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Second Issue of EscapeArt Magazine exploring the concept of creativity and inspiration.

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Published by EscapeArt Magazine, 2019-11-30 10:49:31

EscapeArt Magazine Issue 2 - "Where does creativity come from?"

Second Issue of EscapeArt Magazine exploring the concept of creativity and inspiration.

Keywords: art,escapeart magazine,art inspiration,art creativity,meaningful art,escape with art,escapewithart,escapeart

Where does creativity come from?

(Continued from p.19) a great emphasis on examinations as they greatly
impact their reputation and perceived effectiveness.
We are not the first to discuss what As a result, teachers are often forced to “teach to the
creativity truly is. Some people test” to secure higher test scores for their students.
would argue that the true test of The majority of teachers indicate that they find
a creative mind is the ability to problem solve; it difficult to complete the required curriculum
not only coming up with a solution but the best to prepare their students for examinations. In
possible solution in a specific situation. In the many cases, teachers utilize classroom time for
society we live today almost all job positions in examination preparation and the content or
the world would benefit from employing a highly knowledge that will be tested, leaving little time
creative individual. A creative person will be able to work on subjects, skills or competencies that are
to solve problems against the clock, they would be not found in exams.” (Klokker)
able to optimize certain monotonous jobs and at
the same time come up with unique perspectives.1 Additional to the education system
How does this concept translate into the artist’s creativity seems to be squashed by the raise of
world? It could be argued that the problem artists technology amongst younger generations. We live
need to solve is the medium of communication. in a world that is guided by a consumerist behavior
The previous artist featured, Mario Loprete, found where we seek out instant gratification either from
an unique way of representing the environment material goods or by consuming online content.
he grew up in and the difficulty he had reaching The only creative people that remain are actually
influential people within the art world. the people creating the content. The content in
question is by no means the works of authors or
In her essay “The Decline of Creativity” Erin paintings filled with symbolism and meaningful
Klokker puts forward the idea that the concept themes. The content we refer to in this example
discussed is actually in regression: “Imagine how is the content we devour whilst scrolling through
much happier, more authentic and thoughtful Instagram and videos that fry our attention spans. In
people could be if more time was spent creating
rather than comparing to one another on social 51
media. Imagine how much more flexibility and
genuine knowledge students could glean from
school if creativity was fostered in the system.” The
education system is focusing on short term memory
and nurturing the skills required to take exams.
Students seem to have adapted to the demanding
workloads and tests by creating methods where
they would retain information just long enough
to graduate. “High-stakes exams can shape the
curriculum, teaching and learning materials, and
also the perceptions of teachers, parents, learners
and the general public. Teachers and schools place



Issue 02, September 2019

the first issue of our magazine we have established can slice using your finger in a minute.
that art that is good is art that manages to start a
dialogue with its audience. Unfortunately we don’t The world is becoming more and more saturated
give art enough time to start the conversation with information and content. It is becoming
because we are already looking for the next shot of progressively difficult for unique ideas to surface
dopamine. because everything seems to be a remake or
a homage to something that has already been
Erin Klokker argues that there are benefits to be created. Even if the intention of the creator is
obtained from patience, solitude and silence. If to produce something new the influences and
we relate back to the idea of creativity being the inspirations take over the piece of work that
means of solving problems we can understand was initially meant to be original. Furthermore,
how boredom is related to cultivating creativity. especially in the film industry there seems to be the
Let’s consider the problem of boredom; it is prominent pattern of sequels and remakes. Film
definitely not a nice feeling. A bored child might studios invest money into guaranteed viewership.
feel compelled to use their imagination to invent a Therefore new releases of movies are targeted to
game that involves going on adventures onboard already established audiences; comic book readers
of a space shuttle. They visit different planets and and lovers of a specific character. This is another
converse with a multitude of characters from their further lapse in the creativity of the world where
imagination. Unfortunately a more realistic way fear of failure surrounds original ideas.
of tackling the feeling of boredom nowadays is to
take out your phone and see how many fruit you Creativity is defined as the means used in order
to create something new. This can include

things such as imagination or
inspiration. Creativity can also
mean utilizing previous works
and influences in order to
further progress a theme, idea
or movement.

On the other hand inspiration
is used to refer to the spark
or stimulant for a creative
process. Both concepts are
fundamental in the creation
of fine arts, music, media,
business, and technology but
they take hold of different
areas of the same spectrum.
Whilst creativity deals with
the mastery and manipulation
of certain patterns and
processes in the domains of the
world inspiration deals with
influences and stimulants that
aid a creator in their work.

When we first started discussing

the topic of creativity we were

hoping to find out more about


“Yes, it does.” replied Dan.

Where does creativity come from?

the devices that artists use in order to get in their
creative space. We were looking for answers to
questions dealing with the stimulants of creativity
and the processes that get a creative in the right
mindset to be able to produce art. As we’ve seen so
far these can include a number of things ranging
from dreams and psychological desires to being
in a setting that stimulates inventiveness. It can
be argued that artists sometimes draw inspiration
from the material world; environment, art history,
human behavior and experience. On the other
end of the spectrum we could say that some artists
find their creative means in the ethereal part
of our minds. As we’ve mentioned previously,
psychology seems to suggest that this unreality
does in fact stem from psychological processes and
on a mathematical level; everything makes logical
sense in the end.

However, some art seems to be out of this
world; somewhere distant where not even our
unconscious can reach. Similar to most debates in
the art world it seems impossible to reach a clear
definite conclusion. Perhaps that’s what attracts
us to the wonders of a meaningful song or the
abstract expressiveness of a painting. Art is the
closest we’ve come to defining things that cannot
be explained using words. It is a constant reaction
to the collective progression of the behavior of the
world and the means of escape from a somewhat
repetitive world.

(A special thanks to Erin Klokker for
letting us read and use her essay: The
Decline in Creativity: Rediscovering
Creative Action)


“So why would you not take all 50?”

Issue 02, September 2019

Jorge Perez I admire just to name a few vary from the classical
works of DaVinci or Caravaggio, the surrealism of Dalí and Maruja Mallo to the futuristic depictions
of H.R. Giger and Hajime Sorayama. Comic-
book, action figure packaging, and record album
cover painters like Frank Frazzetta, Earl Norem
and Ed Repka are among my favourites too.

Since I can remember I have always been When I start a new piece and after doing the design,
fascinated by fantasy and sci-fi. As an 80s the process begins with a clay sculpture. I use both
child I was also influenced by action figures wed clay and pro plastiline, that depends on the
of that era, like Masters of the Universe, which had
plenty of imaginative and colourful designs. I loved Alien Cyclops
teratological creatures of all kinds, and enjoyed
comics, books, t.v. and films containing this sort of
characters. I soon started expressing my creativity
with drawings and modeling clay.

During my school years one of my primary interests
was film; not movie-making itself, but the trickery
and art behind them. Shortly I purchased a Super-8
camera and equipment and started experimenting a
lot with clay animation. After high school I studied
film-making and started working as a freelance in
short-films creating make-up and special effects.

For improving my creation process I contacted

Dick Smith, known for having created very

innovative techniques in three-dimensional

make-up artistry. He liked the pictures I sent and

accepted me in his Advanced Course. This is how

I ended up enrolling as one of his students. Dick´s

advice helped me a lot, not only technically in such

things as improving my sculpture, but also personal figure´s size. I then proceed to produce a mold from

aspects in my life. This is the main reason he forged that sculpture, which could be generally made of

a well deserved reputation as a comprehensive and plaster, but sometimes of silicone, depending if the

encouraging person; he helped emerging artists in resulting piece will be in a rigid of flexible material.

both ways, as master and friend. When this mold is finished I do the final cast. I used

More recently I started focusing my work in a more in many cases pre-vulcanized or foamed latex, filled
purely artistic way. I presented my first exhibition with some kind of poly-foam urethane, but also
with approximately 20 of my creations and started silicone or fiberglass. Finally the piece is painted
selling pieces to collectors for different European via airbrushing and I add the details, hair, eyeballs,
countries. I keep sculpting, but nowadays also which I made out of resins, et al. This, of course, is
have a great interest in drawing, illustration and an overall method just generally speaking.

especially oil painting. I like to practice with all

kinds of media; pencil, inks and airbrush. Artists


“I’m sorry father, but I would prefer not to answer this question.”

Where does creativity come from?

How would you define creativity? How come some people seem to be more
creative than others?
“I think creativity is an expressive form that
emerges as a result of pursuing something new, Many artists are more creative by nature, but others
original and - if possible - never seen before. But it have to explore more to find it. Creativity is affected
is also the artist´s capacity of creation from scratch by many factors, for example a more experienced
or sometimes with very little, out of nothing. For person could be more creative naturally. In my
artists this particular emotional quest must be a rule. opinion every person could practice his/her art,
although there are more gifted individuals.

The Angry Sub-Humanoid mask 55

“ Nowadays it is very difficult to create something truly original.”

To be continued

Issue 02, September 2019

Would you say that being inspired is the same mean that this is negative at all!, but in some cases
as being creative? this implies to move around certain parameters and
this prevents to elaborate something different.
I believe being creative is not the same as being
inspired because creativity is something that resides What about something that trains someone to
in the skills of the artist, while inspiration is a state be more creative?
that comes from an impulse, or in some cases
could be motivated by some external influences or Nowadays it is very difficult to create something
feelings. Also it’s true that this impulse could be a truly original. The trick resides in being oneself
creative one… I mean that both terms are related and taking the time to work on the designs. It´s also
sometimes. important to observe and learn, trying to combine
ideas to avoid creating something that has already
What could kill creativity? been seen.

One of the reasons creativity is killed is because Do we just create copy of other work?
we all have influences, artists we like, or particular
artistic movements we want to explore. I don´t The influences I mentioned before make so that
the artist´s work seems like a mere copy but this is


Andra Mari Basque Godess

Where does creativity come from?

Misfit Madman

an unconscious act in many cases. Sometimes it is and sharing ideas and techniques then they could
something that is created deliberately as a tribute could present their artform in its own personality
or homage or simply the experimentation within a and high level of quality. In my case I don´t worry
specific style or form. too much about how the final piece looks to others.
I know that it is my concept and that I worked
So then how can we be original in such hard on the design and presented the final creation
saturated world? the best way that I can.

It is really difficult to find a way to present a creation
as new, original, not to mention groundbreaking!
But if an artist remains true to themselves, honest
and works hard, being respectful to other´s work

[email protected]


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