallen comrades could be desired.
Council referred to was not considered as a final Is it not possible that out of regard, for certain legal
decision in the matter. We have it indeed on high and other more immediate considerations you have
authority that the erection of a crucifix is not in failed to give due weight to the new order of things
itself illegal and that the only question is whether and the new depths of human feeling which the
the proposed crucifix is likely to become the object
of superstitious reverence. It appears to be mainly
on this ground that you base your decision. Yet if


COLIN'S CORNER continued

war has evoked? It may surely be claimed that A large number of women communicants in the Parish
the experience of the last four years has served to signed a petition, addressed to the Rector, expressing
render much justifiable and right which in other their hope that the refusal of the Faculty would be
and normal conditions might legitimately be revoked.
regarded as inopportune. At least we feel that the
grounds adopted are narrow and inadequate, and A subsequent letter has been received from: the
ignore the wider considerations to which we have Archbishop, in which he states that he has considered
called attention. the arguments laid before him in the foregoing letter,
but is unable to modify his decision.
We therefore beg to record our unanimous protest
against the refusal of our application. We hope The Church Messenger June 1919
that it may still be possible for you to reconsider
it; but failing this we can only acquiesce in it with PART 3 will appear in the next issue of Parish
sincere regret, not only on our own account, but Connections.
at what in our opinion is an unfortunate precedent
in the interests, not only of this diocese, but of the Colin Middleton is the Archives Assistant at St James’ Church.
whole Church in the Commonwealth.


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Colourful colonial-era stories from Sydney Living Museums’ properties offer a

The Hyde Park Barracks was so much more than a claimed he’d simply taken the wrong road, but he was
place for convicts in government employment to eat punished with 50 lashes. He apparently couldn’t stay out
and sleep―it was the centre of the convicts’ world, a of trouble, doing a stint in Parramatta Gaol in 1837–38,
crossroads where they could find themselves taking a and another in Goulburn Gaol in 1852 for assault and
path to liberty or ruin. From his headquarters in the robbery.
main building, the Principal Superintendent of Convicts
kept a firm grip on the whereabouts of all the convicts GEORGE BROWN, MARQUIS OF HASTINGS
around the colony, and the Barracks’ court served out
punishments to those who misbehaved. And with tens (1827): RUM HOSPITAL SURGEON’S
of thousands of ‘new hands’ arriving in the yard between
1826 and 1840 for inspection and distribution after QUARTERS
landing, the Barracks was the primary source of skilled
labour for the colony’s households, farms and estates. Hyde Park Barracks’ convict George Brown (who most
The properties of prominent colonial families relied on likely arrived on the Marquis of Hastings, serving a life
convict labour. The following stories demonstrate the sentence for counterfeiting coins) was assigned to work
Barracks’ place at the heart of the convict system, and as cook for Assistant Surgeon Moncrieff in the adjacent
how convictism can be found in the story of many of the Rum Hospital south wing (now The Mint). By January
properties now cared for by Sydney Living Museums. 1835, his work had seemingly become unbearable. Called
in front of the magistrates’ bench for being absent
‘... on landing we were drafted to Hyde without leave, Brown claimed there were ‘so many dead
Park Barracks, which formed the bodies … in the dissecting room, and Doctor Moncrieff
general depot at that time for receiving was always telling him to go and cut as much flesh as he
prisoners. The assignment or hiring-out could off the bones of the bodies and feed the dogs with
system had then come into operation, it’.3 Brown said that he couldn’t bear to do such things,
and myself together with eighteen or so had left the surgeon’s service. Moncrieff rejected
nineteen of my companions in misery, Brown’s claims, saying it was unlikely he would allow
were forwarded to different masters ...’1 the man who cooked his meals to handle dead bodies.
Brown was sentenced to 100 lashes.

RICHARD PROCTOR, TRANSPORTED ON The Mint. Photo © Douglas Riley for Sydney Living Museums

In his carefully kept account books of the 1820s, Richard
When Yorkshire groom and indoor servant Richard Rouse, master of Rouse Hill House & Farm, recorded the
Proctor arrived in Sydney in April 1830 with a seven-year whereabouts of convicts in his employment, including a
sentence for pig theft, little did he know he would land headstrong 24-year-old ploughman and milkman named
a job in the colony’s most important household. During George Garret (also Garrett/Garratt). Tried in Kent for
inspection at the Barracks, Proctor must have given his burglary, Garret was transported for life and arrived at
trade as butler, as he was assigned to take up such a role Rouse Hill on 23 April 1824.
at Government House (now the site of the Museum of
Sydney) to serve Sir Ralph Darling and his wife, Lady
Eliza. Proctor probably remained employed there when
Sir Richard Bourke took over the governor’s post in 1831.
In 1833, however, Proctor’s new master accused him of
misusing money he had been given to travel to a farm
beyond the Cowpastures (now Camden): ‘on getting
on the other side of the toll-bar [now George Street,
Haymarket] he suddenly changed his mind, and thought
he could find much better sport in Parramatta’.2 Proctor



window into the central role the Hyde Park Barracks played in convicts’ lives.

The master-servant relationship had soured by 1827, JOSEPH KAY, SUSAN (1834): VAUCLUSE
when Rouse called in the district constable to deal
with his lazy assignee Garret, ‘whereupon the prisoner HOUSE
threw down the hoe, and told his master, he might bring
the b—dy hoe in himself’.4 Sentenced to three months’ In 1834 convicted forger Joseph Kay, an indoor servant
work in an iron gang, by May 1828 Garret was back and groom from Yorkshire, was assigned to the enviable
in Rouse’s employment as a bullock driver at another job of butler in the Vaucluse household of William
property, Guntawang (near Mudgee). But further Charles Wentworth. But in 1835, after Wentworth had
misbehaviour saw Garret banished to the Moreton Bay him punished for drunkenness, Kay sought a daring
penal settlement for three years. He was subsequently revenge. He broke open the kitchen store and equipped
returned to the Hyde Park Barracks in September 1832. himself with silver spoons, sacks of flour, sugar and
a keg of tobacco. He then led a band of convicts onto
Portrait miniature of Richard Rouse, artist unknown, c1852. Sydney Wentworth’s cutter, the Alice, anchored just off the
Living Museums shore in Vaucluse Bay, seized the ship, and sailed it out
of the Heads to escape the colony. Kay had told the
ship’s master ‘to tell Mr. Wentworth that if he [Kay]
had not got his revenge he would have settled him in
another way’.5 But the prevailing winds foiled his plans;
Kay and his fellow pirates were captured, and tried at
the Supreme Court. After years labouring in irons on
the hellish penal establishment of Norfolk Island, Kay
was returned to the Hyde Park Barracks, before being
transferred to the prison on Cockatoo Island to serve out
his sentence.

continued overleaf

‘Vaucluse Bay, Port Jackson, NSW’, engraving by Walter Preston (a convict) after a drawing by Captain James
Wallis of 46th Regiment, 1820. Sydney Living Museums



ANDONIS MANOLIS, on a small boat south of Crete in experience will bring to life a significant
the Mediterranean, they had taken part of Australia’s convict story, including
NORFOLK (1829): ELIZABETH control of the British ship Alceste the impact on First Nations Peoples, and
on its way to Alexandria, Egypt. the site’s early contribution to immigration
FARM After spending eight years in the and benevolent care.
colony, Manolis and his shipmates
Originating from Greece, with its were granted absolute pardons. To be part of this once-in-a-lifetime project,
ancient traditions of viticulture Transferred through the Hyde Park donate online to our Hyde Park Barracks
and olive cultivation, 22-year-old Barracks, they were free to return Bicentenary Appeal at
Andonis Manolis (also Androni Tu home, but Manolis chose to stay in
Malonis) presumably had skills that the colony and was naturalised in Notes:
were invaluable to the Macarthur 1854.
family with their vineyards and 1 Convict Martin Cash, Martin Cash, the
olive trees. Manolis was one of two This article was first published in the bushranger of Van Diemen’s Land, in 1843–4,
Greek convicts assigned to the Winter 2018 issue of the Sydney Living a personal narrative of his exploits in the bush
Macarthurs, and was probably one Museums member magazine, Unlocked. and his experiences at Port Arthur and Norfolk
of the Greeks that Surveyor-General To join Sydney Living Museums, visit Island, J Walch & Sons, Hobart, 1870, p4.
Thomas Mitchell saw in the family’s membership 2 Sydney Gazette, 2 April 1833, p2.
Elizabeth Farm garden in November 3 Sydney Gazette, 6 January 1835, p2.
1831: ‘at work in that garden of the The World Heritage-listed Hyde Park 4 Sydney Gazette, 21 May 1827, p3.
antipodes, training the vines to Barracks is currently closed for an exciting 5 Sydney Gazette, 19 November 1835, p2.
trellices [sic] made after the fashion and visionary renewal that will create a 6 Major T L Mitchell, Three expeditions
of those in the Peloponnesus’.6 new museum unlike anything else in Sydney. into the interior of eastern Australia, T & W
Manolis had been transported for Opening in December 2019, the new visitor Boone, London, 1839, p6.
piracy in the 1820s, with six other
men from the island of Hydra. While Dr Fiona Starr is Curator at Sydney Living

“Education lies at the heart of understanding.
An enquiring mind has the capacity to change

and grow, which can bring thoughtfulness,
meaning and purpose.”

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Have you ever considered advertising your The next edition of Parish Connections will be
business in Parish Connections? published on Friday 2 August.

Please phone 8227 1301 or email Deadlines (advertising and editorial):
[email protected] for advertising design Monday 22 July. Please phone 8227 1301 or
criteria, quotes and copy deadlines. email [email protected].



Owen, how long have you been Perhaps most exciting of all is my music, often composed with
a chorister at St James’ and what that I will be singing with the specific members of the Choir in
brought you here? Choir of King’s College under new mind.
Director of Music Daniel Hyde for
I first sang at St James’ in August the duration of my degree. I am Do you have any peculiar or
2012, and have been with the Choir truly honoured and blessed to have unusual hobbies/interests?
ever since. Then chorister Samuel been offered such an unparalleled
Penderbayne, with whom I sang in opportunity. Nothing particularly unusual
the St Paul’s College Chapel Choir springs to mind, though I find very
at The University of Sydney, was What do you enjoy about singing many things interesting, and often
moving away to study and put me at St James’? find myself reading endlessly about
in touch with Warren to sing for useless trivia, much of which I’m
the Bach B Minor Mass Concert. St James’ has been a huge part of sure is peculiar. I can recite pi to 50
Before I knew it, I was singing my life for many years now and decimal places by assigning each
regularly with the Choir and the every time I spend time speaking digit a scale degree and memorizing
rest, as they say, is history. with parishioners, I am remined the melody.
how lucky I am to be part of such a
What have you been doing when happy and supportive community. Where do you see yourself in five
you haven’t been singing at St The Choir is like a second family years’ time? Do you think you will
James’? and I will cherish the lasting ever return to St James’?
connection I have made from
During my first few years at St within our stalls. The variety and I have always hated this question
James’ I was completing my studies frequency of music, as well as the because I find it such a hard one
in Mathematics and Physics at The uncompromisingly high standard of to answer. It’s a bit hard to know,
University of Sydney, then swiftly music-making, have allowed me to with the opening of a door such
moved on to put my Science degree grow as a musician and ensure that as study at Cambridge, what the
to good use. I have enjoyed a varied St James’ remains one of my most next few years might hold and
career as a singer, composer, pianist, enjoyable musical experiences. what further doors may open. But I
conductor, educator and arts have a great love for Australia, and
administrator, working with The What have been the most for Australian music-making in
Song Company, Gondwana Choirs, memorable experiences/ particular, and I believe I will be
Sydney Antiphony and many others, situations at St James’? back in Sydney before too long. I
while still occasionally finding time will always be happy to sing at St
to tread the boards in the annual The Choir’s European Tour in 2016 James’, as long as they’ll have me.
Victoriana!, with Pinchgut Opera, remains one of the most special
or other theatrical productions. experiences I’ve had with St James’, continued over...
singing in some of the best places
You’ve recently learned that in the world with a wonderful
you will be heading to study at collective of friends and musicians.
Cambridge University later this
year. Can you share with us a I think I will also always remember
little about what you’ll be doing my first Holy Week, with its
at Cambridge? variety of services and the sheer
bulk of music performed by the
I have been accepted into the Choir, leading to the Easter Vigil–
Master of Music in Choral Studies there is nothing quite like the
in the Vocal stream. Cambridge stillness of the dark church lit only
is an amazing place, steeped in by candlelight.
tradition and brimming with
extraordinary opportunities, and I also cannot consider my most
I am very much looking forward memorable experiences at St James’
to this very exciting chance to without evoking memories of the
immerse myself in academic and times that Warren and the Choir
musical studies there. have been kind enough to perform



Is there anything you’d like to expense. Over the next few months, Owen Elsely is a tenor in The Choir of St
share with our readers that hasn’t I will be seeking to secure the James’.
been covered already? relevant funds through fundraising
and any donations would be much Brooke Shelley is Communications and
While this is an incredible appreciated. Media manager at St James’.
opportunity, it is one that comes
at quite a considerable monetary



Harper Jean Joanna Gill.........................................................................................................................................7 April 2019
Charles Richard Alden....................................................................................................................................... 28 April 2019
Sebastian Alexander Dean-Story.......................................................................................................................11 May 2019
Hudson William Teitzel .....................................................................................................................................16 June 2019
Flynn Philip Teitzel...............................................................................................................................................16 June 2019


William James Hamilton and Elizabeth Helen May Rose Blanch........................................................ 16 March 2019


Jean Mary Wilson................................................................................................................................................. 24 May 2019


Paula Leigh Ginns...................................................................................................................................................11 May 2019
Daphne May Dunne .............................................................................................................................................. 17 May 2019
Winston Nolutshungu......................................................................................................................................... 18 May 2019


THE PARISH OFFICE Level 1, 169–171 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
PHONE 8227 1300

OFFICE E-MAIL [email protected]

RECTOR The Reverend Andrew Sempell 8227 1303 (m 0419 018 225)

ASSOCIATE RECTOR The Reverend John Stewart 8227 1304 (AH 9410 3077)

DIRECTOR OF ST JAMES’ INSTITUTE Christopher Waterhouse 8227 1305

HEAD OF MUSIC Warren Trevelyan-Jones 8227 1306

ORGANIST Alistair Nelson 8227 1308

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Dianne Ward 8227 1300

ACCOUNTANT Michelle Chan 8227 1302


PARISH CONNECTIONS EDITOR Brooke Shelley [email protected]

COUNSELLING@ST JAMES’ Loretta King 8227 1300

PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR Chris Cheetham 0407 017 377

FACILITIES MANAGER Tony Papadopoulos 8227 1312

VERGERS Gilbert Santayana/Max Singer/ 8227 1312/0432 879 801
James Farrow



Whilst the rest of The Choir of St
James’ provided our parishioners
and visitors with their usual high
standard of music―supporting the
Holy Week services on Maundy
Thursday and Good Friday―four
members of the Choir travelled to
Singapore to perform Arvo Pärt's
Passio at The Tapestry of Sacred
Music Festival.

It was fantastic to maintain our
relationship with the Festival,
having had the pleasure of
performing twice before. Having
four choristers away in Holy Week
presented challenges which the
Choir overcame with their usual

Supporting the four regular singers,
Brooke Shelley, Stephanie Dillon,
Owen Elsley, and Philip Murray,
were bass, Andrew Fysh―who
returns to the Choir whenever
he’s able (he is now based in
Canberra)―and tenor, Christopher
Roache (who sings with The Choir
of Trinity College, University of
Melbourne). As our Head of Music,
Warren Trevelyan-Jones, was
needed here to direct the music
at our services, we enlisted the
assistance of Michael Leighton
Jones, who many would remember
stood in for Warren over the
Christmas period last year.

Brooke Shelley is Communications and
Media Manager at St James’.

Images: top pf page - Brooke Shelley; ST JAMES’ PARISH CONNECTIONS PAGE 17
middle and bottom - Natalie Ng

Above: a photo of The Choir performing at
the Festival in 2013, currently hanging on

the wall backstage at
Theatres by the Bay, Singapore



... He shewed a littil thing the pavement your phone rings and The modern statue of Julian of Norwich
quantitye of an hezil nut in the it’s Julian of Norwich (aka Olivia at Norwich Cathedral’s west door - David
palme of my hand ... In this littil Coleman) calling you with a chatty Holgate 2014
thing i saw three properties : the story―a novel tourist project called
first is that God made it, the the ‘Talking Statues of Norwich’. couple of dogs, gathered in a circle
second is that God loveth it, the Julian is honoured in the cathedral in the little shrine, and after that a
third that God kepith it. in two stained glass windows, and rosary session which is something
her name is invoked in blessing at new to me. Later I’m taken up to
(chapter 5) the Eucharist and the Evensong the Julian Centre adjacent to the
I’ve always been intrigued by Julian services (where incidentally a church for coffee and a chat, and
of Norwich since reading her book section of the Rule of Benedict is get to know a small bit about the
Revelations of Divine Love in Middle read each day). Friends of Julian’s commitment to
English at university many years the saint and her writings. They
ago. My interest was piqued again Not much is really known about have a very extensive library of
the first time I attended the Good Julian of Norwich outside of her books and articles written about
Friday Stations of the Cross at St writings―just the fact that she was her, and a small shop selling books
James’ with the biblical readings probably born in 1343, died around and devotional items. It’s a very
and readings from Julian of Norwich 1416 and was made an anchoress at warm and welcoming place, and
at each station. So on my recent the Church of St Julian in Norwich people come from all over the UK
trip to the UK I decided to spend about 1390, and also that she was to celebrate mass in the church,
some time discovering what I could the first woman to write a book in pray in the shrine and discover
about Julian and her writings (or English. In St Julian’s Alley, away more of Julian at the Centre.
‘Shewings’ as she called her visions). from the town centre, is the small
I take the train from London to church of St Julian, which has
spend a few days in Norwich, a a room on the side representing
beautiful medieval town with a the site of her anchorhold where
wonderful cathedral, and there on she lived walled in for more than
the left side of the great west door thirty years. The buildings were
is a modern-day statue of Julian reconstructed after extensive bomb
of Norwich (with St Benedict on damage in World War II.
the right hand side). If you scan a
QR code on a plaque on the stone The little church is in complete
contrast to the grandeur of the
Church of St Julian, Norwich Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. It’s
not on the tourist trail and really
needs to be sought out. On a
Sunday afternoon there is no-one
else there and I’m able to explore
the church and the adjoining shrine,
which is linked to the church via a
door which would not have been
there in medieval times. There is an
icon of Julian, a bowl of hazelnuts
and a great sense of calm and peace.
There is also a lovely garden outside
at the back of the church, which is
where people would have come to
consult the anchoress.

The next day I walk back to the
church as there is a mass at 10am
with about a dozen people and a


Back view of the Church of St Julian showing there is a lot of depth in the ground And where to now for me? I have
these women have uncovered, and found something remarkable and
the rebuilt anchorhold Julian has obviously had a profound it’s time to go deeper into the
effect on their lives. There are discovery of this 14th century mystic,
Back in London there’s a real treat incidental mentions of the type whose work embraces so much
in store for me. I’ve managed to of crucifix that Julian may have more than just the beautiful quote
crack the system at the British looked on during her visions, made we all know:
Library so I’m now a fully-fledged of simple wood and decorated with
‘Reader’ and have requested three blood. They have found one at the Synne is behovabil, but al shall
Julian manuscripts to read in the British Museum which I go to see, be wel, and al shall be wel and
Manuscript Reading Room. These and I also discover there a whole all manner of thyng shall be wele.
are all 17th century transcriptions history of ‘Prayer Nuts’ which are
of her writings, and one in beautifully carved devotional aids. (chapter 27)
particular, Sloane MS 2499, seems All of this doesn’t begin to touch
to be recognised as the most the full text and the theological Resources:
authoritative; most 20th century implications of Revelations of Divine
translations into modern English Love, a book that is highly regarded The Friends of Julian of Norwich
are based on this MS. It’s an ‘other-
worldly’ experience to hold these Sloane MS 2499
450 year old books in my hands and Norwich Cathedral
to be given free access to them (no by some of the foremost theologians
gloves!) to photograph and muddle of recent times. Rowan Williams
through the Middle English text. delivered the 2014 annual Julian Ramirez, Janina, Julian of Norwich
It’s hard to adjust to the hand- lecture which is given on her feast (SPCK 2016)
writing which has bled through the day, 8 May, each year. Thomas
pages, but I have a marvellous day. Merton considered her a major YouTube: BBC4, Julian of Norwich: the
influence in his contemplative Search for the Lost Manuscript
In Norwich Cathedral I’d picked life. Her emphasis on the fact that
up a book by historian Janina ‘Wete (know) it wele, love was His Williams, Rowan, 'Julian of
Ramirez, Julian of Norwich, a Very mening’ (chapter 86), her focus Norwich’s Way', Holy Living,
Brief History and discovered that on the awareness of sin and the Bloomsbury (2017)
it’s basically the story of a BBC4 passion of Christ, and also her
documentary directed by Sally-Ann development of ideas such as God Julian of Norwich, Wolters, C. tr.,
Lomas, Julian of Norwich : the search being both mother and father, make Revelations of Divine Love, Penguin
for the lost manuscript. I watched her words seem very appropriate Classics (1966)
it on YouTube and, while these for twenty-first century readers.
historical quest documentaries The Shewings of Julian of Norwich
tend to over-dramatise the story, - Middle English text in three parts,

Talking Staues of Norwich

Catherine McClennan is a parishioner at
St James’.

Images supplied by Catherine McClennan.



One thing we can all agree about is carry out the plan of salvation Christians. My own experience has
that, during our lifetime, society has (transformation) of mankind, and been that, the closer I am to God in
changed dramatically, and so has indeed the world and the entire a personal relationship, the more
church. Some call this phenomenon cosmos. I want to carry God’s message of
the ‘end of Christendom’, because salvation into the church and out
the central and respected role of Jesus gave every disciple a role to the world. The community of
church and Christian values in in this great work―some were disciples (church) equips us to love
society has ended―and there are Apostles, some were helpers, (like by bringing us into God’s presence
continuing signs of decline. This Mary and Martha), but all were in worship and prayer. Then, made
leads many Christians to talk about disciples, once they committed ready, we are sent out to encounter
church renewal. themselves to Jesus. They knew the Holy Spirit’s nudges and graces
that the kingdom of God had so we can know and do the Father’s
To understand the need for renewal, come because they saw it in Jesus’ will concerning salvation in our
we need to view church through life and works. Thus, church is daily lives.
Jesus’ eyes. The kingdom of God is fundamentally about gathering
the primary reality shaping history and nurturing disciples in their THE CHALLENGE
in love, according to God’s plan. relationship with Jesus, and
The world, rather than accepting sending them out to transform CHRISTIANS FACE IN THE
this reality, continues to reject it, the world. All this is to be done in
and pursues its destiny in wealth humility and powerlessness, with MODERN WORLD
and power. The church itself, over special attention on the people at
2000 years, has a mixed record. Yet, the fringes of society. Many Christians find it difficult
Jesus maintains, as Gerard Lohfink, to know God directly and have a
a German theologian, says, “God’s THE IMPORTANCE OF personal relationship with Jesus
plan is that there should be a Christ. Why is this? It has to do
people in the world that serves God EVERYDAY SPIRITUALITY with our modern mindset about
with its whole love and its whole God’s presence.
passion and glorifies God alone. In 2017 I made the Ignatian
That is the salvation of the world.” Spiritual Exercises, over 32 weeks, Peter Berger in the seminal book The
This is Jesus’ vision of church that guided by a marvellous Spiritual Social Construction of Reality pointed
should motivate and guide renewal. Director named Robyn Fitzgerald. out that there are four fundamental
One result was I wrote a book mindsets produced by our social
How will this renewal come about? Living Well in the Presence of God; interactions: Mythological,
Everyday Spirituality in the 21st Century. Theological, Philosophical and
JESUS’ PLAN FOR THE It focuses on how, in practical Scientific. Today, everyone’s
terms, a Christian can serve God’s mindset is almost completely
CHURCH plan with their whole mind, heart, scientific: sceptical, demanding
soul and strength while living
Reading the Gospels, we see two in the world. I believe that a
primary themes having to do with critical step in the revitalisation of
church: Jesus’ constant focus on Christianity in our time is helping
discipleship, and his concentration individual Christians deepen their
on the urgency of accepting the personal relationships with God.
kingdom of God. Jesus gathered The second result of the retreat
disciples to put ‘teeth’ into his was my realisation that God is
message about the coming of the calling on some of us to bring this
kingdom. Otherwise, he would have message into local churches. To
been just a philosopher and not create disciples (Change Agents)
the Messiah, a warrior king, taking who would help their local church
on an incredible challenge. Jesus renew itself.
lived, died and rose again to lay
the foundation (the cornerstone). I believe church renewal always
His disciples, under the guidance begins with the Holy Spirit’s
and grace of the Holy Spirit would working in the hearts of individual



evidence. All the previous mindsets requires us to go through a personal bring forth. Then, in two steps,
have almost disappeared from the transformation and be born again. begin to focus on Jesus’ vision for
secular culture in which we all This can be a significant event or, the church: equipping disciples to
live and learn. In particular, the as I believe, it gradually comes to commit themselves to God’s plan,
mythological mindset, which saw us once we commit to be vigilant and supporting them as they go out
the sacred everywhere in the world for God’s presence in our everyday into the world to save it.
―which was a dominant view in lives.
Jesus’s time―has ceased to be an Jim Brown is the author of Living
explanation which any of us find The strength and fruits of our Well in the Presence of God; Everyday
plausible. We are sceptics now: discipleship depend on the depth Spirituality for the 21st Century.
where is the evidence for God’s of our relationship with Jesus
presence? Christ. So, the need for church Anglicans Together in partnership
renewal is linked to how well our with the St James’ Institute
If we are Christians, we live church is preparing us to encounter presents a workshop with Jim
in a theological subculture the presence of God and respond on ‘Church renewal and Everyday
(Christianity) which has a belief, in love. From that assessment Spirituality’ to be held in St James’
(mindset), that God has explicitly compared to Jesus’ vision for the Hall from 10:00am-4:00pm on
promised to be present in the world. church, with the help of the Holy Saturday 28 September. Lunch will
In fact, Jesus Christ has already Spirit, will flow church renewal. be provided. Tickets are free, but
transformed mankind so that we spaces are limited. Further details
can see and relate to his presence. In summary, church renewal is a below. Copies of the book are now
So, Christians search for the sacred bottom-up process, flowing out of available for sale from the St James’
and begin to find it in church. The the Holy Spirit’s graces given to Parish Office.
change of mindset required to see individual Christians. The role of
the kingdom of God everywhere, church leaders is to nurture these
and God’s grace being pervasive, individuals and listen to what they


Jim Brown, author of Living Well in the Presence of God
Saturday 28 September, 10:00am-4:00pm

St James’ Hall, Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney
Free | Lunch provided | Bookings essential

Bookings: or 8227 1305
Copies of the book $20

Drawing on material from his new book, Jim explores:
How do we understand the presence of God today?
What do my experiences mean?
How do we respond to God’s grace?
What is Everyday Spirituality?

What is the role of church in spirituality? How are we doing?
Christians as change agents, of the church and the world.

A day workshop presented by Anglicans Together
in partnership with the St James’ Institute



NEIL CROSBY information with which to start planning.
Fr John Stewart, Alan Soutar and Graeme
Bailey (parish wardens) were included on the
committee. Sue and I and some experienced
ringers from other towers were also co-opted
to help, along with Ron Shepherd as technical
advisor and Geoff Danks as architectural advisor.

Kirsten launched the appeal to raise funds for the

bells, ropes and wheels on St James’ Day, 2002

and many of these items had been subscribed

by the end of that day! Alan Soutar oversaw the

construction of the bell chamber, and from this

COMING TO ST JAMES' CHURCH time a number of parishioners began to learn
how to ring bells, with help from many ringers

In 1966, I met my wife, Sue, who was training from other churches in Sydney. We rang for the

in midwifery. Her family began coming to St first time―a quarter peal of St James-the-Great

James’ when Sue was about 8 years old. About Delight Major―on St James’ Day 2003. Kirsten

a year after we met, Sue introduced me to St was elected as the first Tower Captain and I as

James’. The delay was because I disappeared Steeple Keeper.

to Indonesia on a Colombo Plan project for WHY DO I RING BELLS?
6 months. We have now been married for 51
Throughout history bells have been used to call
years and all our 4 children were baptised
and confirmed at St James’. We have all been people together to worship, celebrate the living
and the dead, and inform people of the time and
involved at St James’: as servers, in prayer
of danger. There is something intangible about
groups, on Parish Council, in the Anglican
Men’s Society, in the Emmaus Youth Group as being involved in such an historical activity
members, leaders and a parent couple, studying and it is one of many ways to participate in the
and mentoring Education for Ministry and our liturgy of the church.

son, Ben, sang in the Choir for many years. Bell-ringing is a sociable hobby, and over the

LEARNING TO RING CHURCH BELLS years we have met interesting people from all
walks of life, all ages (10 to 100 years old) and
Our daughter, Kirsten, began learning bell- from all over the world. For those interested in
ringing at Christ Church St Laurence in the history and architecture it is great to visit and
mid ‘90s and when she planned to travel learn about new churches from the local ringers.
overseas (including ringing in Canada and
UK), she encouraged Sue and me to try ringing. It is a team activity; you cannot ring bells on your
After 3 lessons the sciatica in my right leg and own. It does not require great physical strength,
but it does provide good physical exercise and
foot disappeared and has not returned! We
needs the ability to coordinate sight, hearing,
continued to ring at Christ Church and St
memory and rhythm; all those things that are
Philip’s and occasionally at other towers in
Sydney. I have rung at 41 towers in Australia and recommended for those of us of advancing years.

4 in New Zealand, 2 in the UK. And 1 in Ireland. It does take time and effort to learn to control a

GETTING A PEAL OF BELLS FOR bell and ring well, and the earlier you start the
easier it is to learn. However, anyone can learn at
ST JAMES' any time. From then on, it is up to the individual
how deeply he or she becomes involved: well
When Richard Hurford, was Rector at St struck rounds and call changes on 6 bells at your
James’, he nominated Kirsten as a rector’s parish church or 8 spliced royal peals on 12 bells
parish councillor and then appointed her as on every 12 bell tower you can get to!
chairperson of a bell committee to investigate
installing a peal of bells in St James’ tower. Jackie Dettmann is Tower Captain at St James'.
This was not the first time that bells for St

James’ had been discussed so she had some


The St James’ Donation form for:
The St. James’ Building and Property Foundation
An invitation from the Right & The St. James’ Music Foundation
Reverend Richard Hurford, OAM
Directors: Chairman
In 1999, as the Chairman of the Australian Council of the International CEO
Guild of Church Musicians, I was part of a small group of church Right Reverend Richard Hurford OAM, KStJ
Graham Smith
music supporters which shared the vision of establishing the St James’ Christine Bishop LLB (Syd) FAICD
Foundation. I then served as the Foundation’s first Chairman. Robert Cameron JP
Daniel Ferguson JP
The current Board of Directors invite you to support this dynamic Gregory West CA
resource for St James by way of donation or bequest.
The St James’ Foundation Ltd. Phone

The St James’ Foundation Ltd is a company limited by guarantee and is the Mobile
trustee of two charitable trusts, the St James’ Music Foundation and the
St James’ Church Building and Property Foundation.
Right Reverend Richard Hurford OAM, KStJ (Chairman), Postcode
Graham Smith (CEO), Christine Bishop LLB (Syd) FAICD,
Robert Cameron JP, Daniel Ferguson JP and Gregory West CA Email

are directors of the Foundation. Please accept my donation to the
Capital Fund of the Music Foundation
The St James’ Music Foundation
The object of the Music Foundation is:
To provide financial and other assistance to enable the production and Please accept my donation to the
performance of sacred and secular music with a particular focus on choral Capital Activities Fund of the
Music Foundation
and pipe organ music along with other expressions of the creative
and performing arts. $

The Music Foundation allows two kinds of donations; those towards the Please accept my donation to the
capital fund, which is invested to provide annual distributions to the Parish. Organ Replacement & Restoration Fund
of the Music Foundation
The second kind of donation can be to particular reserves, like the organ
restoration/rebuilding fund, scholarships, production of CD’s or other $
reserves that meet with the requirements of the Foundation and the needs
of the Parish. Donations to the Music Foundation are tax deductible. Please accept my donation to the
Capital Fund of the Building Foundation
The St James’ Church Building
and Property Foundation $

The object of the Building and Property Foundation is to provide financial Please draw cheques to the
assistance to St James for the restoration, preservation, maintenance, St James’ Music Foundation or
improvement, enhancement and upkeep of the Church building, its The St James’ Building Foundation and forward to:
fixtures, fittings and ornaments. The Building Foundation is principally a The Treasurer, Unit 2702/5 York St, Sydney 2000

capital fund, the income of which is distributed to the parish. Donations to OR
the Building Foundation are not tax deductible.
Direct Bank Transfer
The two Foundations have provided well over two million dollars, in (electronic payment) to:
distributions to the Parish of St James over the past 13 years. WBC - BSB 032 007 / Acc. No. 181314


Please debit my: Visa Mastercard

Card No. /
Exp. Date

Please send me information (to the above address) of
how I might include a bequest for The St. James’ Music
Foundation or The St. James Building Foundation in my will
All donations to The St. James’ Music Foundation
over $2.00 are tax deductible



The Choir of Trinity College, There is also the fact that we have Not really! Tallis, Byrd, Tomkins,
University of Melbourne will be 27 young voices and the core of the Lassus, Sheppard, White,
performing at St James’ on Saturday 6 St James’ choir is a much smaller Palestrina, Victoria, if we’re talking
July, at 5:00pm, as part of our concert group of more mature ones, which Renaissance; Duke Ellington
series, Encounters. Brooke Shelley took is bound to create a different sound. if we’re talking jazz; Sibelius,
the opportunity to have a quick Q&A Warren and I both encourage Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Elgar,
with the Choir’s Director of Music, our singers to sing healthily, Mahler, Nielsen, if we are talking
Chris Watson, about the concert. and certainly, if there’s a choice symphonies; Tippett, Howells, Bax,
between perfect blend or vocal Finzi, Leighton, Stanford, Gurney,
First of all, Chris, welcome freedom, I will always choose vocal if songs and church music. But, if I
back to St James’! Your concert, freedom (which is, I think, essential really had to live with only one, it
Encounters with the Past, will when dealing with still-developing couldn’t be anyone other than J. S.
include music by Herbert voices). Bach.
Howells, Ralph Vaughan
Williams, Gustav Holst, as well How often does the Choir sing What about favourite performers?
as music by Thomas Tallis and each week?
William Byrd. Can you explain Oscar Peterson, Ella Fitzgerald, Gil
why you chose the music of these We sing Evensongs on the Shaham, Isabella Faust, Pavarotti,
composers and how it relates to Thursdays and Sundays of the 24 Paul Lewis, Anthony Rolfe Johnson,
the concert’s title, Encounters teaching weeks at the University, Ben Webster, Bill Evans, the list
with the Past? plus a few special services such as goes on!
Tenebrae and Christmas Carols,
It’s wonderful to be back! Howells, and have two evening rehearsals What do you enjoy most about
Vaughan Williams and Holst per week, in addition. being Director of Music at
were all fascinated by the music Trinity?
of the Renaissance―Howells You enjoyed a successful career as
spoke of his love for “Tudor music, a soloist in the UK, Europe and I’ve always been a bit of a liturgical
plainsong and the modes”―and USA, and now the bulk of your music geek, and I love having the
all three composers wrote pieces time is spent directing. Do you freedom to program wonderful
for the newly formed Westminster get the opportunity to get out music every week for the church’s
Cathedral Choir, whose first much and sing solos? year, and then to direct such a
director R. R. Terry made a lovely choir. The college is also
conscious effort to re-discover the My visa is quite restrictive so a great place to work outside
great music of the 16th century and there is a limit to what I can say the chapel―I have many lovely
re-introduce it to liturgical worship yes to, but I still enjoy singing colleagues and the opportunity to
in the UK, where it had largely been very much, and it is definitely my work with all the students, helping
abandoned because of its Catholic hope that I will get the chance to them put on concerts and events.
nature. do the occasional Bach Passion in I must admit that it’s also rather
the future! I do sing regularly in pleasant to travel to the same place
Both The Choir of St James’ and Polyphonic Voices, a Melbourne every day and sleep in the same bed
The Choir of Trinity College chamber choir that was formed every night―the life of a touring
are mixed choirs, i.e. they have by former Trinity choristers, singer in Europe is definitely fun,
both men and women. What and I enjoy that very much, and but after a while airports and hotels
else, in your view, do they have have managed to do a bit of do begin to get a little dull.
in common, and what are their singing for Warren, in the two
differences? Cathedrals in Sydney, and with Our own Christopher
The Song Company. My Permanent Waterhouse (Director, St James’
I guess the main difference is that Residence visa application is Institute) is currently studying
at Trinity our singers almost always pending―fingers crossed! for a Master of Divinity at Trinity
join the choir directly from school, College. With an excellent
whereas at St James’ the singers are Can you decide on your top 5 reputation for theological
usually a bit older and therefore composers? If so, who are they study, do you think any of that
more experienced when they arrive. and why? influences the choice of music



Image courtesy of The Choir of Trinity College, University of Melbourne

sung by the choir and the style of which they attend on Sundays, but that this is a wonderful opportunity
liturgy in the Chapel? they do all participate and are very to hear a dedicated group of young
encouraging of the choir. singers performing music that they
It’s wonderful to have our own love.
Theological School at Trinity. I If a reader of Parish Connections
encourage the ordinands to come is considering coming along to Brooke Shelley is Communications and
and experience Evensong, and am the concert on 6 July, what would Media Manager at St James’ Church.
hoping to get involved in teaching you say to convince them to come
them a little about singing the along?
liturgy. The Theological School has
its own regular services and most of There aren’t many student choirs
the staff have their own churches that regularly sing liturgical music
in this country, and I would say

Encounters with the Past
featuring RalphVaughanWilliams’ Mass in G Minor
and music by Thomas Tallis,William Byrd, Herbert Howells,
Ross Edwards and Brooke Shelley

Saturday 6 July 2019 The Choir of Trinity College,
5.00pm University of Melbourne

St James’ Church, King Street, Sydney Directed by Christopher Watson

• •Tickets $50/$45 T: 8256 2222



John Wesley published his first The original had 18 verses 14. See all your sins on Jesus laid;
compendium of hymns, A Collection beginning: The Lamb of God was slain,
of Hymns for the Use of the People Called His soul was once an offering made
Methodists, in 1780. Before this, Glory to God, and praise, and love For every soul of man.
he and his brother, Charles, had Be ever, ever given;
published small collections and By saints below, and saints above, The New English Hymnal (NEH) has,
now wanted to provide a more The church in earth and heaven. for example, verses 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
useful and comprehensive book and 8 in that order, while the 1933
for his followers. As he said in the On this glad day the glorious Sun Methodist book had 7, 8, 9, 11, 10
book’s Preface: Of righteousness arose, and 14, in that order. The verses
On my benighted soul he shone, have, of course, been modernised
For many years I have been And fill’d it with repose. with respect to spelling. In some
importuned to publish such versions, an altered verse 1 is used
a HYMN BOOK, as might These opening verses reflect the as a doxology at the end:
be generally used in all our original purpose of the hymn
Congregations throughout Great by praising God and noting the To God all glory, praise, and love
Britain and Ireland. I have hitherto anniversary. What happened next be now and ever given
withstood the importunity, as I lost the original purpose of the hymn by saints below and saints above,
believed such a publication was but created its now popular form. the Church in earth and heaven.
needless, considering the various
Hymn Books, which my Brother Most later versions have only six The Methodist texts have altered
and I have published within these verses but those verses have various the second line to read ‘My
forty years past: so that it may be combinations of the original verses great Redeemer’s praise’, while
doubted, whether any religious seven to 12 and 14 and in different the NEH prefers the original
Community in the world has a orders: ‘dear’. While ‘great’ allows more
greater variety of them. distance from the original intent,
7. O for a thousand tongues to sing ‘dear’ emphasises it. Overall, the
He withstood no longer and agreed My dear Redeemer’s praise! selection of these few verses
to produce a ‘proper Collection The glories of my God and King, gives the hymn easier access for
of Hymns for general use; and The triumphs of his grace. those who are not celebrating an
one comprised in so moderate anniversary or, indeed, have no
a compass as neither to be 8. My gracious Master, and my God, conversion experience to celebrate.
cumbersome nor expensive’. The Assist me to proclaim,
first hymn in this new collection, To spread thro’ all the earth abroad The verse that now begins the
and in all British Methodist The honours of thy name. hymn is said to have arisen from a
hymnals until 1986, was ‘O for a comment made to Charles by his
thousand tongues to sing’. The 9. Jesus the name that charms our Moravian friend, Peter Boehler
1904 and 1933 hymnals emphasised fears, (1712-1775). Charles had asked
the significance of this choice when That bids our sorrows cease; Boehler about confessing Christ
they began their Prefaces with the ’Tis musick in the sinner’s ears, and had received the reply, ‘Had I
words ‘Methodism was born in ’Tis life, and health, and peace! a thousand tongues, I would praise
song’. him with them all’. The Wesleys
10. He breaks the power of cancell’d had first come into contact with
This famous hymn first appeared sin, the Moravians when they travelled
in the Wesley brothers’ Hymns He sets the prisoner free: to the new colony of Georgia
and Sacred Poems of 1740 under the His blood can make the foulest in America. They were most
heading, ‘For the Anniversary Day clean; impressed by the certain faith of
of One’s Conversion’. The timing is His blood avail’d for me. these German pietist Lutherans,
correct, for both Wesley brothers that was demonstrated when they
had undergone their life-changing 11. He speaks; and listening to his sang hymns during a fierce storm.
religious experiences in May, 1738 voice, The Wesley brothers, on the other
and the hymn appears to date from New life the dead receive, hand, cowered in fear of their lives.
May, 1739. The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,
The humble poor believe. On their return from the Americas,
the brothers made contact with
12. Hear him ye deaf, his praise ye
Your loosen’d tongues employ,
Ye blind, behold your Saviour come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.


original Hymns Ancient and Modern,
although it had been published
by Thomas Cotterill in his Selection
of Psalms and Hymns, the volume
that led ultimately to allowing
hymns to be sung in the Church of
England. Cotterill suggested that
it be sung to ‘Dartmouth’ but I have
been unable to locate a CM tune of
that name. Finally, the compilers
of the English Hymnal brought it
into Anglicanism in 1906 with the
tune ‘O God of Love’ from Thomas
Playford’s Divine Companion of 1701.

Fig. 1 (1749-1801) but it is in Long Meter It remained in the New English
( and not suitable for this Hymnal of 1986 (No. 415) with two
the Moravian community in CM hymn. tunes ‘Oxford New’ possibly by
London, where they met Boehler, George Coombes, organist of Bristol
the group’s new pastor. Charles ‘Burstal’ was short lived and was Cathedral, who died in 1769, and
was seriously ill with pleurisy and replaced by ‘Winchester Old’, ‘Arden’ by the celebrated George
almost died. He was ministered to which we now sing ‘While Thalben-Ball (1896-1987).
to by his Moravian friends and, on Shepherd’s watched their flocks
Pentecost 1738, had his ‘conversion’ by night’. The arrangement of this The most popular tune in the
experience. John followed several tune is attributed to George Kirbye United States has been ‘Azmon’,
days later, when he heard Luther’s (1656-1634) as published in Thomas composed by the German Carl
preface to Romans read at a Est’s The Whole Book of Psalmes (1592). Gotthelf Glaser (1784-1829) and
Moravian meeting. The brothers The original tune came from a adapted as a hymn tune by Dr
later broke from the Moravians and metrical version of the Acts of the Lowell Mason (1792-1872).
formed their own community that Apostles published by Christopher [See Fig. 2]
later developed into Methodism. Tye (1505-1573) in 1553.
They continued to recognise The Methodist Hymnal of 1933
Boehler as the one who had most This hymn is quintessentially surrendered ‘Winchester Old’ to its
influenced their lives. Methodist and failed to make the Christmas location and suggested,
first, ‘Richmond’ by Thomas
This hymn is in Common Metre Haweis (1734), which we usually
(, so it can be sung to many now use at St James’. Alternatively,
tunes. In the days before tunes ‘Lydia’ by Thomas Phillips (1735-
were printed in hymnals, the tune 1807) about whom I could find
used would have been chosen by
the worship leader from amongst
those known to the congregation.
The Wesleys first set the hymn to
‘Burstal’s (or Birstal’s) Tune’ [Fig. 1]:

I can find no composer or source Fig. 2
for this tune. There is another
tune of the same name by the
strangely named Accepted Widdop



Fig. 3 Fig. 3 marking might be It
requires the second line to be
nothing. ‘Lydia’ has five lines of Yorkshire folk song, ‘On Ilkla Moor sung twice and the last line three
melody, meaning that the last line baht’ at’. Written in 86.88.666, its times. With the fuguing pattern in
of each verse must be repeated. use for a CM hymn requires the the last line, there are actually six
[See Fig. 3] third line to be sung twice and repetitions. The late David Rumsey
the fourth three times. It also has commented that ‘Lyngham’ works
This brings us to ‘fuguing’ tunes, fuguing variations. You can hear perfectly for ‘O for a thousand
that is, those beginning with the our hymn sung to ‘Cranbrook’ on tongues’. He said that the sixfold
parts together but then requiring YouTube: repetition of the last line focuses
them to be staggered and enter at com/watch?v=vZaohOTk12Q. the coupling of music with text.
different times. A popular North [See Fig. 5]
American fuguing tune to which Hidden in the ‘Additional Tunes’ at
‘O for a thousand’ was sung is the end of the 1933 Methodist book Wesley encouraged his
‘Northfield’, composed in 1800 by was another such tune ‘Lyngham’. congregations to sing in harmony
Jeremiah Ingalls (1764-1838). Composed in about 1803 by and those who could not read
[See Fig. 4] Thomas Jarman (1776-1861), a tailor music, if it was indeed available,
and Baptist preacher, it has become learnt their parts by heart. My own
Another, and more bizarre, such the preferred tune for English and Methodist upbringing taught me
tune is ‘Cranbrook’. Written in Australian Methodist use, although to hear my bass part directly from
about 1800 by Thomas Clark (1775- it was probably too robust for the organ accompaniment, which I
1859), a Kentish cobbler, it has been the NEH. Although ‘Lyngham’ is still do.
used for ‘While shepherds watched marked as CM, it is not a straight
their flocks’. It is far more famous, four-line verse tune. A better Unlinked from its anniversary
however, as the tune for the connections the verses we now sing
form a commentary on the effects
of the death and resurrection of
Jesus that we summarise in the
theological term ‘atonement’. They
speak of grace and healing, of a
newly found freedom. Careful
readers will find references to
many biblical passages, particularly
Isaiah 61. It is a hymn to be sung
with great joy and gusto or as
Wesley said “lustily and with good

Associate Professor Michael Horsburgh
AM is a Lay Reader at St James’ and a
member of The St James’ Singers.




One night a lady came home
from her weekly prayer
meeting. She found that
she was being robbed, and
she shouted out, ‘Acts 2:38:
“Repent and be baptized and
your sins will be forgiven.”’

The robber quickly gave up
and the lady rang the police.
While handcuffing the
criminal, a policeman asked,
"Gee, mate, how come you
gave up so quickly?"

The robber replied, "She said she
had an axe and two 38's!"

Fig. 5



6 - 14 JULY 2019

for singers,

worship bands,
school choirs,
and clergy…

for all who love
sacred music

further information and bookings:

You will participate in

events including featuring

JUNE/JUBLYac2h0’s19S t Matthew Passion in ST JAMESt’oPpARinISteHrCnOaNtiNoEnCaTlIcOhNuSr ch PAGE 29
Sydney Town Hall


Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) For example, spiritual nurture of others through
was a British, Anglican writer in her pithy, homely metaphors, her
Christian Spirituality. As well as ‘Let our lives run to Your embrace… sparkling wit and playfulness
authoring nearly 40 books and and breathe the breath of and through her prayerful,
hundreds of articles, she was the Eternity. O God Supreme! Most contemplative presence. I hope you
first woman to lecture in theology secret and most present, most can join us on the 30 of June to hear
at the University of Oxford and beautiful and strong. Constant yet more about these ‘spiritual greats’
to lead spiritual retreats for the Incomprehensible, changeless yet who have influenced me so deeply.
Anglican church in England. changing all! What can I say, my
Underhill compiled a book of God, my Life, my Holy Joy… You are Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr is Senior
prayers that she used for leading the only reality…’ Lecture in Theology and Spirituality at
these retreats in the 1920s and 30s. Alphacrusis College, Sydney. Her PhD
It contained prayers from women Some of the prayers are incredibly research at the University of St Andrews,
and men from the 3rd to the 20th poetic: Scotland, examined Baron Friedrich von
centuries from all branches of the Hügel as a spiritual director. She presents
Christian church. It also included ‘…beyond us are the hills of God, ‘The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn
her own passionate prayers. the snowfields of the Spirit, the Underhill’ at the St James’ Institute on
Scholars had lamented that this Other Kingdom.’ Sunday 30 June at 2:00pm.
book of prayers had been lost many
decades ago. However, in 2016, I Underhill leads us into union with
discovered this prayer book at Christ, in some unique ways:
The Diocesan House of Retreat at
Pleshey (near Chelmsford, UK), ‘Within Your wounds, hide me!’
where Underhill led retreats. It
had been found many years earlier And as retreat leader, she leads
by a Canadian priest at a British, her community in prayers of
Oxfam bookshop. He had used it restoration and comfort:
for his personal prayer and then
posted it to the retreat house in ‘Soothe our restlessness: say to
2004. Apparently it was placed our hearts “Peace be still.” Brood
into a suitcase for safekeeping and over us, within us, Spirit of perfect
forgotten. peace… enfolded in Your loving
Not long after I discovered the first
prayer book, an earlier prayer book Following on from the prayer
of Underhill’s also mysteriously book project, I am now writing a
surfaced, with the identical red, book, The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn
calligraphy headings. I combined Underhill to be published in early
both prayer books into one, deleted 2020 by SPCK. The foreword was
any repetitions, modernized the written by Eugene Peterson before
language and they were published his death. He cited Baron Friedrich
in 2018 as Evelyn Underhill’s Prayer von Hügel as one of the greatest
Book (SPCK, London). After only a influences of his life. The Baron was
few months, Evelyn Underhill’s Prayer also Underhill’s spiritual director.
Book was reprinted and it is in the In this book I trace the Baron’s
process of being translated into spiritual formation of Underhill
Korean for publication. through personal letters, as well
as other influences on her spiritual
I thought I’d give you a tiny taste growth such as art and spiritual
of some of the prayers in Evelyn retreats. Secondly, I explore
Underhill’s Prayer Book. The prayer Underhill’s spiritual formation
book is full of heart-felt prayers. of others, through her personal
letters and published retreat talks.
Underhill provides us with an
example of vibrant and effective



With the coming of the middle of author and original audience Christopher Waterhouse
the year comes our annual mid-year or people involved. I believe
study series. This June we’ll be it is time to stand back; to use by phoning (02) 8227 1305 or
discussing ‘The Role of Women in a wide-angle lens to capture emailing [email protected]
the Church: A Biblical Perspective’ the bigger picture of what
in a four week series written and God’s Word tells us about the On Thursday 13 June at 6:30pm
prepared by Sue Mackenzie. contribution that women have we look forward to welcoming
made and can make to the Monsignor Tony Doherty and Ailsa
Sue writes: kingdom of God. That is the Piper to the St James’ Institute
over-arching purpose of this for ‘Letters from a Most Unlikely
This set of studies aims to series. Friendship.’ In 2012, Melbourne-
encourage consideration of the There are three groups meeting based writer and performer wrote
various roles that women have during this study series: a book called Sinning Across Spain,
fulfilled within God’s gathered 1. Mondays 10:00am-12noon inspired by the Camino and
community, whether this is in Cremorne, led by Sue pilgrimage, and inspired by those
the society of Old Testament Mackenzie (address supplied after pilgrims who take to the Camino
(OT) times or that of the New registration, not meeting on 10 June carrying with them the prayers,
Testament (NT) era. Thus I am because of the Public Holiday) burdens and sins of others and
using the word, ‘church’ very 2. Tuesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm walk on their behalf. After the
loosely—to mean this gathered in St James’ Hall, led by Sue untimely death of her husband
people. Mackenzie Peter in 2014, Ailsa returned to the
3. Wednesdays 7:15pm-8:30pm Camino trail, this time in France,
Each study is structured with in St James’ Hall, led by carrying with her the burden of
an introduction to the theme Christopher Waterhouse her own grief instead of the sins
or women involved; the main The series is free to attend. The and burdens of others. Monsignor
readings from the Bible are accompanying study booklet is $10 Tony Doherty (former Dean of
then listed, with notes on their and available from the Parish Office St Mary’s Cathedral) read the
backgrounds and contexts, or from the group leader. book and wrote to Ailsa to tell
followed by some questions Please register for the group that her how much he enjoyed it. Soon
for discussion. Obviously there suits you best in terms of meeting emails were flying back and forth
are many women I could have day and location. You can register and back again. They exchanged
chosen to consider. The ones I stories of their own experiences
have included all have played Ailsa Piper and Monsignor Tony Doherty on pilgrimage and shared their
significant roles in biblical delight in Mary Oliver’s poetry and
history. The final study is a wrestled with what it means to
bit different: whereas the first love and to grieve.
three sessions focus on specific
women or groups of women, the continued overleaf
last looks at oft-quoted passages
within the NT epistles that
comment on the role of women
in the early Christian church.

This controversial topic is
frequently discussed today by
both men and women. But all
too often we let our emotions
(and our prejudices) cloud our
judgements. And we may use
the Bible wrongly, focusing on
a few verses and quoting them
out of context, or ignoring the
cultural background of the



Their letters and friendship are the On Sunday 14 July from 2:00pm- Dan Mullins receiving his first pilgrim
subject of a new book called The 4:00pm we’re off to the Art stamp from Fr John in 2018
Attachment: Letters from a Most Unlikely Gallery of New South Wales to
Friendship in which they discuss discover and learn about some of is due for release in the middle of
pilgrim spirituality, connecting the religious art in the permanent 2019.
across divides, the challenges of collection. The Art Gallery of
real friendship and friendships that NSW boasts a fine collection of At 5:00pm the Choir of St James’
really challenge. In their talk at the European works from some of presents the festival concert, A
St James’ Institute they’ll reflect on the biggest names in art. Housed Marriage of England and Spain. On
nature, grief, the gospels, and the in the permanent collection are Patronal Festival Sunday there will
challenge of walking their talk in a number of religious paintings be morning services at 7:45am and
these troubled times. including Madonna and Child with 10:00am, and then a special service
Saints Jerome, John the Baptist, of Choral Evensong at 4:00pm.
Then on Sunday 30 June from Bernardino and Bartholomew by
2:00pm to 3:30pm we welcome Dr Sano di Pietro, Holy Family with St Further details on these, and other
Robyn Wrigley-Carr to discuss John the Baptist by Luca Cambiaso, upcoming events, can be found on
‘The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn Deposition by Prospero Fontana, our website at
Underhill’. Evelyn Underhill (1877- and Joshua Passing the River Bookings can be made online, by
1941) was an English, mystical Jordan by Benjamin West. phone to (02) 8227 1305, by email
theologian and Anglican spiritual to [email protected] or
director and retreat leader who In this special event, we take during office hours in person at
authored nearly 40 books and a tour of some of these works Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street.
hundreds of articles. She was the and discuss their meaning and
first woman to lecture in theology symbolism. Tickets are strictly Christopher Waterhouse is Director of the
at Oxford University. In this limited and priority will be given to St James’ Institute.
session, Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr SJI subscribers until sold out. You
takes us on a journey through some are encouraged to book as soon as
of the writings and life of Underhill. possible to avoid disappointment.
She outlines the discovery of
Underhill’s prayers in Evelyn July is also the month of our
Underhill’s Prayer Book (SPCK, 2018) Patronal Festival with the annual
as well as Underhill’s spiritual St James’ Day Festival Eucharist
journey, explored in her new book on Thursday 25 July at 6:30pm
The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn followed by a weekend of activities
Underhill (SPCK, 2020). on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28
July. On the Saturday we present
the annual St James’ Talk at 3pm,
where we’ll share stories of those
who’ve recently walked the Camino
as we look ahead to the St James’
Parish pilgrimage to Santiago in
2020. Our special guests include
2GBs Dan Mullins who walked
the Camino in 2018, starting his
pilgrimage here at St James’ King
Street before flying to Spain to
walk some 1,000kms across Europe.
As he did so, he wrote the song
‘Somewhere Along the Way (the
Camino Song)’ which inspired a
new album The Singing Pilgrim which



As we reach the end of the Easter opera or oratorio, it does not have Twist’s How shall we sing in a strange
season, the beginning of April feels a story or dramatic theme. Many land? It will be a pleasure to hear
a long time ago. The first Choir parishioners who attended the the latter piece, written by former
concert of the year, Captivity and concert were still on a high on St James’ tenor, which The Choir of
Freedom, showcased the versatility Sunday morning! St James’ has helped to popularise,
of the Choir of St James’, from come back to us. The Trinity
Renaissance masterworks to June begins with the Choir’s annual College Choir concert Encounters
late 20th and early 21st centuries, trip to Bowral on Sunday 2 June with the Past will demonstrate how
including a supremely challenging for Evensong and a short recital. Renaissance music influenced
work by Francis Pott. The concert If you are down in the Southern 20th century British composers, as
ended with some very effective Highlands this would be a great well as contemporary Australian
arrangements of Spirituals. For time to get along to hear the composers.
Holy Week and Easter, the stirring Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
resourcefulness of the Choir was in D by George Dyson, and a concert At the end of July, there will be the
on show as they performed to their which includes selections from the traditional extravagant musical
usual high standards despite four first two Choir concerts of the year. celebration of St James’ Day and
regular members being in Singapore Then the following two Sundays the Patronal Festival. St James’ Day
for most of this time (see page 17 to the Choir will be celebrating two will be celebrated with Victoria’s
read about the exciting Singapore major feasts, including singing Missa O quam gloriosum. The Patronal
adventure). Bob Chilcott’s A Little Jazz Mass for Festival will include Mozart’s Mass
Pentecost, and a Mozart Mass for the in D in the morning, and then in the
For the highlights of the month most holy Trinity appropriately for afternoon, two 20th century English
of May, one was greatly indebted Trinity Sunday. classics: Howells’ St Paul’s Service
to the year 1685 (the birth year and Bairstow’s Blessed City, Heavenly
of Bach and Handel). At the Bach In July, Music@St James’ will be Salem. In between these will be the
Cantata service, the congregation welcoming the Choir of Trinity second Choir concert for July, with
was treated to a delightful pastoral College, University of Melbourne The Choir of St James’ performing
cantata for Good Shepherd for a Sunday Choral Eucharist more glorious Renaissance music
Sunday. Then at the end of May, and the third concert of the year, from England and Spain.
one of Handel’s rarely performed Encounters with the Past (see page
masterpieces: L’Allegro, il Penseroso 24). For the Choral Eucharist, they Alistair Nelson is Organist at St James’
ed il Moderato. The reason it is rarely will be singing Vaughan Williams’ and directs The St James’ Singers.
performed is because, unlike an glorious Mass in G minor, and Joe

Be sure to add this recording to your
collection before the St James’ organ is


Alistair Nelson and former Organ Scholar,
Marko Sever perform works by J. S. Bach,
Howells, Rheinberger, Elgar, Koehne,
Tournemire, Escaich and Duruflé.
The CD is available to purchase for $25
from the Parish Office or online at




The Choir of St James’ continues to offer inspiring choral music of the highest standards. Here is its music list for
the next two months.


11:00am – CHORAL EUCHARIST Responses: Jackson
Mass setting: Palestrina – Missa Viri Galilaei Canticles: Howells – Gloucester Service
Motet: Byrd – Non vos relinquam orphanos Anthem: Harris – Faire is the heaven


Responses: Radcliffe Responses: Tomkins
Canticles: Dyson in D Canticles: Howells – Gloucester Service
Anthem: Rutter – Go forth into the world in peace Anthem: Howells – Like as the hart

10:00am – CHORAL EUCHARIST (Sung by The Choir of St James’ and
Mass setting: Chilcott – A Little Jazz Mass The Choir of Trinity College, University of Melbourne)
Motet: arr Esenvalds – Amazing Grace Mass setting: Vaughan Williams – Mass in G minor
Motet: Twist – How shall we sing?
6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG (Upper voices) 6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG (Upper voices)
Responses: Archer
Responses: Sumsion Canticles: Moore – Canterbury service
Anthem: Byrd – Visita quaesumus Domine
Canticles: Grenyer – Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
on a Hexatonic Scale 11:00am – CHORAL EUCHARIST
Mass setting: Tye – Missa Euge bone
Anthem: Ravanello – Confirma hoc Deus Motet: Guerrero – Hoc est praeceptum meum

6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG (Lower voices)
11:00am – CHORAL EUCHARIST Responses: Leighton Jones
Mass setting: Mozart – Mass in C, K. 167 Canticles: Wood in E
Motet: Palestrina – O beata et gloriosa Trinitas Anthem: Wood – Great Lord of Lords

6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG Mass setting: Jackson in G
(Sung by the Choir of St Swithun’s Church, Pymble) Motet: G Jackson – O sacrum convivium
Introit: Tallis – If ye love me
Responses: Hamilton WEDNESDAY 24 JULY
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat 6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG
Anthem: Rutter – I will sing with the Spirit Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Byrd – Second Service
SUNDAY 23 JUNE Anthem: Byrd – Justorum animae

Mass setting: Rheinberger – Missa brevis in F 6:30pm – CHORAL EUCHARIST WITH
Motet: Messiaen – O sacrum convivium PROCESSION FOR THE FEAST OF ST JAMES
Mass setting: Victoria – Missa O quam gloriosum
WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE Motet: Manchicourt – Jubilate Deo

6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG (Lower voices)
Responses: Tallis
Canticles: Victoria – Magnificat sexti toni
Anthem: Handl – Ave Maria


Mass setting: Di Lasso – Missa super Amor ecco colei
Motet: de Wert – Amen, amen, dico vobis



5:00pm – CONCERT
A Marriage of England & Spain; a feast of music to celebrate the 6:15pm – CHORAL EVENSONG
marriage of Queen Mary to Philip II of Spain Responses: Byrd
Canticles: Wood in D
SUNDAY 28 JULY, PATRONAL FESTIVAL SUNDAY Anthem: Stanford – Pater noster
(Sung by The Choir of St James’ and The St James’ Singers)
Introit: Victoria – O lux et decus
Mass setting: Mozart – Missa brevis in D, K. 194
Motet: Tomkins – O sing unto the Lord

Responses: Leighton
Canticles: Howells – St Paul’s Service
Anthem: Bairstow – Blessed City


Experience the peaceful atmosphere of Sydney’s oldest church as it is filled with music every Wednesday lunchtime
between 1:15pm and 1:45pm. A suggested donation of $5 helps us to cover the cost of putting on the concerts.
Concertgoers can present their programmes at Jardin St James’ to receive a 15% discount between 1:45pm and 3:30pm.





What’s the fuss about Evensong?

Come and find out.
Soak up the peaceful, meditative atmosphere,
enjoy the centuries-old service of Choral Evensong,
with its poetic Book of Common Prayer setting
(1662) and beautiful music, and experience this
traditional service from the cathedrals, churches,
and chapels of Great Britain here in Sydney.
Wednesdays, 6:15pm-7:00pm.
All welcome.


173 King Street
(02) 8227 1300
Sunday 9 June 2019 10:00am
The Choir of St James’

A Marriage of
England & Spain
A feast of music to celebrate the marriage
of Queen Mary to Philip II of Spain

Saturday 27 July 2019, 5.00pm • •Tickets $50/$45 T: 8256 2222
The Choir of St James’
Directed by Warren Trevelyan-Jones
St James’ Church, King Street, Sydney

Religious Art

in the Permanent Collection of The Art Gallery of NSW

Sunday 14 July, 2:00pm-4:00pm
The Art Gallery of NSW

$30/$25 | bookings: or 8227 1305

Housed in the permanent collection of The Art Gallery of NSW are a number
of religious paintings by some of the biggest names in art,

including Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome, John the Baptist,
Bernardino and Bartholomew by Sano di Pietro.

Tickets for this special event are limited and priority will be given to
SJI subscribers until sold out.


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