Financial Literacy
Project-Based Instructions
Name Standards Objective Description
Creating an CTAE-FS-5 Students will: Students will create an effective powerpoint to
Effective Information research information about the use in their presentation to the school
PowerPoint Technology schools’ Business and Computers administrators to try to convenience them to keep
for Applications: the Business and Computer Science program at
Presentation Learners use Science Program area and related their school. They will use the powerpoint to
multiple highlight the following information:
information student organization.
technology create an effective powerpoint to Statistics on Program Area
devices to access,
organize, process, use in a presentation to the Program Benefits to Students
transmit, and schools’ administrators.
communicate use powerpoint effectively Connection to Other Studies
during presentation. Highlights of Related Student Organization
Create an Effective Powerpoint for Presentation
Introduction: You have just been given the news that your school is considering cutting your CTAE Program Area. To convince the
principals that your program area is beneficial to the high school students and should be kept running you decide to create a
PowerPoint to persuade them. You plan to present this PowerPoint Presentation at the next Principals Team meeting.
Directions: This PowerPoint should have a minimum of 7 slides and must include (but not be limited to):
1. Statistics on your program area
-Number of students in the school who are enrolled
-Number of Pathway Completers
-Number earning Industry Recognized Certification
-Number participating in Work-Based Learning
2. How your program benefits the students
-Skills learned, both in the classroom and out
-How those skills will help in the future
3. Connections to other studies
-Mathematics, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies used in your program that connect to Georgia Performance Standards
-Any other connections, even to other CTAE programs areas
4. Highlight the Career Tech Student Organization associated with your program
-Number of Members present
-Number participating in Competition at Regional, State and National Levels present
-Number of Competition Winners present
-Community Service Activities/Projects
5. Any other information you find that may help convince your principals to keep your program area
Getting Started: Contact your program teachers/department chair to gain school data. You may also like to check out the Georgia
DOE website: to research your program area.
Use the PowerPoint Rubric and the PowerPoint Thumbs Up Sheet to help maximize the effectiveness of your PowerPoint
presentation. Also, include graphics, clipart and color in your PowerPoint.
You will present this to the class!
Save As: PowerPoint Presentation Project
Creating An Effective Powerpoint Rubric
Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Comments
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points
Background makes it Background does not Background does not Background does not
Fonts difficult to see text or detract from text or other detract from text or other detract from text or other
competes with other graphics. graphics, and is graphics, is consistent
Graphics graphics on the page consistent from card to from card to card, and is
(Including Font formatting generally card. appropriate for the topic.
Charts and Font formatting makes it complements the content,
Graphs) very difficult to read the though it may be a little Font formats have been Font formats have been
Sound/ material (e.g., size, color, hard to read. carefully planned to carefully planned to
Animations bold, italic, etc.). enhance readability. enhance readability and
All graphics are attractive content.
Several graphics are but a few do not seem to A few graphics are not
unattractive AND detract support the theme/content attractive, but all support All graphics are attractive
from the content of the of the presentation. the theme/content of the (size and colors) and
presentation. presentation. support the theme/content
The overall sound effects of the presentation.
The sound effects and and animations are The sound effects and
animations detract from adequate. Some slides animations are The sound effects and
the overall presentation. have too much or not appropriate and do not animations enhance the
(too many sounds per enough. distract attention. overall presentation. They
slide or no sounds on any focus attention where
slides) needed.
Spelling/ Presentation has more Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has no
Grammar than 2 grammatical and/or grammatical errors, but no misspellings, but no misspellings or
spelling errors. misspellings. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Text Sufficient amount of text,
Too much or not enough but overall the main idea Text helps to Text clearly helps to
Length of text. Main idea is unclear. is not communicated well. communicate the main communicate the main
Presentation 5 - 6 slides, presentation idea fairly well. idea.
1 - 4 slides, presentation
Content does not cover material The content is vague and 7 - 9 slides At least 10 slides
adequately does not create a strong (including Title Slide)
sense of purpose. Some The content is written with
The content lacks a clear of the information may not a logical progression of The content is written
point of view and logical seem to fit. ideas and supporting clearly and concisely with
sequence of information information. Includes a logical progression of
that is incomplete, out of persuasive information ideas and supporting
date and/or incorrect. from primary sources. information that is
accurate, current and
comes mainly from
primary sources.
Grading Scale: Signature of Evaluator:
28 - 32 A
23 - 27 B
17 - 22 C
Less than 16 Needs to be revised and resubmitted
Student Work
Name Standards Objective Description
Bankruptcy: CTAE-FS-2 Students will: Students will create an effective powerpoint to
Chapter 7 and Business research information about the use in their presentation to the class that highlights
Chapter 13 Computer key information of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
Laws Science: Bankruptcy Laws. Bankruptcy Laws.
PowerPoint Learners will create an effective powerpoint
for apply a decision- They will use the powerpoint to highlight the
Presentation making model to highlighting key points about the following key information:
consumer Bankruptcy Laws to use in a Provide Explanation of each Law
satisfaction when Explain Requirements of each Law
buying goods and presentation to the class Consequences of Bankruptcy
services. use powerpoint effectively How to Avoid Bankruptcy
during presentation.
Bankruptcy Project
Students will complete the following project to demonstrate their understanding of the Bankruptcy Laws (Chapter 7 and Chapter
Step 1. Go to the CNN Money Website and read “The New Bankruptcy Laws and You” article then
answer the attached questions about the article.
Step 2. Go to the internet, etc. and research additional information regarding the
Bankruptcy Laws.
Step 3. Use MS Office software to create a PowerPoint presentation that highlight key information
about both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Laws using the attached rubric. The PointPoint
presentation must have a minimum of 12 slides with a recommended length of 15 slides. The
content must cover all the required information that will help others to understanding these
laws. You must include pictures and clip art to help enhance the readability and creativeness of
the project, however, these items must be used appropriately.
Step 4. Save your work as: Bankruptcy Project
Step 5. Be prepared to present your PowePoint to the class when called upon by the teacher.
The New Bankruptcy Law and You Article Review Questions
1. What is Chapter 7?
2. What are some disadvantages of filing Chapter 7?
3. What is Chapter 13?
4. How does Chapter 13 work?
5. What is the different between the old to the new law in determining what you can afford to pay?
6. What is the different between the old and new law as it refer to homestead exemptions?
7. Can a lawyer be held accountable if a client’s information is incorrect?
8. What can happen to the lawyer if they are found to be liable?
Bankruptcy PowerPoint Rubric
5 4 3 2 1 TOTALS
Content is Content is Content is accurate Content is Content is
Content accurate and accurate but some but information is questionable and inaccurate and
information is information is not not presented in a information is not information is not
Slide Creation presented in a presented in a logical order, presented in a logical presented in a
logical order. logical order, but making it difficult order, making it logical order,
Pictures, Clip is still generally to follow. difficult to follow. making it difficult
Art & Presentation easy to follow. to follow.
Background flows well and Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation is Presentation has
Mechanics logically. well. Tools used well. Some tools unorganized. Tools no flow. No tools
Presentation correctly. Correct used to show are not used in a used. Insufficient
reflects number of slides. acceptable relevant manner. number of slides.
extensive use of Overall understanding. Lacking in number of
tools in a presentation is Correct number of slides. No images.
creative way. interesting. slides.
Correct number Images are Many spelling
of slides. Images are Most images are inappropriate. errors and/or
Images are appropriate. appropriate. grammar errors.
appropriate. Layout is Some spelling errors.
Layout of cluttered. Few spelling Some grammar
images is errors. Few errors.
pleasing to the Some spelling with grammar errors.
eye. no grammar errors
No spelling or no spelling with
errors. No some grammar
grammar errors.
Student Work