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Published by laura.kinchen, 2015-11-12 12:46:38

Kinchen IBT Pacing Guide

Kinchen IBT Pacing Guide

Pacing Guide

Introduction to Business & Technology


First Semester

Week Unit or Topic Description of Tasks and Activities Within Unit
1 1.1: Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and
2 Communication Skills interpersonal abilities.
3 4.1: Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business:
4 Leadership and accounting, finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
5 Management 4.2: Define, explain and apply various management functions including
6 Leadership and planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.
7 Management
Leadership and 4.4: Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
8 Management
Project: 3.1: Create, share and maintain documents.
9 Leadership and a. Apply different views and templates, protect the document, manage document
Management versions, share and save documents.
10 3.2: Format document content.
Word Processing a. Apply font and paragraph attributes, navigate and search, create and
11 Applications manipulate tables, and apply bullets.
3.3: Apply page layout and reusable content to documents.
Word Processing a. Apply and manipulate page setup settings, apply themes, construct content
Applications using the Quick Parts tools, create and manipulate page backgrounds, and create
and modify headers and footers.
Word Processing 3.4: Insert illustrations and graphics in a document.
Applications a. Insert and format pictures, clip art, shapes, WordArt, and SmartArt, and apply
and manipulate text boxes.
Word Processing 3.5: Proofread documents to validate content.
Applications a. Use spelling and grammar check, configure AutoCorrect settings, and insert
and modify comments in a document.
Word Processing

Word Processing and

12 EOPA Prep

Intro. to Human 11.1: Differentiate among types of business crimes and identify the strategies
13 Resource that business can use to deter crimes.
11.2: Demonstrate understanding of specific legal areas that most commonly
Management affect personal and business relationships.
a. Contract law, insurance, bankruptcy, property law, computer law, harassment,
Intro. to Human discrimination.
14 Resource
11.3: Describe the legal requirements of obtaining a business license, permit,
Management contract, patent, copyright, trademark, and logo.

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Pacing Guide

Introduction to Business & Technology


Week Unit or Topic Description of Tasks and Activities Within Unit
11.4: Create a plan for recruiting, hiring, and retaining a new employee and the
Intro. to Human associated costs.
15 Resource a. Job application, social media impacts, credit report analysis, appearance
impact, etc.

16 Human Resource


17 EOPA Prep

18 Semester Exam

Second Semester

Week Unit or Topic Description of Tasks and Activities Within Unit
19 Employability Skills 1.3: Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze, and
apply information in career planning and employment situations.
20 Employability Skills
1.6: Present a professional image through appearance, behavior, and language.

21 Communication Skills 6.2: Explore social media etiquette and importance digital presence.

6.3: Produce written communications that utilize proper tone, grammar, and

22 Communication Skills bias-free language for the workplace.
a. Resume

6.4: Employ critical thinking and problem-solving strategies both individually
23 Communication Skills and collaboratively to solve real-world and/or business-related problems.

6.5: Using presentation software, create and deliver simple, clear and compelling
24 Communication Skills presentations effectively to target audiences.

6.7: Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material

to different types of audiences for specific business purpose.
25 Communication Skills a. Research paper, web site, multimedia presentation, publications, speech, online

media, video, avatar, etc.

26 Employability and

Communication Skills
7.1: Identify the unique characteristics, traits, and concepts of the successful

27 Entrepreneurship entrepreneur.
7.6: Differentiate between the types of business ownership.

28 Entrepreneurship 7.3: Identify components and format of a business plan.

29 EOPA Prep

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Week Unit or Topic Pacing Guide

30 EOPA Prep and Introduction to Business & Technology
31 Intro. to Accounting
Description of Tasks and Activities Within Unit
32 Intro. to Accounting
8.2: Explain the purpose of the various steps in the accounting cycle.
33 Budgets
8.5: Using basic features of spreadsheet software to produce professional
34 Budgets financial statements representative of a small business.
9.1: Develop a budget including all essential elements for personal and business
Project: use.
35 Entrepreneurship, 9.2: Compare and contrast the types of financial institutions, both depository and
non-depository including the functions and purpose.
Accounting, Budget a. Commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, investment
36 Semester Exam banks, financial services companies, and insurance companies.

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