NAMA KURSUS : Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills in the AMBILAN : JUN 2020
Primary ESL Classroom
Criteria High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Distinction (A, A-) (B+, B, B-) (C+, C) (C-, D+, D, E, F)
Topic selection
Objectives (A+) 15.0-17.9 12.0-14.9 10.0-11.9 0.0-9.9
Approaches 18.0-20.0
• Selected topic is
Teaching Steps • Selected topic is • Selected topic is very • Selected topic is clear • Selected topic is quite inappropriate and not
Activities relevant to the learning
extremely clear and clear and based on the and based on the clear and partially standard in the DSKP
based on the learning learning standard in the learning standard in the relevant to the learning • The objectives are not
standard in the DSKP DSKP DSKP standard in the DSKP
• Techniques and
• Extremely well written • Very good written • Good written objectives • Objectives are quite approaches are not
well-applied, not
objectives in objectives in in behavioral terms. good with some appropriate for the age
group and topic chosen
behavioral terms. behavioral terms. • Techniques and relevance to behavioral
• Techniques and • Techniques and approaches are terms. • Teaching steps are not
sequenced and vague
approaches are approaches are very adequately well- • Techniques and
• Activities are not
extremely well-applied, well-applied, very applied, adequately approaches are quite suitable, not related to
the lesson objectives
extremely appropriate appropriate for the age appropriate for the age well-applied, quite and not engaging
for the age group and group and topic chosen group and topic chosen appropriate for the age • Overall lesson plan is
poorly written, not
topic chosen • Teaching steps are very • Teaching steps are group and topic chosen comprehensive and
lacks flow
• Teaching steps are well-sequenced and adequately well - • Teaching-steps are not
extremely well- clear sequenced and clear very well-sequenced
sequenced and very • Activities are well • Some activities are and not very clear
clear thought of, well related adequately well • A few activities are not
• Activities are extremely to the lesson objectives thought of, adequately well thought of, partially
well thought of, and engaging related to the lesson related to the lesson
extremely well related to • Overall lesson plan is objectives and objectives and less
the lesson objectives adequately engaging engaging
and highly engaging
comprehensive and • Overall lesson plan is • Overall lesson plan is
• Overall lesson plan is well prepared adequately excellent, not very good, not
very excellent, very • adequately comprehensive and not
comprehensive and very comprehensive and well prepared
well prepared adequately well
Critical • Excellent ability to • Good ability to identify • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to • Poor ability to identify
Thinking identify and analyse and analyse situations identify and analyse identify and analyse and analyse situations
and situations and give and give justifications situations and give situations and give and give justifications
Problem- justifications for for evaluations justifications for justifications for for evaluations
Solving evaluations evaluations evaluations
Skills • Good ability to seek out • Poor ability to seek out
• Excellent ability to seek ideas and alternatives • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to seek ideas and alternatives
Managing out ideas and seek out ideas and out ideas and
Information alternatives alternatives alternatives
• Excellent ability to search • Good ability to • Fair ability to • Adequate ability to • Poor ability to
search and organize
and organize relevant search and search and relevant information search and
information from various organize relevant organize relevant from various sources organize relevant
sources information from information from information from
various sources various sources various sources
Assessment Excellent Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criteria (A+) (A, A-) (B+, B, B-) (C+, C) (C-, D+, D, E, F)
12.0-14.9 10.0-11.9
Creativity 18.0-20.0 15.0-17.9 0.0-9.9
originality • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning
Age- materials shows an materials shows a large materials shows a materials shows an materials lack original
Relevance excellent amount of amount of original satisfactory amount of adequate amount of thought, creative ideas
Practically original thought, thought, creative ideas original thought, creative original thought, creative and innovative
creative ideas and and innovative ideas and innovative ideas and innovative
innovative • Teaching learning
• Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning materials are less/not
materials are materials are suitable for materials are satisfactorily materials are adequately suitable for the targeted
extremely suitable for the targeted age-group suitable for the targeted suitable for the targeted age-group
the targeted age- • Teaching learning age-group age-group • Teaching learning
group • Teaching learning materials are less
materials are interesting • Teaching learning
• Teaching learning and relevant to the skills materials are satisfactorily materials are adequately interesting and less
materials are and objectives interesting and relevant to interesting and relevant to relevant to the skills and
extremely interesting the skills and objectives the skills and objectives objectives
and relevant to the
skills and objectives
• Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning • Teaching learning
materials are materials are practical materials are satisfactorily materials are adequately materials are less
extremely practical and manageable practical and manageable practical and manageable practical and manageable
and manageable
• Excellent ability to • Good ability to seek • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to seek • Poor ability to seek out
out ideas and ideas and alternatives
Critical Thinking seek out ideas and alternatives seek out ideas and out ideas and
and Problem- alternatives alternatives alternatives
Solving Skills
Assessment High Distinction Credit (B+, Pass Fail
Criteria Distinction (A, A-) B, B-) (C+, C) (C-, D+, D, E, F)
Application of 9.0-10.0 7.5-8.9 6.0-7.4 5.0-5.9 0.0-4.9
pedagogical • Good application of • Adequate application • Poor application of
principles • Excellent application • Satisfactory
pedagogical of pedagogical pedagogical principles
Lesson of pedagogical principles for teaching application of principles for teaching for teaching primary
development principles for primary school pedagogical primary school school learners
teaching primary learners principles for learners
Instructional school learners teaching • Lesson does not
techniques • Lesson develops primary school • Lesson develops
• Lesson develops learners develop smoothly and
Time smoothly and adequately smoothly systematically
management extremely smoothly systematically • Lesson develops and systematically
Audience and systematically • Instructional teaching
attention • Effective use of satisfactorily • Adequate use of
• Extremely effective smoothly and that is poor and
Communication teaching instruction, systematically teaching instruction, confusing, poor
Skills use of teaching clear articulation with clear articulation with articulation and poor
instruction, clear good language ability • Satisfactory use of good language ability language ability
articulation with good
language ability • Good time teaching instruction, • Adequate time • Poor time management
clear articulation with • Less captivating and
• Excellent time management good language ability management
not engaging the
management • Captivating and • Satisfactory time • Adequately captivating audience
• Extremely captivating engaging the audience management and engaging the • Poor ability to deliver
and highly engaging • Good ability to deliver • Satisfactorily presentations clearly
the audience • Adequate ability to and confidently at a
presentations clearly captivating and
• Excellent ability to and confidently at a engaging the deliver presentations
audience clearly and confidently at
deliver presentations
clearly and confidently • Satisfactory ability to
deliver presentations
clearly and confidently
at a level appropriate to level appropriate to the at a level appropriate to a level appropriate to the level appropriate to the
the audience audience the audience audience audience
Critical Thinking • Excellent ability to • Good ability to • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to • Poor ability to identify
and Problem identify and analyse identify and analyse identify and analyse identify and analyse and analyse situations
Solving Skills and give justifications
situations and give situations and give situations and give situations and give for evaluations
Teamwork justifications for justifications for justifications for justifications for
• Show poor interactive
Ethics and evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations skills and interact poorly
Moral with others to achieve
• Show excellent • Show good interactive • Show satisfactory • Show adequate common objectives
• interactive skills and interactive skills and
interactive skills and skills and interact well interact satisfactorily interact adequately with • Poor ability in ethical
interact effectively with with others to achieve others to achieve
others to achieve with others to achieve common objectives common objectives and responsible
common objectives common objectives behaviour
Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to
• Excellent ability to Good ability to • demonstrate ethical
demonstrate ethical and responsible demonstrate ethical
demonstrate ethical and responsible behaviour and responsible
and responsible behaviour behaviour
Assessment High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criteria Distinction (A, A-) (B+, B, B-) (C+, C) (C-, D+, D, E, F)
Content 7.5-8.9 6.0-7.4 5.0-5.9 0.0-4.9
• Good understanding in • Satisfactory • Adequate • Poor understanding in the
• Excellent the processes involved understanding in the understanding in the processes involved in a
understanding in the in a teaching learning processes involved in a processes involved in a teaching learning
processes involved in situation teaching learning teaching learning situation
a teaching learning situation situation
situation • Argument is well • Argument has hardly any
supported with strong • Argument is supported • Argument is supported supporting evidence
• Argument is very well and accurate evidences with satisfactory with adequate
supported with strong / examples evidences / examples evidences / examples • Poor reflection/
and accurate discussion
evidences/ examples • Clear and • Satisfactory reflection/ • Adequate
critical/reflective discussion reflection/discussion of • Not able to analyse and
• Very clear and discussion content synthesize information
critical/reflective • Satisfactory analysis
discussion • Good analysis and and synthesis of • Inadequate analysis and
synthesis of information information synthesis of information
• Excellent analysis
and synthesis of
Language • Written in an • Written in a good • Written in a • Written in a • Written in a poor style
excellent academic academic style with satisfactory academic adequate academic with poor language ability
style with excellent good language ability style with satisfactory style with adequate
language ability language ability language ability
Critical Thinking • Excellent ability to • Good ability to make • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to • Poor ability to make
and make decisions based decisions based on make decisions based on make decisions based decisions based on
on concrete evidence concrete evidence concrete evidence on concrete evidence concrete evidence
Problem- Solving
• Poor ability to accept
Skills new ideas and poor
capability for
Life long • Excellent ability to • Good ability to accept new • Satisfactory ability to • Adequate ability to autonomous learning
accept new ideas and ideas and good capability accept new ideas and accept new ideas and
learning and excellent capability for for autonomous learning satisfactory capability for adequate capability for •
Managing autonomous learning autonomous learning autonomous learning