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Published by ariffaizal2511, 2022-07-10 15:02:13



JULY 2022



Mohamad Arif Faizal Bin Profesor Madya Dr. Alice Shanti
Mohd Hishamuddin



Improving health, performance and appearance are important
goals in anyone’s life. Who would not like to look better, be stronger and
live a longer, healthier life? No matter what stage of life a person is at,
the skill of fitness and health planning is essential.

Most of us want to be physically fit. We want to work and play with
strength and ease, avoid injury, and resist illness and disease. We may
also want fitness in a specific physical activity like a sport, rock climbing,
running, snowboarding, weight lifting, yoga, or martial arts. But fitness is
not just about physical activity. It is about eating healthy foods, sleeping
well, and making sure your body has all the water it needs. It is a package
of choices and behaviors that all contribute to health, performance and

Fitness is a personal matter. It is a waste of energy to compare
yourself to others when working on your physical fitness. Your goals are
your goals. Take pride in seeing yourself improve.


BODY Regular physical activity can

Reduce Your Health Risk reduce your risk of developing

H eart disease and stroke type 2 diabetes and metabolic

are two leading causes of syndrome. Metabolic syndrome
death in the United States.
Getting at least 150 minutes a is some combination of too
week of moderate physical
activity can put you at a lower much fat around the waist, high
risk for these diseases. You
can reduce your risk even blood pressure, low high-
further with more physical
activity. Regular physical density lipoproteins (HDL)
activity can also lower your
blood pressure and improve cholesterol, high triglycerides,
your cholesterol levels.
or high blood sugar. People

start to see benefits at levels

from physical activity even

without meeting the

recommendations for 150

minutes a week of moderate

physical activity. Additional

amounts of physical activity

seem to lower risk even more.


BODY muscle strengthening, and

Improve Ability balance training.

E veryday activities include Multicomponent physical

climbing stairs, grocery activity can be done at home or
shopping, or playing with your
grandchildren. Being unable in a community setting as part
to do everyday activities is
called a functional limitation. of a structured program.
Physically active middle-aged
or older adults have a lower Hip fracture is a serious
risk of functional limitations health condition that can result
than people who are inactive. from a fall. Breaking a hip have
life-changing negative effects,
especially if you’re an older
adult. Physically active people
have a lower risk of hip fracture
than inactive people

For older adults, doing a 4
variety of physical activity
improves physical function
and decreases the risk of falls
or injury from a fall. Include
physical activities such as

CONCLUSION In conclusion, Engaging in regular physical activity
may produce improvements in an individual’s physical
health, cognitive performance, and psychological well-
being. Physical benefits include, but are not limited to,
reduced risk for diseases, and improvements in
physical functioning, fitness, and overall quality of life.

Literature supports a link between exercise and
cognitive benefits related to academic performance,
brain function, and aging. Psychological benefits
incurred from physical activity pertain to
improvements in mood and self-esteem, and potential
reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression.





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