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Advantages of Renewable Energies and the ways to apply them at home

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Published by Savina Moniaci, 2019-05-01 08:32:07

Advantages of Renewable Energies and the ways to apply them at home

Advantages of Renewable Energies and the ways to apply them at home

How to save the planet at home

In the Summer, change the air
conditioner to a ceiling, window or
foot fan and save about 10% on
the electricity bill.

How to save the planet at home

In the Winter, turn the ceiling fan upside
down, that is, counterclockwise, and you will
be able to lower and circulate the hot air that
accumulates in the ceiling, thus heating the

How to save the planet at home

A stove is three times more
efficient than an open

How to save the planet at home

Make it a habit to turn off
the light whenever you
leave a room that you will
not be returning to
anytime soon.

How to save the planet at home

Replace traditional bulbs with low-energy bulbs
and / or fluorescent bulbs - these lasts for
approximately 2 years and consume about 35%
less energy.

How to save the planet at home?

• Lower boiler / water heater

• Turn off the boiler / water heater
whenever you leave the house
and / or at night.

• Lower the temperature of the
central heating / air

How to save the planet at home

Turn off all home appliances standby
buttons - even if they are not in use, if the
standby light is on they continue to
consume power and increase the
electricity bill.

After charging your phone, MP3, or
camera, do not leave the chargers plugged
in, this will continue to waste energy.

How to save the planet at home

When purchasing any appliance, always
choose the models with the highest
energy efficiency - the initial investment
may be higher, but the future savings
will be long-term.

How to save the planet at home

Make sure that all windows and
doors in the house are well
insulated - about 30% of the heat
/ cold enters the house through
the windows, and it can also go
out, which means that it will
spend more energy heating or
cooling the house.

How to save the planet at home

In the Summer, keep the curtains
and roller shutters down so you
don’t let the heat in, and in the
winter do the opposite so the sun
can warm the house.



How to save the planet at home

• Turn off the water tap while you brush
your teeth, your hands, shave or wash
your breakfast utensils. For example, a
traditional faucet throws about 9 liters of
water per minute: if you waste 1 minute to
brush your teeth, 3 times a day and with
running water, you spend 27 liters of
water - in a month there are more than
800 liters of water. There is no simpler way
to start saving water, energy and money.

• Make sure there are no dripping faucets.

How to save the planet at home

Change the soaking baths
for showers.

Cover the windows or doors
with very wide cracks with
long and narrow, specific

How to save the planet at home

Make the flush more energy-efficient by flushing fewer times by placing a full
bottle of water in the tank or by installing double flushing cisterns or
equipped with a control knob.

How to save the planet at home

Install water flow reducers on all house taps and even in showers so it can
continue to decrease the water bill.

How to save the planet at home

Whenever possible, wash
your clothes and dishes
with cold water; also use
cold water to clean the

How to save the planet at home

Only turn on washers and dishwashers
only when they are full.

How to save the planet at home

• Alternatively, don’t overfill the tumble dryer -
otherwise the laundry will take a longer time to dry.

• Set the dishwasher to finish before the drying
procedure and allow the dishes to dry in the open

How to save the planet at home

Stick to the bi-rate, schedule the machines to work exclusively at
night and watch your electricity bill dwindle.

How to save the planet at home

The refrigerator is one of the most energy-efficient appliances in a home, so
avoid opening your door too many times in a row, choosing to remove or
store everything you need in one go.

How to save the planet at home

Avoid freezing ice in the freezer or
refrigeration chests to maintain
better energy efficiency.

How to save the planet at home

• Don’t let the iron on if you stop ironing for a few minutes - an iron spends
as much as 10 100 watts bulbs, so don’t waste that energy and it will slow

• When ironing, iron as much clothing as possible, taking advantage of the
fact that the ironing board and the iron are already hot, and avoiding the
excessive energy consumption that turning on and off an iron requires
many times.

How to save the planet at home

Before starting to iron, separate clothes that require high
temperatures from those that need to be starched at low
temperatures; then begin by passing the parts that require a
lower temperature and increase the temperature, avoiding the
heating and constant cooling of the iron, saving energy.

How to save the planet at home

When baking in the oven, avoid
opening the oven door too many
times, otherwise it’ll lose about
25% of the heat, in addition to
spending more energy to reheat

How to save the planet at home

You should adjust the size of the pot to
the mouth of the stove where it will
cook to avoid wasting energy, however
note that the smaller mouths spend
10% less energy.
Always cook with the testers covering
the pots to save 75% in energy terms. In
addition, pressure cookers use less
energy than traditional cookware.

How to save the planet at home

Avoid filling the pots with too
much water when cooking
because it will only prolong the
boiling time and expend energy
Turn off the stove or oven door a
few minutes ahead of schedule.
The accumulated heat will finish
cooking food perfectly, while
saving energy.

How to save the planet at home

Don’t put food that is still hot or warm in
the refrigerator - otherwise the
refrigerator will have to consume more
energy to cool them down.
The refrigerator thermostat should never
be below 3 ° C since very low
temperatures contribute to excessive and
unnecessary energy production.

How to save the planet at home

• Whenever practicable, a home should have double insulated walls between
the two.

• The installation of a home solar panel is great for harnessing solar energy,
heating the house and water


• The ecological footprint of countries
is measured in global hectares (gha)
per person, that is, the area that
each one needs to produce what it
consumes and absorb the waste it

• Portugal has gone from a footprint
of 3.9 gha per person in 2012, which
put it in the 59th position worldwide
to 3.69 in 2018, down to 66th place.


The Biocapacity of the municipality of Bragança is 110% above the national
Food represents the largest share of the Ecological Footprint of the municipality
(32%), followed by the transport sector (20%).


Measures taken by the city to improve its performance in terms of
environmental protection:

1 Creation of cycle routes (it is foreseen to expand them in
the short term)

2 Creation of a network of public electric bicycles, the

3 Creation of green spaces

4 Transport network with electric vehicles

5 Creation of recycling points (rural and urban spaces)


Let’s Use Energy Usefully


Advantages of Renewable Energies
and the Ways to Apply Them at Home

in Turkey

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living is the practice of reducing your
demand on natural resources by making sure that you
replace what you use to the best of your ability. Sometimes
that can mean not choosing to consume a product that is
made using practices that don’t promote sustainability; and
sometimes it means changing how you do things so that
you start becoming more of an active part of the cycle of

Strategies to Lead a Sustainable Life
1. Become a member of a community garden:

It isn’t just about growing your own
food, being a member of a community
garden helps to promote sustainable
living in your area. Gardens create green
spaces and the garden waste can be
mulched and returned to support healthy
soil. Green spaces aren’t just important
for your state of mind; in urban areas
they can play an important role in
offsetting carbon emissions.

2. Practice minimalism:

Minimalism doesn’t mean living
without anything, it means that
you are making sure that
everything you own and use is
put to its maximum purpose. This
means waste materials as well.
With a minimalist lifestyle, you
will recycle more, and be more
mindful of the items you support
being produced so that
sustainability is emphasized.

3. Start using natural cleaners:

Take an hour or so to research some home-made options for natural
cleaners. Vinegar and water can clean most surfaces, and the saponin
from quinoa is a natural laundry detergent. By using natural cleaners
you are reducing the amount of plastic packaging being made, and
the amount of chemicals that are being introduced to the water

4. Spend more time reading and playing games:

How can this be a part of sustainable living? By reducing your
reliance on entertainment forms that require energy and natural
resources you can help to reduce the demand and drain on them.

5. Try to get on a more natural sleep schedule:

Getting on a natural sleep schedule means becoming more attuned to
the natural light in the day. Not only is this better for your health, it
will begin to lessen the amount of power that you use while you are

6. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:

Reduce your need to buy new products. If there is less waste, then there is less
to recycle or reuse. Learning to reuse items, or repurpose them for different use
then what they are intended for is essential in waste hierarchy. Recycle old glass
bottles or aluminium cans. Keep a recycle bin at your home and try making more
trips to recycling station than to the landfill.

7. Buy right-sized house:

Practitioners of sustainable living conduct
their lives in ways that are consistent with
sustainability. Among the ways that
promotes sustainability, one is buying a
smaller house to consume less energy as
compared to a big house. You’re going to
spend less on lighting, furniture and
overall furnishing. You can even purchase
items from thrift stores and donate them
again when they’re no longer needed.

Make use of green home building
ideas and techniques while building

a new home.

8. Change your washing habits:

This one is important to attain sustainable living. We wash everything too
much. Not only has science discovered that our over emphasis on being clean
has reduced our natural immune resistance to diseases (which requires
exposure to bacteria to develop), but each person wastes tremendous
amounts of water when they bathe, wash dishes or do laundry. Practice
taking short and times showers, washing dishes in a sink of water and then
rinsing them and cutting down on the amount of laundry that you do.

9. Choose Renewable Energy:

Choosing renewable energy
over fossil fuels is a great way
to stop climate change and
doing your part in making
things happen. Install solar
panels for solar water heating.
Explore options of getting tax
credit from the government.
Speak to your utility is there is
any way to add clean power to
the grid so as to offset
your carbon footprint.


Turkey’s first major national renewable energy targets, established in
its 2010-2014 Strategic Plan included a goal of having renewables
account for 30 percent of total electricity production by 2023 (an
important year marking the centennial of the Republic of Turkey),
and only included specific technology deployment targets for wind
and hydroelectricity, both of which were foreseen as comprising the
lion’s share of the country’s renewable growth to 2023.

In August 2018, Turkey revised upwards its renewable target to 50
percent of all electricity production by 2023, following upon data
from the country’s Energy Markets Regulatory Authority (EMRA)
showing that Turkey had already exceeded 30 percent renewable
generation by mid 2018.

Zero Waste Project

Turkey, under the patronage of first lady Emine Erdoğan, launched
the "zero waste" initiative in 2017 to curb waste. It concentrates on
collection of waste separately, collection of food leftovers for
delivering to animal shelters, conversion of food waste to compost
and a nationwide awareness campaign.

Bring Your Plastic Waste Fill Out The Istanbul Card

Turkey's most populated city,
Istanbul, introduced a unique
project to keep it clean
plastic bottles have led to the
collection of 785,084 bottles
and aluminum cans for
recycling. Commuters have
installed more than TL
34,000 on their commuter
Istanbul Cards, the electronic
card used for mass transit in
the city.


Under the title of ‘Zero Waste Project’ several projects are carried
out in Samsun. One of them is AYPİKUT. This project aims to
collect waste batteries and vegetable oil to prevent them to
contaminate water and soil.


Our students
make fabric
shopping bags
to reduce the
use of plastic.

Thanks for your attention

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