CEO’s Message 2
Our History
Timeline 6 - 17
20 - 21
Finance 22 - 25
Marketing 26 - 29
Technical & IT 30 - 35
Field Services 36 - 43
Customer Experience & Sales 44 - 53
HRA 54 - 55
Corporate Development 56 - 57
Contractors 58 - 59
Life at Cable & Wireless
Christmas Party 60 - 61
Cable Tunes Awards 62 - 65
Birthday Bash 66 - 73
Sports Day 74 - 81
At Work 82 - 83
Loyalty Awards 84 - 95
Signature, Quote, Comments 96 - 97
100 - 103
Contents 1
MCEEOSS’sAGE It enabled merchants to place important last-minute orders for goods to be put on
a ship headed towards Seychelles. Technological innovation came to Seychelles
Cable and Wireless Seychelles (‘CWS’) came into in 1954 in the form of voice calls whereby one would place call from her house to
existence in 1893, 125 years ago. Its existence and be patched (switched) to the recipient in another location in Seychelles through
history is tightly woven into the cultural fabric of copper network that expanded to cover most of the country. With excitement
Seychelles, making CWS the most iconic business. and happiness, families would visit the telephone exchange once a week to place
Almost everyone in Seychelles has a close friend or international calls to loved ones overseas. Automatic switching of calls defined a
family who is associated with CWS. CWS has evolved higher level of customer experience. CWS not only led all of this from the front, it
with the people of Seychelles. It has been ever present also led the introduction of satellite communications, mobile telephony, fibre optic
through easy and hard times, through peace and war undersea and land cables and even radio entertainment.
times, through happy and sad times, from colonial to Today, in these times of mobile data and big data, of Facebook, social media and
independent times; always serving Seychellois and YouTube videos, of blogging and tweeting, of WhatsApp and Skyping, CWS connects
keeping them connected to each other and to the world. Seychellois: To the things that matter to them; To the people that matter to them; To
CWS is not just a service provider, it forms part of the the content that matter to them. CWS connects lives to create moments, special
kindred Seychellois community. This is why CWS cares moments, moments that move our customers, moments that move us, moments
deeply about Seychelles and has touched and moved that make us proud to be CWS. By doing so, CWS makes people happy. CWS
generations not only by being an operator but also has evolved from being in the business of telegraphs and telecommunications,
through its extensive Foundation and CSR activities. CWS is now in the business of HAPPINESS. CWS continues to demonstrate that
it cares for its community by leading the way with the best quality services. It is
If you wanted to send a message from Seychelles to a the effort of each and every single one of you; from those on the front desk, to
family member or business partner overseas in 1893, those implementing projects, to those in the homes fixing faults, to those behind
the fastest way that you would do this is through a the lines maintaining our networks. The CWS family all work together in delivering
telegram message. The alternative was by ship which happiness to our customers.
took several weeks or months. The telegraph enabled This yearbook documents our evolution over the last 125 years and most importantly
family members in Seychelles to inform those abroad of celebrates the hard work of our staff. I would like to personally thank all of you;
the birth of a new baby, the passing of those dear to us. past and present, for your service, dedication and loyalty. This is what makes CWS
what it is today. Looking to the future with 125 years of experience in delivering
quality service to our customers. I feel like we will continue to develop, we are in
the everlasting business of bringing happiness to our customers. No one knows
Seychelles better - The choice is clear!
2 CEO’s Message CEO’s Message 3
The cable landing and the cable ship Scotia 1908 The coast station The old telephone switch
1893 1935 1954
1904 1922 1945 1967
c The cable ship colonia Seychelles radio St Louis HF transmitting station
6 Our History Our History 7
A telegraph circuit Bon espoir station A telephone exchange DOMSAT earth station and new C&W building
1968 1976 1983 1991
1971 1978 1989 1996
Inside the public counter in the 70s Telex switchboard and rear CW compound Public telephone service and phonecard 1995
Mobile service and new switch equipments
8 Our History Our History 9
Old Telephone Directories Old Telephone Directories 11
10 Our History
Our History
CWS employees making good use of CIS CWS goes online Company branding at the Bus Station Seychelles goes Isurf with Cable & Wireless
1996 2003 2006 2010
2002 2005 2008 2012
The palm tree base station on Praslin CWS foundation BlackBerry smartphones 2011
Roll out of 3G+ mobile network
12 Our History Our History 13
Seychelles connects to the SEAS Fibre Optic Cable & Wireless introduces ‘eShop’ CWS started FTTH and launched Sinemax CWS celebrating its 125th year in Seychelles.
2012 2014 2016 2018
2013 2015 2017
CWS celebrating its 120th year in Seychelles Cable & Wireless introducing its TV services Mobile TV was launched & LTE-A coverage
14 Our History Our History 15
1893 - 2018....... Evolution of the logos Maps of Under Water Cable Layout 17
16 Our History
Our History
No one knows
Seychelles better
18 Life at CWS 19
Hammond Charles
CEO’s Letourdie Bernadette Raoul Expedit
20 CEO’s office 21
Boudane Steve Cushion Mariama Delorie Shirley
Didon Dorine Denousse Julio Morel-Duboil Yves
FINANCE Dubel Kevan Dupres Marie-Claire Docteur Lya
22 Finance Department 23
Estro Bettina Germain Andrew Hoareau Julien Padayachy Natasha Payet Maria Pierre Philip
Julie Cindy Labrosse Joel Linayage Kusum Pillay Ronna Prea Nella Samaraweera Raweendra
Lustre Alvarez Teng Mondon Julia Nourrice Nadia Sinon Maurine Tirant Nancy Vidot Efna
Finance Department Finance Department 25
Atayi Herve Ah-Tive Jerina Baccus Franky
Barbe Lydia Coopoosamy Dominic Damou Bella
Marketing Fock-Tave Oliver Gangadoo Georgia Gertrude Innocent
26 Marketing Department 27
Hoarau Trevor Hoareau Vivian Joubert Michael Pillay Rubya Savy Nikita Simeon Ronnie
Marie Yvette Maher Jack Palmyre Jean-Luc Socrate Daniel Rose Kelly Rosette Nigel
28 Marketing Department Marketing Department 29
Afif Ijlal Agathine Kitson Bistoquet Josef
Carolla Billy Confait Nelson Chetty Kenneth
Technical Chang-Time Dominic Didon Gerald Gamatis Allen
& IT
30 Technical & IT Department 31
Gedeon David Gendron Wayne Gopal Patrick Laira Travis Madeleine Anil Mellon Handy
Hoareau Laurent Hoareau Marc Khan Shoaib Morel Camille M. S. Raj Palmyre Hyacinta
32 Technical & IT Department Technical & IT Department 33
Palmyre David Payet Terrence Pillay Luke Renaud Selwyn Sendagire Ibrahim Sirame Sylvio
Poris Robert Prudence Jacques Renaud Bertran Sopha James Talma Laura Lakshitha Yasanka
34 Technical & IT Department Technical & IT Department 35
Amblavaney Percy Albert Eroll Amesbury Fabien
Anacoura Steve Anacoura France Anacoura Russel
Field Services Aglae Michael Andoise Keven Ah-Shung Michel
36 Field Services Department 37
Barbier Gustave Bristol Maxime Bistoe Ericka Dixie Michel Dine Steve Dubois Versange
Bedier David Camille Lyroy Chrisostome Jebriane Edmond Jean-Paul Esparon Hugue Esparon Joseph
Chan King Jude Commettant Michel Desnousse Marc Etienne Nicholas Evenor Daniel Gabriel Dave
Field Services Department Field Services Department 39
Gendron Eddy Henderson Samuel Horace Paul Lucas Kevin Melanie Macdonald Marie Jude
Hoareau Yannick Joubert Andre Joseph Nelson Magnan Daniel Mousbe David Mothe Hubert
Laval Pat Lablache Ian Lovensky Robert Michel Mervin Payet Dora Padayachy Sharon
Field Services Department Field Services Department 41
Padayachy Terry Payet Jinoe Pool Andy
Solin Donald Tirant Pascal Volcere Kingsley
Pool Vincent Rabat Dominic Rene Steven
William Larry Zialor Godwyn
Saffrance Ned Servina Bruce Sinon Rhys
Field Services Department Field Services Department 43
Accouche Kenny Ah-Kong Melvin Ah-Kong Gladys
Andre Davis Anacoura Tricia Barbe Athalia
Customer Barbier Michelle Barbero Stefania Belle Marie-Agnes
Experience & sales Customer Experience & Sales Department 45
Boudane Robert Chetty Helcya Chrysostome Barnsley Delorie Anthony Dugasse Henry D’Offay Georges
Constance Romel Crea Dan Dailoo Agnes Ernesta Ericsson Esparon Eddy Esparon Stefan
De Commarmond Jean-Paul Dorasamy Phania Desnousse Laurent Estico Vasanthi Fitch Dudley Gertrude Savitha
46 Customer Experience & Sales Department Customer Experience & Sales Department 47
Hoarau Lucille Hoareau Sharon Isidore Veronique Laurencine Hillary Laurette Kevin Labrosse Marguerite
Jacqueline Joel Knowles Neilla Labrosse Begitta Lavigne Jerry Lesperance Sherelle Lewis Ted
Ladouce Damien Lablache Patrick Lepathy Barbara L’Etourdie Allain Lucas Audrey Marie Beryl
48 Customer Experience & Sales Department Customer Experience & Sales Department 49
Matombe Jennyfa Matombe Sheryl Mein Yannick Naidoo Rajesh Naidoo Satish Naiken Trevor
Michel Jeanette Morel Dorothy Morel Ethel Omblime Shaquelle Payet Elvis Payet Rosel
Morel Linda Moustache Larry Monnaie Valerie Payet Samantha Pereira Maria Pointe Fiona
50 Customer Experience & Sales Department Customer Experience & Sales Department 51
Ramsawmy Anissa Raoul Cris Rath Jeanny Simeon Tira Tirant Aaron Tirant Christian
Rose Percy Roucou Agnes Robert Shane Uzice Bryna Uzice Evita Vel Anne-Marie
Savy Christel Sanders Keitrah Simeon Efna Vidot Richo Vidot Vanessa
52 Customer Experience & Sales Department Customer Experience & Sales Department 53
Amade Jean-Paul Crea Fiona Jean Gerry
Larue Georgette Marcel Jean-Claude Mederic Francois
HRA Dauban Thomas Nalletamby Vania
54 HRA Department 55
Decomarmond Caroline Laurence Martin Raoul Sheryn
Corporate Corporate Development Department 57
Banane Darrel Desnousse Fabien Michaud-Payet Gervais
Payet Bernard Rene Vidot
Contractors Contractors 59
Life at CWS
60 Life at CWS 61
Christmas party Christmas Party 63
64 Christmas Party Christmas Party 65
Cable Tunes Awards Cable Tune Awards 67
68 Cable Tune Awards Cable Tune Awards 69
70 Cable Tune Awards Cable Tune Awards 71
72 Cable Tune Awards Cable Tune Awards 73
Birthday bash Birthday Bash 75
76 Birthday Bash Birthday Bash 77
78 Birthday Bash Birthday Bash 79
80 Birthday Bash Birthday Bash 81
SPORTS DAY Sports Day 83
At WORK At Work 85
86 At Work At Work 87
88 At Work At Work 89
90 At Work At Work 91
92 At Work At Work 93
94 At Work At Work 95
loyalty awards Loyalty Awards 97