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Published by ploypilai, 2022-07-06 06:53:24

WorkSafe : Code of Conduct 2022 (English Version)





(English Version)

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

CODE OF CONDUCT .................................................................................................................................. 3

Section 1: What is a Code of Business Conduct? ............................................................................. 3
Our Values ............................................................................................................................................ 3
To whom does the Code of Business Conduct apply? ......................................................................... 4

Key Messages ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Anyone’s found in breach of this Code may face disciplinary action. ................................................. 5

Section 2: Integrity in our business Fraud, Deception and Dishonesty .......................................... 6
Any fraud or dishonesty, however small, could harm our reputation ................................................ 6

Fraud Reporting, Anti-bribery and corruption ................................................................................. 7
Gifts and hospitality ............................................................................................................................. 8

Gifts, Entertainment & Financial Inducements ................................................................................ 9
Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................................ 10
Conflicts of Interest ........................................................................................................................ 11

Competition Law ............................................................................................................................ 12
Integrity on the part of our agents and others acting on our behalf................................................. 13

Section 3: Respecting our working relationships and the environment in which we operate .... 14
Equal opportunity and diversity......................................................................................................... 14
Diversity ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Working with Respect, Social Media ............................................................................................. 16
Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................... 17

Environmental ................................................................................................................................ 18
Community Support ....................................................................................................................... 18

Section 4: Integrity in the workplace Use of company property and resources .......................... 19
We will protect WorkSafe property and resources ........................................................................... 19

Use of company computers and information technology ................................................................. 19
Company Information Systems Usage, Email, SMS & Instant Messaging Usage, Information
Security, Internet Usage, social media, Software Usage ............................................................... 20
Confidential information .................................................................................................................... 21

Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................ 22
Fraud Reporting Limits of Authority .............................................................................................. 23

Privacy ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Media ............................................................................................................................................. 25

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954


Section 1: What is a Code of Business Conduct?
The purpose of our Code of Business Conduct is to:
• Set out clearly the behavior we expect from everyone
• Provide guidance to ensure we act in accordance with the law and with our values at all times
• Enable you to raise a concern or ask a question if you are in any doubt.

The Code cannot address every situation you may face. If you are unsure then ask yourself these
• Is it legal?
• Does it comply with our Code of Business Conduct?
• Am I setting a good example?
• Is it the right thing to do?
• Would I be comfortable reading about it in the media?

If you still have doubt, you should seek advice from one of the following:
• Your immediate manager
• Your business unit manager
• Your Human Resources Manager

Our Values
Safety first in all we do, both within the company and for our customers.

Ambitious and disciplined in pursuit of the highest standards of quality, efficiency and service.

Striving for new and better ways of serving our customers and encouraging creativity and flexibility in
our team.

Open, honest, respectful and authentic in all our dealings, here for the long term.

Working with partners and stakeholders as well as across the business where we believe that sharing
best practices is a key lever for performance.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

To whom does the Code of Business Conduct apply?
The Code of Business Conduct applies to all of us and the third parties we deal with.

 This Code applies to everyone in WorkSafe. All of us, wherever we work, must behave ethically
in dealing with fellow employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, stakeholders and
competitors, wherever they are located.

 WorkSafe is also committed to working with third parties, including customers, sub-
contractors, distributors and suppliers, whose business ethics and behavior are consistent with
our own Code of Business Conduct.

 We must follow the guidance given in the Code of Business Conduct and the WorkSafe policies
in the way we work. We must also make sure we have business relationships only with third
parties who apply similar standards. If we believe that they do not have those same high
standards, we must either stop working with them or consult our immediate manager for
advice, depending on the circumstances.

Key Messages
Sometimes you know it’s the right thing to do and sometimes there is an element of doubt. Just
remember the following key messages:

• Whenever you are unsure then ask yourself – Is it legal? Does it comply with the Code of
Business Conduct?
• The Code applies not only to employees but to third parties with whom we do business
– e.g., sub-contractors, suppliers and distributors.
• Our dealings are always conducted honestly.
• We do not ever offer, pay, solicit or accept bribes. Bribes and excessive entertainment are
illegal no matter what the local custom may be.
• Facilitation payments are the same as bribes – we do not make them.
• We do not ask agents or other intermediaries to do something which is not consistent with the
• We want a working environment where all employees feel respected.
• Health and safety are critical to us all.
• We respect and support the communities in which we operate.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Anyone’s found in breach of this Code may face disciplinary action.
How to raise a concern or ask a question
Reporting unethical behavior: If you believe you have experienced or witnessed unethical behavior you
have a responsibility to do something about it.
You should start by addressing it with your manager. If that is not appropriate, you can contact your
Human Resources Manager.

Do I have to give my name?
If you wish to make an anonymous call you may do so. However, it may make it difficult to investigate
your concern if we need to talk to you again. If you do give your contact details this information may
be recorded in a database. You have the right to access any of your personal information that is kept
or processed by WorkSafe.

Do I have to be absolutely sure that there is a problem?
No. If you have a real and honest concern that the law or our standards are being, or have been,
breached then you should report it. If it turns out that your concerns, reported in good faith, were
unfounded or mistaken, you will not be penalized in any way.

How can I be sure I won’t be penalized?
WorkSafe is fully committed to maintaining the independence, impartiality and confidentiality of the
reporting process. Anyone who tries to undermine that commitment can expect to be disciplined. In
addition, you may have protection under the laws of the country in which you work.

Who in WorkSafe will know about my call or email?
Your details will be known only to those people specifically involved in investigating your concerns and
to the case management team to which the investigators report.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Section 2: Integrity in our business Fraud, Deception and

Any fraud or dishonesty, however small, could harm our reputation
• We do not defraud anyone or act dishonestly and we do our best to protect WorkSafe from
fraud at all times.
• We do not gain any advantage for ourselves, others or WorkSafe by acting fraudulently or
deceiving others, and we are alert to the possibility of fraud or dishonesty in our day-to-day
• Fraud can mean a number of things, but typically means deceiving others or acting dishonestly
to get some advantage. Fraud is usually carried out for profit or to obtain money, goods or
services wrongfully. It is against the law and could result in criminal charges.

• Make false expenses claims, or claim for any expenses that were not incurred for company
• Approve someone else’s expenses or charge them to a customer if you believe they are false
claims or are expenses not related to WorkSafe business.
• Ignore things that you think might involve fraud or deception.
• Use WorkSafe’s money or resources for something improper or not connected to our business.

• Act honestly, fairly and openly.
• Make sure that the company’s books and records you deal
• with are accurate, truthful and complete.
• Make sure that other documents, such as customer invoices, are accurate, complete and
comply with contract terms.
• Check anything that does not look or feel right.

Question: I entertained a customer and his wife to dinner but also invited a friend and his wife
charging the whole cost to customer entertainment. Is this allowed?
Answer: No. It is fraudulent to submit an expense claim when it is not wholly for business

Question: A colleague spent most of the afternoon out of the office on personal business but still
charged the time to a customer job number on his timesheet. He said that it was okay
because he frequently does extra work on jobs which he does not charge on his
timesheet. Is this allowed?
Answer: No. Timesheets form the basis of the costs we charge the customer so it is vital that all
timesheets give a true and accurate representation of the time spent working on that
job. Your colleague has potentially committed a timesheet fraud and the issue must
be raised with him and his manager.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา

จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Which policies provide more information?

Fraud Reporting, Anti-bribery and corruption
Bribery or corruption could damage our business and our reputation – we don’t do it
• WorkSafe prohibits bribery and corruption in all forms, whether direct or indirect.
• We do not offer, pay, solicit or accept bribes in any form, either directly or indirectly.
• We do not participate in any kind of corrupt activity, either directly or through any third party.
• We do not offer, give, demand or accept any undue advantage, whether directly or indirectly:
· To or from a public official to influence official action, or
· To any private sector employee in order to obtain new business or retain existing business,
or to secure any other improper advantage in the conduct of business.

We do not choose business partners who contravene these commitments. We take great care in
selecting the people we work with.

• Pay more than a fair market price for goods and services.
• Take part in any form of corrupt behavior.
• Hide or fail to record properly our activities, or falsify any company records or accounts.

• Ensure that fees paid for services from third parties, including agents, advisors and consultants,
are for legitimate business purposes and are consistent with the service provided.
• Understand and follow all the applicable bribery and corruption laws that apply in the country
where you are doing business.
• Report any attempts to bribe you or to ask for bribes from you and any suspicions of bribery
or corrupt behavior to your manager or relevant business unit manager.

Question: We are awaiting tenders for a substantial contract and one of the vendors has invited
me to an all-expenses paid weekend at a five-star golf resort. Should I accept?
Answer: No. This is unacceptable under these circumstances and you should never allow
yourself to be unduly influenced during any contract negotiations.

Question: A customer has indicated that we will be awarded a contract provided a sub-contract
element is given to his brother-in- law’s company. Is this acceptable?
Answer: No. All business should be carried out ethically and fairly to safeguard our reputation.

Question: We are currently tendering for WorkSafe to supply a number of major projects. We
are approached by the lead project manager who indicates that he will automatically
specify our products for all major projects if we pay him a nominal sum. Is it acceptable
to make this payment?
Answer: No. It is never acceptable to pay a bribe to obtain commercial advantage.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Gifts and hospitality
All gifts or entertainment must be reasonable
• We give or receive gifts or hospitality for business only if they are reasonable. We do not offer
or accept them if they could influence a business decision improperly.
• We give or accept gifts and entertainment that are for business purposes and are not material
or frequent. Items of nominal value may be acceptable, but acceptance of even such low value
items can be improper if done on a frequent or regular basis, particularly if they come from
one or a limited number of sources. Tickets to sporting or other events, lunches, dinners, golf
dates and entertainment may be accepted if modest and appropriate and consistent with local
business customs.
• Bribes and ‘excessive’ entertainment, whether they are provided to or received from public
officials or private individuals, are against the law and against our Code of Business Conduct,
no matter what “local custom” may be. It is acknowledged that giving and receiving gifts and
hospitality is part of the relationship building with third parties but common sense and good
judgement should be used at all times.

• Accept any gifts or hospitality that could affect your judgment or independence, or could be
interpreted in that way.
• Make any gifts or give any hospitality that could affect the judgment or independence of
others, or could be interpreted that way.
• Accept gifts or entertainment during the process of a competitive bid or tender exercise.

Question: A supplier has sent me as a Christmas present a case of expensive champagne.
Should I accept?
Answer: No. The gift should be returned to the supplier with an explanation that to accept it
would be contrary to our Code of Business Conduct

Question: After meeting with a government official to discuss the renewal of our business permit,
he suggests that we visit a luxury goods store on our return trip from the meeting. Is it
acceptable to purchase a gift for the government official at that store?
Answer: No, we should never give gifts which are either excessive or which could improperly
influence a decision related to related to our business.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา

จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Which policies provide more information?

Gifts, Entertainment & Financial Inducements
Facilitation payments
We don’t make facilitation payments, even if ‘everyone else’ does
• We do not make facilitation payments in any country, or allow anyone else to make facilitation
payments on our behalf.
• Facilitation payments are payments of small sums of money to a public official (or other
person) as a way of ensuring that they perform their duty, either more promptly or at all.
• Legitimate fees - There may be legitimate, published fees payable for a faster service from
government, such as a payment to get a visa or a new passport more quickly from a consulate.
These are not facilitation payments and are allowable.
• A facilitation payment is the same as a bribe, whether or not it is considered to be ‘normal
practice’ in the country in which we are operating, and we do not make these payments.
• Where you are being coerced to make a facilitation payment and you fear for your safety then
in these exceptional circumstances you should make the payment. As soon as possible
thereafter you should advise your manager and WorkSafe’s Legal.

• Make payments to any government officials to ‘get things to happen a bit quicker’ unless they
are legitimate, published fees.
• Allow anyone else, either within WorkSafe or a third party, to make those payments to any
government official on our behalf.

• Make it clear to third parties that WorkSafe does not make facilitation payments.
• Talk to your manager or WorkSafe Legal if you are unsure of how to deal with a situation where
a facilitation payment is being requested.
• Talk immediately to your manager if you feel that you may be in danger if you do not make a
facilitation payment.
• Record clearly any legitimate payments to government officials or departments (such as
passport fast track processing fees), where there is a business need and the payment is open
and transparent. Obtain a receipt and make sure the expense is correctly recorded in our
financial records.

Question: We have submitted an application for VAT Certificate registration. Our Admin has
advised that in order to avoid any delay a small payment is required to obtain approval.
We are told that this is common practice. Is it okay to make the payment?
Answer: No, you should not make any payments, or allow anyone else to do so, on our behalf
unless it is a legitimate, published fee.

Question: A local inspector visits one of our training sites to perform a routine training inspection.
While we believe everything is in order, he then refuses to leave the site. One of our
staff indicates that the inspector is waiting to be given a nominal payment. Is it
acceptable to make this payment?
Answer: No, you should not make any payment unless it is a legitimate, published fee.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Conflicts of Interest
Could it put you in an awkward position? Avoid doing it, or seek advice quickly
• We avoid situations where we actually have or could appear to have a conflict between our
own interests and WorkSafe’s best interests.

Conflicts of interest arise if we have personal business commitments, financial interests or other jobs
which do or might conflict with WorkSafe’s business and we find ourselves compromised.

Employment outside WorkSafe
• We may not be employed by another employer if this would not give us enough time to
complete our duties to WorkSafe. In addition, WorkSafe employees should not be employed
or have any personal business commitments (such as directorships or consultancy roles) in any
businesses which are the same as or similar to the businesses operated by WorkSafe or which
do business with WorkSafe.
• Financial interests - We will have no financial interests which might conflict with the interests
of WorkSafe, or could appear to others to conflict, unless we have obtained written approval
beforehand from our manager.
• We are careful not to involve ourselves in anything that could produce a conflict between our
own interests and WorkSafe’s interests.

• Have another job that means you cannot perform your commitment to WorkSafe.
• Have another job or personal commitments in the same sector as a WorkSafe company while
you are contractually bound to WorkSafe.
• Set out to make a personal gain or benefit family/friends from the position you hold within
WorkSafe or any other knowledge or contacts you may have.

• Avoid getting involved in any contracts or business dealings between WorkSafe and a family
member or friend or a business they own. Inform your manager in writing and do not take any
part in the decision-making process.
• Get written approval from your manager to serve as an officer or director of another business.
This will usually be given for service as a director or trustee of a not-for-profit organization,
charity or family company, unless it is a potential supplier, customer or competitor of WorkSafe
in which case you should seek written approval from WorkSafe Legal.
• Take great care with your own personal investments or business interests or those of family
members or friends to ensure that there is no conflict with the interests of WorkSafe its
customers or suppliers.
• Talk to your manager if you believe you see a conflict of interest in our business.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา

จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Question: I have been approached by a friend who wants to supply products to WorkSafe as part
of a tender process. While there is certain information that WorkSafe has made
available to potential suppliers as part of the tender, my friend asks me to provide him
with some additional information and to use my position to influence the selection
process. Is it okay to provide my friend with the additional information or to participate
in the selection process?
Answer: No, you should advise him that he must request any additional information through
the formal tender process. Further, you should ensure that you are not involved in the
selection of your friend as a supplier as it would be a conflict of interest.

Which policies provide more information?

Conflicts of Interest
We only compete fairly in business – it is the only way to act
• We act in a way that ensures open and fair competition and we do not obtain unfair
competitive advantage.
• We make sure that we have knowledge of and respect the relevant competition and anti-trust
laws in the countries in which we are operating. Generally, these laws restrict anti- competitive
market practices such as price fixing, market sharing, etc.
• We are careful not to involve ourselves in anything that could be, or be seen as, anti-

• Assume that something is right just because our competitors are doing it – find out for
• Get involved in any conversations, meetings, document or e- mail exchanges with competitors
that might become or be seen as anti-competitive.
• Do anything that might give the impression that WorkSafe participates in anti-competitive

• Take great care in dealing with competitors: any agreement with them could be anti-
competitive, including agreements that are verbal.
• Make sure that those reporting to you understand the competition/anti-trust laws that are
relevant for them.
• Talk to your manager or WorkSafe Legal if you are unsure whether you might be facing a
competition issue.
• Report any suspicions of anti-competitive behavior to your manager or WorkSafe Legal.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Question: I have been invited to dinner by a friend who works for one of our competitors. There
are a number of contracts which we are both likely to be bidding for. Can I discuss
these with him?
Answer: No. This would be anti-competitive and clearly wrong.

Question: We have a local trade association, which has an annual dinner. On the table will be
some directors from competing companies. One has hinted to me that we should
discuss selling prices and sales margins at the dinner – we are being squeezed by a
couple of large customers. What should I do?
Answer: Make it clear that you will not discuss prices or margins at the dinner or elsewhere. If
the conversation goes in that direction, you should change tables or make your excuses
and leave early. You should also email WorkSafe Legal to advise of that conversation.

Which policies provide more information?

Competition Law
Integrity in dealing with our customers, suppliers and partners
We all must be working to the same high standards
• We will work to ensure that all our stakeholders (that is, third parties such as sub-contractors,
suppliers, trainer and distributors) are operating to the same standards as WorkSafe.
• Relationships with our stakeholders are critical to our success and we will work with all of them
to ensure that they adopt equivalent standards to this Code.

• Select a new sub-contractor, distributor or other partner without investigating how they carry
out their business.
• Ignore behavior that is inconsistent with the conduct set out in this Code.

• Be honest and transparent in your dealings.
• Look to build relationships that will last.
• Treat our stakeholders with respect.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

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Integrity on the part of our agents and others acting on our behalf
We expect all agents to act ethically in dealing with our customers and competitors, and with other
third parties on our behalf
• Agents appointed by WorkSafe must comply with this Code. If agents do not follow this Code
we will not work with them.
• WorkSafe is a company with a great reputation to protect. We will not permit agents appointed
by WorkSafe businesses to risk damage to our good name by engaging in unethical behavior
or corrupt practices.

• Appoint an agent without careful due diligence.
• Allow agents to pay bribes to win work for WorkSafe.

• Have a signed agency agreement in place before the agent carries out any work for us.
• Get acceptable invoices from the agent before paying any commission.
• Make sure you know exactly what the agent is doing on our behalf.
• Satisfy yourself that the agent’s work does not conflict with our ethical standards.
• Tell the agent clearly that bribery and corruption are not tolerated by WorkSafe.
• Terminate agreements with agents who break our rules.

Question: Our agent says he can get me a copy of a competitor’s bid so that I can make sure I
beat the competitor’s price.
Answer: This is not tolerated – not only is it dishonest but it infringes rules regarding anti-
competitive practices.

Question: Our agent has asked me to add some extra commission so he can pay another person
to help with our bid.
Answer: If the agent has legitimate business expenses, which WorkSafe has agreed to
reimburse, these need to be documented and will be audited in accordance with our
normal finance rules. If the agent is proposing to pay another party to do work you
need to know exactly who is being paid, how much and for what purpose. If the person
is connected with the customer in any way, or the amount seems excessive, the
payment is prohibited.

Question: I have heard rumors from customers or competitors that our agent is behaving
Answer: If you have any suspicion about the way the agent does business you need to
investigate the facts immediately and report the details to WorkSafe Legal as soon as
possible. It is better to lose a bid and keep our reputation than win the job and get a
bad name.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

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จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Section 3: Respecting our working relationships and the environment
in which we operate

Equal opportunity and diversity
We believe in employing and promoting people only on merit, and we welcome diversity
• We treat everyone fairly and equally and we value diversity.

Fair employment
• No decision will be taken or influenced by any factors that do not have a direct bearing on the
ability of the individual to perform the job.

• We value differences and believe that diversity of people, backgrounds, skills and experience
makes a team stronger and more effective.
• We are committed to recruiting and promoting our employees fairly and without
discrimination. We will build and maintain a culture that encourages fairness, respect and
equal opportunity for everyone.

• Promote employees other than on merit and based on work performance and potential.

• Hire the best person for the role.
• Give people opportunities on an equal basis.
• Respect the employment laws in the country in which you operate.
• Act and support others to maintain a work environment where all are respected and which is
free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.

บรษัท เวรค เซฟ เทรนน่ง แอนด์ มีเดย เซ็นเตอร จํากัด

26/24 หมู่ 3 ชั้น 2 ยู 05 ตําบลลาดสวาย อําเภอลําลูกกา
จังหวัดปทมธาน 12150 โทร.02-125-7954

Which policies provide more information?

Harassment, bullying and discrimination
We do not tolerate any harassment, bullying or discrimination
• We do not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination against any of our
employees or anyone who works with us.
• Harassment means behavior or actions towards an individual or group that makes them feel
intimidated, humiliated, unwelcome or threatened.
• Bullying means saying or doing something offensive, abusive, intimidating or threatening that
makes another individual feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable and undermines
their self-confidence.
• Discrimination means treating a certain person or group differently, based on factors such as
race, sex, age, religion, caste, color, national origin, disability, veteran status, actual or
perceived sexual orientation, employment status or political affiliation.
• We want a working environment where all employees feel respected. We do not tolerate any
behavior or actions that make those who work for or with us feel inferior, humiliated, upset or

• Tolerate any behavior or action that could be seen as harassment or bullying.
• Discriminate or stand by and accept any discrimination by others.
• Make unsuitable jokes or comments, or spread gossip or rumors, that might humiliate or upset
someone else.
• Send inappropriate emails or other communication to anyone.
• Threaten a colleague with physical violence

• Speak out against harassment, bullying or discrimination.
• Support others who challenge or report this kind of behavior.

Question: A departmental head is looking to recruit a new deputy. Although the advertisement
says nothing about age, he has indicated to me that he is rejecting candidates above a
certain age. I know this is wrong. What should I do?
Answer: Discrimination on the grounds of age is not allowed and in some countries is illegal.
Seek guidance from your Human Resources Manager.

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Which policies provide more information?

Working with Respect, Social Media
Health and safety
We are committed to high standards of health and safety for our employees and those around us
The health and safety of WorkSafe employees and of other individuals are critical to us.

WorkSafe is committed to:
• The prevention of injuries and ill-health to its workforce, contractors and visitors.
• The continual improvement of its systems, culture and performance.
• Meeting or exceeding all legal and other requirements in relation to the health and safety of
its employees and products and sites on which we are working.
To meet these health and safety commitments, WorkSafe companies and employees should adhere to
these safety values:
• My colleagues and my own safety are paramount.
• No task is so important or urgent that it cannot be undertaken safely.
• I will only undertake tasks that I am trained, competent and properly prepared for.
• I will never cut corners nor take shortcuts at the expense of safety.
• I will stop the job if I believe it is unsafe to continue.

• Take a shortcut to get something done quickly if it compromises safety.
• Insist someone performs a task if you or they have any reasonable doubt about the health and
safety aspects.

• Make sure that all members of your team, especially new employees, operate in accordance
with WorkSafe Policies and demonstrate behavior and a pro-active culture consistent with
• Ensure that all incidents, including near misses, are recorded and investigated to prevent
reoccurrence and to maximize learning opportunities.

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Which policies provide more information?

Health and Safety
Respecting the environment
We care about the impact we have on the environment Principle
• We aim to minimize the impact of our operations and our products on the environment.
• WorkSafe is committed to the protection of the environment in all the projects in which we
• Each WorkSafe project will comply with the relevant regulatory requirements applicable to its
• Each WorkSafe business will ensures that it acts as a good citizen in the community in which it
operates and adopts practices aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of its operations.
• Each WorkSafe business is required to continuously improve its environmental performance
and management practices.
• Our global environmental commitment is to minimize our most significant environmental
impacts which are:
 Energy use
 Water use
 Production of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Ignore a potential or actual environmental incident or assume that someone else will report it.

• Respect the environment.
• Focus our improvement efforts on the areas that have the most environmental impact.
• Try to identify opportunities to improve our environmental performance.
• Collaborate with suppliers to address environmental considerations.

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Which policies provide more information?

Respecting communities
We will be ‘good citizens’ in the communities in which we operate
• We respect the communities in which we operate and we strive to make a positive impact by
the responsible running of our operations and by investing in the communities in a way that
benefits both the local community and WorkSafe.
• We believe that any investment in a community should create a meaningful and sustainable
impact on that community. It should be relevant to the local needs but at the same time
aligned with our business and carried out in partnership with local organizations.
• We aim to identify the possibilities for investment through contact with local people and
organizations and in particular we work closely with local non-Government authorities and
community groups.
• We do not make any political donations or contributions as a Group nor do we allow any of
our operating companies to make them. This includes cash and noncash items such as services,
materials, employee time and use of corporate facilities.
WorkSafe companies will be ‘good citizens’ in the communities they are in by:
• Respecting the local environment.
• Setting an example by behaving in a manner consistent with the Code at all times.
• Supporting local communities who need help through charitable contributions and employees
giving of their free time.
Where we have ongoing projects affecting a community, we will keep them informed of progress and
updated at all times.

• Ignore or show lack of respect to local customs or traditions.
• Use company funds or resources for political purposes.
• Participate at all in political activities as a WorkSafe employee.

• Respect the traditions, cultures and laws of the countries and the local communities where we
• Try to employ local people in your business wherever possible.
• Listen to the concerns of the local communities and try to act in a way that deals with their
concerns where you can.

Which policies provide more information?

Community Support

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Section 4: Integrity in the workplace Use of company property and

We will protect WorkSafe property and resources
• We protect all WorkSafe property and resources and take the same care with the assets of our
customers and other third parties.
• Company property and resources means both physical assets and intangible assets. Physical
assets include property, equipment, materials, supplies and cash. Intangible assets mean
company information, intellectual property, value of our brands and employee time and
• We are all responsible for keeping safe and making the best use of the company property and
resources we have access to. We make sure that they are not lost, damaged, misused or
wasted. We do not lend, transfer, sell or give away these assets unless it has been approved.
We do not use them for personal gain. We take the same care of assets and property belonging
to customers and other third parties.

• Use company property and resources for non-work use unless it is allowed by our policies.
• Abuse the expenses system or claim sums not spent on company business.
• Give away trade information to others.

• Make sure physical assets are regularly maintained.
• Use company property and resources only for authorized purposes.
• Ensure company equipment and property are secured or locked when not in use.
• Keep good records of fixed assets and inventory.

Use of company computers and information technology
We use WorkSafe IT systems responsibly – this includes any personal use
• We use WorkSafe IT systems properly and responsibly, making sure that the equipment itself
and the information it contains remains secure. We do not use the IT systems in any way that
might affect their operation or integrity or create a security risk.
• Personal use of WorkSafe IT systems is permitted, if it is reasonable and appropriate. However,
WorkSafe will store and may monitor personal usage of its IT systems.

WorkSafe IT systems are software applications, computer and communications equipment provided
to its staff by WorkSafe. This includes:
• Desktop, laptop and mobile/handheld computer and communication equipment.
• Server computers and network equipment, including internet access.
• Portable storage devices such as memory ‘sticks’, removable hard-drives, CD’s/DVD’s, etc.
• Video and audio communications equipment including desktop and mobile phones, video-
conferencing equipment and personal web-cams.
• Office technology such as printers and scanners.
• Data stored within and communicated by these systems including databases, electronic
documents, e-mails and voicemails.
• All software applications and systems.

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WorkSafe maintains secure and effective IT systems for the businesses to use, based on WorkSafe’s IT
• We all have individual responsibilities for ensuring that we use our IT systems and facilities
appropriately and maintain the security of our systems and the data within it. We must also
remember that emails to external parties have the same effect in law as other forms of written
communication. We will not send emails or other electronic communication which make
representations, contractual commitments or any other form of statement concerning
WorkSafe or one of its businesses unless we are authorized to do so.
• We may not make use of e-mail and the internet for personal purposes if we are accessing or
distributing material which is inappropriate or if we are putting the security of WorkSafe IT
systems or equipment at risk. This personal usage is not private or confidential, and WorkSafe
may monitor e-mail and internet usage to ensure that it complies with WorkSafe policies.

• Misrepresent WorkSafe on-line.
• Make excessive personal use of company telephones or computers.
• Visit inappropriate websites (e.g., sites containing pornographic, violent or racist material)
using company IT facilities.
• Use WorkSafe computer systems to access, create or distribute any material that is offensive
or illegal, or has been obtained illegally.
• Install authorized software on company computers.

• Comply with WorkSafe IT security policies, including the use of passwords, anti-virus software,
regular back-ups, etc.
• Keep WorkSafe IT equipment, especially laptops and any external data storage containing
company information, as secure as possible.
• Remember that WorkSafe may monitor the usage of its computer and communications
systems, so you cannot expect privacy if you use them for personal or non-work use.

Which policies provide more information?

Company Information Systems Usage, Email, SMS & Instant Messaging Usage, Information
Security, Internet Usage, social media, Software Usage

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Confidential information
We keep confidential information secure and limited to those who should know it
We keep confidential information safe in order to protect the interests of WorkSafe.

Confidential information means confidential or trade information belonging to WorkSafe. This
• Financial information, business strategies or plans, business practices, systems and processes,
• Product specifications, pricing policies, sales or marketing information.
• Customer and supplier contracts.
• Employee information.
• Technical information.
• Intellectual property, inventions, innovations, trade secrets.
During the normal course of business, employees may gain possession of information that is
confidential to WorkSafe. We are careful to deal with confidential information in such a way that we
protect WorkSafe’s interest.
We keep confidential information belonging to WorkSafe or to customers or other third parties safe
and only share it on a ‘need to know’ basis. We disclose confidential information to third parties only
if we are authorized to do so and on a confidential basis.

• Discuss confidential information in public where you could be overheard.
• Leave confidential or sensitive information in an insecure or public place.
• Share confidential information from or about a previous employer unless you are permitted to
do so.
• Copy documents or materials containing confidential information unless you are authorized to
do so.

• Make sure that, if you are disclosing confidential information outside WorkSafe, you do so as
part of an established confidential business relationship or with a confidentiality agreement in
• Make sure that customers, suppliers and other third parties protect our confidential
• Ask WorkSafe Legal if you are in doubt.

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Which policies provide more information?

Financial records, controls and reporting
Our financial records must record our business activities accurately
• Our financial records and reports are complete and accurate and we maintain good systems of
internal control.
• We play our part, depending on our role, in making sure that the books, records and financial
information of the WorkSafe companies are complete, truthful and accurate. This might mean
supplying accurate information for sales invoices, ensuring that new employee tax information
is submitted promptly, or making sure that our time sheets or expenses forms are correct.
• We are also responsible for following WorkSafe’s system of financial controls, to ensure the
integrity both of our businesses and its financial records. Examples include following company
procedures for checking and authorizing purchase invoices and counter-signatures on payment
• We all have a responsibility for preventing and looking out for possible fraud. If we have any
reasonable suspicions of actual or potential fraud, we should discuss it with our manager or
another senior person.

• Deliberately record false or misleading information or give wrong financial data to others.
• Conceal or fail to report any business transaction.

• Give accurate information to the Finance function as soon as you can.
• Record and report financial information in line with the laws of the country where you operate.
• Follow WorkSafe’s system of internal financial controls.
• Respect the limits of your authority (e.g. only approve invoices for payment within your
authority limits).
• Look out for possible fraud and report any suspicions to senior management.

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Which policies provide more information?

Fraud Reporting Limits of Authority
Personal information
We keep personal information private
We handle personal information and data appropriately, making sure that we protect individual privacy
and follow the data protection and data privacy laws in the countries in which we operate.

Personal information means data such as names, addresses, dates of birth, national insurance or social
security numbers, job titles or photographs of any persons.

Data protection and data privacy laws mean laws which cover the collection, disposal, use and storage
of personal information.
We think carefully about issues relating to personal information. We understand what the relevant law
is in the country where we operate and comply with that law if we are collecting or holding any
personal information.
We only allow employees with the correct authorization and valid legal or business reasons to access
any personal data. As employees accessing personal information, we use it only for proper business
purposes and we hold the personal data only for the time we need to carry out the specific legal or
business task. We do not transfer personal data to other employees or countries if it is not allowed by
local law.

• Check employee references without getting their consent first.

• Protect personal information, keeping it confidential and secure.
• Get any permission you might need for the use of personal data and record that permission.
• Use personal information in ways that individuals would reasonably expect.
• Take particular care with sensitive personal information, such as medical information.
• Tell your manager if you lose any personal information (e.g., employee details stored on a
laptop or memory stick).
• Contact WorkSafe Legal if you have any doubts or questions.

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Which policies provide more information?

Company communications and disclosures
How we communicate is very important in building trust Principle
We communicate any information about WorkSafe truthfully and carefully, making sure that our
messages are authorized if necessary.
Company communications mean any external messages from anyone in WorkSafe or anyone we
authorize to communicate on our behalf about WorkSafe or its business. This includes media releases,
communications with journalists or other news media, advertisements, trade promotional material
and any other public statements.
Disclosures mean factual statements or forecasts communicated to shareholders, regulators, securities
exchanges, the media or other third parties.
Media means newspapers (national and local), trade press, television, radio, websites and social media
With the exception of normal public relations activities, communications with the national media in
any country should be undertaken only after discussion with the Chief Executive Officer.
We can communicate with technical trade media and with local media on matters of local interest if it
has been authorized by the Chief Executive Officer. However, we must ensure that there is no Group
or wider dimension which could be of interest to national media, and in particular, online electronic
media. You should not speak to stock market analysts, outside researchers, or other third-party firms
about the WorkSafe business, or our industry, even if you think that the topic is not really confidential.
Inquiries from those persons should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer.
We communicate or disclose information about WorkSafe carefully, making sure that it is truthful and
We are careful not to act as spokesperson for WorkSafe without meaning to and without being
authorized. We think carefully about whether we are communicating about WorkSafe in electronic
form, such as external emails, blogs or websites.

• Respond to journalists, the media, regulators, government agencies or other external agencies
without getting permission to do so.
• Write or say anything in public about WorkSafe that is untrue, inaccurate, misleading or could
harm its reputation.
• Do anything to harm WorkSafe’s reputation in social networking sites, blogs, chat-rooms and
other electronic communications.
• Communicate your personal views in a way that they could be interpreted as being WorkSafe’s
• Write things about people that you would not be prepared to say to their faces.

• Make sure that all company communications and disclosures have been authorized by the
correct person in WorkSafe.
• Make sure that the information you communicate is timely, accurate, complete and truthful.
• Remember, as you are communicating, that emails, texts or anything else you write might
appear in newspapers or have to be explained in court.
• Think carefully before forwarding emails either internally or externally. Something written as
a joke between workmates can look very bad printed in the newspapers.
• Take extra care about what you say at meetings or other public events.
• Look out for situations when you could be thought to be speaking on behalf of WorkSafe.

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Which policies provide more information?

Raising a business conduct concern
If you believe you have experienced or witnessed conduct which is contrary to this Code, you have a
responsibility to do something about it.
You should start by addressing it with your manager. If that is not appropriate, you can contact your
Human Resources Manager, your business unit manager.

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