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Giovani Europei dal 14 al 18 febbraio 2024

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Giovani Europei dal 14 al 18 febbraio 2024

Giovani Europei dal 14 al 18 febbraio 2024

Keywords: Giovani Europei dal 14 al 18 febbraio 2024,Giovani Europei,Luca Filipponi,Paola Biadetti,Giovani Europei Magazine,Spoleto Art Festival,Spoleto,Arte

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Jpeciale Usa LA-NY [...] Maurizio Maglio is much more than an award-winning painter and poet; he is a storyteller of the stories woven into the land he loves. His native art is an invitation to explore Puglia through the eyes of a master, and his poems are the emotional soundtrack of this journey. Maglio, with his authenticity and talent, remains a leading figure in contemporary art, inspiring everyone who encounters his work. Paola Biadetti Artistic Director SMA

V • lovam EUROPEI Anno XXVII 2024 n.69 Registrazione n 91 rilasciata il 25/03/1997 presso il Tribunale di Spoleto. i*Cover Natale Andrea 2ACover Maglio Maurizio 3ACover Bradamante Paola 4ACover Capitani Mauro 3 Lettera del Direttore Luca Filipponi [email protected] 2 Eleonora Altamore Design 4 AugeAccademy 5 Pietro Camardella 6 Ciampaglia Car Design 8 Civaie Simone 9 Confort Zone di Dino Resta 11 Costanzi Sandro 14 de Fulviis Anna Rita 15 de Majo Stefano 16 Diana Maurizio 17 Giuffrè Valerio 18 lallussi Sevastì 19 Lauria Antonella 20 Lizzari Mariasole 21 Lo Coco Mario 22 Ludi Lorenzo 24 Mauri Enzo 25 Morelli Sabrina 26 Natale Andrea 27 Pinta Michele 28 Procaccini Angela 29 Serafini Elisabetta 30 Premio Comunicare l’Europa Fond. TAU 31 Terrone Francesco 33 Trotti Sandro 34 Sogest Italia Security Service 35 Alarm System 36 Events Speciale Usa Los Angeles -N ew York £~MariasolB lizzari 1

A Bag for a Friend”: Journey through Time and Style with Eleonora Altamore Design \ peciale Usa LA -NY -mm Eleonora * Altamore 'Storia di una borsa [...] "A Bag fora Friend" is not just a catalogue, but a celebration of women through time, a declaration of love for craftsmanship and a privileged look at the history of bags. Eleonora Altamore Design has been able to create a work that goes beyond the accessory, transforming each bag into a piece of history, bringing the past with it while embracing the present. A journey through fashion, femininity and craftsmanship that will fascinate lovers of fashion and craftsmanship. Paoia Biadetti

LETTERA DEL DIRETTORE Luca Filipponi Even the great Italo Calvino had said "I will never publish anything about America as much has already been said and published, going even further is difficult and perhaps superfluous". Then it wasn't like this and the American stay and in particular that of New York had a huge impact on the Italian intellectual born in Cuba in 1923 and lived around the world with particular references between Rome and Paris, so true is this hypothetical theorem expressed by me that perhaps the most read and the most famous (perhaps among the most famous books) by the intellectual of Sanremo origin is precisely the masterpiece work in my opinion, entitled "The American Lessons", which still today represent a interesting starting point, and certainly qualified for those who want to learn more about the American phenomenon. This year in 2024 the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto will be present in at least three major events in the USA, such as New York-Los Angeles-New York, two symbolic and iconic cities, in which we will be present both in integrated communication and also in presence, also because someone called the Gian Carlo Menotti Festival, in the name of the perhaps most important musician and composer of the 20th century, cannot fail to be present in America and the USA. And so the cover could not be missing (with the cover being a work by Andrea Natale) another iconic, or rather mythical, character, who even if of English origin in New York and the USA is still a myth that still exists and is more alive than ever: John Lenon! Thinking about it for a moment, during the Christmas holidays, I said to myself, but what could be more beautiful and healthy than representing the arts through a marathon, that is, almost 42 km of physical running, a marathon that we do in virtual form at Spoleto Art Festival every year, a marathon of the arts which on a psychological and psychic level for me and for all of us is much more than the 42 km run! And so I said to myself in 2024, run in addition to the virtual marathon, also the physical and real one which will take place on November 3rd in New York and where all of us in various capacities will be present to promote the 2025 art Festival Spoleto, because on that date we will have already concluded 2024... but maybe I'm seeing the whole film in reverse, that is, starting from the end, but it seems almost normal to me, and all in all I like it! Enjoy the reading! Anche il grande Italo Calvino aveva detto " Non pubblicherò mai nulla sull’America in quanto molto è stato già detto e pubblicato, andare ancora oltre è difficile e forse superfluo". Poi così non fu ed il soggiorno americano ed in particolare quello di New York incise moltissimo sull'intellettuale italiano nato a Cuba nel 1923 e vissuto in giro per il mondo con riferimenti particolari tra Roma e Parigi, tanto vero questa ipotetico teorema da me espresso che forse il più letto ed il più famoso ( forse tra i più famosi libri) dell'intellettuale di origine Sanremese c'è proprio l'opera capolavoro a mio modo di vedere, intitolata appunto "Le lezioni Americane", le quali ancora oggi rappresentano un punto di partenza interessante, e sicuramente qualificato per chi vuole conoscere meglio il fenomeno americano. Questo anno nel 2024 il Menotti art festival Spoleto sarà presente in almeno tre grandi eventi negli Usa, come dire New York-Los Angeles-New York, due città simbolo ed iconiche, nelle quali saremo presenti sia nella comunicazione integrata ed anche in presenza, anche perché chi si chiama Gian Carlo Menotti festival, in nome del musicista e compositore, forse più importante del XX” secolo, non può non essere presente in America e negli Usa. Ed allora non poteva mancare in copertina (con la copertina un'opera di Andrea Natale) un altro personaggio iconico, o meglio mitico, che anche se di origine inglese a New York e negli Usa è ancora un mito che ancora esiste ed è più vivo che mai: John Lenon! Ripensandoci poi un attimo, durante le festività natalizie, mi sono detto, ma cosa c'è di più bello e salutare che rappresentare le arti attraverso una maratona, cioè ben quasi 42 km di corsa fisica, una maratona che noi facciamo in forma virtuale a Spoleto Art Festival tutti gli anni, una maratona delle arti che a livello psicologico e psichico per me e per tutti noi sono molto di più dei 42 km di corsa! Ed allora mi sono detto nel 2024, conere oltre alla maratona virtuale, anche quella fisica e reale che si svolgerà il prossimo 3 novembre a New York e dove tutti noi a vario titolo saremo presenti a promuovere il 2025 art Festival Spoleto, perché in quella data avremo già concluso il 2024 ... ma forse sto vedendo tutto il film al contrario, cioè iniziando dalla fine, ma a me sembra quasi normale, e tutto sommato mi piace! Buona lettura INFORMAZIONE CULTURA E SPETTACOLO ovam EUROPEI Anno XXVII 2024 n.69 Registrazione n 91 rilasciata il 25/03/1997 presso il Tribunale di Spoleto. La rivista Giovani Europei viene distribuita in abbonamento postale a tutti i soci dell’associazione II Ducato, Ass Giovani Europei, Ass.lefo. In free press viene distribuita in molte università italiane, biblioteche, info points ed info points Europa, luoghi pubblici e privati che hanno costituito nel tempo una sorta di efficace circuito distributivo. Redazione ed Amministrazione Corso Mazzini 47 Spoleto Direttore Responsabile Prof Luca Filipponi [email protected] Condirettore Aw.Angelo Sagnelli [email protected] Direttore Grafica e Comunicazione Paola Biadetti [email protected] Progetto grafico Paola Biadetti PB Graphic GRAPtSc Fotografi e Crediti Fotografici Paola Biadetti Stampato presso SpeedyPrìnt- grafica@speedyprint. eu In copertina Opera di Andrea Natale John - 80x60cm nov 2022 Hanno collaborato: AUGE Accademia Universitaria degli studi Giuridici Europei Biadetti Paola Catapano Giuseppe Rettore AUGE Filipponi Luca Menotti Art Festival Spoleto Alarm System Altamore Lorenza Bradamante Paola Camardella Pietro Capitani Mauro Ciampaglia Car Design Civaie Simone Confort Zone di Dino Resta Costanzi Sandro de Fulviis Anna Rita de Majo Stefano Diana Maurizio Fondazione TAU Giammaria Umberto Giuffrè Valerio lallussi Sevastì Lauria Antonella Lizzari Mariasole Lo Coco Mario Ludi Lorenzo e CDSNews quotidiano Maglio Maurizio Mauri Enzo Morelli Sabrina Natale Andrea Pinto Michele Procaccini Angela Serafini Elisabetta Sogest Italia Security Service Terrone Francesco Trotti Sandro 3

peciale Usa LA-NY A uqe Press Dffice Paola Biadetti A sparkling start to the year for the Auge Academy Accademia Universitaria im i Stvh Gamma Encra CORSI DI Rettore Auge Academy Prof. A w . Giuseppe Catapano The Academy's press office recently announced a series of appointments of academic senators, further consolidating the prestige and influence of this institution in the cultural and academic landscape. The Auge Academy, which has always been committed to the promotion and enhancement of culture and education, enthusiastically welcomed the new members of the Academic Senate. The appointments, characterized by a careful and scrupulous selection, aim to guarantee diversified and high-level representation in various sectors. This initiative not only confirms the Academy's constant commitment to the pursuit of excellence, but also contributes to strengthening its role as a point of reference in the international academic world. In parallel with the senatorial appointments, the Auge Academy has signed new and significant memoranda of understanding. These strategic partnerships aim to encourage collaboration between the Academy and important cultural institutions. Likewise, Auge's active presence at the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto and the collaboration with Giovani Europei Magazine represented unique opportunities for networking and visibility. The press office documented these experiences, highlighting Auge's participation in cultural events and interaction with other creative and academic realities, thus promoting diversity and interdisciplinarity. It intensified its networking activities, consolidating relationships with Ancont, where excellent research and projects were presented. Another moment of great prestige was represented by the presence of the Academy at the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. The press office drew attention to Auge's involvement in this highly significant international event, underlining the institution's commitment to the values of peace, dialogue and international cooperation. The year that has just begun appears to be a promising chapter for Auge. With appointments of academic senators, memoranda of understanding, prestigious collaborations and participation in international events, Auge continues to pursue its mission of promoting knowledge, research and culture in an increasingly interconnected global context. A.U.G.E. A c c a d e m ia U n iv e r s it a r ia d e g l i S t u d i G iu r i d i c i E u r o p e i ATENEO DELLE PROFESSIONI IN COLLABORAZIONE CON fà H a KBii? 2 PROFESSIONALE MASTER SPECIALIZZAZIONI THE NOBEL

peciale Usa LA -NY Pietro Camardella Pietro Camardella is a legendary figure in the world of automotive design, famDns for his iconic creations that have redefined the concept of elegance and prestige in the automotive sector. With a career that spans over decades, Camardella makes an indelible mark on the world of cars. Born in Salerno, Pietro Camardella, after graduating in architecture from the prestigious Federico II University of Naples, was a designer at Pininfarina from 1984 to 1991 where he created, among others, the Ferrari F4D, 512 TR, F5D and 45B GT, as well tD various proposals for Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia, including the "Lancia HIT 88" concept. The consecration takes place with the beautiful Ferrari Mythos concept, presented at the Tokyo Motor Show and winner of the "Car Design Award 1990". He is the co-holder of numerous functional aesthetic patents. He has worked on more than 35D projects for the brands ALFA ROMEO-BAGUETTO-BCSBENETAU-BREDA-BULGARI-CADILLAC-CNH-CRF-FIAT-FIAT AGRI-FIAT FERRDVIARIA-FERRARI-FERRARIRE-HISPANO SUIZA-HDNDA-IVECO-JAGUAR-LANCIA-LAMBDRGHINI-MASERATI-MAZEL-NISSAN-PEUGEDT-PEGASD-PIAGGIO-SAA. He has held conferences in Italy, France and Spain. He taught and followed courses at the Polytechnics of Milan and Turin, and at the IAAD and IED design institutes in Turin. Since 2DI9 he has resumed painting, depicting his automotive creations and classic cars in acrylic. He began a cycle of five works, which depict his Ferrari creations in Pininfarina on a one-to-one scale, called "SCALAREALE" which he created in three days live on the occasion of public events. In 2D2D he was selected for his career award and the cover of the Volume DuemilArtisti La Fiera Letteraria was dedicated to him. Since 2D22 he has started collaborating with Prof Luca Filipponi, curating the Design section of the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto. Pietro Camardella is an internationally renowned designer. His influence on the world of motoring and artistic creativity is undeniable, and his work continues to inspire and excite car enthusiasts and art lovers.

Jpeciale Usa LA -NY Ciampaglia Car Design EXCELLENCE IN DESIGN My experience in the automotive industry originates from my passion for engines, which began at an early age, which prompted me from a young age to imagine automotive lines, simply by tracing them on paper. In a simple way, often drawing only the side view of the vehicle. My passion and my work in car design have their "sextant" in the search for the greatest "formal rigor" in the definition of a bodywork, thus avoiding wedge-shaped or too swollen lines and above all looking for harmony in the side view of the vehicle, a “full horizontality, a rigor that makes it stand out as a good product of Italian design. This characteristic of mine, beyond my specific path over the years, probably made me trace a small furrow with my sometimes (but not always) strongly angular lines and which, according to some friends and colleagues of the Turin automotive industry, would have recently been source of inspiration also for a "disruptive" SUV of the American house best known for electric vehicles. My "career" if we can define it that way, which has also been interspersed with periods in television directing, philosophy and national politics, is divided into two phases: In the first one I had contacts with Pininfarina (in the person of Ing. Ramaciotti) and then with The Franco Mantegazza Institute in 1993 in Moncalieri (TO) which will be the way will be the way to develop an exchange of stylistic ideas with Francois Lampreja in that place. The contacts with the Advanced Design of FIAT Auto (FCA Italia) now STELLANTIS in Via La Manta in Turin, will then give rise to the admission, then not taken for various reasons, to an internship period in the Company in 1995: the engine of th a t, Arco. Ermanno Cressoni (then department manager and ALFA 33 and ALFA 75) and Mario Favilla of the Alfa Romeo Style Center in Arese (Ml). In December 1997 the presentation on the Internet of the Fluydybrid and Tota clay models dedicated to FIAT and Lancia will have a wide international echo: from that experience STILETORINO will be born which, in the wake of that experience, will have contacts all over the world. The conceptual contribution, still partial but of full conceptual vitality, to the LAMBORGHINI Gallardo studies in August 1998 will then be an opportunity to introduce ideas on the new form, animated by the well-being of Eng. Tellarini and then the President Eng. Vittorio Di Capua. Subsequently, the Roman experience with GIANNINI Automobili of the Polverelli brothers did not prevent a certain exchange of stylistic ideas. Subsequently, after a long "pause" in which I produced in other work experiences, here is the "resumption" in 2015 of an intense activity, albeit autonomous, of rendering and sketches production which, mostly disclosed on the web, on Social brought to the attention of the general public, in the last year, the creation of the “VENUSTAM” concept for his friend and colleague Armando Romano will be the occasion of “victory” in the Transportation category at the ePDA 2021 | European Product Design Award. A Subsequent Autonomous Project, AENYGMA Will Obtain the Same Fate From Me - Victory in the Transportation category at the IDA Award in Los Angeles | International Design Award. I am currently engaged, after the creation of a supercar with extreme features, the SCINTILLA, in another operation of the same sign, namely the super sports car; DESPOT. CIAMPAGLIA Andrea | Concept DESPOTA | 3D Autodesk Alias tile | Honorable Mention Prize 2023 LICC Award

p eciale Usa LA-NY Simone Civaie The characteristic of his art is the use af the ancient mnsaic technique, an ancient art with a strong spiritual charge typical of late ancient art. This art is well present in the artist's places of origin and which certainly influenced his early artistic training.ln the creation of his mosaics, Simone reinterprets and ranges various themes and styles. From the early mosaics, in which classical figures and themes are reinterpreted, immersed in atmospheres reminiscent of ancient Roman wall paintings, up to the "mosaic" reinterpretation of the themes of more traditional painting.Here we find, recomposed in small luminous pieces, still lifes with a "Mediterranean" flavour, flowers and plants, even ranging into the landscape tradition, with the places dear to the artist, to move towards works with an exquisitely contemporary style, composed of conceptual themes and symbolic.However, the fundamental subject in his artistic production is certainly the theme of the sacred and spirituality, where the artist, in some works, expresses himself in the ancient style of hieratic figures, typical of Byzantine icons, while in others the style is that of the works which refer to the fifteenth-century style.A very versatile artist therefore, capable of transposing and reinterpreting this ancient and noble art in a modern key. 8

% pedale Usa LA -NY Comfort Zone A project made of imagination, creation and aesthetic taste Dino Di Resta Premio Comunicare l’Europa 2022 Sala delle bandiere Parlamento Europeo Roma The top innovation manager Dino Di Resta reveals himself: “In 2020 the desire to discover new worlds was too strong. I left the pellet sector and went back to school, or rather, I went to study in companies that, with great power, since their origins, had cultivated the experience of multi-fuel in the industrial sector. They were two years of real school in which I understood the art of fire.” Observing the combustion of 2,000 kW boilers in all its particularities was the inspiration that I had lost and that I found again by giving life to Comfort zone". A project made of imagination, creation and aesthetic taste. [...] imagination is a necessary ingredient in life. It's a way of looking at life from the other side. Imagination makes no logical sense, which is why it can work miracles." [...] The experiential journey that arises from visual contact with design parallels the concept of study linked to saving. A central theme in the Comfort Zone concept, thanks to the use of recycled materials such as peanuts, wood and many others. Each creation is characterized by essential lines, harmonious shades and precious details to warm the environment and fill the eyes with beauty. COMFORT

COMFORT 2SNE ANTONIO FERRARI 338.9189275 Valle d’Aosta - Piemonte - Liguria - Lombardia- veneto - RICCARDO TAITI 393.1401600 DANIELA SALENTO 335.1420429 UGO e LUCIANO FUSCO 335.5683805 - 320.9414049 MORENA COMPARE 393.8206749 DESIGN è scienza o istinto? DESIGN è coraggio. La consapevolezza che il dolore di un insuccesso è com unque un tentativo.

pedale Usa LA-NY di S a n d ro Cnstanzi FROM PIETRO OTTOBONI TO GIAN CARLO MENOTTI: LAN DINGS IN THE CULTURE BETWEEN ITALY, FRANCE AND AMERICA II Colombo or Discovered India (libretto by Pietro Ottoboni and music by Bernardo Pascucci, Rome Tetro Tor di Nona 1691 ); Montezuma (libretto by Alvise Giusti and music by Antonio Vivaldi, Venice, Teatro S. Angelo 1733): Venice, which had always aimed at the East, in baroque music begins to turn towards the West, or rather towards America. These are the first two works that Italy produced on the Americas. They certainly introduced a breath of fresh air into melodrama which was then concentrated on classical myth or in any case on ancient history, dealing with a historical event that was completely foreign to the practice of the time. Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni's Columbus fits into the still dominant conception of clemency and civilization brought by European sovereigns to conquered peoples. Antonio Vivaldi's opera Montezuma, which was said to be lost while Vivaldi himself was still alive, was instead partially rediscovered in 2002 in the archives of the music library of the Sing-Akademie in Berlin: the second act was found in its entirety, while some I and III were collected only arias and detached fragments. The recomposition of the work is due to the musicologist Alessandro Ciccolini. In modern times the drama Montezuma was created in 2007 at the San Carlo Theater in Lisbon. The musical archive of the Sing -Akademie in Berlin was stolen during World War II and taken to Kiev, only to return to its homeland at the end of the war. One of America's dearest works, certainly during the Second World War, was La fille du régiment. I confess that I wish I had written it: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy pays homage to Gaetano Donizetti, who debuted in Paris at the Théâtre de l'Opéra-Comique on 11 February 1840. The Parisian success of this opéra-comique by Gaetano Donizetti in Paris had been by: Marin Faliero (1835, Théâtre Italien); Roberto Devereux and L'elisir d'amore (1838); Lucie de Lammermoor, Les martyrs, universally known as Poliuto (1839, Opéra Gamier); Le duc d'Albe, L'ange de Nisida, better known as La favorite (1839, Théâtre de la Renaissance). Therefore a triumphal success for Donizetti in Paris, envied by Hector Berlioz who thus addressed the prolific Italian musician: we could no longer talk about theaters in Paris but only about Donizetti's theatres; and he commented in the Journal des débats of 16 February 1840: La fille du régiment, a work of which two dozen can be composed a year, with a well-lubricated head and a smooth hand. Puppet music: Robert Schumann and Richard Wagner added. The first and original version of this opera by Gaetano Donizetti, who brings together the Italian bel canto associated with the sparkling verve of the opéra comique, is therefore in French on the libretto by Jean François Alfred Bayard and Jules Henry Vernoy de Saint Georges . Shortly after the first composition in French he created a version in Italian, but The Daughter of the Regiment never achieved the unconquered success and popular appreciation that La fille du régiment had from the beginning. Precursor work that in the multifaceted role of the soldier Marie, adopted by the XXI Regiment; a collective authorship, (today if it had been a film, it would have been a romantic comedy) celebrates the ancient friendship between France and America. In fact, throughout the 19th century Donizetti's La fille du régiment was performed on the 14th of July, a French national holiday; add to this that this opera was performed at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York during the Second World War with the addition of the Marseillaise in the finale presented by Lily Pons. And with this ending La fille du régiment was also performed in 2015 due to the terrorist attacks that France had had in November at the city stadium and the Bataclan performance hall.If Paris welcomed the music of Luigi Cherubini, Gioacchino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti and Giuseppe Verdi, New York consecrated the U.S. the genius of Giacomo Puccini, hosting the first performance of La fanciulla del West at the Metropolitan Opera House on 10 December 1910. Already since 1907 the Metropolitan Opera House had performed the operas Manon Lescaut, Madama Butterfly, Tosca and La Bohême in their respective performance order. In 1910 La fanciulla del West will see the participation of the soprano Emmy Destin (Minnie), the tenor Enrico Caruso (Johnson), the baritone Pasquale Amato (Sheriff Ranсe); directed by Tito Ricordi with scenography by Angelo Parravicini who, at the request of Puccini himself, introduced eight horses in the last act that stood out against a dense snow-covered forest. Everything was harmonized by Arturo Toscanini.In fact, the Italian musical intelligentsia at the beginning of the century concentrated on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House. 11

peciale Usa L A —NY di Sandro Costanzi FROM PIETRO OTTOBONI TO GIAN CARLO MENOTTI: LAN DINGS IN THE CULTURE BETWEEN ITALY, FRANCE AND AMERICA Giacomo Puccini came to La fanciulla del West thanks to David Belasco's drama The girl from the Golden West; the authors of the libretto, Carlo Zangarini and Guelfo Civinini, wrote it from an Italian translation obtained by Sybil Seligman; an English friend of Giacomo Puccini who also sent him American folk songs and Indian songs. Puccini began composing La fanciulla del West in 1907; a tortuous genesis but in the end certainly glorious and recognized: The work is finished! - To this the composer added - 1 made a few cuts and removed many nice things in the book; and believe that everything is there: the emotion, the picture and the beautiful conclusion of a work that is not small in size. It was yesterday evening that the events of Minnie and her companions ended. Praise the Lord. The work is set at the foot of the Cloudy Mountains in California. A miners' camp, in the days of the gold fever, 1849 -1850 according to the indications of the libretto, undoubtedly reflects the Puccini exoticism of Madama Butterfly (Japan) and Turandot (China). An America already insinuated into the works of Giacomo Puccini; first in a desolate and boundless land near New Orléans in Manon Lescaut (1893) and then reconfirmed in B. F. Pinkerton, lieutenant in the U.S. Navy., the tenor in Madama Butterfly (1904). From Giacomo Puccini, of whom he was a profound admirer, to Gian Carlo Menotti passing through Arturo Toscanini himself. With free, but wise, candor Gian Carlo Menotti almost confesses in his last interview published by Paolo Cervone in the monthly Amadeus in May 2007, Gian Carlo Menotti, The Duke's dream. This is how he remembers his first meeting with Toscanini, a family friend: I went with some friends to his villa, for fear of disturbing him, we asked about his wife. “The lady is busy” replied the waitress, “if you want, you can talk to her husband, she has nothing to do”. And Gian Carlo Menotti, mindful of such support, will always remember the support that Arturo Toscanini gave him in Italy and the USA. It is the tenderness of an elderly gentleman who returns pure and free while awaiting death: I too have used the magic formula to make objects move, and I am no longer capable of stopping them. I too could use the help of a magician, but I fear it's death.Gian Carlo Menotti arrived in America at the age of sixteen accompanied by his mother. He remembers him in a cantata for soloists (soprano, contralto, tenor and baritone) and choir, dated 1976 and entitled Landscapes and remembrances where he recalls his life in America. He thus introduces his arrival in America, in an introductory note in Arrival in New York by sea: I was 16 when I first landed in New York. It was a cold winter morning, a few days before Christmas. My mother was with me. Few and concise words that demonstrate the memory of the heart. To sixteen-year-old Gian Carlo Menotti New York revealed itself to be teeming, intoxicated with life: The magic city crumbles into a clattering maze of steel. /From the deserted dock,/A smiling old man waves/At the approaching ship. In Picnic by Bradywine, the sixth aria entrusted to the soprano recalls and sweetly describes Samuel Barber's family. There the bucolic aspect of America flows into nostalgia: By the Brandywine?/Stretched out on the warm damp grass/l close my eyes, time floating over me/Like an aimless river.The water memories (the port of New York, the Brandywine River) finally dissolve in an airplane flight that takes Gian Carlo Menotti to Europe. It is the final aria of his cantata, entrusted to the baritone and the choir, The sky of departure (leaving America by plane, at sunset. After having lived, loved and worked in America for ever forty years, could I ever leave it without feeling exiled? : an exile remembers a fullness of life and love. The last farewell to beloved America : America, goodbye, oh love of my youth./lf I return to you-no longer an impatient lover/But as wistful friend, an undemanding eager friend, / Will you open your skies to me again? In short, a true declaration of love, to her never surrendered beauty: your unsurrendered beauty. 12

DINGS im BEi We have now reached the end of this journey which has been a perennial homage of Italian classical music to America. A profitable and mutual exchange as demonstrated by the Festival dei Due Mondi, created and directed by Gian Carlo Menotti: thanks to his genius, musicians of the caliber of Samuel Barber (A hand of bridge 1959, Vanessa 1961, both operas composed on Gian Carlo's libretto Menotti) and Louis Armstrong were at home in the theaters and squares of Spoleto. Moved by Pietro Ottoboni and Antonio Vivaldi, travelers in the Americas; World War II and the America dreamed and glimpsed in Gaetano Donizetti's Paris with La fille du régiment (1840), to the tune of Manon Lescaut (1893) we then crossed the Atlantic Ocean until we reached the California of La fanciulla del West (1910) in the America that consecrated Giacomo Puccini. Finally in Arturo Toscanini, a common link between Gian Carlo Menotti and Giacomo Puccini, we traveled into the memories of M° Menotti's heart, into the America that he poetically sings in the cantata Landscapes and remembrances (1976). It is therefore appropriate and dutiful for Gian Carlo Menotti himself to reconnect this single common thread: The avant-garde (...) is caged like wild beasts in the zoo, no one takes them home. I am the most represented contemporary author, at least outside Italy, but now even the critics are starting to agree with me: there is a cautious return to the romantic tradition, to which I have remained faithful throughout my career, despite the ferocious attacks. Unfortunately we composers have to die to be appreciated.

peciale Usa LA-NY Rita de Fulviis Anna De Fulviis's paems cannot be rEad. You listen to thEm, you touch thEm, you suieII thEm. Words are images that crEatE mElodiES. In a continuous synesthetic appeal, her verses awaken all the senses. The naturalness of hsr poatry, which ssams to arise not so much from her pen, but directly from hEr soul, rsachES ths reader forcEfully. And it is thE ability to makB ths rEadEr idEntify with it fEeliogs so intimatE aod pErsonal that it makES Anna De Fulviis' poEtry s d importaot. ThE powEr to rEcall a memory, a dormaot sEnsation, creates an essential connection with the author. And then there is thE strength of thE Elements that she u s e s and that she composes as she pleases. Nature, bEauty, death, passion. And also the pain. ThE strongest and most disruptive thing that Exists in life. The thread that ties everything together is certainly love. An absolute love, not necessarily for another person. A feeling addressed to all creation as to ourselves always searching for harmony. Even in the deepest suffering you can pErcEivE the intensity with which thE author seeks and rediscovers her d w o harmony. Flarmony is also the title of one of the poems contained in this collection, perhaps the one I loved the most. All the themes, all thE power, the rhythm. thE colors and the author's ability to uncover thE essence are condensed there. Through images shE brings us back to the mathematical perfection that underlies creation. Reading the poems of Anna De Fulviis is not an experience that can leave you indifferent. The reader should prepare to relive emotions, to re-face memories, to look at himself and what surrounds him and to feel the very meaning of life emerging again. This is the power of Anna De Fulviis's poetry, and all of us can only be grateful that she found her voice again and wanted to share her verses. Honorable Pino Bicchielli GI0VE E IL BACID AMORE ED IA ESTASI JL'A N O IM A DANZA

pedale Usa LA-NY di S te fa n o de Majo Valentine's Day testimonial of llmbria and Ambassador to the World of Love and Peace Valentine's Day Pop in the theatrical version by Stefano de Majo represented an artistic and cultural testimony of the Umbria region and its vocation to love and peace in the world at the Menotti Art Festival. In the last year 2023 in various events of the Menotti Art Festival, in Spoleto, Venice and Brussels, the actor and author of Valentine's Day Pop, Stefano de Majo, performed his piece as a theatrical monologue on the protector of lovers universally recognized in the world in an original pop version, between sacred and profane, highlighting artistic and cultural aspects of Umbria. In particular, this happened last May 10th in Brussels at the Regions of Europe at the Abruzzo regional headquarters Avenue Louise 210 and the following day May 11th in the Umbria Region headquarters in the presence of Dr. Gabriella Ceccarelli, at the European Parliament, thanks at Giovani Europei Magazine and Spoleto Meeting Art, at the invitation of the artistic director Paola Biadetti and the president of the Menotti Art Festival Luca Filipponi. Subsequently, on May 27th, it was repeated in Venice in Calle del Teatro or Commedia, within the Biennale and finally on July 8th in Spoleto on the occasion of the Menotti Art Festival. The same author and performer of the piece, Stefano de Majo, explained his theatrical work thus, highlighting the historical and cultural roots of the Umbrian territory, regarding the values of peace and love: "Umbria, green heart of Italy has always been, as well as a place of natural and scenic beauty, also a land of profound mysticism and spirituality, which expresses the propensity for love and peace through the figures of hermits and saints. There is no other place in the world that can boast, in relation to the extension of the territory and the number of inhabitants, such a large number of famous mystics and saints, women and men dedicated to love and peace, to whom a territory has given Christmases. In fact, just to mention a few women, they were Umbrian Saint Clare of Assisi, her sister Saint Agnes, as well as Saint Rita of Cascia. But if we think about some of the men who later became saints, we realize that they are Umbrian very important figures such as the patron saint of Italy, Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Europe, Saint Benedict of Norcia and even the patron saint of love in the world : Valentine's Day from Terni, universally considered the protector of lovers even in countries of different religions. My theater piece on Valentine's Day plays precisely on the transversality of the "saint in love", tracing a portrait that is not only religious but also popular, between sacred and profane, between real history and mere legend. Thus, historical ideas relating to the figure of the Terni martyr who actually existed, taken from the essay published by Giuseppe Cassio and Edoardo D'Angelo with the collaboration of Paolo Cicchini, alternate with other completely legendary ideas, taken from authors such as Chaucer, Shakespeare and even Edgar Allan Poe, who were the first to talk about Valentine's Day in literature. But there are even references to pre-Roman and therefore pagan history, which highlight the ancient cultural roots of Umbria as a land of peace and love, with the ancient migratory tradition of the Ver Sacrum, attested by authors such as Strabo, Scylax, Pliny the Elder and Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who testify how the Umbrian peoples conquered territories without any use of weapons but through migrations of couples in love in search of new lands to cultivate. Here is therefore the powerful message of peace and love that comes from Umbria through the Menotti Art Festival and the theatrical piece on Valentine's Day Pop by Stefano de Majo, in this moment in which the world is crossed by wars and violence. From this theatrical work, a short film was also made in English to convey the message of peace of Valentine's Day in the world through art, in the spirit dear to Maestro Menotti, for whom art must be a gesture of “love". 15

peciale Usa LA-NY curatEd by Carla Mazzoni Maurizio Diana He was barn in RamE in 1939. GEalagist, physicist a n d paintEr. In addition tn his sciEntific сэгеег, Ие warkEd as a paintEr. In thE l99Ds hs fallawEd thE ПЕВ-figarativE trEnd. In thE '70s in Paris Ье was prESEnt at thE Salans af thE JEanE PEintarE and Figuration CritiquE. SincE thE '8Ds hE has prESEntEd Installations asing slides from his paintings with variations in thE intEnsity of thE projEctEd light. InvitEd, hE has participatEd in thE AlExandria Biennial in Egypt and ргвSEntEd his works at tha Salons des ArtistES IndEpEndants at thE Grand Palais. In 2011 hE participatEd in "100 artists for Hangzhoa" in China and published a monograph EditEd by thE critic G . XarigoEra. In 2013 hE dEVElopEd thE cycle of "Monotonous TElEvisions" which hE prESEntEd in RomE a t thE ArchaEological MosEom a n d bEgan thE cycle "Qrizzonti" which hE l a t E r ГЕ-proposEd in 2 D IS as "New Horizons", a path of opdatEd SElf-citation. In 2014 in Paris ha prESEntEd a solo exhibition a t G alerie 89 and in R om e a t th e N apoleonic M u seu m th e in stallatio n "F ro m th e P y ra m id s to Elba". He p re s e n ts a solo exhibition in P a ris a t G alerie S o rb nn n e 4. N u m e ro u s a r e his solo and gro up exhibitions in Italy and a b ro a d and his w o rk s a r e in m a n y collection s. P a r t of his g rap h ic w o rk is p re s e rv e d a t th e B iblinthequa N ationale de Fran ce. M au rizio D iana's m a n tra is to re p re s e n t th ro u g h his w o rk s his vision o f a c u ltu re in w hich th e va rio u s d isciplines a r e in te rc o n n e c te d , a th o u g h t th a t he has alw ay s c a rrie d fo rw a rd in his life as su ccessfu l sc ie n tis t. He sy n th es ize s th e ico n o g rap h y o f th e p a s t and p re s e n t and, m ixing im ag es and lan gu ag es o f th e va rio u s c u ltu re s , as Ruthie T u c k e r says <his art is a fusion of different artistic icons that became a visual metaphor for the complexity of life's cross-cultural experieoces> New Horizons ISO (ThE hand) oil on collage on canvas, 80x100 cm, 1078-2020 New Horizons 155 (ThE fam ily), nil on callage on canvas, 80x100cm, 1078-2018 m a u r iz io d ia n a p itto r e @ g m a il.c o m w w w .m d ia n a .n e t w w w .m a u riz io d ia n a p itto re .c o m 16

J peciale Usa LA -NY On Wednesday 1st November at 4.30 pm at the Caffe Letterario del Sansi in via della Salara Vecchia 21. the latest book by Valeria Giuffre, Roman doctor, artist and philosopher eotitled "Geoitic Fissismo, Apertis Verbis" (Bastogi Editore) will be presented with the preface by Llgo Berardi and with the presence of the poblisher Gianfranco Cotronei, Loca Filipponi. Paola Biadetti, the critic and art historian Sandro Dostanzi, the mosician aod actress Emanoela Mari, as well as Valerio Giuffre himself, with the extraordinary participation of the artist aod art critic Angelo Matteo Socci. On this occasioo, the October exhibition "Contemporary Abstractionists" closes, featuring the works of Valerio Giuffre himself, Silvio Craia and Evelina Marinangeli. The theme of Valeria Giuffre's book is very current as the Roman philosopher is known for his pro-Western positions and has repeatedly denoonced that there is a strong East-West conflict underway which we all must take note of and then also take an adequate position for the defense of our values and Western democracies. Prof Luca Filipponi was satisfied with the Auge Academy. Giuseppe Catapano and Cesare Cilvini who were invited to the conference and ceremony of the Nobel Prize for Literature in Stockholm which will be celebrated on ID December 2023: "It seems to me that being confirmed as the Nabel Prize again this year a truly extraordinary achievement, a reward above all for the merit and innovative ideas we brought last year." In Spoleto, or alternatively in another city that will be available, we are working to bring a study center far Arts and Philosophy into a European dimension and in this sense there will be an important hearing in the European Parliament in May Valerio Giuffre 17

£ pedale Usa LA lallussi Sevasti has obtainEd numerous and im portant prizES and rEcognitions for his a rt which is widely recognized and appreciated by critics and the public. An a rt that harks back to thE classics, but with a strong spirit of innovafcBfflniltai«? experimentation. In this s a m rit see'rris?,’. ’ obvious and a p p ro p ria tP ^ H p g this a rtist and her art to th p S iiti I St s of

Antonella Lauria Antanella Lauria graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Bari and in Primary Education Sciences from the University of Turin.She is a teacher of Italian Language. Literature and History in secondary schools and high schools. She gained her artistic experience independently by following art workshops both in Puglia and in Piedmont.You have received artistic awards by participating in art exhibitions. Landscape designer and fashion designer at the same time, she loves to highlight the humanitarian character and life expressions of those she portrays, also giving life to objects.Baroness Maria Lucia Soares peciale Usa LA-NY

peciale Usa LA-NY curated by Carla Mazzoni ♦ "Mariasole-Lizzari She was barn in Brescia in 1973, where she still lives and warks. As a self-taught artist, she initially apprnached painting and later embraced □ther farms nf art. She has participated in numernus exhibitians bath in Italy and abrnad. Mnvement, partrayed as change, and explnratinn remain fixed key paints in her persanal and artistic life. In bath painting and sculpture. She uses different techniques and materials tn create and cnnvey the image nf a cnncept nr a thnught. The painterly texture in nil paintings creates an essential, vibrant light that alters fnrm tn create nverlapping dimensinns and indefinite spaces in a cnntinunus evnlutinn. In acrylic paintings, cnlnur mixtures blend intn silky shades. She writes: "I didn't chnnse "tn fly", but "flying"... as if it were cnntinunus, a pnsitinn in the present nr an actinn that is happening. Remaining suspended in an unfamiliar place, where the wind blnws, the mind is carried away, and thnughts play, swirling in a transforming sky. Time, space, and cnnditinns held dnmininn. Nnt ever humans, but an undisputed dnmininn that gnes beynnd nur being. And ynu travel, ynu travel with calm and silence, with a stnrmy sea, with lightning and thunder. Ynu travel alnng with ynur life, with thnse like ynu whn are flying abnve what will nn Innger be, abnve the past. While what is represents a chnice, a new path tn take tn catch life's breath." m a r i a s o lE liz z a r i^ g m a il .c c m In s t a g r a m m a r ia s o le liz z a r i w w w .m a r ia s o lE liz z a r i.C D m

Mario Lo Coco The Ceramic Art Df Monreale that Defies Time Lo Coco's distinctivE style manifests itself through the creation of ceram ics with fascinating shapes: perfect spheres, elegant CDnes and bnaks, with their folded pages. The strength of La Coca's ceram ics lies in his ability to mold clay into both simple and complex shapes. Lo Coco's spheres are like globes of knowledge, containers of knowledge and mystery. Every detail is takeo care of with precision, and the mastery with which he shapes the clay transform s each piece into a timeless work of art. The cones, of Sumerian inspiration, are true masterpieces. Lo Coco has been able to reinterpret ancient form s in a contemporary key, giving each piece an aura of mystery and spirituality. The precision of the engravings and the attention to detail reveal careful historical research, a respect for traditions that merges with the artist's creativity. Lo Coco's ceramic books are a tribute to knowledge and culture. The choice to use the book as a medium is a tribute to the wisdom and depth of human knowledge, an invitation to explore worlds through reading and reflection. Mario Lo Coco's ceram ics are a journey through time and space, a combination of craftsmanship and historical inspiration. Each piece is a work of art that tells age-old stories and invites the viewer to immerse themselves in a world of magic and contemplation. His ability to shape clay and the depth of his themes make Mario Lo Coco a m aster ceram ist from Monreale to be admired and appreciated. Paola Biadetti Artistic Director SMA 21

peciale Usa LA-NY Lorenzo Ludi Fondazione Ha.rea ONLUS LORENZO LODI AND HIS MASTERS With Bellani. D’Anielln, Giuliana, Intelisana. Linari, Perucca, Peruzzatti and VaccaraaE In La Spezia. the Starts assnciatien dedicates an exhibitian tn the wnrk nf Lnrenzn Ludi. whnse artistic jnarney began ten years agn, thanks tn the Starts wnrkshnps entitled "Art knnws nn nbstaclEs". "With this belief, in 2013, we started a asefal path tn devElnp cngnitive activities, thraugh the representatinn nf reality, entrusted tn the infnrmal and pictnrial abstractinn - specifies Panin Asti, president nf the assnciatinn - Cnnvinced that the art labnratnries they cnuld be an nppnrtunity tn get the kids nut nf the hnuse, tn get them tngether and tn give their parents same "breathing rnnm"; certainly we, nnr the artists whn had generously jnined the project, cnuld nnt imagine what cnuld have happened. Abnve all, we had nnt imagined that, far Lnrenzn, painting wnuld became the means nf self-expressinn." The exhibiting ten years after the first art wnrkshnp, tells part nf the artistic jnurney undertaken by Lorenzo, whose works are accompanied by a w ork fa r each artist who enthusiastically joined the initiative. "Lorenzo, like a true artist, reveals to others w hat is beyond common vision, painting the invisible or what only he can perceive. In this way, he identifies a rt as his sublime means of communication with others," concludes Asti as curator of the exhibition. 22

peciale Usa LA-NY h r e n z o Ludi Fondazione Ha.rea ONLUS 23

peciale Usa LA-NY curated by Carla Mazzoni Enzo Mauri EnzD Mauri, born in Manza in I94E. EnginEEr and paintEr, graduatEd fram ths AcadEmy af Fina Arts in Rome. livas and works dividing his timE bEtwEEn RamE, in an all-glass studio ovarlooking thE rooftops of thE city CEntEr, and in ths largE villa he dEsignEd himsslf in CapadimontE. Mauri bEgan painting abstract works, but soon became a figurativE paintEr and dEvotEd himself almost ExclusivEly to thE rEprESEntation of imagES of everyday lifE: a rEportagE of anonymoos individuals, sitting sibntly in dEsolatE waiting rooms, or in hasty movEmEnt in the city strEEts, oftEn portrayEd in crowdEd sobways, datacfiEd from thE rEality that surrounds thEm, complEtEly immersed in thE mobils phonE; othsr times thEy appEar paintEd with backpacks on their backs and camEras around their necks intent on visiting and portraying well-known squares and monuments. ThE scenes w e s e e in these paintings have the cut and immediacy of snapshots, thEy seem like flashes taken suddenly fo r a lively and sometimes desolatE city news reportage; a rEality experienced an an ordinary day in any Western city. Mauri's oil painting is precise, meticulous, the images drawn and then colored. The faces are carefully portrayed in different Expressions, yEt thEy are anonymous, as in fact the individuals we mEEt every day in thE strEEts of our cities are anonymous. In his long career. EnzD Mauri has presented many solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad, and he has participated in numerous group Exhibitions and awards. Many of his paintings have become part of important collections www.EnzamauriartistB.ccm 24

p eciale Usa LA -NY Sabrina Morelli S'ARR'l'BlA UORfELLQ <L vW A'PP £ > < ] v q t ’a A moment of life by Sabrina Morelli: An anthalagy dedicataci tD thè suffering ef cancer patients. because sharing thè pain is an extra suppnrt far thnse whn dnn't believe there is annther tomnrrnw. A ray nf light fer thnse whn nn Innger have hnpe and an invitatinn tn everyone tn "look at thè face. eyes. smile, tears, listen tn screams, cries, phrases and requests, never get tired, do nnt bend or retreat in front of those slow steps, those trembling hands. those bodies tortured by therapies, which on thè one hand cure you, on thè other they upset what perhaps can stili be called life". Poet, writer and journalist Born in Rome, she completed classical studies and then legal studies. She never practiced because she was passionate about computer science, which I followed for three years as a C language programmer, Cobol and Unix. She is the mother of two splendid boys and a widow since September 2D20. After the death of her father and her husband's illness in 2DIB she started writing poetry, a Id v b for literature that has accompanied her since her classical studies, especially in authors such as Sappho, Plato, Baudelaire, Alda Merini. She is the administrator of two poetic groups and she is part of other groups that have awarded her several literary prizes. SomE of her poEms havE also been published in newspapers such as "Buongiorno Taranto" and "Caserta Web". I consider myself a singer-songwriter of the soul, my poetry varies from love to pain. My aim is to communicate my sensations and share them with those who follow me and recognize their intensity through my verses. t 25 The writer Sabrina Morelli at the European Parliament in Rome with Menotti Art Festival and Accademia A.U.G.E to propose her anthology nominated for the 2023 Strega Poetry Prize "A moment of life" dedicated to cancer patients. With the presence of the President of the Menotti Art Festival of Spoleto Luca Filipponi, Morelli spoke about poetry as a therapy against the pain of the loss of her loved ones due to cancer, the importance of closeness to family members and oncological and palliative care. The writer Sabrina Morelli will donate 70% of her copyright, in agreement with the publishing house Pan Di Lettere, to the Bambino Gesù of Rome for the construction of a pediatric palliative care center.

effele Us •iNiiiw . ,J.jn xusiy ' "St I1K' Italo Calvino - opere pop - telaio gallery - 70x1 * ym drarffatale is an artist from Cakipania wha demonstrates Extraordinary creativity with his Pap / A r t fn d his music. His ability to capffiire the essence cf.'pap culture and convey jay through his ■ work is truly remarkable. If^pu'love vibrant art andengaging music, yau absolutely shouldn't miss I Andrea Natale's works anrfperformanj;es. Paola Biadetti Artistic Director SMA

peciale Usa LA-NY Michele Pinto Michele Pinto is a 3ED degree artist and prac tices a great art of experimentation both as a painter and as a sculptor with techniques that are sometimes traditional and sometimes totally innovative. He starts from a cryptic painting of some paintings up to decomposi tions inspired by Pablo Picasso up to symbol ism with various surrealist variants. In short, through Michele Pinto we retrace all modern and contemporary art and above all we can learn new artistic and cultural concepts. Artist to know Prof Luca Filippani Cartolina Celebrativa 23 settembre 2023 Chiostro di San Nicolò Spoleto M e n o t t i A r t F e s t iv a l S p o l e t o

pedale Usa LA-NY Angela Prncaccini's true nature is that □f a teacher: having graduated in Classics, she has bruadened her work experience by cnllabnrating with the Cnmmissien for International Adoptions and the Municipality af Naples. Manager □f nautical institutes, she has drawn frnm the sea the essence tn travel the ruutes af life again. In fact, the Sea, the Ynung Pauple, the Culture have always been the nourishment uf her soul, the guide to move forward, the comfort for the loss of Simonetta, her beloved daughter killed at the hands of the Camorra. Appointed Official of the Republic, she still prefers to feel like the "Children's Partisan", as she has been defined for her propensity to reason with young people, and to create in them the "warm core" of values and feelings. A sensitive and refined writer, today she directs the Istituto Bianchi, with her gaze always fixed on the distant horizon. You have published numerous books of poetry and fiction for Guida Editori and Graus Edizioni. Angela Procaccini The silence of the boys: the common thread of these stories, in which singular, unique emotional profiles are intertwined, which find the strength tD react to the anxieties of life, freeing themselves from their fears. The stories told offer glimpses of daily realities, and underline the pleasure and security that the places of origin transmit, but also the limits linked to lives of sacrifices, which become heavy ballasts. From here comas the desire to escape, to listen tD the voices of nature that stimulates the imagination. Thus, for example, Gianni learns to take care of others and therefore also of himself, Mimmo tastes the flavor of hope through the charm of music, Fatima embodies nostalgia for one's origins and the importance of culture that sets one free, Sibilla expresses the inner emptiness that tears apart after a disappearance. All the characters are particular: through emotions they manage to go beyond what is allowed to them. Angela Procaccini talks about the importance of dreams, of hope in something new that can make us forget suffering. The silence of teenagers is the voice of teenagers through Angela's words. 28

peciale Usa LA-NY Elisabetta Sarafini Elisabetta Serafini. a multifaceted artist originally fram Viterbo, stands Dut far hBr extraardinary ability ta express her unique vision of the world through different art forms. Primary teacher by profession, bookseller by passion and artist by vocation, Serafini embodies the harmonious uoion between teaching, literature and painting.The use of natural pigments, the result of careful research, adds a distinctive element to Serafini's works. The colors, obtained from lands that carry with them the history and richness of the Viterbo area, give her creations a unique depth and vitality. This choice is not only aesthetic but also represents a commitment to environmental sustainability, a tangible way to connect with the earth and to celebrate the intrinsic beauty of nature.Each painting by Elisabetta Serafini is a fascinating joorney through her artistic sensitivity, transmitting emotions and reflections on life, femininity and the connection with the world aroond us. Elisabetta Serafini stands as an eclectic and inspiring figure in the artistic panorama. Her ability to integrate teaching, literature and painting, combined with her choice to ose natural pigments, makes her an authentic guardian of tradition and at the same time an innovative artist, capable of illuminating the world with her vision uniqoe and its timeless sensitivity. Paola Biadetti Direttore Artistico SpoletoMeetingArt 29

eciale Usa LA Communicating Europe in the Roman Palaces celebrates art, culture and virtuous institutions. NY As a tribute to L'Aquila, candidate for Capital of Culture 2026, the International Award "Communicating Europe 2024" was awarded with a plaque signed by the President of the T.A.U. Association, Dr. Umberto Giammaria, member of the examining commission, each having the image of the most important monuments of the city. It was 2008 when Professor Luca Filipponi, fresh from his experiences in Brussels, took up this title "Communicating Europe" to make it an international prize that everyyear has grown more and more so much so that it has become one of the key events of the Palaces of Roman Politics these days. The Communicating Europe 2024 award will take place at Palazzo Ferrajoli Piazza Colonna on Thursday 1 February starting from 3.30 pm in the presence of big names and big names in journalism and culture. The organizing committee headed by the Menotti art festival with Luca Filipponi, Paola Biadetti artistic director, Tania di Giorgio Musical director, L'Accademia Auge with Giuseppe Catapano Rector and Cesare Cilvini President have delegated Dr. Anna Maria Petrova, writer, actress and poet of Bulgarian origin to chair the international commission as follows: Silvio Irrazabal (Uruguay), Stella Camelia Enescu (Romania), Sara lannone, president of the Alba del Terzo Millennio association, Alessandro Maugeri, international promoter, Neria de Giovanni, president of the International Association of Literary Critics, Angelo Sagnelli, director Spoleto art Festival Letteratura, Francesco Petrino, President of the Snarp study center.During the event, works by the following artists will be exhibited and delivered: Paola Agiini, Silvio Amato, Paola Biadetti, Silvio Craia, Rosanna Della Valle, Sevasti lallussi, Mario Lo Coco, Piergiorgio Maiorini, Evelina Marinalgeli, Elisabetta Serafini, the awards ceremony will be interspersed with artistic moments with: Floriana Rignanese (Fashion Performance with II Sogno di Siriah and the jewels of Vanna Netti), Franco Leone, Tania di Giorgio, Emanuela Mari and with the stylist Eleonora Altamore (Special Guest). List of those awarded for professional and work merits and for notable civil and cultural commitment: Luca Barbuto, Agnese Benedetti, Simona Brait, Pasqualino Buonfiglio, Maddalena Caccavaie Menza, Ambra Cenci, Emmanuele Charles, Tommaso Chimenti, Maria de Fatima Jardim, Stella Camelia Enescu, Raffaele Festa, Vittorio Formenti, Giuseppe Mario, Francesco lovino, Pauline Kashale Muanjl, Benedetto Mangiavillano, Emanuela Mari, Stefania Montori, Andrea Natale, Maurizio Orsolini, Fabrizio Pompilio, Isabel Russinova, Mimma Schiaviello, Elisabetta Strickland, Ekaterina Tchakarova, Donatella Tesei, Adele Vairo, Silvana Virgilio.

peciale Usa LA -NY Ifet FOND AZIONE | FRANCESCO TERRONE di R IPAC AN D ID A E G INESTRA 'O PREFETTURA DI 31 Francesco Terrone, was born in Mercato San Severino (SA); he graduated in mechanical engineering from the Federico II University of Naples; he has been awarded several honorary degrees both in the poetic / literary field and in the working field. Founder of the company Sidelmed Spa; founder and President of the "Francesco Terrone di Ripacandida e Ginestra" Foundation, he was appointed Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Ref. Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, Year 162 - Number 94 of 20 April 2021). Fie is an honorary member of the Pontifical Academia Mariana Internationalis (PAMI-via Merulana, Rome), and is a member of the International Commission of the Pontifical Academia Mariana Internationalis (PAMI) dedicated to the development of Marian Muslim-Christian dialogue. A freelance journalist, he is a partner of The Italian Insider, an Italian-English newspaper based in Rome, with which he collaborates as a columnist. He also writes articles for Assadakah, the Italian-Arab Association based in Rome, founded by the international journalist Talal Khrais. He is a columnist for the newspaper “Roma” based in Naples, founded in 1862. He is a columnist for the program, broadcast on Telelombardia, “Detto da voi” conducted by Caterina Collovati. He is dedicated to interreligious and intercultural dialogue in Italy and abroad, especially in the Mediterranean area. He spends his life dedicating himself to work, but for more than 30 years he has been passionately interested in poetry, declaring that: "Poetry is not a hobby, but my reason for living. It is a magma that I feel bubbling at the bottom of my soul without which I would not know how to live. With words I can get to where I can't with numbers", He is the author of numerous poems and there are more than 100 published poetry collections of great value, some of which have become sacred representations and have been recorded on CD. His lyrics have been translated into 20 languages. This allowed his name to cross national borders. He made himself known not only by national critics, but also by world critics, receiving numerous awards and recognitions; his poetic works, of marked sensitivity, are capable of touching the deepest chords of the human soul, moving through themes that touch love, society, religion. In this context he wrote his "Meditations to the Via Crucis", "The seven words of Mary" "The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit" and "Meditation to The last seven words of Jesus on the Croce", but the drafting of in" Via Lucis "and a poetic collection dedicated to Mary. He participates in television and radio broadcasts, in university seminars and workshops; articles concerning him appear in national and international journals. Through poetry Francesco Terrone manages to spread Italian culture by creating bridges all over the world. ING. FRANCESCO TERRONE +39 348/4413617 Contatto whatsapp: +39 393 9997681 [email protected]

eciale Usa LA-NY f FONDAZIONE | FRANCESCO TERRONE ! di R IPAC AN D ID A E G INESTRA : PERSONE GIURIDICHE C/O PREI l'OHIACE DEI. GOVERNO 1152/20 . ISCRIZIONE REGISTRO I Francesco Terrone Poet and Writer ATTIMO DOPO ATTIMO Oh tempo invisibile, tormento di una vita che passa, rapisci i miei respiri, ma come un'ombra su di te aleggio con penna piumata lasciando ad ogni attimo tuo che passa l'impronta delle mie parole. Così anche se larva affascinata dal mondo che abito, sereno canto ed affido al vento le mie sillogi per renderle allo spazio immenso, dove si racchiude ogni cosa, dove anche il tempo perde il suo intrinseco spietato valore. MOMENT AFTER MOMENT Oh invisible time, torment of a passing life, steal my breaths, but like a shadow I hover over you with a feathered pen leaving every moment of yours that passes the imprint of my words. So even if larv afascinated by the world I live in, serene song and I entrust myself to the wind my anthologies to render them to the immense where everything is contained, where also the time it loses its intrinsic ruthless value. LA LIBERTA’ DI UNA FARFALLA Chiudo gli occhi con la voglia di disegnare un aquilone, apro gli occhi: mi ritrovo aver disegnato una farfalla forse perchè un aquilone è meno libero di una farfalla ed io voglio essere libero così com'è libera una farfalla. THE FREEDOM OF A BUTTERFLY I close my eyes with the desire to draw a kite, I open my eyes: I find myself having drawn a butterfly maybe because a kitehe is less free than a butterfly and I want to be free just as a butterfly is free. TERRA SENZA LUCE Dimmi che mi vuoi bene anche se vivo nell'ombra e ho smesso di affidare al vento le mie poesie, Guardo il cielo, accarezzo l'aria, mi accorgo che la terra che calpesto è la mia nemica perchè il sole che la riscalda purtroppo non le dà più luce. LAND WITHOUT LIGHT Tell me you love me even if I live in the shadowsand I stopped entrusting my poems to the wind I look at the sky, I caress the air, I realize that the earth I treadshe is my enemy because the sun warms it unfortunately it no longer gives her light.

p eciale Usa LA-NY SandrD Tratti Sandra Tratti is aae af the iatellectual artists on the planet. Well-rated in Europe. America, Chiua, India and Japan, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand, Israel and Tunisia, Egypt and Russia. His work is appreciated and read by writers, artists, scientists. Some of his works can be found in collections and museums around the world. Independent from the ideologies and fashions of the eras that have followed one another from the l95Ds to today, [,..]With him the School of Rome defines itself, specifies itself, qualifies itself, valorises itself, proposes itself to the third millennium, characterizing it[... ]. Invited to China in 1339 as the sole representative of Italian artists, he exhibits in Beijing, Canton and Shanghai. His role as ambassador of Italian art in China was confirmed in 2D07 by the large anthological exhibition in Shanghai and by his appointment as professor of History of Art at the Central Academy of Beijing and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Canton. Today in China he is considered one of the greatest witnesses of Italian artistic culture and where a series of celebratory exhibitions dedicated to him have taken place since last autumn. Sandra Tratti, born in Monte Urano, donated twenty drawings from his personal archive to the Municipality and all citizens.

■ Usa LA -NY #staialsicuro | n • o • ITALIA s O G E S T Security & Service 0 ITALIA O G E S T Security 8. Service ITALIA S O G E S T Security & Service Sede legale: Via Pietro della Valle, 13 - 00139 Roma Sedi operative: Milano, Venezia, Torino, Bologna, Firenze, Lucca, Perugia,Terni, Napoli, Palermo, Cagliari, Verona, Torino, Bologna, Firenze, Sanremo, Genova Telefono e Fax: 06.87691470 | [email protected] #staialsicuro QUALITÀ CERTIFICATA Siamo un'azienda con grandissima esperienza in servizi integrati per le imprese, la nostra presenza ultra decennale sul mercato ci permette di erogare servizi con il più alto standard qualitativo e “customer satisfaction” PRESENZA SUL TERRITORIO: 9 Forte presenza 9 Media presenza M inor presenza Al vostro servizio • Portierato e Guardiania (Receptionist Service) • Sicurezza e Vigilanza • Sicurezza dighe • SCIF Istituti di credito • D o o rm a n • Hostess e Steward • Antincendio • Security Network (ex art. llST.u.l.p.s.) • Sorveglianza per sicurezza cantieri

£ peciale Usa LA -NY D o t t o r A n t i f u r t o Apertura sedi di Terni e Foligno ALARM SYSTI Spoleto Via Giovanni Marcora,26 Spoleto (PG) Tel.+39 0743 45972 email: [email protected] / SYSTEM r KJ««,9làSr sforno 1 tram L n um i-TELECA M ERE \ +.BUIM9U «* '4=4- Specialisti in sistemi di sicurezza elettronici, impianti d’allarme interni ed esterni, per abitazioni e aziende. Impianti di video sorveglianza con telecamere con visione da remoto 35

dal 27 al 30 settembre 2024 in Spoleto, la Kermesse Internazionale Menotti Art Festival Spoleto Esposizione Internazionale Mostra Mercato Rassegne Culturali Scuole d’Arte Europee a Confronto e la realizzazione del catalogo Il Presidente Prof. Luca Filipponi +39 379 240 0941 Wathapp+39 347 5353004 M e n o tti A r t F e s tiv a l Spoleto Art in thè City dal 27 al 30 settembre 2024 « i L r 36 LUCAS V REGIONE ABRUZZO [Ô “ I stOOl Personale di Vittorio \ Con gli Artisti Paola Bradamante Silvio Craia Maurizio Diana Mario Lo Coco Evelina Marinangeli Andrea Natale Maurizio Orsolini Luciano Vetturini (Nino) Lucas V

fc,.......... ... Paola Bradamante is an artist who has combined her passion for art with scientific inspiration. Her work captures the imagination and hearts o f viewers, demonstrating that creativity and knowledge can coexist harmoniously. Her artistic career promises to continue to illuminate the world with her unique vision o f the universe. Paola Biadetti Artistic Director SMA

M e n o tti A r t F e s tiv a l Spoleto Art in thè City dal 27 al 30 settembre 2024 Presidente Prof. Luca Filipponi Direttore Artistico M°Prof. Sandro Trotti G io v a n i « la Notte !“S®iL m o a m Ü SI- ^ V M l M Europei O DOO [i kTyyj— □ « L O G Graphic Lucas V

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