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Table of contents
Xu’s preface
Author’s preface
Notes on the use of the book
Section 1 Departure -- In the ship
Section 2 Arrive in Canada -- Total number of Chinese in Canada
Section 3 Vancouver’s prosperity-- Chinese livelihood -- Industry and business in Vancouver --
Comparison between Chinese and Japanese small merchants
Section 4 Canadian restriction of Chinese workers -- Comparison with restrictions elsewhere --
Two approaches white people treat Chinese -- Why there were so many Chinese laborers in
Canada -- Whose fault is that
Section 5 The origin of the Chinese Reform Society -- Trial of election -- The principle
established by the Chinese Reform Society
Section 6 American President Roosevelt’s speech on Pacific (Part I) -- The international relation
in Pacific region in 20th century -- Europeans’ concerns -- Roosevelt’s Pacific speech (Part II) --
The transition of the center of civilization -- Mediterranean -- northern Europe -- Atlantic --
Pacific in early nineteenth century -- ....
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Section 6 [ctd] Brief history of American aggression in the Pacific region -- Overbearing
aggression -- The master of the Pacific -- Reflection on the Chinese people -- The fair opinion by
the United States -- China betray the Pacific
Section 7 The second longest railway in the world -- Canadian capital Ottawa -- Why didn’t
Canada join with the United States -- Reason 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -- The comparison between Canada
and central and south American nations -- Canada established the world’s first parliament --
Glimpse of Montreal
Section 8 Welcome in New York -- The second largest metropole in the world is about to
become the first -- Cities as the hubs of commerce and industries-- The center of world
Section 9 The New York born monster trust -- The meaning of trusts -- The development of
trusts -- Half of the world’s capital is controlled by a handful of people -- Table of capital
controlled by trusts since 1899 -- [major trusts] control over $430,000 capital -- 12 benefits of
trusts -- 10 disadvantages of trusts -- The biggest issue in the United States today -- The changes
of American mass media’s attitude toward trusts -- A bibliography on the issue of trusts --
International trusts and their relationship with China
Section 10 American-Asian Association -- Comparison of American and British industry --
British industrial supremacy has been taken over by the United States -- The reason why the
stage for competition has moved eastward
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Section 11 The most dangerous issue for the United States in the future -- Table of overseas
migration in the past two years -- Comparison with migration in the past 25 years -- The majority
of migration are from Italy, Austria, and Russia -- Migration from northern Europe decreased as
migration from southern Europe increased -- The decline of Teutonic people -- Worrying that the
United States will repeat the decline of the Roman Empire -- The limit of assimilation -- Impact
on morality -- Impact on politics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 -- The comparison between European
immigrant and Chinese immigrant -- The importance of the right of election -- The reason why
the Chinese lost this right -- Major disadvantage of the republican government
Section 12 The power of the Jews -- Jewish community control the politics of New York -- The
solidarity of the Jewish community -- Famous Jewish people -- How can China look for the
Jewish community -- The evil virtue of Jews
Section 13 Reflections during the journey -- Living underground and living above the ground --
Pigeonhole, spider’s nest, worms with 100 legs -- Park -- The relationship between park,
hygiene, and morality -- Belongings of Louis XIV -- Tomb of Grant -- The island of liberty --
Millions of lightbulbs
Section 14 The dark side of New York -- Life in the ghettos -- The extreme inequality in
property distribution -- Charity organizations and their impact -- Treating human as machine,
slave of the machine -- smart people becoming smarter, stupid people becoming more stupid --
The general trend is going back to authoritarian monarchy -- Women’s right is just a fancy
Section 15 Visit of Socialist Party -- Socialism in China -- Socialism is a superstition -- The
power of socialism -- Visiting the” Napoleon of the business world,” J.P. Morgan -- Words given
by Morgan....
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Section 15 [ctd] A brief biography of Morgan -- The success of the three major trusts -- The
power of the world -- The two leaders of the world
Section 16 Chinese in New York and their livelihood -- The General Lee Chop Suey -- Western
people like Chinese medicine -- Chinese business is uncompetitive
Section 17 Visit Mr. Rong Chun Fu -- The first place Chinese students studied aboard -- The
situation of former study-abroad students -- The reputation of Chinese students at Yale
University -- White people were stunned -- Yale University plans to set up a branch in China --
Can we outsource education to foreigners
Section 18 The Reform Society in Boston -- The origin of the republic’s politics -- the ancestors
of the nation of freedom were 101 pilgrims-- The New World Rock -- A brief history of the
republic’s politics -- The relationship between Boston and American independence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 -- The port where the Americans dumped the British tea -- A poem -- The first
military encounter between British and American soldiers -- A poem -- Where Washington
regrouped his soldiers -- Washington took over British fort -- The chapel before independence
Section 19 The oldest city library in the world -- The oldest newspaper in the world -- The value
of old newspapers -- Americans were obsessed with newspaper reading -- Newspapers were
issued a dozen times every day -- The Chinese imperial treasures housed in museum -- Visit
Harvard University -- The most beautiful steamboat in the world
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Section 20 The most relaxing and elegant grand park -- The sublime Capital -- The most
beautiful library in the world -- Chinese words -- The humble White House -- The Washington
Monument -- The Chinese engraving (on the Washington Monument) is humiliating and
embarrassing -- Chinese students in Washington
Section 21 Visit the Secretary of State John Milton Hay -- Visit President Roosevelt -- A brief
biography of Roosevelt -- The extreme progressivism -- The profound change in the nature of
the Monroe Doctrine -- The origins of the Monroe Doctrine -- The two main principles of the
Monroe Doctrine -- The history of the Doctrine’s changes -- America is the American’s
America, the world is the American’s world -- Roosevelt’s speech on the Monroe Doctrine --
The Monroe Doctrine is matchless -- What does it intend to achieve
Section 22 The power and duty of the President -- The presidential power is small in peace time
but big during the war -- The relationship between the President and the Congress -- The practice
of separation of powers -- Why are most of the American Presidents mediocre people -- Reasons:
-- 1. First-rate talents won’t join the politics -- 2. It is okay to have a mediocre person as the
President -- 3. Exceptional genius would be dreaded by the people -- 4. Exceptional genius are
not good candidates -- 5. Competitions between different States -- Getting good candidates are
more important than getting a good President -- 6. Many outstanding politicians are not
interested in becoming the President -- The President is just a puppet of the party -- The common
problem of the democratic system -- The changes from now on
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Section 23 -- The strangest thing in the United States: there is no capital city -- Washington is
inadequate to be the capital -- New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, and St. Louis are not
the capital -- There are also no state capitals -- Reasons -- China also has no capital -- Citizens in
Washington have no voting right -- The voting zones -- Why don’t the first-rate talents join the
politics? -- Reasons 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Section 24 Random thoughts on Washington
Section 25 The location of the Congress in the Independent Era -- Visit the Independence Hall --
Where the Constitutional Convention was held -- The Liberty Bell -- Tour from the Liberty Bell
-- The deadee [??] of Sir William Penn -- Where the Declaration of Independence was declared -
- Where Washington extended his regards to the wounded soldiers -- Relics of Sir William Penn
Section 26 Visit the naval shipyard -- The relationship between U.S. Navy and President
Roosevelt -- The establishment of U.S. Navy -- The U.S. Navy is only 7 years old -- U.S. naval
force during the Spanish-American War -- U.S. naval force now -- Roosevelt’s speech on navy 1
and 2 -- Comparison of the naval forces of different countries -- Americans’ old false argument
against military expansion
Section 27 Baltimore -- Pittsburgh -- Smoke Town -- King of Steel, Andrew Carnegie -- The
charity hero--
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Section 27 [ctd] -- Help those who help themselves -- The great sponsor of libraries around the
world -- Independence Day -- A poem
Section 28 Celebration of the opening of trans-Pacific submarine cables -- The two routes of the
trans-Pacific cables -- Going around the globe in 12 minutes -- Going around the global in 9
minutes -- 24,660 miles of tele cables -- The relationship between America and the Trans-Pacific
Cable -- The relationship between the Trans-Pacific Cable and China -- The most expansive
Section 29 Cincinnati -- A poem -- The slavery state -- Oligarch politics -- The problem of
Black colonialism -- Black people’s freedom is in name only -- The most laughable thing --
Illegal punishment against the black people -- I now know what the so-called Civilization is --
Spanish style
Section 30 World Fair -- Chinese workers embarrass our nation
Section 31 The civilization is going westward -- A comparison of population growth in east and
west cities -- The University of Chicago -- Gym -- Library -- There is no national university in
the United States
Section 32 Zion City -- Napoleon in the religious world -- Abolish medicine -- The city’s system
-- Welcome by Dowie -- The relation between the physical body and the psyche -- Ambition
toward China -- John Alexander Dowie and J.P. Morgan -- The Mahayana Christian
Section 33 Random thoughts about Chicago -- A poem