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Published by tianhetingpeggy, 2019-04-06 09:03:08

ACP Portfolio

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ACP Portfolio

Heting Tian
CHIN 1411
APRIL 2019


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Title 11
Table of contents
What is ACP 12
Syllabus snapshot


Student prep strategy 1 5
BOPPPS Lesson plan (1*2) + (1*1) + (1*5) 6

Formal Assessment 1 14

Rubric 2 15

Final presentation slides 6 17

Reflective essay 3 23

What is the Adjunct Certification Program at Lone Star College?

Purpose: The purpose of the Adjunct Certification Program is to recognize and reward adjunct faculty who
make a commitment to the System and to provide an opportunity to enhance their teaching effectiveness.

Who can participate: Adjunct faculty who have taught at LSC for at least 2 semesters may apply. Participants
are chosen based upon recommendations from their department chair.

Course structure and objectives: The Adjunct Certification Program is structured around 5 components of
successful instruction. After successfully completing this program participants will be able to

 Plan for Learning
o Create a syllabus snapshot
o Create a lesson using the BOPPPS lesson planning moel
o Write SMART lesson objectives
o Identify the levels in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
o Employ effective strategies to encourage students to prepare for class

 Employ a Variety of Teaching Strategies
o Define teacher-centered, interactive, experiential, and independent learning techniques
o Locate online lesson repositories and resources
o Incorporate at least one new instructional strategy in a lesson plan
o Create questions that address various levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy

 Assess Effectively
o Develop an assessment strategy that aligns with the course outcomes
o Utilize various formative assessment tools that are quick, engaging, and informative
o Create effective subjective and objective tools and processes.
o Cite the principles of effective evaluation.
o Develop an assessment rubric

 Use Instructional Technology
o Explain how technology can enhance teaching and learning
o Employ at least one new instructional technology to encourage student engagement
o Locate instructional technology resources

 Foster a Positive Learning Environment
o Utilize effective strategies for dealing with various student challenges
o Employ motivational theory to structure classes that foster student motivation to learn

In order to successfully complete the program, participants must:
• Attend ALL 5 face-to-face meetings with the initial cohort and complete all on-line lessons. This occurs
over a nine week period with a time commitment of 26-30 hours.
• Actively participate in online discussion topics.
• Present a 10 minute overview of a completely new lesson
• Complete a reflective essay
• Compile and submit an electronic portfolio of all completed assignments
• Score a minimum of 80% on all required elements of the course

Describe student preparation strategy:

• Come to class with questions ready.

Each student prepares one question before each class. (D2L>Discussion) If they do not have
any question, they should have comments about what they had learned.

For example: How to make a sentence with 吗?What is the order of negative sentence?
Which tone do we need to use in 不是 and 不好?

• Comparison.

Students choose one interesting topic and do the comparison between Chinese and American
culture. It will generate the interest and curiosity of learning Chinese.

For example, why do Chinese use chopsticks? What does the largest star on the Chinese flag
stand for? What is China’s economic system?

➢ The prep strategy is not graded.
➢ It will make students do the review of their studies.
➢ The questions can be answered by students or instructor.
➢ By getting the feedback of the strategy, I will find out the interest of students, then I

can prepare more culture related learning materials.

Complete BOPPPS Sample Lesson

CHIN 1411 Beginning Chinese I
Lesson Title:
Lesson 2 Family

Bridge: A video of Chinese exchanging greeting. There are three characters in the video. After the video, there is a Kahoot game.
Questions in Kahoot - BLOOM QUESTION (Knowledge): 李友是中国人吗? 王朋是学生吗? 他们都是学生吗?
Quickly go back over the video, and analysis answer of the questions.
End with: Today we will learn how to describe a family photo and introduce someone’s family. (show the slide with the learning objectives stated)
5 minutes

Course Student Learning Outcome:
• Learn family related vocabulary;
• Use S + V + O to make more sentences.

Learning Objectives (these should be the ones you wrote in Module 1): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
• Learn the vocabulary of Family and the word order in a Chinese sentence (Remember);
• Describe a family photo (Application);
• Introduce someone’s family (Application and Evaluation).

There is a word audio played in the class. Students will mark on the correct tones for each Chinese character. It will evaluate their Pinyin skill.
5 minutes

Participatory Learning:

Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials

5 Watch the video of the textbook. Listen and watch. Bloom Question Apply: After watching the Video.
minutes video, take 3 minutes to think about what does the dialogue
talk about? Interpret the conversation in your words.

15 Read and learn the dialogue and new vocabulary. Learn how to write the characters. Make a record when Slides.
minutes students are reading the dialogue. Compare with the
original audio.

5 Introduce the Particle 的 (de) Find 的 in your text book. Explain the meaning. Slides.
Minutes Answer question: Slides.
5 Introduce the question pronouns 谁 (shéi, who) 这是你的老师吗?
minutes 这是你的同学吗?

Learn from examples.
Answer question:
Where should 谁 be put in S + V + O?

5 Kahoot Game Bloom Question Comprehension: Questions in Kahoot
minutes 1. 大哥是男孩还是女孩?
2. 那是高文中的照片吗? Handouts.
5 Describe a family photo 3. 高文中的爸爸姓什么? Slides.
minutes 4. 妈妈的姐姐是男人还是女人?
5 Introduce 有 (yǒu) in the Sense of “to Have” or “to 5. 你的中文老师是谁?
minutes Possess” Students will be able to recognize and concepts and
procedures correctly in new situations appropriate to the

Fill the blank in the handouts. Use your own words to
introduce people in the photo.

Learn from examples.
Answer questions:
1.你有姐姐吗?2. 你有哥哥吗?3.你有弟弟吗?
4. 你有妹妹吗?

10 Discussion: Introduce your and your classmate’s Bloom Question Evaluate: Introduce your family. Use your Questions in the Slides.

minutes family own words to introduce one of your classmates’ family.

Motivate students to communicate with each other. Correct

the mistakes in their expression.

Post-assessment: NEW TECHNOLOGY quiz: TechSmith Video test. Students will take a video test. In the video, there are three questions about the class.

Question 1: 他是哪国人? Question 2. 他家有几口人? Question 3. 他有哥哥吗?

5 min

Summary: After students finish reading the presentation, they need to turn in the assessment attached.
Fill the blanks. Introduce the family in your own words. Assessing Skill in Application. From the assessment, students will use the knowledge they have learned
in the class to introduce the family in Chinese.
3 min

See Attached PPT

Fill the blanks. Introduce the family in your own words.


Beginning Chinese 1 CHIN1411

Lesson 2 Family
第二课 家庭

Instructor: 田鹤婷(Heting Tian)
Email: [email protected]

Beginning Chinese 1 CHIN1411

Lesson 2 Family
第二课 家庭

By the end of class, you should be able to:

• Employ basic kinship terms;
• Describe a family photo;
• Ask about someone’s profession;



Lesson 2.1

Dialogue 1:Looking at a Family Photo

A: 高文中,那是你的照片吗? Gāo wénzhōng, nà shì nĭ de
zhàopiàn ma?
B: 是。这是我爸爸,这是我妈妈。Shì. Zhè shì wŏ bàba, zhè shì
wŏ māma.
A: 这个女孩子是谁? Zhè ge nǚ háizi shì shéi?
B: 她是我姐姐。 Tā shì wŏ jiějie
A: 这个男孩子是你弟弟吗? Zhè ge nán háizi shì nĭ dìdi ma?
B: 不是,他是我大哥的儿子。Bú shì, Tā shì wŏ dàgē de érzi.
A: 你大哥有女儿吗?Nĭ dàgē yŏu nǚ’ér ma?
B: 他没有女儿。 Tā méiyŏu nǚ’ér.

 Vocabulary

Character Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning
pr that
那 nà p
A possessive or descriptive
的 de n particle.
pr Picture; photo
照片 zhàopiàn n
这 zhè n this
爸爸 bàba m
妈妈 māma Father, dad
个 gè/ge adj
n Mother, mom
女 nǚ qpr
孩子 háizi n Measure word for many
谁 shéi common everyday object
她 tā female



she; her




 This & That (demonstrative pronoun )
 这 Zhè, zhèi ( oral Chinese )
 那 nà, nèi ( oral Chinese )

 The Particle 的 (de)
 To indicate a possessive relationship, the particle 的 appears between
the “possessor” and the “possessed.”
 To that extent, it is equivalent to the “’s” structure in English.
 Ex. 老师的名字 lǎoshī de míngzi (teacher’s name )
 The particle 的 (de) is often omitted in colloquial speech after a
personal pronoun and before a kinship term.
 Ex.王朋的妈妈 Wáng Péng de māma (Wang Peng’s mother)
 我妈妈 wǒ māma (my mother)

The numeral 一 (yī, one):
 The numeral 一 (yī, one) is pronounced in the first tone (yī) when it

stands alone or comes at the end of a phrase or sentence.
 Otherwise, its pronunciation changes according to the following rules:

 (a) Before a fourth-tone syllable, it becomes second tone: 一个 (yí gè).
 (b) Before a first-, second- or third-tone syllable, it is pronounced in the

fourth tone
 一张 (yì zhāng, a sheet),
 一盘 (yì pán, one plate),
 一本 (yì běn, one volume).



有 (yǒu) in the Sense of “to Have” or “to Possess”
 有 (yŏu) is always negated with 没 (méi) instead of 不 (bù).

 Ex. The order of statement sentence: S + V(有) + O; the order of question:
S + V(有) + O + 吗?; the order of negative sentence: S +没 + V(有) + O

 1.
 Question: 王先生有弟弟吗?Wáng xiānsheng yǒu dìdi ma? (Does Mr.
Wang have a younger brother?)
 Answer: 王先生没有弟弟。Wáng xiānsheng méiyǒu dìdi. (Mr. Wang
doesn’t have any younger brothers.)

 2.
 我有三个姐姐,你呢?Wǒ yǒu sān ge jiějie, nǐ ne? (I have three older
sisters. How about you? )
 我没有姐姐。 Wǒ méiyŏu jiějie. (I don’t have any older sisters.)

Lesson 2.2

Dialogue 2: Asking about Someone’s Family

A: 白英爱,你家有几口人? Bái yīng ài, nĭ jiā yŏu jĭ kŏu rén?
B: 我家有六口人。我爸爸、我妈妈、一个哥哥、两个妹妹和我。李友、你家有几

Wŏ jiā yŏu liù kŏu rén. Wŏ bàba, wŏ māma, yí ge gēge, liăng ge
mèimei hé wŏ. Lĭ yŏu, nĭ jiā yŏu jĭ kŏu rén?
A: 我家有五口人。爸爸、妈妈、大姐、二姐和我。你爸爸妈妈做什么工作?

Wŏ jiā yŏu wŭ kŏu rén. Bàba,māma, dàjiě, èrjiě hé wŏ. Nĭ bàba māma
zuò shénme gōngzuò?
B: 我爸爸是律师,妈妈是英文老师,哥哥、妹妹、都是大学生。

Wŏ bàba shì lǜ shī, māma shì yīngwén lăoshī, gēge, mèimei, dōu shì
A: 我妈妈也是老师,我爸爸是医生。Wŏ māma yě shì lăoshī, wŏ bàba shì



 Vocabulary

Character Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning
n Family; home
家 jiā nu
m, n How many; some; a few
几 jǐ Measure word for number of
口 kŏu n family; mouth
nu Older brother
哥哥 gēge n Two; a couple of
两 liǎng conj Younger sister
妹妹 mèimei n
和 hé n and
大姐 dàjiě v Eldest sister
二姐 èrjiě n/v
做 zuò Second oldest sister
工作 gōngzuò To do
Job; to work


 有 (yǒu) in the Sense of “to Exist” or have.
 我家有五个人。Wǒ jiā yŏu wǔ ge rén. (There are five people in my family./
My family has 5 people. )
 小高家有两个大学生。 Xiǎo Gāo jiā yŏu liǎng ge dàxuéshēng. (There are two
college students in Little Gao’s family./ Little Gao’s family has two college

 The Usage of 二 (èr) and 两(liǎng)
 The Usage of 二 (èr) and 两(liǎng).
 两(liǎng) is used in front of common measure words to express a quantity.
 两个人 liǎng ge rén. ( two persons). 两(liǎng) + measure word.
 In compound numerals, 二 (èr) is always used for the 2 on the last two digits.
 二十二 èrshí’èr (22); 一百二十五 yì bǎi èrshí wǔ (125)


CHIN 1411 Lesson 2 Family

Learning Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Learn the vocabulary of Family and the word order in a Chinese sentence (Remember);
• Describe a family photo (Application);
• Introduce someone’s family (Application and Evaluation).

Four Questions:

1. Which is the correct pinyin for the characters?
A. Lv shi
B. lǜ shī
C. lǜ shi
D. lù shī

Level: Knowledge. Students will be able to match the characters to the correct pinyin.
This question has only one correct answer. It avoids “trick” answers.

2. Listen to the audio. Who are the people in the picture?

4-24 Lesson 2 Part 1_
Workbook Dialo.mp3

A. The woman’s mother and younger sister.
B. The woman’s mother and older sister.
C. The woman’s older sister and younger sister.
D. The woman’s mother and her mother’s sister.
E. Describe the family photo in Chinese character.

Level: Comprehension and analysis. Understanding the conversation in the audio.
Identifying the people in the picture. This question has only one correct answer. It
avoids “trick” answers. For language learning, the listening question is very important.

3. Answer the following questions in Chinese characters according to your own circumstances.


Level: Application. Using the grammar and vocabulary to answer the question.
Students will be able to recognize and use concepts and procedures correctly in new

4. Assume you are the woman in the middle of the picture. At least 4 sentences. (Interpersonal)

Ex. 她是我大哥的女(type “nv” )儿。他是…。这是 …。
Level: Synthesis and Evaluation. Using the grammar and vocabulary to describe the
picture. This question will evaluate students’ pinyin skill. Whether they can use the
grammar and words correctly. Students will be able to compare data in ways that will
allow them to choose among the knowledge to solve problems.

Write a story based on the five cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a
beginning, middle and end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to
the next is smooth and logical. The title of the story is 愉快的一天 (yú kuài de yì
tiān; a happy day.)。


Category/Points 20 points 15 points 10 point

Idea • Includes a clearly • Includes a central • Lacks a central idea,

presented central idea with relevant, but may contain

idea with relevant supporting details, marginally related

facts, supporting and/or explanations. facts, details, and/or

details. • Establishes explanations.

• Establishes well- characters, • Lacks the development

developed situation/plot, point of characters,

characters, of view, setting situation/plot, point of

situation/plot, point and/or conflict view, setting and/or

of view, setting conflict

and/or conflict

Organization • Organizing structure • Organizing structure • Organizing structure is
is very clear and that includes weak with an
Conventions includes paragraphs paragraphs and inconsistent focus and
and effective effective transitional very few paragraphs
Total Chinese transitional words/phrases
Characters words/phrases • Has minimum
• Has a sequence of sequence of events or
• Has a thoroughly- events or time order time order that fails to
developed that strongly engages engage the reader
sequence of events the reader and and/or conclude
or time order that moves to a
strongly engages conclusion • Spelling, punctuation,
the reader and paragraphing, and
moves to a • Spelling, grammar create
powerful punctuation, problems that slow the
conclusion. paragraphing, and reader or cause
grammar are mostly confusion.
• Spelling, correct.
punctuation, Contain frequent
paragraphing, and • Errors don’t make convention errors that are
grammar are writing difficult to noticeable.
effective and make read and don’t
the paper easy to interfere with the 200 Chinese characters or
read and meaning. more
300 Chinese characters
• Contains few if any or more
error in

400 Chinese characters
or more


ACP Showcase Portfolio

Name: Heting Tian
Discipline: CHIN 1411

Date: April 6, 2019

Table of Contents

• Student Preparation Strategy
• Bridge
• Objective
• Pre-assessment
• Participatory Learning
• Post-assessment
• Summary/Closure
• Personal Reflection



Describe student preparation strategy

• Come to class with questions ready
Each student prepares one question before each
class. (D2L>Discussion) If they do not have any
question, they should have comments about what
they had learned.

• Compare and Contrast
Students choose one interesting topic and do the
comparison between Chinese and American culture.
It will generate the interest and curiosity of learning


• Purpose of bridge is to set the stage for lesson as well as pique students
interest for topic in the class.


• A video of Chinese exchanging greeting. There are three
characters in the video. After the video, there is a Kahoot game.

• Questions in Kahoot - BLOOM QUESTION (Knowledge):

李友是中国人吗? 王朋是学生吗? 他们都是学生吗?

Quickly go back over the video, and analysis answer of the

End with: Today we will learn how to describe a family photo and
introduce someone’s family. (show the slide with the learning
objectives stated)




By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
• Learn the vocabulary of Family and the word order in a

Chinese sentence (Remember);
• Describe a family photo (Application);
• Introduce someone’s family (Application and



There will be a word audio played. Students will mark on
the correct tones for each Chinese character. It will
evaluate their Pinyin skill.
The pre – assessment will help students review the related
old knowledge they learned.

Sample audio:




• Listen and watch the video of the textbook. Bloom Question Apply:

After watching the video, take 3 minutes to think about what does
the dialogue talk about? Interpret the conversation in your words.
• Read and learn the dialogue and new vocabulary.
• Introduce the Particle 的 (de)
• Introduce the question pronouns 谁 (shéi, who)
• Kahoot Game

• Students will be able to recognize and concepts and procedures
correctly in new situations appropriate to the discipline.

Describe a family photo

Fill the blank in the handouts. Use your own words to introduce people in the photo.

姐姐 大哥

妹妹 我
女儿 妈妈
爸爸 儿子




• NEW TECHNOLOGY quiz: TechSmith Video test. Students will take a
video test. In the video, there are three questions about the class.
• Question 1: 他是哪国人?
• Question 2. 他家有几口人?
• Question 3. 他有哥哥吗

• It could tell me if my students memorized new vocabulary and

• It also could tell me whether my students can apply what they have
learned in the class.


 After students finish reading the presentation, they need
to turn in the assessment attached.

 Introduce the family in your own words. Assessing Skill in
Application. From the assessment, students will use the
knowledge they have learned in the class to introduce
the family in Chinese.



• Personal Reflection on My ACP Experience

• I learned some new technologies, which can make my
class interesting and fun.

• I gained new skills which will make my class more

• I learned the valuable experience from other teachers.
• I learned more about students.


ACP Reflective Essay – Heting Tian

I am glad I could get the opportunity to attend the Adjunct Certification Program. Teacher is a
lifelong learner. The training can help us gain more new teaching skills, go over the difficulties,
and learn from others experiences. I have learned a lot about myself as a teacher, both from
getting experience in teaching as well as the Adjunct Certification Program. I feel confident at
this point that I am capable of successfully teaching college level courses. I have acquired many
useful skills, many of which came directly from the ACP seminars. This reflective essay is helping
me verbalize and summarize what I have gotten out of the certification process.

An important goal of college teaching is that of increasing the student’s motivation and ability
to continue learning after leaving college. Motivation is important in holding student attention.
As a college, I am facing the students who need to work and study at the same time. It is hard
for them to devote all their time on studying. After the training, I am planning to let each of my
student know their progress on studying. I will encourage them by leaving comments on their
quizzes and assignments. I will also try to link lectures to student interests, give examples that
are vivid and intriguing, and build suspense toward resolution of a conflict.

Technology in education constantly enhances pedagogy. I have learned how to use Kahoot,
Padlet, and TechSmith video editor from ACP. These are new and fun technologies which can
make the class more effective and interesting. Kahoot is my favorite new software. Students
can take a quiz and know their answer immediately.

Most of our students are Millennial. During the training of ACP, I started to think deeply about
this generation. Millennial have too many hashtags, which are signed by the older people. For

example, # no human empathy, # "Me" generation... I feel these hashtags have too much
prejudice. They were born in the era of rapid development. They have their ways to express
themselves. In the old time, if someone wanted to have a good life, he or she needed to study
hard, go to a good university, and get a good job. Some jobs are not acceptable by the old
generation, like You Tuber, game designer, blogger... Parents and teachers should accept the
changing of the time. I think before you criticize something, we should know something
thoroughly. In general, students want to be in charge of their behavior, and they value a sense
of control over their environment. We can enhance students’ sense of control by offering
meaningful opportunities for choice and by supporting their autonomy, which in turn enhances

Thank for the discussion in D2L. I learned a lot of experience from other teachers. They gave me
not only the suggestions, but also the support on the way of teaching. They gave me a lot of
suggestions on dealing with difficult students. We discussed whether students can use the cell
phone in class. I also learned new skills to motivate my students.

I have begun to incorporate some new things I have learned from the program. I made some
new video quizzes by using TechSmith online. For example, one of my videos is introducing your
family in Chinese. When the boy in the video is introducing himself and his family, students
need to do the quiz online. There are three questions. After answering the questions, students
will see the answers and grade. I tried to make some new good questions in the quiz and exam.
I uploaded more culture related learning materials which the millennials will like.

The program made me a more effective instructor than before. First, I learned more about my
students. This helped me adjust a new way to motivate them to study. Second, the new
technologies I started to use made the class fun and effective. Third, I modified some questions
in the quizzes and exams, which can better verify students’ understanding.

ACP is a great training for every adjunct faculty. For the further professional development
opportunities, I would suggest we can have advanced level ACP. I would like to hear more from
other teachers’ opinions in teaching, and the way they solve the difficult problems.

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