2.1 Review of the
PERSONAL AND concept of
professionalism in
PROFESSIONAL nursing and the elements
of soft skills and its
relationship to personal
DEVELOPMENT and professional
development in nursing
outcome 1. Describe personal development as a nurse
2. Explain the professional development for
nursing profession
1. Personal development as a nurse
• Relate the elements of soft skills and its
Learning relationship to personal and professional
development in nursing profession
outline • Personal development
➢Self awareness and self management
i. Self assessment skills
ii. Personal professional attributes
as a nurse
iii. Barriers in personal professional
• Career management
Learning ➢Definition of career management
outline ➢Contributing factors for career
i. Motivation
ii. Commitment
iii. Continuous education and life-
long learning in nursing
2. Professional development
Learning • Professional responsibility, accountability
and autonomy
outline • Leadership and nursing
• Teaching learning and the nursing
• Mentorship / preceptor ship
• Participation in research activities
• Nursing roles in quality management
3. Advance practice in nursing
• Clinical practice
i. Nurse manager
Learning ii. Clinical nurse specialist
outline iii. Nurse consultant
• Nursing education
i. Nurse educator
ii. Subject specialist
iii. Nursing education management
iv. Nurse researcher
Learning 4. Continuous professional development
outline • Degree
• Specialisation
• Master
• Doctorate
Personal and Professional Development
• Nurses require certain skills for progression
in their field. Identifying these skills can
provide the context for nursing career
• When working in an organization, nurses
usually think about career progression and
promotion after gaining experience and
professional skills.
• Staff promotion motivates them, and helps
them to develop a sense of value.
Personal and Professional Development
• Following advancement, they feel greater commitment and responsibility
toward their jobs; therefore, career advancement is a requirement for
• They need to reach the level of perfection that they are capable of, and
achieving that level depends upon their competence and success.
• In healthcare settings, nurses require a complex range of skills, from
personal to organizational levels, to achieve career advancement
Strategies for Success
The following practices will promote a spirit of inquiry of the nurse for clients, organizations and
• Reflect or think about your own practice.
• Brainstorm with others.
• Share ideas and perspectives.
• Read written and electronic materials.
• Think about, recognize and develop knowledge patterns66 through reflection on experience.
• Observe and ask questions.
• Test out new and old ideas.
• Participate in continuous education strategies for life long learning.
• Engage in mentor and clinical supervision relationships.
• Obtain feedback on your practice from your peers.
Ten Soft Skills Nurses Need:
1. Communication
2. Attitude and confidence
3. Teamwork
4. Networking
5. Critical thinking and creative problem solving
6. Professionalism
7. Empathy
8. Conflict resolution
9. Adaptability
10. Initiative and strong work ethic