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Published by New Hampshire Public TV, 2019-03-07 20:07:38



Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits

2018–2019 Waterfowl Seasons

Northeast 6A 5A Lake Champlain
6F 5C
Youth Days* Sept. 22 & 23 Youth Days* Sept. 29 & 30

Ducks** and Coots Oct. 6 - Oct. 28 6C 5F Ducks** Oct. 13 - Oct. 21
Nov. 3 - Dec. 9 6H
and Coots Nov. 10 - Dec. 30

Snow Geese*** Oct. 1 - Apr. 15 6J 5G Snow Geese*** Oct. 1 - Dec. 31

Brant Oct. 6 - Dec. 4 6N Jan. 16 - Apr. 15

5H 5T Brant Oct. 6 - Dec. 4

9A 8A 7A 6K
8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 5J
6R 5S
9C 8H
6S 5R
8J 7J 4A 4C
9H 8M 8N 7M 4J 4L Long Island
9P 8P 7H 7P
9G 9N 8R 8S 4F 4G 4H 4B 4K Youth Days* Nov. 10 & 11
9K 9M 9W 8T 4O 4P 4S 4T 4U
9J 9Y 8X 7R
9R 9T 8W 7S 4R Ducks** Nov. 22 - Nov. 23
9S 9X 8Y 4Y 4Z and Coots Dec. 1 - Jan. 27

4W 3A 3C

Western Southeastern 3H 3J 3F 3G Snow Geese*** Nov. 22 - Mar. 8

Youth Days* Oct. 13 & 14 Youth Days* Sept. 22 & 23 3K Brant Nov. 22 - Nov. 23
Dec. 1 - Jan. 27
Ducks** Oct. 27 - Dec. 8 Ducks** Oct. 6 - Oct. 14 3M 3P 3N
and Coots Dec. 26 - Jan. 11 and Coots Nov. 10 - Dec. 30 3R 3S

Snow Geese*** Oct. 1 - Apr. 15 Snow Geese*** Oct. 1 - Apr. 15 1C

Brant Oct. 6 - Dec. 4 Brant Oct. 6 - Dec. 4 2A 1A

* Young hunters, 12 to 15 years of age, possessing a junior hunting license, may hunt Bag Limits
ducks, coots, mergansers, Canada geese, and brant on two (2) special days in
each zone. Daily bag limits for ducks are the maximum allowed during the regular The daily bag limit is the maximum number of birds of each species that any person
duck season, and three (3) per day for Canada geese (unless the youth season is may take or possess in the field during any one day. The possession limit is three
open concurrently with the September Canada goose season. In that situation the times the daily bag limit for all migratory game birds except snow geese.
bag limit for youth hunters is equal to the September Canada goose bag limit for
that area). Young hunters must be accompanied by a licensed (including current Species Daily Limit Possession Limit
HIP registration and duck stamp) adult hunter, but the adult hunter may only shoot Ducksa 6 18
migratory game birds if the respective hunting season is open for hunters of all Coot 15 45
ages at the same time. Canada Geese
Snow Geeseb See map See map
** Crippled sea ducks may be taken under power in the Special Sea Duck area, only. Brant 25 No limit
The Special Sea Duck Area is defined as the coastal waters of New York State lying 2
in Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound, Great Peconic Bay and associated bays 6
eastward from a line running between Miamogue Point in the Town of Riverhead
to Red Cedar Point in the Town of Southampton, and any ocean waters of New a The daily limit of 6 ducks includes all mergansers and sea ducks (scoters, eiders
York State lying south of Long Island. and long-tailed ducks) and may include no harlequin ducks and no more than
4 mallards (2 of which may be hens), 3 wood ducks, 2 black ducks, 2 pintail, 2
*** Snow goose seasons include both the regular hunting season and the Conserva- scaup, 2 redheads, 2 canvasback, 4 scoters, 4 eiders, 4 long-tailed ducks or 2
tion Order that runs from January 16 - April 15 in all zones (except Long Island). hooded mergansers. For all other duck species found in New York, the daily limit
is no more than 6.
Leg Band Reporting
b Cackling geese and white-fronted geese may be taken as part of the Canada goose
Please report band recov- daily and possession limits. Snow geese and Ross' geese may be taken as part of
eries online at (WWW. the snow goose limits.
by sending your informa- Attention Boaters!
tion to: Bird Banding Lab,
12100 Beach Forest Road, New regulations are now in effect for all DEC boat launch
Laurel, MD 20708. The facilities. Before you launch your boat or leave a site, you are
call center supporting required to:
the 1-800 toll-free phone
number was discontinued Clean all visible plant and animal material from your boat,
in June 2017. Report- trailer and associated equipment.
ing banded birds helps
in their management. Drain your boat’s bilge, livewell, baitwell, and other water-
Thanks for your support! holding compartments.

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 49

Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits

Woodcock, Crow, Snipe, Rail and Gallinule
Hunting Season Dates, Bag Limits, and Regulations for 2018–2019

Regulations Woodcock Crow Snipe Virginia & Sora Rails Gallinules Clapper & King Rails

Upstate New York 1,3 Oct. 1 – Nov. 14 Sept. 1 – Mar. 31 Sept. 1 – Nov. 9 Sept. 1 – Nov. 9 Sept. 1 – Nov. 9 Closed

Long Island 2,3 Oct. 1 – Nov. 14 Sept. 1 – Mar. 31 Closed Closed Closed Closed

Bag Limit 3/day None 8/day 8/day 8/day n/a
9 in possession 24 in possession 24 in possession 24 in possession

Shooting Hours Sunrise to Sunset Sunrise to Sunset 1/2-Hr Before 1/2-Hr Before Sunrise to 1/2-Hr Before n/a

Sunrise to Sunset Sunset Sunrise to Sunset

Non-Toxic Shot NOT Required NOT Required Required Required Required n/a

HIP Registration Required NOT Required Required Required Required n/a

Other Fed Migratory Hunting on Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. ONLY; Fed Migratory Fed Migratory Bird Fed Migratory n/a
Bird Stamp NOT Fed Migratory Bird Stamp NOT Required; Bird Stamp NOT Stamp NOT Required Bird Stamp NOT
Rifles and electronically amplified bird
Required Required Required
calls or sounds permitted

1 Upstate New York includes all of New York State north of the Bronx-Westchester County boundary
2 Long Island includes all of WMUs 1A and 1C (Nassau and Suffolk counties)
3 Hunting season closed in New York City for all species listed in table; New York City includes all of WMU 2A (Bronx, Kings, Queens, New York, and Richmond counties)

2018-2019 Canada Goose Seasons

For written Northeast 6A 5A Lake Champlain
descriptions of 5C
Goose Hunting Season Dates Daily Limit 6C Season Dates Daily Limit
Areas and 6H 5F
Waterfowl Hunt- Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 15 6F Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 8
ing Zones, see Oct. 27 - Dec. 9 3 Oct. 13 - Dec. 1 3
pages 51 & 52. Dec. 26 - Dec. 31 3

West Central 6G 5G East Central

Season Dates Daily Limit 6J

Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 15 Season Dates Daily Limit

Oct. 27 - Nov. 26 3 6N Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 15

Dec. 26 - Jan. 13 3 5H 5T Oct. 27 - Nov. 16 3

9A 8A 7A 6K Nov. 24 - Dec. 22 3
8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 5J Hudson Valley
9C 8H 6R 5S

6S 5R
4A 4C Season Dates Daily Limit
9H 8M 8N 8J 7J 4J 4L
9P 8P 7M
9G 7H 4F 4G 4H 4B 4K Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 15
9K 9M 9N 8T 8R 8S 4O 4P 4S 4T 4U Oct. 27 - Nov. 11 3
9W 9Y 8X Dec. 4 - Jan. 6 3
9J 7R 7P 4R
8W 7S 4Y 4Z
9R 9T 9X 8Y South
4W 3A 3C
3R 3S Season Dates Daily Limit
3H 3J 3F 3G
2A 1C Long Island Regions Sept. 1 - Sept. 25 15
1A 3K Oct. 27 - Nov. 14 5
3M 3P 3N
Nov. 24 - Jan. 13 5
Western Central Eastern 3R 3S Mar. 1 - Mar. 10 5

Season Dates Daily Limit Season Dates Daily Limit Season Dates Daily Limit

Oct. 13 - Oct. 28 8 Sept. 4 - Sept. 30 15 Sept. 4 - Sept. 30 15 1C
Nov. 22 - Nov. 23 8 Nov. 22 - Nov. 23 3 Nov. 22 - Nov. 23 2
Dec. 1 - Feb. 25 8 Dec. 5 - Feb. 10 3 Dec. 5 - Jan. 31 2 2A 1A

50 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Waterfowl Hunting Zone Descriptions

NY State Goose 5. The Hudson Valley Goose Hunting Area con- Marsh); then south on Sound Road to North
Hunting Areas sists of the following WMUs: 3F, 3J, 3M, 4B, Country Road; then west on North Country
4C, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4S, 4T, 4U, 4Y, 4Z, 5R; that part Road to Randall Road; then south on Randall
See road boundaries at: of WMU 5S lying south of a continuous line Road to Route 25A, then west on Route 25A
door/28510.html extending east along Route 29 to Route 22, to Sunken Meadow Parkway; then south on
1. The Lake Champlain Goose Hunting Area is north along Route 22 to Washington County Sunken Meadow Parkway to the Sagtikos
Route 153, then east along Route 153 to the State Parkway; then south on the Sagtikos
the same as the Lake Champlain Waterfowl New York–Vermont boundary; and that part Parkway to the Robert Moses State Parkway;
Hunting Zone (see below). of WMU 3G lying in Dutchess County. then south on the Robert Moses Parkway
2. The Northeast Goose Hunting Area is the to its southernmost end; then due south to
same as the Northeastern Waterfowl Hunt- 6. The South Goose Hunting Area consists of international waters.
ing Zone (see below). the following WMUs: 3A, 3C, 3H, 3K, 3N, 3P, 8. The Central Long Island Goose Hunting
3. The West Central Goose Hunting Area con- 3R, 4G, 4H, 4O, 4P, 4R, 4W, 7R, 7S, 8M, 8N, Area is that area of Suffolk County lying
sists of the following WMUs: 7A, 7H, 8A, 8C, 8P, 8T, 8W,8X, 8Y, 9A, 9C, 9F, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, between the Western and Eastern Long
8F, 8H, 8J, 8R and 8S. The West Central 9M, 9N, 9P, 9R, 9S, 9T, 9W, 9X and 9Y. The Island Goose Hunting areas, as defined
Goose Hunting Area also includes: that South Goose Hunting Area also includes: above and below.
part of WMU 6K lying west of a continuous that part of WMU 8G lying south and west 9. The Eastern Long Island Goose Hunting
line extending along the north shore of the of a continuous line extending along the Area is that area of Suffolk County lying east
Salmon River from US Route 11 to Interstate New York State Thruway from Crittenden- of a continuous line extending due south
Route 81, then south along Route 81 to Route Murrays Corners Road (near the Erie-Gen- from the New York-Connecticut boundary to
49; those parts of WMUs 7F and 7J lying west esee county line) to Exit 48 in Batavia, then the northernmost end of Roanoke Avenue
of Route 81; and that part of WMU 8G lying south along State Route 98 to State Route in the Town of Riverhead, south on Roanoke
north and east of a continuous line extend- 20; that part of WMU 3G lying in Putnam Avenue (which becomes County Route 73) to
ing along the New York State Thruway from County; and that part of WMU 3S lying north State Route 25, west on Route 25 to Peconic
Crittenden-Murrays Corners Road (near the of Route I-95. Avenue, south on Peconic Avenue to County
Erie-Genesee county line) to Exit 48 in Bata- Route (CR) 104 (Riverleigh Avenue), south on
via, then south along Route 98 to Route 20. 7. The Western Long Island Goose Hunting CR 104 to CR 31 (Old Riverhead Road), south
4. The East Central Goose Hunting Area con- Area is that area of Westchester County on CR 31 to Oak Street, south on Oak Street
sists of the following WMUs: 4A, 4F, 6P, 6R, and its tidal waters southeast of Interstate to Potunk Lane, then west on Stevens Lane,
6S, 7M and 7P. The East Central Goose Hunt- Route 95 and that area of Nassau and Suf- then south on Jessup Avenue (in Westhamp-
ing Area also includes those parts of WMUs folk counties lying west of a continuous line ton Beach) to Dune Road (CR 89), then due
7F and 7J lying south of Route 31 and east extending due south from the New York- south to international waters.
of Route 81. Connecticut boundary to the northernmost
end of Sound Road (just east of Wading River


Your Tickets

Don’t let the next DU event pass you by. When you
attend your local event, you can have a great time
while helping us fill the skies with waterfowl. To find
an event near you, visit

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 51

Waterfowl Hunting Zone Descriptions

Waterfowl Lake Champlain Zone – That area east and Route 28 to Route 29, east along Route 29 to
Hunting Zones north of a continuous line extending along Route Route 22, north along Route 22 to Route 153,
11 from the New York-Canada boundary south east along Route 153 to the New York-Vermont
Western Zone – That area west of a continuous to Route 9B, south along Route 9B to Route 9, boundary, and northwest of Interstate Route 95
line extending from Lake Ontario east along the south along Route 9 to Route 22 south of Kees- in Westchester County.
north shore of the Salmon River to Interstate eville, south along Route 22 to the west shore Long Island Zone – That area consisting of Nas-
Route 81 and then south along Interstate Route of South Bay along and around the shoreline sau and Suffolk counties and their tidal waters,
81 to the New York-Pennsylvania boundary. of South Bay to Route 22 on the east shore of and that area of Westchester County and its
South Bay, southeast along Route 22 to Route tidal waters southeast of Interstate Route 95.
Northeastern Zone – That area north of a con- 4, northeast along Route 4 to the New York- (See map page 49.)
tinuous line extending from Lake Ontario east Vermont boundary.
along the north shore of the Salmon River to Southeastern Zone – That area east of Inter-
Interstate Route 81, south along Interstate Route state Route 81 that is south of a continuous line
81 to Route 31, east along Route 31 to Route 13, extending from Interstate Route 81 east along
north along Route 13 to Route 49, east along Route 31 to Route 13, north along Route 13 to
Route 49 to Route 365, east along Route 365 Route 49, east along Route 49 to Route 365,
to Route 28, east along Route 28 to Route 29, east along Route 365 to Route 28, east along
east along Route 29 to Route 22, north along
Route 22 to Route 153, east along Route 153 to
the New York-Vermont boundary, exclusive of
the Lake Champlain Zone.

Adult Hunter Essay Winner away in a safe direction. She came up a little damp in the backside
and a bit discombobulated, but smiling from ear to ear, and with
Duck Delights the safety back on. Once righted, she placed her bottom squarely
on the bucket with eyes glued to the water as our friend’s lab, Bai-
By Brian Engel ley, retrieved the bird.
I don’t know if I was prouder of Madelyn’s shot, or her keeping her
Some of my most cherished child- wits about her and controlling her firearm during her fall. It was a
hood memories are of tagging perfect morning of good laughs about the bucket tumble.
along with my dad and grandfa- When we got home, she cleaned the bird, saved some feathers
ther through the woods chasing for posterity, and then helped make one of our favorite recipes
after deer and rabbits. Even as a for dinner, Duck Delights. These pastries of shredded duck with
young boy, long before I had any onion, garlic, and cream cheese melt in your mouth.
interest in girls, I looked forward Our morning was one of the most fulfilling days I’ve ever had afield,
to one day being a dad and tak- or as a parent. I’ve not asked, but I’m hoping Madelyn is looking
ing a son into the wild outdoors. forward to someday being a mother – and taking a daughter or
Ironically, I’ve been blessed with son into the wild outdoors. And just maybe, an aged grandfather
four daughters. At times, each will be lucky enough to tag along.
has asked the painful question,
“Daddy, do you ever wish you had Duck Delights Recipe Serves 4–6
a son?” My answer has always been, “No. We have what we have. I
love you the way you are and wouldn’t trade you for anyone.” Ingredients:
Thankfully, each of my girls has taken to the outdoors and enjoys
going with me into the field, even if it’s simply to spend time • 2 boneless, skinless duck breasts • ¼ teaspoon dried rosemary
together. Many times though, we’ve come in early because of the (roughly 12 oz., can use leg meat,
cold. I was taught never to be a fair-weather hunter, but what am or substitute w/goose breast) • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
I to do with my kids? Force the matter until they don’t want to go?
I made the argument, if they come to love hunting now, they’ll be • ½ teaspoon of dried thyme • "sprinkling” of onion and garlic
willing to suffer the elements later. That said, after years of missed powder
opportunities and missed shots with my first two daughters –
Madelyn, daughter #3, brought home something for dinner. Directions:
Under a starlit sky on the opening day of duck season, we settled
into the tall grass along the edge of the swamp and patiently Cut fowl into bite-size pieces, combine with the above ingredients, and
waited for birds to drop in. The day started slowly, but we shared sauté over medium/low heat. Do not overcook. When cool, shred meat
a beautiful sunrise and the sound of turkeys scratching and calling with a fork or your fingers.
in the cedars on the hill behind us. Without warning or hardly a
sound, a flock of mallards flew at us from the north. I didn’t have to In a large mixing bowl combine: 8oz. of softened cream cheese, 1 can
tell Madelyn what to do. She shot and a duck went down. Conse- cream of mushroom soup (10 oz), ¼ cup finely chopped carrots, 2 table-
quently, she did too! spoons of half-half, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 small onion finely chopped,
The recoil from her shotgun, being more than expected, made her salt and pepper to taste. Add meat and mix well, so that all ingredients are
tumble backwards, over and off the bucket she’d been sitting on. evenly distributed.
But through the arc of the fall she kept the muzzle pointed up and
Use 2 tubes of refrigerated crescent rolls (8 oz. each). Separate crescent
rolls and lay flat. Place a dollop (about an ice cream scoop) onto roll. Fold
over and pinch rolls together making a “pocket/hand pie” and seal. Place
rolls on a baking sheet. Brush rolls with melted butter and cover with
bread crumbs or crushed croutons to taste. Pre-heat oven and bake at 350
degrees until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes.

52 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Permit Requirements for
Fisher and Marten

Following completion of the New York State Fisher 6A 6F 5A
Fisher Management Plan, regulations were and Marten Trapping 5C
adopted to: 6C
• Reduce the fisher (and marten) trapping sea- Fisher and Marten pelts must be sealed. 6H 5F

son from 46 days to 30 days in select Adiron- 6G 6J
dack Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) in
the Northern Zone (yellow area on the map). 5G
• Establish a 6-day fisher trapping season in
selected WMUs in Central/Western New York 6N
(blue area on the map). 5H 5T
• Require a free special permit for all fisher
trapping. The special permit will enable 9A 8A 8C 7A 6K 6R 5J 5S
DEC to collect important data for managing 9A 9F 8G 8F 7F 6P 6S 5R
fisher harvests.
9C 8H 8J 7H 7J 4F 4A 4C
Permit Conditions: 7M 4L
9H 8M 8N 8R 8S 4O 4P
• To trap fisher anywhere in the state or marten 8W 4W 4J 4K
in Adirondack WMUs, obtain a Special Free 9G 8P 4G 4H 4B
Fisher Permit or combination Fisher/Marten 9N 8Y
Permit (yellow area on map) from DEC regional 4T 4U
Bureau of Wildlife offices as outlined in the 9K 9M 9W 9P 7R 4R 4S
table below. 7S
9J 8T 7P
• Submit the skull or lower jaw of all harvested 9T
fishers and the entire carcass of all harvested 9R 9S 9X 9Y 8X 4Y 4Z
martens at the time of pelt sealing.
• Complete and submit a trapping activity log, 3C
even if you did not trap, within 10 days after
the close of the season. 3H 3J 3F 3G

To Obtain a Free Fisher Season Dates 2018 3K 3M 3N 1C
or Fisher/Marten Permit: Oct. 25–Dec. 10
Nov. 1–Nov. 30 Fisher only. There are no bag limits. 3R 3S 1C
Only one fisher or fisher/marten permit is Fisher and Marten. Season limit of 6 marten. 3P
needed to trap these species anywhere in New Oct. 25–Oct. 30 There are no bag limits for fisher.
York where the season is open. Fisher only. There are no bag limits. 2A
2A 1A
Contact your Regional Wildlife Office (see
table below), or apply by e-mail. You must pro- 2A
vide the following information:
• Name Closed
• Species (fisher or fisher/marten)
• Mailing address
• DEC ID # (from your trapping license or backtag)
• Phone number and/or e-mail address

Apply by e-mail to: [email protected], type
“Fisher/Marten Permit” in the subject line. Please
be sure to include the information listed above
and the primary county where you plan to trap.

Apply in person or by phone to any office listed below:

DEC Fisher/Marten Fisher Address Phone
21 S Putt Corners Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561 845-256-3088
3 N/A 1130 N Westcott Rd, Schenectady, NY 12306 518-357-2158
4 232 Golf Course Rd, Warrensburg, NY 12885 518-623-1240
5 5C, 5F, 5G, 5H, 5J, 6F, 6J Contact any Regional Wildlife Office to obtain a 317 Washington St, Watertown, NY 13601 607-753-3095, x. 247
6 free permit to trap fisher in any WMU with an open 1285 Fisher Ave, Cortland, NY 13045 607-622-8271
7291 Coon Rd, Bath, NY 14810 716-372-0645
7 season (other than those listed for fisher/marten).
182 E Union St, Suite 3, Allegany, NY 14706
8 N/A

Or apply by email to: [email protected] and type “Fisher/Marten Permit” in the subject line.

54 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Furbearer Hunting

To hunt furbearers, you must possess a resi- Possession and
dent or non-resident hunting license. A trapping Use of Rifles for
license does not allow you to hunt furbearers. Hunting Furbearers
Furbearers may be hunted with a bow, crossbow
or firearm as described below. 1. Is any deer season open in the location you
• You may hunt red and gray fox, coyote, bobcat, wish to hunt (including archery, muzzleload-
ing, regular, late and Focus Area)?
raccoon, skunk, mink, weasel and opossum. a. If NO, you may use any caliber rimfire
• If you take a bobcat, it must be tagged and or centerfire rifle for hunting furbearers.
b. If YES, can deer be hunted with rifles in
sealed. that location during the regular season?
• You may use a call, including an electronic call. i. If YES, you may use any caliber rimfire
• Mink may only be hunted in the Southern Zone or centerfire rifle for hunting furbearers
during any open deer season.
with a firearm not larger than .22 caliber dur- ii. If NO, you may only possess afield
ing their open trapping season. Mink may not rimfire rifles .22-caliber or smaller, or
be hunted with a firearm in the Northern Zone. centerfire rifles LESS THAN .22 caliber
• Muskrat may only be hunted on Lake Cham- (.204, .17, etc.) during any open deer
plain during the open trapping season with a season. Once all deer seasons are
firearm not larger than .22 caliber. closed, the restriction ends, except:
• You may not hunt from any motor vehicle,
including an ATV or snowmobile. 2. You may NEVER possess a rifle afield in
• Except as noted above, you may hunt furbear- Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk counties.
ers using any handgun, shotgun, muzzleload-
ing rifle, bow, crossbow or air gun. 3. In the Northern Zone, it is illegal to carry
a rifle larger than .22 caliber rimfire (or
.22-caliber or larger centerfire rifles) at any
time if accompanied by a dog, except when
coyote hunting.

Bobcat Hunting 5A If you take a bobcat, Hunting Furbearers
5C you must: at Night
Hunting Hours: After sunrise on 6A
opening day; and at any hour, 5F 1. Complete a Furbearer Pos- • Spotlights, night vision, thermal and laser
day or night, for the rest of the 6F session Tag AND devices are permitted for furbearer hunting.
hunting season. They may be attached to the firearm. All laws
6C 2. Get the pelt or unskinned pertaining to the use of a spotlight apply.
Bobcat pelts must be sealed. animal sealed.
6H 6J • Hunters should consult with local government
6G officials for any laws that may prohibit the dis-
charge of firearms at night.

5H 5T

9A 8A 7A 6K

9F 8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 6R 5J 5S
9C 7J 6S 4C
9A 5R
8H 8J

9H 8M 8N 7H 7M 4F 4J 4L
8R 8S 4O 4P 4G 4H 4B 4K
9G 9N 8P
9K 9M 9W 9P 7R 7P 4R 4S 4T 4U
9J 9R 9S 9T 9X 8T 3A 4Y 4Z
9Y 8X
8Y 7S

4W 3C

3H 3J 3F 3G

3M 3N

Season Dates 2018/2019 3R 3S 1C
Oct. 25–Feb. 15 3P

2A 1A

Oct. 25–Nov. 16 There are no bag limits.


Weasel, Opossum, Coyote Hunting The Ultimate in Predator Hunting Lights
Skunk, Raccoon
and Fox Hunting Statewide except Long Island LED Headlamps & Gun Lights
and New York City: Oct. 1–March 31 Available in RED, WHITE, or GREEN!
Long Island: Nov. 1–Feb. 25 There are no bag limits for coyotes. They may
All other areas of New York: be hunted during the day or night.
Oct. 25–Feb. 15 814-364-9660

There are no bag limits for these 55
species. Hunting Hours: After sunrise
on opening day; and at any hour, day or
night, for the rest of the hunting season.

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Furbearer Trapping

Definition of Trapping
To trap means to take, kill or capture wildlife Trappers, furbearer hunters, and members of the public who
with traps, deadfalls and other devices com- assist with DEC furbearer management activities are eligible
monly used to take wildlife, including the shoot- to receive a special patch! You can receive a patch if you:
ing or killing of lawfully trapped animals. It also voluntarily turn in an incidentally trapped animal; turn in a
includes all related activities such as placing, road-killed fisher, bobcat, marten, otter, or weasel; report
setting, staking or checking traps or assisting a violation involving a furbearer species that results in
another person with these activities. You do not a conviction; provide data in response to a DEC request
need a hunting license to shoot a trapped animal. or to assist with a DEC study; or promote trapping or fur-
bearer hunting in NY. Carcasses are used for staff training,
biological data, trapper education, and outreach programs.
Other Definitions Contact your regional furbearer biologist (see page 54) for
more information about getting a patch.
• Public Highway: The traveled portion of a
public highway. Culverts, drainage ditches,
and the area under bridges are not consid-
ered the traveled portion of a public highway. • During beaver or otter season, foothold traps soil, snow, water, or enclosures constructed of
• Carcass: The body or parts thereof, meat, up to 7¼" are allowed if set under water. wood, metal, wire, plastic or natural materials,
organs or viscera of an animal, including fish. • When the beaver or otter season is closed, and must completely cover the carcass so that
Feathers (including feathers with attached foothold traps set in water may not be larger it is not visible from directly above.
skin or entire bird wings), hair (with or with- than 5¾".
out skin or hide), and bones that include • A foothold trap larger than 7¼" is never legal Land trapping
no attached meat, organs or viscera, are to use. • You may not set a trap in such a manner that
excluded from this definition. • Body-gripping traps more than 7½" may never it causes a captured animal to be fully sus-
• Suspension: This term applies to animals fully be used on land. pended in the air.
suspended in the air by means of the trap • Body-gripping traps more than 7½" may only • In the Northern Zone, body-gripping traps set
anchoring system (typically a chain, cable or be used in water during an open beaver or on land may not be set with bait or lure when
wire). It does not apply to traps set in water or otter season. the fisher and /or marten seasons are closed.
to traps that are directly and firmly attached to • Snares may not be used for trapping.
an elevated structure, such as a tree. • Box or cage traps are legal for all species. Water trapping
• Restraining trap: A device used to capture • You may not use a cage trap that is designed • You may set a trap in a permanent body of
and restrain a mammal. These traps include to take more than one muskrat at a setting. water only when the mink, muskrat, otter, or
leg-gripping traps (“foothold traps”), foot beaver season is open.
encapsulating traps, and cage or box traps. • You may not disturb a muskrat house or den.
• You may not set a trap on or within 5 feet of
Trapping Methods• Foot encapsulating trap: A trap with the fol- a muskrat house.
lowing mechanical attributes: The triggering
and restraining mechanisms are enclosed Checking traps Land or water trapping
within a housing; the triggering and restrain- • In the Southern Zone: You must check traps
ing mechanisms are only accessible through once in each 24-hour period. • You may use any legal method to kill a trapped
a single opening when set; the opening does • In the Northern Zone, follow these rules: animal. You do not need a hunting license to
not exceed 2 inches in diameter; and the trap »» WMU 5C, 5F, 5G, 5H, 5J, 6F, 6J and 6N: use a firearm to kill a legally trapped animal.
has a swivel-mounted anchoring system. Visited once in each 48-hour period • You may not set or stake a trap prior to 7:00
• Cage or box trap: A type of restraining trap »» WMU 5A, 6A, 6C, 6G, 6H and 6K: AM on opening day.
that fully encloses a captured animal within ͪͪ Traps set in water during the open sea- • You are not allowed to set a trap within 100
wood, wire, plastic, or metal. son for beaver, otter, mink and musk- feet of a house, school, playground or church
rat: Visited once in each 48-hour period unless you have permission from the owner
ͪͪ Body-gripping traps set on land: Vis- of the land where the trap is set.
Legal Traps ited once in each 48-hour period • You may not set a trap on a public road. You
• You must put your name and address or your ͪͪ Restraining traps: Visited once in each are allowed to set a trap in a culvert or ditch
DEC customer identification number (see your 24-hour period unless the property is posted or the land-
hunting or trapping license) on all your traps. owner does not allow trapping.
• Foothold traps larger than 4" set on land must Use of carcasses as bait
have a pan tension device and be covered Any carcass, as defined above, used as bait and
when set. placed or used in conjunction with a foothold
• Teeth are not allowed on foothold traps. trap shall be completely covered at the time • You may not disturb a beaver lodge or bea-
• On land, foothold traps must be 5¾" or smaller the trap is set or visited. Coverings shall include ver dam.
(inside jaw spread). For information on how to but not be limited to brush, branches, leaves, • You may not set a trap on or within 15 feet of
correctly measure traps, see page 59. a beaver dam, den or house, measured at
ice or water level, except under the following
Place your name conditions:
& address or »» during an open otter season, traps of any
Customer ID # legal size may be set on or within 15 feet of
on all your traps. a beaver dam, but not on or within 15 feet
of a beaver den or house;
»» during an open or closed otter season,
any of the following traps may be set on
OR or within 15 feet of a beaver dam, den, or
ͪͪ body-gripping trap that measures less
than 5.5 inches;
ͪͪ foot-encapsulating trap

56 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Furbearer Trapping

ͪͪ foothold trap that measures 4¾ inches All other species may be bought, sold, and injury, you may remove it and lay it in the vicinity
or less; transported without restriction. of the trap. There are no legal provisions for you to
• Furbearers may be bought or sold either keep it, and you may not possess it even to take it
ͪͪ cage or box trap. skinned or unskinned. back to your vehicle without permission from DEC.
By limiting the trap sizes that are usable on bea- • People who buy fur do not need a fur buyer’s
ver dams, this regulation provides opportunities license in New York. DEC seeks information on all accidentally
for trappers while minimizing the accidental taken bobcat, otter, fisher and marten as well as
capture of otter. Rights of Trappers other species of unusual nature. If the animal is
dead, a DEC biologist will want to collect the car-
Pelt Sealing • No one may disturb a trap lawfully set by cass. Using the location and carcass data, biolo-
another person. gists will be able to track the status of these spe-
Otter, bobcat, fisher and marten must have a cies and study the age and reproductive data from
plastic seal attached to the pelt or unskinned • No one may remove a lawfully trapped animal the individual. The pelts from these carcasses will
animal before: from another person’s trap. also be utilized in our trapper education classes.
• It is sold or ownership is transferred to another
• No one may harass a trapper while he or she Remember, you must contact the Regional
person, or is trapping. Wildlife Office or an ECO as soon as possible to
• It is mounted or tanned, or report the catch. You will receive instructions on
• It leaves New York State, or License what to do and information to provide.
• Ten days have passed since the close of the Responsibilities
Possession of
season where the fur was taken • A license is not transferable and can be used Road-Killed Furbearers
The plastic pelt seals can be removed when only by the person to whom issued.
the pelt is processed for taxidermy, tanning or If the trapping or hunting season is open for
manufacturing. • A license to trap does not give the holder the species in a WMU, you may keep a dead
any right to go on private property without furbearer found on roads within that WMU.
aHotwwot-ostgeeptpyrooucrepsselts sealed: permission of the landowner. The requirements for possessing road-killed
furbearers are the same as for trapping and
• Step 1: Fill out your furbearer possession tag. • It is illegal to refuse to show your license on hunting. For example, if you find a road-killed
»» A possession tag must be filled out for each demand to a law enforcement officer or the bobcat in an area with an open bobcat season,
animal you take. owner, lessee or person in control of the lands you can possess it if you have a hunting or trap-
»» Possession tags must be filled out imme- (or their designees) while on their property. ping license, but you must fill out a furbearer
diately after you reach your motor vehicle, possession tag and have the pelt sealed.
camp or home, whichever comes first. Trapping License
»» Possession tags must stay with the animal Exceptions Showcase
or pelt at all times, but they do not need to
be attached to the pelt. All residents must have a valid trapping license your business!
»» Furbearer possession tags can be obtained in their possession except:
from your Regional Wildlife Office (see • Resident owners primarily engaged in farm- For advertising inquiries, please call
page 54) or at
29046.html ing, lessees, and members of their immediate (413) 884-1001
families do not need a trapping license, when
• Step 2: Get your pelt sealed (see below). trapping on farm lands they are occupying Missed the printed edition?
»» A completed furbearer possession tag must and cultivating, for bobcat, coyote, fox, mink,
be submitted to obtain a plastic pelt seal. muskrat, raccoon, opossum, weasel, skunk Ask about year-round digital opportunities.
»»You can give your pelts to another person and unprotected wildlife that may be lawfully
(other than a taxidermist) so he or she can taken by trapping. (Note: beaver, otter, fisher
get the pelts sealed or get them skinned. and marten are not included.)
You must give that person your trapping • Native Americans living on a reservation do
license or a copy of your license and your not need a trapping license while trapping on
completed possession tags while he or she reservation lands.
has your pelts.
»» Only authorized DEC representatives can Incidental and
attach the plastic pelt seals to otter, bobcat, Accidental Captures
fisher or marten. of Trapped Animals
»» Call a Regional Wildlife Office (see page 6)
to make arrangements to get your otter, bob- There are no provisions in the Environmental
cat, fisher, or marten sealed. Seals for these Conservation Law allowing trappers to possess
species cannot be sent through the mail. animals that are taken outside of the open trap-
»» Prior to having a marten sealed, you must ping season.
submit the entire carcass. Prior to having
a fisher sealed, you must submit the skull You must attempt to release any animals
or lower jaw. that are accidentally captured when the season
»» If the plastic pelt seal is broken or damaged, is closed or if the area is not open for trapping
contact your Regional Wildlife Office for a that species.
replacement seal.
If the animal is injured to the extent you believe
Buying and Selling Fur it will not survive, humanely dispatch it. If you are
not sure, contact a DEC Regional Wildlife Office
• Species requiring a pelt seal cannot be for assistance.
bought or sold or given to another person
unless they have the plastic pelt seal attached. When you find an unintentionally captured ani-
mal dead in the trap, or when you must dispatch an
unintentionally captured animal due to a serious

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 57

Furbearer Trapping

Fisher & Marten Raccoon, Red 5A
Trapping FSokRGxuAR,CAnYCGkOF,rOOaCXNy,,oSRFyKEooUDNxtFeK,O,,X,
5A If you take a OWCWpeOEoaYAssOSseTEuElL,mTTORrPaA&OPpSPpSINUinGMg& 6A 5C
6A 5C fisher or marten
you must: 6F
6F • Complete 6C
a furbearer
To trap fisher or marten you must 6C possession 5F
obtain a free trapping permit from a tag, AND
Regional Bureau of Wildlife Office. 6H 6J 5F • ‌Get the pelt 6H 6J
6G or unskinned 6G
5G animal sealed.
6N 5H 5T 6N 5G
1C 5H 5T
8A 8C 8F 7A 6K 6R 5J 9A 8A 8C 7A 6K 6R 5J
9A 7F 6P 5S 9A 9F 8G 8F 7F 6P 6S 5R
9A 9F 8G 5S
5R 4F
9C 8H 6S 9C 8H
4O 4P
8J 7H 7J 4A 4C 8J 7H 7J 4W
9H 8M 8N 7M 4L 9H 8M 8N 8R 8S 4A 4C
4J 4K 8W 4L
9G 9N 8P 8R 8S 4F 4G 4H 4B
8Y 4J 4K
9K 9M 9W 9P 7R 4O 4P 4T 4U 9G 9N 8P 4G 4H 4B
7S 4W 4R 4S 9K
9J 8T 8W 7P 9M 9W 9P 7R 4T 4U
7S 4R 4S
9R 9T 9X 9Y 8X 8Y 4Y 4Z 9J 8T 7P
9T 9Y 8X
3A 9R 9S 9X 4Y 4Z

Season Dates Species & 3H 3J 3F 3G 3A

2018/19 Bag Limits 3K SSeeaassonoDnaDtesates 2018/19 3H 3J 3F 3G
Fisher and Marten . 3M 3N 3K
O20c1t8./1295–Feb. 15*
Season limit of 6 marten. 3P 3R 3S There are noThere are no bag limits 3M 3N
Oct. 25 - Feb. 15*
for these species. 3R 3S
Nov. 1 - Nov. 30 OOcctt..252-5F–ebF.e15b. 15 bag limits 3P
There are no bag limits 2A
for theseNov. 1 - Feb. 25, except closed for coyote
for fisher. 2A 1A Nov. 1–Feb. 25, except species. 2A 1C
2A closed for coyote*In the Northern Zone (area in yellow), body-gripping traps set on land 2A 1A

may not be set with bait or lure if the fisher and marten season is closed. 2A 1C

Oct. 25–Oct. 30 Fisher only . There are no
bag limits.

Closed Fisher and Marten * In the Northern Zone (see page 24) body-grip-
Oct. 25–Dec. 10 ping traps set on land may not be set with bait or
Fisher only. There are no lure if the fisher and marten season is closed.
bag limits.

Mink & Muskrat 5A Bobcat Trapping 5A
Trapping 5C
6A 6A If you take an
5C bobcat you
6F must:
6C 6F • Complete
6C a furbearer
possession tag,
6H 5F 6H 5F AND
6G 6G • Get the pelt
6J 6J or unskinned
animal sealed.
5G 5G
6N 6N 1C

5H 5T 5H 5T

9A 8A 7A 6K 9A 8A 7A 6K

9F 8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 6R 5J 5S 9F 8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 6R 5J 5S
9C 7J 6S 4C 9C 7J 6S 4C
9A 5R 9A 5R
4A 4A
8H 8J 8H 8J

9H 8M 8N 7H 7M 4J 4L 9H 8M 8N 7H 7M 4F 4J 4L
8R 8S 4G 4H 4B 4K 8R 8S 4O 4P 4G 4H 4B 4K
9G 9N 8P 4F 9G 9N 8P
9K 9M 9W 9P 7R 7P 4O 4P 4R 4S 4T 4U 9K 9M 9W 9P 7R 7P 4R 4S 4T 4U
8W 8W
9J 9R 9S 9T 9X 8T 3A 4Y 4Z 9J 9R 9S 9T 9X 8T 3A 4Y 4Z
9Y 8X 9Y 8X
8Y 7S 8Y 7S

4W 3C Season Dates 2018/19 4W 3C
3H 3J 3F 3G
Season Dates 2018/19 3H 3J 3F 3G

Oct. 25–Apr. 15 3K Oct. 25–Feb. 15 3K
Nov. 25–Feb. 15 3M 3N 3M 3N
Nov. 10–Apr. 7
There are no 3R 3S Oct. 25–Nov. 16 There are no 3R 3S
bag limits 3P bag limits. 3P
for these
species. 2A 1A 1C Closed 2A 1A

Dec. 15–Feb. 25

Beaver Trapping 5A

6A 5C River Otter
6F 6A 5A If you take an
6C 5C otter you must:
6F • Complete
6H 5F 6C a furbearer
6G possession tag,
• Get the pelt
5G 6H 5F or unskinned
6N 6G animal sealed.
5H 5T 1C
9A 8A 7A 6K 6N

9F 8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 6R 5J 5S 5H 5T
9C 7J 6S 4C
9A 5R 9A 8A 7A 6K
8H 8J

9F 8G 8C 8F 7F 6P 6R 5J 5S
9C 7J 6S 4C
9H 8M 8N 7H 7M 4F 4J 4L 9A 5R
8R 8S 4O 4P 4G 4H 4B 4K 4A
9G 9N 8P 8H 8J
9K 9M 9W 9P 4R 4S 4T 4U
7R 7P 9H 8M 8N 7H 7M 4F 4J 4L
8T 8W 3A 4Y 4Z 8R 8S 4O 4P 4G 4H 4B 4K
9J 9R 9S 9T 9X 9Y 8X 9G 8P
9K 9M 9N 9P 4R 4S 4T 4U
8Y 7S 9W 7R
8T 8W 3A 4Y 4Z
4W 3C 9J 9Y 8X 7P

Season Dates 2018/19 3H 3J 3F 3G 9R 9S 9T 9X 8Y 7S

Nov. 1–Apr. 7 3K 4W 3C
3M 3N
Season Dates 2018/19 3H 3J 3F 3G

Nov. 25–Mar. 15 3R 3S Nov. 1–Apr. 7 3K
Nov. 10–Apr. 7 3P 3M 3N
Nov. 25–Feb. 15
There are no 2A 1A 1C Nov. 10–Feb. 28 There are no 3R 3S
bag limits. bag limits. 3P

Closed 2A 1A


58 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Furbearer Trapping

How to Measure a Trap

How to measure a body-gripping trap:

Measure the inside distance between the outer frames of the trap. The addition of one
or more bars to the inside of the frame does not change
the way these traps are measured. The measurement is
still the MAXIMUM distance as shown in the top picture.

How to measure a foothold trap:

Measure the inside distance between the jaws excluding
the gripping surface as shown. If the jaws have inside
laminations, the measurement is the inside distance
between the laminations. If the trap has double jaws,
measure the inside distance between the outer jaws.

Trigger Regulations for
Beaver Trappers
5¾" or less on land,
This regulation applies if you: 7¼" or less under water
• Trap in a WMU in the Southern Zone during a closed otter season
• Use a body-gripping trap larger than 8½ inches (these are “330” size traps) The Lowcountry Awaits


Charleston, SC

(843)860-4231 × john@

1. Body-gripping trap with off-set parallel trigger: The most up-to-date
2. Example of non-legal vs. legal trigger brackets: regulations online.

Non-legal: V-notch, four-way trigger

Two-way Two-way Four-way
tension non-tension trigger
adjustable adjustable
(legal) (not legal)

Legal: square-notch, two-way trigger

The trigger must be
6½" or less.

Recommended tension: 8 to 12 oz.

Trigger wires must
be joined together.

3. Examples of acceptable parallel triggers: NOTE:
4. Tension-adjustable triggers and trigger 1. You can bait these traps in any man-

stops are no longer required. ner. However, the trap must have all
of the features noted above.
2. There is no exception for traps set
under ice; traps set under ice, whether
baited or not, must have all of the
design features noted above.
3. There is no tension requirement.
However, DEC research showed that
8 to 12 oz. of tension works best for
protecting otter and catching beaver.

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 59

Furbearer Trapping

Regulations for Body-Gripping Traps Set on Land

Body-gripping traps set on land shall not be within 100 feet of a public trail except on Wildlife Management Areas.
A body-gripping trap measuring less than 5½ inches may be set in any manner with or without
the use of bait. Body-gripping traps measuring 5½ inches to 6 inches, set without the use of bait,
must be set so that no part of the trap is 8 inches or more above the ground. Body-gripping traps
measuring more than 6 inches to 7 1/2 inches may never be set in this manner.
NOTE: During a closed season for fisher and/or marten in the Northern Zone,
body-gripping traps set on land may not be set with bait or lure.

Body-gripping traps 5½ inches to 7½ inches set with the
use of bait, lure, or other attractants may only be used
as follows:

✓Four or more feet off the ground

✓In a container of the following design:

• Trap recessed minimum of 18 inches
• Opening height and width 10 inches or less

✓In a container of the following design:

• Only one entrance, facing the ground
• Container set so entrance is no more than

6 inches from ground
• Trap recessed minimum of 4 inches

✓In a container of the following design:

• Opening height 6 inches or less
• Eight-inch minimum spring notches
• Trap recessed minimum of 4 inches
You may also build an enclosure of natural materials (e.g., logs or rocks).
• Opening height 6 inches or less
• Trap recessed minimum of 8 inches

60 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Tracking River Otters Tracking River Otters

River otters have historically been found Photo courtesy of Marty DeLong, DEC
throughout New York. In the early 1900s, popu- Figure courtesy of Dr. Jacqueline Frair, SUNY ESF
lations began to decline due to unregulated
harvest, habitat destruction, and water pollu-
tion. In 1936, otters became legally protected
and the trapping season was closed. Conser-
vation Department (DEC’s predecessor) staff
assessed the abundance and distribution of
otters, and after almost a decade, a stricter
trapping season was reopened. While otter
populations stabilized in the eastern half of
New York, western regions appeared devoid
of substantial otter populations.

During the late 1990s, in an attempt to
restore historical populations, 279 otters were
captured in the Catskill, Adirondack, and Hud-
son Valley areas and released at 16 sites across
central and western New York. Observations
from DEC staff, hunters, trappers, and other
outdoor enthusiasts indicate that restoration
attempts were successful.

To verify these observations, DEC partnered
with SUNY ESF to assess the current status of
otters and to develop a harvest-independent
technique to monitor changes in otter popula-
tions. During the 2017 and 2018 winter field
seasons staff searched for otter sign (tracks,
scat, etc.) along designated transects at bridge
crossings. In the 2017 season alone, staff sur-
veyed 962 sites and about 239 miles of shore-
line across the state!

This survey, along with data provided by
trappers and wildlife watchers, will inform the
development of a management plan for otters
in New York. Highly valued by trappers as a
furbearing species and a favorite amongst
wildlife watchers, otters must be carefully
managed to ensure sustainable populations
for future generations. If you see an otter, we
want to hear about it! Please report your sight-
ing on DEC’s Furbearer Sighting Survey page

Report Your Furbearer Sightings!

DEC wants to learn more about the occurrence of various furbear-
ers throughout New York such as bobcat, otter, fisher, and weasel.
Your observations help biologists understand the distribution and
abundance of these elusive or inconspicuous mammals.
You can report you observations online, and can even
include photos!
Go to or e-mail us at
[email protected]
Thanks for your help!

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 61

Q& New York State Environmental CoRneseprovrattPioonaPcohleicres andQ: I’m using an “app” that shows land owned
by NY State – can I hunt on that land?
A: State lands are owned by DOT, SUNY, DEC,
NY Parks, and others. It is your responsibility to
check the rules for each property, as even some
DEC lands are off limits to hunting.
AQ: What documentation must I carry when
hunting? Q: I found a live wild animal in a trap, what Q: May I hunt small game with an air gun?
can I do? A: You may use an air gun to hunt any species
A: Unless you own the trap, have permission that may legally be taken with a .22 caliber rim
(and are licensed to trap), it is illegal to release, fire rifle, provided the air gun is no smaller than .17
dispatch or steal a trapped furbearer or tamper caliber with a muzzle velocity of at least 600 f.p.s.
with legally set traps. Q: May I take a child younger than 12 with me
Q: After reporting my deer, transporting and while hunting? What about a spouse?
cutting it up, what do I do with the carcass tag? A: Yes, a person of any age may accompany a
A: You must carry your hunting license, plus A: The tag stays with the carcass and is not hunter afield to observe as long as they do not
deer/bear/turkey carcass tags and/or a “duck” needed after the deer is prepared for consump- assist in the taking of wildlife, such as calling
stamp with HIP#, plus a back tag (where tion. Your actions reflect on all sportsmen, animals or actively participating in a deer drive.
required). “Hunting license” means the printed so properly dispose of the entrails, carcass If unsure, consult an ECO.
license listing privileges or a lifetime license and hide.
card or NY driver license “Adventure” hunting Q: I own a camp and property in New York, can
icon. Special hunts or hunt areas may require Q: How can I transport a crossbow in a vehicle? I purchase a resident hunting license?
additional paperwork. A: A crossbow must be decocked to be legally A: Residency is a fixed, permanent and principal
possessed in or on a motor vehicle. Simply home to which a person always intends to return.
Q: Why can NY stores sell deer food and removing the bolt does not meet the require- Simply owning land or paying taxes does not
salt blocks when it is illegal to use them ment. When using artificial lights on lands make one eligible for resident license fees. More
for hunting? inhabited by deer, a crossbow must be taken information on residency is found in the front of
A: The law does not prohibit sale, it prohibits down, securely fastened in a case or locked this guide.
the use of deer food and salt blocks as bait to in the trunk.
aid in hunting certain species. If the material Q. Can our hunting party “share” Deer Man-
is placed where the animal may ingest it, it is Q: Who is required to wear “Hunter Orange” agement Permits (DMPs) on a deer drive”?
likely to be considered baiting. Ask your local while hunting? A: Only the person possessing a properly con-
ECO (page 64 & 65). A: Junior hunters and their mentors are required signed DMP tag may take an antlerless deer,
to wear at least 250 inches of solid/patterned regardless of how many have the tag consigned
Q: Are deer urine scents legal in NY? fluorescent orange/pink while hunting deer to them. See the DMP consignment rules for
A: As of April 2018, yes. DEC recommends or bear. There are no requirements for other more info.
against urine use due to CWD concerns. As hunting activities. Orange/pink makes it eas-
they are not meant to be ingested, these scents ier for others to see you in thick brush or at Q: Can I target shoot on DEC lands?
are not considered bait. longer ranges. A: Many DEC state lands, including State Forests
and Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) have
Q: What about food plots, aren’t they baiting? Q: I wounded a deer and heard there are specific rules – call ahead. You may not damage
A: The law exempts food plots as “areas estab- trained dogs that can help me find it. How do live trees and must remove all litter.
lished by standard agricultural production prac- I contact a handler?
tices”, and would be considered lawful. A: DEC-licensed leashed tracking dog handlers Q. Can a felon hunt with a muzzleloader or
may help you find the deer. They are volunteers crossbow?
Q: Can I use a carcass tag from a friend or fam- and do not charge for their service. Visit www. A. There are a few exceptions that may per-
ily member on a deer, bear or turkey that I shot? for more information or call the mit this. Contact your local ECO, as it greatly
A: No - it is unlawful to possess or use tags of ECO Dispatch Center. depends on details specific to each individual.
another, except properly consigned deer man-
agement permits (DMPs or landowner DMAPs). Q: How do I report poaching or other sus- Q: Can I carry a handgun while bowhunting deer/
DMP instructions can be found in this guide. pected violations of fish & wildlife laws? bear during the special bowhunting seasons?
A: Call the “Report Poachers and Polluters” Hot- A: No, you may not possess a firearm of any
Q: Can I hunt small game with a rifle in counties line as soon as possible at 1-844-DEC-ECOS. type while bowhunting during those seasons.
where deer hunting with a rifle is prohibited? (1-844-332-3267). You may file a complaint Possession of a handgun in NY requires a NY
A: Yes, but if any deer season is open, you can- anonymously or keep your name confidential. Pistol Permit. NY does not recognize any permits
not use a center fire rifle of .22 caliber or larger. from other states.
You may not possess rifles afield on Long Island Q. What basic steps should I follow when an
or Westchester Co. ECO approaches me while I am afield hunting? Q: Can I shoot a deer at first light on opening
A: Most importantly, keep firearms pointed in a day of deer season?
Q: If the trapping season is open, does that safe direction with the safety “ON”. Do not try A: No. For deer and bear hunting, legal shooting is
mean I can hunt for that species? to unload them, which can lead to accidents. between the minute of local sunrise to the minute
A: It depends on the season and species. Some of local sunset, NOT just when it’s light enough.
furbearers may only be trapped, while some Q. Without permission, how far must I be from Sunrise/set charts are available in this guide.
can also be hunted, and some both, but with a house to discharge an implement?
different seasons. A: You must be a minimum of 150 feet to dis- Q: May I transport an entire deer carcass into
charge a bow, 250 feet for crossbow and 500 NY from another state?
feet for firearms including muzzleloaders. Local A: Chronic Wasting Disease regulations ban
Please contact your local Environmental Con- laws or ordinances on firearm discharges may importation of whole carcasses and certain
servation Officers (ECOs) for answers to your also apply. parts, depending on the originating state. See
specific questions (see pages 64–65). the CWD pages of this guidebook.

62 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

d Polluters Hotline — 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267)

ECO Mark Klein investigated a suspect whose hunting privileges Lt. Ric Warner with one of two alligators captured by DEC on
are revoked in 47 states as part of the International Wildlife Viola- the Tioghnioga River. Releasing non-native species to the wild
tor Compact. Convicted of shooting these bucks illegally, the man threatens native species and pose threats to the public. The
faces additional fines and revocations. “gators” now reside at a licensed educational facility.

ECO George Wilbur responded to a call about an injured American ECO Kevin Holzle was on patrol opening day of Southern Zone
kestrel fledgling that had fallen from its nesting place. He cap- regular season when he encountered this hunter with a buck of a
tured and transported it to a DEC-licensed rehabilitator and later lifetime. Knowing your local ECO and reporting violations is one
released the bird during an educational event. way you can help bucks grow to this size.

ECOs George Wilber and Nate Doig after a busy opening day gun Lt. Ric Warner assisted DEC Wildlife staff performing bear den
season. These deer were seized for violations ranging from shoot- surveys. The sow (mother) was tranquilized, blood samples and
ing 30 minutes early, shooting from a road, hunting with aid of bait, other biological testing performed, tags or tattoos applied and
and failure to meet antler restrictions. the family was tucked back in their den.

Environmental Conservation Officers

Report All Poachers Title First Last Name State Home ECO A. C. WILSON (716) 675-1095
and Polluters Name Phone LIEUT. E. HAAG (716) 851-7006
1-844-DEC-ECOS (844-332-3267) ECO K. BUSH (518) 813-6805 ECO J. ESSEX (518) 335-5201
ECO K. GARNSEY (518) 419-2425 ECO S. BLADES (518) 653-3077
Approximately 250 field ECOs patrol the entire LIEUT. K. SWAN (518) 869-5237 ECO J. DEWEY (518) 354-9014
state. Their job includes enforcement of fish and L. BOBSEINE (518) 357-2047 ECO M. HOVEY (518) 338-2908
wildlife laws and state environmental quality laws. ECO LIEUT. M. C. NICOLS (518) 897-1326
ECOs rely on the eyes and ears of our dedicated ECO R. ALLEGANY (585) 403-2437 PHELPS
members of the sporting community to report LIEUT. D. CALANNI (607) 590-1135 ECO J. (518) 708-1220
suspected violations. Poachers and other vio- D. OLIVER (716) 851-7006 ECO N. FRANKLIN (518) 354-9833
lators are stealing from you, your children and ECO PLEAKIS ECO J. CRANKER (518) 319-0064
our environment. ECO R. (646) 847-4580 ECO K. FAVREAU (518) 335-3558
ECO M. BRONX (845) 260-0084 LIEUT. OKONUK (518) 897-1326
As soon as possible, call the hotline to LIEUT. R. KELLEY (917) 599-1220 RIGGS
report suspected violations. Dispatchers D. RUTHERFORD (718) 482-4885 ECO J. (518) 774-4517
will assist you in filing a complaint. You may ECO WING ECO S. FULTON (518) 708-1168
ask to have your name kept confidential or ECO A. GALVIN (607) 621-3464 ECO P. HILLIARD (518) 448-3103
file anonymously. File complaints online at ECO A. (607) 766-1375 LIEUT. M. MANNS (518) 897-1326 LIEUT. E. BROOME (607) 621-3255 PASCIAK
K. MCCORMICK (315) 426-7431 ECO F. CLEMENS (585) 245-4975
Complaints are forwarded to an ECO for inves- ECO RIGOLI ECO G. (585) 683-0773
tigation. The sooner you call and the more detailed ECO N. TEMPLETON (716) 548-1482 LIEUT. J. GENESEE (585) 226-6866
information you provide, the more likely the vio- ECO R. WARNER (716) 532-0461 FUERCH
lator will be apprehended. Try to remember the LIEUT. J. M. CATTARAUGUS (716) 771-8266 ECO M. WILSON (518) 966-5357
“who, what, when, where and how” of the event. D. MEAD (716) 851-7006 ECO A. VER HAGUE (518) 755-9242
Keep your distance. Do not approach or con- ECO NOSAL LIEUT. K. (518) 357-2047
front suspects. They may be dangerous, destroy ECO S. POWERS (315) 568-5370 GREENE
evidence, or simply evade officers if forewarned. ECO M. PLEAKIS (315) 567-1835 ECO P. ARP (518) 335-5013
Who did it? Provide names, age, sex, height, LIEUT. S. (315) 253-8534 ECO K. GLORIOSO (315) 804-9435
weight, clothing or vehicle descriptions, etc. D. CAYUGA (315) 426-7431 ECO S. BEITER (518) 866-4723
What occurred? What exactly is the nature of ECO ANGOTTI LIEUT. (518) 897-1326
the violation? Examples — taking deer using bait, ECO K. COLESANTE (716) 401-1163 HAMILTON
over limit, shooting from roadway, trespass, using ECO D. SINCEBAUGH (716) 316-5607 ECO J. BUSWELL (315) 816-1449
tags of another, after hours, non-resident buying ECO C. MCSHANE (716) 490-3947 ECO K. KELLY (631) 461-8048
resident license. LIEUT. J. CHAUTAUQUA (716) 401-1187 ECO D. PIERCE (315) 823-4071
When did it occur? Dates and times. Is it still in C. BUDNIEWSKI (716) 851-7006 ECO K. (315) 313-3686
progress, ongoing or yet to happen? ECO DOUGHERTY ECO C. HERKIMER (315) 269-6646
Where did it occur? Provide exact street ECO E. FREEMAN (607) 592-2783 LIEUT. M. GATES (315) 785-2231
addresses, town/county, GPS locations or other ECO J. KINNEY (607) 644-3815 LIEUT. J. JAKAUB (315) 785-2231
ways the officer can locate the scene, suspects LIEUT. R. LOHR (607) 220-4828 LUCAS
and evidence. M. (315) 836-6137 ECO Z. MARKEY (315) 200-2111
How did it occur? What methods or circumstances ECO CHEMUNG ECO I. SCHOONOVER (315) 559-8503
were used in the violation? ECO B. DALECKI (607) 895-6515 ECO P. DANGLER (315) 418-7380
LIEUT. B. LIFRIERI (631) 461-2842 ECO R. MURPHY (315) 313-3374
Interstate Wildlife W. MCNAMARA (315) 426-7431 LIEUT. S. (315) 785-2231
ECO B. (518) 354-0539 ECO C. BROWN (718) 751-5701
New York State is a member of IWVC, which is an ECO M. CHENANGO (518) 335-5422 ECO R. HELMER (516) 243-4658
agreement between 47 states to share information LIEUT. C. ARMSTRONG (518) 319-7706 ECO R. JACKSON (718) 683-7486
regarding hunting, fishing and trapping M. C. TABOR (518) 897-1326 ECO Z. JOHNSON (718) 673-1286
convictions. ECO BURNELL LIEUT. C. BARTOSZEWSKI (646) 842-3113
ECO J. (518) 794-8935
The IWVC gives members the capability to LIEUT. J. CLINTON (518) 414-6083 ECO Z. KINGS (315) 200-2111
honor each other's license revocations so a BUFFA (518) 357-2047 ECO S. DODGE (315) 767-5232
violator convicted in one state may be barred ECO M. LACROIX ECO T. GROGAN (315) 778-9279
from hunting, fishing or trapping in all member ECO A. LAGREE (315) 251-0125 LIEUT. S. KAUFHERR (315) 785-2231
states, at the discretion of each state. LIEUT. W. PHELPS (315) 741-2205 LIEUT. J. KOCHANOWSKI (315) 785-2231
(315) 426-7431 LATTIMER
Call NYSDEC Law Enforcement at (518) 402- ECO V. COLUMBIA ECO R. (585) 300-7715
8816 or visit ECO N. COX (845) 346-6607 ECO B. LEWIS (585) 303-0065
ECO G. DAVEY (607) 267-5452 ECO C. BROWN (585) 303-0098
64 ECO J. (607) 267-5479 LIEUT. J. HUTTON (585) 226-6866
LIEUT. K. CORTLAND (607) 437-6259 WORDEN
BURDICK (518) 357-2047 ECO H. BARTOSZEWSKI (315) 662-3412
ECO Z. KOSTUK ECO C. MURPHY (315) 254-0657
ECO R. BURNELL (845) 235-5480 ECO R. (607) 316-2574
ECO D. (845) 483-9672 LIEUT. W. LIVINGSTON (315) 426-7431
C. BAUER (845) 256-3013 ECO J. WADE (585) 303-1506
ECO T. DOIG ECO E. WARD (585) 478-8664
ECO S. WILBER III (716) 908-5051 ECO S. VER HAGUE (518) 391-1651
ECO M. WOODIN (716) 262-7411 ECO J. (585) 487-3505
ECO R. BEITER (716) 537-2464 ECO E. MADISON (585) 683-6758
ECO (716) 537-2533 LIEUT. B. CHASE (585) 226-6866
DUTCHESS (716) 425-8329 CHILDS

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Environmental Conservation Officers

ECO Dispatch — 1-877-457-5680 for General Questions

MONTGOMERY LIEUT. M. FILMER (845) 256-3013 ECO N. NICHOLAS (516) 307-6225
ECO J. VALENTY (518) 339-7612 ECO S. (646) 634-9231 ECO L. SIMMONS (631) 205-0470
ECO C. WILLSON (518) 505-4104 ECO S. BARRETT (347) 213-7203 ECO M. SIMMONS (631) 874-2591
ECO B. BOBSEINE (518) 491-2273 ECO J. DOBIES (347) 426-8118 LIEUT. M. BLAISING (631) 444-0250
LIEUT. L. (518) 357-2047 ECO J. JARECKI (347) 408-8851 LIEUT. F. CARBONE (631) 444-0250
NASSAU ECO D. JOHNSTON (347) 461-0755 LIEUT. T. GADOMSKI (631) 444-0250
ECO D. FERRARO (516) 826-0832 ECO M. PLOWS (347) 408-8724
ECO B. GUSTITUS (516) 273-3319 LIEUT. D. THIBODEAU (718) 482-4885 ECO M. SULLIVAN (347) 215-1327
ECO Z. PRENTICE (516) 402-2092 LUM ECO M. GROSE (347) 215-1218
ECO M. UNGER (516) 328-0579 RENSSELAER (518) 270-5035 ECO T. HAMELINE (845) 612-6099
LIEUT. (631) 444-0250 CANZERI (518) 925-5549 ECO R. KOEPF (845) 665-5637
NEW YORK ECO B. CURINGA (518) 357-2047 LIEUT. M. WOOD (845) 256-3013
ECO B. DICKSON (646) 634-9219 ECO J. BUCKLEY
ECO J. HARVEY (347) 758-0401 LIEUT. RICHMOND (347) 308-4589 (607) 972-4435
ECO C. SWANSEN (914) 260-6020 DELLA ROCCO (347) 308-2998 TIOGA (607) 245-9751
LIEUT. D. GALVIN (718) 482-4885 ECO T. OSBORNE (347) 308-3159 ECO B. WILSON (315) 426-7431
NIAGARA (716) 454-2623 ECO M. WOZNIAK (646) 842-3113 LIEUT. K. WARNER (607) 564-9458
HOLZLE (716) 220-6860 ECO M. LATTIMER (607) 227-9584
ECO K. MATHIS (716) 377-2448 LIEUT. C. (845) 208-1668 ECO O. TOMPKINS (315) 426-7431
ECO S. SCHEER (716) 243-9038 ROCKLAND (845) 281-5419 ECO J. EISENBERG
ECO G. WOLGAST (716) 851-7006 ECO J. FADDEN (845) 587-6397 LIEUT. K. KRUEGER (845) 623-3767
ECO J. SCHULTZ ECO C. HORNICEK (845) 256-3013 WARNER (845) 663-3112
LIEUT. J. (315) 816-1449 ECO A. JOHNSON (845) 216-4699
ONEIDA (315) 408-7179 LIEUT. M. BELLO (518) 281-6487 ULSTER (845) 256-3013
ECO J. GATES (315) 382-0996 (518) 892-9402 ECO J. BASTEDO
ECO J. HULL (315) 734-0648 ECO R. SARATOGA (518) 860-8675 ECO L. PALMATEER (518) 409-6299
ECO R. HOWE (315) 313-3686 ECO M. HIGGINS (518) 222-1815 ECO J. SMITH (518) 925-5560
ECO S. LAKEMAN (315) 489-4224 ECO S. KLEIN (518) 897-1326 LIEUT. M. BUCKLEY (518) 793-3767
ECO K. MARKEY (315) 785-2231 ECO B. SHAW (518) 897-1326
ECO C. STARCZEK (315) 785-2231 LIEUT. M. TOTH (518) 339-7612 ECO A. WARREN
LIEUT. M. DANGLER CLEMENS (518) 505-4104 ECO L. BRASSARD (518) 567-2104
LIEUT. J. MURPHY (315) 445-2061 SCHENECTADY (518) 491-2273 ECO G. GERRAIN (518) 222-4620
(315) 673-3067 DEANGELIS (518) 357-2047 LIEUT. B. LAPOINT (518) 417-9954
ONONDAGA (315) 484-9678 VALENTY BRAMLAGE (518) 742-0523
ECO D. DAMRATH (315) 487-4401 ECO J. WILLSON (518) 339-6110 ECO S. WASHINGTON (518) 897-1326
ECO R. HEAD (315) 426-7431 ECO C. BOBSEINE (518) 505-4056 ECO M. GONYEAU
ECO P. SHERMAN ECO B. (518) 357-2047 ECO M. GOODRICH (315) 745-9371
ECO S. YACAVONE (585) 694-4077 LIEUT. L. SCHOHARIE ECO T. KRUG (315) 359-1122
LIEUT. D. MCSHANE (585) 362-0395 ISLES (607) 592-2783 LIEUT. B. WENSLEY (315) 399-3752
(585) 369-8116 ECO K. TERRELL (607) 644-3815 BRAMLAGE (585) 226-6866
ECO P. ONTARIO (585) 226-6866 ECO M. VER HAGUE (607) 220-4828 ECO T.
ECO S. BLANTON LIEUT. N. (315) 836-6137 ECO K. WAYNE (203) 240-9841
ECO K. DUSSAULT (845) 238-7845 SCHUYLER ECO G. SMITH (845) 424-3073
LIEUT. LEVANWAY (845) 490-0875 ECO E. DALECKI (607) 227-8538 LIEUT. THOMAS (845) 490-9869
(845) 208-1668 ECO J. LIFRIERI (315) 209-9399 YOUNGLOVE (845) 216-4628
ECO M. ORANGE (845) 281-5419 ECO Tt. MCNAMARA (585) 226-6866 ECO A. (914) 263-7819
ECO W. BURGESS (845) 587-6397 LIEUT. M. LOCHNER ECO D. WESTCHESTER (845) 256-3013
ECO J. CHOMICKI (845) 281-3408 (315) 262-2304 ECO C. BONILLA
ECO C. FADDEN (845) 256-3013 ECO T. SENECA (315) 265-2757 ECO C. DAINACK (716) 628-3488
ECO A. HORNICEK ECO A. BROWN (315) 489-3180 ECO K. EYLER (585) 919-4465
ECO J. JOHNSON (585) 735-6963 LIEUT. DRAHMS (315) 842-2854 LIEUT. M. TOMPKINS (716) 851-7006
LIEUT. M. WALRAVEN (585) 441-4015 (315) 322-5106 WAMSLEY
BELLO (585) 226-6866 ECO S. ST. LAWRENCE (315) 566-9258 FILMER (315) 775-7168
ECO V. ECO T. ATWOOD (315) 566-9574 ECO J. (315) 408-6086
ECO N. ORLEANS (315) 625-4129 ECO B. BASFORD (315) 785-2231 ECO R. WYOMING (315) 836-6137
GODSON (315) 383-1766 ECO J. MUNN (607) 281-5435 WARD JR
ECO M. VER HAGUE (315) 542-4293 ECO J. RYAN (607) 331-7549 ECO J. SCHULTZ
ECO M. (315) 466-6982 ECO M. SCHNELLER (607) 329-9644 ECO R.
ECO M. OSWEGO (315) 236-0307 LIEUT. A. SHERRY (315) 836-6137 LIEUT. M. YATES
ECO A. FOSTER (631) 372-2642 GROSS
ECO D. HARGER (607) 267-9547 STEUBEN (631) 304-3513 LOCHNER
LIEUT. J. MANEELEY (607) 422-8342 BAKER (516) 265-3133
PANIPINTO (607) 221-1544 ECO M. FARRAND (516) 260-3240 Marine Enforcement Units
THOMAS (518) 357-2047 ECO S. LOMOZIK (631) 601-5284
REITMEIER ECO J. LOCHNER (631) 874-3132 Title First Last Name State Home
(203) 240-9841 LIEUT. M. (631) 351-8601 Name Phone
OTSEGO (845) 424-3073 SUFFOLK (631) 447-0959 ECO MEU - Region 1
ECO T. CARD (845) 490-9869 ECO C. AMATO (631) 744-2507 ECO I. BOBSIENE (631) 461-6061
ECO R. FETTERMAN (845) 216-4628 ECO K. BEVIS (631) 494-5229 ECO J. DOROSKI (631) 599-9430
ECO M. VENCAK (914) 263-7819 ECO J. BOHLING ECO E. LACZI (631) 304-3508
ECO C. DEROSE S. REILLY (631) 444-0250
WAMSLEY N. VER HAGUE (718) 482-4885

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 65

33FFDUTCHESS CoCnonnencteicctiuctut





New Jersey SUFFO
New Jersey

Atlantic O


Map produced by NYSDEC FW, 6/19/13.
66 Map produced b2y018N–Y20S19DNEeCw YForWk HMunRtin,g 2&/T2ra2p/p2in0g1G8uide

PublicPLubalnicdLsan&dsM&aMnaangageemmeennttAAreraesas Regional Maps
Wildlife Management Units
Wildlife AMdiaronndaagcke/Cmaetsnkitll PUanrkits DEC State Campgrounds

AdirondaFcekde/Craal RtsekcirlleaPtiaornkal Land in New York State’s
Adirondack and Catskill
FederalSRtaetecPrearaktional Land
Forest Preserves
DEC Lands

State PaWrilkdlife Management Area 67

DEC LanMdusltiple Use Area

Wildlife MCoannsaergveatmioen nEtaAsermeaents

Multiple U0 s2e.5A5rea 10 15 20 25
Conservation Easements Miles

0 2.5 5 10 15 20 25




tlantic Ocean



2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Regional Maps

Public Lands & Management Areas Conservation Easements

Wildlife Management Units Public hunting and trapping is allowed on the conservation
Adirondack/Catskill Park easements shown on these maps, but because rules and
Federal Recreational Land regulations are different for each conservation easement,
State Park members of the public wishing to hunt or trap on a particu-
DEC Lands lar easement property are strongly encouraged to contact
Wildlife Management Area the local DEC office (see page 6) before planning a trip.
Multiple Use Area For more information on Conservation Easements, visit:
Conservation Easements


0 4.5 9 18 27 36 45

Map produced by NYSDEC FWMR, 4/13/2018



Lake Ontario 6N






68 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Regional Maps



6A 5C




H 5F Vermont








2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 4C


Regional Maps








8T 8W 7P




Public Lands & Management Areas Pennsylvania
2018–19 Habitat
Adirondack/Catskill Park & Access Stamp
Wildlife Management Units
Federal Recreational Land Invest in the future of New York’s wild-
State Park life habitat and outdoor recreational
DEC Lands opportunities by purchasing a $5.00
Wildlife Management Area Habitat & Access Stamp!
Multiple Use Area All funds from stamp purchases are
Conservation Easements deposited directly into the DEC Habi-
tat Conservation and Access Account
0 5 10 20 30 40 (HCAA) and used for ongoing and
Miles upcoming projects aimed towards con-
serving fish and wildlife habitat and
Map produced by NYSDEC FWMR, 2/22/2018 increasing access to public and private
lands for outdoor recreational access.
70 Whether a hunter or angler, birder or
photographer, the purchase of a Habi-
tat & Access Stamp is the perfect way
to conserve New York’s remarkable
wildlife heritage.

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Regional Maps



6R 5S

6S 5R 4C



4G 4L




4O DELAWARE 4S 4T 4U Massachusetts


4P 4Y 4Z



3H 3F

SULLIVAN 3J Connecticut

3M 3N



New Jersey 3R 3S

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide ROCKLAND WESTCHESTER 71

Regional Maps Lake Onta

Public Lands & Management Areas NIAGARA 8

Wildlife Management Units 9A ORLEANS
Federal Recreational Land
State Park 8G

Wildlife Management Area
Multiple Use Area

Conservation Easements

9A 9F

Canada 9C


Lake Erie


9G 9M 9N
9K 9W


9R 9T

0 12.5 25 Pennsylvania
72 2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide

Regional Maps


8A 8C WAYNE  Providing trees and
shrubs for wildlife,
G 8F privacy screen,
aesthetics and more!
 More than 50
8J varieties of NY-
source seedlings at
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9P 8P

ALLEGANY 8X STEUBEN SCHUYLER Did you know in 2017,
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9Y 8T 8W
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foot, snowshoe or skis.

…I nspected 11,635 occupied state land

… Snowmobile patrol 14,565 miles of
trails and checked 12,341 snowmo-
biles for safety compliance.

… Made 1,326 arrests for violations of
state land use regulations

2018–2019 New YMorkaHpupntrinogd&uTcraepdpinbgyGNuidYeSDEC FWMR, 2/22/2018 73

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Hunter's Showplace


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Hunter's Showplace



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Sunrise & Sunset

Albany, New York

When Hunting for
Wildlife, All Shooting
Hours are Sunrise
to Sunset, Except:

• Unprotected wildlife—any hour
• Furbearers, i.e. coyote, raccoon, fox,

bobcat—any hour
• For most migratory game bird spe-

cies, including ducks, geese, snipe,
rails—½ hour before sunrise to
• Spring turkey—½ hour before sun-
rise to noon

Day Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
AM PM 6:52 6:36 7:28 5:47 7:05 4:22 7:25 4:32 7:09 5:08 6:31 5:44 6:37 7:20 5:49 7:55
1 6:19 7:29 6:53 6:34 7:30 5:46 7:06 4:22 7:25 4:32 7:08 5:09 6:29 5:45 6:36 7:21 5:48 7:56
2 6:20 7:27 6:54 6:32 7:31 5:45 7:07 4:21 7:25 4:33 7:07 5:10 6:27 5:46 6:34 7:23 5:47 7:57
3 6:21 7:25 6:55 6:31 6:32 4:43 7:08 4:21 7:25 4:34 7:06 5:12 6:26 5:48 6:32 7:24 5:45 7:58
4 6:23 7:24 6:56 6:29 6:33 4:42 7:09 4:21 7:25 4:35 7:05 5:13 6:24 5:49 6:30 7:25 5:44 7:59
5 6:24 7:22 6:57 6:27 6:35 4:41 7:10 4:21 7:25 4:36 7:03 5:14 6:22 5:50 6:29 7:26 5:43 8:00
6 6:25 7:20 6:58 6:25 6:36 4:40 7:11 4:21 7:25 4:37 7:02 5:16 6:21 5:51 6:27 7:27 5:42 8:01
7 6:26 7:18 7:00 6:24 6:37 4:39 7:12 4:21 7:24 4:38 7:01 5:17 6:19 5:52 6:25 7:28 5:40 8:02
8 6:27 7:17 7:01 6:22 6:38 4:38 7:13 4:21 7:24 4:39 7:00 5:18 6:17 5:54 6:24 7:29 5:39 8:03
9 6:28 7:15 7:02 6:20 6:40 4:37 7:14 4:21 7:24 4:40 6:58 5:20 7:16 6:55 6:22 7:31 5:38 8:05
10 6:29 7:13 7:03 6:19 6:41 4:36 7:15 4:21 7:24 4:42 6:57 5:21 7:14 6:56 6:20 7:32 5:37 8:06
11 6:30 7:11 7:04 6:17 6:42 4:35 7:15 4:21 7:23 4:43 6:56 5:22 7:12 6:57 6:19 7:33 5:36 8:07
12 6:31 7:10 7:05 6:15 6:44 4:34 7:16 4:21 7:23 4:44 6:55 5:24 7:10 6:58 6:17 7:34 5:35 8:08
13 6:32 7:08 7:07 6:14 6:45 4:33 7:17 4:21 7:22 4:45 6:53 5:25 7:09 7:00 6:15 7:35 5:34 8:09
14 6:33 7:06 7:08 6:12 6:46 4:32 7:18 4:22 7:22 4:46 6:52 5:26 7:07 7:01 6:14 7:36 5:33 8:10
15 6:34 7:04 7:09 6:11 6:47 4:31 7:18 4:22 7:22 4:47 6:50 5:27 7:05 7:02 6:12 7:37 5:32 8:11
16 6:35 7:02 7:10 6:09 6:49 4:30 7:19 4:22 7:21 4:49 6:49 5:29 7:03 7:03 6:10 7:39 5:31 8:12
17 6:36 7:01 7:11 6:07 6:50 4:29 7:20 4:23 7:20 4:50 6:47 5:30 7:02 7:04 6:09 7:40 5:30 8:13
18 6:38 6:59 7:12 6:06 6:51 4:28 7:20 4:23 7:20 4:51 6:46 5:31 7:00 7:05 6:07 7:41 5:29 8:14
19 6:39 6:57 7:14 6:04 6:52 4:28 7:21 4:24 7:19 4:52 6:45 5:33 6:58 7:07 6:06 7:42 5:28 8:15
20 6:40 6:55 7:15 6:03 6:53 4:27 7:21 4:24 7:19 4:53 6:43 5:34 6:56 7:08 6:04 7:43 5:27 8:16
21 6:41 6:54 7:16 6:01 6:55 4:26 7:22 4:25 7:18 4:55 6:42 5:35 6:55 7:09 6:03 7:44 5:26 8:17
22 6:42 6:52 7:17 6:00 6:56 4:26 7:22 4:25 7:17 4:56 6:40 5:36 6:53 7:10 6:01 7:45 5:25 8:18
23 6:43 6:50 7:18 5:58 6:57 4:25 7:23 4:26 7:16 4:57 6:38 5:38 6:51 7:11 6:00 7:47 5:25 8:19
24 6:44 6:48 7:20 5:57 6:58 4:25 7:23 4:26 7:16 4:59 6:37 5:39 6:49 7:12 5:58 7:48 5:24 8:20
25 6:45 6:46 7:21 5:55 6:59 4:24 7:23 4:27 7:15 5:00 6:35 5:40 6:48 7:13 5:57 7:49 5:23 8:21
26 6:46 6:45 7:22 5:54 7:00 4:24 7:24 4:28 7:14 5:01 6:34 5:41 6:46 7:15 5:55 7:50 5:22 8:21
27 6:47 6:43 7:23 5:53 7:02 4:23 7:24 4:28 7:13 5:02 6:32 5:43 6:44 7:16 5:54 7:51 5:22 8:22
28 6:48 6:41 7:25 5:51 7:03 4:23 7:24 4:29 7:12 5:04 6:42 7:17 5:52 7:52 5:21 8:23
29 6:49 6:39 7:26 5:50 7:04 4:22 7:24 4:30 7:11 5:05 6:41 7:18 5:51 7:53 5:21 8:24
30 6:51 6:38 7:27 5:49 7:25 4:31 7:10 5:06 6:39 7:19 5:20 8:25

2018–2019 New York Hunting & Trapping Guide 77



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