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Published by ian, 2022-09-13 14:29:54

Rosh Hashanah 2022-5783

rosh hashanah mag 2022 web


Everything you
need to know

and still serving




Photos and news
of Chabad activities

across Essex

New Year Message 5782

by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Schneerson zy”o

A timely teaching from the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson OB”M – 5710 (1949)

As we stand at the threshold of the New Year, every
man and woman, pauses to draw up а balance sheet
of one's record in the past year. We resolve to better
ourselves and pray for а happy year, materially and

Our Sages say that giving Tzedokoh (charity) to the
needy opens the way for our prayers to bring us good
health, prosperity and happiness.

We each possess a body and а soul. Just as there is
material poverty (in food, clothing and shelter), so
there is spiritual poverty, where the deficiency is in spiritual things: knowledge of the
Torah, the observance of the Mitzvoth and the practice of good deeds.

Said our Sages: "How are we to understand the words of the prophet, 'When you
see а poor man, clothe him?' Surely also in this sense: When you see a man lacking
in the knowledge of the Torah, take him in to your house, teach him the Shema,
encourage him to fulfil the Mitzvoth, teach him Torah, etc. ..."

When we are about to appear before the Supreme Judge on Rosh Hashanah, we
must take stock, each one according to their own yardstick — the possibilities and
opportunities one has — as to how well we have practiced both material and spiritual
deeds of charity and kindness.

Even as the poorest among the poor has opportunities to practice acts of kindness
towards his fellows, so has the spiritually poor man opportunities to benefit others
through exercising good influence upon his friends and neighbours in the obser-
vance of the Torah and Mitzvoth.

Naturally, the materially wealthy and spiritually rich, must be lavish in their acts of
Tzedokoh, in money and time, on behalf of their brothers and sisters who are less
fortunate than they, to save them, heal them, and strengthen them, body and soul.

May our Merciful Father in heaven inscribe every one of us unto a good and happy
year, materially and spiritually, and bring us the true Redemption through our
Righteous Messiah, speedily in our time, Amen.

Wishing you, a Healthy & Happy, successful New Year.

Rosh Hashanah-5783

A New Year message from Rabbi Aryeh MBE & Devorah Sufrin

Co-Directors & Head Shluchim- Chabad Lubavitch Centres North East London & Essex

Welcome to the 5783 Rosh Hashanah edition of

In this issue you will find an update on many of the
activities and programmes that have taken place
over the last 6 months.

Rabbi & Mrs Sufrin MBE Our three Chabad Centres and additional locations
of its work and influence across Essex, have
continued to thrive and expand, thereby
connecting with more people in an ever increasing

We feel privileged and honoured to have been blessed to
service the wider areas of North East London & Essex at the behest of the
Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, 40 years ago. Throughout this
time we have forged many relationships and adapted to the changing needs of our

Facing the challenges, we take great pride in investing and developing the growth by
bringing in additional Shluchim at various stages to open our Chabad Centres in
Buckhurst Hill and Epping in addition to the Gants Hill Centre. Our newest couple will
PG be joining our team in October to be a permanent presence in our fourth Chabad
location in Essex- Southend on Sea.

In this edition you will find picture reports on all of our Centres, with some updates
on some of our successful and innovative fund raising projects, your Tishrei “pull
out” calendar and guide as well as some adverts for forthcoming events over the
autumn / winter months.

We look forward to sharing our plans and exciting developments of this 40th year
with you. We hope and pray that this celebration of “40 and still serving” will, with
G-d’s blessings for health and strength, enable us to carry on serving you-our
Community for many long years to come.

We close by wishing you and yours a very Happy Healthy and Sweet New Year.

Gants Hill in Pictures

?MB??aa?tz?eM?l ?Ti?to?zv?v,/aNNhooaBalessing OMO?M?nana?eueu?r?rtte?oeoe?enO?nO?nLn?Ee/oenvCjCionllayagsisnssHgeHr er C??h?e?d?e?r??P??r/ize Giving

?PV?eo?sl?ua?nc?ht?e?Se?re?d/-erFood Project ?SP?ee?ds?ae?cr?h?-?F?Ro?/oadbbi Tastes Delicious ?G??e?tt?i?n?g??T?/hings Ready

?W??e?e?k?ly??S?ha?/babobsosDDeleivlievreyrytotoDDavaivdid ?L?a?d??ie?s??T?a?l/k & Tea ?MM?a?a?zz?ee?ll?TT?o?ov?v/-DaDnainalia&l &MMichicehlleelle

?H?a?v?d??a?la?h??o/n Sunday HS??aa?nr?ad??&B??aC?k?oe/mMpaatnzayhDDeleiglihveterdy With ?P?r?iz?e??G??iv?i?n/g

?SS?ee?dd?ee?rr??--??FF?uu/llll HHoouussee ?C?a?n?d??le??L?i?g/hting at Seder

?LT?eh?a?ed?S?in?ug?f?rt?inh/se - Seder

?W??e?e?k?l?y?T??e/fillin @ KKKKKSS ?RM?a?itb?vb?a?i’h?s?VC??ias/mit

?Mf?o?rr?s?SS?h?uu?fv?ru?in/otCSheorovsiicnegs Flowers

CGI Camp 2022

Chabad Gan Izzy Essex Summer Camp 2022

Under the sterling leadership of Rabbi Odom & Henny Brandman, Gan Izzy 22 was
another great success.

Based on the King Solomon High School campus grounds some hundred children
made up of the three tier groups, Kiddies, Kids and Teenagers, enjoyed a range of
interactive, games sports and crafts for two whole weeks. The 15 staff hailed from
Israel, France, Australia, Manchester and some local talent, with perfect weather all
had a most enjoyable summer of fun.

Reaching New Heights Lunch Fun with Sand

Summer Camp Fun

Creative Fun Origami - Paper Fun

Epping in Pictures

Fancy Dress with Lots of Laughs Purim for All Children Always Entertained

Exciting Learning Children’s Fun Ladies Chola Bake

Annual BBQ Rabbi & Mrs Posen - 3 Years On

Weekly Cheder

Wishing You All A Very Happy & New Year!!
Rabbi Yossi & Rivka Posen

Buckhurst Hill Update

?It?’s??b?e?e?n??a? busy wedding season C??r?a?f?t?s?e?s?s?ion at Bat Mitzvah Club ?F?lo?w??e?r??W??orkshop at Bat Mitzvah Club

C??h?e?d?e?r??P??rize Shop B??a?t??M??it?z?v?ah Club Graduation ?C?h?e?d?e?r??H??ebrew Reading

A??l?w?a?y??s?o?n? hand to affix new Mezuzas ?L?a?g??B?’?o?m??er Community BBQ ?S?h?a?b?b?o?s??&? Care Packages Continue

Wishing You All A Very Happy New Year!!
Rabbi Odom & Henny Brandman

Southend News

Monthly Discussion Groups Hosted Locally

Cheder Graduation & Certificates Special Delivery Special Delivery

Special Delivery Special Delivery Special Delivery

Charity Giving Day


On the 10th and 11th July the wider community came
together for our annual crowd funding campaign for
the third year in a row. The campaign was entitled “40
Years and Still Serving.”

With the support of 446 donors, 36 match funders and
28 teams, we had the amazing success of reaching our
goal in excess of £150,000.

The energy and enthusiasm put in by so many was
testimony to the tireless efforts of Rabbi Aryeh MBE
and Devorah Sufrin, now in their 40th year of Chabad
Shluchim of the Luvabitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Schneerson zy”o.

The geography has changed since they came. Three wonderful Chabad Houses have
emerged in Ilford, Buckhurst Hill and Epping manned by dedicated shluchim families.
Rabbi Odom and Hennie Brandman and Rabbi Yossi and Rivka Posen. In addition,
Chabad shluchim across Essex include three families in leading roles in local

The 4th Chabad House with its new Chabad
shluchim is soon to be opened in October of this
year in Southend on Sea.

Chabad’s care for the community across Essex
continues with added vigour and strength. The
Sufrin’s ongoing commitment coupled with
their growing family of emissaries will ensure
that Essex remains a great place to live, work
and feel connected to the Jewish community.

Chabad is ever grateful for each and every
level of support given, with it, our donors
become living partners today and every day
in Chabad’s work across Essex.

The Month of Elul

The Jewish month of Elul is a time to review one's behaviour and spiritual progress
over the past year. This helps us prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It is a
suitable time for Teshuvah, which means “returning to G-d”. We do so by increasing in
prayer, charity and compassion for those around us. Personal change takes effort and
consistency, but it is possible. Our self-improvement helps us become closer to G-d.
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi taught that G-d is very close to us during this month.
He explains, by way of analogy, that “The King is in the field”, rather than in His
palace; as such, “anyone who wants can meet Him. He receives everyone with a
happy expression, and shows a smiling face to all of them”.

Rosh Hashanah

H First Day Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday 25th September – 6:34pm
H Second Day Rosh Hashanah begins 26th September – after 7:39pm

Rosh Hashanah ends 27th September – 7:37pm

26th & 27th September – 1st & 2nd Tishrei 5783
Rosh Hashanah means the “Head of the Year”. It marks the
beginning of the Jewish year, and the day that G-d created
Adam and Eve, which highlights the unique relationship
between G-d and humanity. On Rosh Hashanah, we crown
G-d as the supreme King of the Universe. We proclaim G-d’s
dominion over Creation, His power of remembrance, and Shofar’s sound.

The Shofar
On Rosh Hashanah, we blow the Shofar, which is a ram's horn, the
oldest and most primitive of wind instruments.
In total, we blow one hundred sounds from the Shofar.
Its sound is simple and plaintive, yet also powerful: it is simultaneously a cry from
the heart, like a child calling for its parent, while also crowning G-d as King of the
Universe, like trumpets at a coronation.
The sound of the Shofar instils awe, striking at the heart and the innermost chords
of the soul. It also evokes key events in Jewish history, such as the Binding of Isaac,
when Abraham sacrificed a ram in place of his son.

Festive Meals
On each night and day of Rosh Hashanah we eat a festive meal.
On each night, we start the meal by symbolically asking
G-d for a year of sweetness and renewal.
On the first night, we eat a slice of
apple dipped in honey.
After Kiddush on the second night of Rosh
Hashanah, we eat a “new fruit”. This is
a seasonal fruit that we have not yet
tasted since its season began. Many
people choose pomegranate, because
it is full of seeds, just as each of us is full
of good deeds.

On the first day of Rosh Hashanah before sunset, we go to a river, lake or any body
of water holding live fish. Then we recite the Tashlich Prayer and symbolically cast
away our sins, asking G-d to judge us with mercy and love on this holy day. Water
symbolises the idea of kindness, while fish, which have no eyelids, remind us of G-d's
ever-watchful providence.
Someone who cannot recite Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah may do so until the last day
of Sukkot.

Tzom Gedaliah

Wednesday 28th September –
3rd Tishrei
The day after Rosh Hashanah is called Tzom Gedaliah. It is the first of the
six annual Fast Days. On this day, we recall the assassination of Gedaliah the son
of Achikom.
Gedaliah was the governor of Judea, over 2’400 years’ ago. His death led to the Jews
fleeing to Egypt, triggering further bloodshed. It also delayed Jewish settlement in
the Holy Land for more than fifty years.
In memory of Gedaliah’s death and its tragic aftermath, we fast every year on the day
after Rosh Hashanah. It is a “minor” Fast, beginning at dawn and ending at nightfall.
If Tzom Gedaliah were to fall on a Shabbat, we would postpone the Fast until Sunday.

Shabbat Shuvah

H Shabbat Shuvah begins Friday 30th September – 6:23pm
X Shabbat Shuvah ends Saturday 1st October – 7:28pm
We call the Shabbat that falls between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur “Shabbat Shuvah”,
the Shabbat of Return. Customarily, the rabbi of congregation discusses the importance
of Teshuvah, repentance. Our Sages taught that G-d forgives the sins of Israel when
rabbis encourage their communities to improve.

Yom Kippur

H Yom Kippur begins Tuesday 4th October – 6:14pm
X Yom Kippur ends Wednesday 5th October – 7:19pm

Yom Kippur is the Holiest Day of the Year. We are closest to G-d,
and to our soul’s essence, on this day. Yom Kippur means “Day of
Atonement”. The Torah says, “For on this day He will forgive you, to
cleanse you from all your sins, before G-d”.
Yom Kippur is a “major” Fast, beginning at sundown on Tuesday 4th
October and ending after nightfall on Wednesday 5th October. For
nearly 26 hours, we “afflict our souls”. We abstain from consuming
food and drink, and do not wear leather footwear. We neither wash, nor apply lotions
and creams, and we abstain from marital relations. Instead, we spend the day at the
synagogue, praying for forgiveness.
It is important to ask for guidance if you have a medical condition that prevents you
from fasting.
Yom Kippur Eve – Tuesday 4th October
We do the Kaparot Service early in the morning before Yom Kippur (with a live chicken,
fish or money), which we then give to charity.

Festive Meals
On the day before Yom Kippur, it is a Mitzvah to eat and drink.
We eat two meals, one in the morning, and another light
meal (like chicken) just before Yom Kippur starts.

Tzedakah – Charity
We give charity generously throughout the period between
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (excluding the days of Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah
and Yom Kippur). On the day before Yom Kippur, we give extra charity, because Tzedakah
is a great source of merit and serves as protection against harsh decrees.

Yom Kippur Day – Wednesday 5th October
On Yom Kippur, we are likened to angels, and many have the custom
to wear white clothing while praying. Wearing white reminds us
of our mortality, and urges us to repent.
There are many prayer services throughout Yom Kippur. If you
can't make them all, because of personal circumstances, join in
the first Yom Kippur service for the Kol Nidrei prayer that opens the
evening service.
Yizkor Memorial Prayer
On Yom Kippur, we remember our relatives and friends
who have passed on, and we recite the special

Yizkor Memorial Prayer after the morning services. We can
connect deeply with the souls of our loved ones during
Yizkor, since they descend from heaven, momentarily, to be
with us during that prayer. We pledge to give extra Tzedakah
(charity) in their memory after Yom Kippur, which brings great merit to
those soul (s) whom we are remembering and honouring when we recite Yizkor.
Yom Kippur ends with the Neilah prayer, followed by a Shofar blast and the Maariv
evening services. After this, we recite the Havdalah service marking Yom Kippur's end.
We then break our fast.

Shabbat – Portion of Ha’azinu
H Shabbat begins Friday 7th October – 6:07pm
X Shabbat ends Saturday 8th October – 7:12pm

The Festival of Sukkot

10th – 16th October
H First Day Sukkot begins Sunday 9th October – 6:02pm
H Second Day Sukkot begins 10th October – after 7:08pm

Second Day Sukkot ends 11th October – 7:05pm

The Sukkah
Sukkot is a seven-day Festival (Chag) that falls
a few days after Yom Kippur, commemorating
how G-d protected our ancestors when we were
freed from Egypt. Sukkot means "huts". The Torah tells us to
live in temporary outdoor shelters during this Festival. The Sukkah (hut) surrounds us
on all sides, representing our faith in G-d's protection and care throughout our lives.

The Four Species
Each day of Sukkot, except on Shabbat, we perform the Mitzvah of Arbah Minim. This
Mitzvah is to take Four Species — a Lulav, an Etrog, two Hadassim and three Aravot —
recite a Brachah (blessing) and gently shake them three times in each direction. This
represents G-d’s presence everywhere.

◆ The Lulav is a palm branch from a date-palm tree. The date has a sweet taste
but no smell. This symbolises the academic: a scholar with vast knowledge but
with less practical dedication to performing Mitzvot.

◆ The Hadassim are myrtle branches, which have a pleasant smell but no taste.
Hadassim symbolise the active person: someone who does many Mitzvot but
doesn’t invest energy into learning Torah.

◆ The Aravot are willow branches, having neither taste nor smell. The Aravot
symbolise the simple person who does not dedicate himself to performing
Mitzvot, nor does he invest energy into learning Torah.

◆ The Etrog, a citron, has both taste and smell. The Etrog symbolises the person
who studies Torah and invests great effort into performing each Mitzvah.

We bind these four into a “bouquet”, recite the blessing and shake it. This
symbolises unity and diversity, because we need all four species to
complete the set. Similarly, we only celebrate the unity of our nation
when we value, and include, everyone.
We observe Sukkot by doing our everyday tasks in the Sukkah. We
eat, learn Torah and relax in the Sukkah, just as we would normally
do in our homes. A Kosher Sukkah must have solid walls and a roof
of leaves or vegetation. This roof should feature more shade than sun.

For the entire Festival, we eat all our meals in the Sukkah unless prevented by inclement
weather. Each time we begin a meal in the Sukkah, we say a special blessing.
Shabbat – Chol HaMoed Sukkot – 15th October

H Shabbat begins Friday 14th October – 5:51pm
X Shabbat ends Saturday 15th October – 6:57pm

Hoshana Rabbah

Sunday, 16th October
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, G-d judges all the inhabitants of world individually.
In contrast, at the end of Sukkot, G-d judges the world collectively, concerning water,
fruit and crops. We call the seventh day of the Sukkot Festival “Hoshana Rabbah”. This
is the day that G-d seals all judgments.
Since all forms of life depend on water, we say extra prayers of repentance, similar to
Yom Kippur. It is the last day that we shake the Arbah Minim.

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th October
H Shemini Atzeret begins Sunday 16th October – 5:47pm
H Simchat Torah begins 17th October – after 6:53pm

Simchat Torah ends 18th October – 6:51pm

At the conclusion of Sukkot and Hoshana Rabbah, we celebrate the Festival of Shemini
Atzeret and Simchat Torah. We rejoice in our renewed connection to G-d. It is a day

celebrating the unique role we have as G-d’s chosen
nation: the nation that studies His wisdom, the holy
Torah. We mark the day with unbridled joy, and we
dance with the Torah scroll.
Shemini Atzeret – Monday 17th October
On Shemini Atzeret, we hold Festival Services and a
festive meal at home. Customarily, we still eat in the
Sukkah on Shemini Atzeret, but we don’t say a blessing
on the Sukkah. Many communities also dance with
the Torah on the night of Shemini Atzeret (Sunday 16th
October) just as on Simchat Torah.
Yizkor Memorial Service
On Shemini Atzeret, during the morning Services, we recite the Yizkor Memorial Service
again. We also say Tefillat Geshem, an extra prayer to ask for the life-giving rains of the
winter season.
Simchat Torah – Tuesday 18th October
Simchat Torah is the festival of rejoicing with the Torah. We hold it, hug it, dance and
sing with it. The Torah is a gift from G-d to each Jew.
During the Synagogue Services, we read the last portion of the Torah, ending our annual
cycle of reading the Torah each Shabbat throughout the year. However, we don’t wait
for the following Shabbat to restart the cycle: instead, we commence reading from the
beginning again today. This shows that we love the Torah and are eager to begin the
new cycle. On Simchat Torah night and the following day, we celebrate with heartfelt
joy. We sing and dance in the synagogue, holding the Torah scrolls. We circle the
synagogue's Bimah (the central Torah-reading platform) seven times.

Shabbat Breishit

Shabbat, 22nd October
H Shabbat Breishit begins Friday 21st October – 5:37pm
X Shabbat Breishit ends Saturday 22nd October – 6:43pm
The first Shabbat after Simchat Torah is called “Shabbat
Breishit”, because we once again begin our annual cycle
of Torah reading, with the portion of Breishit.

Li’s Wedding

By Rabbi Sufrin MBE & Mrs Devorah Sufrin

Li Rosendorf, worked as a Shlucha in Chabad Gants Hill for an academic year before
travelling on to Seminary in Israel. During that time Li lived in our home and worked
tirelessly for the wider community in so many ways. Nothing was ever too much for
her, and we all remember her well.

We were therefore honoured and delighted to have been asked to travel to South
Africa to officiate at the wedding of Li and her husband Shmuli Jameson, on Sunday
the 19th June 2022. The wedding was beautifully set in breath taking surroundings,
with equally energetic and fun filled families. It was a special Simcha and we were so
happy to have been included.

On behalf of all the many beneficiaries of Li’s dedication we wish her and Shmuli our
warmest Mazal tov wishes as they set up their new home in Johannesburg.

Li & Shmuli’s home will always be open for any Chabad Essex visitors.

Spinathon by Russell G

Russsell Green I was going to shul for a while in the
morning and asked Rabbi Sufrin if he had
This crazy challenge is also a bit of a crazy any suggestions so he gave me Graham‘s
story. It started its life with me catching telephone number. Graham helps Chabad
Covid the experience was pretty awful for food project under the leadership of Mrs
the first three to four months and left me Devorah Sufrin. Before you knew it I was
physically ok but with no short term on board and delivering groceries to
memory at all and unable to work. several homes one day a week and doing
late night collections from various Tesco’s
I found myself with a tremendous amount two nights a week. I was completely in
of time on my hands, for the first time in awe of the job Chabad were doing in the
my life and this was something I was not local community and I was shocked at how
used to and I started looking for things to many families there were living within one
do that did not need me to use my square mile of me, who struggled to even
memory!! afford basic groceries. The amount of
effort and co-ordination that was needed
Firstly I joined the David Lloyd and started to not only create relationships with the
exercising and spinning every day, I met supermarkets, but to collect the food and
some amazing people in my classes and sort it out and most importantly make
made great new friends, but this wasn’t sure not one thing went to waste and that
enough to keep me busy and I needed to in itself is eye opening. To see the food
find things to do for my own peace of being cooked to make soups, bread, and
mind. full meals at Chabad is breath taking. In
addittion Chabad supplies food banks,
church soup kitchens. All of this to help as
many people as possible and make sure
nothing goes to waste every single
week…….I wanted to help this

I was watching something on television
about the world record for spinning which
was just under 24 hours I thought it would
be nice to break that record and raise
money for the incredible job Chabad are
doing feeding the local community. So I
contacted the David Lloyd I was knocked
back by them initially as we couldn’t get
permission to be there overnight due to
insurance reasons the longest we can do
was 12 hours, and that’s the challenge I
took on.


To spin for twelve 45 minutes classes with the growing demands for more meals.
15 minute breaks in between, anyone who In other words give a starving fisherman a
spins will know how tough that is. new rod not fish so he can go fishing and
feed his family every day.
So I started talking to people and slowly
but surely recruited and recruited until I Some of our stock
had a group of over 35 people to
participate in this crazy challenge, each We are very excited for next year. We are
class conducted by our brilliant instructors already over subscribed. We have set a
Victoria and Beatrice. target to raise enough money to buy a
state of the art van (maybe even an
We set ourselves a goal of raising £10,000. electric) to help collect and deliver much
Little did I know what was about to more food.
happen momentum was slowly building as So that’s the story of our challenge and
we were 2 to 3 months away no money how it came about. For me it started as
had been raised yet, I wasn’t sure if something to fill my time and became a
anyone would turn up on the day. I set up passion. Watching this group of people all
a WhatsApp group for everybody who from different backgrounds/race and
agreed to do the ride which was the first religion come together for their local
time I noticed the camaraderie that was community was humbling. Sometimes it’s
building and I knew we had something easier to give a few pounds, but this group
special. David Lloyd were so incredibly gave up their entire day and evening
supportive, they cancelled all the classes selfless generosity looking forward to
for that day and gave us the room as well next year.
as all the equipment and the chefs kept us
fuelled with food. We set up the just
giving page which in itself was a bit of an
ordeal, but we got there in the end I
printed 1000 leaflets spent two full days
at the David Lloyd promoting our event
and the money started to come in.

The event was a huge success. Every one
who took part was truly amazing. The love
and care helping each other to get
through the challenge when we all hit our
personal wall was a sight to see and
showed me that there are a lot of very
good people in this world.

We raised nearly £20,000. This money has
been used to upgrade Chadad’s kitchen in
order to be even more effective and meet

Just Some of the Messa

Sarah & Josh Wynne Tasha Field Levene
‘Congratulations on reaching 40 Years of Chabad Lubavitch Gants Hill has been
Chabad Lubavitch in North East London & going for 40 years. They have been there
Essex. The Sufrins are always there when for us all during simchas and tears. Led by
we need them, they are like family and Rabbi and Mrs Sufrin and their best team,
the heart of the community.’ Being part of this community has always
been a beautiful dream.
Mazal tov on your continued hard work
and reaching your goals,
Always serving us Torah and
cholent-filled bowls.
In Gants Hill, you are the beating heart.
Always felt strongly even when members
live apart.
L'chayim for every target which you
continue to smash,
With lots of love from yours truly, Tash.

OCnratnhberoCookrnReora-d Our First Building Ruth & Brian Mitchell, Danielle & Dovi
Slater & Children, Judith & Grant
Rev Gary & Mrs Gillian Newman Goodman
Hi, Gillian and I would like to congratulate Mazeltov to Rabbi & Mrs Sufrin on 40
and say a huge thank you to Rabbi and years of devotion to the Community.
Rebbetzen Sufrin on the outstanding and Proud to be friends and partners for 30 of
magnificent achievements over the last these years.
40 years. Their commitment and
dedication to the entire community is par Frankie & Chas Kissin
excellence. It is a pleasure and a privilege Congratulating Rabbi and Mrs Sufrin on
having them as colleagues and indeed 40 years of dedication and hard work that
very special friends. Our warmest best you both do for the community. It is very
wishes fofroar heaalthhyeaHlathpypy aHnadppyrospaenrd- much appreciated.
opurossNpewroYuesaNr.ew Year. Best wishes from Frankie and Chas Kissin.
Best Wishes Rev Gary and Gill.
Barry Silver
Ephraim Potash Congratulations on 40 years of helping
Mazel Tov on 40 years service. the community.
Here's to the next 40 years of good work.
Barry Silver & Family

ages Received

The Laren and Mandell families Marie & Gary Boorman
40 years of ability, busy, commitment, Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzen Sufrin, it gives
devotion, enthusiasm, fortitude, grit, us immense pleasure to wish you
honesty, important,joyous, kind, lovely, Mazeltov on this momentous
m*********t, noble, o*********g, achievement of 40 years contribution to
persistence, quality, resolve, s********l, authentic Jewish life in Ilford and beyond
tolerance, unstinting, victorious, willpow- . Your family has indeed brought light
er, xcellence, yiddishkeit, zealousness - where there was darkness.Thank you and
just a few of the adjectives that describe wishing you many more years of
the *outstanding* and *successful* work supporting our community.
of Chabad Lubavitch North East London Marie and Gary Boorman and family
& Essex, led by the *magnificent* Rabbi
Aryeh MBE & Mrs Devorah Sufrin. Maureen and Simon Shapiro
Mazeltov! Mazeltov to Rabbi Aryeh and Rebbetzin
From your admiring friends and Devorah on the 40th Anniversary of
supporters Chabad here in Gants Hill. We are sure
The Laren and Mandell families not many people are aware of the
amount of hard work that goes into
21 Years Eastern Ave Phase One keeping Chabad going. All the ups and
downs that have to be faced. The worries
Ben & Sarah Saltman& Family when confronted with huge bills, concern
A Huge Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs Sufrin when receiving a 'phone call saying "can
on the amazing work you do for the you please come here we need you?" and
entire community and beyond. We are of course there is no way these two
truly blessed to have you as leaders of wonderful people would ever let
our community- keeping the light shining anybody down. We know only too well
bright. when, in our darkest days, it was Chabad
From Ben, Sarah and Saltman Family and its members who propped us up and
stood by us, as they have done to so many
people. Here's to a bright future and
wishing our Rabbi and Rebbetzin the
strength to continue their fantastic work.
Maureen and Simon Shapiro

Thank you for your kind
words and generous
support, over 40 years.

More Messages

Chavi & Michael Kay Eastern Avenue - 22 Years
Dear Mum and Dad,
We are so incredibly awed and inspired by
the dedication that you have shown to
helping and supporting so many people
over the past 40 years. We can only
imagine what you will achieve in the
future! Wishing you continued good
health, strength and hatzlacha.
Lots of love,
Chavi and Michael

Alan Weinberg MBE & Hazel Weinberg
Wishing Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin MBE and Mrs
Devorah Sufrin, all.the very best for the
40 years they have spent at Chabad
Lubavitch NE London and for their
leadership and friendship. May their
work continue for the next 40 years.
Alan Weinberg MBE and Hazel Weinberg

Debra & Andrew Rein 40 Years On
Keep on doing all the wonderful work you
both do for the community. We are very
blessed to have you.
Debra & Andrew Rein

Gerecht Family
To Devorah and Aryeh
With much gratitude for all the good work that you have done in Essex.
Gerecht Family

Mazal Tov to Mrs Devorah Sufrin on reaching Mrs Devorah Sufrin
her special birthday, New decade.
Wishing her good health and continued
energy to continue her sterling work on behalf
of the wider Essex Communities.

Thank You To All Our Friends & Patrons
Campaign Partners Supporting
Chabad’s Success Story

Ruth & Brian Mitchell

Anonymous (USA), Sir Clive Bourne Family Trust, Paula & Daren Burney,
Andrea Dennis & Robin Fisher, Jonathan Dennis, Martine & Paul Groman-Marks,

Joanna Hudaly, The Schaller Family, Ruth & YY Sufrin

Anonymous (UK), Dennis Baylin, The Bean Family,
Remembering Jay Benisty by His Devoted Parents, Merryl & Dean Citroen,
Helen & Ian Cohen, Crossfold Electrical Wholesalers Ltd, Ann Goldstein & Family,
Suzanne & Michael Gould, Bassie & Getzel Itzinger, Leah & Yitzchock Jayson,
Talia & John Klipp, Ruth & Phillip Leigh, Samantha Meadows,
Metrus Ltd, Family Morris (London & Israel), Gerald & Gail Ronson Family Foundation,
Chaye & Levi Sabol, Nikki & David Shone, Katie & Barry Soraff, Chavi Sufrin, Shterni Sufrin,

Karen & Leigh Young

Leah & Ricky Davis, Joanne & Gideon Osen, Louise & Daniel Osen, Michele & Ian Waxman

Estelle & Elliot Altman, Anonymous, Rosamund & Paul Balcombe, Lindsey & Stephen Baron,
Benham Whyte Family, Marie & Gary Boorman, Alison & Neil Cohen, The Family of Denise Cohen,

Marcia & Yair Cohen, Mandi & Michael Dobias, Merryl & Daniel Flitterman,
Ruth & Gary Freedman, Elaine & Albert George, Linda & Ian Gerecht, Elaine & Ian Goldstein,

Soroh & Tzvi Inglis, ISD Properties Ltd, Karen & Marcus Jays, Klein Family, Korb Family,
Philippa Land, Laren/Mandell Families, Karen & Barry Leibovitch, Betty Mendel,
Family Persell, Debra & Andrew Rein, In memory of Stuart Rose, Simon Shapiro,
Rosalind & Maurice Shear, Gemma & David Shternzis, Arlene & Harris Sidelsky,

Mandy & Alan Spencer, Natalie & David Spurling, Joe Szlezinger in Memory of Kathrin Szlezinger,
Laraine & Greg Warren, Karen & Clive Williams, Aaron Wilson, Karen & Howard Wise

Mr Daren Burney, Mr Paul Groman-Marks, Mr Getzel Itzinger, Mr Brian Mitchell,

Mrs Joanne Osen, Mr Yaakov (YY) Sufrin, Mr Leigh Young

Mr Andrew Rein, Mr Barry Soraff



Sunday 18th Dec
Buckhurst Hill & Epping

Monday 19th Dec
Barkingside (after school)

Tuesday 20th Dec
Loughton & Harlow

Wednesday 21st Dec

Thursday 22nd Dec
Chigwell & Ongar

Saturday Night 24th Dec
Gants Hill

Sunday 25th Dec

Public Menorahs also stand at: Tesco Charlie Browns, Tesco Barkingside,
Sainsburys Newbury Park, Ilford Town Hall & Harlow

Head O ce
Doris Shpiro House
397 Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6LR
Tel: 020 8554 1624

Buckhurst Hill Epping

Gants Hill Havering


& growing

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