What Now?
A new beginning
A brand new vision with a
vibrant up beat culture
Better joined-up thinking
Using an enhanced logic
Our Successes are many
We are nineteen years old and still going strong!
We will have treated over 8,500 patients by the end of 2019
Our reputation both here in the UK and Ethiopia is truly First Class
Our dinner last year was by far the most profitable ever, paid for our 2019
Complex mission and secured our future for the next year
Our field research in recent years has been truly ground breaking, some of
which has been published in medical circles
We have some great staff and a Board of Trustees that is far more coherent,
proactive and able than many other charitable organisations
Assuming our income is £400,000 or over, we remain within the top 10% of
the largest charities in the UK, there are around 165,000 registered charities
most with an income of less than £15,000
But there is room for Improvement
Trouble at the top, between myself and CEO
Income too low and Expenses too high
Our relationship with and control of Ethiopia has been far too distant and weak
Communications function still not up to scratch, only our website is good
No joined up approach to Fundraising:
We do not do nearly enough with Individual Supporters
Lacking ideas for Corporate Sponsorship and organisations such as schools
Not building on our relationship with Trusts and Foundations donors and existing partnerships
(Not one individual attended our dinner, despite offers of complimentary tickets)
No relationship with local businesses in North London, we are invisible
Poor Financial awareness and controls
Simply put, we are not clever or innovative enough in many areas
The Proposal
that follows is
to permit me to
address all
these issues!
But first some
Project Harar £586,550.00
Graph Showing Total Income and Income less Dinner and JC Income
for 12 years from 2008 to 2019 (Estimated)
£300,000 £311,506.00
£100,000 £236,647 £252,550 £275,668.00
£0 £210,313.00 £278,159.00
£150,159 £170,668
£187,357.00 £203,537
£169,018.00 Total Income
£114,856.00 £163,357 £164,506
£138,518 The bigger the gap
between lines the more
£89,856 reliant the charity is on
Dinner and JC Income
2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total Income Excluding Dinner and JC
£1,200 1,050
Project Harar 1,100
Graph Showing Patient numbers treated by year and Average cost
£1,000 for 12 years from 2008 to 2019 (Estimated)
Total patients
£800 800 treated by the
end of 2019 will
672 £649 £663 be around 8,500
£600 558 605 £592
494 527
493 £502
£438 £444
£400 £391 £380 £357
297 This is pretty good
£288 news long term,
but room for
£0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total Patient Numbers by Year Average cost to treat patient
£600,000 £586,550
Project Harar £473,633
Graph Showing Total Income and Total Expenditure
for 12 years from 2008 to 2019 (Estimated)
£436,647 £459,794 £425,000
£401,359 £392,297 £400,000
£344,015 £383,537
£300,000 £311,506
£100,000 Expenditure more than £275,668
Income has depleted
£210,313 £278,159 our Reserves over the
past few years
£192,994 £187,357
£114,856 £187,862
£0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total Income Total Expenditure
Project Harar
Graph Showing Income less Dinner and JC Income and UK Salary Costs
for 12 years from 2008 to 2019 (Estimated) £252,550
£250,000 £236,647
£200,000 £186,813 Our UK Salary £170,668
£150,000 £150,159 costs are too high
£100,000 £163,357 £164,506 and are
£138,518 £97,000 unsustainable
£0 £100,000 £92,000 £105,000
£89,856 £70,000 £81,000
£44,000 £63,000
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Salary Costs
Total Income Excluding Dinner and JC
Total Fundraising Total Fundraising Comments
Approximate UK Income excluding Income as a % of
Salaries including NI Dinner and JC as a %
of Salaries
£ % % Filed Accounts
32,000 35.61% 27.86% Filed Accounts
44,000 31.76% 26.03% Filed Accounts
39,000 23.87% 20.82% Filed Accounts
54,000 28.91% 25.68% Filed Accounts
63,000 41.96% 22.65% Filed Accounts
97,000 58.96% 31.14% Pro Rata Accounts as 17 Month Period
70,000 29.58% 16.03% Pro Rata Accounts as 17 Month Period
70,000 29.58% 16.03% Filed Accounts
100,000 39.60% 17.05% Filed Accounts
92,000 45.20% 23.99% Filed Accounts
81,000 47.46% 29.38%
105,000 47.73% 24.71% Estimated with 6 months
Management Accounts for year to date
Accounting Year End Income for the year Approximate UK Salaries including NI Fundraising Income as a % of Salaries
31/03/2017 £412,704 Link Ethiopia LOWER Comparison of
31/03/2016 £532,668 Similar to us Salary levels to
31/03/2015 £485,769 other Charities
31/03/2014 £488,565 £60,000 14.54%
31/03/2013 £289,327 £64,000 12.01%
£96,000 19.76%
31/05/2017 £91,000 18.63%
31/05/2016 £81,000 28.00%
31/05/2014 Safe Hands for Women
CEO is Founder and takes no Salary
31/12/2016 £251,386 £22,000 8.75% Overwhelmingly Charities
31/12/2015 29.29% are reducing not only their
£88,772 £26,000 33.53% actual Total Wage bill, but
31/12/2017 34.10% also Salaries as a
31/12/2016 £146,146 £49,000 11.59% percentage of their Total
31/12/2015 Income, we have been
31/12/2014 £208,226 £71,000 8.04% doing the opposite
31/12/2013 15.64%
£353,735 £41,000 13.94% Average in 2017 is 10.6%
31/08/2016 Tim Henman Foundation 12.90%
31/08/2015 12.01%
£510,175 £41,000 17.77%
£441,090 £69,000 5.83%
£229,515 £32,000 5.29%
Partners for Change Ethiopia
£271,281 £35,000
£291,544 £35,000
£202,533 £36,000
£616,985 £36,000
£926,283 £49,000
World of Worth
Comparable charity to Project Harar
£284,799 £25,000 8.78%
£308,900 £32,000 9.17%
£327,053 £30,000
So what else has gone wrong
Project Harar has been running the wrong model with regards to structure, with
Salaries far too high when compared to Income mainly due to excessive CEO salary
Eight years ago, naively, I had no understanding of Job Descriptions or what they
meant. I did not even truly know what a CEO’s role entailed. When we had our first
CEO, I did not understand the relationship between myself and them, nor what
their quite reasonable expectations were of doing their job of running Project Harar
I have always had an expectation to be able to positively partner the CEO, I now
realise that this was unlikely to ever work. We needed a very capable,
understanding and open minded CEO to partner me. We have failed to find that
person over the years, maybe it is impossible to find that individual
Past CEO’s have not been right for a number of varied reasons, but…..
I absolutely take my share of the blame for this failure, which I appeal to the Board
to allow me to rectify
The proposed way forward
Assuming that the Board agrees to allow JC to take on the CEO role on a part time
basis with no salary
I would….
Look to reinvigorate a moribund organisation that is not firing on all cylinders and
whose total Salaries are simply far too high for the level of our Income
Improve on professionality and commerciality and build on past successes
Bring complete transparency into play in all areas
Bring a sense of fun, and vim and vigour into the workplace and around Trustees
‘Reset’ the organisation and move forward innovatively with a new sense of
purpose and confidence
Jonathan Crown can offer much to Project Harar
I have learned a huge amount over recent years, especially about what is expected of me
and crucially, how to manage and encourage staff, so that they perform the best they can
I have learned that I wish to run a charity from the inside, rather than looking in at it from
the outside. I feel better placed and hungrier than ever to take Project Harar forward
I have 19 years of passion and knowledge and a very wide range of leads and contacts to
call on to progress our aims, given time, I am very confident of success
I will have a light touch management style and really engage with and support the staff at
every opportunity, I believe profoundly in personal development and encouraging staff to
be the best they can be
By my taking over the CEO role, I will bring vastly increased credibility and true stability to
Project Harar, something that has eluded us over the last few years. Hopefully we will not
need to change the structure for a good number if years from now on
I am an FCA and will work for no salary, and I will remain the funder of last resort
The proposed formal structure
CEO Part Time Project Harar Chairman and
Jonathan £0 Ethiopia Board of
Senior Manager Chairman and
Main Fundraiser Board of
£40,000 UK
Programmes Communications To Report to
Officer Emily Officer Eileen and from
£20,000 Informal
£25,000 relationship
Volunteers £0
Immediate plans with JC as CEO
To improve every aspect of how Project Harar runs and performs, to
continually self appraise
To employ an experienced and ambitious Senior Manager, with a fundraising
background, with a view to fast promotion
To radically improve the Accounting and Financial function with quarterly or
six monthly updates including cashflows
To keep the office in situ, but improve its working environment
To reduce costs, renegotiate contracts such as website which is too expensive
To endeavour to keep Emily and Eileen but to employ many more Volunteer
staff in the office, to create a buzzy atmosphere
To work with the existing staff to redefine and improve their roles, to
promote on-the-job training and education
And other important goals
To engage better with our supporters in general
A proper communications strategy including sending out Quarterly Newsletters, new brochures
and publications, plus an attractive Annual Report to include the Accounts, all with input from
To become significantly more ambitious in the fundraising department……
To concentrate on improving Trust and Foundation Grants, and rolling out a proper plan to secure
Corporate Sponsorship
To increase our fundraising efforts with more events and additional individual sponsored events,
such as runs, and plug in to the local Community and businesses
Build on our Ambassador and Young Ambassador schemes
To leverage further our connections with our Patron and actively search for new ones
To build up our Reserves
To actively promote and build further relationships with medics and enhance our research
To continue to bring our Ethiopian arm back into the fold so that we are closer and have far more
control than in previous three years
We’re all in it together!
I am appealing to you please to give me your complete support!
I sincerely believe that we can attain that illusive next step in our journey in
the next two to three years, expanding towards £1M Income
We must not get ahead of ourselves, we must go back to basics, but we must
admit that we are not Oxfam, one size does not fit all, we’re not ready to
work in other Countries just yet, but it should remain a medium term goal
Whilst we must adhere to best practice in the industry, the same levels of
governance and bureaucracy are not always cost effective or necessary
We are the same size we were five years ago, we cannot stay the same, we
must be energetic and innovate, and we must endeavour to expand!
Let’s use our knowledge and size to be flexible and make decisions boldly
and not get too bogged down by bureaucracy that is only fit for larger
organisations ie Data Protection matters
Project Harar
12 Year Financial Analysis from 2008 to 2019 Estimated
UK Only Fundraising Amount spent Percentage
Income Income
Year Income UK Income from Expenditure Total Excess Dinner Income from Fundraising Approximate excluding Fundraising Patients Average Cost on of Total Comments
Only 2017- Ethiopia £ / Deficit Income Excl JC Including Income UK Salaries Income as a Treated in of Patients Programmes Income
114,856 (B-E) JC Dinner excluding including NI Dinner and % of Salaries the Year in Ethiopia incl spent on
2019 included in 166,518 JC Pledge JC as a % of Treated Ethiopia
Consolidated Accounts 182,357 Pledge Dinner and Salaries (J/I) (J/B) (E/M) Complex Programmes
2012-2016 202,813 JC (D-(G+H)) Mission incl
296,506 UK Salaries (O/B)
£ £ 416,647 £ £ £ £ £ £ %% £ £ £ %
114,856 0 556,550
2008 169,018 2,500 383,537 88,877 25,979 0 25,000 89,856 32,000 35.61% 27.86% 297 299 60,000 52.24% Filed Accounts
2009 187,357 5,000 275,668
2010 210,313 7,500 425,000 192,994 (23,976) 0 28,000 138,518 44,000 31.76% 26.03% 493 391 150,000 88.75% Filed Accounts
2011 278,159 10,000
2012 311,506 15,000 193,848 (6,491) 0 19,000 163,357 39,000 23.87% 20.82% 672 288 160,000 85.40% Filed Accounts
2013 436,647 20,000
2014 436,647 20,000 187,862 22,451 0 16,000 186,813 54,000 28.91% 25.68% 494 380 120,000 57.06% Filed Accounts
2015 586,550 30,000
2016 383,537 0 280,257 (2,098) 90,000 28,000 150,159 63,000 41.96% 22.65% 558 502 146,000 52.49% Filed Accounts
2017 275,668 0
2018 425,000 0 344,015 (32,509) 100,000 32,000 164,506 97,000 58.96% 31.14% 530 649 175,000 56.18% Filed Accounts
401,359 35,288 120,000 60,000 236,647 70,000 29.58% 16.03% 527 762 271,000 62.06% Pro Rata Accounts as 17 Month Period
401,359 35,288 120,000 60,000 236,647 70,000 29.58% 16.03% 605 663 271,000 62.06% Pro Rata Accounts as 17 Month Period
473,633 112,917 130,000 174,000 252,550 100,000 39.60% 17.05% 800 592 332,000 56.60% Filed Accounts
459,794 (76,257) 120,000 60,000 203,537 92,000 45.20% 23.99% 1,050 438 352,000 91.78% Filed Accounts
392,297 (116,629) 75,000 30,000 170,668 81,000 47.46% 29.38% 1,100 357 305,000 110.64% Filed Accounts
400,000 25,000 150,000 55,000 220,000 105,000 47.73% 24.71% 900 444 300,000 70.59% Estimated with 6 months Management
Accounts for year to date
TOTAL £3,815,258 £110,000 £3,705,258 £3,816,295 £(1,037) £905,000 £587,000 £2,213,258 £847,000 8,026 £481 £2,642,000
Tim Henman Foundation Link Ethiopia Safe Hands for Women
31/12/2017 510,175 41,000 Similar to us
31/12/2016 441,090 69,000 8.04% 412,704 60,000 CEO is Founder and takes no Salary
31/12/2015 229,515 32,000 15.64% 532,668 64,000
13.94% 31/03/2017 485,769 96,000 14.54% 31/05/2017 251,386 22,000 8.75%
31/03/2016 488,565 91,000 12.01%
31/03/2015 289,327 81,000 19.76% 31/05/2016 88,772 26,000 29.29%
31/03/2014 18.63%
31/03/2013 28.00% 31/05/2015 146,146 49,000 33.53%
Partners for Change Ethiopia 31/05/2014 208,226 71,000 34.10%
31/12/2017 271,281 35,000 12.90% 31/05/2013 353,735 41,000 11.59%
31/12/2016 291,544 35,000 12.01%
31/12/2015 202,533 36,000 17.77% World of Worth
31/12/2014 616,985 36,000 5.83% Comparable charity to Project Harar
31/12/2013 926,283 49,000 5.29% 31/08/2017 284,799 25,000 8.78%
31/08/2016 308,900 32,000 10.36%
31/08/2015 327,053 30,000 9.17%