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Published by CATHY NORRENDA DANCE, 2022-11-03 09:35:37

From Gross to Green: The Sam Gross Story

Documentary of a Real Life Story

Keywords: Documentary

From Gross to Green: The Sam Gross Story

Poor Little Rich Kid: The Sam Gross Story

Rich Man Poor Man: The Sam Gross Story

NOTE: These titles can be uses interchangeably for Documentary,
Feature Film and TV Series. And all of them do not have to say The
Sam Gross Story (typically only for Documentaries)

Tagline: You Gotta Bring It To Get It!

Genre: Docu-Drama (Documentary)

Genre: Drama (Feature)
Genre: Scandal-Drama (TV Series)

Mood: Pursuit of Happiness meets Erin Brockovich

Log line: A nine year old boy was left a Texas Instrument Fund
Fortune from his mother’s untimely death, only to face a thirty year
tumultuous battle to recover it.

Synopsis (Documentary):

Annie Lee Gross worked for Texas Instruments until her untimely,
tragic death in 1970. Sam Gross, Annie’s only child, was 9 years old
at the time. Eventually, Sam’s father remarried his former ancee and
Sam lived with his father, stepmother, older brother and younger
brother throughout his childhood. Sam was athletic and an amazing
football player. He was a clever student and no slacker when it came
to work. He managed a restaurant in high school and even hired his
high school friends to work for him.

Sam’s father served as a Green Beret Medic in the war and raised his
sons with strong principles and family values. The Servitude Mentality
was their core foundation. While his stepmother was no-nonsense


Don’t give credit to negative

What it really takes to win

Raised by Step Mom, was really strict. Sam would get beatings with

Dad was a chemist going to pharmacy school

Step mom worked at NASA?

He has an older half brother and a younger half brother

Dad was a Green Beret medic in the war

Dad never got mad. Avoid a ght at all cost

Bob at 10 o’clock

Bring it to get it

From: Gross to Green

His dad invented Afro Magic

His dad owned 3 pharmacies in the 60’s

He lived with his dad and step mom after his mom died

Sam’s father died in 2008

Sam’s step-mom died in 2018

A servitude mentality is very important

Sam made 28k a year working at a restaurant. He would hire his
friends in high school.

His dad was stationed at Travis Clark

Sam had to babysit his little brother

Sam played football, linebacker (played the whole game) in the 6
grade. His friends thought he was was going to the Super Bowl

From Gross to Green TV Series
Season 1 (12 Episodes)


From Gross to Green: The Sam Gross Story
Notes: Film Crew and talent will selected from Dallas,Texas


Phone: 404.993.1776 Phone:

Email: zencathydance@g Email: Cathy Dance
Execu ve Demmaarili.ocoJomnes Producer:

CProeaduvcer: Sam Gross Other:

DDiirreeccttoorr:: Cathy Dance

Producer: Cathy Dance and

Writer: SamDeGmrosasraiondJCoantehys Build / Strike Hou
Editor: Prelight DDaayyss:: Horsu:
Dance Horsu:
Post production Crew
Job Name: From Gross to Green: Studio Days:
the Sam Gross Story Loca on Days:

Job Number:

Shoo n Digital 4k Delivery
g Format: Full
Shoo n 3 Days 2nd and 3rd
g Dates: week in Nov 2022 Post Dates: 8
days 3rd-4th

SPUreM-PMroA&RYProduc on $1,500
LLaobcaorons & Travel $1,500
Make Up & Wardrobe $500
Studio | Loctaion Rental & $0.00
AExrpt eDnespeasrtment Expenses $3,800
Equipment/ Crew Costs



Talent Labor $500
Talent Expenses $1,200
Post Produc on Labor
Editorial | Finishing | Post
Produc on

Other $0.00
Insurance SUBTOTAL $12,000
SALES TAX 8% $960
TOTAL $12,960

*This budget is preliminary and can be altered altered
accordingly. (Scaled up or down)


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