Operations on Whole Numbers
6. Let’s find the square roots of these numbers by division method.
a) 196 b) 256 c) 441 d) 1225 e) 4096 f) 24964
7. Let’s simplify.
a) 25 b) 49 c) 225 d) 256
36 64 256 625
e) 2 × 6 f) 2 3 × 15 g) 7 × 2 14 h) 2 × 3 × 12
i) 3 × 5 × 12 j) 6 × 5× 10 k) 2 8 × 3 18 × 50
8. Let's simplify and find the values of the following.
2 × 3 × 6 4 × 9 × 3 8 × 9 × 10
a) 4 2 b) 2 × 6 2 c) 4 × 5 × 6 2
9. Let's find the square roots of the following fractions.
a) 49 b) 81 c) 169 d) 1 11 e) 3 1
64 100 196 25 16
10. Let's find the square roots of the following decimal numbers.
(a) 0.16 (b) 0.81 (c) 1.44 (d) 1.96 (e) 3.24
11. a) In a morning assembly students are arranged in the square form. If there
are 25 students in each row, find the number of students assembled in the
b) If 45 rose plants are planted along the length and the breadth of a square
floriculture garden, how many plants are there in the garden?
c) The length of a square pond is 30 m. Find its area.
d) When a certain number of children are arranged in a square ground, there
are 14 children along the length and 14 children along the breadth. How
many more children are needed to arrange 15 children along the length and
the breadth?
12. a) 400 students are assembled in the square form. How many students are there
in each row ?
b) The area of a square garden is 625 m . Find its length.
c) In an afforestation program on the ‘World Environment Day’ every student
from different schools planted as many plants as their number. If they planted
4225 plants altogether, how many students took part in the program?
d) Every student of a school donated as much money as their number to make
a fund for coronavirus victims. If they collected Rs 13,225 altogether, how
many students donated money in the fund?
13. a) Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers is
multiplied to make them perfect squares.
(i) 32 (ii) 192 (iii) 245 (iv) 448 (v) 720
b) Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers is
divided to make them perfect squares.
(i) 98 (ii) 125 (iii) 243 (iv) 384 (v) 756
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur 49 Vedanta Excel in Mathematics - Book 7