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Newsletter of LED KLN presented by LED KLN, University of Kelaniya

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Published by, 2022-03-30 06:27:39

SPLENDID | Volume 02

Newsletter of LED KLN presented by LED KLN, University of Kelaniya

Keywords: LED,LED KLN,UOK,Kelaniya,Interviews,SPLENDID,splendid


VOL 2 | MARCH 2022


Business School

300+ undergraduates stand
out and hunt the excellence
with their virtual participation
for the 5th consecutive time.



70+ innovative thinkers
brainstorming their ideas
competitively to solve a real-
world business problem.



Although there are not enough words

to express our appreciation, we want to

thank the Executive Board of LED KLN

for their immense support provided to

make the second issue of “Splendid” a

reality. Moreover, we extend our heartfelt

gratitude to Dr. Dilani Wickramaarachchi,

the Senior Treasurer of LED KLN for the

Aloka Madhavee constant support and guidance you
Jayasinghe Nimesha provided throughout the year.

We are eternally grateful to the “Splendid”

LED KLN prioritizes the concept of team - the strength behind the wonderful
‘passion’ where it believes that passion newsletter that you are witnessing right
drives youth towards their best versions now, for providing their fullest support and

along with the core values of leadership, commitment by designing the magazine

empowerment, and development. With day and night, continuous proofreading,

five years of glorious history, we LED KLN writing, and collecting articles and for

focused on providing a wider platform for all the hard work you have done so far.

undergraduates to unfold their hidden Moreover, we highly appreciate John Keells

potentials to stand Logistics (Pvt.)

out as unique Ltd. for providing

“professionals in Passion is the Key to their valuable
the corporate
world. Thus, LED

KLN has opened its Personal Growth.” Last but not
doors for hundreds least, the biggest

of undergraduates asset of LED

to identify their KLN, members

passionate career are highly

paths since 2016. appreciated for

their contribution given to the magazine

This is the second chapter of “Splendid” by giving your valuable thoughts, love, and

that reflects our success story, who we are, loyalty showed towards the club. And also,

what we did in the past year, especially we appreciate you all for your enthusiastic

how we managed to work amidst the threat journey in LED KLN.

of COVID 19, how our members improved

themselves in terms of their personal and Stay Tuned with us for more winning stories.

professional development. Moreover, the

relationships we built with the corporate Let’s go ahead and be the witnesses of our

world during the past years, their opinions journey.

regarding the undergraduates, and what

they have stated about our members.




Rochana Fernando Shamika Tissera
Dewduni Jayasumana Hansi Radhakrishnan
Nimesh Dilhan Shashika Subashini
Dharani Wijerathna Dimuthu Chandrasiri
Gayathri Subasinghe Hiruni Dissanayake
Chamani Isurandi Tharaka Madushani
Anuththara Erandi Hiruni Pramudika
Malithi Karunarathne Hashini Perera
Dudulasi Piyumidu Rashmi Pathirana
Anuradhi Sithum Amalka Anjalee
Sachini Somarathna Ashini wanasinghe


Ziyathullah Ismail
Sahan Pushpika
Sasanga Halneththi
Christine Hamit
Tharindu Kumesh
Vidushika Weerasinghe
Chathurni Buddhadasa
Vindhya Vithanage
Erandi Rathnayake
Ravindu Pathirana
Taiba Najimudeen















Dr. Dilani Wickramaarachchi

It gives me great pride and pleasure to The students of the LED club who were
say a few words for the 2nd issue of the with this enormous responsibility, had to
newsletter which is a publication of LED overcome a period of extreme uncertainty
club, University of Kelaniya. The newsletter when they organized Business School,
is the culmination of effort put in by the Ideathon, and now the launch of the
students of the LED club over a period Newsletter. It is a credit to their resilience
of one year. The newsletter and other and resolute focus on achieving the set of
activities including Business School, goals that they have been able to achieve
Ideathon, etc. organized by the club provide their objectives, exceeding the highest
an opportunity to develop students named expectations. I am sure the knowledge
as LED giving the meaning of Leadership- that they obtained by facing these events
Empowerment-Development. It further is very valuable when they look back at this
supports the development of creativity point in their lives.
that leads to molding young personnel
in order to achieve their own success and We at the University of Kelaniya always
betterment of society. strive to push the students to achieve
excellence in whatever tasks or activities
Irrespective of the pandemic, many that they undertake. Excellence is never due
activities were organized entirely by the to luck, but the result of high expectations,
students of the club; from planning the good planning, unbridled effort, skillful
concept, design, visuals, writing articles, execution, and the vision to see obstacles
conducting interviews, editing, managing, as an opportunity.
and financing the entire project. While
exposing them to the real-world challenges The Newsletter is a work of excellence!!
of putting out a publication of this
newsletter on time and meeting budgetary
targets, it provides them the opportunity
to apply concepts learned in the classroom
in a practical setting. It importantly
provides them the opportunity of learning
to work with individuals coming from
diverse social strata, ethnicities, religions,
economic backgrounds, and political
views. The ability to accommodate such
diversity and work for a common goal of
bringing this publication exemplifies what
the university degree program strives for
and what we could learn from this band of
dedicated students as a nation.



LED KLN was established in 2016, in the Mr. M.K Devapriya
University of Kelaniya with the objective Co-founder of LED KLN
of empowering undergraduates. Mr. M K
Devapriya, Co-founder of LED KLN, who As we all know LED KLN holds a different
is a former industrial engineer at MAS objective, therefore we expect our members
with five years of industrial experience, to develop some positive attitudes. I certainly
currently employed at Teejay Lanka as believe our members can achieve their goals
an Assistant Manager for Operations, is a with mutual respect, and self-development
person who has a passion for people and among members, accepting challenges
process capability development. As one of and improving self-motivation, attitude
the founders of LED KLN, Mr. M K Devapriya of developing and empowering others by
joined hands with us to share his thoughts professionalism, but not by charity.
about LED KLN.
Q- Do you like to mention any suggestions
Q- We know that LED KLN is a club that to implement for the betterment of LED
has a different scope when compared KLN future?
with other university clubs. So, what was I would recommend initiating industry
the intention that you had when you diversity-based people development projects
formed LED KLN? and initiating school leavers development
Mr. Harsha and I really wanted to create projects, through which we can lead LED
a place that helps to develop skills, KLN to its next level.
knowledge, experience and culture for
the undergraduates and school leavers Q- Finally, what is the message that you
who are passionate to develop themselves need to give for the members at LED
while empowering others. Therefore, we KLN?
expected cultural change in the university I wish that all enjoy the time with the club
from other clubs and organizations inside and actively be with us to empower your
the Sri Lankan university system and we career. Always do right thing & believe in
ended up with the formation of LED KLN. yourself.

Q- what are the unique functionalities and
traditions that you needed to add for LED
KLN at the initial stage of the formation of
The unique functionalities and traditions
that we needed to add for the club, are
to give everyone an equal opportunity to
develop themselves by empowering others
in a professional platform, the stake held by
corporate brands.

Q-LED KLN is different from other Article by:
organizational bodies which are in the Tharshika Elangovan
university, as you see what attitudes LED
KLN members should have in their mind? Interviewed by:
Pavithra De Silva


Mr. Harsha Karunanayake VOICE OF
Co-founder of LED KLN
The LED club was started to improvise
undergraduates’ soft skills and get
the right exposure of them. Co-founders
of LED KLN are Mr. Harsha Karunanayake
together with Mr. MK Devapriya. Mr. Harsha
Karunanayake joined us to share his
experiences and thoughts about LED KLN .

1. It would be great if we could hear
something about you. So, could you
please give a brief introduction to you?
I studied at Dharmaraja College, Kandy
and then got the opportunity to get into
the University of Kelaniya and obtained
my degree B.Sc. (Hons) in Management
and Information Technology specializing
in Business Systems Engineering. When I
was an undergraduate, I involved in a lot
of extra activities at the University. I was an
active member of Rotaract, AIESEC clubs,
and also doing sports. I captained the
chess team at the University of Kelaniya.
In the corporate sector, my experience
goes about four years. I used to work as a
senior business analyst for nearly about
two years and one year as a merchant and
then currently a senior executive in process
innovation, where mostly I’m involved in
lean practices. I have been working at MAS
holdings, where currently my role doing as
a lean practitioner at MAS bodyline, Horana.

2. Forming a professional development
body within a university is not an easy
task. So, what difficulties that you have
faced during the formation of LED KLN?
Dewapriya and I got this idea to
do something for the university
undergraduates who don’t get exposure
to the professional world of work. The first
thing was to convince the people, especially
our closest good friends. As what we were
going to do was not an easy task we had
to convince people of its importance. We
were speaking to a lot of parties to make

this happen. We were able to collect and help to find their passionate careers.
some undergraduates from the different The next objective was to inspire the
faculties in the university. We wanted to undergraduates who are not confident
get at least one representative from each well and get out them from their comfort
faculty. So initially we had a small crew zone. And also at the initiation, we had one
including myself, Dewa, Anuhas, Ravindu, dream where to host a career fair at BMICH
and Dulan. Later Wathsala, Ishani joined. for all universities. So, that were our future
The next challenge we had to face was goals at the beginning.
formalizing the work. We wanted this club
to be very well documented. We presented 4. Who was with you when you first
our idea to different people. Most of them implement this idea and how did they
supported and a few of them looked from contribute to LED KLN? Let’s remind
different perspectives. I can remember we about them who became the reason for
went to fix posters around the university creating this platform.
to get awareness. So after establishing the At the very beginning we had very few
name “LED”, we gave this name that means after me and Dewa the next battalion
Leadership Empowerment Development. was Anuhas, Dulan, Ravindu, Samith, and
When we were doing our promotion also Sapumal. And then I spoke to a few friends
we faced lots of difficulties. But ultimately, from the University of Moratuwa. As a
we were able to manage them. The next result of it, Niranga Pathirana and Rahal
issue was the getting funds to run the club Indrachapa joined us. So we were the few
operations. Because we were really new and people who are going out and planning the
young. So as a result of that it was difficult stuff. Next we needed people from other
to get funds. We went to Millenium IT, with departments also. Therefore as a result of
the help of the University of Moratuwa, it, Wathsala, Chiranthi, Malindu, Dasun,
and got them as the platinum sponsor and Ishani, and Achela joined us. These were
then Demo and Attune. They were very the people who were the first believers,
supportive. Amidst all these challenges without seeing anything. Moreover, I must
we worked as a team and were able to get mention Ushan, who created the logo of the
through those, club. And also Ushan and Navod made the
web of LED. At that time, there were a lot
3. At the beginning of this journey, you of people who contributed. Among them,
may have a future vision of LED. So, could these are the people who were at the very
you please explain what was in your beginning. Moreover, I should mention
plans through LED KLN back in time? the other pillars, especially Ms. Shanika
There were a lot of clubs and we worked Wijenayaka, Dr. Upamali Amarakoon, and
in those clubs as well. They are functioning Dr.Thashika Rupasinghe. They believed
well, but there was one problem especially and motivated us to achieve our goal
when we consider the undergraduates in and they always provided their valuable
Social Sciences and Humanities faculties, guidance for us. When we were forming
the rate of jobs they are getting was our club, we wanted all representatives
really low after their graduation. So we from the whole university and at the same
wanted to be a club that addresses the time, we wanted the lecturers from every
people who were struggling with soft skill
developments, professional developments


department as well, Since we really hard to sustain, and maintain the phase and
contacted these people then we improve day by day. Because when there are the
can reach different departments founders and initiators, they can retain the frame.
in the university. Ms. Shanika When the club grows, new people will join but the
helped us to reach the corporate culture, objectives of the club, and the mindset
sector where we should start and should be retained, so that is where we always
that’s the time we met Mr. Mass worried. But today we can see the club is getting
Savanghan who is with the club matured. It is expanding their vision. Therefore, I
from day one. Since that, Mr. am so happy about the growth, and it is sustainable
Mass Savanghan deserves a lot growth, rather than hype. It’s growing and steady
of credit as well.The reason is we momentum. So I believe “LED” would be, prevailing
got few opportunities because in the next few years.
of him. So, he is a great pillar,
the great success of the “LED”. 6. Finally, do you like to mention any suggestions
And then I have to mention my to implement for the betterment of LED KLN
good friend Dharshatha who was future, and what is the message that you need to
not directly in the “LED”, but he give to members at LED KLN?
was the person who always give I think now the time is over for us to give the initially
valuable advice and the person because now people are doing the required stuff on
who developed our vision and a day-to-day basis. I would say make it sustain, make
mission. Additionally, Chamikara the things flow the way they are. So I would feel this
Jayakodi was one of the pillars should have a better future and this should be the
who encourage us to do unique best club. At the same time I want to see this club,
things. That is where we focused because we tried at the University of Moratuwa and
on entrepreneurship and the University of Wayamba. This is a good time to
professionalism. These are the expand the club. Moreover, I would like to see the
people who come to my mind, “LED” in the global footprint in one day. Then I would
and there is a list of lot of people be really grateful to see it. So the final message that
that, I couldn’t mention, but I want to give to the members is like “we created
these are the special people who this club, not for the people to come and just go,
trusted us rather than seeing let’s make this club open for everyone, where they
anything. And I should thank can unleash their potential. So let’s make this club
them as well for their valuable the second home for everyone to unleash their
contribution. happiness. So it could be in
a professional way to be a
5. As founders/ co-founders at part of the corporate sector
LED KLN, you’d love to see the or it will be an entrepreneur.
growth of LED KLN year by year. So let’s support them. ”.
So how do you feel about the
growth of LED KLN so far? Article by:
To be honest, when we started Dimuthu Chandrasiri
this club we had to face a lot of
criticism. So that is the time we Interviewed by:
determine to make the club Pavithra De Silva
sustainable. It’s really easy for
anything to be started. But it is


Message from the President 20/21...

How does it feel when someone finds
a place to work for passion, to be
supported for goals? LED KLN became
that place for me when I joined it in 2018.
Since then, till the end of the year 2020, I
enjoyed a three-year-long journey full of
opportunities, challenges, and learnings.
Looking at the broader picture, Sri Lanka’s
system of education has been designed
focusing on the academic development
of the students which leads to a mismatch
between the skill levels of graduates and
the expectations of their employers towards
graduates. A proper supply of skilled, employable
graduates is essential for national, economic, and social
wellbeing whereas the failure to imbue young people with employability skills has
far-reaching negative consequences to a developing country. LED KLN focuses on
this macro-level problem and does its best to improve communication, interpersonal,
teamwork, problem-solving, research and analytical, technology, planning, and
organizing skills of undergraduates.

Most interestingly, LED KLN doesn’t narrow down the “career” to a white-collar job,
rather helps the undergraduates realize their passion and aspirations to convert them
to chunks of SMART goals. Then it weaves a roadmap for each individual to achieve
them and to strive for excellence. Sticking true to its purpose, LED KLN designs various
programs and means to approach industry professionals and builds up a path for
undergraduates to connect with them. That’s how, at the end of my 4 years at the
university, it felt like I have completed a professional qualification along with my B.Sc.
in Management and Information Technology academic qualification. LED KLN also
assisted me in my internship and career placement by becoming a strong platform
to connect with industry professionals. I have realized how experiences at LED KLN
came in handy when solving complex problems, facing conflicts among various
dimensions within the professional life itself, and also between the personal life
because I have “Worked before Work”.

My LED KLN journey came to a halt when I passed out from the University,
but the skills I developed, the amount of empowerment I received, the life-long
lessons will always help me to inspire others, to explore the world, to become
better day by day both professionally and personally.

Nayomi Thalagahage




After completing 13 years at school, I events, chit-chats, all these were limited
entered the University of Kelaniya as to the online presence. Though it was
a science undergraduate with very little easy to operate virtually, that was also the
knowledge of the world. After spending most significant challenge. Unlike having
the first year at the university as a fresher, physical interactions, which helped us to
I made one of the best decisions in my life understand each other, this online setting
by joining the LED club of the University of made us see each other through a screen
Kelaniya without having the slightest idea and assume what they were going through.
of what to do or who to be. I was nurtured But amidst all these, we successfully
under the shadows of the great pillars at concluded another productive year.
LED, learned the art of influencing people,
and after three years, here I am, giving the From the start of this year, our focus was
President’s message. to develop a flow of activities that would
benefit our members. We led a solid
The year 2021/2022 was the second foundation to groom undergraduates
consecutive year where we worked in a from scratch and planned the rest of the
virtual space. Sessions, meetings, flagship work based on that. The motive was to
present our members as the best pick for
the corporate world. We identified their
actual needs, areas of improvement, and
niche areas to make them stand out. After
the initial identification phase, next was the
operationalization of the ideas, which was
done so that our members could crush the
boundaries they have set for themselves,
identify their hidden skills, and search out
and embrace challenging opportunities.
At the end of the year, I was happy to
announce that we have successfully
achieved our objectives at a level we never

The challenges that came throughout this
year were not something I could not keep
unspoken. From start to finish, it was a


rollercoaster ride. Dealing with a member The commitment made by members LAHIRU VIMUKTHI
base of 300+ automatically triggered of LED KLN towards the club is the most
crucial instances, which made us to noticeable. LED KLN is famous as a place
have second looks at how we see things. where anyone can start their journey
Running an event pipeline within a short towards excellence from scratch. It is
period itself brought enough challenges, mesmerizing to see how the senior LED
which made our members run far out members guide junior members to stretch
from their comfort zones. Amidst all these, their comfort zone boundaries,
the biggest challenge was maintaining take up the challenges, and show
the members’ motive and interest in club juniors the path they undertook
activities throughout the year. At the end as seniors to become who they are
of the term, I was happy to say that not as a today. All those were done without
team but as a family, LED KLN successfully being said. Under the shadow of
mitigated all the challenges and stood as the senior LED members, juniors
one of the most organized and most robust took up the challenges, and we
student bodies. saw no quitting after that.

One of the strongest pillars behind all the Overall, this year will be one of
success was Dr. Dilani Wickramaarachchi, the best years for LED KLN. When
the Senior Treasurer of LED KLN. Being looking back, what I see is a family
responsible for all the club activities, she of 300 who stood up with each
gave the freedom for us to engage freely other, who made the impossible
even in risky situations while backing us happen, and who grew together
whenever needed. We were not hesitant to to become the best versions of
go that extra mile as we knew she was with themselves. We have proven
us all the time. When challenges arose, she that LED KLN is not just a club
mediated all the parties, pointed out the but a family with tactical brains,
things that needed to be corrected, and beautiful hearts, and loving souls.
showed the pathway we should go along.
We are truly honoured to have a person Long live the LED!
like her as a mentor for LED KLN.

None of this would have been done without
my fellow Executive Board members. Being
a family through thick and thin, holding to
each other no matter what, and attending
the work even if it’s not relatable for them,
all these commitments made LED KLN
become what it is today. The sacrifices of
all my fellow Executive Board members
have made cannot be expressed with
these words of mine. The support given
by the Alumni of LED KLN throughout
this journey was immense. Their inputs,
presences, and guidance made a smooth
and uninterrupted workflow.



LED KLN is a wider platform for in youth successfully.LED’s primary
undergraduates to become the best goal is to transform undergraduates
version of themselves by developing into professionals while developing

their leadership potential along with leadership qualities through experiential

professionalism through multiple learning. This is not only an indispensable

leadership roles, corporate exposure, platform to embrace professionalism but

and volunteer it is also a significant

opportunities. 2021 is a “ LED KLN not only grooms space where
key milestone for LED professionalism but
KLN as we continue undergraduates get

an opportunity to

a legacy spanning 5 also fabricates strong network with different
individuals with “heart,
years of empowering mindsets, attitudes,
mind, and soul “
youth leadership and cultures while

and professionalism building life-

with the themes long connections.

of leadership,

empowerment, and development. Highlights of 2021

LED aims to bridge the gap between

undergraduates and the corporate world With the emergence of the COVID-19

in order to provide industrial exposure pandemic, LED KLN had to conduct

for scholars. It is an independent, non- almost all the sessions entirely on a

political and non-profitable organization virtual platform amidst a number of

run by students, marks 5 years with its challenges. Nevertheless, this time also

glory.When tracing back to its glorious LED KLN year plan was enriched with

history, the LED club of the University numerous, insightful events to benef it

of Kelaniya was initially established in undergraduates with both personal

the year of 2016. This association was and professional competencies.

formed by a group of undergraduates for

youth with the purpose of empowering

youth for their excellence. Later, LED

KLN collaborated with the University of Article by:
Moratuwa, the University of Rajarata, Yasasi Perera
and the University of Wayamba and

currently, it is only running in University

of Kelaniya. Today, LED KLN has grown

to address a wider scope of issues


Empowered youth striving for Transform undergraduates into
excellence professionals











Amalka Anjula Apsara Ashani Ashini
Anjali Gimhani Weerasooriya Fernando Jayakody

Darshani Dharani Dilini Dinali Dinesha
Shiwanthi Wijerathna Abeywardane Priyanjana Perera

Hansani Hansi Himesha Hiruni Hiruni
Amamadhu Radhakrisnan Randil Udara Pramudika

Dimuthu Nethmini Nethyanji Nimesh Nishchitha
Chandrasiri Devyanjalee Premananda Dilhan Pathirana

Sahani Sajani Sajini Samali Sandeepa
Perera Hansagee Disanayake
Irugalbandara Samarasinghe

Semini Taiba Tharaka Tharindu Tharushi
Pathirana Najimudeen Jayasundara Kumesh Wimalaguna

Githmi Ziyathullah Sahan
Withanawasam Ismail Pushpika


Ashini Bhagya Chamani Chamathka Chathushkee Christine
Wanasinghe Jayathilake Isurandi Thimbiripola Amuwatta Iresha

Dinusha Dulan Erandi Erandi Fathima Gayathri
Sandakalum Maheshitha Kavindya Rathnayake Afsa Subasinghe

Ishini Kavini Kuhanya Madusha Maleesha Malshi
Wijesinghe Jayaweera Sivasangari Bandara Lakshani Jayasinghe

Nithya Piyumali Rasangi Rashini Rashmi Rochana
Thilini Pathirana Gamage Adikari Pathirana Fernando

Sandun Sanduni Sasanga Sashini Shaf ra Shamindri
Niranjana Hansika Helneththi Wanigasekara Iqbal Kasthuriarachchi

Theruni Timoshi Ushani Vidushika Venuri Vindhya
Kavindya Anjalee Bhagya Weerasinghe Bandara Vithanage

Fathima Vishmi Yamika
Rizviya Ranasinghe Perera


LED KLN Article by:
Uthpala Hewagamage



LED KLN is a non-profit organization to our previous years in that aspect. We
that bears the aim of bridging the were able to add two successful flagship
gap between undergraduates and the events to the LED KLN history, sponsored
corporate world. Building connections with by several giants in the corporate world.
the corporate world is a milestone that we Inquisitive Minds 2021 and Business
find on that journey towards our prime School 2022 were the flagship events
goal. The term 2021/2022 was a successor proudly presented by LED KLN.


in the business of providing

third party contract logistics

solutions, catering to

multiple industry verticals,

with several state-of-the-

art logistics centers located

National Development within close proximities to

Bank is a pioneer in the major highways, industrial

private banking industry parks, city centers, and

that strives to be the catalyst ports; complemented

in the financial services with a multi-configured Good PR is a digital PR
Agency that combines
industrybycreatingsuperior transportation fleet. JKLL local insights and the latest
international practices to
shareholder value and sponsored both events as deliver class-leading PR
in Sri Lanka. They offer
contributing to the national our “Official Gold Partner” a comprehensive range
of services that allow
development through and fueled our events organizations to reach
their target audiences
the empowerment of with mentors, a judging through myriad channels
while delivering a message
individuals with innovative panel, and resource people that is consistent and
compelling. Joining hands
financial solutions delivered for knowledge sharing with us under the title of
“Official Media Partner” at
by an inspired and sessions which indeed Inquisitive Minds 2021, Good
PR proved itself to really be
dedicated team committed helped to drive our events what it claims by providing
the support to reach out to
to excellence. in a successful direction. a greater crowd.

Joining hands with this

institution as our “Official

Platinum Partner” for

the two flagship events

strengthened the

foundation of its success. is the

Providing us with mentors website of the CeylonToday
and a judging panel for
Inquisitive Minds 2021, a newspaper which
valuable resource person
for a knowledge sharing catapulted into the national
session conducted on the
theme entrepreneurship at print media industry of
the Business School 2022,
a major role was played by Sri Lanka on 18 November
our platinum sponsor NDB
in driving these events 2011, with full-fledged
towards success.
Sunday Editions as well

as six dailies, the first-ever is the online

English newspaper to do calendar for Hackathons

so. Within a short span of happening in Sri Lanka.

six years, it has grabbed the It focuses on connecting

attention of the country’s participants with many

political, business, and relevant hackathons

social leadership, for their happening in Sri Lanka

innovative coverage as while providing a digital

well as ground-breaking inf rastructure for hackathon

marketing strategies. This organizers in the national

organization collaborated context.

with us under the title of joined hands with us as

“Official Printed Media our “Official Digital Media

Partner” at the Inquisitive Partner” for the Inquisitive

John Keells Logistics, a Minds 2021 and provided Minds 2021 and helped us
fully owned subsidiary of
John Keells Holdings PLC, is their support to get a good to reach out to a greater

outreach for the event. audience.


Attune is a rising company, So, it is very evident that the

a reputed professional term 2021/2022 was in fact a

services firm, focused splendid and successful year

exclusively on SAP and for LED blood with regards

serving customers with to the collaborations that

specialized skills in we have built with multiple

Consumer Industries, prestigious corporate

Enterprise Asset brands even at the time

Management, and Human of a harsh condition that

Cake Nation LK is a cake Capital Management. This prevailed within the world
producer which provides
designer structures, cakes, collaboration is not brand due to Covid-19. We are
and cupcakes for weddings
and special occasions. This new as Attune was our proud to acknowledge
wonderful organization
gave us their delicious Official Platinum Partner at the fact that LED KLN has
support by being the
“Official Gift Partner” at the Business School 2021. accomplished its mission
the Inquisitive Minds 2021.
The tokens of appreciation They strengthened the of industrial exposure in
for the mentors and judges
were sponsored by Cake bond with us by partnering this term too, and it will
Nation LK and we are
extremely grateful to them for the second consecutive keep burgeoning for the
for that.
year at the same event, and benefit of generations of

their contribution for the undergraduates to come.

mock interviews this time

also is highly valued.

Hayleys Ideal Finance Limited “Great collaborations
is a Registered Finance with the corporate
Hayleys is the largest Company coming under the have laid a solid
listed business and most aegis of the Central Bank of foundation for the
diversified conglomerate Sri Lanka and was mooted main motive of LED”
in Sri Lanka, with interests through the pragmatic
that span across 16 business coming together of two
sectors and a global visionary companies. This
footprint reaching across fresh collaboration enriched
to business strongholds our mock interviews at the
in 5 continents and over Business School 2022 and
86 countries across the it will be highly cherished.
globe. This prestigious We look forward to working
organization collaborated with IFL in the future as well.
with us by providing an
interview panel at the mock
interviews of Business
School 2022.


TAKE ASTEP mentioned phases focused
TOLEAD on the betterment of LED
KLN membership in various
AND BE ASTAR ways. The main objective of
these events was to provide
LED KLN is a student-run club provides its members opportunities for members
club at the University of with a tremendous number to learn, form a career-
Kelaniya that operates to of opportunities for their oriented mind, and design
bridge the gap between improvement. the required professional
undergraduates and the background.
corporate world. LED KLN The annual plan was based
has been able to organize on the Step Series consisting The first phase of the Step
numerous events since its of a string of events, which series was designed to
inception in 2016. The term comprise three phases Step, explore the potential of the
2021/2022 is no different, the Lead, and Star. Each of the individuals through several
programs. Members were
allowed to discover the
potential that is hidden
inside them as well as
opportunities to improve
themselves. It also helped
them to explore their
interests related to the
corporate sector.

In the Step series, seven
sessions were organized
altogether. The first three
were focused on personal


development while the later

four sessions were focused

on skill development

respective to the four

avenues of the club, namely

Branding and Marketing,

Business Development,


Development, and Human

Resources. The next phase

was the Lead series which

was based on developing

leadership qualities

through teamwork and

critical thinking. In there,

the members are expected

to be motivated to explore

the possibilities in the

corporate world and feasible

opportunities available


The ideal platform to

fulfill these necessities

was the Inquisitive Minds

Ideathon competition,

where members were

provided with the business

problem, and they were KLN members along with

directed to find a practical other undergraduates

and creative solution. The with skills required for

event was successful with facing interviews and CV

the collaboration from preparations, ultimately

corporate brands and opportunities f rom

participants from other different companies to find

state universities as well. their dream career.

The last phase is the Star The events were completed Article by:
series, which was to strive by the relevant organizing Haifa Ilyas
towards excellence and to committees with immense
achieve the results their support from other
heart desires. In this phase, members of the club and
members were encouraged under the guidance of
to take action on what they Executive Board members.
had gathered through With the completion of
previous phases. The event, the Step series, another
Business School which triumphant year has been
focused on providing LED marked by the LED KLN.


Career Fair 2022 is the they are stepping into the opportunity to apply
one of major events at for vacancies. Also, we are
the University of Kelaniya the corporate world. Our in the process of arranging
and Career Fair week is interviews virtually for
commencing from 19th of main responsibility was to shortlisted applicants on
March to 26th of March 2022 specific dates and times
Virtually. This time, career connect leading companies between the Career Fair
fair-2022 will be held virtually weeks. There were 13
for the second consecutive under 5 different areas outstanding members of
time due to the prevailing LED KLN in the organizing
safety conditions with the to the Career Fair and committee for industry
pandemic situation. coordination to achieve
open their available job/ this goal and we were
The Career Fair 2022 is able to complete our
organized by the Career internship opportunities responsibilities to the point.
Guidance Unit of the Our team consisted of
University of Kelaniya for our undergraduates in experts in connecting

all the degree programs

of all the faculties of the

University of Kelaniya. Also,

we were responsible for

creating partnerships for

onboarding and having

collaborations with

industries, and adding extra





and the leading persons value to Career Fair 2022. people in the highest level
behind the Career Fair are
the director of the CGU We could be able to have of the industry with their
Professor Dilkushi Wettewe collaborations with 25
and the Chairperson Mr. reputed companies in outstanding skills and
Thilina. Representing the different fields and we
Career Fair team, five have 250+ vacancies for our the potential of our LED
different pillars were divided undergraduates because
among the five main of the extraordinary members was reflected
students’ clubs operating in communication, pitching
the University of Kelaniya. skills, and commitment of with the number of
our industry coordination
LED KLN is responsible for team from LED KLN. So, vacancies, they were able
industry coordination which we made it possible for
is an important opportunity our undergraduates to to bring to Career Fair 2022.
for the undergraduates groom themselves in front
in the club to have close of leading companies in So, the members of our
industry relations before Sri Lanka and gave them
club did their best level to

have a successful outcome

while providing many job

openings for their fellow

undergraduates while

committing their time

and effort. We believe that

this valuable opportunity

helped our skillful members


to enhance their capabilities and steppping LED KLN Industry Coordination Team
out from their comfort zones and opened for Career Fair 2022:
new doors for their personal development Kulesha Rashmini
as well. In addition, Samadhi Wijethunga Sandeepa Samarasinghe
from LED KLN was appointed as the Chief Tharindu Kumesh
Editor of the Career Fair Magazine team Runesha De Silva
2022. Dulan Herath
Madusha Lakshan
Career Fair 2022 will be ended on the 30th Gayathri Subasinghe
of march with the contribution of all five Githmi Withanawasam
pillars and LED KLN is very pleased to be Heshan Wimarsha
a part of the Career Fair of the University Rashini Adhikari
of Kelaniya as it paved the way to have Hansi Radhakrishnan
valuable insights into career opportunities Erandi Yamanage
for our undergraduates. Uthpala Ranasinghe

Article by:
Kulesha Rashmini


LED Article by:
TALKS Rashmi Pathirana




LED TALKS which is conducted where members can get stimulating
by LED KLN twice a month to knowledge related to skills development
enhance the interaction and bond of the that undergraduates need to improve
club members, improve their knowledge before stepping into career life. Many
about professionalism, and reduce the gap resource persons from the industry
between the club and members. Hence and the club are involved with these
LED TALKS has various objectives, including informative sessions. According to the
enhancing members’ leadership qualities session’s theme, organizing committee
and professional skills. The whole LED members and executive board members
TALKS session series were allocated into decide the resource persons and Business
two phases such as the informative session Development Avenue gets the lead when
and the interactive session. The whole resource persons have to be contacted
LED TALKS session series is divided into outside from the club.
two phases, and in these two phases, two
different organizing committees organize The first phase of the LED TALKS series
the LED TALKS sessions. The duration had four informative sessions conducted
of the session is two hours. During the by the Executive Board members and
period, we have completed eight sessions organizing committee members of
successfully. the club. “ Business Communication
Essentials-Presentation Skills and Email
The informative session is a platform Writing, Exploring MS Word & Excel,


Standards of Business Proposal, The Pitch
Desk – Business Proposal “ are the sessions
conducted to give knowledge about
stimulating concepts which helps our
members to succeed in their future career.
“Negotiating with Internal Stakeholders”
was conducted by Mr. Tissa Dissanayaka,
the CEO at Boston Negotiation Group,
and “Attitude of Undergraduates Towards
Volunteering “ was conducted by Mr.
Oshan Gunathilake as the most significant
last two sessions of the first phase of LED
TALKS. As a club, it ensures that these
sessions also help to develop the softs skills
of our club members and influence them
to participate interactively and volunteer
credibility. By now, the second phase
of the LED TALK series has completed
four sessions, “Productive Tools and
Techniques” and “Google Workspace Tips,”
magnificently, “Personal Development
Planning”, “Time Management and Self

Interactive session consists of various activities that help to improve the engagement
of members toward the club work. Mainly the interactive sessions include many fun
activities like games and many affective activities related to the informative session
that was already complete. “Enhancing your learning process online” was the most
excellent interactive session; hence it was conducted by two of our club members who
volunteered to take part in it.

It is delighted to say, those LED TALKS have been able to provide many opportunities
and experiences to all LED members. In the future, LED TALKS will also greatly influence
members toward success by acquiring wonderful momentous in LED KLN journey.






Many companies put a priority
on a candidate’s general
outfit with the company’s culture,
as well as matching a specific
set of abilities to a specific set of
demands. In the long run, they’d
rather invest in a candidate
with the proper attitude and
mentality, even when they
won’t have the whole skills set
required for the job right away.

Starting the term, the LED KLN
institutionalized the year plan
for 2022 with a consciously
designed, systematic process that
strengthens how members of the
LED KLN and undergraduates
all over Sri Lanka obtain, retain,
and apply knowledge, skills,
and attitudes demanded to be
professional in whatever career
path they are learning.

This time, the LED KLN came up
with a framework for developing
the professional output of
undergraduates from the scratch.

LED KLN introduced a 3-phases development
program with the objectives of,

Article by: ◆ Providing undergraduates with the necessary
Tharindu Kumesh marketing, human resource management,
external relations, and organizational development
◆ Providingchancesandtestbedsforundergraduates
to apply what they’ve learned.
◆ Working directly with industry personnel and
aiding undergraduates in developing their
professional careers. Streamlining all 2021/2022 to
introduce the great professional undergraduate for
the cooperative globe.


Aligning with strategically
planned two development
stages namely, STEP SERIES
phase 1 and phase 2. Both stages
were primarily concerned with
equipping our members and
students with the essential
expertise in those areas of
people management, external
connections management, event
management, and marketing. We
recognized these as prospective
areas in which students might
benefit from more experience
and expertise, so we enlisted
the support of the industry.
professionals planned and
conducted several knowledge-
sharing sessions. This included
but was not limited to,

◆ Motivational sessions focusing

on fresh undergraduates as well

as new LED Blood.

◆ Awareness sessions about

e-Portfolios for Personal


◆ Professional sessions for

Human Resources Management

that enhances insights

related to Employee Relations


◆ Sessions on creative strategies

in marketing.

◆ Sessionsonstrategicapproaches

for business development.


Business school 2022 is one of the their industry. The session based on “Know
main event organized by LED KLN your way- IT” was conducted by Mr. Iroshan
for the year 2022. It was organized as a Aberathne who is a Senior Lecturer of the
series of events in three main phases. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Mr.
main objectives of the Business School Hasitha Hewage, the Head of Business
2022 were to support undergraduates to Development, John Keells Logistics
identify their passionate career path, to (Pvt.) Ltd. conducted the session “Know
enlighten them on personal branding, and your way – Management” and the
ultimately provide a series of interviews “Know your way – Entrepreneurship”
held with highly reputed companies in session was conducted by Mr. Nilendra
Sri Lanka. Under the first two phases, Vithanage, the Senior Relationship
there was a series of sessions to share the Manager, Sector Expert- Agriculture,
knowledge in the above-mentioned areas National Development Bank PLC.
and the interviews were held as the final The second phase which was named
phase of the event. Business School 2022 “Present the best in you” consisted of three
was held from 23rd of January to 22nd sessions. The “CV & e-portfolio” session
of February for the 5th consecutive time
with the virtual participation of nearly
300 government and private university
undergraduates under the theme
“Stand out and Hunt your Excellence”.

The sessions of “Entrepreneurship”, “IT
industry”, and “Management industry”
were held during the first phase named,
“Know Your Way”. From this phase, we
could be able to provide insights to the
students through the resource person
on how to identify your passion for the
selected industry, how an undergraduate’s
mindset can be transformed into a
mindset of professional, what the available
subdomains are in the selected industry,
and what qualifications that one should
acquire to be successful and satisfied in


was conducted by Ms. Rishana Nooman, “ THE
the Assistant Manager- Organizational
Development, John Keells Logistics(PVT) STRONGEST
LTD. The session on “Route your career”
was conducted by Ms. Rochelle Vandort, FACTOR FOR SUCCES IS
the Assistant General Manager-Human
Resources, Ideal Finance Limited. Mr. Maas SELF - ESTEEM
Savanghan, the Global Manager-Training
and Development, Attune conducted BELIEVING YOU CAN DO IT
the session “How to face an interview”.
As the final phase of Business School BELIEVING
2022, interviews were held by panels from YOU DESERVE
highly reputed companies in Sri Lanka.
We were able to allow 73 undergraduates ,,IT
to face interviews with the interview
panels from Attune, Heyleys, and Viralpool. BELIEVING YOU WILL
Business School 2022 was successfully
held for offering job opportunities to GET IT.
undergraduates whilst achieving another

Article By:
Sahan Pushpika



MINDS 2021

LED KLN for the second time in its
history organized the Inquisitive Minds
2021 Ideathon to build up a platform for
innovative thinkers to step out to the world
with their creative solutions. The Ideathon
organized by LED KLN is one of its kind as it
enables a group of outstanding individuals
to showcase their organizing skills.
Correspondingly it is an ideal opportunity for
the undergraduates and the school leavers
to pitch their innovative idea to the given
business problem.

Adjusting to the new normal was the major
challenge we faced during the session.
Since we opened the registration for the
undergraduates and school leavers as well,
there were over 70 contestants who got
registered for this year’s Ideathon. Twenty
teams competed with each other to get
selected as the top 10. After carefully picking
the essence of the competitors, Runtime

It is important to acknowledge that this
great milestone of LED history is a collective
effort of a lot of people who joined hand
in hand with us. National Development
Bank as the Platinum partner, John Keells
Logistics as the Gold partner, Ceylon Today
as the official printed media partner, as the official digital partner,
GOODPR as the official media partner, and
Cake Nation LK as the official gift partner
were there with LED KLN throughout the
event warranting the process to be very


warriors won a valuable cash prize as
the winner. Team Achievers as the
runners up and Team Sakura as the second
runners up remarked by a competitive
achievement pitching their innovative
ideas. Team Sparrow was selected as the
most popular team of the Ideathon 2021.
Spectators may see a perfect outcome of
this event with fastidious accomplishments.
Therefore the team who worked behind
the scenes can not go unnoticed. Each
organizing committee in the body of LED
KLN is an ideal place for its members to
step outside of their comfort zones. And
they can improve themselves as individuals.
Especially the digital culture was a result
of the pandemic that challenged the
organizing committee in various situations.
The team spirit and understanding
that developed among the organizing
committee made us finally end this whole
process with a positive note and lots of life

Article by:
Malindi HidellaArachchi



To achieve the challenging cooperative
world, it is not only required to be
intelligent and educated but also to acquire
leadership and soft skills.

So, this time, the Head of Business
Development of John Keells Logistics
(Pvt.) Ltd., Mr.Hasitha Hewage imparted
his knowledge to us.

Q: What is your company’s background, Mr. Hasitha Hewage
and what are the services that you are
offering to Sri Lanka? Head of Business Development, JKLL
John Keells Logistics (Pvt) Ltd, JKLL, a fully
owned subsidiary of John Keells Holdings
PLC. JKH is in the business of providing
third-party contract logistics solutions,
catering to multiple industry verticals,
with several state-of-the-art Distribution
Centers and Fulfillment Centers which are
located within close proximities to major
highways, industrial parks, city centers,
and ports: complimented with a multi-
configured transportation fleet.

We are optimally poised to serve a wide organization in the country by LMD. Further,
spectrum of logistics and related service the compliance became the number one
demands of value chains. As we provide end- priority for us as a part of the JKH group.
to-end bespoke supply chain solutions such That’s the main difference between JKLL
as Distribution Center Operations (Storage and other competitive brands in the
Services), Online Fulfillment Center Services market.
for E-commerce Businesses, Island-wide
Transportation /Distribution Management, In terms of getting visibility, I would say that
Last-Mile Delivery (Door to Door), Container JKLL including other players in the industry
Freight Station Solutions (CFS), Project are not getting the best out of mass media
Logistics, Values Added Services (VAS ), since the target market is very niche.
and Supply Chain Consultancy Solutions. Therefore, JKLL is using focus social media
campaigns and other branding activities to
Q: How does your company distinguish improve the company’s visibility in society.
your brand from other competitors?
As a company, how did you make your
visibility in society?
We are a part of the group that has
been awarded as the most respected


Q: In LED KLN, we always try to
“empower youth striving for excellence.”
As a reputed organization in Sri Lanka,
what do you think about LED KLN?
How do the initiatives of LED KLN help
undergraduates to develop themselves
and be ready for the corporate world?
Firstly, on behalf of JKLL, I would like to
convey my appreciation for the effort taken
by LED KLN to conduct several events to
bridge the gap between an undergraduate
and an employee who works for an
organization. One of the main gaps in
graduates who enter a corporate world is
that they do not have any idea about the
job roles and especially how to behave in
a corporate world because they have been
doing their academics for 13 to 17 years and
even more.

Therefore, organizing such events where Empowerment is where you value others
the undergraduates get opportunities to in your team or who work with you and
engage with personnel who are already in support them to achieve results. As a value,
the corporate world will make that learning this will train people to delegate their
process easy and more comfortable. As a responsibilities which is a problem in most
result, such undergraduates will have an organizations when it comes to teamwork.
understanding of how corporates work, Being trained to empower people will
their role in corporations, and how to help undergraduates to focus on their job
survive in the corporate world. role properly and achieve better results
especially when they are going to the
In a summary, the events organized by the strategic level.
LED KLN will enable the development of
the undergraduates’ soft skills before they Development can be defined in many ways.
start working and it will create an edge However, according to the JKH group the
for those undergraduates among other development of an employee means that
freshers, and as a result, they will perform the employee should develop a specific
better in the corporate world. set of soft skills while achieving the day-
to-day KPIs. In the process of developing
Q: Our key features are “Leadership,” employees, the line manager is also having
“Empowerment,” and “Development”?
How are these values essential to have in
our youth? How can those benefit them
in the future?
Leadership is where you should have the
attitude of “Throw me to the wolves, and I
will return leading the pack.” The experience
that the undergraduates get by organizing
such events and sharing knowledge and
experience with corporate personnel will
enable them to build their leadership skills.
Having such value will enable that person
to get an edge over others in the corporate


a great responsibility to identify the skill Q: When did you partner up with LED
gaps in such employees and recommend KLN? What do you think about the
them for training. To identify our own skill partnership with LED KLN?
gaps and to request training for those It was from the last quarter of 2021. As a
skills to develop them also requires an company, JKLL is happy to help LED KLN
understanding of the set of skills we already for their future projects that can give more
have and to polish them to perform better. job opportunities for UOK undergraduates

Q: When it comes to the corporate Q: What is your message to members of
world, academic qualifications, as LED KLN?
well as professional skills, are critical. Develop a communication platform
How do these aspects help to create a where you can share the job opportunities
person who is prepared for a competitive available in the corporates. That should
environment? be open for past students as well. Such a
When an undergraduate enters the platform should be system-driven rather
corporate world the academic and than people-driven since the members in
professional qualifications which they these organizing committees may change
possess matter. However, the attitude of annually. (As an example, a Facebook
those undergraduates matters more than page with undergraduates, past students,
the academic or professional qualification and corporates where corporates can post
at the beginning. This is where that their vacancies on such platform which
person should be capable enough to get everyone gets visibility).
the assigned work done within the given
period of time in minimum supervision.

However, going up in the career ladder
those academic and professional
qualifications, the learnings and discipline
of those qualifications matter. That is where
that person can differentiate him or herself
from others by showing a higher level of
skill sets and disciplines.

Article by:
Chathushkee Amuwatta

Interviewed by:
Lahiru Vimukthi
Chamathka Thimbiripola

Risini Siyara







“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

Albert Einstein -


Lahiruni Kumarasiri

Joining LED KLN in 2018 as a timid
undergraduate and converting into a bold
one within three years was a significant
turning point in my life. At first, it was just a
place for me to learn. Then it turned out to
be my family, my comfort zone.

As almost everyone knows, LED KLN is a
platform that opens a door for the industry
by shaping up the professional skills of
undergraduates. Me, being a person who is
planning to go on the academic path and
pursue higher studies abroad, everyone’s
question was, “If you are planning to go for
higher studies, why are you spending your
time on LED instead of studying?”

My answer was, “There is more than what
you can see!”

LED KLN helped me become a leader who
inspires and motivates others and taught
me how important it is to become a skilled
communicator and an attentive listener
while developing my personality.


Even though my dream is pursue my higher studies I know how much I have
to pursue higher studies, I’ll as a PhD student. Most of achieved through LED KLN,
still be entering into society the universities that I have in addition to my degree.
after graduating. Before applied for asked about I am proud of who I am
stepping into society, the my leadership experiences, today. I am proud of being
university is the best place volunteer work, working a member of LED KLN.
to identify our weaknesses, experiences, work done for
capacity, and potential. the betterment of society, Academics are a part of
Through this journey, extra-curricular activities, our life, not our whole life.
you are allowed to make professional ethics, etc. I Taking opportunities to
mistakes, learn, and test had plenty of experiences find our weaknesses and
yourself to know who you to answer these questions identify our hidden talents
are, and you can try new because of LED KLN. I was is as important as pursuing
things to learn. After you relaxed and confident while a degree. Whether you
surpass this stage of life, facing their interviews. enter the industry or go for
there is no space to make Most importantly, I am higher studies, it is essential
mistakes. Hence, I chose not scared of challenges to develop soft skills, better
LED KLN as a platform to because every day of LED attitudes, and behaviours to
reach new heights and to KLN was a challenge. win this competitive world
share my knowledge and and strive to be of value.
experiences with others. I was the HR Director of
LED KLN in 2019 and the I would not be who I am
Through the LED KLN Vice President of LED KLN today if not for LED KLN. I
Journey, I built up a in 2020. Though my dream am forever grateful to you!
network with professionals was to get a first-class for
of reputed companies. my degree, I was able to get “THERE IS MORE
With the help of that, I was a second-upper. Everyone THAN WHAT YOU
lucky enough to pursue started to sympathize.
an internship at Hayleys Even my family started to CAN SEE”
PLC. LED KLN was also worry and said, “You could
a significant point for have done it better if you
me to be selected for a cut off LED KLN.” Despite
university in the USA to all the sympathies and pity,


Being one of the oldest members ““
at the LED KLN, and an individual
who has benefited in a large amount LED is not just
through this club, I consider myself a place where
honored to have this opportunity you work for,
to weave in a few words to share but a place
my experiences with our fellow LED where you
blood. Since the day I joined LED work while
back in the first quarter of 2019, the benefitting
experiences I had gained for myself yourself...
were immense. I was lucky to have had
the opportunity to work in over five
organizing committees throughout
my time at LED. I am not ashamed to
say that I was almost nothing before
I joined university and this club. I had
not composed any business email
before joining here, nor had I ever
taken an official call to any corporate
organization. But now, I can help my
fellow members by helping them
to draft formal business emails and
make official calls to organizations. It
is all thanks to LED KLN that I have
molded myself into who I am today.


Speaking a little about the down. LED is a place where Platform to
club, I have seen LED KLN you not only work, but it
grow through little steps is a place where you work UNLEASH YOUR SKILLS
over the years under the while benefiting yourself.
guidance of the successive
executive boards which There is always something
were in charge during the you can gain while you
respective years. Before work in the club. LED is
the pandemic, where not all about skill polishing,
everything was physical, formalities, and formal
LEDKLNdidorganizeseveral work. It was a pity I did not
massive and insightful mention loads of fun we
events throughout the had while working at LED.
year. And suddenly, the We always enjoyed and
virus hit, and everyone was were passionate about what
stuck home. We thought we did. It was a place to
it would take us a while to release all academic stress
get back to functioning and like a second home.
ordinarily, for the viral It was so enjoyable that I
condition had to fade away. got addicted to it. I like to
But to our surprise, LED say that the real meaning
KLN experienced massive of the term university is
growth, and its success incomplete without clubs
skyrocketed with the like LED. Words run short
recovery of the `new normal. when expressing how much
Meetups were pretty easy I have benefitted through
and convenient, and virtual the LED, not only that I
platforms facilitated events am proud to have had the
conducted in the comfort opportunity to give back for
of our homes. The member what it gave me by serving
base increased drastically, this model organization
and our virtual events were as an executive board
completed successfully member. Let this article be
together with people a token of gratitude to LED
never really met physically. KLN for its service to all of us
and generations to come.
Speaking of the benefits
Article by:
that I got through the LED, Uthpala Hewagamage

it helped me to improve

soft skills; communication,

negotiation, critical

thinking, moderating;

was to name a few, to

polish up my personality,

to boost confidence, and

most significantly, to build

a solid corporate contact

base. The exposure to the

corporate world is what I

initially wanted through

the LED, and I was not let


any We are kind of a


that doesn’t have

when it comes to


When you are stuck with the virtualMembers’ Nisangi Rammandala
world, it’s not always easy to manageThoughts
your stuff and your academic and private as my directors had already gone on the
life. As a result, most of us don’t want to take path, and the only thing I had to do was
part in extracurricular activities. Usually, to follow the guidelines and practice. That
I’m not a person who likes the virtual is one of the best specialities I noticed
system, so I wasn’t interested in any of the about LED KLN. All our senior members
clubs since my first year. But after I applied are always willing to teach what they have
for LED KLN my mind was changed. I tried learned. So it was comfortable for us to start
several times to leave the club due to my something we hadn’t experienced yet.
personal issues. I felt that I won’t be able
to balance both academics and extras, But As we didn’t have many physical meetups
EB members at the club always motivated as a batch due to the covid pandemic,
me not to leave but to accept the challenge. we didn’t have many contacts with our
Then I applied to the “Task Force” for the batchmates. However, I met many friends
first time. That was my first experience in from different faculties and years because
the club as a leader. Through that, I learned of LED KLN. That makes me feel better as
LED KLN isn’t just a club but a place where an undergraduate. My greatest experience
I can improve my skills. This club is like an in LED KLN is being the Vice President
educational platform that is a better place in Branding and Marketing avenue in
to start something on your own. There “Ideathon” organizing committee, which
are many members who are ready to give was the first time I experienced an OC
you a hand to stand as a new version of
yourself. None of the EB members is busy

when we seek help. They
are always there to teach
and guide us to the correct
path. I experienced one of
the best enjoyable journeys
as a member this year.

When I applied to the TF, I
was only aware of Photoshop
and Premiere, but when I
was working with my team
and directors, I was getting
to know about Canva, which
is one of the easiest online
software. It became easier


experience as well. From that event, I have to do is stick to the guidelines and
learned how to take responsibility, be explore new things in that field. Being an
accountable, work into a timeline, handle exemplary character to your juniors is the
a team, manage my academics and best way to make them do the work. That
extracurricular activities, and many more. key subject was beautifully illustrated in our
My directors in Branding and Marketing club. And after my experience in “Ideathon”
avenue always backed us up and guided OC, I discovered many of my hidden
us to succeed. The best thing is that I talents and weaknesses. I’m thankful to all
participated in the first meetup of the EB my EB members and my OC buddies for
on the final day of the Ideathon. After a supporting me all the time throughout
huge effort with a lot of stress, we ended this amazing journey. Moreover, one of
our event successfully and enjoyed the the best pieces of advice that were stuck
day well. We are thankful to all our EB in my head after the speech of the former
members for inviting us to their meetup, vice president, Ms. Lahiruni, is “Your
as that session helped us get to know all weaknesses cannot be your weaknesses
our mentors who were friendlier in person. continuously after experiencing the
That was the first physical experience I event, you should make your weaknesses
had in our club and that was one of the disappear and discover new weaknesses”.
best days in my life as I experienced the That was an ultimate true thing. When
funniest and most lovable companionship. people ask about my weaknesses, I always
Our second physical experience in LED repeat the same thing. That fact makes
KLN was the annual day out of the club. me realize even though I have discovered
That was the day we met most of our club my weaknesses, I haven’t worked on it.
members personally. All the events were This is one of the best thing I’ve learned.
well organized, and the way our super Starting from the club president to all the
seniors in the club acted was amazing. EB members, they are like consummately
LED KLN has its roots which were stronger gifted pieces with various talents in
than I expected. They were as friendly and different fields. We are learning day by day
lovable as our EB members. I understand how to add those valuable lessons to our
how our EB members became this much lives and how to give those to our juniors.
active and responsible when I saw our We are kind of a beautiful family that
super seniors. And one thing I know is doesn’t have any limits when it comes to
that definitely, our next EB will also be love and friendship. I don’t want to lose this
responsible as this EB.So one of the most family even if I leave the university as I have
special things that I’ve noticed in the club all my respect and love towards this club for
is that none of our seniors was ordering us which they have taught me and how they
to do the work. They all encouraged us to make me a member of this LED KLN family.
follow their path, which they found. All we


“LED KLN is a

place where a great

bunch of stars

play together…!”

It was just when I have me a kick start
joined the University
of Kelaniya as a fresh to my university
undergraduate. While I was
surfing through LinkedIn, journey. And
I saw this post of Ideathon,
an event organized by LED also, I have been
KLN, and I messaged the
person who shared that as the president Madusha Bandara
post and asked her how I
could join this club. That is of INCITE
how I joined the prospect
group. I waited till the organizing
member recruitment. After
the member recruitment committee, and as a Task LED. So, I should always be
started, I applied for the
membership, did the Force member of phase grateful to the LED for
two tasks, and waited
impatiently. In 2020 two. Apart from that, I everything I gained.
December, I joined LED as a
fresh member. volunteered for many other

My first event was Business branding and marketing I’ll finish my story with a
School 2021. And I still
remember how I faced that stuff there, and I learned saying of a world-famous
interview and how I felt. And
fortunately, I got selected how to use graphic American baseball player
to the Business School
organizing committee. It designing tools and many Babe Ruth, once Babe Ruth
was challenging because
I had not participated in other designing principles. said,
any organizing committee
before. I applied for So, I gained some marketing
the External Relations
Coordinator position and skills too. “The way a team plays as
learned how to contact
resource persons, get a whole determines its
sponsorships and deal
with the corporate world. I applied those skills that success. You may have the
The Business School gave
I gained from the LED in- greatest bunch of individual

other clubs, societies, and stars in the world, but if they

my day-to-day life. Because don’t play together, the club

of that, this academic stress won’t be worth a dime.”

was not more stressful

anymore. Not only that, And LED

these power skills I grabbed KLN is a

from the LED, but also I met place where

beautiful souls throughout a great Members’
this journey. Hundreds of bunch of

beautiful souls helped me stars play

and pushed me up. And together…!

that is where I realized

this LED KLN is not just a

prototype of a company. It

is a small family who always

got each other’s back.

My university life won’t be
interesting if there is no


LED KLN stressful academic period.
Some people made this a
DAY OUT chance to get to know some
new friends and get to know
@Ambalama Leisure Lounge, Hanwella each other whilst someone
had a chance to renew the
bonds among LED siblings.

"Time flies, we live, and people around us will change, The Covid -19 pandemic is
yet the memories we treasure will never die" still standing against making
us restricted to a virtual
It is a privilege if you ever of the day out. Fortunately, world. Though it is safe, fast,
get an opportunity to my initial assumption was and easy, we are not able to
improve your skills and not true. Everyone treated express our true emotions
correct your mistakes in a me in a friendly manner and and feelings in a virtual
comfortable zone where was very supportive. In the platform. Day out provided
the people who love and beginning, the environment me the opportunity to have
trust are with you. LED KLN on the bus was very calm a warm hug, which means a
is such a rare place. It is a and quiet. But it turned lot, and was more sensitive
lovely home for LED family out to be a small musical than looking at a smile on a
members. Since I, being a show with some friendly computer screen.
newbie, the first thing that conversations within a few
came into my mind was minutes. The day out was The games that had been
that it would be difficult to a great opportunity for organized, were captivating
adapt to the atmosphere all to get relief during this and were enjoyed by
both the competitors and
organizers. They were very
helpful to showcase


the hidden talents of the times. The day out was
members. The sounds of such a day to remember.
innocent laughs, chattering, And at last, I wish may the
the breeze, and the greenish LED family be able to have
environment could eliminate such beautiful gatherings
the lassitude caused by and more with the intention
the sunny and hot weather. of strengthening those
Some played in the pool valuable bonds.
like little ducklings implying
that age does not matter Article by:
to have fun. The lunch was Chamani Isurandi
appetizing, and everyone
enjoyed it. The evening tea
warmed our bodies while
the vocals and melodies of
some singers among the
members healed our souls.
The former vice president
shared her experiences
through her LED KLN
journey and gave priceless
advice. She was like a mother
who was encouraging her
children to move forward
while facing obstacles. The
photographs were taken to
bear the pieces of evidence
of a beautiful day, and those
smiling faces, hilarious
postures, and gatherings
expressed the pure bonding
among the members.

Time flies, we live, and
people around us will
change, yet the memories
we treasure will never die.
They make us happy and
console us during our hard




Empowered Youth Striving For Excellence

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