Re-Accredited With ‘A++’ Grade and 3.79/4 CGPA by NAAC
Recognised by
UGC as College of Excellence
M.Com Syllabus
2018-19 0nwards
SL No Contents Page number
1 Title
2 Preamble
3 3
4 Vision 3
5 Mission statement 3
6 Focus of the paper 4
7 Pedagogy 5
8 Course matrix 6
9 Electives 6
10 List of CBCS 6
11 Eligibility 6
12 Duration of Course 7
13 Attendance 7
Assessment and evaluation criteria 9- 36
Understanding the dynamic changes in the field of commerce, in general and the Indian context,
in particular, the management of St Joseph’s College has realized the need to offer post graduate
courses in Commerce. Henceforth, Department of Commerce introducing M.Com, two years
Post Graduate Programme from the academic year 2018 – 2019. The main objective of this
course is to provide wide opportunity to develop managerial and analytical skills in order to meet
the challenges of business at the national and global level. The course provides an extreme and
rigorous base for teaching, research and allied business administration. The curriculum provides
preparation for careers in research, business, academics and administration in India and abroad.
To impart value based quality education to serve the ever-changing global needs in the field of
commerce by preparing men and women who will be agents of change.
The Department of Commerce strives to provide quality Commerce education by adopting
effective teaching – learning processes along with developing the required values, skills and
attitudes to create business leaders with a passion for the world of business who will understand
the economic, social, and global context of business.
1. The course offers subjects accounting, finance, economics, human resource management,
Marketing, organisation behaviour, tax, research methodology, Business ethics and
corporate governance and GST.
2. This course includes value added courses like E-Commerce and M-Commerce, Advanced
Excel, Aptitude coaching for competitive examination and for KSET and UGC-NET,
Tally software, Financial Analysis and GST.
3. The program contains electives i) Accounting and Taxation (ii) Finance in the semester
III and semester IV.
4. The choice based credit course offers a paper for non-commerce post graduate students
namely Introduction to Income Tax and Introduction to Financial Markets.
5. Students are required to undergo a Teaching assignment or internship with an external
agency after the second semester examination.
6. One of the most important aspects of practical application of research is to encourage
new ways of thinking about the critical issues in the field of Commerce. Student will
choose business research project/live business problem in a business organization or
industry, and prepare a dissertation report during the semester IV.
7. Research based study enable students to present their thesis in seminars and conferences
that will constitute significant academic achievement.
Pedagogy promotes higher order thinking skills. Post graduate course in Commerce is to
impart professional education and training in various aspects of business and its
environment and provide them with opportunities to develop managerial and analytical
skills in order to meet the challenges of business at the national and global level.
The syllabus contents provide deeper insights in the field of commerce to equip the
students with conceptual and analytical skills. The two year, four semester M.Com
program with thesis presentation and publication in Scopus or UGC listed journals aims
to provide a strong foundation in the field of Accounting and Finance along with general
allied papers of Commerce. This course includes value added subjects, Choice Based
Credit System, Electives and self study reading list.
Teaching assignment or Internship with external agency gives an opportunity to work
with various reputed academic institutions and organisations enable them to blend their
research and organisation dynamics. The department of commerce encourage students to
present and publish their research outcomes in Scopus or UGC listed journals. This will
help students to pursue other specialisations and Doctoral study in India and abroad.
PAPER CODE Subject No of hours/week Credits SEM To
Hours tal
MCO7118 Financial ed
Analysis and its
MCO7218 Reporting 4 4 60
4 4 60 22
se MCO7318 Monetary 4 4 60
system 22
me 4 4 60
International 4 4 60 20
ste MCO7418 Business
r1 2 2 30
Principles and
MCO7518 Practices of 4 4 60
MCO7618 4 4 60
Organization 4 4 60
MCO8118 Management 4 4 60
4 4 60
MCO8218 E-Commerce 2 2 30
and M- 4 4 60
Se Commerce
4 4 60
me MCO8318 Cost & 2 2 30
ste Management
r 2 MCO8418
MCO8518 Financial
Se MCO9118 Research
ste Methodology
r 3 MCO9218 Business
Direct Tax
Ethics and
CBCS (Open
MCO9618 Elective) 4 4 60
4 4 60
MCO0118 Elective 1 2
2 30
MCO0218 Elective 2 4
Se Competitive 4 60
me Assessment 4
ste Financial 4 4 60
r4 Markets & 4
Services 4 60 26
MCO0618 Strategic 2 4 60
8 2 30
Electives 1 90
8 120
Electives 2 90 90
Tally software-
and GST
Credits Total 90
Subjects total 2
Outreach 4
Ignitors 4
Teaching Assignment or Internship 100
Total credits
Elective: Accounting and taxation
MCODEA9318 Advanced corporate Accounting
MCODEA9418 Corporate Taxation
MCODEA0318 Accounting for Managerial Decision
MCODEA0418 Corporate Reporting Practices and Ind AS
Elective: Finance Security Analysis and portfolio management
Risk Management and Forex Management
MCODEF9318 Strategic Financial Management
MCODEF9418 Financial and Commodity Markets
List of CBCS (Open Elective offered to other PG Courses) Hours Credits
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 2 2
Introduction to Financial Markets
Introduction to Income Tax 22
Teaching assignment
15 hours of teaching assignment or 30 hours of Internship should be fulfilled by students during
their III semester of M.Com
Candidates who have completed graduate programme in commerce or management from any
university which is approved and recognized by UGC or its equivalent are eligible for admission
into this course.
A candidate has secured not less than 50% of the marks in the aggregate in all the Commerce
subjects of Business Education in all the years (Examinations of the B.Com/BBM/BBS/BBA
course) shall be eligible for admission to the course. In the case of SC/ST students and blind
students the minimum percentage of marks required shall be less by 5%
The course of study for M.Com, degree shall extend over a period of two years divided into 4
(four) semesters.
1. Each course (theory/practical) shall be treated as an independent unit for the purpose of
attendance. A student shall attend a minimum of 75% of the total instruction hours in a
course (theory/practical) including tutorials and seminars in each semester.
2. Any student who is not complying with this requirement will not be allowed to appear for
End Semester Examination.
3. In case a student does not appear for the examination due to shortage of attendance, the
student has to repeat that semester to make up for the attendance and the student will
have to pay the fees for that semester as applicable.
4. A student who participates in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities is eligible to get
attendance provided if he/she submits the requisition form with prior approval from the
concerned faculty-in-charge and Association in-charge.
Evaluation is based on Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Examination.
Component Marks
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 30
End semester examination 70
Total mars 100
End Semester Examination (ESE)
The semester examination for the theory and practical will be held at the end of the semester.
The time table will be notified three weeks before the examination. The duration of the
examination will be 21/2 hours. It will be conducted for 70 marks.
Question paper pattern
Section Marks of each Number of questions
Total Should Total marks
A2 12 10 15
B5 20
C 10 53 15
D 15 70
End semester Examination Question Paper Pattern.
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes.
Maximum marks: 70
The evaluation system comprises of both internal faculty for question paper setting and for
valuation of papers.
Question papers received will go through the Board of Examiners for scrutiny for content,
suitability of marks, inclusion of topics and typological / mistakes and language.
Section A: Conceptual (10x2 marks = 20) 10/12 questions
In this section questions seek to test a student’s conceptual knowledge of the subject and fact
retaining abilities
Section B: Analytical (3x5marks = 15) 3/5 questions
Questions in this section are to test whether students can analyse.
Section C: Descriptive (2 x10 marks =20) 2/3 questions
In this section, students are required to use a combination of facts, concepts, theories and
judgement to explain the subject matter. Writing skills are also tested in this section.
Section D: Case Study/ Compulsory Question (1 x 15 marks = 15)
This section tests a student’s ability to practically apply their theoretical knowledge of the
For papers theory based papers, either a case study of compulsory question can be asked. For
practical based papers, questions are numerical in nature.
I Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO7118 Financial Analysis and Reporting 4 60
To develop theoretical foundation for the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
To develop the understanding of rules of measurement and reporting relating to various types
of business entities.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Accounting 10 Hours
Accounting-meaning, definition, objectives, functions, limitations, users of accounting information, branches
of accounting, scope, accounting cycle; Meaning, Need Nature, Classification, Evaluation, Role and Users of
Accounting and Accounting Theory, History of Accounting Thoughts. Approaches to Accounting Theory,
Accounting Postulates, Concepts and Principles.
Unit 2 Financial statement 12 Hours
Capital and revenue concepts-expenditure, loss, income, comparison; Final accounts of joint stock companies
as per revised schedule VI of companies Act;
Unit 3 Computerized Financial statement Analysis 12 Hours
Financial statement Analysis Meaning, types, methods & techniques - Common size, Comparative, Trend
analysis, Funds Flow Analysis, Cash Flow analysis, Ratio analysis.
Unit 4 Accounting Standards (Ind AS) 12 Hours
Evolution and Convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in India: GAAP in India
and Hierarchy of GAAP in India, International Financial Reporting Standards, First time adoption (IFRS 1)
Convergence with IFRS Stage-wise Approach, Advantages of converting to IFRS, Significant Criticisms of
IFRS, Key Business issues that will need to be addressed for successful implementation of IFRS, challenges
and opportunities faced by India in the implementation of IFRS - An overview of IND ASs: list of converged
Indian Accounting Standards notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) - Comparison of IFRS with
Ind AS
Unit 5 Financial Reporting 14 Hours
Outline for the preparation of financial statements - Statement of financial position; Comprehensive income
statement; Statement of changes in equity (SOCE), IAS 18 – Revenue. Elements of financial statements as
per IFRS – Non-current assets; current assets; equity; non- current liability; current liability; revenue; cost of
sales; distribution costs; administrative expenses; financial costs – profits attributable to owners of controlling
interest and non-controlling interest – Practical problems on each element.
IFRS for finance executives , Ghosh T P, taxman allied services private limited
IFRS concepts and applications, Kamal Garg, Bharath law house private limited
IFRS: A Quick Reference Guide , Robert J. Kirk, Elsevier Ltd.
First lesson to IND-AS Standards beginners guide ,MP Vijay Kumar, Prime knowledge services.
A student’s guide to international financial reporting standards , Clare Finch, Kalpan
I Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO7218 Monetary System 4 60
To expose students to domestic and international monetary systems
To enable students to understand principles & systems of note issue
To familiarize with issues relating to conversion of currencies
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction 10 Hours
Money: Meaning, definition, functions. Role of money, value of money, theories of Value of money;
quantitative theory, Friedman‘s restatement of the quantitative theory –Keynes theory of money.
Unit 2 Monetary system 12 Hours
Monetary system: The Gold standard –paper currency standard –Principles of note issue; systems of note
issue –essentials of a sound currency system –paper gold or SDR
Unit 3 International monetary system 12 Hours
Evaluation of International monetary system, Bi –metallion; –classical gold standard –interwar period Breton
woods system –The flexible exchange rate –current exchange rate regime –fixed vs flexible exchange rates.
Unit 4 International financial system 12 Hours
Introduction –role of financial markets -participants –elements –forex market –Euro currency market –Euro
bond market –forward and future markets for foreign exchange.
Unit 5 Balance of payment 14 Hours
Balance of payment –Balance of Trade, Equilibrium in BOP –Devaluation and Depreciation; Current and
Capital account convertibility–Recent development in foreign capital flows.
V.K. Bhatta, International Financial Management, Anmol publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Madhu Vij, Multinational Financial Management, Excel Books, New Delhi.
Cheol S. Eun & Bruce G. Resman, International Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill,
New Delhi.
K.K. Dewet, Modern Economic Theory, Shyam Lal chaintable Trust, Ramnagar, New Delhi.
Apte P.G, International Financial Management, TMH
Lavi Maurice, International Finance, Mc Graw Hill.
I Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO7318 International Business 4 60
To familiarize the students with the concepts, functions and practices of international business.
To enable them get global perspective on issues related to business.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Nature of International business 10 Hours
Meaning and nature of International Business, Evolution of IB - Drivers of IB- IB vs Domestic business-
Routes of globalization- players in International Business- forms of international trade – objectives and
challenges of IB. Theories of IB: Mercantile theory, Theory of Absolute Advantage, Theory of Comparative
Advantage and national Competitive Advantage
Unit 2 Global Environment 12 Hours
Analysis of Global Environment - Political Environment - Economic Environment; Socio- Cultural: Elements
of Culture, Impact of culture on Business; Legal, Technological, Natural Environments – scanning global
environment, international strategic management, meaning and process.
Unit 3 Regional blocks 12 Hours
Regional Economic Groupings in Practice- Levels of Regional Economic Integration-Regionalism vs.
Multilateralism- Important Regional Economic Groupings in the World- EU, NAFTA, APEC, CAEU,
ASEAN, SAARC, BRICS - FTAs, Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers-Subsidies -Dumping and Anti-dumping
measures. Structure, evolution and objective of WTO
Unit 4 International marketing 12 Hours
International Marketing: Meaning, Nature and Importance- EPRG; An overview of the International
Marketing Management Process-International Marketing Environment, Benefits from international
marketing- Major activities – market assessment, product decisions, promotion decisions, pricing decisions,
distribution decisions.
Unit 5 IHRM 14 Hours
International Human Resource Management (IHRM) - IHRM and domestic HRM compared- Scope of
IHRM- HR planning- Selection of expatriates-Expat training. Expat remuneration-Expat failures and ways of
avoiding- Repatriation.
Darrell Mahoriy, etal, International Business, Longman.
Charles W.L. Hill, International Business, McGraw – Hill.
Czinkota, etal, Global Business, Dryden Press.
John D. Daniels, etal, International Business, Pearson Education.
I Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO7418 Principles and Practices of Insurance 4 60
To enable the students to understand various aspects of Life & General Insurance
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Risk Management 10 Hours
Risk, Peril, Hazard, Types of Risk - pure and speculative Risks, Other types of Risk – Dynamic, Static,
Fundamental and Particular Risks, Risk Management, Techniques, Insurance as a tool of Risk management.
Unit 2 Introduction to Insurance 10 Hours
Classification of Insurance, Difference between Life and Non-Life Insurance. Principles of Insurance, Indian
Contract Act in relation to insurance, Study of history of Insurance, PFRDA and Pension Schemes,
restructuring of insurance business in India – FDI in insurance sector
Unit 3 Life and Non-life Insurance 14 Hours
Life Insurance Products, Basic Products, Traditional Products, Endowment, Whole Life, Money Back, Unit
linked products. Pension and Annuity – Principles of product development, Group Insurance. NonLife
Products, Fire, Marine, Motor, Liability, Personal Accident, Health Insurance, Crop Insurance, Reinsurance –
government schemes, valuation methods, Life fund – Bonus.
Unit 4 Underwriting, Insurance documents and Claims 12 Hours
Underwriting, factors Considered: Physical Hazard, occupational Hazard and Moral Hazard, Numerical
method of Underwriting, terms of acceptance, documentation. Insurance documents: Principles of risk
management, financial support to families and society, Rating – Mortality table - premium calculations,
factors considered in rating of Non-life products, tariff and non-tariff, market agreements. Servicing of
policies, claim settlement in insurance, IRDA regulation relating to claim settlement.
Unit 5 Insurance Regulations. 14 Hours
IRDA Journal and Annual reports – its analysis and data interpretation, Micro Insurance products – its
awareness, distribution, social insurance. Insurance laws – its amendments and effect on the insurance
market, Intermediaries in Insurance – regulation governing them and alternative channels – on line marketing,
e-marketing – principles – safety measures. Income tax and Insurance. Customer education
M N Mishra and S B Mishra ,“Insurance Principles and Practice”- 22nd edition- Sultan Chand
M N Srinivasan and K kannan-“Principles of Insurance Law”- tenth edition-Volume 1-Lexis
Nexis publication- 2012
Dorfman Marks S., “Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance”, 5th Edition, Prentice
Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs N.J.-2010
Nicholas Legh – Jones, John Birds and David Owen, “MacGillivray on Insurance Law”, 11th
Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London., 2008.
Dr. P. Periaswamy- “Principles and Practices of Insurance”-HPH-2016
I Semester Course Title Credits Hours
Course Code Organization Management 4 60
To understand and appreciate the importance of the human resources vis- a-vis other resources
of the organization
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Human resource management 10 Hours
Introduction, meaning, nature, scope of HRM. Importance and Evolution of the concept of HRM. Major
functions of HRM, Principles of HRM, Organization of Personnel department, Role of HR Manager. HRM’s
evolving role in the 21st century
Unit 2 Organizational Behaviour 12 Hours
Organizational behaviour Contributing disciplines to the OB. Individual Behaviour: Foundations of
individual behaviour, values, attitudes, personality and emotions. Theory X and Theory Y, Chris Argyris
behaviour patterns, Perceptual process.
Unit 3 Group Decision making and Communication 12 Hours
Concept and nature of decision making process, Individual versus group decision making, Nominal group
technique and Delphi technique, models of communication, communication effectiveness in organizations.
Feedback, TA, Johari Window.
Unit 4 Motivation 12 Hours
Need hierarchy, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy, Two factor theory, Contemporary theories of motivation (ERG,
Cognitive evaluation, goal setting, equity) expectancy model. Behavior modification, Motivation and
organisational effectiveness
Unit 5 Leadership, Power and Conflict: 14 Hours
Concept and theories, Behavioral approach, Situational approach, Leadership effectiveness, Contemporary
issues in leadership. Power and conflict. Bases of Power, power tactics, sources of conflict patterns, levels
and conflict resolution strategies.
Venkata Ratnam C. S. & Srivatsava B. K.,Personnel management and human resources, Tata
Mc-Graw Hill, NewDelhi
Aswathappa, Human resource mangement, Tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi, 2010
Garry Dessler &Varkkey, Human resource management, Pearson, New Delhi, 2009
Pravin Durai, Human resource mangement, Pearson, New Delhi,2010
Snell, Bohlander & Vohra, Human resources management, Cengage, NewDelhi, 2010
I Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO7618 E-Commerce and M-Commerce 2 30
To provide an analytical and technical framework to understand the emerging world of e-commerce
and mobile commerce.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to E- Commerce 6 Hours
Introduction to E commerce – need and importance – threats- Encryption overview, Elements of an
encryption system, Secret key encryption, Public-key encryption, Cryptographies & Block Chain,
Digital signatures, Digital Certificates, Smart Cards and its applications. Electronic Data Interchange
Evolution, uses, Benefits
Unit 2 Overview of Electronic Payment Systems 6 Hours
Cyber-cash, Smart Cards, Electronic Banking - types, Electronic Fund Transfers - Digital Token-based EPS,
E-cash, e-Cheque, Payment Systems on internet- Risk of Electronic Payment Systems. Secure Electronic
Transactions (SET) Protocol.
Unit 3 Introduction to M-Commerce 8 Hours
Infrastructure of M–Commerce – Types of Mobile Commerce Services – Technologies Of Wireless Business
– Benefits And Limitations, Mobile Marketing & Advertisement, Non – Internet Applications/services in M–
Commerce – Wireless/Wired Commerce Comparisons.
Unit 4 Framework and ecology of M-Commerce 10 Hours
Legal Framework For the Study of Mobile Commerce– Mode – Wireless Devices for Mobile Commerce –
The impact of Technology Advances on Strategy Formulation in Mobile Communications Networks, 2G, 3G
and 4G technology -The Wireless Application Protocol – Mobile Business Services – Mobile Portals – The
Role of Mobile Advertising in building a brand – M–Commerce Business Models
Dave Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management‖, Third Edition, 2014, Pearson
Brian E. Mennecke, Troy J. Strader, Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory and Applications,
Idea Group Inc., IRM press, 2013.
P. J. Louis, M . Commerce Crash Course‖, McGraw – Hill Companies February 2013.
Paul May, Mobile Commerce: Opportunities, Applications, and Technologies of Wireless
Business Cambridge University Press March 2013.
Michael P. Papazoglou, Peter M.A. Ribbers, e – business organizational and Technical
foundation Wiley India 2015
II Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO8118 Cost & Management Accounting 4 60
To enable students acquire skills needed to analyze and interpret the performance of the firm
for the purpose of reporting
To enable students to understand the various techniques of business decisions.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Marginal costing & CVP Analysis 10 Hours
Marginal costing (practical application technique), key or limiting factors analysis, profit planning,
optimizing product mix, make or buy decision, price fixation, discontinuance of product, diversification of
product line, accept or reject new order, close down of operations. Relevant Cost Analysis, incremental
costing, short term decision making. Uses of CVP analysis, simple, elaborate, cash, control, profit volume
Unit 2 Activity based management 10 Hours
Introduction to traditional methods of overhead absorption, problems of overhead absorption system under
Traditional System, introduction to ABC, Kaplan and Coopers approach to ABC, cost drivers and cost
activities, allocation of overheads under ABC, Characteristics of ABC, benefits from adaptation of ABC
System, problems on comparison between traditional system and ABC system.
Unit 3 Budgeting and Budgetary Control 14 Hours
Budget Concepts and Budget Preparation, Fixed and Flexible Budgets, Fixed, variable, semi-variable and
activity-based categorizations of cost and their application in projecting financial Results, Zero Base
Budgeting (ZBB), Budgetary Control.
Unit 4 Variance analysis 12 Hours
Variance analysis, classification of variances – materials, labor and overheads variances – fixed and variable
overhead variances (Problems), Sales variances.
Unit 5 Contemporary concepts 14 Hours
Lean accounting, Life cycle costing, target costing, throughput costing, Cost of quality and TQM ,
Responsibility accounting & divisional performance measurement, Financial and nonfinancial performance
measurement(ROI, RI, EPS, NPV etc.), target costing, Kaizen costing, Balance Score Card.
Suggested readings:
Arora M. N, A Text Book of Cost Accountancy, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Saxena & Vashist, Cost Accounting (Text), Sultan Chand.
M.N Arora (2015), “Cost and Management Accounting”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Saxena V. K. & C. D. Vashist, Advanced Cost & Management Accounting – Problems &
Solutions, Sultan Chand.
Jain and Narang, Cost Accounting. Kalyani Publishers, Mumbai.
Nicholas Legh , Jones, John Birds and David Owen, “MacGillivray on Insurance Law”, 11th
Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London., 2008.
Dr. P. Periaswamy, “Principles and Practices of Insurance”,HPH-2016
II Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO8218 Advanced Financial Management 4 60
To impart the knowledge in advanced techniques of financial management.
To comprehend the capital structure and assess the dividend policy of the firm
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction 10 Hours
Introduction – Finance Functions – Financing decisions – Capital structure theories – net income
approach, Net operating income approach – The Traditional approach – Modigliani – Miller
hypothesis – capital structure planning and policy – elements of capital structure EBIT – EPS
approach, Valuation approach, cash flow approach.
Unit 2 Capital Budgeting 14 Hours
Investment Decisions – Capital Budgeting decisions – Nature – type – Evaluation criteria – DCF – NPV –
IRR – Reinvestment assumption and modified IRR – Varying opportunity cost of capital – Investment
decision under inflation – Investment Analysis under inflation. Complex investment decisions – projects unit,
different project lives, investment timing and duration – Replacement of an existing asset – Investment
decisions under capital rationing.
Unit 3 Risk Analysis in Capital budgeting 14 Hours
Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting – Nature of Risk/statistical techniques for Risk analysis – Risk analysis in
practice – sensitively analysis – Scenario analysis simulation analysis - Decision trees for sequential
investment decisions – utility theory and capital budgeting.
Unit 4 Corporate Restructuring 12 Hours
Corporate Restructuring – Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring – Valuation under M&A: DCF
approach Financing a merger – significance of PE Ratio and EPS analysis – Accounting for M&As –
Leveraged buyouts.
Unit 5 Dividend Models 10 Hours
Meaning – Theories of dividend policy : relevance and irrelevance dividend decision. Walter’s & Gordon’s
model, Modigliani & Miller approach. Dividend policies – stable dividend, stable payout and growth. Bonus
shares and stock split corporate dividend behavior. Legal and procedural aspects of dividends Corporate
Dividend Tax.
Suggested readings:
Brealey & Myres, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, New York.
Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill.
Khan & Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Viaks Publishing House.
S.C. Kuchal, Financial Management, Chaitanya Publishers, Allahabad.
Chakraborthy & others, Financial Management and Control, Mcmillan India Ltd.
II Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
4 60
MCO8318 Operation Research
To impart knowledge in concepts and tools of OR
To make students apply these in managerial decision making.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction 10 Hours
Meaning of OR- - Models of OR- Operations techniques -Role of OR in business & industry- OR & business
management- Limitations of OR-Application
Unit 2 Linear programming 10 Hours
Formulation of LP problem- Characteristics of LP Problem-Solution by graphical method-Simplex method-
Dual of a linear programming- Application
Unit 3 Transportation and assignment 14 Hours
The general structure of the problem- solving a transportation problem- optimal solution; degeneracy-
Variations in transportation problem-Post optimality analysis; assignment problem- Application
Unit 4 Network analysis 12 Hours
Network analysis-CPM and PERT-Network concepts-construction of network diagram -numbering the
events (Fulkerson’s Rule)-PERT Network calculations -Concept of float -probability considerations in
PERT-calculation of float/slack under PERT- CPM-points of similarities and dissimilarities between
PERT and CPM-limitation of PERT and CPM.- Application
Unit 5 Decision theory 14 Hours
Decision theory-Quantitative approach to management decision making-decision making under
conditions of uncertainity –Maximin -Maximax- Laplace and Minimax regret criteria-Decision making
under risk-EMV-EOL-EVPI criteria-decision tree analysis-Areas of Application- Application
Srivastava V. K. etal , Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decision Making, Wiley Eastern
Richard, I.Levin and Charles A.Kirkpatrick , Quantitative Approaches to Management,
McGraw Hill, Kogakusha Ltd
Budnik, Frank S Dennis Mcleaavey, Richard Mojena , Principles of Operation Research , AIT
BS New Delhi.
Sharma J K ,Operation Research, theory and applications,Mc Millan,New Delhi
Kalavathy S, Operation Research , Vikas Pub Co.
II Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO8418 Research Methodology 4 60
To develop the research skills of the students in investigating into the business problems
To interpret the results of investigation in the form of systematic reports.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Basic Research Concepts 10 Hours
Business Research – Meaning, types, process of research- management problem, defining the research
problem, formulating the research Hypothesis, developing the research proposals, research design
formulation, sampling design, planning and collecting the data for research, data analysis and interpretation.
Research Application in business decisions, Features of good research study.
Unit 2 Research Design 10 Hours
Types of Business Research Design: Exploratory and Conclusive Research Design - Exploratory Research:
Meaning, purpose, methods –secondary resource analysis, comprehensive case methods, expert opinion
survey, focus group discussions. Conclusive research Design - Descriptive Research - Meaning, Types –
cross sectional studies and longitudinal studies. – Experimental research design – Meaning and classification
of experimental designs- Pre experimental design, Quasi-experimental design, True experimental design,
statistical experimental design. Observation Research – Meaning – Uses – Participation and Non-
participation – Evaluation – Conducting an Observation study – Data collection
Unit 3 Sampling techniques 14 Hours
Sampling: Concepts- Types of Sampling - Probability Sampling – simple random sampling, systematic
sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling -Non Probability Sampling – convenience sampling-
judgmental sampling, snowball sampling- quota sampling - Errors in sampling.
Unit 4 Data collection 12 Hours
Primary and Secondary data Primary data collection methods - Observations, survey, Interview and
Questionnaire, Qualitative Techniques of data collection. Questionnaire design – Meaning - process of
designing questionnaire. Secondary data -Sources – advantages and disadvantages. Scaling and
measurements. Preparing the Data for Analysis: Editing, Coding, Classification, Tabulation, Validation
Analysis and Interpretation
Unit 5 Hypothesis analysis and report Presentation 14 Hours
Hypothesis: Meaning, Types, characteristics, source, Formulation of Hypothesis, Errors in Hypothesis
Parametric and Non Parametric Test: T-Test, Z-Test, F-Test, U-Test, K-W Test. Statistical Analysis: Bivarate
Analysis (Chi-Square only), Multivariate Analysis – Factor analysis - ANOVA: One- Way and Two Way
Classification. Referencing and Citation.
C R Kothari, Research Methodology, Vishwa Prakashan,2015
Donald R. Cooper & Pamela s Schindler, Business Research Methods, 9/e, TMH /2014
Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi, Research Methodology – concepts and cases , Vikas
Uma Sekaran & Roger Bougie, Research Methods for Business, Wiley, 2013
SL Guptah and Hetesh Guptha, Business Research Methods, McGraw hill - 2012
Naresh K Malhotrs, Marketing Research, Pearson Education /PHI 2014Sweet & Maxwell,
London., 2008.
II Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO8518 Business Marketing 4 60
To expose students with understanding of rural & industrial marketing
To familiarize students with elements of supply chain & Logistics
Course Contents
Unit 1 Industrial Marketing 10 Hours
Meaning and Characteristics of Industrial Marketing, differences between Industrial and Consumer
Marketing, Types of Industrial Customers, Types of Industrial Goods and Services, Purchasing Practices of
Industrial Customers, Industrial Buying Behaviour, Key Members in Buying Organization, Modern
Purchasing Activities, Elements of marketing mix for industrial goods - Pricing, Product development,
promotion and distribution methods & strategies for industrial goods, Industrial Product Life Cycle &
Unit 2 Rural Marketing 10 Hours
Characteristics of Rural Economy, Rural Marketing- Meaning and Scope, Constraints in Rural Marketing and
Strategies to overcome constraints, Classification of Rural Consumers, Bases of Segmentation for rural
markets, Rural consumer behaviour, Elements of marketing mix for rural markets - Pricing, Product
development, promotion and distribution methods & strategies for rural markets, Marketing of agricultural
produce, marketing strategies for the development of rural artisan sector, Emerging Profile of Rural Markets
in India.
Unit 3 Marketing Channel Systems 14 Hours
Meaning, structure and importance of marketing channel, Flows in marketing channels, The channel
participants & their role, Communication processes in the marketing channel, Steps in designing the
marketing channels, Bull Whip Effect, Reverse Logistics, Evaluating channel member performance.
Unit 4 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 12 Hours
Meaning, objectives, components & Scope of supply chain, Drivers of supply chain management, Typology
of Supply Chains, Cycle View of Supply Chain, Problems in SCM, Supply Chain Benchmarking- Process
and Procedure.
Unit 5 Logistics Management 14 Hours
Definition of Logistics and Logistics Management, Types of Logistic Activities, Importance of Logistics
Management, Integrated Logistics and its Support, Determinants of Designing Logistical System,
Transportation, Warehousing, Packaging.
Dr. Shajahan. S; Service Marketing (Concept, Practices & Cases); Himalaya Publishing House;
Mumbai,Financial Service in India
Philip Kotler ,Marketing Management, PHI
Rekha. M.P. & Vibha V,Marketing & Services Mgt ,VBH.
Sunil B. Rao ,Marketing & Services Mgt ,HPH.
Dr. Alice Mani, Marketing & Services Management, SBH.
J.C. Gandhi ,Marketing Management, TMH
II Semester Course Title Credits Hours
Course Code ADVANCED EXCEL 2 30
To understand excel functions in a spread sheet to make the data easier to identify and explain.
Finding solutions to complicated problems involving spreadsheet data and formulas.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Functions and Formulas 5 Hours
Formulas with Multiple Operators • Inserting and Editing a Function • AutoCalculate and Manual Calculation
• Defining Names • Using and Managing Defined Names • Displaying and Tracing Formulas • Understanding
Formula Errors • Using Logical Functions (IF) • Using Financial Functions (PMT) • Using Database
Functions (DSUM) • Using Lookup Functions (VLOOKUP) • User Defined and Compatibility Functions •
Financial Functions • Date & Time Functions • Math & Trig Functions • Statistical Functions • Lookup &
Reference Functions • Database Functions • Text Functions • Logical Functions • Information Functions •
Engineering and Cube Functions
Unit 2 Data Ranges 10 Hours
Sorting by One Column • Sorting by Colors or Icons • Sorting by Multiple Columns • Sorting by a Custom
List • Filtering Data • Creating a Custom AutoFilter • Using an Advanced Filter. PivotTables • Creating a
PivotTable • Specifying PivotTable Data • Changing a PivotTable’s Calculation • Filtering and Sorting a
PivotTable • Working with PivotTable Layout • Grouping PivotTable Items • Updating a PivotTable •
Formatting a PivotTable • Creating a PivotChart • Using Slicers • Sharing Slicers Between PivotTables
Unit 3 Analyzing and Organizing Data 15 Hours
Web and External Data • Inserting a Hyperlink • Importing Data from an Access Database or Text File •
Importing Data from the Web and Other Sources • Working with Existing Data Connections Working with
Macros • Recording a Macro • Playing and Deleting a Macro • Adding a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar
• Editing a Macro’s Visual Basic Code • Inserting Copied Code in a Macro • Declaring Variables and Adding
Remarks to VBA Code • Prompting for User Input • Using the If…Then…Else Statement Customizing Excel
• Customizing the Ribbon • Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar • Using and Customizing AutoCorrect •
Changing Excel’s Default Options • Creating a Custom AutoFill List • Creating a Custom Number Format
Microsoft Excel 2016 – Data Analysis and Business Modeling by Wayne L. Winston, PHI
Learning Pvt Ltd.
Advanced excel Essentials by Jordon (2014) Apress
III Semester M.Com
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To give an integrated view of direct tax planning and apply the provisions of law to business
Course Contents
Unit 1 Foundation to Tax Planning 10 Hours
Introduction to tax planning, Distinguish between Tax Planning, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance and Tax
Management, Objectives of Tax Planning, Essentials of Tax Planning, Areas of Tax Planning.
Unit 2 Tax planning for managerial decisions – I 12 Hours
Tax Implications and incentives based on forms of business organisations, Capital Structure Decisions,
Dividend Policy, Bonus Share, Tax Planning with reference to receipt of insurance Compensation, Tax
provisions for certain types of businesses, Tax Planning with reference to distribution of assets at the time of
liquidation [Problems on all concepts]
Unit 3 Tax planning for managerial decisions – II 14 Hours
Purchasing of an asset out of own funds or out of borrowed capital, Owning or leasing of an asset, Purchase
of assets by installment system or hire system, Purchase of assets by installment system or hire system,
Purchase of assets by installment system or hire system, Sale of assets used for scientific research. [Problems
on all concepts].
Unit 4 Tax Planning with Reference to Employee Remuneration 12 Hours
Meaning and basis of charge for salary, Planning retirement benefits for employee – Gratuity, NPS,
Retrenchment Compensation, Provident fund and leave encashment, Designing salary structure- Allowances,
Perquisites, deductions from salary. [Problems on all concepts]
Unit 5 International Taxation 12 Hours
Double taxation relief-meaning and types, Tax implication of agreement with foreign countries & countries
with which no agreement exists, determination of arm's length price. Investment income derived from foreign
exchange assets and. Long-term capital gains on sale or transfer of “foreign exchange assets. [Problems on all
Composition of the question paper [60% problems and 40% Theory]
Suggested readings:
Vinod K. Singhania and Monica Singhania, Corporate Tax Planning. Taxmann Publications
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta, Corporate Tax Planning and Management, Bharat Law House,
E.A. Srinivas, Corporate Tax Planning, Tata McGraw Hill.
Kaushal Kumar Agrawal, Corporate Tax Planning, Atlantic Publishers.
III Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
4 60
Objective : To inculcate in students a sense of ethical values in business practices
Unit 1 Course Contents 10 Hours
Ethics in Business and Ethical Theories:
Nature, Sources of Ethics: Religion, Philosophical System. Types and codes of ethics, importance of
ethics in business. Managerial values and attitudes
Kantianism v/s Utiliarianism, Individualism v/s Collectivism. Cognitivism and non- cognitivism;
consequentialism versus non-consequentialism- Ethical Decision Making Model.
Unit 2 Ethics in Marketing and HRM 15 Hours
Ethics in Marketing: Ethical dilemmas in marketing- unethical marketing practices- ethical and social
issues in advertising- common deceptive marketing practices-role of consumerism. Product Safety -
Due Care theory -Contractual theory – Strict Liability Theory.
Ethics in Human Resources Management: Human resource system- psychological expectancy model-
Human resource management practices and ethical implications: Ethical hiring, equality of
opportunity, Ethics and Remuneration; Ethics in Retrenchment. Individualism versus collectivism in
human resource management practices
Unit 3 Ethics in Finance and Accounting 9 Hours
Unethical financial practices creative accounting- hostile takeovers- tax evasion- corporate crimes. Ethical
issues in Mergers and Acquisition, Insider trading, Money Laundering. Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Unit 4 Corporate Social Responsibility 12 Hours
Definition – importance – Scope – Advantages – Steps- Theoretical Justification for CSR- CSR as a Business
strategy for sustainable Development- External Standards on CSR- Indian perspective- Ethics and CSR of
business. Companies Act (Amendment) 2013 on CSR- CSR Audit
Unit 5 Corporate Governance 14 Hours
Concept of corporate governance importance - Corporate governance and agency theory. Benefits of good
corporate governance - present scenario in India.
Reforming Board of Directors, Birla committee, Naresh Chandra Committee, Narayana Murthy committee,
Corporate Governance code future scenario. Changes is corporate governance issues as per new Companies
Act 2013
Suggested readings:
Beanchamp Tom L, Ethical Theory and Business, Prentice Hall.
Bowie, Norman , Business Ethics, Prentice Hall.
Buckholz, Rogene A, Fundamental concepts and problems in business Ethics, Prentice Hall.
Donaldson, Thomas, Ethical Issues in Business, Prentice Hall.
Ferrethoc, Business Ethics, Prentice Hall.
III Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To enable the students to gain ability to solve problems relating to Holding Company Accounts,
Liquidation of Companies and various other Accounts.
To provide theoretical knowledge of corporate accounting concepts and their practical application.
Unit 1 Introduction Course Contents
06 Hours
Meaning & Types of shares – procedure for issue of shares - Advanced problems in share capital issues and
debenture issue transaction - underwriting - buyback of shares by companies.
Unit 2 Accounting for Group 14 Hours
Meaning of amalgamation- Mergers and Acquisitions; Types of Amalgamation .Introduction to IND-AS
101- Business Combinations; Methods of accounting for amalgamation- purchase method; Accounting
treatment in the books of Transferor and Transferee companies. Treatment of various adjustments such as
intercompany owing- unrealized profit on stock- intercompany holdings-purchasing company in the books
of the selling company- selling company in the books of purchasing company- by both companies in the
books of each other.
Unit 3 Accounting for Hotel 16 Hours
companies &
Electricity companies
Hotel Companies: Heads of Revenue and Expenditure; Classification of Guests; Important Terms-
System of Book Keeping-Proforma of Visitor’s or Guest’s Ledger-Internal Control System in
hotels-Night Audit-Final accounts-Significant accounting policies. Electricity companies: Meaning
of Double account system; Accounts of electricity companies; Treatment of depreciation;
Contingency reserve; Development reserve-tariff and dividend control reserve; General reserve-
reasonable return; Final accounts.
Unit 4 Accounts of 12 Hours
Meaning, Maintenance of books of accounts; Annual report of Government companies; Application of
provisions of Companies Act; Accounts of statutory corporations – Meaning, Annual reports of statutory
companies. Corporate valuation and Restructuring- Theoretical aspects.
Unit 5 Recent trends in 12 Hours
Corporate Accounting
Human Resource Accounting - Objectives – Methods of valuation - Advantages and Disadvantages.
Accounting for Price Level Changes – CPP – CCA and Hybrid Accounting for price level changes(Inflation
Accounting) Social responsibility accounting. Forensic Accounting ( theory only )
Suggested readings:
Jain S.P, Narang K.L, Advanced Accountancy Corporate Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
S.P. Jain and K.L.Narang, Advanced Accounts, Ludhiana, Kalyani Publishers.
Maheshwari, S. N, Advanced accountancy, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Gupta R.L, Radhaswamy M, Advanced accountancy, Sultan Chand publications.
M.C. Shukla and T.S.Grewal, Advanced Accounts, New Delhi, S. Chand and Co.
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To give an integrated view of corporate tax and apply the laws to business decisions.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Foundation to 08 Hours
Corporate taxation
Meaning & purpose of tax, Classification of taxes, Basis of charge for various heads of incomes, appraisal of
annual finance act specific to corporate taxation, Definition of Company u/s 2(17), Residence of a Company,
Incidence of Tax for a company.
Unit 2 Depreciation 10 Hours
Depreciation – conditions for charging depreciation, rates of Depreciation, normal depreciation, additional
depreciation, unabsorbed depreciation, calculation of capital gain on sale of depreciable assets, depreciation
in case of power generating units, WDV in case of slump sale.
Unit 3 Computation of 22 Hours
business income of
Income from business – meaning and basis of charge, provisions related to admissible & inadmissible
incomes & expenses, problems on computation of income from business of companies, set - off and carry
forward of losses (theory and problems including section 79), Deductions out of Gross Total Income - 80G,
Unit 4 Minimum Alternative 10 Hours
Procedure and problems on computation of total income of companies as per IT provisions, MAT – features
and applicability of MAT, procedure and problems on computing MAT, MAT credit – theory and problems,
computation of DDT.
Unit 5 Taxation for Business 10 Hours
Tax implications of Amalgamation on amalgamating company and amalgamated company and its
shareholders, Demerger and Shareholder of demerged company, Cost of acquisition of the shares in the
resulting company, Cost of acquisition of the shares in demerged company, Tax implication of slump sale and
conversion of sole proprietary business or firm into company. Problems on treatment of capital gains and
depreciation pertaining to business restructuring, Problems on capital gain on buy back of own shares or other
specified securities.
Suggested readings:
Singhania, Vinod K. and Monica Singhania, Students’ Guide to Income Tax. Taxmann
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Dr. Mehrotra and Dr. Goyal,Direct Taxes Law and Practice. Sahitya Bhavan Publication.
Gaur & Narang, Income Tax. Kalyani Publishers.
Lal, B.B, Income Tax Law and Practice. Konark Publications, New Delhi.
III Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
1. To Provide Students with a Conceptual & Analytical Framework of Evaluating a Security.
2. To Provide Students with a Framework of Different Financial Instruments, their Risk & Returns &
Strategies in Managing Funds.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Securities and Investments 14 Hours
Meaning- Nature, Scope and concept- Selection of Investment- Investment planning and Process-
Investment Vs. Speculation, Arbitrage, Gambling, Investment Constraints, Investment Strategy,
Selection of Securities, Buying, Selling, & Holding Decisions & Strategies, Market Indices, Credit
Rating Agencies – Process and Functions.
Unit 2 Risk and Return 12 Hours
Expected Return, Historical Return, Systematic & Unsystematic Risk, Beta Coefficient, CAPM, SML &
CML, Factor Model & Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Unit 3 Security Analysis 12 Hours
Securities analysis- analysis of variable income securities - Fundamental Analysis- Economic Analysis-
Economic Forecasting- Industry Analysis- Company Analysis- Technical Analysis- Advanced Declined
Theory- Dow theory-Efficient Market Hypothesis, Random Walk Theory
Unit 4 Portfolio Analysis and Management 12 Hours
Risk & Return, Markowitz Model, Risk Return Optimization, Sharpe Portfolio Optimization, Treynor’s
portfolio performance measure, Jensen’s investment performance measure, Portfolio Investment Process,
Investment Timing & Evaluation.
Unit 5 Portfolio Evaluation and Review 10 Hours
Portfolio theory- Portfolio insurance- portfolio management for individuals and institutions- Portfolio
Revision, Mutual Funds, Managed Portfolio & Performance- Portfolio performance evaluation
Suggested readings:
Prasanna Chandra, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Avadhani. V. A, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House
Bhalla. V. K., Investment Management, S. Chand
Fischer & Jordan, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall.
III Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To understand diverse types of risks and the techniques of risk management.
To study the foreign exchange market, the various types of exposures and risk management of foreign
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to risk management 12 Hours
Concept of Risk, Distinction between Risk and Uncertainty, Risk classification, Types of Risk, including
Strategic and Operational Risks, Business Risk, Financial Risk, Information Risk, Liquidity Risk; Concept of
Risk management, Objective and Process of Risk Management, Importance of Risk Management, Risk
Management techniques.
Unit 2 Credit risk, Enterprise risk and Operational risk 12 Hours
Understanding the component of credit risk, evaluating credit risk, Mitigating Credit risk, Qualitative and
Quantitative techniques to manage credit risk; Enterprise risk Management - Definition, Scope and
Techniques; Operational risk management - Definition, Scope and Techniques.
Unit 3 Foreign Exchange Markets, Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure and Risk 16 Hours
Spot and Forward Foreign Exchange Markets, Quotations and Market Rules, direct and indirect quotes, bid
and ask quote, spot and forward quote, cross rates, Speculation and Arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Markets,
Transaction, Translation and Operating Exposure, Hedging tools for Management of Transaction Exposure.
Unit 4 Exchange rate determination and forecasting 10 Hours
Setting the equilibrium spot exchange rate – theories of exchange rate determination – exchange rate
Unit 5 Management of interest rate exposure 10 Hours
Nature and measurement – forward rate agreements (FRA’s) interest rate options, caps, floors and collars, cap
and floors – options on interest rate futures, some recent innovations – financial swaps.
Suggested readings:
Shapiro Alan. C., Multinational Financial Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Hull, J. C. 1999, Introduction to Futures and Options Markets, Prentice Hall of India.
McRae T.N and D.P Walkar, Foreign Exchange Management, Prentice Hall.
Evilt H.E, Manual of Foreign Exchange.
Rajwade A.V., Foreign Exchange Risk Management, Prentice Hall of India.
III Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To develop and train students for the preparation of various competitive exams.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Aptitude Development-I 11Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Profit and loss- Ratio, Proportion and Percentages-Sequence and series-Data
interpretation-Work and time-Time and distance-Logical reasoning: Alphanumeric series-Puzzles-
Tabulation-Blood Relation-Coding, Decoding.Types of Assessment Test
Unit 2 Aptitude Development-II 11Hours
Research and teaching aptitude-English Language :Reading Comprehension-Paragraph Completion-Phrases
and idioms-Synonyms and antonyms-General Knowledge :Current Affairs-Financial Awareness
Unit 3 Theoretical concepts 08 Hours
Key concepts of Principles of Management- HRM-Marketing Management-Financial Management-
Organisational Management-Banking operations-International Business-IFRS-Financial Accounting-
Corporate Accounting-Cost Accounting-Management Accounting-Income Tax-GST
Suggested Readings:
R.S.Agarwal,Quantitaive Aptitude for Competetive Examinations,S.Chand Publishers
B.S.Sijwali,A new approach to Reasoning-Verbal and non verbal,Arihant Publishers
Trueman’s UGC NET Commerce
S.P.Bakshi,Objective General English,Arihant Publishers
L.N,Koli, UGC NET Commerce,Upkar Publishing
III Semester Course Title Credits Hours
Course Code 2 30
To familiarize students with the functioning and recent trends in financial markets and
Course Contents 08 Hours
Unit 1 Introduction to Financial Market
Introduction to Financial market- Money market and capital market; money market instruments; Introduction
to capital market, types of capital market; Primary Market - Meaning – Features - Players of Primary Market
– Instruments in Primary Market (Meaning only)
Unit 2 Secondary market 14 Hours
Secondary Market– Trading and Settlement System of Stock Exchange Transactions - Players in the Stock
Market – Merits and Demerits of Stock Markets – Reforms in Stock Market – OTCEI and NSE and BSE–
Origin – Function – Merits – Demerits –Practical approach
Unit 3 Financial Services 08 Hours
Mutual Funds-Merchant Banks - Hire Purchase Finance - Lease Finance - Housing Finance - Venture
Capital Funds and Factoring. Credit Rating -Meaning and process.
Suggested Readings:
Gordon & K Natarajan, Financial Markets & Services, HPH.
K.Nanje Gowda, Financial Markets & Financial Services , VBH.
L M Bhole, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Meir Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata Mc Graw Hill
R.M Srivastava / D. Nigam, Dynamics of Financial Markets & Institutions in India, Excel
III Semester PG
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To expose the students to the various provision of Income Tax Act relating to computation of Income
of individual assesse only with a focus on salaried individuals.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Income Tax 06 Hours
Meaning and Classification of taxes, Brief history of Income Tax, legal frame work, cannons of taxation;
Finance Bill; Scheme of income tax; Definitions - Assessee, person, assessment year, previous year; Income,
gross total income, total income, agricultural income, exempted incomes u/s 10 (restricted to individual
assesse). Residential Status and Tax Incidence (Theory with Illustration )
Unit 2 Income from Salary – I 04 Hours
Concept of salary income, basis of charge, incomes forming part of salary, retirement benefits- computation
of Gratuity, Pension, Leave encashment and Provident Fund. (Theory with illustration )
Unit 3 Income from Salary – II 12 Hours
Computation of salary income - concept of allowances, various income tax provisions for computing taxable
value of allowances, concept of perquisites, classification of perquisites for their tax treatment, valuation of
perquisites, computation of income from salary after deductions u/s 16.
Unit 4 Other Heads & Assessment of Individual 08 Hours
Income house property, Profits and gains from business and profession, Income from capital gains and
Income from other sources (Theory – Meaning and Basis of Charge only). Deduction u/s 80C, 80D, 80TTA
Computation of total income and tax liability of Individual salaried assesse, problems - In case of Income
from other heads except salary (Computed income shall be given).
Preparation of return of income: Manually - On-line filing of returns of income & TDS.
Suggested readings:
Singhania, Vinod K. and Monica Singhania, Students’ Guide to Income Tax. Taxmann
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Dr. Mehrotra and Dr. Goyal, Direct Taxes Law and Practice. Sahitya Bhavan Publication.
Gaur & Narang, Income Tax. Kalyani Publishers.
Lal, B.B, Income Tax Law and Practice. Konark Publications, New Delhi.
IV SemesterM.Com
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
The course aims at providing the students, advanced knowledge about the Finance markets, and
various services provided in those markets. The syllabus is structured in a way whichprovides
adequate information about the roles of intermediaries and its regulating bodies. The course also
provides information about the prevailing financial system in India.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Equity Markets 14 Hours
Meaning, Features, Classification of Capital Markets; Functional importance of capital markets;
Methods of Floating New Issue; Advantages & Disadvantages of Going Public& private placement; Steps
or Procedure for Issue of shares (In Detail); Difference between Fixed price and Book Building; Types of
Bidders in Public issue; Benefits of Listing; Procedure & Eligibility for issue of IDRs, Debentures and
Masala bonds. Buy Back of Shares- Meaning & Definition; Reasons for Buy Back of Shares;Methods of
buyback of shares; Procedure of Buy Back of shares; Players in the New Issue Market and their
functions; Role of SEBI in New Issue Market; SEBI Criteria for issue of shares.
Unit 2 Stock Markets 14 Hours
Concept of Stock Markets; Difference between Primary market and Secondary Market (Stock Market);
Features of Stock markets; History of Stock Markets; Organization of Stock Exchanges; Difference
between Mutualization & Demutualization of stock exchange; Regulatory framework of stock exchanges
in India; Governing Body of Stock Exchange; Membership criteria in a Stock Exchange;Overview of Major
Stock Exchanges in India; Role, Function and Importance of Stock Exchanges; Role &Functions of SEBI in
Monitoring the Stock Exchange.
Unit 3 Trading in Stock Exchange 14 Hours
Concept of Stock Trading; Locating a Broker; Selecting Method of Trading; Placement & Execution of
order; Selecting pattern of trade; Preparation of contract notes; Settlement of Transactions (Settlement
Procedure-NSE and BSE); Reasons for using circuit breakers, Calculation of Index, Criteria of selection
for BSE 50 Speculators in Stock Exchange; Types of Stock Brokers and their activities; Stock Market
Classification of Shares; Depository-Meaning, Constituents, Depositories in India, Functions of
depository (NSDL and CDSL); Factors affecting stock markets;
Unit 4 Financial Services - I 10 Hours
Meaning and Classification of financial services, Securitization of Debts –Introduction of securitization,
features, advantages and the steps involved in the securitization process. Credit rating: Definition and
meaning, Process of credit rating of financial instruments, Rating methodology, Rating agencies, Rating
symbols of different companies.
Unit 5 Financial Services - II 08 Hours
Factoring: Origin, Types, Factoring mechanism, advantages, factoring charges, International factoring,
Factoring in India; Forfeiting: Origin, characteristics, benefits, difference between factoring and
forfeiting, growth of forfeiting in India.
Suggested readings:
Financial Markets And Services , E. Gordon, K. Natarajan, Himalaya Publishing House
Financial Services and Markets , Punithavathy Pandian, Vikas Publishing House
Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services , Gomez, Clifford, Prentice Hall India
Financial Services , M Y Khan, McGraw Hill Education
IV Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To enlighten the students with the concepts and practical applications of Strategic Management and
Corporate Governance.
To instill a comprehensive and step-wise understanding of the principles of strategy formulation and
competitive analysis
Course Contents
Unit 1 Strategy and Process 10 Hours
Historical perspective of Strategic management, Conceptual framework for strategic management, the Concept of
Strategy and Strategy Formation Process – Stakeholders in business –Vision, Mission and Purpose – Business
definition, Objectives and Goals. The SM model
Unit 2 Competitive Advantage 14 Hours
External Environment – PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Model ,The Competitive
Profile Matrix (CPM) ,Globalization and Industry Structure – Resources, Capabilities and competencies – Value
Chain Analysis – Core competencies, generic building blocks of Competitive Advantage- Distinctive
Competencies - Avoiding failures and sustaining competitive advantage
Unit 3 Strategic Alternatives 16 Hours
Corporate Level Strategies – Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination strategies - Business level
strategy: Cost, Differentiation, and Focus Strategies- Strategy in the Global Environment - Corporate Strategy -
Vertical Integration - Diversification and Strategic Alliances- Building and Restructuring the corporation-
Strategic analysis and choice – Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) – Organizational
Capability Profile - Strategic Advantage Profile - Corporate Portfolio Analysis – GAP Analysis - Mc Kinsey's 7s
Framework - GE 9 Cell Model – BCG Matrix - Balance Score Card, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFV) Matrix.
Unit 4 Strategy Implementation and Evaluation 10 Hours
The implementation process, Resource allocation, designing organizational structure - Designing Strategic
Control Systems - Matching structure and control to strategy - Implementing Strategic change-Politics-Power and
Conflict-Techniques of strategic evaluation & control.
Unit 5 Current Strategic Isuues 10 Hours
Managing Technology and Innovation- Blue Ocean Strategy, managing in an economic crisis, new directions in
strategic thinking, Strategic issues for Non Profit organizations, Small Scale Industries, New Business Models
and strategies. Sustainability strategies.
Suggested readings:
Hill. Strategic Management ,An Integrated approach, Edition Wiley
John A.Parnell, Strategic Management, Theory and practice Biztantra .
Azhar Kazmi, Strategic Management and Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill,
Adriau HAberberg and Alison Rieple, Strategic Management Theory & Application, Oxford University Press,
Lawerence G. Hrebiniak, Making strategy work, Pearson,
Gupta, Gollakota and Srinivasan, Business Policy and Strategic Management – Concepts and Application, Prentice Hall of
IV Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To facilitate a strong conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of Decision making concepts.
To acquire adequate knowledge of cost accounting theory in management decision making.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Managerial Decision 08 Hours
Decision making process, Database for decision-making, Cost-based Decision making.
Unit 2 Cost Behaviour and 12 Hours
profit analysis
Marginal Costing and Short term Decisions and pricing, Application of short term decision models: key
factors, diversification of products, profit planning, Product mix decision, contribution analysis, make or buy
decisions, discontinuation of product, diversification of product line, accept or reject special order, break-even
analysis, cost-volume profit analysis.
Unit 3 Responsibility 14 Hours
Accounting and
Divisional Performance
Responsibility accounting: meaning and definition, process in implementation, responsibility reporting,
centres for control, benefits of responsibility accounting, difficulties in the implementation of
responsibility accounting, methods for measuring divisional performance, divisional performance
Unit 4 Budgetary Control and 14 Hours
Variance Analysis
Steps in Preparation of master budget, zero based budgeting (ZBB): meaning, requisites for implementation,
features, ZBB vs Traditional budgeting, benefits, criticism. Planning, programming budgeting system (PPBS):
meaning, definition, PPBS vs conventional budgeting, stages in PPBS, advantages. Performance budgeting:
meaning, reasons of performance budget, requisites, and steps in implementation. Monitoring results and control
variances: planning and operational variances, interpretation of variances. (Theory only).
Unit 5 Uniform Costing and 12 Hours
inter firm comparison
Meaning, objectives, requisites for the installation of Uniform costing, uniform costing manual, advantages and
disadvantages. Inter-firm comparison: meaning, requisites, Procedure involved under inter-firm comparison,
advantages and disadvantages
Suggested readings:
Vashist and Saxena, Advanced Cost and Management Accounting, Sultan Chand and sons.
Jain and Narang, Advanced Cost Accounting, Kalyani publishers.
Jawaharlal, Cost Accounting, TMH.
Khan and Jain, Theory and Problem of Management and Cost Accouting, TMH.
Arun Prasad Roy Chowdhury, Cost and Management Accountancy, New Central Book Agency.
ICWA, Calcutta, Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy Methods, Techniques and Applications.
IV Semester Course Title Credits Hours
Course Code
To understand and apply corporate reporting practices and be able to prepare financial
statements in line with Indian Accounting Standards.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Evolution and Convergence of International Financial 08 Hours
Reporting Standards (IFRS) in India
GAAP in India and Hierarchy of GAAP in India, Convergence with IFRS – Stage-wise Approach,
Advantages of converting to IFRS, Significant Criticisms of IFRS, Issues in successful implementation of
IFRS in India, an overview of IND ASs: list of converged Indian Accounting Standards notified by
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) - Comparison of IFRS with Ind AS.
Unit 2 Accounting and Reporting for Business Combinations 15 Hours
Relevant Terms, Types of merger, methods of accounting, treatment of Goodwill arising on
merger, purchase consideration and settlement; Accounting in books of vendor/transferor
company, Accounting for investment in subsidiary, Accounting for holding companies (including
chain holdings, multiple holdings), Corporate Financial Restructuring (including intercompany
holdings), Reconstruction schemes, De-merger.
Unit 3 Group Financial Statements/ Consolidated Financial 15 Hours
Concept of a group, Purposes of consolidated financial statements, consolidation procedures-
Minority interest, Goodwill, Treatment pre-acquisition profit and concept of Fair value at the
time of acquisition, Preparation of group financial statements.
Unit 4 Accounting for investment in Associate and Joint 14 Hours
Meaning and scope of investment in associates in consolidated financial statements, significant
influence, application of the equity method of accounting, Disclosure requirements; Joint arrangement –
determination, Meaning and types of joint arrangements, accounting treatment- Equity method,
Proportionate method.
Unit 5 Accounting for Industry based standards (Theory only) 08 Hours
Agriculture –Insurance Contracts-Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources-Regulatory
Deferral Accounts.
Suggested readings:
Dr.A.L.Saini., IFRS for India, Snow white publications
CA Shibarama Tripathy., Roadmap to IFRS and Indian Accounting Standards
IFRS explained – A guide to IFRS by BPP learning Media
Kamal Garg., IFRS concepts and applications, Bharath law house private limited
MP Vijay Kumar., First lesson to IFRS beginners guide, Prime knowledge services.
IV Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To familiarize the students with the concepts of Financial management from a Strategic
To enable the students have a comprehensive understanding of financial policies and strategies.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Foundation to SFM 10Hours
SFM-Meaning, definition, characteristics, scope, importance; success factors of SFM, Constraints to SFM.
Financial policy and strategic planning: meaning, importance, steps, characteristics of financial planning;
Estimating financial requirements.
Unit 2 Strategic financing decisions 14 Hours
Capital structure and value in a perfect world – imperfections and capital structures –signaling theory – tools
for developing an effective capital structure – Guidelines for capital structure planning – dividend policy and
firm value – implication of real world imperfections – dividend policy formulation – rationale and objections
to share buyback – share buy backs and valuation.
Unit 3 Corporate Valuation 14Hours
Meaning and approaches to Corporate Valuation – Adjusted book value approach, Stock and debt approach,
Comparable companies approach, discounted cash flow approach; Concept of free cash flow to the firm, two
and three stage valuation models.
Unit 4 Value Metrics 12 Hours
Shareholder Value Creation – Traditional and modern approaches; Value Drivers, Approaches to Value
Based Management – Marakon Approach, Alcar Approach, McKinsey Approach, EVA Approach, BCG
Approach; Metrics for Measurement of Performance – EPS, ROI, EBIT, EBITDA, RONA, ROCE, TSR,
TBR, MVA, CVA,CFROI Concept of Economic Depreciation; Executive Compensation and value creation;
Employee stock option plan; Balanced score card.
Unit 5 Corporate Restructuring 10 Hours
Meaning and forms of corporate Restructuring – M&A, Types of Merger, Reasons for Merger, LBO,
buyback of shares, divestiture (sell off, spin off, equity carve-out), demerger (theory only).
Suggested Readings:
Allen,. Introduction to Strategic Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
Jakhotiya, G.P, Strategic Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited.
Vedpuriswar,A.V, Strategic Financial Management – Achieving Sustainable Competitive
Advantage, Vision Books.
Prasanna Chandra,Corporate Valuation, Tata Mc Graw Hill education private Limited.
IV Semester M.Com
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
To give an integrated view of corporate tax and apply the laws to business decisions.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Financial Derivatives - Overview 08 Hours
Financial Derivatives - Introduction, economic benefits of derivatives - Types of financial derivatives -
Features of derivatives market - Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives - functions of
derivative markets - Exchange traded versus OTC derivatives -traders in derivatives markets -
Derivatives market in India.
Unit 2 Commodities Market - Overview 10 Hours
Growth of Global and Domestic Commodities Derivatives Markets, Agricultural Commodities Market
and Non-Agricultural Commodities Markets Commodity Exchanges: Exchanges around the World and
its Importance, Commodity Exchanges in India. National Exchanges and Regional Exchanges, platform –
Structure, Exchange membership, Capital requirements, commodities traded on National exchanges,
instruments available for trading and Electronic Spot Exchanges
Unit 3 Futures and forwards Market 22 Hours
Futures and forwards - differences-valuation of futures, valuation of long and short forward contract.
Mechanics of buying & selling futures, Margins, Hedging using futures -specification of futures -
Commodity futures, Index futures, interest rate futures – arbitrage opportunities. Financial Swaps -
features and uses of swaps - Mechanics of interest rate swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps –
currency swaps – valuation of currency swaps. [Problems on valuation and hedging]
Unit 4 Options trading and valuation 10 Hours
Options: Types of options, option pricing, factors affecting option pricing – call and put options on
dividend and non- dividend paying stocks put-call parity - mechanics of options -stock options -
options on stock index - options on futures – interest rate options. Concept of exotic option. Hedging &
Trading strategies involving options, valuation of option: basic model, one step binomial model, Black
and Scholes Model, option Greeks. Arbitrage profits in options.
Unit 5 Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Derivatives Market and Types of 10 Hours
(a) Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Derivatives Market: Meaning and Concept, SEBI Guidelines,
Trading Mechanism – Types of Orders, Clearing Mechanism – NSCCL – its Objectives and
Functions, Settlement Mechanism – Types of Settlement. (b) Types of Risk: Value at Risk, Methods of
Calculating VaR, Risk Management Measures, Types of Margins, SPAN Margin.
Suggested readings:
Nitty Nandhini Chatnani,Commodity Markets, TMH
Prasanth, NeenaPandian, Commodity Markets, Subhas publications
Amuthan, Financial Derivatives-R , Himalaya Publications
Shri O.P. Agarwal, Financial Derivatives and Risk Management, Himalaya Publications
Prafulla Kumar Swain, Fundamentals of Financial Derivatives, Himalaya Publications
Course Code Course Title Credits Hours
MCO0618 TALLY ERP 9 2 30
To have practical knowledge of financial tools used by companies
To create and pass accounting entries in Tally
Course Contents
Unit 1 Creation of Company 5 Hours
Introduction to computerized accounting, Tally ERP 9, creation of company, features and configuration,
Creating accounting ledger groups, Creating accounting ledgers(single and multiple)
Unit 2 Creation of accounting and inventory vouchers 20 Hours
Creation of accounting vouchers- Contra vouchers, payment vouchers, receipt vouchers, journal
vouchers, purchase vouchers, sales vouchers, credit note, debit note.
Inventory vouchers: Purchases order, sales order, rejections out, rejections In, stock Journal, delivery
note, receipt note.
Unit 3 Generation of Accounting Reports and Analysis 5 Hours
Basic features of reports, financial statements, balance sheet, books and registrars, ratio analysis
NICT Computer Education, Tally.ERP 9 Series A Reference Manual