to be
"If you could solve any one
problem in this world, what would
that be? And what steps would you
take to do so."
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
A World of Deplorable Disparity
By: Yamen Helawi
It’s a shame; a shame that despite the technological and societal advances we have gone through, many
still judge, discriminate, and stereotype against people just for their unique differences. Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it
enough that our world had to already witness disgraceful laws such as Jim Crow laws and dishonorable people
such as Adolf Hitler. However, it has become apparent that even though claims of improvement have been
made, yet, people are still not ready to learn from our past mistakes. In a way, it can be very thought-provoking
to realize that people judge others based on very silly differences such as color complexion, race, culture, and
gender instead of actual important indicators of personalities. Nonetheless, although we subconsciously realize
that people’s content of character is what determines their personality, yet, we tend to stereotype and generalize
by easily throwing speculations based on what we see and hear. Unfortunately, I am not going to sit here and
say that I am an angel. As shameful as it is, I used to judge people numerous times based on their looks.
However, that doesn’t only apply to me as many of us who think they would never judge a person based on their
appearance actually have implicit bias. Therefore, this goes to show that this issue has grown out of control and
needs very serious attention unless if we want our world to grow apart.
To start with the very obvious, this is no easy issue to tackle. If we trace this problem back to its roots, it
will simply take us back to the start of humanity. Why is that so? Because as I stated earlier, no matter what we
do, we all have this implicit bias that causes us to judge others on things we shouldn’t. However, some can’t just
contain their prejudices to themselves and actually express their thoughts through hate and violence. On the
bright side, this issue still can be easily solved, and in many ways as well. To elucidate, if everyone acted upon
their biases, then everyone in this world would have been a racist. That clearly isn’t the case as there is a vast
majority out there who are able to embrace the different cultures. To illustrate, look at our school; barely anyone
implies any racist remarks as most people here have learned to love and accept others. With that being brought
up, this is indeed the main method of eradicating any future of racism and hate. To clarify, it is through
education and parenting. For starters, everything starts with education; it only takes one teacher to change a
person. In a way, if we have all teachers and instructors across the world getting proper training about
embracing diversity, I can guarantee that in 50 years or so we would have tackled this issue. Moreover, not only
would teachers help educate pupils about how it is fine for people to be different, but they would also act as a
starting point for these bright kids to grow up and share what they have learned with others who may not be as
welcoming. As a matter of fact, you can even envision it like a domino effect. When that is well established and
fortified within school grounds, people are more likely to understand that others come from different
backgrounds and that is completely fine. Moving forward, it is not only the educators that matter in this
instance, but it is also the school system in general that even more so has a bigger influence on either resolving
or intensifying this issue based on how they manage it. Think about it for a minute, what would happen if
schools and even universities across the globe initiate objectives to enroll students of different cultures and
traditions? Without a doubt that would help boost diversity thus ultimately teaching students to embrace
diversity as they have no other option otherwise. It is going to be through this experience that students will learn
to understand that we are really not different than each other. Now that all of that has been established, having
that as a base will aid with the next component of settling this issue; the parents. As you might have expected,
these kids will eventually grow and have kids of their own. With that being said, their mindset will undoubtedly
play a major role in how these future generations think and behave. Fortunately, if the base plan goes as
expected, we can only predict positive outcomes as these parents will teach their children what they learned in
their childhood; the importance of embracing diversity. However, if the base plan does not work, we can not
guarantee that each parent has gone through an experience that taught them that being different is not a threat
but rather a blessing. Hence, we will have a loop of hate occurring otherwise. In fact, look at many of the kids
across the world that have displayed evident signs of racial prejudice. It is most likely that it is their upbringing
that has caused them to become that way. Therefore, going back to my vision, if everything goes according to
plan, we would have parents encouraging their children to mix with kids of other cultures instead of staying
inside a bubble. All of this goes to prove that it all starts with education, and if taken correctly, it can ultimately
assist in many of the other influences that have been mentioned earlier.
“One book, one pen, and one teacher can change the world” This was the famous saying of an
exceptional children's activist named Malala Yousafzai who fought for both, education and gender equality.
Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite quotes as I agree with it to another level. Indeed, if we start the
change with our educational system, not only would we fix the issue of prejudice and racism, but we would
most definitely be able to tackle most of the world’s issues. This goes to show the gravity of education on
society. If kids are taught at a young age how to embrace difference, then everything along the road would be
just a process to a just and fair world. In fact, look at countries such as Canada; they have learned to embrace
and welcome people of all sorts of backgrounds to the extent that they have perfected the skill of understanding.
Look at it again, however, this time from a different perspective. Are our differences really worth the disparities
and hate?
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Saba Khalid
If I could solve any one problem in this world it would be injustice. Injustice is related to unfairness.
Sadly, in this world, there is a lot of injustice and so I want to stop it. Injustice makes this world corrupt
and that not what we want. A few examples of injustice are gender inequality, racial discrimination,
any type of discrimination like discrimination due to age, ethnicity, religion, etc. Those are just a few
but the actual number is way more and is increasing especially during the pandemic. That’s why we
need to stop injustice. If we don’t stop it now it will keep continuing and our future generation will
repeat the same mistakes that we did. Is this what we want to teach our children? That injustice is fine?
No. It isn’t fine and that why we need to fight against it!
I would first want to educate people about injustice and justice because we can never implement
something if we don’t educate people about it. I would educate people about the social injustice issues
we had and how it’s the wrong thing to do. We need to teach other people to have compassion and help
those that are suffering from injustice. I would make all the schools in the world teach all the students
about injustice and that we should fight against it. Our future generations are the people that will lead
this world later on and so we need to make sure that they are educated about it.
I would also help spread awareness about it by promoting it. Using social media to tell even more
people and convince people to fight against injustice. I would help in making organizations to spread
awareness and people can volunteer to help even more. Once more and more people start fighting it will
become easier and easier and finally we need to fight the government to change the system. What we do
in the present will determine our future. So let’s change our future today!
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Afrah Danish
The society we live in is flawed and there is no doubt about it. If I had even the littlest power I'd put
my life on the line to change the world's fate around. But with the limited opportunity I have, I never know
where to start. There is poverty. Sickness and epidemic and the weak. People die here. There are wars. They
lead to homelessness and mass displacement. People again die here. There is religion. Everyone wants to
dominate the world map. A flag over the castle of the other clan is their dying wish. People die here also. There
is just plain sadness that surrounds our people. Their massive egos here along with their distant cousin called
pride and the only casualty is everyone's happiness. I believe the basic instinct of sensitization has been lost.
People have taken the idea of being the “main character” to lengths that only disrupts the relationships of every
single soul that wanders the face of the earth. There is hurts here. There is pain here. But the huge walls built of
egos have blinded everyone of any future visions. They say that objects in the mirror are closer than they
appear. like in the world our pain is knocking on the door , but the lock won't budge because in order to do so it
will have to lower itself.
Back to the question of solving one problem in the world . I would solve the problem of human ego ,
more importantly the bliss of ignorance. There was a time not so long ago when a protest was going on
regarding rights for black lives. In the 21st century people were fighting for rights. The most advanced age and
people behaved like cavemen trying to display their superiority over one another. A phrase “black lives matter”
was thrown around to remind people that they indeed are humans too. But the fragile ego of the human body
completely disregarded the cruel mannerism towards the black community and countered attacked with the
phrase “all lives matter”. Our world is so sad that the ego couldn't handle not being in the hot seat for 2 minutes
and completely invalidated the problem at hand turning the topic to themself. Society has shaped the definition
of equality to fit their own reasoning. Imagine a house of fire and people going over there to help the burning
house. And the neighbor comes out and says “but what about my house”. No one said that their house didn't
matter, but their pride couldn't stand the idea of aiding someone who is actually in need. The society we live in
is sad, it's forgotten the difference between equality and equity.
If i had the smallest power in the world, I'd educate people on the matters of equality, because the line
between being selfish and selfless has lately been a blur. Equality focuses on creating the same starting line for
everyone. Equity has the goal of providing everyone with the full range of opportunities and benefits with the
same finish line. The goal of treating everyone the same way is noble and something we should applaud, but it
ignores the fact that people tend to differ in their abilities, resources and experiences. Those differences actually
become barriers; and when we ignore the barriers, we end up promoting privilege. What we don’t do is solve
the societal issues that have created such inequality but rather we feed into it. Focusing on equity means that we
recognize the system in place is leaving many behind and we actively dedicate resources to ensure everyone can
catch up and succeed at the same level, barrier free. In this world we fail to recognize it not a me VS him kind
of situation. But rather it is an us VS the problem sort of situation . and until we change our views , we will
remain in a world full of pain.
I've mentioned this countless times but i'll repeat myself, the world we live in is sad unless we choose to
do something about it. We need to raise awareness for the minorities. We need to educate the privileged about
their power and what they should do with it. We need to stand up in solidarity against our egos and prides.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Jasira Shaik
Poverty, disease, drugs, violence, and ignorance are ravaging the world. Nevertheless, selfishness is
by far the most damaging. Based on whatever they want, people think, work, and act. Everyone is
guilty of selfishness and greed. We are not concerned about global warming, future generations, or
the homeless as we vote, we are all thinking about ourselves. There is not one person wholly
exempt from this offense. Individuals ought to concentrate their choices on the wellness of the
society, not just the first circle, a few friends, or a select group. If nations, communities, and even
families were not pitted against one another, the world would achieve so much better. People should
prioritize everyone. It is important to end this negative spiral of damage. Selfishness and greed are
at the root of most errors in the world. For instance, in a world dominated by capitalism, capitalism
ignores the needs of people, contributes to disparities of income, and does not encourage equal
opportunities. It encourages mass consumption, is wasteful, and provides corporate owners with an
incentive for monetary gains to harm the environment. This results in more than half the world
suffering poverty and malnutrition, while the other one-fourth of people consume more than they
It is common to get lost in the everyday specifics of today's world of chaos and remain
unaware of what we want and what we need. And being self-absorbed or lost in your issues and
perceptions can be extremely easy. This is why finding the right balance between taking care of our
own needs and being obsessive or fully self-centered about our wants is crucial. No way to survive
is to act selfishly. It chips away as to who we are all in the long run and threatens our true
satisfaction as we insist on having an utterly self-centered existence. Self-centered people are just
out after their interests, and they can be inspired to go to some negative spaces by this. In specific,
it may push them through negative personal development choices, or activities that might be more
harmful than competitive or productive. People assume that we are moving toward happiness, but
we are gradually pushing into our disconnected interests and goals. To take care of your mental,
emotional, and physical well being, it may be nice to be a little selfish. Such selfishness, however,
has gone off the rails in today's world and contributed to a lack of empathy, greed, creating many
issues across the world.
It is probably impossible to solve this problem around the world in a short amount of time,
but it could start with yourself and in a small environment such as school. Step one is to implement
a no-tolerance policy and teach empathy. We have to point out that person’s attitude and make them
aware of their action that would affect the surrounding environment as well as the consequences.
Secondly, everyone should be aware of this little issue that could have a big impact. Everyone
should be educated on this topic by teaching them empathy, compassion and teach them to put
themselves in other shoes as well as understand what others might be going through apart from
themself. Thirdly, leaders and elders should be a role model. If elders themselves are greedy and
selfish, that would be the influence on the students as well. And so, elders got to set a good
example, for the following people to be better. If people around the world learn to put themselves in
other people's shoes and give a second thought before going on to do what they are going on to do,
probably they can be aware of how it will affect others and could think plus do something better for
others. Small steps such as practicing self-compassion, putting yourself in the shoes of someone
else, practicing empathy without trying to please people, easing on your judgments, addressing
your distress, and remembering to live not only for yourself. The difficulty with greed and
selfishness is that, in a society where so many can be benevolent, it is so quick to be greedy. Some
takers can only grow more hungry when many are willing to give more. Maybe greed can be
removed in a smaller community that make it a point to help, and even then it can end up being the
main activity for that group, it's always the main component.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
Ending World Hunger
By: Mominah Majid
Out of the seven billion people on this earth, 821 million people have no access to one of the basic
physiological human needs, food, and water. World hunger is one of the biggest problems people are facing
every single day. There are nights where people go to sleep hungry or nights, wherein the lack of nutrition has
overtaken their soul. Globally, 9% of the world’s population sleep with an empty stomach. This was the case in
2016. Moreover now, the numbers have exponentially increased in terms of people living in famine. These
people live in the conditions of food insecurity, wherein people have no reliable access to an adequate quantity
of affordable, nutritious food. To add on, people who face this are located in most developing countries as there
are not enough resources. It was recorded as a prediction that by 2050, the population of the world will increase
and food production and supplies will be under greater tension. However, it is without a doubt that the world is
producing enough food to feed its population. Now the question is, then how are people suffering from famine?
Though, the simple answer to this is unequal distribution. Every 15 minutes, a person dies from starvation. On
the other hand, In western countries, people waste one-third of the food that is actually produced annually.
Moreover, as mentioned before, as a result of unequal distribution, developing countries are not able to be
provided with their fair share of food and water. It was recorded by journalists that 1st world countries tend to
consume more of the world’s resources than 2nd and 3rd world countries. At the same time, there are many
organizations globally that aid in giving out food to the people in need. However, this doesn’t conceal the fact
that at the same time, there are millions suffering. Interestingly, if all of the billionaires in the world combine
their money, they can easily rectify one of the world’s greatest problems and STILL have billions of dollars left
for themselves. Though, it looks as if this is impossible as millions of people themselves are ungrateful and
don't show sympathy towards those in need.
Logically speaking, right now, I am living in a globally affected situation myself, or in other words, a
pandemic. Consequently, I don’t think a 15-year-old right now will be able to help a lot. However, that is no
excuse to NOT help people in need. Now as mentioned before, there are many global organizations that people
put together to give out food to people suffering from famine. One of the things I can do to help people
suffering from hunger is to donate to food organizations so they can increase the number of meals sent out in a
day or perhaps even annually. These food banks mostly need fundings to stay available. An interesting fact
about donating to food organizations is that, if a person donates to them, it is going to be more helpful than you
buying a meal and giving it out as food organizations spend less money on buying food. Consequently, donating
to food banks is probably going to be the first step I would take in an attempt to try to end world hunger, and if
not, at least ending a country’s hunger. Now similarly, I can also donate food itself to food banks. Though,
before all this, there is one fundamental step. As I mentioned before, there are some ungrateful people who
don’t care. However, we as individuals can stop that. We can educate people globally on the importance of how
to end world hunger. We could do ted talks or even make clubs or organizations at schools so people change
their perceptions and start helping. Consequently, more people helping will have a greater effect on helping
those in need. One more simple step I could take to end world hunger is just reducing the amount of wasted
food from my household. Now I come from a household wherein my parents don’t waste a single drop of water
or food and they teach me and my siblings likewise. However, for example, sometimes I don't finish my food
and nobody eats it and it's been days, thus it's thrown. Now, I can stop that. It's a very minor change, however, it
can result in extreme change. Now, these are just some simple ways a 15-year-old can help out in reducing
world hunger. However, there are more cast ways to help such as aiding in sanitation, or an attempt to reduce
forced immigration. Although these are conflicts in themselves, solving them will also help in reducing world
hunger. Moreover, we need more organizations to be built up for food aid, we need 1ST WORLD governments
to meet together to solve and assist 3rd world countries. These are goals of the future, goals that need to be
To sum up everything that has been stated, it is without a doubt that it is fundamental to know how
world hunger is affecting millions today. In fact, what is really regretful about this is that people don’t realize
that at the moment they are enjoying meals, on the other side of the world, there are kids crying as a result of
not having food. When we are hungry, our sugar levels go down, and sometimes suffer from hypoglycemia.
However, at the same time, there are millions suffering from hypoglycemia every day. Unfortunately, starvation
is the leading cause of death in children. Though, even if you donate $1, or one meal, or even make a prayer for
those in need, you are doing a great effort to help. As for me, I constantly try to find ways to help these people.
Sometimes, I donate money, or at other times, I donate food. Nonetheless, there are still many people dying
from famine. It really boils me to imagine that some people really don’t care. Even governments of countries
are not even attempting to help their own people. Then there are the 1st world countries who take most of the
resources to themselves. We need to start realizing the problems of the world and how people are being greatly
affected by them. Thus, as an act of compassion, people need to start assisting those in need. However, if we
continue this path of unequal wealth and unequal distribution, then there will be many more victims of food
insecurity as a consequence. As Daniel Goleman has said, “ True compassion means not only feeling another’s
pain but also being MOVED to help relieve it.”
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Khadija Hassan Bajwa
One of the biggest problems I would want to solve is racism, but it won’t be easy to convince
people to accept the fact that everybody is equal, everybody has a different mindset built in a
different way. Maybe if we set some discipline laws, racism may take some steps down.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
What Our World Consists
By: Julean Palpallatoc
Birds flying, trees growing, and dolphins swimming. These living creatures have given our earth the sense of
fulfillment and delight that every depending variable has a chance to breathe in. As nature is singing, society
chants with resentment and sorrowful motivation in which the world is slowly corrupted in the hands of
humanity. Is this how our story should end, depending on our arrogance to damage society? We live in a world
filled with black and white. The image we see in our earth tends to be darker in the shades of a dim world. As
we look around from left to right, we see that not only our people slowly takes over the environment but how
invaded nature feels because of our true colors. How dare we as a society fail to keep nature clean when our
hands are covered with dirt-filled with stocks in our bank accounts. We tell ourselves to make our world safe
when even we can’t even keep our hands clean.
I’ve realized the pain that we caused the environment. Anywhere I look through is filled with dirt and
construction that humankind mostly caused. Not only do I recognize the issues implemented but the agonizing
feeling that we have invaded the planet earth with the negative disasters that we have caused. Though the
construction we created benefited us, it has not done the same for the environment. For instance, cars were
made for transportation but it brings out unbreathable air for the wildlife to fulfill. Another example is the
intense use of plastic items. Although it is easier to use in certain situations, it does not bring excitement to the
streets but instead, an invitation to pollution. There are many other sources that people have begun such as the
effect of global warming, air pollution, wildfires, pollutants in biodiversity, and many other effects to name. As I
can go on more about the effects of civilization on our environment, there are possible solutions to rise these
predicament times to a prosperous future.
From the realization that was written beyond this disappointment, there is still room for improvement. Although
not all solutions could be properly fixed with a simple idea, those solutions could improve and help the planet
into a healthy place. For instance, we can reduce the use of plastics by replacing them with reusable products
such as bags or cups. As mentioned, plastics have been common resources that people use. Therefore, replacing
it with reusable items could make a difference, especially when it comes to pollution and global warming. To
add on with the reduction of plastics, there could be a way to never use these materials: a proposal to end the
use of plastics. It may be a given fact that the administration wouldn’t dare to hear the people’s voices, but it is
possible to forward this idea in behold for our humanity. This way, clean-up services, organizations, and any
certain groups responsible for cleaning the plastics around an area wouldn’t have to deal with this tragedy.
Having to spread awareness towards this issue could potentially bring betterment towards the environment and
our health as a society.
Another harmful example would be deforestation and fossil fuels produced by certain industries.
Deforestation is the act of clearing trees in an area to produce wood for civilization. With this attempt, it causes
climate change for our planet in which we ought to live forward to. Besides, fossil fuels have also contributed to
such harmful emissions to our environment which causes global warming as it contributes to the carbon
emissions on the planet. Thus, we could resolve these issues by collaborating with groups all over the world that
correlates to planting trees such as Plant With Purpose or Team Trees. We could place plants in our backyard,
front yard, indoor plants, and much more. These could bring justice towards the environment with the
breathable air that plants offer to use as it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that has been released into the
Lastly, the habitats of the wildlife. Animals have been a huge impact on our lives and have given us the
chance to live the same nature as them. The fact that these animals have to deal with our human activities has
been nothing but patience through the harmful effects that we had done as a population. Relating to
deforestation, animals have been disrupted by humans as we have bothered their homes by destroying them
using construction and invasive species through the art of science. To put an end to this, we must limit our
chances of getting near the ecosystem as they have been doing the same for us. We must raise awareness by
telling such industries to not do their projects relating to testing animals as it’s a common conception in the real
world. Additionally, there should be a proposal where projecting industries that cause pollution or any sort of
factor should be abolished from these sites. The wildlife must be protected under nature, not humanity.
Taking everything into account, these circumstances could be resolved if it starts with us. Not everything
will be taken into consideration, especially by the people in power. We must take these matters seriously as it
portrays our selfishness and greed that reflects upon our world. Nevertheless, I would like to propose that not
only we should reuse, plant, or raise awareness, but to also create a plan that could put the end to these issues.
We could potentially start an organization that brings all other establishments together to put an end to the
effects of our people. Having to work together to bring our planet into balance showcases a new essence for the
world. Also, having to set up this organization could lead to chapters towards different countries or cities in
which could eventually spread the message for everyone. To make more people involved in this case, there
could be a donation action where people who couldn’t offer their services could donate or use their voice as
ambassadors to lead this case. That way, there would be more people on deck for this place. The organization I
would certainly propose would have in-person services that not only advocates for saving the planet, but offer
services to do either clean-ups, pop-up shops (that support sustainable brands), and donation services from
people outside of the organization.
With that being said, we have lived in a society where our world is filled with black and white.
Humanity has not yet shown its true colors but if we have taken these solutions in accountability, then there is a
chance that our world could be saved from the mess that was created in the first place. Nature is bound to swim
through this mess, could we as well?
Topic: "If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be? And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Jannah Mesbah
Have you ever thought about the one problem that you would like to solve in this world and what are the steps
you would take to do so? I personally believe that there are countless numbers of issues in the current world we
live in, but I would pricicley love to solve the matter of human greed. Human greed is known to take a portion of
human nature. However, have you ever thought how much a portion of human nature can affect society, the
world, nature, and even an individual? Unfortunately human greed has a greater impact than what we thought.
Greed is like a contagious disease spreading to every corner of society blinding us from the truth. We as a
society should perceive that human greed is a central issue to various problems. So what causes human greed,
what does it lead to and how will I help conclude it.
Human greed is a result of dissatisfaction, discontent, emptiness and unhappiness. Inorder for the person to
clear away the emptiness and dissatisfaction, the greedy individual will want to possess more resources, power
and admiration which is sadly costing other people’s happiness and joy. The traits of a greedy person are
described as selfish, anger, jealousy, unhealthy competition and most importantly the skill of manipulating
people. No matter what they own or how much they own, it never will be pleasing. The greed in a person sucks
up every single bit of happiness, causing death. Human greed is present in our daily life in many different ways.
For instance, country leaders want more land, resources and territory for their country, from that greed a war
emerges. Global warming is also a result of greed. We want more goods and resources so we tend to build more
factories with the use of coal as a cheap source of energy, which then creates pollution turning into global
warming. Sometimes depression is also caused because of greed, if a person doesn’t want to spend any bit of
money for his sake such as going on a vacation or pampering themselves with new clothes, books or
entertainment, then it will lead to depression and an unhappy life. To help solve this issue of human greed, I
would suggest that everyone should think about all the valuable things in his life, whether it is your family,
house, health, car, job, friends or even pet cat. Also people with intense greed should go to a therapist where
they can express their feelings and determinan their real issue. Listening to people’s problems might also help
since a greedy person could appreciate the blessings they have.
As a matter of fact, people who are greedy can never be happy with their life because greed can never be
satisfied. Greed for power and wealth is the head villain of our misery and troubles. We should not look at the
empty half of the cup. We should be kind and caring towards one another and never wish bad for anyone as we
may not know what they are facing. As well as we should remember that everything we do matters, what goes
around comes around. Appreciate what you have and be thankful.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Jalen Palpallatoc
If there was one problem I would like to change in this world… I would say; to remove hatred from
people’s minds. Hatred has partially taken over people’s definition of “dislikes” and it’s overcoming
their emotions when they see something unpleasant or something that aggravates them.
Disliking something from another individual to another is one thing but hating on something or an
individual as a whole can be upsetting. Hate does come from negativity and may come off as rude.
Now, how shall we take a step to get away from this hatred? First things first, we should be able to
influence one another with positivity. For instance, a person comes up to you giving their opinion on
the dress saying; “I hate your dress.” we should be able to influence that statement by replying in a
mannerful yet genuine complement. Such as; “Your shoes look awesome today”. Within the thoughts of
influencing, we may scroll to the next step, overcome hate to love. Yeah yeah yeah, you may say it's
lame but this is your part now. Get that hate out of your way and kill it with your authentic kindness.
As a result, it’s not too late to remove hatred from this world. We just need to be more patient and
move along with a smile. Hatred will be overcome by kindness, I can tell you that.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Huda Shah
Over the last few years, there have been several debates on World Hunger. Since 2014, the
amount of people affected by hunger has been gradually building up. If it stays at this pace, it'll
surpass 840 million by 2030. Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice." - Jacques
Diouf. This quote emphasizes that many people world-wide starve to death because of how job
instability, nuclear weapons/war and poor Infrastructure impacts the percentages of hunger.
Throughout the United States and other profitable nations, hunger is essentially formed with
poverty resulting from reduced employment or because enterprises give too short. Most starving
people prevail in acute poverty due to earnings of $1.90 each day or fewer. For instance, people
who have once stayed in penitentiary face wide-scale perception that causes it challenging for
them to attain careers once they return to their society. Hunger percentages increase during the
public or regional economy is in a drop. People lose jobs and are not able to find work. Once the
economy progresses, some people proceed to strive to find work.
In one-parent households, the parent may not take a job or work unlimited hours since the parent
has no babysitting possibilities. The most prominent organization of people in the world in severe
poverty are farmers in growing nations. They do not have the resources to build sufficient food to
provide themselves amidst plenty to consume for the entire year. They make so light commission
from what they bargain to not manage to buy food from separate references once their rations
are finished.
In the situation of varied nuclear weapon blasts, such as in a localized nuclear war, more than
two billion people would be in jeopardy of hunger. In the flurry of many bombs, bombs would
raise numerous clouds of dust into Earth's atmosphere. These clouds would block out sunlight.
The sun's reduced level would lower the surface temperature of the planet and reduce
photosynthesis by plants. The reduction in photosynthesis would disrupt the food chain, causing
mass extinction of life (including humans). Bounded nuclear combat employs 50 to 100 bombs,
which would conduct five to 6 million tons of dirt, ash, and soot from the flames into the
environment. While soaring into higher layers, this vapour would efficiently decrease solar
radiation on Earth, producing "atomic autumn." Temperatures would somewhat lower for a
fraction of a century, diminishing plants' breeding period by 10 to 40 days. Subduing crop stock
could commence to general hunger in a previously striving world. Changes in temperatures
additionally create a variation in weather patterns. Even a single nuclear weapon explosion,
whether intentionally or by accident, can cause massive loss of life and significant material
destruction directly through blast, heat, and other effects.
Poor infrastructure induces hunger by causing it to be challenging — mostly improbable — to
convey food to regions of a country where there are deficiencies. Flooding infrastructure is
unaffordable to many producers in emerging nations. A deficiency of liquid and hygiene
foundation are triggering events of starvation and illness. People have weakened from starvation
in one region of a country while there happened to be loads of food in the neighbouring territory.
The trails were so ruined that it was impossible to communicate with all who required the food to
persist. Produce necessary water to grow. According to Unite For Sight, “from 1930 to 2006,
Vietnam has halved starvation, decreased poverty from 58% to 18%, and converted from being a
rice importer to being the second-largest rice exporter in the world.”
Above 800 million people worldwide undergo prolonged food loss regularly. World vision informs
us that we all have to take steps to stop any more deaths from happening. For instance, “We all
have a part to play in reducing the 1.3 billion tons of food that goes to waste each year. Rather
than losing a third of the world’s food production to the garbage can, we can take small,
attainable steps like cooking and sharing meals with others or composting our leftovers.” People
worldwide starve to death because of how job instability, nuclear weapons/war, and poor
Infrastructure impact hunger percentages. Yet, each of us can do enough not to let infants go to
bed hungry. We can make a difference. You can.
"If you could solve any one problem in this world, what would that be?
And what steps would you take to do so."
By: Danai Zami
Hypocrisy is a term that is used to describe the act of putting one at a higher standard than what it is in reality. The lies that
have been created by one’s hypocrisy can take years to decay into the truth. It is hard to pinpoint where it starts, but there are steps that
can be taken by communities to ensure the humility of society.
Not all demographics see eye to eye at different generations, so the way people present themselves varies among populations.
The first step in setting a society with a general lower ego, is by educating the youth on equality and fairness. Starting a fresh page for
new generations instead of heavily focusing on history, as it is clear we do not all learn from our race’s mistakes. Once the youth
matures they will be on a closer bond with people who don’t necessarily look like them. All of this in turn creates a friendlier
environment for people to not have to lie about what is happening.
This is a small idea, but could achieve great treasures. For this to truly be successful we must start small and as soon as
It Maybe
is One
But One Step Can make
a Difference
Thank you for Reading