efÒe³e meeefLe³eeW meYeer keÀes vecemkeÀej SJeb meeOegJeeo
efce$eeW nce jesìjer Je<e& 2020-21 kesÀ ®eewLes cenerves ceW ÒeJesMe keÀj ®egkesÀ nQ ~
³etB lees nceejer keWÀê mejkeÀejeW ves Deewj jep³e mejkeÀejeW ves keÀesjesvee ceneceejer kesÀ ®eueles ueieeS ieS ÒeefleyebOeeW keÀes keÀjerye-keÀjerye HetCe&lee nìe efue³ee
nw Hejbleg FmekeÀe ³en celeueye veneR keÀer ³en yeerceejer nceejer Oejleer mes ®eueer ieF& nw ~ mejkeÀej ves DeeefLe&keÀ J³eJemLee keÀes meg¢æ{yeveeS jKeves kesÀ
efueS ítì oer nw, Hejbleg nce meye keÀe keÀle&J³e nw, nce meyekeÀer efpeccesoejer nw efkeÀ nce ceemkeÀ keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW, 6 iepe keÀer otjer yeveeS jKeW Deewj
efpelevee peªjer nw Glevee Iej mes efvekeÀues ~
oesmleeW ³en cenervee DekeÌìtyej jesìjer, DeeefLe&keÀ Deewj meecegoeef³ekeÀ efJekeÀeme cenervee
nces DeHeves J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ keÀewMeue keÀe ueeYe Gþeves keÀe SkeÀ Meeveoej DeJemej nw, meceeJesMeer Deewj melele DeeefLe&keÀ efJekeÀeme, jespeieej Deewj
meYeer kesÀ efueS meY³e keÀe³e& keÀes yeæ{eJee osvee nw~ jesìjer efJe®eej Devegmeej DeeefLe&keÀ Deewj meecegoeef³ekeÀ efJekeÀeme Heefj³eespeveeDeeW keÀe meceLe&ve keÀjW
Deewj DeHeves meom³eeW kesÀ meeLe DeHeveer efJeMes<e%elee meePee keÀjves kesÀ efueS SkeÀ jesìjer ®e®ee& mecetn ceW Meeefceue neW ~
nceejer ef[eqmì^keÌì kesÀ meYeer keÌueye Je meom³e DeHeves DeHeves mlej Hej yesnlejerve keÀesefMeMe keÀj jns nQ Je De®ís mes De®ís mesJee keÀe³e& keÀjves keÀs
efueS Òe³eemejle nwQ Jen DeHeves mlej Hej DeHeves keÌueye keÀes, DeHeves meceepe keÀes Deewj jesìjer FbìjvesMeveue keÀes veF& Tb®eeF³eeW Hej ues peeves kesÀ efueS
Glmeeefnle nw~
DeYeer lees Fme yeepe keÀer Demeueer Gæ[eve yeekeÀer nw, DeYeer lees Fve Heefjbos keÀe Fefcleneve yeekeÀer nw,
DeYeer DeYeer ncevesW ueebIee nw mecebgojes keÀes, DeYeer lees Hegje Deemeceeve yeekeÀer nw ~
jekesÀMe iees³eue efiejOeejer keÀsef[³ee meleerMe DeûeJeeue
mecHeeokeÀ ceb[ue
DevegjesOe : efJeMes<ele³ee keÌueye ueer[me&, ke=ÀHe³ee DeHeves keÀe³eeX keÀer peevekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer HeÀesìesme kesÀ meeLe megefveefM®ele keÀjW efkeÀ HeÀesìes keÀe³e&vcegKe nes ~ DeeHekesÀ keÌueye keÀe
veece, efleefLe Je kegÀí HebefkeÌle³eeW ceW keÀe³e& keÀe efJeJejCe mebueive nes ~
The First Lady of the District sharing her thoughts....
With Hearty Festive Greetings.... It is a pleasure for me to share my views
with all of you. The New Rotary year started with the RI Theme “Rotary Opens
Opportunities” which was opened by RI President Holger Knaack, A leaders surely with very
sharp vision. I was privileged to have had the training as a partner of DGE at the International
assembly at San Diego, USA from 19th to 24th of January 2020. I learnt a different aspect of
Rotary meeting different people of different countries and different cultures at one place.
DGEs and their partners from India had wonderful interaction and fun. I also enjoyed the
colourful programme, Cultural & Grand march, Colourful dresses and the delicious Indian
Family is the basis of Rotary's success. It is our duty to stand behind our spouses motivating
them to courageously embark on Mega humanitarian projects and support them fully in
Rotary service & family fellowships with our ideas and involvement.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought home the fact that good health is our most precious
possession. If health is good all is good. In this period all the meetings are conducted on
Digital Platforms. At the positive side the virtual meetings help us sitting in our homes
connected socially. We have already adopted the new technology to the most, we met each other virtually and smiled together
when the world was undergoing a huge crisis and this was only possible due to Digital Platform. It is time to know each other and
strengthen our bond of friendship. Now the time has come to prove that we should not step back in these COVID times rather we
should enjoy the company of each other.
-Rtn. Arati Mohanty
R.I. Presidents Message
During a recent Zoom meeting with Rotarians and Rotaractors, I
looked at the smiling faces on my screen and realized how much our
organization has changed in a short period. It is clear that there is no
going back to the "old normal" in Rotary — and I see that as an
exciting opportunity!
Innovation and change are happening at so many levels as we
rethink and remake Rotary. Rotary's new flexibility is blending with
digital culture to drive change in ways that many of us have never
seen before. We can learn a lot from Rotarians like Rebecca Fry —
who, at age 31, already has 15 years of Rotary experience.
I see Rotary as a phenomenal platform to change the world. I believe
I can have the greatest influence by empowering others to create
the change they wish to see in the world. I've gained leadership
insights through my experiences in RYLA and Rotaract, and now, as
charter president of the Rotary Social Impact Network, a new e-club.
Engaging Rotary program alumni is key in forming new clubs. Our club is proof that Rotaractors and other alumni want to join Rotary
— but sometimes they can't find the Rotary club that's right for them. Our club has 31 members, all between the ages of 23 and 41,
and almost all of them are alumni of Rotary programs.
We need to be able to integrate and align Rotary with the other personal and professional goals we're pursuing. In chartering this
club, we set out to design a personalized model of Rotary that is focused on added value for our members. We have also sought to
leverage connections — through Rotary Fellowships, Rotary Action Groups, and other international partnerships — in order to
elevate our members' experiences beyond the club.
Our club meets and manages most of its projects online, using Microsoft Teams to engage 24/7 in topics that interest our members.
This also means our club is not geographically bound to any one location: Although many of us are in Australia, we also have
members in Germany, Italy, Mexico, Tanzania, and the United States.
Also key for our club is measuring the impact of our projects. For Plastic Free July this year, we created an awareness campaign
promoting ways that individuals could reduce their use of plastics, and we reached more than 6,000 people. It's a project with a
tangible impact that anyone can take part in wherever they are. I'm proud that, through our club, we are bringing people together
for a new type of Rotary experience. I am excited for our future.
All Rotary clubs have the opportunity to be innovative clubs, just like Bec's club. Let's trust those clubs, learn from them, and lend
them our support. Change in Rotary happens at the grassroots level, as clubs lead the charge, defining what this new Rotary can be.
Change is constant, and we have more work to do in many areas. It
is important that we celebrate the contributions of people of all
backgrounds and promote people from underrepresented
groups so that they have greater opportunities to participate as
members and leaders in Rotary.
The tools to make Rotary more inclusive, more relevant, and more
fun for everyone are at our fingertips. Let's use them now, and we
will see how Rotary Opens Opportunities for ourselves and for
those yet to discover us.
From Dist. Treasurer :
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DUES : From Dist. Secretary General :
69 USD + 1 USD (Council of Legislation, COL) Fees per member / Rotary at a Glance
annum. Total 70 USD. (GST EXTRA)
Worldwide (as on 17.08.20)
1st Semi Annual Report Dues : 34.5+1=35.5 USD (GST EXTRA)
Rotarians : 1,186,144
1. Please pay as per Invoice
Clubs : 36,235
2. Bank Details & A/C no. given in Invoice.
Districts : 525
3. Club invoices are now available on the My Rotary portal of club
officers. The invoices available on My Rotary are updated and Rotaractors : 203,537
current, to be used by club officers.
Important Points :
?The dues that your club pays to Rotary allow the Secretariat to Clubs : 10,750
provide quality and efficient support to Rotarians worldwide.
Interactors : 345,023
?Maintaining club data online can help you keep your membership
information current and accurate. Your club president, secretary, Clubs : 15,001
and other officers can use My Rotary or your local system to:
RCC : 11,244
?Update membership information within 30 days of any changes,
or by 1 January or 1 July, whichever is sooner. Zones : 34
?Make sure the names of all current officers are correct and that all BOD Members : 19
future officers are named no later than 1 February. TIP: Set up a
club email that can be transferred to future officers to ensure India Dist. 3261
uninterrupted communications with Rotary.
?Confirm that email addresses for all members are current. (as on 01.09.20) (as on 10.10.20)
?If you cannot update your information online, your secretary Rotarians : 154020 2743
should fill out the Membership Data Form and submit it
NEW CLUB FORMATION FEE : Clubs : 4005 76
Charter Fee @ 15 USD per member (GST Extra) Districts : 38 -
A/c. Name : Rotary International South Asia Office Rotaract Clubs : 2680 20
Bank : HSBC Bank
Branch : Main Branch,Barakhamba Rd., New Delhi Interact Clubs : 4122 21
A/C No. : 5000099999 RCC’s : 5864 43
IFSC : HSBC0110002 My Rotary Account Status of Members :
Total Registered 39.32%, Unregistered : 60.68%.
Rs.750/- per member / annum. As per invoice (GST EXTRA)
A/c. Name : Rotary International Fund 3261 Fund -DSG Alam Singh Roopra
Branch : Main Branch , Rourkela
A/C No. : 302102050001614 * Current Exchange Rate 1 USD = 74 INR
IFSC : UBIN0530212
ROTARY NEWS / Regional
Rs. 420/- per annum per copy (Printed)
Rs.360/- per annum per copy (E- Version)
Name : Rotary News Trust
Branch : Montieth Road, Egmore, Chennai
A/c. Type : SB Account
A/c No. : 50100213133460
IFSC Code : HDFC 0003820
In case of any further queries Contact :
Dist. Treasurer, RC Rourkela - Mid Town Mob.: 9337401000
Important Guidelines to Club Leaders from R.I.
The dues that your club pays to Rotary allow the Secretariat to provide quality and efficient support to Rotarians worldwide.
?Maintaining club data online can help you keep your membership information current and accurate. Your club president,
secretary, and other officers can use My Rotary or your local system to:
?Update membership information within 30 days of any changes, or by 1 January or 1 July, whichever is sooner.
?Make sure the names of all current officers are correct and that all future officers are named no later than 1 February. TIP: Set up
a club email that can be transferred to future officers to ensure uninterrupted communications with Rotary.
?Confirm that email addresses for all members are current.
?If you cannot update your information online, your secretary should fill out the Membership Data Form and submit it.
?Club invoice mailing : All club invoices are due and payable upon receipt, and the amount due is not adjustable. Rotary
International emails a copy of the invoice to every club officer in January and July. To ensure that emails from Rotary are not
rejected or filtered as spam, add [email protected] to your approved email contacts.
?If your club has not opted out of the paper invoice or updated your officers email addresses, you will receive a paper copy by post
in late January and late July. If your club has not received an invoice by the beginning of February or August, email
[email protected] to request a replacement. Include your club name and number and delivery address or fax number. Club dues
still must be paid even if you have not received the invoice.
?Pay all outstanding financial obligations at the time of termination.
?Pay all membership dues that continue to accrue thereafter.
?Pay a $30 per member reinstatement fee.
?After 150 days from the termination date, clubs are permanently terminated and cannot be reinstated. The club loses its name,
history, and charter.
?For clubs that were terminated before the January 2015 invoice was issued, reinstatement is possible up to 365 days from the
date on the invoice. Contact [email protected] for questions about reinstatement.
RI Board decision (September 2020 meeting) on District elections
Decision taken by the RI Board at its September 2020 meeting concerning district elections:
D-4. Update to Membership Padding Pilot , DECISION: The Board
confirms that the membership padding pilot approved in its decision 189, June 2020, shall apply to all club ballots undertaken by
the participating districts; amends its decision 189, June 2020 as follows:
189. District Governor Selection Pilot , DECISION: The Board
A. Adopts a governor selection pilot to reduce membership padding for all districts in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka for a three-year period beginning 1 July 2020 with following provisions: clubs
chartered or reinstated during the Rotary year in which the selection takes place will be ineligible to participate in any
aspect of the selection process;
B. When a club ballot is necessary, the voting strength of each club will be based on the number of members on the July
invoice of the year prior to the year in which the club ballot takes place or the July invoice of the year in which the club
ballot takes place, whichever is lower.
The salient features as under:
?This Board decision will be applicable on all district elections effective immediately viz. DGND, COL Representative and RI
Director Nominating committee member as applicable.
?Voting entitlement for clubs chartered in 2019-20 will be based on July 20 invoice, ae their July 2019 invoice was not applicable.
?For other existing clubs the voting entitlement will be lower of July 19 vs July 20 invoice numbers.
World Polio Day : History & Significance
World Polio Day is celebrated on 24 October annually to raise awareness about the 99% success is 100% failure
polio disease and efforts for eradication. If the world fails to eradicate Polio,
> 1 crore of the world’s children will be
Rotary International established the World Polio Day over a decade ago to
commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine paralyzed in next 40 years!
against poliomyelitis. The use of inactivated vaccine of poliovirus and subsequent
widespread use of the oral poliovirus which was developed by Albert Sabin led to the
establishment of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988. According to
WHO, by 2013, GPEI had reduced polio worldwide by 99%. Polio is a fatal infectious
disease. There is no cure, but due to safe and effective vaccines, it can be prevented.
That is through immunisation it can be prevented. For eradication of polio, the
strategy was to provide immunisation to almost every child until transmission stops
and to make world polio-free.
Polio is an infectious disease which can be spread from person to person and may
lead to paralysis, breathing problem or even death. For polio eradication, World
Polio Day is observed on 24 October every year.
Nigerian physician Dr. Tunji Funsho named one of
TIME’s Most Influential People in the world
TIME named Nigerian physician Dr. Tunji Funsho to the 2020 TIME100, its annual list of the
100 most influential people in the world.
Dr. Funsho, a cardiologist based in Lagos, Nigeria, is the first Rotary member to receive this
honor for the organization's work to eradicate polio, having played an essential role in
ensuring Africa's certification as wild polio-free in August of 2020.
“I'm honored to be recognized by TIME for my part in ensuring that no child in Africa will
ever again be paralyzed by wild polio, a disease that once disabled 75,000 African children
every single year,” said Dr. Funsho. “Eradicating the wild poliovirus in Africa was a team
effort that required cooperation and dedication of governments, partners, Rotary
members, hundreds of thousands of health workers, and countless parents who chose to
have their children vaccinated against polio.”
As the leader of Rotary's Nigeria National PolioPlus Committee, Funsho has worked
alongside Rotary members throughout the country to raise awareness about the
importance of polio immunization, encouraged governments and public figures to support polio eradication, and served as a vocal
leader and advocate for Rotary's fight to end polio in Africa.
Dr. Funsho works closely with Rotary's partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI): the World Health Organization
(WHO), UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gavi, the Vaccine
Alliance. As a member of Nigeria's Presidential Task Force on Polio, he has coordinated immunization and advocacy campaigns with
the Minister of State for Health and the Inter-Agency Coordination Committee for Polio Eradication. He has also worked closely with
the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation, the Dangote Foundation, the Traditional Leaders Council and the Federation of Muslim Women's
Association of Nigeria.
In August 2019, Nigeria reached three years without a case of wild poliovirus. Nigeria's progress, led by Rotary, its GPEI partners and
local and national governments, was the result of decades of sustained efforts, including domestic and international financing, the
commitment of hundreds of thousands of health workers, and innovative strategies to immunize children who previously couldn't
be reached due to insecurity in the country's northern states.
On 25 August, the African region was certified wild polio-free.
Rotary Role in Eradicating Polio
Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 40 years. Since 1979, we have vaccinated more than 2.5
billion children. But we haven't done it alone. Here is a timeline for our partnerships.
1979-80 : Rotary undertakes a series of polio immunization campaigns throughout Southeast Asia and Latin
America, beginning with one in 1979 in the Philippines and followed by similar activities in Cambodia,
Haiti, Morocco, Paraguay, and Sierra Leone.
1985 : Rotary introduces PolioPlus – the first effort to immunize every child in the world with polio vaccine –
and aims to raise $120 million. During its 1988 convention in Philadelphia, Rotary announces it has
raised $247 million, more than double the target amount.
1988 : Rotary pushes forward the global resolution to eradicate polio at the 1988 World Health Assembly in
Geneva. It also spearheads the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative with the World Health
Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF.
2002-03 : Rotary launches the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign with a fundraising target of $80 million.
The campaign, netting $135 million, eclipses Rotary's goal. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
contributes $1 million when it honors Rotary with its Gates Award for Global Health, its first gift to
Rotary's efforts to end polio.
2007 : The Gates Foundation announces its first major grant to polio eradication – a $100 million challenge to
Rotary, promising to match funds raised by Rotarians.
2009 : Bill Gates pledges an additional $255 million at Rotary's International Assembly, and Rotary increases its
fundraising goal to $200 million.
2011 : Bill Gates speaks at the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans.
2012 : Rotary raises $228.7 million, surpassing the original goal of $200 million. In the same year, Jeff Raikes,
then-CEO of the Gates Foundation, announces an additional $50 million contribution to polio
eradication efforts at Rotary's International Assembly.
2013 : An announcement at the Rotary International Convention in Lisbon sets the stage for a new extension
of the partnership between Rotary and the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation agrees to match 2-
to-1 every dollar committed by Rotary, up to $35 million per year, through 2018. Throughout the
campaign, Rotary exceeds its annual fundraising goal.
2017 : On the heels of the success of the 2-to-1 matching grant, Rotary and the Gates Foundation announce an
increased combined pledge of up to $450 million at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta.
Rotary's new goal is to contribute $50 million per year over three years. With a 2-to-1 match, the Gates
Foundation's contribution will increase to $300 million if Rotary reaches its fundraising target.
2020 : On 25th August 2020 47 Countries of the African Region certified WILD POLIO-FREE when Nigeria
became polio free. This milestone is an incredible achievement . We still have important Work to do to
eradicate Wild POLIO in the last two endemic countries.
Congratulations !!!
Jennifer Jones - First woman to be confirmed as Rotary president
EVANSTON, Ill. (October 1, 2020) — Jennifer Jones, member of the Rotary Club of
Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, will become Rotary International's president
for 2022-23, a groundbreaking selection that will make her the first woman to hold
that office in the service organization's 115-year existence.
Jones, whose confirmation comes at a unique time in history, is inspired by how the
organization and its global members continue to adapt, connect and serve their
communities in new ways during the coronavirus pandemic. Jones says she wants to
harness this moment of change to develop metric-driven goals that challenge us to
innovate, educate and communicate opportunities that reflect today's realities.
“We know that Rotary is a place where leaders and those with the vision and drive to
create change can thrive. And such leaders are found from every age, gender, race
and background. Diversity, equity and inclusion should begin at the top, and for us to
welcome new leaders into our organization and expand our ability to make an
impact, we need to build stronger bridges that help everyone see themselves
reflected, celebrated and valued here in Rotary,” Jones said.
Jones also notes her tremendous pride in the way Rotarians have shown leadership in responding to and helping protect communities
against COVID-19. So far, Rotary has provided US$29.7 million to support clubs in their response to COVID-19, with projects ranging from
large-scale, transformative activities such as providing medical equipment to hospitals to small-scale, short-term activities like purchasing
thermometers, protective medical gear, or other items for frontline medical professionals.
“Silver linings rise out of the most challenging circumstances,” Jones said in her vision statement. “Our members are resolute in finding
ways to aid those in need as the pandemic continues to underscore how Rotary is a global force for doing good in the world.”
As Jones looks ahead to her presidential term, she confirms that she's prepared to take on existing and new challenges as society
continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and like Rotary presidents before her, is eager to set Rotary on course for a robust and vibrant future.
“Years ago, I asked one of our incoming presidents what he wanted his legacy to be. He very quickly told me he wasn't interested in
building a legacy and that he was interested in getting to work,” said Jones. “Those words have always stuck with me, and I too simply want
to get down to work.”
PDG Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi for becoming RI Director 2021-23 ( Zone 7)
PDG Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi is a member of Rotary Club of Pune Sports City and Past District Governor, RID
RI Director 2021-23 3131. He is a Major Donor Level III and Benefactor.
( Zone 7)
By Profession he is an Entrepreneur in various fields from Hospital, Pharmacy, Petroleum,
8 Construction and Hospitality, Trustee in Multiple NGO's and Educational Institutes namely : Hon.
Professor in multiple Medical and Management Colleges; Trainer in Corporate Industry Pan India;
Ex-Director of Harley Davidson; Ex-Member Senate, Pune University; Ex-Chairman examination
Hospital Management (University of Pune).
In Rotary presently Dr. Mahesh is Chairman GETS (Governor Elect Training Session); Co Chairman
RILM (Rotary India Literacy Mission); Chairman Technology – Rotary Institute 2020. He has served
Rotary in several Dist. & International Assignments - International Assembly Training leader;
Chairman Literacy Summit; CO Chairman Rotary Institutes; ARFC; Chairman DG Seminar; Rotary
District 3131 Trainer 19-20 and Rotary International President's representative.
For his service in Rotary PDG Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi has received many Awards - Service Above Self; RI
Citation of Meritorious Service Award; TRF Dist. Service Award and RI Polio Plus Appreciation
“The Best way to find yourself is
to lose yourself
in the service of others.”
- Mahatama Gandhi
Oev³eJeeo!!! This is a changing world;
efJeiele Je<e& 19-20 ceW nceejer ef[efmì^keÌì DDF mes Deej.DeeF&.[er. 3070 keÀes keÀv³ee we must be prepared to
Meeuee, Dece=lemej kesÀ efueS $ 2500 keÀe Devegoeve efo³ee ie³ee Lee, uesefkeÀve RI Üeje change with it. The story
DemJeerkeÀej nesves keÀs keÀejCe mes Jees ÒeespeskeÌì veneR nes mekeÀe, Deej.DeeF&.[er. 3070 kesÀ of Rotary will have to be
Jele&ceeve ieJeve&j ves Gme jeefMe keÀes keQÀmej ÒeespeskeÌì kesÀ efueS ncemes Hegveë ceebiee, written again and again.
cegPes DeeHe meYeer keÀes ³es yeleeles ngS yengle KegMeer nes jner nw efkeÀ Jele&ceeve ieJeve&j
SHeÀ.meer. cenevleer peer ves efyevee efJeuebye mJeerkeÀej keÀj GvnW Devegoeve os efo³ee Deewj - Paul Harris, This Rotarian Age, 1935
nceejer ef[efmì^keÌì kesÀ Jeeos kesÀ meeLe meeLe nceejer ef[efmì^keÌì keÀe ceeve Yeer yeæ{e³ee ~
Enjoy & Act these
-DeeF. Heer. [er. peer jbpeerle efmebn mewveer innovative notice Boards
Forest Dept : “Shoot the Bird with camera not with
Traffic Dept : “Donate Blood, But not on Road”
Petrol Pump : “No Smoking”, Your life may be
worthless but our petrol is Costly.
Hospital Board : If you still want to continue looking @
girls, even after your Death, “ DONATE YOUR EYES ”
October - Economic and Community development
This month also includes : International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on the 17th
and World Polio Day on the 24th of October.
Some Guidelines to Club Leaders for Economic & Community Development Activities -
?Develop Micro Credit system
?Organise Awareness Seminar on Self-Employment at Colleges/Universities
?Organise Trade Exhibitions / Organise Buyers-Sellers meet
?Take up Entrepreneurship Development Program
?Organise Consumer Forum, a Public Meeting
?Organize Placement drive and recruit peoples
?Organize vocational training
?Educate on Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Evolution of the Official Rotary Magazine
The Rotarian magazine
From its beginnings as a 12-page periodical, The Rotarian has grown into an award-winning publication with a
circulation of over 500,000, inspiring the creation of a host of Rotary regional magazines.
The first issue was published in January 1911 as The National Rotarian. It included news items
from existing clubs, announcements of new clubs, and an essay by Paul P. Harris. Rotary's
founder discussed the purpose of Rotary clubs and pondered what the response would be if he
asked every Rotarian, "What is the philosophy of Rotary as you understand it?"
Harris, along with Secretary Chesley R. Perry, launched the publication to share information with
a growing number of Rotarians. Perry was the magazine's first editor and held the position until Published in 1915
The official formation of clubs in Canada and England prompted the magazine to change its name to The Rotarian,
starting with the September 1912 issue.
Published in 1911 Early on, the magazine focused on business ethics, character development, and membership growth. Throughout
the years, well-known critics and authors, along with popular artists and photographers, contributed their work to
its covers and pages.
In the 1940s, the magazine published many commentaries about the effects of war by prominent writers and leaders such as Sherwood
Anderson, Winston Churchill, Thomas Mann, H.G. Wells, Mohandas K. Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw,
Pearl S. Buck, and J. Edgar Hoover. A selection of these articles was reprinted in three booklets from
1942 to 1947.
As Rotary clubs formed around the world, regional magazines appeared, each offering
Rotary news from a local perspective. The first regional magazine was published in Great
Britain and Ireland in 1915.
More than half of Rotarians worldwide receive a regional magazine instead of The
Rotarian. The Rotary World Magazine Press publishes more than 30 officially licensed Rotary
regional magazines. These publications are produced independently by Rotarians,
distributed in more than 130 countries, and published in more than 20 languages.
The official Magazine in India is published in 36 Languages as the “ THE ROTARY NEWS ”
10 things Every Rotarian should know about Rotary Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is a Rotary International student exchange program for students in secondary school since 1929,
Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Currently, about 9,000 students are
sponsored by Rotary clubs every year, generally living with multiple host families in other than their countries. (The Rotary Club
of Copenhagen, Denmark initiated the first Rotary exchange in 1927)
1 5 8
Rotary Youth Exchange is Exchanges are for students There is usually no cost to
run by volunteers, which between ages 15 and 19. students for room and board
means costs are lower than or school fees. Students are
many other exchange 6 typically responsible for
programs. their travel costs and for
Upon their return, students spending money.
2 are invited to stay connected
to Rotary as part of a Rotex 9
While it’s useful for students group. Rotary clubs are
to know their host encouraged to stay in In many districts, students
country’s language, it’s not touch with their past can take part in service
a requirement of the participants, who can also projects organized by local
program. offer advice and guidance to Rotary clubs or by alumni
current and prospective associations called Rotex.
3 exchange students.
Rotary’s stringent youth
protection policies and Long-term exchanges often
district certification program last a full academic year,
ensure that the safety of and students are required
students is the highest to attend school. They
priority. typically live with several
host families during the year.
4 7
Host families are not paid. Short-term exchanges,
Every family is screened and which can last from a few
goes through a background days up to three months, are
check. Families are asked to often structured as a camp
treat students like a member or a homestay when school
of the family and to include is not in session.
them in all their normal
District Events
Dist. Seminar on Literacy hosted by RC Rourkela Royal
Rotary International District 3261 organised Dist. Literacy Seminar virtually on Zoom on
13th September 2020 under the guidance of DG F. C. Mohanty.
The program was hosted by Rotary Club of Rourkela Royal, President Vikash Agarwal
gave the welcome address. RID Kamal Sanghvi was the Chief Guest and other panelists
were , PDG Subhash Sahu, PDG S.P. Chautrvedi & PDG Shashi Varvandhkar. Seminar
Chair AG Vinay Gupta shared their experience of Happy School declaration and learned
speakers presented informative deliberations on happy schools, Asha Kiran prog, E-
learning and RILM T-E-A-C-H programme.
Multi Dist. Seminar on Public Image & Public Relations hosted by RC Rourkela Central
Rotary International Districts 3261 & 3262 organised Multi Dist. Public Image & Public
Relations seminar on 19th September 2020 under the guidance of DG F. C. Mohanty
(RID 3261) & DG Saumya Ranjan Mishra (RID 3262)
The program was hosted by Rotary Club of Rourkela Central, President Abdus Salam
gave the welcome address. Keynote speaker RIDE Elizabeth Usovicz (2021-23, Zone 30
& 31 USA) and other panelists were, PDG Pramod Rath, PDG Dr. Ashok Singh, PDG
Rakesh Chaturvedi, PDG Shambhu Jagatramka & PDG Ajay Agrawal. Seminar Chair
Biswajit Pati conducted the proceedings of the seminar. RIDE Elizabeth was very
specific on the subject & very nicely explained the present scenario & what is to be
done for the better with informative slide presentation.
Rotary Felicitates Release Of
The Real Life Hero, A Superstar & A Covid Warrior - SONU SOOD Rotary Information Handbook
“ Beyond Ourselves, A Selfless service”
This virtual programme was jointly organized on 12th September by RID 3011, Released by A.S. Roopra, Dist. Secy.
3030, 3040, 3053, 3080, 3070, 3100, 3142, 3261 and led by RC Mumabi Royales General & Rakesh Goyal, Dist. Secy.
and Mumbai Divas. The Chief Guest of the Event RIPE Shekhar Mehta presented Publication on 18th September 2020 at
the Award for Vocational Excellence to Sonu Soon for his outstanding Dist. Office.
contribution to Indian Cinema & his dedicated humanitarian service. More than
1000 Rotarians & Guests were present virtually.
Clubs in Action...... Support Environment - Tree Plantation
He³ee&JejCe keÀer j#ee,
ogefve³eeb keÀer megj#ee
Tree Plantation Drive by RC Raipur North
1st September, 2020.
Tree Plantation Drive by RC Jabalpur East in Tree Plantation Drive by RC Damoh Greater
association with Arogya Bharti at JPV School on 5th September, 2020.
Mahakausal State at Oria Gram.
Tree Plantation Drive & Teachers Day
Celebration by RC Raipur West on 5th
September, 2020 at Govt. Primary School.
Tree Plantation Drive by RC Dindori Anant Tree Plantation done by Rotary Club of Rotary Club Of Rourkela Mid-Town, in its
at Sharda Tekri (Sai Dham) followed by Sambalpur Central in which 40 - 50 Big commitments & efforts towards 'Clean
cleanliness drive in the areas nearby. plants are planted at a village near Rourkela, Green Rourkela' has provided
flower pot stands along with flower pots &
decorative plants , to Railways, that has
been kept at platform no .1 , Entry Gate &
Exit Gate & Reservation counters . Today ,
in a function , in presence of DG FC Sir &
Railway Authorities.
Clubs in Action...... Distribution of COVID Essentials & Others
On 2nd September RC Rourkela Queens RC Bilaspur Queen distributed Food Items
came forward to help Auto drivers. People amongst 70 people who were hungry and
are scared of sitting in auto. Club provided have nothing to eat who stay in and around
100 isolation safety sheet to all autos to Bilapsur Railway station.
keep safe distance between auto drivers
and passenger .
Pandemic Awareness Drive - Online Inter- Special Initiative by RC Jabalpur
School Competitions Award Function held Sanskardhani for Member and their
on 13th September by RC Rourkela Mid- families for assistance during COVID times.
Town. There were 386 entries in different
categories (Essay Writing, Poster 1. Free Consultation from Doctor.
Presentation & Video Presentation)
2. Medicine delivery at Reasonable Price.
3. COVID Tests at Reasonable price with
Sample collection facility.
4. Free Oxygen Cylinder.
First Phase of Distribution of 50 pcs ( out of
100 pcs) Separator Screens for safety of
Auto passengers and Drivers was
distributed today by RC Sambalpur Central.
Food Distribution to the needy and RC Damoh Greater donated 85 Beds and 2 RC Bilaspur Queens distributed masks to
Frontline Warriors by RC Bilapsur Queens ICU Beds at Zilla Hospital on 26th Medical Staffs & other Corona Warriors at
in association with the Bilaspur Police, September, 2020. Ganiyari Area. More than 500 N-95 masks
Sikha Yuva Sangathan, Guru Nanak Samiti, were distributed.
Dhiti Foundation, KHWAB India.
cegK³eceb$eer YegHesMe yeIesue ves jesìjer keÀesjesvee efJepe³e jLe keÀes OJepe efoKeekeÀj jJeevee efkeÀ³ee Corona Awareness Program initiated from RID-3261
was flagged off by Hon'ble VM Mr. Bahel . Health
Minister Mr Singhdeo ji., Me Satynarayan Sharma
MLA. Mayor Mr Dhebar and many more. Major
participants were from RC Raipur Royal, Greater,
Heritage and others.
This awareness program will continue across Raipur
District through Audio Visual process for a month. We
are also distributing medicinal plants to people /
general public free of cost. These saplings have been
provided from CG Govt Forest Department.
Pamphlets n written materials on preventive actions
to contain the menace are also getting distributed
during this campaign.
cegK³eceb$eer YegHesMe yeIesue ves 13 efmelecyej 2020 keÀes DeHeves efveJeeme Heefjmej mes keÀesjesveemeb¬eÀceCe keÀer ÒeYeeJeer jeskeÀLeece kesÀ efueS je³eHegj Menj Je ûeeefceCe
#es$e ceW J³eeHekeÀ peeie©keÀlee keÀe³e&¬eÀce kesÀ lenle keÀjesvee efJepe³e jLe keÀes OJepe efoKeekeÀj jJeevee efkeÀ³ee ~ ueesieeW mes keÀesjesvee meb¬eÀceCe keÀer jeskeÀLeece
Deewj ye®eeJe keÀer ieeF&[ueeF&vme keÀe Heeueve keÀjves keÀer DeHeerue keÀer ~
jesìjer keÌueye efce[ìeGve kesÀ peeieªkeÀlee DeefYe³eeve keÀes ÒeosMe kesÀ mJeemL³e ceb$eer ves Jeeref[³ees keÀebÖeWÀefmebie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efkeÀ³ee MegªDeele
efyeueemeHegj/Deepe jesìjer keÌueye Dee@HeÀ efyeueemeHegj efce[ ìeGve kesÀ keÀesjesvee mes ye®eeJe peve peeiejCe DeefYe³eeve pees efkeÀ Jan Jagran Abhiyan by RC Bilaspur
1 efmelebyej mes 30 efmelebyej lekeÀ ®euesiee, efpemeceW yewvej Heesmìj leLee ef[efpeìue DeeJeepe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀesjesvee mes Midtown from 1st Sept. to 30th Sept.
megj#ee SJeb ye®eeJe leLee mener lejerkesÀ mes ceemkeÀ ueieeves kesÀ lejerkeÀeW kesÀ yeejs ceW Òe®eej Òemeej efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw, Menjs
kesÀ vesnª ®eewkeÀ mes ÒeejbYe ngDee ~ Fme keÀe³e&¬eÀce keÀe GodIeeìve íÊeermeieæ{jep³e kesÀ mJeemL³e ceb$eer Þeer ìer.Sme.
efmebnosJe peer kesÀ Üeje Jeeref[³ees keÀebÖeWÀefmebie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, keÀe³e&¬eÀce kesÀ GodIeeìve mes HetJe&, mJeieea³e
ÒeCeJe cegKepeea HetJe& jeä^Heefle keÀes Þe×e megceve DeefHe&le efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, GÜesOeve kesÀ oewjeve mJeemL³e ceb$eer peer kesÀ Üeje
jesìjer keÌueye kesÀ Fme keÀe³e&¬eÀce keÀer mejenvee keÀer ieF& SJeb GvekesÀ Üeje jesìjer keÌueye kesÀ Òeefle DeeYeej J³ekeÌle efkeÀ³ee
ie³ee Fme keÀe³e&¬eÀce mes jep³e mejkeÀej kesÀ keÀe³eeX ceW men³eesie efceuesiee ~ jesìjer efpeuee 3261 kesÀ ieJeve&j jesìsefj³eve
SHeÀ. meer. ceesnvleer peer SJeb GvekeÀer ìerce, jesìjer efpeuee 3261 kesÀ efveJee&ef®ele ieJeve&j jesìsefj³eve megveerue HeÀeìkeÀ peer
Jeeref[³ees keÀebÖeWÀefmebie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀe³e&¬eÀce ceW GHeefmLele Les ~
Masks, Sanitizers, Faceshields distribution Rotary club of Raipur East is distributing
by RC Jabalpur Sanskardhani to the 1000 steam inhalers and 15 Oxyflow
frontline warriors and police personnel. meters through young volunteers working
in poor colonies in Samata and Choubey
colony Area of Raipur.
Clubs in Action...... Literacy, Felicitations & Others
RC Dindori Narmada Valley donated Water Felicitation to teachers JPV School by RC
Cooler to Kendriya Vidyalay, Dindori on Damoh Greater on 5th September, 2020
20th September 2020.
Felicitation to teachers of Maharsi RC Bilaspur, Mid town has given Nation
Dayanand Public School by RC Jabalpur builder award to the teachers of Blind and
Excellence. Deaf school, Tifra
Felicitation to teachers of Dhanvantri On 8th September (Literacy Day) RC Rotary Club of Burla is supporting students
Nagar and Pishanhari ki Madia by RC Rourkela Queens inaugurated their literacy under their literacy project which taking
Jabalpur East on the occasion of Teachers project under T-E-A-C-H program where care their continuing education. Many
Day. they covered A-C-H of TEACH program- - have been beneficial from the needy.
Adult Literacy, Child Development and
Happy school. This project is a joint
venture with Smile Forever Foundation.
Board exam champions award and Felicitation to Teachers of Bidam Bai RC Rourkela Mid-Town jointly held A
felicitation of sports teachers of jabalpur School by RC Jabalpur West. Followed by Webinar with RC Rourkela Steecity on 26th
on teachers day, organized by RC Jabalpur felicitating Rtn. Manish Dubey for September, World Deaf Day. Key Note
Queens. receiving Governors Award for his noble Speaker was Mr. N.C. Srinivas (Faculty &
work to the society. HOD, Therapeutics, NIEPID Secunderabad)
16 valuable inputs on the subject were
provided by the speakers
Clubs in Action...... Literacy, Felicitations & Others
Dementia-the Truth Behind It
Teachers'Day was celebrated by RC RC Bilaspur Queens distributed Study
Rourkela Riverside in the Birsa Munda High Materials, Chocolates, Biscuits etc.
School. The retired Head master Shri amongst children of Railway Colony.
Dibyasingh Samal and ten teachers of the
school were felicitated by the President
and the members.
Slides Shared
RC Rourkela Smartcity was one of the Co- Installation Ceremony cum DG Visit was Rotary club of Sambalpur Greater
host in a Programme “THE TRICKY MIND” held on 6th September, 2020 in presence distributed educational kit to under
DEMENTIA-The Truth Behind It, on 21st of DD, DSG, AG and Sponsoring Club privileged children on 30th September,
Sept. DG Sunil Mehra, RID 3141 was the President. 2020.
Chief Guest. Dr. Pallavi Bhagrava,
Neuropsychologist was the keynote
Felicitation Function by RC Raipur Greater On this international literacy day RC “Being human is given. But keeping our
on the occasion of Teachers Day at Rourkela Riverside honoured AG Rtn humanity is a choice.”India celebrates
Magneto Mall, Raipur. Koena Dastidar who is a teacher in St. 'Teachers' Day’ today. We, Rotary Club of
Joseph School. Bilaspur Queens wholeheartedly THANKS
Rotary and Rotarian for teaching us,
educating us the most important lesson
“HUMANITY”. Rotary has taught us that by
serving humanity, we automatically serve
Literacy, Felicitations & Others
A public image project of ROTARY CLUB OF DG’s Vision 2020-21
VEERBHUMI SAMBALPUR under the project
Membership Memorable
ROTARY ART ACADEMY I nformation Desirable
S ervice Projects Unavoidable
Inaguration of International Art Exhibition on A ction Moveable
21st Sept on International Day of Peace with L iteracy Achievable
works of 60 participating Artists (40artists
from India and 20 Artists from abroad) at
Kalyani Art Gallery, jointly organised by
Prabal Pramanik's Academy of Arts, Punjab
T-E-A-C-H at a glance
T - Teacher Support : 70941
E - E-learning : 16127
A - Adult Literacy : 87870
C - Child Development : 37436
H - Happy School : 2950
11th October
Membership Retention N Orientation Dist. Seminar.
Host : Rotary Club of Jabalpur
Chief Guest : RID Kamal Sanghvi
“PADHENGE TABHI 14th October
TOH BADHENGE” Multi District Seminar on International Exchange Programme
Good Initiative taken up by Host : Rotary Club of Rourkela Central
Rotary Club of Bilaspur Queen Guest Speakers :
to promote Literacy by
creating Mobile Bank for John Hewko, Gen. Secy. & CEO Rotary International
needy children. PDG Raghada Khoury, RID 5300
Mike Driebe, RID 5300
18th October
Health Preventive Seminar
Host : Rotary Club of Balaghat Tigers
ß G®®eejCe keÀe nceejs peerJeve SJeb mJeemLe Hej cenlJe efnboer keÀer megvojlee
?efmeHe&À 6 efceveì TB keÀe G®®eejCe keÀjves mes DeveskeÀesW jesie þerkeÀ nes peeles nQ pees efnboer
oJee mes Yeer Fleveer peuoer þerkeÀ veneR nesles ~ nceejer efnboer
jeä^ Yee<ee nw efnboer
?6 efceveì TB keÀe G®®eejCe keÀjves mes ceefmle<keÀ ceW efJeMes<e JeeFye´sMeve (keÀcHeve) efnvo osMe keÀer Deeve nw efnboer
neslee nw Deewj Dee@keÌmeerpeve keÀe ÒeJeen He³ee&Hle nesves ueielee nw ~ mebmke=Àle keÀer uee[ueer yesìer nw efnboer
efnbogmleeve keÀer lees ceele=Yee<ee nw efnboer
?keÀF& ceefmle<keÀ jesie otj nesles nQ mì^sme Deewj ìsvMeve otj nesleer nw, mcejCe MeeqkeÌle nceeje ceeve, mecceeve, DeefYeceeve nw efnboer
ye{leer nw ~ efnbogmleeve kesÀ ceeLes keÀer lees efyeboer nw ³en efnboer
megboj, ceerþer, mejue Deewj menpe Yee<ee nw efnboer
?ueieeleej megyen Meece 6 efceveì TB kesÀ leerve ceen lekeÀ G®®eejCe mes jkeÌle meb®eej nce meyekeÀer SkeÀlee keÀer DevegHece HejbHeje nw efnboer
meblegefuele neslee nw Deewj jkeÌle ceW Dee@keÌmeerpeve uesyeue yeæ{lee nw ~ jkeÌle ®eeHe, meyepeve keÀes SkeÀmet$e ceW efHejesves Jeeueer [esj nw efnboer
Ûo³e jesie, keÀesuemì^esue pewmes jesie þerkeÀ nes peeles nQ ~ keÀeue keÀes peerle efue³ee Jees keÀeuepe³eer Yee<ee nw efnboer
mJeleb$elee keÀer DeueKe peieeves Jeeueer Yee<ee nw efnboer
?cee$e 2 meHleen oesveeW mece³e TB kesÀ G®®eejCe mes Ieyejenì, yes®ewveer, Ye³e, efpemekesÀ yeervee efnbo Lece peeS Jees Yee<ee nw efnboer
SbipeeFìer pewmes jesie otj nesles nQ ~ iegueeceer keÀer pebpeerj leesæ[ves Jeeueer Leer efnboer
efnbogmleeve keÀer lees peerJeve jsKee nw efnboer
?kebÀþ ceW efJeMes<e kebÀHeve neslee nw ceebmeHesefMe³eeW keÀes MeeqkeÌle efceueleer nw ~ Jeerj meHetleeW keÀer uee[ueer Leer efnboer
mJeleb$elee keÀer keÀneveer nw efnboer
?LeeFjeF[, ieues keÀer metpeve otj nesleer nw Deewj mJej oes<e otj nesves ueieles nQ ~ HejeF& veneR DeHeveer nw efnboer
DeeHekeÀer Yeer nw efnboer
?SkeÀ ceen lekeÀ efove ceW leerve yeej 6 efceveì lekeÀ TB kesÀ G®®eejCe mes Hee®eve cesjer Yeer nw efnboer
lev$e, ueerJej, DeeBleeW keÀes MeeqkeÌle ÒeeHle nesleer nw, Deewj [eFpesMeve mener neslee nw, meyekeÀer efnboer
mewkeÀ[eW Goj jesie otj nesles nQ ~ efnboer efnboer
?G®®e mlej keÀe ÒeeCee³eece neslee nw, Deewj HesÀHeÀæ[eW ceW efJeMes<e kebÀHeve neslee nw ~
HesÀHeÀæ[s cepeyetle nesles nQ, mJemeveleb$e keÀer MeeqkeÌle yeæ{leer nw, 6 ceen ceW DemLecee,
jepe³e#ecee (ìer.yeer.) pewmes jesieeW ceW ueeYe neslee nw ~
?Dee³eg yeæ{leer nw ~
peªjle nw íë efceveì jespe keÀjves keÀer ~
veesì - TB keÀe G®®eejCe uecyes mJej ceW keÀjW ~
efJevece´ Þe×ebpeefue
PRID Yashpal Das S. K. Sharma Rtn. Gajanan Sawadia Rtn. Sangeet Agrawal
RI Director 2011-13 President 2020-21 Member Member
RC Dehradun, RID 3080 RC Raipur Greater, RID 3261 RC Bargarh, RID 3261 RC Balangir Central, RID 3261
peelem³e efn Oe´gJees ce=l³egOe´g&Jeb pevce ce=lem³e ®e ~ lemceeoHeefjne³esxçLes& ve lJeb Meesef®elegcen&efme ~~
From Rotary Archives... went into insurance, real estate and oil lease brokerage.
With some prosperous years behind him, Herb returned Chicago,
History of The 4 Way Test Illinois, in 1925 and began a swift rise with the jewel Tea Company.
He soon joined the Rotary Club of Chicago. In line for the
The 4 Way Test adoption Document presidency of jewel in 1932, Herb was asked to help revive the
One of the world’s most widely printed and quoted statements of near-bankrupt Club Aluminum Company of Chicago. The
business ethics is The Four-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by cookware manufacturing company own $400,000 more than its
Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when total assets and was barely staying afloat. Herb responded to the
he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing challenge and decided to cast his lot with this troubled firm. He
bankruptcy. resigned from Jewel Tea, taking an 80 percent pay cut to become
This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and president of Club Aluminum. He even invested $6,100 of his own
professional lives became the guide for sales, production, money in the company to give it some operating capital.
advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the Looking for a way to resuscitate the company and caught in the
survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Depression's doldrums.
Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four-Way Test has been translated Herb, deeply religious, prayed for inspiration to craft a short
into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands measuring stick of ethics for the staff to use.
of ways. As he thought about an ethical guidelines for the company, he first
More than 60 years ago, in the midst of the Great Depression, a wrote a statement 01 about 100 words but decided that it was too
U.S. Rotarian devised a simple, four-part ethical guideline that long. He continued to work, reducing it to seven points. In fact, The
helped him rescue a beleaguered business. The statement and the Four-Way Test was once a Seven-Way Test. It was still too long, and
principles it embodied also helped many others find their own he finally reduced itto the four searching questions that comprise
ethical compass. Soon embraced and popularized by Rotary the test today.
International, The Four-Way Test today stands as one of the Next, he checked the statement with his four department heads: a
organizations hallmarks. It may very well be one of the most Roman Catholic, a Christian Scientist, an Orthodox Jew and a
famous statements of our century. Presbyterian. They all agreed that the Test's principles not only
Herbert J. Taylor, author of the Test, was a mover, a doer, a coincided with their religious beliefs, but also provided an
consummate salesman and a leader of men. He was a man of exemplary guide for personal and business life.
action, faith and high moral principle. Born in Michigan, USA in And so, "The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do" was
1893, he worked his way through Northwestern University in born:
Evanston, Illinois.
After graduation, Herb went to France on a mission for the YMCA ?All members are requested to register themselves in
and the Biritish Army welfare service and served in the U.S. Navy My Rotary at
Supply Crops in World War I. In 1919, he married Gloria Forbric,
and the couple set up housekeeping in Oklanhoma, USA, where he ?All members are requested to Download Rotary India
worked forthe Sinclair Oil Company. After a year, he resigned and App. Available at Appstore & Google Play Store or use
the given link
Published by : Rakesh Goyal on behalf of RID 3261, Edited & Printed at : Ankit Printing Press, Rourkela-9861506592