655, 656, 557, 488, 499
A Adams Darroll & Mary PO Box 125 499-3558
Adams Don & Lynn 3332 W fM 285 488-2238
AA Alcohol Abuse & Drug Abuse Detox Adams Evan 1419 Creekmere Dr ........557-4021
Rehab Treatment Center Adams foods 1508 8th Ave ................655-1073
24 Hour Helpline ............................655-7471 Adams Greg & Denice
A A A CHiLDERs BROTHERs iNC 6101 Co Rd 298 ......................................488-2493
specializing in House Leveling . . .3 5 2 - 9 5 6 3 Adams Jackie 16800 Robin Rd............655-1817
Adams La Dean 16341 fM 1062 ........499-3415
A-BROTHER's PLUMBiNG iNC Adams Mary Ann 16801 Robin Rd ....655-8189
17300 White Wing Rd . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 9 1 9 Adams Michelle 413 Holman Ln ........452-7138
Adams stacy
A & E Design Group inc
300 T Anchor Vw ....................................655-9361 14520 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3607
Addington Ashley ..............................452-7144
A&K shooters' supply Adee steven 8350 Kemper Rd ............655-0245
9000 W Us Hwy 60 ................................656-0304 Adkins A f 10 Greenwood Ln ..............655-3873
Adkins Kelly 505 Taylor Ln ..................655-4050
APL - NAPA AUTO PARTs Admire Matthew 6203 susie Ama......557-4388
2309 9th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 2 3 ADVANA DENTAL & DENTUREs
2330 s soncy, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 6 7 0 0
A2 Cattle feeding inc
4000 Tierra Blanca Dr ............................655-7490 ADVANCED EYE CARE - CANYON
1801 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 4 8
Aaron's 205 N 23rd st ............................656-0007
Abarca Raymond 14500 Davis Rd ......499-3170 ADVANCED PEsT CONTROL
Abbott Ben 1111 6th Ave ....................655-0059 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 8 2 - 1 9 4 3
Abbott Cliff 9 Hospital Dr Apt 204 ......557-4803
Aflac 2001 4th Ave ..................................656-0871
1105 s Taylor, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 0 - 4 6 7 3
Abbott Mickey J 604 W 7th Ave ........655-3588 AGAPE MANAGEMENT
Abbott Patricia 2518 7th Ave ............655-4984
Abbott Randy ......................................655-0415 Offices To Rent in Amarillo
Abernethy fence Co
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5
2851 W County Road 283 ......................236-4713
Abernethy Kendal 2851 W CR 283 ....488-2718 Agba solutions Llvc 715 N 2nd Ave..655-5800
Abshere Philip Agee Hurley & Donna
10550 indian Camp Trl ..........................488-2443 22565 Hoagland Rd ................................499-3484
Agri Research inc 16851 Hope Rd ....499-3392
ABUELO’s MExiCAN REsTAURANT Agri Research inc ............................499-3393
3501 45th Ave, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 8 2 9 4 Agri Research inc ............................499-3394
ACE HARDWARE Aguilar Hm 9 Hospital Dr Apt 208........656-0863
900 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 9 1 Aikman William & Edna
Acosta Antonia 17001 i H 27..............655-4003 11900 s Dowell Rd Ama ........................499-3672
Al Hayek Hassan 7601 Mission Ave ..557-4724
PO Box 635 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 6 5 3 ALAMO ENTERTAiNMENT
Acton Kay 1307 8th Ave........................655-3095 11805 i-27 Unit B Ama . . . . . . . . .6 7 3 - 3 7 6 2
ACUTE & CHRONiC PAiN AND Albracht Julia
sPiNE CENTER 16800 Cardinal Canyon Dr ......................488-2108
24 Care Cr, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 1 0 0
Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center
Adair Kerry 4 Eagle Pass ......................655-9660 & 24 Hour Helpline ......................656-0001
Adame Carol 1312 2nd Ave Apt B ......656-0763
Adams Cora 17110 Robin Rd frnt........655-1200 Alex Rajan & suja 3860 W fM 3331..488-2488
Adams Carroll J & Evelyn Alexander Ben 24 Creekside #101 ....655-1764
Alexander Curt 9001 Dove Rd ............557-4610
PO Box 2 ................................................499-3818
2 Alexander - Andrews CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Alexander Diana 508 College st ........452-7194 AMARiLLO CLAssiC EVENTs
Alexander Elizabeth 2609 11th Ave..557-4762 4807 s Washington ste B, Ama . .3 3 1 - 2 4 4 4
Alexander James 2414 11th Ave ......655-0999
Alexander Jeff 17200 fM 2590 ..........557-4702 AMARiLLO fLOOR COMPANY
Alexander Quinn 14 Tiffany Ln ..........655-4663 4825 s Western, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 0 1 1 1
Alexander stephen 1106 5th Ave......452-7145
Alford Allen 8 Eagle Pass ....................655-3440 AMARiLLO HEART GROUP
Allan C Oltjen DVM 1901 Port Ln, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 4 5 9 6
23400 Oltjen Ln ......................................655-4392 AMARiLLO NATiONAL BANK
Allen Ashley & Timmi
2 Bunker Pass ........................................655-0996 Checking • savings
Allen Berniece 1402 9th Ave ..............655-2404 Loans • Mortgages
Allen Danny 506 Taylor Ln ..................557-4695 Retirement • investment • financial
Allen Don 12001 fM 2219 Ama ............499-3494
Allen George 1808 10th Ave................655-4546 1700 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 8 8 0
Allen Kelvin & Cindy
20050 Arrowhead Rd ..............................499-3661 EQUiPMENT
Allen Mark 14 Country Club Dr ............655-0518 7160 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 1 2 1 1
Allen Mark 61 Northridge Dr ................655-2109
Allen Patricia 906 6th Ave ..................452-7052 AMARiLLO URGENT CARE
Allen Tommy & suzanne 1915 s Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 5 4 0 0
14781 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3228 13681 fM 2590 (soncy) Ama . . . .8 0 3 - 9 4 3 3
Allen Tyler 16401 Country Rd ..............655-9424
Alley Casey 1006 Cimarron Trl ............557-4602 Amason Robert 1616 6th Ave ............557-4633
Allison Benny D 716 Taylor Ln ..........655-3833 American Lumber ............................499-3235
Allison Randy & sandy American Lumber ............................499-3237
American Tower
19634 City Lake Rd ................................499-3348
24360 s Us Hwy 87 ................................655-4466
ALL-sTATE fENCE & sUPPLY American Towers Corp
i-27 & Rockwell Rd . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 7 0 0
16401 ih 27 ............................................655-4518
ALLsTATE iNsURANCE CO Anders sheila 1913 Greg st Apt A ......655-7469
1205 23rd st ste 3A . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 8 0 3 Anderson Bill & Lorna
Allsup's Convenience store 1803 Creekmere Dr ................................655-9772
302 N 15th st ..........................................655-9633 Anderson Gary 37 Northridge Dr ........655-4293
906 8th st ..............................................655-9749 Anderson James 8050 Hunsley Rd ....655-9606
Anderson Kenneth & Mary
Al-sarraf Jamal 108 N 18th st Apt E 452-7093
11200 Perry LN Ama ..............................499-3435
ALTERATiONs BY TAMMiE Anderson Mary Ruth 3 Lindsey Ln....367-7199
1911 4th Ave - Beauty Nails . . . . .3 4 0 - 4 9 6 5 Anderson Richard
Alternative Energy institute 15865 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3111
2950 Nance Ranch Rd ............................488-2888 Anderson Richard & Diana
ALTERNATiVE sOLUTiON 9254 W Cemetery Rd ..............................655-0646
Errands & More . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 6 3 - 0 2 0 9 Andrews Clete & Haley
AMARiLLO AiR MAsTERs 28300 s soncy Rd ..................................488-2136
HEATiNG & COOLiNG CO LTD Andrews Jason 6700 Andrews Ln ......655-7674
9120 s soncy, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 4 4 1 4 Andrews Mark 16801 Dowd Ln ..........499-3289
Amarillo Book 1514 5th Ave ..............655-2181
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
ANDRUs BROTHERs ROOfiNG AT&T Business ........................800-222-0400
7655 W 81st, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 5 4 0 9 Business Direct Bill ............877-325-0445
Residential ..............................800-222-0300
Angelo James 221 Turkey Track Trl ..655-7234 Direct Bill ................................800-327-0941
Anglin Travis 406 Taylor Ln ................655-9146
Atchley Charles 6150 Lisa Ln ............655-2841
ANiMAL LODGE Atchley Judd 2933 Jj st ......................557-4035
3201 s Western, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 7 3 8 7 Attridge Diana 1100 Hillcrest Dr ........655-9832
Austin Jenny 15500 Bell st Ama ........557-4658
Annen J M 2106 5th Ave ......................655-0167 Austin Thomas 2410 12th Ave ............655-7826
Anthony steve 1032 shelley Dr ..........655-5917 Auston Lisa 205 10th Ave ....................655-9294
Avent scott 20650 W Hwy 60 ..............499-3622
ANYTiME fiTNEss Ayres James A ....................................655-0977
909 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 2 2 2
AiR & ELECTRiCAL 721 N Taylor, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 2 - 7 5 0 0
7623 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 2 0 7 0
(see Our Coupons) 600 N Tyler, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 2 - 8 0 0 0
APL Auto Parts inc 2309 9th Ave......655-2523 BsA HOsPiTAL
1600 Wallace Blvd, Ama . . . . . . . .2 1 2 - 2 0 0 0
1801 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 4 8 Baca Albert 7901 Raburn Ln ................557-4070
Baca Kate 2610 17th Ave......................557-4713
Applegate Chester Baca T B 2601 10th Ave ........................655-4338
613 Butterfield Trl ..................................655-3903 Bach James & Kymberly
Aragon Nancy 73 Northridge Dr..........655-0967 25351 storey st ......................................499-3786
Aragon Pam 17601 Abbe Ln ................452-7272 Back Johnny & Martha
Aragon Pete PO Box 714 ....................655-2353
Aragon Tierah ....................................656-0455 20551 Raintree LN ..................................488-2276
Backus Glen 62 Country Club Dr ........656-0720
ARAGON WiNDMiLL & PUMP Backus Glen 62 Country Club Dr ........656-0726
sERViCE Bagley Karan 3918 Jj st ......................452-7044
PO Box 714, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 8 - 0 3 7 1 Bagley Wayne 1001 W 3rd st..............655-7625
Baichtal A 1022 5th st ..........................452-7130
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 1 - 2 7 0 9 BAiL BONDs BY JUDY
10th & Parker, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 6 - 8 5 6 2
Archer John R Palo Duro Clb..............655-4572
Arias Julie 5450 Michael Rd ................452-7072 Bailey Group 302 N 15th st ................655-3924
Armstrong Lorene Bailey Harvey 2 Cottonwood Ln ..........655-7268
Bain B J 58 Country Club Dr..................452-7035
2706 7th Ave Apt A ................................557-4828 Bainum Curtis 1020 santa fe Trl ........655-0272
Armstrong R 9651 Braden Dr ..............656-0016 Baker Art 103 Ranch Pkwy....................622-2744
Arnett Ozell 7 Cottonwood Ln ..............655-0595 Baker Barry 2006 3rd Ave ....................656-0051
Arnn Lisa 19 Turtle xing ......................452-7452 Baker Brett & Kelly 18062 fM 1062 499-3321
Arnold Jess 25450 Dunn st..................499-3478 Baker Cameron 706 13th st ..............656-5071
Arnold Pat 38990 s UH 87....................488-2582 Baker Clifford 55 Jynteewood Cir ......655-7538
Art Care 1420 4th Ave ..........................655-1362 Baker Clois 14705 Jonathan st Ama....655-0873
Artho David 9014 Dove Rd ..................655-9494 Baker Elon & Lou 45 Cottonwood Ln 655-6044
Artho Harold 20000 Westline Rd ........499-3446 Baker Harley ......................................655-1298
Artho Leslie 10 Cottonwood Ln............655-1423 Baker Kenneth 1704 Hillcrest Dr ........655-7522
Artho sammie 1007 5th Ave ..............655-7332 Baker Margaret 35 Cottonwood Ln ....655-9745
Artho sylvia 2618 14th Ave..................655-0869 Baker Michael 2512 11th Ave ............656-5098
Asbill Roman 89 Jynteewood Dr ........452-7180 Baker sherry 3916 Jj st ......................655-5130
Assiter Auctioneers
16650 interstate 27 ................................655-3900
Assiter spanky & Amy ....................655-5580
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Baker steve & Anna Baker Bateman Kory 8383 Cattle Dr ............488-2595
33 Jynteewood Cir ..................................655-5376 Batenhorst Charles PO Box 14..........499-3543
Batenhorst Garage & supply
Baker Warren PO Box 112 ..................655-4740
Ball Dennis 2812 7th Ave ....................655-6704 PO Box 24 ..............................................499-3544
Ballard Glenn & Adonna Batenhorst Helen
7420 fM 1714 ........................................488-2117 3210 Russell Long Blvd ..........................655-7093
Ballinger Robert 1901 4th Ave ..........655-2106 Batenhorst Marian 75 Northridge Dr 452-7019
Banhuss s 251 T Anchor Vw ................452-7051 Batenhorst Paul PO Box 67 ................499-3551
Banks Charles 2407 16th Ave ............655-0583 Batenhorst Paul & Beth
Banman Diebirch 5101 Melissa Rd....557-4775
1 Rim Rock Cv ........................................655-0909
BANNERs - CHOiCE BANNERs Batenhorst Roger PO Box 34 ............499-3436
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5 Baumann David & Randie
Baptist saint Anthonys Ems 2275 W sH 217 ......................................488-2702
615 W Hwy 60 ......................................655-7726 Bazaldua V 805 5th Ave........................655-0239
Beagle J 3300 Linda Ln ........................655-4104
Baptist st Anthony's Ems ..............655-7726 Beals R C PO Box 1182 ........................499-3520
Bar Z Winery PO Box 1080 ..................488-2214 Beam Wade 2412 15th Ave ..................656-5023
Barbour Lucille 46 Cottonwood Ln ....655-9751 Beasley Robert & Barbara
Bargas Arthur 1102 8th Ave................655-9742
Barker Carolyn 63 Country Club Dr ....655-6656 19181 Blue Creek Dr ..............................488-2646
Barnard stan & Larue Beatty fred & Nomie
12 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..............................655-8111 11050 indian Camp Trl ..........................488-2868
Barnes Darin 3205 Conner Dr ............557-4399
Barnes Orin 8691 W Country Club Rd..655-4021 BEAUTY NAiLs
Barnett Chris 1201 5th Ave ................655-7433 1911 4th Ave ste E . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 6 1 3 5
Barnhart John R BEAUTY NAiLs 2
208 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 6 6 5 0
26300 s Us Hwy 87 ................................655-4191
Barrera Christina 2001 5th Ave ........557-4292 Bechtol David DVM 16851 Hope Rd 499-3455
Barrett Brad 51 Country Club Dr ........655-6456 Bednorz A s ........................................655-2730
Barrett Brian 1500 Elver Rd ................488-2262 Bedwell Carroll & Mollie
Barrett Cindy 1 Windwood Pl ..............557-4507
Barrett Dick 12000 Hale Rd ................499-3430 3101 Antelope Rdg ................................488-2664
Barrett G 1203 Brookhaven Dr..............655-0118 Bedwell Larry 25 idlewood Ln ............655-8062
Barrett Lesley 1919 Greg st ................655-5465 Beedy Ragan 1407 7th Ave Apt B ........452-7199
Barringer Kathy 1910 7th Ave ............655-4847 Been Jeremy 15661 Cavin Rd Ama......499-3602
Barron Phillip 1019 santa fe Trl ........655-4025 Behrens Jerry 1428 Hillcrest Dr..........655-9713
Bartlett Cattle Co Behrens Jon & Rhonda
1 s Hunsley Hills Blvd ............................655-1148 413 scott Ln............................................655-0020
Bartlett Cattle Co Beine Bonnie 14 Turtle xing ..............655-7009
Belcher John 4 Village Dr ..................557-4728
1 s Hunsley Hills Blvd ............................655-2843 Belcher Verlin & Tammy
Barton Amanda 401 3rd st ................452-7404
16700 Wydick st ....................................499-3541
BAsDEN BAiL BONDs Bell Abbie 16 Lindsey Ln ......................452-7047
7th & Pierce, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 7 9 5 2 Bell Dennis & Debbie ......................655-4864
Bell Dollie 2111 9th Ave ......................655-2017
BAss ANTHONY V OD Bell Doug 2407 12th Ave ......................655-7477
1900 Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 9 4 1 1 Bell Jerry 405 Harrell Ln Apt A ............655-0684
Bell Kandi 1200 9th Ave ......................655-3388
Bass Laverna 2608 14th Ave................655-1217 Bell Kay 1903 10th Ave..........................557-4761
Bass steven 1201 Brookhaven Dr ........655-4927
Bass Troy & Kayrene 12501 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2 2 - 2 9 9 2
19 Canyon Rim ........................................206-5392
Bellah Holly 413 Taylor Ln ..................656-0212
Bassett V 6408 freddie Rd Ama............655-8220 Bellah Mike 2919 Mable Dr..................655-3660
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Beltz - Boatwright 5
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Beltz Joe & Christina Black Dalinda 2710 5th Ave Apt 14 ....452-7273
11600 Busan Way....................................488-2778 Black Leota 20 Lindsey Ln....................557-6099
Black Lindsay 2421 17th Ave ..............557-4407
Belyeu Chad & Wende Black shaston
25360 Roosevelt st ................................499-3812
50 southridge Dr Apt 79 ........................452-7224
Benavidez Devon 3309 Linda Ln ........557-4646 Blackburn Ruth 2604 17th Ave ..........452-7073
Benham LH 9 Hospital Dr Apt 310 ......655-4723 Blackcross Genetics
BENNETT CONsTRUCTiON CO 1 southridge Dr ......................................452-8009
Amarillo & Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1 8 - 3 9 3 2 Blackwell George 702 Taylor Ln ........655-3849
Blackwell James 1 Aspen st ..............452-7207
Bennett R 105 10th Ave ........................655-4387 Blackwell Ranzel 809 santa fe Trl ....655-9174
Benson J 21400 Hope Rd ......................655-7012 Blades Darrel & Debbie
Bentley Ben 3 Bogey Cir ......................655-3897
Bentley Ben W 3 Bogey Cir ................655-7855 25217 Oasis Tr ........................................655-9807
Bergenstein Grant 1220 7th Ave ......557-4889 Blagg Charlotte
Berk John 10 Cottonwood Ln ..............557-4232
Berry frances 60 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..655-0720 14700 Jonathan st Ama..........................557-4791
Berry M K 35 Palo Duro Club Rd ..........655-0690 Blair Earl N
Besly W L 15302 Ramage Dr Ama ........655-7021
1707 Hillcrest Dr ..........................254-559-5704
BEsT THAi REsTAURANT Blair Jackie 1707 Hillcrest Dr ..............655-9551
210 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 2 9 9 Blair L J 1707 Hillcrest Dr ....................655-0436
Blair Wynona PO Box 104....................499-3523
Best Western 2801 4th Ave ................655-1818 Blake Helen 1404 Hillcrest Dr..............655-7313
Blake James & Joan
BfiT THERAPY AT CHiLDERs 1405 Hillcrest Dr ....................................655-3848
PLACE Blake O L 17050 fM 2590 ....................656-0401
6600 Killgore Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 5 0 - 7 4 8 8 Blake Paul ............................................655-0375
Bible Believers Baptist Church BLAKE PAUL ROOfiNG
12200 Rockwell Rd Ama ........................499-3231 & CONsTRUCTiON
1501 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 0 9 4
Bible Believers Baptist Church
12200 Rockwell Rd Ama ........................499-3521 Blake s W 605 4th st ............................655-2697
if No Answer Call ..........................655-9185 Blake sharon 705 4th st......................655-7786
Blake's Trailer sales 1501 4th Ave ..655-3094
Bible Christy 200 21st st Apt A ..........452-7182 Blalock Jared & shannon
Bible James 2001 3rd Ave ..................557-4550
Bible Ray 24420 s Us Hwy 87 ..............655-0547 14500 Busan Way....................................488-2213
Bichsel floyd 18857 City Lake Rd ......499-3329 Blankenship Albert Pat ..................655-2935
Biffle Nancy 1713 Brookhaven Dr........655-4785 Blasdel Michael 1205 23rd st ............655-2619
Big star Office furniture Blashill Heather
412 15th st ............................................367-9875 16400 Dove Meadow Rd ........................452-7216
Biggs Jim 24 Creekside Ln Apt 202......655-7879 Blasingame Cecil 22800 Brown Rd....655-3101
Bigham Jerry 78 Hunsley Hills Blvd ....655-0891 Bledsoe Kasia Ama ..........................499-3689
Bingham scott 321 Pitch fork Ln ......655-0488 Blevins Ray 800 4th st..........................655-1044
Bingham Douglas & Kathie Blevins Howard 400 Holman Ln ........655-2374
Blewett Ladonna 2401 11th Ave ........655-7658
4 Mulligan Cir ........................................655-0500 Blinderman Bob Attorney At Law
Bingham scott 321 Pitch fork Ln ......655-5777
Bingham Preston 1404 4th Ave ..........................................655-7118
Blood shelly 21406 City Lake Rd ........499-3377
10601 Perry Lane Ama............................499-3710 Blue Willow 416 15th st ......................557-4160
Birch Doris 2 Cottonwood Ln ..............656-0057
Bird Gary & Beverley BLUsH BOUTiQUE
314 16th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 1 2 3
2551 E sH 217 ........................................488-2148
Birkenfeld B 407 7th Ave ....................655-0491 Boatwright Jimmie
Birkenfeld Kent & Teresa 304 Country Club Dr ..............................655-3884
26851 s Us Hwy 87 ................................655-5993
Black Amber 4 Par Cir ........................557-4706
Black Chloe 9 Hospital Dr ....................655-3307
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
BOBBY DUBY MOTORs Bradley Charlie & Kendra
4215 Georgia st, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 9 8 0 0 16451 Dove Prairie Rd ............................499-3488
Bodkin Jim & Lucy 9550 fM 1714....488-2675 Bradley Edw W Palo Duro Clb ............655-2797
Boehm Gina 2400 10th Ave ................452-7002 Bradley Logan 8373 Cattle Dr Canyon 488-2633
Boehning Renee 8000 Weatherly Ln..557-4818 Bradshaw Casey & Cara
Boehning D M 1501 Hugh Currie Rd ..488-2461
Boehning Dale 1505 Hugh Currie Rd..488-2250 200 E Country Club Rd............................488-2329
Boehning Gerald 204 sW 10th Ave ....655-2019 Bradsher Bruce J 9156 Plantation ....655-7217
Boehning Lisa PO Box 57 ....................499-3152 Bradstreet Clifton 3211 Linda Ln ......557-4664
Boehning Mark 21621 Arnot Rd ........499-3187 Bradstreet Clifton 3211 Linda Ln ......557-6005
Boehning Ronald E
301 E Pondaseta Rd ................................488-2468 2915 s Georgia, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 4 2 2
Boehs Kenneth 408 Palo Duro Dr ......655-4330
Bonds Derrick 36 fairway Dr ..............557-4653 BRANDiWiNE APARTMENTs
Bonifield Dyer 701 foster Ln ..............655-9250 1004 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 6 1 1
Book Dennis 9120 Plantation Dr ........655-3737
Booth James 2706 7th Ave Apt D........557-6100 Brandon Jim PO Box 10251 Ama ........488-2336
Booth Jessie 2702 7th Ave Apt C ........655-7142 Brandt Jack & sadie
Boozer Kathy 14 Edgewood Ln............655-0672
Borchardt Kenne 21090 fM 1062 ......................................499-3373
Brandt Louis 21500 fM 168 ................499-3477
1209 Brookhaven Dr ..............................655-4593 Brandt Mary Ellen
Boren Jb 128 T Anchor Vw ..................655-7730
Bost Ellie 16201 Windrock st Ama ......655-9865 58 Jynteewood Cir ..................................655-9668
Bourland Barry & Von 37861 i-27 ..488-2404 Brandt Phillip 21090 fM 1062 ............499-3141
Bowen Gayle 9 Havenwood Ln ............655-0648 Brannon Charles & Diana
Bowen William 10 Cottonwood Ln......452-7248
Bowerman Bruce & Donna 17051 Jowell Rd ....................................488-2149
Branum Teresa 1410 Hillcrest Dr ......655-0828
22671 Hoagland Rd ................................499-3736 Branum Trucking
Bowes Patsy 6 Windwood Pl................557-4534
Bowling David & Mary 7800 W Country Club Rd ........................655-0025
7800 W Country Club Rd ........................655-3207
1203 8th Ave ..........................................655-1485 7800 W Country Club Rd ........................655-7887
Bowling Heidi 609 28th st ..................655-1050 Brasington Bruce C 16 Tiffany Ln ....655-7227
Box syndy 7600 Outlook Ave ................557-4748
Boxberger steve 20 Dellwood Ln ......655-1991 BRAUDT WiLLiAM C DC PA
Boy scouts of America Camp Office 2306 7th Ave . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 3 7 3
Don Harrington 15401 fM 1541......622-0003 2816 7th Ave ..........................................655-7048
Boyd Carolyn 17 idlewood Ln..............655-1246
Boyce Jim 2415 12th Ave ....................655-3667 Braum's ice Cream & Dairy stores
Boyd Leland 6706 susie Rd Ama ........557-4717 1101 23rd st ..........................................655-4831
BOYD’s EQUiPMENT iNC Bravo Tonya 319 Country Club Dr ......655-3533
7154 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 6 - 9 1 0 2 Bray shirley 15305 Greg st Ama..........655-9320
Brent Richard 2405 15th Ave ..............557-4691
Boyer Rodney 1035 shelley Dr............655-1444 Brenton Leonard & Catina
Boyles James 218 Turkey Track Trl ....452-7299
16750 Hope Rd ......................................499-3295
BOYs & GiRLs CLUBs Of Bressler Mike & Paula
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 2 - 8 3 9 3 9900 Braden Drive ..................................499-3673
Bridenstine Kent 309 Pitch fork Ln ..655-1943
Bracken Lana 8867 Dove Ridge Dr......656-0689 Bridges Jacky 1001 Holly Ln ..............655-7336
Bradford Ako 7600 Canyon Bend Rd ..468-8555 Brigance Harold 8 summit Dr ............655-8711
Bradford Mike 180 Laurel Leaf Ln ......656-0761 Bright Chris 32771 s soncy Rd............488-2120
Bradley Alicia 7 Jynteewood Cir ........656-0471 Bright Keith PO Box 363 ......................488-2243
Bradley Cathy 2600 13th Ave ..............557-4348 Bright Natalie Ofc 1415 23rd st........655-4046
Brinkley Cleburn 6751 Peace Ave......452-7444
Briscoe Bill 7 Mulligan Cir ..................557-4110
Brittain Lanie ......................................452-7079
Britten sheree 91 Country Club Dr ....557-4752
Britten sue 18700 fM 2590 ................655-7089
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Brock B 705 18th st ..............................655-3636 Bruckner Brian 6 Palo Duro Club Rd..655-4425
Brock Kenneth 23 idlewood Ln ..........655-9993 Brummer A 16701 Wydick st ..............499-3195
Brock Rachel A 2911 Antelope Ridge 488-2761 Brummett Colene 1308 5th Ave ........655-4335
Brock Rodney 1901 3rd Ave................656-5015 Brundige Bill 24300 Haley Cir ............655-2403
Brock Ronald D 27 Eagle Pass............655-7808 Bruton stefanie
Brock sandy & Terry 5305 4th Ave ..655-2319
Brock steve 2614 14th Ave..................655-9541 10399 Gordon Cummings Rd ..................656-5005
Brockman Girard f PO Box 74 ..........499-3585 Bryan Danny 111 T Anchor Vw ............557-4002
Bromley Bobbie 24 Creekside Ln ......655-7551 Bryan Jim 11 Bramblewood Ln ............656-0891
Brooks Bruce 1 Mesa Dr......................655-4118 Bryant Bobby 2612 5th Ave ................655-1258
Brooks Derl 413 foster Ln ..................655-3298 Bryson Neil 20 frog Leap Ln ................622-9200
Bucher Dan 8401 shady Lake Dr ........557-4299
BROOKs fUNERAL DiRECTORs Bucher Rene 8401 shady Lake Dr ......557-4688
1702 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 1 1 Buck Carl 1122 Hillcrest Dr ..................655-0467
Buecker Alfred 2626 11th Ave............557-4097
Brooks Roland & Caroline Buecker Bonnie 3 Village Dr ..............655-0313
PO Box 583, Canyon................................622-1000 BUffALO BARBERs & sTYLisTs
2319 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 7 4 2
3408 Olsen Blvd, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 5 6 3 3 BUffALO BARNs
408 3rd Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 6 3 1
Brown Chandra 6 Bramblewood Ln....655-7042
BROWN CONsTRUCTiON sERViCEs 2318 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 6 3 2
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 8 8 - 2 6 6 6
Buffalo Grill ........................................655-2833
Brown Dave & Joanna
19601 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2668 BUffALO iNN
300 23rd st (Hwy 87) . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 2 4
Brown Dean 407 Taylor Ln ..................655-9131 BUffALO TOWiNG
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 4 - 6 8 8 8
7431 Continental Pkwy, Ama . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 5 9 Buffalo's southwest Cafe
2811 4th Ave ..........................................655-4400
Brown Heather 15303 Ramage Ama ..557-4627
Brown J A 16094 fM 1541 ..................622-3313 BUG BAGGERs PEsT CONTROL
Brown Jessica 60 Hunsley Rd ............655-4125 Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 0 0 9 0
Brown Jim 1107 14th st ......................655-7560 Amarillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 2 7 7
Brown Jim - Attorney
Buhrkuhl Rolland 1917 10th Ave ......655-2425
1404 4th Ave ..........................................655-7118 Bullard Randall 7 Mesa Dr..................655-0590
Brown Kenny & Michelle Bullard Nelson R 2714 4th Ave ..........655-4624
Bullard Peggy 701 8th Ave..................656-5070
8750 Plantation Dr..................................655-7444 Bulman Edna 2417 7th Ave ................655-2336
Brown Lindsey 403 5th Ave ................656-5094 Bural Gene 8500 Plantation Dr ............655-8991
Brown Maggie 22 Cherrywood sq ......557-4769 Bural Judabeth floyd
Brown R Russell 1005 Holly Ln ..........655-9327
Brown sandy 120 Diamond Tail Dr ....655-4411 8500 Plantation Dr..................................655-9919
Brown stephen 415 foster Ln ............557-4446 Bural Kevin 8550 Plantation Dr............655-2204
Brown sylvia 1009 8th Ave ..................655-3290 Burdick Chanc 2107 13th Ave ............452-7147
Brown Tamara Burgess April & John 509 9th Ave ..655-2856
Burgoon Andrew
16220 City Lake Rd Ama ........................499-3206
Brown Vicki & Weyman 315 Country Club Dr ..............................655-3424
Burgoon Bob 19040 fM 2590 ............655-2706
16339 Country Rd ..................................656-0516 Burgoon susan 2515 10th Ave ..........655-0176
Brown Wendell 800 28th st................655-0462 Burk Bob sr
Brownd Luanne 1704 Creekmere Dr ..655-0901
Browne W 211 T Anchor Vw ................656-0503 16402 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3720
Burkett Claudia 321 T Anchor Vw ......655-0629
BROWN's PLAYHOUsE DAYCARE Burkett Jim L 14 southridge Dr ..........655-1278
CENTER iNC Burkett Jim L 14 southridge Dr ..........655-7870
605 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 0 9 2
Bruce Pauline 24 Creekside Ln ..........655-0530
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Burkett s ..............................................874-9551 Cagle Mindy 3 Bramblewood Ln ..........656-0692
Burkett sheila 14 southridge Dr ........655-1278
Burleson Tom 14338 fM 1062............499-3555 CAiN’s CARPET CARE
Burlington Northern santa fe 6325-J star Ln, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 1 6 9 5
2309 9th Ave ..........................................656-0270 CAKE COMPANY THE
Burnett Tom & Barbara 1502 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 0 0
10 Griffin Dr ............................................557-6356 Calahan Jerry 1118 Hillcrest Dr..........655-4564
Burnett Micah 17750 White Wing Rd 557-4008 Calhoun Lucia 6706 freddie Ama ......655-8260
Burnett sharon 33 Lindsey Ln ............557-4604 Callahan Michael A 4 Havenwood ..655-6668
Burnett Cindy 14 Griffin Dr ................655-3131 Callahan Reid & Montess
Burns Deborah 403 38th st ................655-1293
Burns Lynn & shawn 2515 6th Ave ..655-1788 20200 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2218
Burns Margaret 2612 5th Ave ............655-4187
Burns Michelle 507 12th Ave..............655-4595 CALVARY BAPTisT CHURCH
Burnside Bernice 16401 Bexley st ....499-3690 800 8th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 0 6
Buron Pat 9 Hospital Dr Apt 102 ..........557-4848
Burrus Tony 69 Northridge Dr ............655-4388 Calvi James V & Leesa
Burrus Cameron PO Box 64 ..............499-3400 9 Eagle Pass ............................................655-9440
Burtis Calvin R 25750 s Uh 87............655-9724
Busby Brad & Karen Calvin-Nutson James & Bonnie
5 Mesa Dr................................................656-0996
40740 Tradewind st................................488-2734
22 Hereford Hwy . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 1 2 1
16720 Old Ranch Rd ..............................499-3526
Bustillos C 24350 Haley Cir ..................656-0600 Cameron Casey PO Box 598 ..............944-5276
Butcher Danny 510 4th Ave ................452-7034 Cameron Laci & Clay
Butcher Dean 1110 8th Ave ................656-0454
Butler Donna 1 Mulligan Cir................655-0496 17200 fM 168 ........................................499-3314
Butler Jennifer 9001 Plantation Dr ....655-7273 Campa Lusena 8400 Joy Ln ................557-4022
Butler stephen L 310 T Anchor Vw....655-0528 Campbell Chad 8451 Kemper Rd........557-4842
Butler stephen 300 T Anchor Vw ......655-9361 Campbell D Glenn PO Box 836..........655-2286
Butterfield John 4 Hunsley Hills Blvd 557-4434 Campbell John 8918 Dove Rd ............655-3559
Bybee William C Campbell Kim & Ron 7900 Rice Rd..655-2245
Campbell Micah & Tara
22 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-2330
Bye Theresa Dianne Rt 4 Box 144 ....655-0539 27201 s Hwy 87 ......................................488-2859
Byers Tammy 1211 1/2 4th Ave..........655-7866 Campbell Randy & fleta
Byrd Bob 1029 santa fe Trl ..................655-7889
Byrd Gary R 71 Country Club Dr ..........655-3074 16334 Turtle Dove Ln..............................557-4696
Byrd s G PO Box 741 ............................488-2572 Campos J W ........................................655-2970
Campos Guadalupe Jr & Melissa
8950 s soncy #300, Ama . . . . . . .3 5 0 - 7 5 9 7 800 E Country Club Rd............................488-2326
Campsey Helen 1519 4th Ave ............656-0447
C & H Horse & Cattle PO Box 73......499-3564 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 8 0 - 9 5 7 5
Cabbiness Chris & Kristi
Canada Chester 5201 Pondaseta Rd ..655-8746
21201 interstate 27 ................................656-0824 Canada Chester 5201 Pondaseta Rd ..655-8746
21201 i-27 ..............................................488-2700 Canada Larry 23 Hunsley Hills Blvd ....557-4333
Canada William 2615 4th Ave ............656-0969
CABiNET sHOPPE THE Canales Jamie 20501 Hunters Run ....488-2195
18700 s UH 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 0 7 1 Cannon Mildred 21 Cottonwood Ln....655-9105
Cannon Willie & Janis
i8700 s Hwy 87 ......................................655-1146
Caddell Edwin & LaNelle 9010 Dove Rd..........................................655-0765
19901 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2134 CANON CAROLYN - REALTOR
Cagle Diane 59 southridge Dr ............452-7074 Office 405 14th st . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 3 - 2 9 3 8
Canon Chris & Becky
8230 Cattle Drive ....................................488-2367
Canon Dennis 91 Jynteewood Dr ........655-1938
Canon Dennis MD
2001 4th Ave ste 3..................................655-1191
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Cantrell John & shelly CANYON CREsT APARTMENTs
3101 Grouse Point ..................................488-2309 1310 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 6 1 1
2308 4th Ave, Canyon . . . . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 2 7 8 7 & sKiN CANCER CENTER
1101 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 5 5
(see our Coupon)
Canyon Cares 1719 5th Ave ................655-1032 CANYON ECONOMiC
CANYON CHAMBER Of 1604 4th Ave ste 21 . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 6 8 3 5
1518 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 8 1 5 2808 4th Ave ste B . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 0 8 5
CANYON CHiROPRACTiC Canyon first Assembly of God Church
2306 7th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 3 7 3 2318 13th Ave ........................................655-3000
Canyon City Of Canyon Glass Co inc 604 23rd st ....655-1628
Canyon Housing Authority
Business Office/Water Department
2617 8th Ave ..........................................655-0673
301 16th st...........................................655-5003 Canyon independent school District
Animal Control .................................655-5005 Administrative Office
3301 N 23rd st.....................................677-2600
City Manager 301 16th st.................655-5000
Maintenance 1301 8th st..................677-2690
Code Enforcement 301 16th st......655-5014 Property services 1301 8th st........677-2685
Technology 3301 N 23rd st...............677-2660
inspections ......................................655-5034 Transportation 3201 N 23rd st ........677-2670
Warehouse 8800 Valley View ............677-2440
Community Center Reservations ....655-5020 High schools
Canyon High school 1701 23rd st
Economic Development Corp
Main Office......................................677-2740
1604 4th Ave ste 21.............................656-6835 Attendance ......................................677-2746
fire Department Counseling ......................................677-2747
Midway Alternative High school
Report A fire..................................655-7133 13501 s Bell, Ama................................677-2455
Randall High school 5800 Attebury
Other fire Business .....................655-5010 Main Office......................................677-2333
Attendance ......................................677-2335
Human Resources ...........................655-5000 Cafeteria (W)..................................677-2319
Cafeteria (E) ...................................677-2346
Main street Program .....................656-6833 Counseling ......................................677-2323
Junior High schools
Municipal Court 301 16th st ...........655-5023 Canyon Junior High 910 9th Ave
Main Office......................................677-2700
Palo Duro Creek Golf Course Attendance ......................................677-2709
50 Country Club.....................................655-1106 Counseling ......................................677-2710
Parks & Recreation 2803 15th Av..655-5020 Canyon isD cont’d next page
Police Department 301 16th st.......655-5005
Public Library 1501 3rd Ave.............655-5015
Public Works 301 16th st.................655-5011
swimming Pool Conner Park...........656-6836
Water Department 301 16th st ......655-5003
17760 interstate 27 . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 4 4 6
19501 Chaparral . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 3 9 7
(Bookkeeper) ....................................499-3524
Maintenance Barn ..........................499-3877
Canyon Country free Will Baptist Church
2600 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2357
50 southridge Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 6 1 1
10 Canyon- Carabajal CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Canyon isD cont’d CANYON NEWs
1500 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 2 1
Westover Park Junior High 7200 Pinnacle Dr CANYON PARK APARTMENTs
Main Office......................................677-2420 Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 6 1 1
Attendance ......................................677-2423
Cafeteria...........................................677-2431 CANYON PHYsiCAL THERAPY
Counseling ......................................677-2425
intermediate schools
Canyon intermediate 506 8th st 907 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 6 8 2 4
Main Office......................................677-2800 Canyon Products inc
Cafeteria...........................................677-2807 28909 Brown Rd ....................................488-2184
Greenways intermediate 8100 Pineridge
Main Office......................................677-2460 CANYON RiM POTTERY
Cafeteria...........................................677-2476 & MERCANTiLE
Elementary schools 1608 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 8 - 5 1 1 3
Arden Road 6801 Learning Tree
Main Office......................................677-2360 CANYON sECURiTY sTORAGE
City View 3400 Knoll, Ama Hwy 87 s To Cemetery Rd
Main Office......................................677-2500
Cafeteria...........................................677-2507 then 1 Mile E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 6 8 6
Crestview 80 Hunsley Rd CANYON sELf sTORAGE
Main Office......................................677-2780 206 N 16th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 4 6 0
Gene Howe 5108 Pico Canyon senior Citizen's Center
Main Office......................................677-2380 1719 5th Ave ..........................................655-7197
Hillside 9600 Perry Ave, Ama CANYON TELEPHONE DiRECTORY
Main Office......................................677-2520
Cafeteria...........................................677-2528 Published by Choice Directories
Lakeview 6407 Lair Rd
Main Office......................................677-2830
Cafeteria...........................................677-2839 11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5
Reeves-Hinger 1005 21st st
Main Office......................................677-2870 CANYON TiRE & AUTO
Cafeteria 1005 21st st .....................677-2857 711 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 8 9
sundown Lane 4715 sundown
Main Office......................................677-2400 Canyon Tobacco shoppe
Cafeteria...........................................677-2409 2302 4th Ave ..........................................655-2147
1507 4th Ave ste B . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 2 1 24430 s Hwy 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 5 1 6
if No Answer Call . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 9 4 1
Canyon Transit 1310 4th Ave..............655-0443
Canyon Veterinary Clinic
23400 Oltjen Ln ......................................655-4392
21400 WTAMU Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 4 7 2
Canyon xpress 504 23rd st ................557-4145
1401 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 0 - 5 7 3 6
100 20th st, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .3 3 5 - 5 5 8 8
Carabajal star
10 Hunsley Hills Blvd Unit C ..................557-4408
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Carenet - Chenault 11
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
7860 Blue Grass Rd ................................557-4017
Cates Twyla 8400 fM 1714 ..................488-2614
1712 2nd Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 6 7 3 Cathey Jerry & shelly
Amarillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 2 2 4 4
Or Toll free ‘1’ . . . . . . . .8 0 0 - 3 5 4 - 2 2 4 0 2628 13th Ave ........................................557-6023
2628 13th Ave ........................................655-1023
CARExPREss URGENT CARE Cathey L 10190 W Us Hwy 60 ..............655-7352
911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4 Cathey M A 2 Windwood Pl..................655-9237
Cathey Mitchell & Rhnea
Carey Darrell 170 T Anchor Vw ..........655-1569 14655 Canyon Creek Rd..........................499-3391
Catholic students Center
CAREY DARRELL R - ATTORNEY 2610 4th Ave ..........................................655-4345
300 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 5 2 9 Cathy Cathy 10 Tiffany Ln ....................557-4772
Cavin-Nutson James & Bonnie
Carlson Ernest R 1701 9th Ave ..........655-3627 5 Mesa Dr................................................656-0996
Carlton A 2 Willowood Cir ....................655-3758 Cavrich Nick 13 Windwood Pl ............655-7607
Carlton B 8100 Joy Ln ..........................655-2520
Carlton Ron & Heather CBHP
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 2 3
6000 W Dowlen Rd ................................488-2849
Carlton scott 21542 Arnot Rd ............499-3599 CEDAR CREEK APARTMENTs
Carlton William 7500 Weatherly Ln....655-2272 Call Rob Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 4 - 9 2 3 0
Carmichael Bill 13 Windy Meadow Ln656-0700
Carney Kelly 2422 15th Ave ................655-1665 Cerbantez Beverly 1012 Holly Ln ......655-3346
Ceta Canyon Camp & Retreat Center
CARPET TECH . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 5 1 4 2 37201 fM 1721 ......................................488-2268
Chamberlin Annalisa
910 Hereford Hwy . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 9 8 1 1005 Cimarron Trl ..................................557-4779
Chambers Dustin 21 Edgewood Ln....655-0858
Carr David Chambers sue 1304 5th Ave ..............557-4837
22000 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3208 Chandler Brenda
Carrera Yolanda 1406 8th st spc 80 557-4857 13100 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3422
Carroll Edward 2920 Greg st..............655-7172 Chandler Galen & Robin
Carroll Greg & Deanna
16851 Wydick Rd ....................................499-3173
16800 Hope Rd ......................................499-3503
Carter Andrew 17351 Valley Lake Dr..656-0518 CHANDLER iNsURANCE AGENCY
Carter Joe 8151 W Rockwell Rd ..........656-0012 Cody Chandler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 0 - 9 4 2 2
Carter R L 11 Bunker Pass ....................655-2440
Carver G 1105 Creekmere Dr ................655-9789 CHAPARRAL ViLLA COMMUNiTY
Carver Jim Bob 310 Country Club Dr 557-4611 1406 8th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 9 5 0
Carver Joel 6100 Matthew Rd..............655-2603
Carver Tyler 85 Country Club Dr..........452-7156 Chapman Chip 2 Rim Rock Cv ............655-5187
Case Charles 3924 Jj st ......................655-6846 Chapman Debbie
Cash Carrie 1003 7th st ......................452-7140
Cash Ryan 408 foster Ln ......................557-6060 17251 White Wing Rd ............................655-1598
Castagnetta Larry ............................655-7043 Chapman Mike 506 6th Ave................452-7065
Castillo frank & Elizabeth Chappell Gw 2426 15th Ave ................655-6150
Chappell Gw 2426 15th Ave ................655-9402
17540 fM 1062 ......................................499-3127 Chappell Products 2426 15th Ave ....655-6484
Castillo seth 14541 Canyon Creek Rd 499-3249 Charles Cecil 9 Northridge Dr ............655-2365
Castleberry Christina 1901 6th Ave 655-2325 Chaudhury T 101 N 10th st ................452-7222
Castro Marina 22100 fM 1541 ..........488-2212 Chavez Raul Drywall & Remodeling
Cat Man Du ........................................655-8324
services 5 Willowood Cir ....................316-7266
5 Willowood Cir ......................................655-2151
Chen C Y 3305 Linda Ln ........................655-7534
Chen Kuo Hui 50 southridge Dr..........655-4889
Chenault Wayne
1106 Brookhaven Dr ..............................655-2098
12 Chenoweth - Cleanservice CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Chenoweth Linda 706 foster Ln ........655-5930 Chrostowski Kenneth
Chester Harold 5707 4th Ave #404....488-2163 2420 14th Ave ........................................557-6056
Chestnut Troy & Jayme
Chucovich Laurel 5 Windwood Pl......656-0084
20000 Laguna Vista Rd ..........................499-3505 Chucovich Virgina 24 Mesa Dr ..........655-3553
Chettinger Layton 2705 10th Ave......655-2461 Chumbley Bill 706 7th Ave ..................655-2414
Chevron 311 23rd st..............................655-2228 Church fred 21 idlewood Ln................557-4354
2106 N 2nd Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 8 0 0 302 24th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 7 4
(see our Menu & Coupons) Church of Christ Canyon Hills
Childers Brothers inc Canyon Hill & E-Way ..............................655-4375
6775 E state Hwy 217 ............................319-6230 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
6775 E state Hwy 217 ............................796-0063 saints Ward 63 Hunsley Rd ..............655-0477
Childers James 605 5th Ave ..............655-9462 Ward Chapel 63 Hunsley Rd ............655-0804
Childers Mary 6775 E state Hwy 217..488-2749
Childers Mary 6775 E state Hwy 217..488-2789 Church Perry 201 W Country Club Rd 488-2736
Churchpres 1 southridge Dr ................319-5265
CHiLDERs PLACE Chute Robyn 45 Canyon Rim Dr ..........655-1730
6600 Killgore Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 5 0 - 2 2 0 0
Chism J M 1802 7th Ave ......................655-4767 2901 E 11th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 6 - 6 2 9 5
Chitwood Joe Dale 18476 fM 1062..499-3216
Chmielowiec Teresa 1609 7th Ave ..655-7802 CiMARRON APARTMENTs
10 Cottonwood Ln . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 8 0
Cintella Linda 806 Oregon Trl ............655-4592
full Color Banners Civil Robert & sherry
Always $5 square foot or Less!!!
2618 12th Ave ........................................655-5751 Clark Aaron 25 southridge Dr Apt B3..655-2861
Clark Billie 511 W 6th Ave....................655-9126
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5 Clark Brandi 2508 5th Ave ..................655-9488
Clark Charles 921 W Nance Rd ..........488-2179
CHOiCE DiRECTORiEs Clark Dudley T 204 Rocky Point Rd ....622-2642
Clark Eddie 2614 11th Ave ..................655-3853
Publishing Your Canyon Directory Clark J L 2937 Jj st ..............................655-1925 Clark Jacquelyn 2937 Jj st ................557-6206
Clark James R 8 Bunker Pass ............655-2671
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5 Clark Jason & Mandy
CHOiCE MEDiA 2401 12th Ave ........................................655-5747
Clark John 33 Northridge Dr ................655-3763
Banners • Billboards Clark Larry & Karen
Busbenches • Directories 360 W Hungate Rd ..................................488-2473
Clark Melissa 6705 Lair Rd Ama ........655-6864
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 5 8 5 Clark Paul 17351 spring Lake Dr ........655-6431
Clark Phyllis 1614 6th Ave ..................452-7097
Chop Chop Express 2201 4th Ave ....656-0116 Clark Neysa 610 Butterfield Trl............557-4419
Chris Bright Geologist Clark Winston 7 Bramblewood Ln ......655-9249
1415 23rd st ..........................................655-7183 CLARKE BRUCE MD
Christian Kyle 13 sandra LN................488-2406 911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4
CHRisTiAN LEARNiNG CENTER Clayton John 615 Butterfield Trl ........656-0111
1717 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 2 4 6 Clayton Mel T 109 10th Ave ................655-3794
Clayton Phil 2407 8th Ave....................655-0670
Christopher Zona 1209 Hillcrest Dr ..655-2637 Claytor Tim & Linda
Christy Chris 33501 s UH 87 ..............488-2424
24851 Valley View Dr..............................488-2602
PO Box 241, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 8 9 4
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Cleavinger - Cook 13
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Cleavinger Keri 36 Tiffany Ln ............557-4715 Coleman John 705 15th st ................655-9680
Clement Eddie & Princess Coleson Carol 10 Cottonwood Ln........656-5064
Coller Verona 1103 26th st ................655-4028
19290 Chaparral Rd ................................499-3708 Collier Blake 1617 3rd Ave ..................655-1724
Clements Gail & Marsha Collier Charles 7600 star Light Ln......655-2284
Collier Gary D 2400 5th Ave................655-9814
59 Country Club Dr ................................655-0774 Collier Glenn 2926 Mable Dr ..............655-7523
Clements Karl ....................................557-6707 Collier Janelle 9 Hospital Dr Apt 323 557-4222
Clewett Donald 201 21st st................656-0426
3440 Bell ste 308, Ama . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 8 9 0 6 MANAGEMENT
3913 Bell Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 3 1 4
Close Alyssa 65 southridge Dr ............452-7219
Cloud Kyla 2109 9th Ave ......................656-5103 Collins Morgan 900 29th st Apt C ......452-7017
Clouser shannon Collins Harland 3311 Mable Dr ..........655-0050
Collins Don s 808 7th Ave ..................655-1243
16314 Prairie Garden Rd ........................557-6006 Collins Bryanetta
Cluck Laddie 26400 s soncy Rd ..........655-0339
Cobb Bruce & Margie 9 Hospital Dr Apt 214 ............................655-1708
Collins Helen 20500 fM 2590 ............655-6959
314 Pitch fork Ln....................................655-0177 Collins Van A 3 Yucca Cir....................655-1768
Cobb Cristina & Toby Colville Dwight 30 fairway Dr ............655-9965
Comerford Kevin 7 Northridge Dr......655-5319
35 Canyon Rim Dr ..................................557-6238
Cobb Jean 17551 Bobbye Ln ................655-2773 COMfORT sUiTEs sOUTH
Coberley Chancie & Ann i-27 & Hollywood, Ama . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 5 1 0 0
10531 Cliffwood Dr ................................488-2876 COMPAssiON HOME CARE
Cochran Bettye G 2701 s Georgia ste 3, Ama . . . . . .3 5 1 - 8 5 2 2
20611 Bushland Rd ................................499-3612 inside The Clairmont
Cochran Chris & Christy
4707 Bell, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 2 - 0 9 9 1
19320 Chaparral ....................................499-3899
Cockrell John 518 19th st ..................655-7935 Community Loans of America inc
306 23rd st ............................................372-8100
PO Box 838, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 5 9 7 Compton Dave & Jane
2604 11th Ave ........................................655-8237
(see Our Coupons)
Conder Denise & Doug
Coffelt Carl 53 Northridge Dr ..............655-7366 301 Mourning Dove Dr............................359-7411
COffMAN CUsTOMs Conner House 2 Cottonwood Ln ........655-5965
i-27 & Rockwell Rd . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 9 - 2 8 7 7 Conner Jennifer 3310 Mable Dr ........557-6021
Conrad Brandon & Misty
i-27 & Rockwell Rd . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 3 6 3 11901 W Country Club Rd ......................499-3872
Consolidated Beef Producers
Coffman Joe Ed ................................488-2807
Coffman Trailers 16301 Canyon Dr ..679-6541 304 15th st ............................................655-8955
Coffman W H inc Consumers fuel Assn & Elevator
16301 interstate 27 ................................655-1363 200 1st Ave ............................................655-8787
Cogburn Donel
14907 Grimes Cir Ama ............................557-4113 COOPERATiVE
Coggins Patrick & shawna ..........499-3485 100 W 1st Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 3 4
Cogliandro N ......................................452-7048
Cogsdel sherry 24730 Hix Rd ............656-0064 CONTiNUOUs GUTTERs Of
Cole Crystal 1702 8th Ave....................452-7150 AMARiLLO
Cole Jk 17351 Robin Rd ........................655-3245 100 Crockett Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 6 2 2 1
Cole stephen
Contreras Melissa 2515 8th Ave........655-1785
16151 Windrock st Ama ........................655-2009 Cook Jim 19 Tiffany Ln ........................557-4944
Coleman Barbara Cook Joan 1406 8th st ........................655-0947
Cook Phala 39850 i 27 ........................488-2875
1400 Creekmere Dr ................................655-7963
Coleman Garland 17661 Bobbye Ln ..655-0533
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Cook Travis & Marcie Cox Kelly ..............................................655-9778
32000 s soncy Rd ..................................488-2381 Cox Lamar 50 southridge Dr ................656-5084
Cooke Craig 2510 9th Ave ..................656-0781 CRABTREE AUTOMOTiVE &
Cooper Bobby & Carol LUBE CENTER
201 N 11th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 4 3 4
68 Country Club Dr ................................656-0098
Cooper Charles 418 Thompson Ln ....655-2532 Crabtree Bryan 2900 Antelope Ridge 488-2449
Cooper Connie 1009 santa fe Trl ......655-7452 Crabtree Marshall & Lynn
Cooper sandra 20 Aztec Dr ................452-7040
Cope Wayne White fence farms ........655-7272 2405 16th Ave ........................................655-4337
Corbett Hannah 1600 8th Ave ............656-5009 Craddock William C
CORBiN ORTHODONTiCs 35 Jynteewood Cir ..................................655-7869
1801 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 4 8 1 Craig Charles 2711 9th Ave ................655-7435
3419 s Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 9 8 6 2 Craig David 8501 Bryeson Ln ..............656-0889
Craig James 1110 4th Ave ..................655-3743
Corbin P ................................................655-7712 Cramblet Gary & Melita
Corbin Philip J 1801 4th Ave..............655-4481
Corder Joella 50 southridge Dr Apt 5 557-4402 14200 fM 1062 ......................................499-3729
Cordova Donda 611 Oregon Trl..........452-7474 Cramblet Matt & Ashley
Cordova Gloria 715 foster Ln ............655-9085
Corley Dave 1120 Hillcrest Dr..............655-1464 14300 fM 1062 ......................................499-3322
Corley Guyle 307 Country Club Dr ......655-4958 Crane Carol 24 Creekside Ln ..............656-0905
Cornelius B 2625 15th Ave ..................656-0768 Cranmer Janice 1204 7th Ave............655-7033
Cornelius Kent & Dixie Craver Hill 2400 15th Ave ....................655-5419
Crazy Train Clothing ........................499-3843
2811 Antelope Ridge ..............................488-2535 Crazy Train Clothing ........................499-3847
Cornett Kathy & steve Credit Bureau High Plains
22 fairway Dr..........................................655-9163 2001 4th Ave ste 3..................................655-2123
Cornette Marvin 5 Country Club Dr....655-0931 Creek Crossing senior Village
Corrado Patricia ................................452-7039
Correa Albert 2623 15th Ave ..............655-3961 24 Creekside Ln ......................................656-0066
Cortese James 12700 fM 2219 Ama ..499-3811 Criddle Ruby 24 Creekside Ln Apt 305452-7174
Cortez Matt 2711 5th Ave Apt G ..........557-6288 Criss Terry 33 Cottonwood Ln ..............655-2322
Corvin Zeb & Melissa
3848 fM 3331................................206-6126 700 Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 3 6 7
Cosby Ron 1306 25th st ......................655-5303
Cotter Kevin & Linda Criswell Jerry 3 Wieck Dr ..................452-7225
Criswell D A sales inc
14351 Davis Rd ......................................499-3746
Cotter Toby 800 Butterfield Trl ............655-2424 700 Hwy 60 ............................................655-9367
Cotton Virginia 1403 Hillcrest Dr ......655-4010 Criswell David 1121 Creekmere Dr ....655-2371
Cottrell N 10150 W Us Hwy 60 ............655-5779 Criswell Jerry 7 Dellwood Ln ..............655-4860
Criswell Jerry 7 Dellwood Ln ..............655-6911
COULTER DRiVE OPTiCAL Crites David L 2327 14th Ave..............656-5087
1900 Coulter Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 9 4 1 1 Critter Camp 6105 W Rockwell Rd ......655-8444
Crockett Blake 1419 Hillcrest Dr ........655-8182
Country Home Weddings Cromeens Chris 4 Tiffany Ln ..............557-4467
24900 s soncy Rd ..................................655-4737 Croslin Randy 1 Bunker Pass ..............655-9373
Cross Roger 2000 5th Ave ..................655-3583
Country Home Weddings ..............655-7636 Cross Roger 2000 5th Ave ..................655-4587
Couzzourt James 2106 7th Ave ........655-9693
Covin Buddy 20 Village Dr ..................655-7680 CROssLAND KENNETH A DDs
Cowan Doug 7 Lindsey Ln....................655-0459 2000 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 1 8 1
Cowan Robert 2 Palo Duro Club Rd....655-2727
Crouch A 10720 Rockdale Dr ................488-2776
COx DHANA MD Crouch A 37203 fM 1721 ....................488-2845
911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4 Crow Ronald 1010 W state Hwy 217 ..488-2767
Crowell Vera 612 4th st ......................655-3407
Cox Diana 4 fairway Dr ........................655-4544 Crown Timothy D 2415 16th Ave ......655-4208
Cox Jim E 17 Cottonwood Ln................655-4940 Crown Timothy D 2415 16th Ave ......655-4208
Cox Joseph 610 10th st ......................655-9841
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
1604 4th Ave ste 26 . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 6 0 6 4219 sW 45th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 2 - 2 0 3 3
CRUisE ONE - GiNGER sHAffER D & L Automotive Machine
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 0 2 2 2305 9th Ave ..........................................655-5588
Crum Georgia Da Vi Nail salon 1701 N 23rd st........655-7731
3210 Russell Long Blvd Apt 1 ................557-6022 Dabney Henry & Cheryl
Crume Barbara 16301 City Lake Rd ................................499-3798
24 Creekside Ln Apt 309 ........................557-6032 Dacosta Theresa 8550 Bryeson Ln ....655-9719
Dan Odell Jill 910 25th st ..................655-7055
Crump Gloria 2627 11th Ave ..............655-3968 Dangerfield Travis ............................452-7106
Crump Joe 5710 Cruse Ln Ama............656-0083 Daniel Clara 16800 fM 2590 ..............655-9384
Crump John 1701 Creekmere Dr ........655-6094 Daniel Dan 202 4th Ave........................557-6003
Crump Mary & Tim A Danielson Julie 2512 10th Ave ..........452-7056
Danner C E 2940 Jj st ..........................655-8081
26000 Newton Rd....................................655-1901 Dare To Dream Home Design
Crutchfield Carol 8351 Kemper Rd....656-0422
Cruz Reymundo 2 Hunsley Hills Blvd..656-0011 Kim Hudson ............................................683-0303
Cryer Dale 2516 9th Ave ......................655-3306 Davenport Deborah & David
Crystal springs Water ..........800-201-6218
Cuellar Crystal 2009 7th Ave Apt B ....452-7198 35 Windy Meadow Ln..............................655-8255
Cuellar George & Linda Jr Davidchik David 6 Bunker Pass ..........655-7284
Davidson Blane & sandra
32 Canyon Rim Dr ..................................655-1779
Cuellar George iii & stacie 16025 fM 1541 ......................................622-2355
Davidson Blane & sandra
16341 Lake Ridge Dr ..............................655-9495
Cuellas Jose 903 6th Ave ....................452-7009 25 Greenwood Cir ..................................655-5781
Culbert James 2413 10th Ave ............656-0514 Davidson Mary Ann
Culp Kirby 35 fairway Dr......................557-4634
Culwell Chad & Memre 9 Hospital Dr Apt 222 ............................655-4975
Davidsonsmith E 2401 N 23rd st ......656-0711
20101 Arnot Rd ......................................499-3136 Davidsonsmith Elaine
Cunningham ike 2515 11th Ave ........655-1819
Cunningham Leslie 5 Canyon Rim ....557-4735 2401 N 23rd st........................................655-2666
Cupell Alan & Tricia Davis A 7701 Raburn Ln ........................557-4347
Davis Ben & Debbie PO Box 996 ......488-2532
20720 Mallard Cove ................................488-2597 Davis Billie 16 Bunker Pass ..................655-9363
Curlee Craig 19561 Chaparral Rd........499-3235 Davis Brian 413 Lair Ln ........................557-4731
Currie Bruce 6 Country Club Dr ..........655-9868 Davis Brian 413 Lair Ln ........................655-2771
Currie Drilling Co inc Davis Carl PO Box 1216 ........................499-3260
Davis Cory & Melissa ......................488-2671
3001 N 23rd st........................................655-1048
Curtis Don 27 Palo Duro Club Rd ........655-4087 6401 E sH 217 ........................................488-2670
Curtis Donna 200 Laurel Leaf Ln ........557-4707 Davis Dale 12 Country Club Dr ............655-9169
Davis Danny 17450 Lake Ridge Dr ......452-7068
CUsTOM BARNs AND Davis Delbert 1119 Creekmere Dr ......655-4417
Davis Ervin 725 Taylor Ln ....................557-4344
CONsTRUCTiON Davis Jana 1005 8th Ave ......................655-1935
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 3 - 8 6 1 2 Davis Janis 17301 Lake Ridge Dr ........557-4734
Davis Jodi 17300 Abbe Ln ....................452-7126
CUsTOM GifTs POTTERY & Davis Jody 5 Havenwood Cir ................655-6021
JEWELRY-CENTERs OffiCE Davis Joe Bob 2 Wieck Dr ..................557-4784
5901 s Bell C-9, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 2 7 8 9 Davis Lonny & Cindy
CUsTOM THREADs EMBROiDERY 19391 Mockingbird Rd............................499-3326
& GifTs Davis Peggy 302 Brown Rd ..................655-7418
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 6 3 6 0 Davis Tommy 9101 Burtz Rd ..............488-2854
Davis Wayne 33 Canyon Rim Dr ..........655-0047
D Davis Willie D 25400 Roosevelt st ......499-3359
D A Criswell sales inc 700 Hwy 60..655-9367
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
DAWDY sTEPHANiE LPC Designs & signs 19800 fM 2590 ......655-7061
7105 W 34th Ave ste A, Ama . . . .6 5 4 - 5 4 5 4 Devassy Mathew 34 Mesa Dr ............655-1291
Devin Robert ......................................655-0649
Dawes sarah 713 Taylor Ln ................655-3499 Deyhle C E 19 Lindsey Ln ....................655-5995
Dawkins M 21 Palo Duro Club Rd ........655-0056 Deyhle C E 19 Lindsey Ln ....................655-6999
Dawkins Patty 58 Palo Duro Club Rd..655-9230 Deyhle C Jr ..........................................655-5996
Day Justin 500 4th Ave ........................655-0026 Diamond 9 Athletic Development
De Cardenas Luz 7801 star Bright Ln557-4767
De La Cruz Adam 610 11th st ..........655-5673 10701 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-7077
Deakins Electric Adm Office Diamond D Leather
25714 Ripley st ......................................499-3591 10140 W Us Hwy ....................................655-0809
25714 Ripley st ......................................499-3592 Dickens Dawn 2900 Mable Dr Unit A..557-4566
Dealba John 604 santa fe Trl ............557-4517 Dickerson Zonell 1207 24th st ..........557-4693
Dean Kenny ........................................655-1437 Dickerson Lyndsey 1104 6th Ave ......655-7555
Dean Kenny 304 Pitch fork Ln ............655-9866 Dieter L 13901 Taylor Rd Ama ..............499-3432
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 5 6 6
Dietz Keith 1212 9th Ave......................655-7848
1709 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 0 4 Diggs Willie 9 Hospital Dr Apt 209 ......655-2618
Dillehay Cinda 11 Canyon Rim Dr ......655-0788
Dear Dan 16338 Prairie Garden Rd ......557-4341 Dillehay Janelle
Deberry Tonna & Tommie
17650 White Wing Rd ............................655-3855
8090 Rice Rd ..........................................655-2241 Dillehay Karen 17751 White Wing Rd 557-4625
Deckard Kevin 27 Greenwood Cir ......655-2769 Dillon Dennis 411 scott Ln..................655-0606
Dimel Donna 2104 2nd Ave ................655-0719
DECKER CHARLEs iNsURANCE Dingman Elizabeth 2610 6th Ave......557-6777
AGENCY Dirickson Josh & Laura
1420 4th Ave ste 25 . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 0 0 3
1001 Wtamu Dr ......................................655-5537
Decker Kreg 1906 N 2nd Ave Apt f ....452-7008 Dirks Jerry ..........................................655-3876
Decker Londa 30 Village Dr ................655-1575 Disalvio Laura 809 Oregon Trl ............655-0017
Dees Myron H 2414 14th Ave ............655-7590 Dixon Billie 503 Holman Ln..................655-3230
Defoor Paul & Misti 941 W Nance....488-2809 Dixon Monty 19290 fM 1541 ..............488-2330
Defries Eddie & Lauren
5707 4th Ave #408 ................................488-2887 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 6 - 8 9 2 0
Degroot Gina 1 Country Club Dr ........452-7082
Delaney Wayne & Brenda Dobbs Corp inc 100 Hwy 60 ..............655-7791
Dodd Terry PO Box 127........................499-3117
18574 fM 1062 ......................................499-3873 Doerfler Leticia 108 21st st ste A......452-7189
Dell Vapers 2321 4th Ave ....................557-4177 Dollar General 400 Harrell Ln ............656-0473
Dellis Harvey 2102 9th Ave..................557-4798 Dolle Don 1706 Hillcrest Dr..................655-7503
Delong Rex & Toni Dolloff Robert 8150 Kemper Rd..........557-4747
Dominguez Alicia 1013 shelley Dr ....655-2190
8851 W Rockwell Rd ..............................655-0075 Dominguez Cesar & Letty
DEMERE DUsTY K DVM 1901 1st Ave ..........................................655-7807
Dominguez Misael
19302 fM 1541-s Washington & E Country
11001 W Rockwell Rd ............................452-7026
Club Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 8 8 - 2 6 1 6
Demoss Rodney 23850 fM 1541........488-2549
Denney susan 602 Thompson Ln ........655-2048 Order Online
Dennis Valerie 505 25th st ................557-4850
Denton Kenny 17570 spring Lake Dr..557-4871 2310 9th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 6 6 0 0
Deotte Dona 161 T Anchor Vw ............656-0314
1901 N 2nd Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 3 2
Derrick Gerald 4601 White fence Rd 655-8126 Donais W 1927 Kraven Ave Unit A ........655-8796
Derryberry Lynn 8100 Kemper Rd......557-4359
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Donaldson - Edwards 17
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Donaldson Wallace Dudley Kyle 21250 Hope Rd ................655-8483
21 Jynteewood Cir ..................................557-4433 Dugan Bill & Ozie 418 foster Ln ......655-4343
Dugan Randy PO Box 961....................655-2077
Donnell Gregg 29300 s soncy Rd ......488-2724 Duggan Brad 26 Greenwood Cir..........656-0483
Donnell scott 18908 fM 1062 ............499-3258 Duggan Larry 411 Brown Rd ..............655-9400
Donut stop 100 23rd st........................655-9210 Duggan M ............................................656-5085
Dorsey Andy 3309 Conner Dr ..............655-3819 Dunavin Cheyanne 708 19th st ........656-5043
Dorsey Bill & frances Dunbar James 17701 Betty Blvd ........557-6075
Dunbar Ron 8815 Dove Rd ..................557-4305
10501 Triple s Trl ..................................656-0766 Duncan Keely 2608 6th Ave Apt Rear 452-7193
Dorsey Charles 2009 5th Ave ............655-3241 Duncan Talyn C 1408 2nd Ave ..........656-5063
Dorsey Gina 15600 Bell st Ama ..........656-0593 Duncan V J Jr 25311 s soncy Rd ......655-9100
Dorsey's Marble & Tile inc ............655-4508
Dosher Lanny 17451 Bobbye Ln..........452-7237 DUNN MEGAN
Doss H L 24831 Valley View Dr ............488-2270
Dossett Theresa 1310 6th Ave ..........655-2470 1610 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 3 1
Doswell samual 10 Cottonwood ........656-5007
Dotson Tracy 15 Northridge Dr ..........655-4978 Durden Rowie 2602 12th Ave ............655-7525
Dwyer Arthur 2613 15th Ave ..............655-0586
DOUBLE D ROOfiNG iNC Dwyer Jerry 1026 santa fe Trl ............655-9739
2701 Beacon, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 3 3 5 5 Dye Joyce 1804 7th Ave ......................655-9058
Dyess Ernie 16701 Dowd Ln ................557-4608
2701 Beacon, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 3 3 5 5
Eagle Barber shop 417 16th st ........676-1650
DOUBLE J siDiNG & WiNDOWs Earl John 612 Butterfield Trl ................557-4720
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 4 - 1 1 0 9 Eason Bobby & Lori
DOUBLE TAKE HAiR CO 16327 Prairie Garden Rd ........................655-0310
1911 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 4 4 5 Eaves Brooke PO Box 743 ..................499-3230
Ebenkamp Kayla & Michael
Dougherty Kevin 1800 5th Ave ..........655-4502
Douglas Rory 7351 Mission Ave ..........557-4687 3 Bunker Pass ........................................656-0999
Douthit Vonneita 17 Jynteewood Cir 655-7777 Ebner Pete 17300 Betty Blvd................452-7133
Echevarria Marshall 506 3rd Ave ....655-3720
DOWN HOME Eck Aimee & Tom 9401 Hunsley Rd ..655-3666
1517 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 8 3
Downes Bernard 6950 faith Ave........557-4544 500 Us Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 0 2 8 8
Downey James & Kaaren
Eddy Kathryn 17780 Robin Rd Apt A ..452-7155
24740 Valley View Dr..............................488-2834 Eder Don 6701 Mark Rd Ama................655-2963
Dowse Judi 2110 9th Ave ....................655-1382 Education Credit Union
Doyle William B 19340 Chaparral Rd 499-3380
Drake Caitlyn 50 summit Dr................452-7178 2100 4th Ave ..........................................358-7777
Drake John 1214 5th Ave ....................655-1894
Dreadin Lynette 4403 W fM 3331......488-2343 EDWARD JONEs
DREAMLAND CEMETERY Brock sherwood - financial Advisor
26500 s Hwy 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 9 1 9
2808 A 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 2 7 1
Drochner Erich & Joann
10980 Crestway Dr..................................488-2568 EDWARD JONEs
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Canyon Dan shuman CfP - financial Advisor
and 24 Hour Helpline ..................655-7476
1610 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 9 9 4
Dryden L K 1600 Elver Rd ....................488-2210
Dubois Janet 409 foster Ln ................655-1685 EDWARD JONEs
Dubois Jason 607 Butterfield Trl ........656-0943
Duck Michael & susie Megan Dunn - financial Advisor
20900 Hope Road....................................499-3516 1610 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 3 1
Edwards Daisha 22 summit Dr ..........557-4474
Edwards David 12 Deer xing ..............452-7042
Edwards Eva 1001 shelley Dr ..............452-7063
Edwards Gary & Brenda
8060 Hunsley Rd ....................................655-6010
18 Edwards - fassauer CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Edwards Vaavia 2411 15th Ave ..........656-5040 Everitt David M 15300 Greg st Ama ..656-0186
Edwards Wes 8251 Joy Ln ..................655-2156 Evers sheree 608 santa fe Trl ............452-7091
Ehly Mary 2706 7th Ave Apt C ..............557-6011 Evers Dolores 1406 8th st spc 89 ......655-8178
Ehly Vincent 3301 Linda Ln ................655-4091 Ewing Clayton 311 4th Ave ................655-2079
Ehrilichman s 8351 Bryeson Ln ..........655-4465
Ehrlich Terry 16025 Bell st Ama ........656-0025 ExCEL TiTLE GROUP LLC
Eichenberger Jeanie ........................655-2895 1605 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 6 3 - 1 0 6 1
Eilert Michael 4251 W fM 3331..........488-2588 ExPREss sCALE sERViCEs
Eiselstein Desi PO Box 748, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 0 3 3
10 Cottonwood Ln Apt 106 ....................452-7083 Eytcheson Jack 17449 Abbe Ln..........655-0474
Eisen Brittany 704 Taylor Ln ..............557-4901
Eitner Willie 1928 Kraven Ave Apt B ..655-5922 f
El Patio Mexican Restaurant
faddis Vincentia 2008 9th Ave ..........452-7164
1410 Hwy 60 ..........................................655-4300 fahrenthold Paul 12 Northridge Dr ..557-4836
Elanco Animal Health 401 16th st ..655-4096
Elbert Linda 1703 Brookhaven Dr........655-0076 fAiTH COMMUNiTY CHURCH
Electric Beach Tanning 2706 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 3 9 2
1601 4th Ave ..........................................655-0067 fAiTH MEDiCAL CLiNiC
Elkins Ranch Canyon ......................488-2100 1619 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 6 7 4
Eller Jane 2432 15th Ave......................655-9990
Elliott Howard 5360 Matthew Rd ........655-1328 fallwell Lanette 8001 Weatherly Ln ..655-0741
Elliott Linda 3206 Conner Dr ..............655-3130
Elliott Ramona 25 Village Dr ..............655-2906 fAMiLY CAMPiNG sERViCE
Elmquist Cameron 2500 6th Ave ......557-4759 CENTER iNC
Elms Michael 16601 Wydick st ..........557-4699 13600 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2 2 - 0 4 4 1
Emswiler Krissy 211 4th Ave ..............557-4314
9 Hospital Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 3 6 1
11805 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 5 2 - 3 6 2 6 fAMiLY MEDiCiNE CENTER
Enriquez Bridgit 10 Thunderbird ......655-7639 911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4
Episcopal student Center
fangman Claudia 58 summit Dr........655-1337
2516 4th Ave ..........................................655-3121 farley Hoss & Patricia
Erwin William 5452 White fence Rd ..655-1707
Escarciga samantha D 1601 Uh 60 656-5073 18550 Hunsley Rd ..................................499-3489
Esparza Concepcion 301 4th Ave ....557-4106 farley Ruth 1805 9th Ave ....................655-0097
Esqueda Robert & Andrea farm Bureau insurance
3800 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2230 1714 5th Ave ..........................................655-2126
Esqueda Robert & Andrea farmer Kyle 19450 Meadowlark Ln ....499-3124
3800 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2533 fARMERs iNsURANCE GROUP
Estes stephen & Joan
Lacie White Agency
24530 Lakeview Dr ................................488-2538
Etc Bookkeeping Payroll & Tax....557-4176 2001 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 0 3 3 5
Evans Calvin 1102 8th st ....................452-7172
Evans Daniel 7750 Mission Ave ..........367-5479 farnsworth Charles
Evans E 17450 Valley Lake Dr................557-4757 10 Cottonwood Ln Apt 110 ....................656-0110
Evans Ed 1102 8th st ............................655-0940
Evans f H 611 9th Ave ..........................655-3967 farren Ashley 2111 3rd Ave Apt 1 ......452-7084
Evans M B farren Ashley 2609 10th Ave ..............557-4876
farren H 2011 3rd Ave ..........................557-6159
15100 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3771 farris George 17451 spring Lake Dr ..655-4336
Evans R 411 6th Ave ..............................557-4875 farris James A & Beverly
Evans Roger 611 9th Ave ....................655-9583
Evants Michael 16300 Dove Meadow 499-3410 4100 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2567
farrow Donna 608 7th Ave ................655-3347
fassauer A L Mrs 420 foster Ln ........655-9525
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER fat-Boys - fredrick 19
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
fAT-BOYs BBQ fix David 2512 13th Ave........................557-4313
104 N 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 3 6 3 flatt Jimmy 301 10th Ave ....................655-0418
fleeman Mark 1910 8th Ave ..............557-4374
faulkenberry Joe 2419 12th Ave ......557-4660 fletcher Margaret 2621 3rd Ave ......655-3687
faver Terri 15601 Cavin Rd Ama..........499-3291 fletcher Rex & Kala
featherstone John 3601 Conner Dr..557-4755
fehr Kevin 2 Overlook Dr ....................655-3664 20310 Hunters Run ................................488-2830
flores Elizabeth f 18800 fM 2590....655-9718
fELDMAN's WRONG WAY DiNER flores Esther 604 7th Ave ..................655-7355
2100 N 2nd Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 7 0 0 flores Julian 409 1st Ave ....................655-0406
floss William 3200 Conner Dr ............557-4841
fellers Randy 13010 fM 2219 Ama ....499-3550 flowers Lynda 3312 Mable Dr ............656-0333
floyd William 9 Hospital Dr Apt 216 ..452-7115
fENCE-LiNE CONsTRUCTiON CO flynn John 2606 9th Ave......................557-4370
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 6 - 4 4 1 1 flynn Nick 400 scott Ln........................557-4776
fogarty Marie 2 Cottonwood Ln..........656-0660
ferguson Bob & Chris folkerts James 804 5th Ave ..............353-9991
10700 Rockdale Dr ................................488-2337 folkerts James 804 5th Ave ..............655-7070
foote Donna 16500 Wydick st ............557-4457
ferguson Jerry 1906 5th Ave ............655-9286 forbis Chris 504 12th Ave....................655-0611
ferguson Maurice forbis Chris 504 12th Ave....................655-0627
ford Bill 2504 11th Ave ........................655-0917
6704 Tucker Rd Ama ..............................655-4603 ford Dell 8101 Kemper Rd....................655-2266
fetsch fidelis 66 Country Club Dr ......557-4744 ford Donna 1519 2nd Ave Apt A..........557-6037
fewell Bernard & Mary francis ford Ricky 611 santa fe Trl ................655-1962
fordham Brian 2404 11th Ave............655-7034
3315 Linda Ln ........................................655-2914 fortin Boyd & Kristin
field John 16309 Country Rd ..............557-4054
field stephanie 16309 Country Rd ....640-2503 19650 Hunters Run ................................488-2550
fields Anne 6 fairway Dr ....................557-4714 foster Mary 510 6th Ave......................655-1687
fierro Rick 21000 Wtamu Dr................655-8282 foster Charles G 7651 Outlook Ave ..655-7671
finch Bronc 2516 8th Ave....................656-5093 foster Kelly & Dawna
fincher Delores & Kenneth
17214 fM 1062 ......................................499-3739
1011 Cimarron Trl ..................................655-7235 4 Way Ag sales & service
finke David 2621 16th Ave ..................656-0636
13600 Taylor Rd Ama..............................499-3614
1sT AVE sELf sTORAGE fowler Marsha 1805 Creekmere Dr....557-4806
1100 N 1st Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 4 1 1 fowler Mike 1204 12th st ..................655-2390
fowler Waneta 5300 White fence Rd 655-4534
fiRsT BAPTisT CHURCH france Amanda 18920 Dee Ln ..........655-7230
1717 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 0 1 franklin Darrell 19431 Robin street ..499-3884
Christian Learning Center . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 2 4 6 franklin Darrell 19431 Robin street ..499-3885
franks Charles 1004 shelley Dr..........655-6815
2011 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 5 1 2 fRANK’s REPAiR PLUMBiNG iNC
first Convenience Bank 4112 NW 10th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 4 - H E L P
1701 N 23rd st........................................655-4082
(see Our Coupon)
904 19th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 0 8 7 frausto Jakie 404 9th Ave ..................557-4780
frazier RD & Bob-Anne
first United Bank 2900 4th Ave ........655-8000
PO Box 245 Canyon ................................488-2244
fiRsT UNiTED METHODisT frederickson M 17 Windy Meadow ....655-2602
CHURCH fredrick Judy 24 Creekside Ln #201..557-4778
1818 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 8 5 1
in His Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 4 3 7
fischbacher Jim 18200 fM 2590 ......656-0625
fischbacher Pete ..............................655-2741
fischbacher shelley
35501 s fM 1705....................................488-2189
fischer George 9 Hospital Dr Apt 118557-4665
20 freedom - Gilbreath CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
fREEDOM fELLOWsHiP CHURCH Gardner Earl & Regina
55 Hunsley Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 5 8 1 29201 Brown Rd ....................................488-2370
55 Hunsley Rd..........................................655-4599 Garland Tiffany 2421 8th Ave ............655-1537
45 Hunsley Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 9 1 2 1611 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 7 2
freeman Janet 7800 star Bright Ln ..655-9016 Garner Beth & Ed 10 Dellwood Ln ....655-0589
freeman Warren 48 Palo Duro Club..655-7905 Garnett Matt 3306 Conner Dr ..............557-4620
fricke Cameron 37201 fM 1721........488-2106 Garnett Tammie
friemel frank 504 La Duchess Dr ......557-6188
friemel Robert PO Box 131 ................499-3530 1601 Hwy 60 Apt K4 ..............................452-7152
friemel Wayne 21315 fM 1062..........499-3472
friemel Welding & Machine GARRE's CANYON GLAss CO iNC
604 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 6 2 8
PO Box 131 ............................................499-3537
Garrison Walt 11 Lindsey Ln ..............557-4499
fRiENDsHiP RANCH Garrison Kenny & Gena
1108 24th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 4 5 4
24471 Woodland Dr ................................488-2391
frische Carl ........................................258-7551 Garza Matthew 1103 7th Ave..............656-5068
friske K 11 Tiffany Ln............................557-4703 Gassaway J C 3 Windwood Pl ............655-3109
fritz Bill 14600 Jonathan st Ama..........655-4264 Gaut Allison 7450 Outlook Ave ............557-4793
frost Edwin 16040 Hammon st Ama ..655-7350 Gearn Beth 50 Palo Duro Club Rd........655-1973
fruge Audra 3110 Conner Dr ..............557-4545 Gearn sha & MiCA 8 Griffin Dr ........557-6026
fry Paul 10900 Crestway Dr ..................488-2741 Gebhart sheri 2424 16th Ave..............655-9382
fulford Howard 723 foster Ln ..........557-4804 GEiCO 901 23rd st..................................553-5765
fulford Jennifer 1707 2nd Ave ..........656-5089
fulgham Buddy 1106 Creekmere Dr ..557-4063 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER
fuller Donald 1013 Cimarron Trl ........655-2749 4218 W 34th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 9 9 2 0
fuller Cybil 9 Hospital Dr Apt 201 ......655-4292
fully fabulous/Get Gussied Up ..499-3848 GENTRY J BRENT MD
fulton H R 9 Hinders Dr ......................655-4437 11 Medical Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 4 0 0
fulton C 5610 Cruse Ln Ama ................557-4719
fulton J Lee & Donna 13306 Hale ..499-3821 Gerald Chris & Geri 1001 5th Ave ....290-7295
fulton Terry PO Box 31682 Ama ........499-3296
furman family Partnership GERALD GERi-REALTOR
Office 405 14th st . . . . . . . . . . . .2 9 0 - 7 2 9 2
1901 2nd Ave ..........................................655-7732
futrell Creedence 1708 6th Ave........452-7038 GERALD’s AUTO GLAss
4001 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 0 4 2 2
Gerber Dian & Gary 8800 Dove Rd ..656-0024
G & A Holdings 16650 interstate 27 ..655-3901 Gerber Roger 8301 Rice Rd ................655-9164
Gabel Don & June Gerber sharon PO Box 120 ................499-3510
Gerdsen Hank 20425 s Eastern st ......488-2264
3330 West fM 285 ..................................488-2494 Gerdsen P A 1 Cottonwood Ln ............655-9640
Galbreaith Michael ..........................655-2788 Gerk Carol 602 4th Ave Unit B ............656-0630
Gales Cindy 3210 Russell Long Blvd ....655-7003 Germania insurance
Gales J C 8200 W Co Rd 283 ................488-2435
Gales Marla 721 foster Ln ..................452-7011 1420 4th Ave ste 25................................655-3003
Gales Marla 1216 9th Ave ....................557-4334 Gheer Landon & Linnea
Gallier Douglas PO Box 13 ................499-3261
Gamble Beth 416 foster Ln ................655-0400 PO Box 1042 ..........................................499-3650
Garcia Alyssa 5580 Tranquility Ama....557-4317 Gheer Leon 2410 15th Ave ..................655-7937
Garcia isabel 511 12th Ave..................655-4614 Ghosh Parama 2707 10th Ave ............655-8059
Garcia Kerry PO Box 203 ....................488-2656 Gibson Edward 59 Cottonwood Ln ....655-2557
Garcia Victoria 1406 8th st ................557-6405 Gibson Hayley 2611 10th Ave ............557-6000
Gard D 9 Hospital Dr ..............................655-7277 Gibson Veronica 3 Windy Meadow ....452-7228
Giddens Ted 20 Edgewood Ln ............655-2454
Gift Vicki 56 Cottonwood Ln ................655-9273
Gilbert Amanda 2707 5th Ave ............557-6395
Gilbreath John 171 T Anchor Vw........452-7030
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Giles Kelly 19701 Hunters Run ............488-2245 Gombert Rosemarie
Gill Greg 20 Greenwood Ln ..................557-6088 9250 W Cemetery Rd ..............................655-1589
Gill Lynn 26 Lindsey Ln..........................452-7192
Gill Quentin W PO Box 112 ................764-3437 Gomez Mark PO Box 144 ....................499-3378
Gill Virgil 2429 16th Ave ......................655-9956 Gomez severo Jr
Gilley E 304 22nd st ..............................655-7103
Gilliam Roy 2515 7th Ave ....................655-0480 11751 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3414
Gonce R L PO Box 921 ..........................499-3741
GiLLiLAND & CO PC CPAs Gonzales Juan 17300 Morning star....452-7500
2001 4th Ave Plaza 2 . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 4 3 Gonzar A 14304 Jonathan st Ama ........557-4704
Gooch A 7875 Harvest Rd......................655-4679
GiLLiLAND iNVEsTMENT Gooch Tom Jr 1210 Creekmere Dr ....656-0301
MANAGEMENT Good Janine 25 Northridge Dr ............655-2397
2001 4th Ave Plaza 1 . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 9 0 9
Gilliland Mark 9 Bunker Pass..............655-5139 4107 W 49th Ave, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 7 3 7 3
Gilliland Tim 26 fairway Dr ................557-4440
Gillis J 2801 Antelope Ridge ..................488-2727 Goodin J 17501 Abbe Ln ......................655-3212
Gilman Mike 5707 4th Ave #601 ........488-2637 Goodnight Trees Trailers and Rock
Gilmore Bill 16301 fM 1714 ................488-2581
Gilmour scott 10503 E Hwy 217 ........488-2334 18400 interstate 27 ................................655-8733
Gilmour scott 10503 E state Hwy 217488-2175 Goodwin ira 10 Cottonwood Ln ..........655-9316
Ginn susan 1014 Holly Ln ....................655-7992 Goodwin Myrl 6101 W Country Club ..655-7171
Gisi Rene 29 southridge Dr Apt A ........557-4686 Gordon Ronald 311 Pitch fork Ln ......655-7662
Gist Kara 2009 9th Ave..........................452-7086 Gordon Ronnie 10 Mesa Dr ................655-3008
Gist Roger iii 1712 7th Ave..................655-3393 Gore Margarethe 2616 15th Ave ......655-7719
Glass ilyssa 8800 W Us Hwy 60 Apt 1..452-7271 Goss Keith 1606 7th Ave ......................655-0189
Glass sandra 8200 Kemper Rd ............557-4689 Gossett J C 16331 Country Rd ............655-0965
Gleason Alonzo 7801 Mission Ave......655-2023
Glenn Clinton 1113 Creekmere Dr ......655-9566 GOWDY fLOORiNG
Glenn Ross 165 Laurel Leaf Ln ............655-3070 5205 s Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 2 2 6
Glenn Ronnie & Pam
GPD Construction LLC
15931 Cavin Rd Ama ..............................499-3179 2808 4th Ave ste D ................................557-4006
Glover Kay 2009 8th Ave Apt B ............655-9872
Glueck James 181 Laurel Leaf ............655-2669 Grabber Bernard & Marcie
Goddard Tony & Diane 19694 Arnot Rd ......................................499-3514
8907 Dove Rd..........................................655-4777 Grabber Ed 19671 City Lake Rd ..........499-3412
Goen Kimberly & Lance Grabber John f PO Box 180 ..............499-3385
Graber Jeff & Barbara
1706 9th Ave ..........................................557-6297
18511 City Lake Rd ................................499-3138
GOLD sTAR TRUsT COMPANY Graef Brent 13121 W Rockwell Rd ......499-3239
1401 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 3 8 0 0 Graef Tucker 2622 17th Ave................656-5027
Gragert Eldon 2617 12th Ave..............557-4750
GOLDEN EAGLE sURfACE Graham Bobbie 2607 12th Ave ..........655-7771
REsTORATiON & sANiTiZATiON Graham Kenneth
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4 1 - 1 1 1 1
17251 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3766
Golden Horse Training Center Graham Perry 1014 5th st ..................655-7223
15681 Cavin Rd Amarillo ........................683-1099 Graham sherry 5900 Hungate Rd ......488-2650
Graham sue 6109 Grimes Cir Ama ......655-0615
Golden Jimmie 901 6th Ave ..............557-4678 Granda Alejandra 6300 Lair Rd Ama 557-4794
Goldman Charlene 24 Creekside Ln..655-0099 Grant A 8250 Joy Ln ..............................557-4443
Goldman Louise 6202 freddie Ama ..655-7536 Grant Gene Ann Palo Duro Club Rd ..655-9389
Grant Jeff 2415 8th Ave........................656-0715
GOLf HEADQUARTERs Grauer Michael 400 7th Ave ..............655-7567
Of AMARiLLO Graves Bobby 33 Windy Meadow Ln ..655-2661
Hillside & Bell, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 1 3 8 5 Graves Cedric 15255 i H 27 ................655-3524
Graves Cedric 15255 i H 27 ................655-7643
Graves Diane & Cedric 15255 iH27 655-9621
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Graves Jill 604 Butterfield Trl ..............452-7277 Guthrie Mark & Carrie
Graves Richard 2505 9th Ave ............655-0735 1000 3rd Ave ..........................................655-6908
Gray H 1003 santa fe Trl ......................557-4741
Gray Jerry 1409 Hillcrest Dr ................655-0447 Gutierrez Anna 1407 9th Ave..............557-4422
Gray sandra 1507 8th Ave ..................557-4888 Gutierrez Gilbert 8301 Kemper Rd ....655-9116
Graybeal Phil 417 Lair Ln ....................655-9121 Guy Duane f 709 Taylor Ln..................655-4536
Green Curtis 2938 Jj st ......................655-0297 Guys & Dolls Hair Designs
Green Terry & Judy 18 Quay Ln........488-2501
Green Tommy 8400 Bryeson Ln ..........655-7569 404 15th st ............................................655-1138
Green William Elton 902 5th Ave ....655-7374 Guzman Julia 1906 8th Ave ................656-0865
Greencrete Contractors LLC Gwyn Dennis 25100 Oasis Trl..............655-4019
12400 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3716 H
Greer Chanda 24 Aztec Dr ..................656-0816
GREG LAiR-BUiCK & GMC 2201 8th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 8 0 1
i-27 & Rockwell Rd, Ama . . . . . . .3 2 4 - 0 7 0 0
HR’s fLOWERs & GifTs
Gregg Jennifer 1902 3rd Ave ............557-4655 2010 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 8 7
Gregg Jim 2305 6th Ave ......................656-5061
Gregg sarah 2501 9th Ave ..................656-0832 H & W insurance 17 Thunderbird Dr 656-0132
Gresham stacey 8061 Raburn Ln ......452-7191 Haddock styler 1001 santa fe Trl......452-7095
Griego Benita 2611 15th Ave ..............655-8715 Hadley Brenda
Griffin A T 19360 Chaparral Rd ............499-3298
Griffin Bobby 9 Mesa Dr ......................655-9818 17550 Laguna Vista Ama ........................499-3758
Griffin frank 11 Edgewood Ln ............557-6363 Haflich Melinda 1 Tiffany Ln ..............655-4239
Griffin Ray 608 N 2nd Ave ....................655-0668 Hafliger John 33 fairway Dr ..............655-9202
Griffith Ron & Amy Hafliger John 33 fairway Dr ..............655-9287
1409 Creekmere Dr ................................655-8983 HAGAR BROWN & DORsEY LLC
Griggs Melissa 29 Palo Duro Club Rd 655-4044 4713 s Western, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 1 0 0 7
Grimes Ray PO Box 895 Canyon ..........488-2721 fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 1 0 0 8
Grissom Jeff 16 fairway Dr ................655-2746
Grissom Jeff 16 fairway Dr ................655-3058 Hagar Kay 3302 Conner Dr ..................655-9404
Hager Ronnie 2600 10th Ave ..............655-4039
GRiZZLE HEATiNG & AiR Hager Ronnie 601 3rd Ave ..................655-4348
112 N 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 6 7 6 Haggard Robert 7500 Rice Rd............655-3766
Hail E Jay 37 fairway Dr ......................655-4644
Gross G W Jr 6 Eagle Pass ..................655-0266 Hainer Melanie 1307 2nd Ave Apt B ..452-7223
Haines Harry 17 Country Club Dr ........655-9776
GROss ROBERT D MD Hair Charles 2105 3rd Ave ..................655-4486
911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4 Hairitage 1400 23rd st..........................655-9442
Hale David 25 Greenwood Cir ..............655-6673
GROUNDs GUYs Hales interior Design
PO Box 521, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 0 - 5 2 9 6
1420 4th Ave ste 32................................655-2194
Gruner Robert f Hales Richmond 27951 s Us Hwy 87 488-2471
15501 s Georgia st Ama ........................655-4780 Hales Richmond ................................488-2274
Hales stephanie 1022 Cimarron Trl ..655-3815
Grush Ludene 2516 10th Ave ..............655-0907 Halford Larry 6200 Lisa Ln ..................557-4442
Grusing Chad & Denise Hall Bobby 15251 Gordon-Cummings ..499-3297
Hall Dan 501 Harrell Ln Apt B ..............557-6030
16750 Dowd Lane ..................................499-3875 Hall Danny 14804 Jonathan st Ama ....557-6009
Guerrero Cherry 1807 1st Ave ..........656-5066 Hall Louise 501 Harrell Ln Apt A ..........557-4010
Guevara Hector 110 28th st ..............557-4053 Hall Mark & Chris 8220 Cattle Dr......488-2162
Guffy Ted 180 T Anchor Vw ..................655-9190 Hall Mattie 37 Cottonwood Ln..............655-7533
Gupton Kenny & shayna
24500 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3160
Gustin Cleve & Tina
20 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..............................655-9133
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Hall shane & Kim Happy state Bank cont’d
2805 Antelope Ridge ..............................488-2676
Mortgage Loans
Halsey V 314 Country Club Dr ..............655-0736
Halsted Electric LLC 1908 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 2 6 5
1007 Cimarron Trl ..................................656-0156 Trust Department
Ham Helen 9 Hospital Dr Apt 217 ........655-7031
Ham shannon 201 W Nance Rd ..........488-2231 701 s Taylor, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 6 - 8 7 8 7
Hamblen stewart 24Hr xpress Phone Bank . .3 5 9 - 7 7 3 7
Toll free ‘’1’’ . . . . . . . .8 6 6 - 3 5 9 - 7 7 3 7
6490 W Cemetery Rd ..............................655-4617
Hamby sandra 6306 Mark Rd Ama ....557-4630 Harbin Vernell 1207 Hillcrest Dr ........655-3104
Hamil J 81 Hunsley Hills Blvd ................655-7432 Harbison Billy 7401 star Light Ln ......452-7099
Hamilton Amelia Hardaway Bill PO Box 195 ..................488-2474
Hardin Cole 807 27th st ......................557-4027
16325 Dove View Cir ..............................557-4039 Hardy Larry 2305 6th Ave ....................452-7197
Hamilton Davy 17600 fM 2590 ..........656-0737 Hare Nancy 3202 Conner Dr ................655-3262
Hammit Larry & Pat Hargrave Mark & Karen
20650 Tradewind Rd ..............................488-2571 39541 s Georgia st ................................488-2899
Hammond J 502 8th Ave......................655-9844 Hargrave Tyler 2200 E Cemetery Rd ..488-2534
Hammonds Wil 5707 4th Ave #410 ..488-2500 Harmon James 2 Edgewood Ln ..........557-4822
Hampsten Jim 7701 Canyon Bend Rd 622-9134 Harmon Rebecca 1102 9th Ave ........557-4057
Hancock William 3002 4th Ave..........655-2626 Harmon Ross 90 Hunsley Hills Blvd ....656-5079
Hand R W 729 foster Ln ......................655-9195 Harmontree George 2404 15th Ave..655-5979
Handing Marcus Harp James 17 Edgewood Ln ..............655-9122
Harper Hazel 16990 Robin Rd ............655-7594
14400 Westline Rd Wildorado ................499-3334 Harper f 2106 3rd Ave ..........................655-9906
Hankard Edward 1105 7th Ave ..........655-4792 Harrelson stuart 15304 Greg st Ama 655-4059
Hanley Rhonda 17301 Valley Lake Dr 557-4820 Harris Andrew 24 Creekside Ln ..........557-4400
Hansen Dale & Carolyn Harris Dave & Carolyn 11600 Burtz 488-2547
Harris Dusty or Lesley
21231 City Lake Rd ................................499-3778
Hanson Harriet 6306 Mark Rd ............655-5534 31201 s fM 1705....................................488-2188
Hanson Mary Ann 6202 Mark Ama ....557-6550 Harris Jackie 800 14th st....................452-7337
Harris Jason 8401 Cattle Dr ................488-2374
HAPPY sTATE BANK Harris Kisaundra 2109 2nd Ave ........655-7974
& TRUsT COMPANY Harris Monty & Jodi 29101 Brown Rd ....................................488-2486
Harris Russell & Lynda
1908 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 2 6 5
100 E Main, Happy . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 8 - 2 2 6 5 12100 fM 1714 ......................................488-2886
3423 soncy Rd, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 4 - 2 2 6 5 Harris Troy G & Paulette
3401 Bell, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 2 2 6 5
5100 Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 4 - 2 2 6 5 501 W Nance ..........................................488-2112
701 s Taylor, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 2 2 6 5 Harrison Michael 209 sandy Trl ........622-9945
2531 Paramount Blvd, Ama . . . . .3 3 1 - 2 2 6 5 Harshman Matthew
500 Tascosa Rd, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 1 - 2 2 6 5
4302 W 45th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 8 1 - 2 2 6 5 16325 Lake Ridge Dr ..............................655-7442
5050 s Western, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 2 2 6 5 Hartley Robert & Corrigan Mary
1000 s Buchanan, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 7 2 - 2 2 6 5
501 W Park Ave, Hereford . . . . . .3 9 4 - 2 2 6 5 11301 East state Hwy 217 ......................488-2100
Hartman Barbara
investment services
9 Hospital Dr Apt 120 ............................655-4631
701 s Taylor, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 2 2 6 5 Hartman Beau 18551 Jowell Rd ........488-2141
Hartman Bruce & sherri
Happy state Bank cont’d next column
1404 Creekmere Dr ................................655-7572
Hartman Jerry 24520 s Uh 87 ............655-5892
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 3 - 2 4 5 1
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Hartman Larry 211 6th Ave ................656-0107 Henderson Lorraine
Hartman Lorene 23200 Pondaseta ....499-3411 16300 Turtle Dove Ln..............................557-4712
Hartman Marvin PO Box 135..............499-3583
Hartman Terrie 7 splawn Ct ..............655-3018 Henderson scotty & susan
Hartranft Don & Mary Beth 24361 Canyon Dr ....................................488-2769
7517 Duling Lane Amarillo ....................488-2446 Henderson Tavalina 16981 Abbe Ln 452-7101
Harvell Julie 1406 8th st ....................656-5021 Henderson Trina
HARWELL & HARWELL 15811 Angel Ln Ama ..............................655-2720
ORTHODONTiCs Hendrick Gene
308 14th st, Canyon . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 3 5 9 3
3420 Thornton, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 3 5 9 3 26001 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3280
Hengst Valerie 1500 8th st ................557-6115
Hassell Patrick 130 T Anchor Vw ......655-5775 Hennessey B 5400 White fence Rd ....655-2295
Hatchell Robert 2101 5th Ave ............655-1754 Henning Lola 2711 7th Ave ................557-6229
Hathaway J K 7801 Weatherly Ln ......655-0051 Henninger Jesse
Hathaway Mickey & Becky
17101 spring Lake Dr ............................557-4000
99 Country Club Dr ................................655-0005 Henry Bob G 9 Bramblewood Ln..........655-4674
Havens Mark 1705 Creekmere Dr........655-0519 Henry Brian 11500 fM 2219 Ama........499-3294
Havlik Dana 2010 6th Ave ....................655-1824 Henry Eugene 25901 Pondaseta Rd....499-3723
Hawgen sarah 603 Butterfield Trl ......655-2488 Henry Johnny 17 Village Dr ................655-3862
Hawkins Dean 7701 Rice Rd ..............656-0510 Henry sa 96 Hunsley Hills Blvd ............655-0027
Hawthorne Annette 83 Country Club452-7020 Henson Darrell & Kaci
Hawthorne Ronnie PO Box 517 ........499-3569
Haymes Tracy PO Box 1161 ................655-3800 20675 fM 1541 ......................................486-2851
Haynes John 1214 2nd Ave ................452-7120 Henson Darrell & Kaci
Hayward Jack 190 T Anchor Vw ........655-1300
Hayward Jack 1307 4th Ave................655-5300 20675 fM 1541 ......................................488-2851
Hazlewood E N ..................................655-2082 Henson Nolon N Uh 87........................655-2660
Hazelwood Jack 1702 Creekmere ....655-0838 Heppard Wayne 1601 Elver Road ......488-2869
Head Bill 2523 7th Ave ..........................236-0687 Hernandez Cruz 23300 Hix Rd ..........655-0593
Head Jeanette 2523 7th Ave ..............382-3885 Hernandez felipe 3102 4th Ave ........655-0290
Head Tommi 2521 7th Ave ..................655-0846 Hernandez Vivian 2 Dellwood Ln ......655-5715
Hearn Wendy 2 Cottonwood Ln #117 452-7179 Hernandez Y 1700 9th Ave ..................655-8283
Hearn Wendy 95 Valley View Rd ........557-4669
Heathington David 1207 5th Ave ......557-4143 HERNANDEZ-LATTUf PEDRO R
Heathington David 1207 5th Ave ......557-4869 MD PA
Heathington Bea 2426 14th Ave ........655-4370 1901 Medi Park #138, Ama . . . .3 5 5 - 3 3 6 4
Heckman Mark 16305 Turtle Dove Ln 655-0471
Heffington Brent Herrera Dina 2331 14th Ave................655-4479
Herrera Jovita 500 4th Ave Apt 16 ....557-4029
16601 spring Lake Dr ............................557-4840 Herring Judy 1031 Cimarron Trl ........655-3243
Hefley Richard 2501 13th Ave ............655-3158 Hertner Carole 910 5th Ave ................655-0466
Hefner Casey 1101 Hillcrest Dr ..........655-1989 Hesse August iii 19701 fM 2590 ......655-1750
Hefner Don 2430 15th Ave ..................655-7135 Hester Charles A 2411 12th Ave ........655-4294
Hegwood Wesley Hester Chuck 4701 Pondaseta Rd ......655-1419
22931 Compound Rd ..............................499-3547 HEsTER CHUCK - ATTORNEY
Heiman Wayne 24701 Oasis Trl..........655-3238 1507 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 1 6
Heller Linda 16020 Dixon st Ama ........655-0100
Henderson Bob 9701 Hunsley Rd ......655-3634 HEsTER MCGLAssON & COx
Henderson Cristy 1507 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 1 6
11660 W Country Club Rd ......................499-3332 Heymer Karin 1 Windy Meadow Ln ....655-4688
Henderson Jan Hiatt Chad 27850 s Us Hwy 87 ............488-2585
Hickman Nancy & Pat
8101 W Country Club Rd ........................655-9926
150 Laurel Leaf Ln ..................................655-2255
Hickman Paula 515 12th Ave..............655-7011
Hicks Andy 3 Country Club Dr ..............655-9301
Hicks Danny 19100 fM 1062 ..............499-3401
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Hicks James P & Carol Hinkley ian 16400 Dowd Ln..................557-6050
19601 Eagle Nest Ct................................488-2626 Hirsch David
(children) ..........................................488-2627
14540 Gordon-Cummings RD ................499-3719
Hicks Jason 19544 fM 1062................499-3194 Hix Ralph 3220 Russell Long Blvd ........655-0178
Hicks Larry 1004 8th st ........................655-7004 Hjerpe Paul 605 10th Ave ....................557-6557
Hicks Lee 1104 3rd Ave ........................655-3777 Hoagland Lonnie
Hicks Marion E 15000 Westline Rd ....499-3319
Hicks Matt & Anna ............................655-1823 22661 Hoagland Rd ................................499-3587
Hicks Michael 2610 12th Ave..............655-7931 Hobbs Nathan 13085 fM 2219 Ama ..499-3676
Hicks Orville 14 Village Dr ..................655-4768 Hobson Justin 16285 Lake Ridge Dr ..557-4654
Hicks Wiley 16015 fM 1541 ................622-3442 Hochstein Larry 2605 14th Ave ..........655-3268
Hiett Kevin 19600 Tradewind st ..........488-2232 Hodge Heath 17270 White Wing Rd....655-7081
Higgins Kim & Rick 1301 Wtamu Dr 656-0228 Hodge Roger & Verna 1002 5th st ..655-6579
Higgins Robert & Laurie Hodnett Jimmy 17100 Robin Rd ........557-4013
Hoelting Tracy 7401 star Burst Ln......557-4111
16201 GORDON-CUMMiNGs RD ............499-3490 Hoffman Derek & Carrie
Higgs Ray 16300 Prairie Garden Rd ....655-7462
High Plains Retreat Center 27000 s Western ....................................488-2710
Hoffman Harrison 18 Jynteewood Cr 557-4899
18511 City Lake Rd ................................499-3429 Hoggatt Johnny 2060 W sH 217 ........488-2813
High Plains Underground Water Holbrook Gary PO Box 1343 ..............488-2418
Holcomb Eddie 13 Eagle Pass ............655-3955
Conservation District Number 1 Holcomb Gary 12250 W Country Club 499-3282
1714 5th Ave..........................................655-2126 Holeman shirley 1001 Brown Rd ......655-2346
Hightower Thomas 8300 Joy Ln ......557-6069
Hileman Janice A HOLiDAY iNN ExPREss &
19464 Meadowlark Ln ............................499-3444 sUiTEs - CANYON
Hill Betty ................................................655-1182 2901 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 4 4 5
Hill Donald 14305 Jonathan st Ama ....655-7475
Hill fred 802 Oregon Trl........................655-9270 Holland Ben 21 Lindsey Ln ..................452-7142
Hill James R 2516 11th Ave ................655-9394 Holland Dustin 2415 17th Ave ............557-4396
Hill Jenny ............................................655-2766 Holland Richard 16801 spring Lake ..557-4863
Hill Mildred 3210 Russell Long Blvd ....656-0101 Holley Arnold 5 Eagle Pass ................655-4840
Hill Victor P 2401 6th Ave ..................655-3842
Hill William 1904 9th Ave ....................557-4349 HOLLEY fUNERAL HOME iNC
Hillier Theresa 901 25th st ................655-3706 11th st & Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 4 1
Hillside Christian Church Canyon Campus
414 15th st ............................................655-2110 Holliman Melissa 2401 15th Ave ......656-0828
Hollingsworth floyd
1302 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 8 1 0 8930 Plantation Dr..................................655-1805
Hollingsworth Kelly 1106 2nd Ave....557-6178
Hinders Ben & Dana 1029 Holly ......655-7839 Hollis Preston 17250 spring Lake Dr..655-1406
Hinders David 29836 i-27 ..................488-2261 Hollis Troy & Kara 15301 Winn Rd ..499-3548
Holloway Betty 31 Lindsey Ln ............655-0775
Children ............................................488-2316 Holloway Gary & Kay 39 fairway Dr 655-7463
Hinders Ed & Danna ......................655-8877 Holloway Gary W 39 fairway Dr ........655-7582
Hinders Greg White fence farm ........655-7353 Holman Adam 16851 Wexford st........499-3311
Hinders Louis 9 Hospital Dr ................655-8209 Holstein Todd & Melanie
HiNDERs NANCY DC PA 16401 Dove Meadow Rd ........................499-3177
Office 2306 7th Ave . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 3 7 3 Holt Handsford 3308 Linda Ln............655-9885
Residence ................................................499-3795 HOLT HANK & ANDY OffiCE
1319 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 0 2 5 1
Hinders Neal
11691 W Country Club Rd ......................499-3795 Holzmann K J 2109 7th Ave ................655-5165
Hook Denzil 15005 stewart Dr Ama ....655-7491
Hindman scott D 22 Eagle Pass ........655-4514 Hooper sidney 5 Windy Meadow Ln ..655-0390
Hinds Wc 16900 Country Rd ................655-4659
Hiner Mark 3304 Mable Dr ..................655-4746
Hiner Ronald 15 Lindsey Ln ................655-9553
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Hooper Tamy 3 Coyote xing................655-2447 Hudson Mike 4700 White fence Rd ....655-6951
Hoot Brenda 16301 Prairie Garden ....655-2704 Hudson Mike 4 Windwood Pl ..............655-0988
Hoover Curtis PO Box 1213 ................499-3159
Hoover J A 1010 7th Ave......................655-9787 HUDsPETH HOUsE BED &
Hopkins Howard 1011 Buffalo Trl......655-8453 BREAKfAsT iNN
Hopkins Howard 1011 Buffalo Trl......655-8537 1905 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 8 0 0
Hopkins James & Mendy
Hueston Harry 3308 Mable Dr ............655-7756
1011 Buffalo Trl ......................................655-8452 Huff Earleen 11 Northridge Dr ............655-9222
Hopkins Pattye 9 Hospital Dr #104....557-4331 Huffine Edna & T G 1010 5th st ......655-9877
Hord sandra 2700 6th Ave ..................656-0288 Huffman Cindy 1308 8th st ................557-4609
Horn shelby W 17351 White Wing ....656-0746 Huffman David 6211 Matthew Rd ......655-1081
Hufnagle Billy & Blaine 7 Par Cir....655-9252
HORsEs & CROssEs sTALLs Hufnagle Brad 4 Overlook Dr..............655-2073
300 N i-27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 1 5 4 Hughes Beryl 50 southridge Dr #93 ..557-4694
Hughes Connie 8201 Kemper Rd........655-0248
Horton Cathey 6900 W Rockwell Ama 655-2004 Hughes Grady 607 10th Ave................655-0662
Hughes Marty 1102 7th Ave ................655-5658
6600 Kilgore ste 110, Ama . . . . . .3 5 6 - 0 0 2 6
7220 W Rockwell Rd Ama ......................655-1964
Houchin Billy & Julie
1546 s Mesa Ranch Rd ..........................488-2379 HUGHEs TRAiLERs LLC
14000 Hale Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 1 1 3
1611 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 7 2 Humphreys Tim 8551 W Rockwell ....655-9472
Humphries Leyden 2680 W fM 3331488-2553
HOULETTE GARY D CPA Humphries Meade 4 summit Dr........655-9563
1611 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 7 2 Hunt Kathy 1907 Greg st......................656-0246
Hunter B 614 Butterfield Trl..................655-9170
House Jimmy 810 Oregon Trl..............452-7033 Hunter B A 24 Creekside Ln ................655-9067
Housh T ................................................655-1381 Hunter Larry 2 Cottonwood Ln #112 ..557-4854
Houston Dee 25551 Adkisson Rd ........499-3670 Hurst shi R PO Box 73..........................499-3564
Houston sammy 34 Griffin Dr ............557-4651 Hurtado Tracy 2714 9th Ave Apt 12....557-4751
Houtlette Gary D CPA 1611 4th Ave 655-8772
Howard C A 2100 3rd Ave....................655-8861 HUsEMAN BUiLDERs iNC
Howard Duane 2408 10th Ave ............655-2659 2306 6th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 0 8 8
Howard Elaine 51 Valley View Rd ......655-6166
Howard Robert 1012 shelley Dr ........655-4820 Huseman inc ......................................557-4424
Howell Doug 8151 Kemper Rd ............656-0440 Hutchens Mitchell B
Howell susan 66 Hunsley Hills Blvd ....655-2225
Howell Vicki 2428 14th Ave ................452-7128 12400 s Dowell Rd Ama ........................499-3679
Howington sharon 1032 Cimarron ..655-0306 Hutcherson Rhonda 2912 Greg st ....452-7185
HR's flowers & Gifts 2010 4th Ave ..655-2587 Hutchison steven & Kristie
Huckabay Jerry f 18201 fM 1541 ....488-2867
Huckaby Dewayne 74 Hunsley Rd ....655-7275 8350 Joy Ln ............................................655-8351
Huckert Robert 2 Canyon Rim Dr ......452-7102 Hutson David 26 Tiffany Ln ................655-7229
Huddleston Adam 19281 Dee Ln ......655-0257 Hutson Earle 1200 7th Ave ..................452-7188
Huddleston Cordell Hutson Leland 14 Eagle Pass ..............655-3811
Hutto K 1907 7th Ave ............................557-4676
1103 Brookhaven Dr ..............................655-9107
Huddleston Mickey 8 fairway Dr ......452-7124 HUTTON PLUMBiNG HEATiNG &
Huddleston Tim 2620 15th Ave ..........655-7722 AiR CONDiTiONiNG
Hudson Betty J & Milton L Over 37 Years! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 2 1
38 fairway Dr..........................................655-1632 Huxley Pearl 2420 15th Ave ................655-9396
Hudson Hagan 7601 W Rockwell Rd ..655-2444 Hyde D Palo Duro Clb ............................655-0816
Hyde Martha 1803 8th Ave ..................656-5099
3210 Russell Long Blvd . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 2 4 4
Hudson Jerry 402 foster Ln ................655-3427
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
i Jackson D ............................................655-9542
Jackson D J 703 27th st ......................656-0138
i J's Business & Personal services Jackson Hewitt Tax service
501 14th st ............................................656-0288
1701 N 23rd st........................................372-5878
iPM-iNNOVATiVE PEsT Jackson Jason & Lisa
Call Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 8 3 - 0 6 4 0 19900 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2527
Jackson Karon & Connie
idtensohn R
1410 Ponderosa st Apt 128 ....................452-7134 10920 Crestway Dr..................................488-2255
Jackson Martha 2500 8th Ave............655-9496
iN His HANDs-fUMC Jackson Richard A 2008 6th Ave ......655-9820
1818 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 4 3 7 Jackson steve & Nancy
ince Dawayne & Pat 5707 4th Ave #512 ................................488-2831
1535 s Mesa Rd ......................................488-2497 Jacobs Eric 5011 W Rockwell Rd ........452-7208
Jacobs Gary 4951 Cruse Ln Ama ........655-5390
ingle Johnny 902 4th st ......................557-6163 Jalufka Lynnette 1406 8th st spc 83 655-6589
James Wiley 9070 fM 1714 ................488-2236
iNGRAMs fLOORiNG Janeway Katherine 2600 12th Ave ..655-7934
4523 s Western, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 4 4 1 6 Jaquess Heath 1212 7th Ave ..............452-7252
Jaramillo Paula 17101 Betty Blvd ......655-6629
injuryfone 2200 4th Ave........................224-1320 Jarmon R 317 Lake Ridge Rd................622-5052
inman Evelyn L ..................................655-4468 Jarrett s ................................................655-3125
Jasmin Bill 15700 Cavin Rd Ama..........499-3467
iNsURANCE sTOP THE Jay steven & shelly
8501 sW 34th ste 200, Ama . . . . .3 5 9 - 7 8 6 7
20000 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2351
invisible fence Brand of West Texas Jayroe Melvin 15 Cottonwood Ln........655-9104
28300 s soncy Rd ..................................350-5296
irlbeck Amelia 410 Lair Ln..................655-3663 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 8 0 7
irlbeck Jay 34635 s Western st ..........488-2466
irlbeck steve PO Box 126 ....................488-2483 J-Bar Company 301 N 15th st ..........655-5227
Jenkins Roxanne 2109 9th Ave..........557-6007
(Office) PO Box 126 Happy ................488-2484
irlbeck sunny 7500 fM 1714 ..............488-2788 JENNiNGs & AssOCiATEs
irons James 608 Butterfield Trl ..........557-4033
irwin Jean 9 Windwood Pl....................655-9291 COUNsELiNG sERViCEs
irwin Greenhouse inc ......................655-7176
irwin Jase & Lindsey 7450 Golden Pond Place
16800 Dove Meadow Rd ........................499-3164 ste 500, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 6 - 9 0 4 7
iRWiN MARC MD Jennings Bubba 19201 fM 1541........488-2202
911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4 Jennings V ..........................................655-7434
Jensen Leonore 205 12th st ..............655-7372
iVY PAiNTiNG LLC Jess Pumping service 5300 Lisa Ln 655-1697
9020 s soncy, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 8 1 6 6 Jess Pumping service 5300 Lisa Ln 655-4394
Jines Ricky 801 27th st........................656-5090
ivy Victoria 16091 Hubbard st Ama ....557-4371 JJs Resale store 403 23rd st ............655-1515
John Barnhart Photography ........655-4191
J Johnathon Lair incorporated
J&B sMALL ENGiNEs 1 s Hunsley Hills Blvd ............................655-7109
4601 White fence Rd . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 1 2 6 1 s Hunsley Hills Blvd ............................655-7715
Johnson B 14301 Jonathan st Ama......656-0738
JC HEATiNG & COOLiNG Johnson B & W 14301 Jonathan Ama655-1060
6650 Canyon Dr #1, Ama . . . . . . .3 7 4 - 7 3 5 0 Johnson Ben 27201 Johnson Ranch ..499-3129
J fERG ENERGY PRO’s Johnson Betty 410 4th Ave ................557-4058
7617 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 3 3 7 4 Johnson Blythe G 9 Hospital Dr ........655-7591
J fERG ROOfiNG & fOAM Johnson Charles ................................655-4057
7617 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 3 3 7 4 Johnson Charles 1023 Cimarron Trl ..655-4331
J shehan Engineering
2302 10th Ave ........................................557-4090
Jackson Allen 1106 Hillcrest Dr..........655-3831
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Johnson Clint & Mindy Jolly Bryan & Michelle
27201 Johnson Ranch Rd ......................499-3131 6550 W Co Rd 298 ..................................488-2489
Johnson Dalos 2 Cottonwood #124 ..656-0054 Jones Billy W 1219 3rd Ave ................655-2055
Johnson Darren & shawna Jones Celine 25310 Roosevelt st ........499-3360
Jones Darren 2 Tiffany Ln ..................655-0128
28290 s soncy Rd ..................................488-2122 Jones Denise 2617 2nd Ave Apt J ......557-4785
Jones Denise 7100 Joy Ave ................655-4049
JOHNsON ELECTRiC Jones Etta 1406 8th st spc 32 ............452-7230
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 5 5 7 Jones Gayle 3301 Mable Dr ................655-4623
Jones Jaime 707 9th st ......................656-5101
Johnson Ella 1714 Brookhaven Dr ......655-2814 Jones Jesse 1102 Creekmere Dr ........655-2013
Johnson Erick 700 foster Ln ..............656-0876 Jones Kenneth 21400 Wtamu Dr........655-2195
Johnson Grant 3120 W Hwy 217 ........488-2512 Jones Kenneth 21400 Wtamu Dr........655-2596
Johnson Jamie 49 Cottonwood Ln ....655-2582 Jones Kerry 7751 Mission Ave ............655-7693
Johnson Jamie Realtor Jones Lance 180 Laurel Leaf Ln ..........655-0517
Jones Nelda 21581 Arnot Rd ..............499-3781
8 Hunsley Hills Blvd ................................655-2582 Jones Norman 2702 7th Ave ..............656-0662
Johnson Jerome 20601 Hunters Run 488-2552 Jones Randy 702 28th st ....................655-3969
Johnson John 42 Griffin Dr ................557-4117 Jones Robert 24 sandra Ln ................488-2224
Johnson Kevin 22001 Bushland Rd ....499-3213 Jones scott 40 Northridge Dr ..............655-5603
Johnson Lorenzo 1206 8th st............656-5016 Jones Terry 1924 Greg st ....................655-1282
Johnson Lyndon C & Polly A Jones Tina 16 Mesa Dr ........................655-4211
Jones W M 56 Palo Duro Club Rd ........655-7685
10 Yucca Cir............................................655-4924 Jones William 10 fairway Dr ..............655-4531
Johnson M 7950 Mission Ave ..............656-0177 Jongsma susan 160 T Anchor Vw ......557-4546
Johnson Martha 2523 5th Ave ..........655-3755 Joseph-Mary Mother 24 Creekside 655-2002
Johnson Mike & Heather Josserand Barry 33850 s fM 1705 ....488-2101
Joy Tena 15721 Gordon-Cummings Rd 499-3200
81 Country Club Dr ................................655-1752 Joyce Tom 24531 Woodland Dr ..........488-2563
Johnson Mike & Rexann Judy Jonathon 8031 Raburn Ln..........452-7077
Jupe Terry 8751 fM 1714 ....................488-2498
6100 W Dowlen Rd ................................488-2584
Johnson Raven 2710 8th Ave Apt A ..557-4786 K
Johnson Ray 410 scott Ln ..................655-2285
Johnson Robert A 19221 Tradewind 488-2259 Kahler Edward 2932 Mable Dr............655-1739
Johnson s 1905 2nd Ave ......................656-0151 Kahler Edward & Tamara DR
Johnson s 508 3rd Ave ........................557-6404
Johnson steve 32 summit Dr ............655-0784 2931 Mable Dr ........................................655-9506
Johnson Tracy 1706 Creekmere Dr ....557-4464 Kahler Ronald 24 Creekside Ln ..........655-2810
Johnson Wayne & Valerie Kantor Karon 8 Thunderbird Dr ..........655-0404
Kay Jessica 2111 3rd Ave ....................656-5035
22749 City Lake Rd ................................499-3687 Kealii sarah 21 Creekside Ln ..............557-4682
Kear Kirk & Dawn 12 Village Dr ........655-9335
JOHNsON WENDi DVM Keeble sandra 2 Cottonwood #105....452-7333
7701 Canyon Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 7 7 0 1 Keeling Jimmy 28902 s soncy Rd ......488-2256
Keeling Keith 1 Bogey Cir ..................655-2718
Johnson William 1906 7th Ave ..........655-3670 Keeling Keith 1 Bogey Cir ..................655-5660
Johnston David & Dianna Keene Bryan R 30003 s UH 87 ..........488-2186
Keeney J R 24675 Valley View Dr ........488-2277
8 idlewood Ln..........................................655-5919 Keith L ..................................................655-1443
Johnston Don 13 Hinders Dr ..............655-4713 Keith Michael 21034 City Lake Rd ......499-3793
Johnston Dyanne Keith Yvonne 24561 Canyon Dr ..........488-2369
Keithly T 1414 Hillcrest Dr ....................655-5568
1310 23rd st #606 ................................655-7646 Keller Williams Realty 318 16th st..359-4000
Johnston Lynn & Holly Kelley Gary 1008 14th st......................655-4503
19410 Chaparral Rd ................................499-3341
408 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 1 1 6
Joint Protective Board 50 Brotherhood
Railway Carmen Division ............655-2613
Jolly sharon 2430 16th Ave ................557-4864
Jolly sam 2508 11th Ave ......................655-2220
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Kelley Kree & Tanya PO Box 514......499-3590 KiNG AUTOMOTiVE
Kelley Michael 405 5th Ave Apt B ......557-4339 2309 8th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 5 9
KELLEY ROOfiNG King Bonnie 14834 Maria Ln Ama ......655-6529
4615 Bushland Blvd, Ama . . . . . . .4 6 3 - 7 9 1 0 King C L 17651 Lake Ridge Dr ..............655-7085
King Carter 230 T Anchor Vw ..............655-0645
KELLY WiLLiAM E iii-ATTORNEY King Denise & Daniel
1404 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 1 8
19501 Hunters Run ................................488-2459
Kelson Margaret 1207 Brookhaven....655-7516 King Ernest 9 Hospital Dr Apt 101 ......656-0144
Kemp Kenit 89 Hunsley Hills Blvd ........655-2504 King Evelyn 1005 W 8th Ama ..............499-3372
Kempenich Mary 2709 8th Ave Apt A 557-4340 King inez 1408 Creekmere Dr ..............655-7239
King Jerry L & Lisa
702 Quail Creek Dr, Ama . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 0 4 4 8 11400 Perry Ln Ama ..............................499-3745
King Joe 5411 Pondaseta Rd ................655-0287
Kendrick Rich 4 Canyon Rim Dr..........655-7325 King John & Tanna
Kenedy Lance 12480 s Dowell Ama....499-3802
Kennamer Pres 1501 2nd Ave ............655-3801 11670 C C C Loop ..................................499-3760
Kennamer Auto sales 1501 2nd Ave655-3801 King Leann 24940 s soncy Rd ............656-5050
Kennedy Donna 2927 Mable Dr..........655-7445 King Mark 1906 8th Ave ......................655-7865
Kennedy James P Jr King Mike Dr 34 fairway Dr ................655-9197
King Patsy 9 Hospital Dr Apt 218 ........655-2049
3600 E Hwy 217 ......................................488-2247 King Robert 2601 7th Ave ....................656-5091
Kennedy stan 16301 Turtle Dove Ln ..655-4023 King Tim 16450 Dowd Ln ......................557-6068
Kennemer Everet 8 Windwood Pl ......557-4019 King Walt sr & Betty 1301 Elver Rd 488-2623
Kenney Beth 15450 Winn Rd ..............499-3199 King Walter PO Box 43 ........................656-0256
Kepley solomon 2005 3rd Ave ..........557-4447 Kinikin Cathy & John
Kerr Kevin 9 Deer xing ........................452-7012
Kerr Paul 3302 Linda Ln ......................655-1273 6207 Lair Rd Ama ..................................655-0910
Kerr sheila 13250 W fM 1705 ............488-2410 Kinnaman Kristina
KERsHEN CHiROPRACTiC 22700 City Lake Rd ................................499-3257
1613 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 7 7 Kinsky Edward 9 Hospital Dr Apt 106 452-7022
Kinsky Edward 606 4th st ..................557-4236
Kershen Eric & Lisa Kirk Brian 25 southridge Dr Apt C4......452-7176
11400 Busan Way....................................488-2298 Kirkpatrick James 32 Village Dr........452-7090
Kizziar Connie
Kershen Ronald 200 Mohawk Trl ......655-9520
Kesler Connie 19119 Club Rim DR......499-3487 24 Creekside Ln Apt 215 ........................557-4441
Kesler Lee 19119 Club Rim Dr..............499-3487 KJ's Coffee & Cafe 1202 23rd st ......557-4672
Ketchum H R Hix Drive ........................655-7498 Klein Katie 2512 8th Ave Apt 3 ............452-7213
Key Albert & Letha Kleuskens Dale & Tonya
19371 Chaparral Rd ................................499-3675 17000 Cardinal Canyon Dr ......................488-2340
Kieth Kelli 1508 8th Ave ......................452-7041 Kline Process systems inc
Kilic Ceyhan 1009 4th Ave Apt 7 ........557-4241
Killingsworth Michelle 401 W Uh 60 ..........................................656-0610
Kline Tony 68 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..........655-0743
2517 6th Ave ..........................................655-3540 Knight Jeremy & stacy
Kimball Paul & Regina 1106 8th st 655-1372
Kimbrough Paul 25 Lindsey Ln ..........557-4244 20210 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2362
Kimbrough Phil 23 Lindsey Ln............655-6089 Knight Mary 16400 Robin Rd ..............655-2620
Kimmell Bill 32561 s Western ............488-2777 Knoll Joe 2510 10th Ave ......................655-1870
Kimsey Karl 1006 5th Ave ....................557-6261 Knorpp Raymond NE of Canyon ........655-3188
Kindrick Tarajo Knotts Christ 7901 Mission Ave ..........452-7075
Kohout frances 1412 7th Ave ............655-4306
14907 stewart Dr Ama............................655-3698 Kopp Larry 5401 White fence Rd ........655-0716
King April 1406 8th st spc 46 ..............557-4885 Kotara Rick & Vikki 700 19th st ......655-3040
Kraai Kevin 8551 Bryeson Ln ..............655-7053
Krause Robert 2410 14th Ave ............655-7529
Krazy Kraft frame & Art Gallery
24100 s Us Hwy 87 ................................655-3367
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Kropff stan 24001 s soncy Rd ............655-4548 Langen Jay 111 Diamond Trail Dr ........655-7185
Krutsch Bobbie Jo 900 17th st ........655-7900 Langen Jay 49 Jynteewood Cir ............655-9473
Kubena Andy 5501 Melissa Rd ............656-0441 Langen Jerrie 42 Cottonwood Ln........655-2080
Kuhlman Alvin 21301 Raintree Ln ......488-2528 Langley Emily 1710 Brookhaven Dr ....452-7005
Kuhlman Gary Langley Peggy 110 Hunsley Hills Blvd 655-4492
Langwell Deborah
1001 Kuhlman Ranch Hwy ......................488-2514
Kuhlman Herbert 1001 E Nance Rd ..488-2542 16011 Brett st Ama ................................655-0258
Kuhlman Mike 1755 E Nance Rd ........488-2541 Lanham Marcella
Kuhnert Brian 410 Taylor Ln ..............655-7920
Kunz Jenifer 1310 23rd st Apt 505 ....655-1280 PO Box 10253 Ama ................................499-3428
Kuster Cherine Lanier James 403 Lair Ln ....................655-3269
Lapel House Moving
19351 Mockingbird Ln ............................499-3838
Kwaku Bernard ..................................656-5024 10600 Perry Ln Ama ..............................499-3134
Kyle Kacie D 21 Dellwood Ln ..............656-5020 Lapel House Moving ........................499-3133
Laramore susan & Ronnie
LA BELLA PiZZA 30400 s soncy ........................................488-2294
700 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 6 6 6 Latham Lance & Billie
(see Our Coupons) 7501 W Co Rd 283 ..................................488-2848
Lauderdale Jeanie 24 Creekside Ln ..656-0719
LA BELLA sALON • sPA Lauren salazar DR 1801 4th Ave ......655-7748
1610 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 2 4 7 Lauterbach Ray & Beth
1408 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 1 4 8 20401 Tradewind st................................488-2423
Lavergne L 6706 Tucker Rd Ama..........557-4708
Lackey Jimmy 13 summit Dr ..............655-0709 Law Bob 2521 10th Ave ........................655-3154
Law Joann 1 Coyote xing ....................557-4667
507 W 10th st, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 6 - 1 1 1 1 LAW NANCY-REALTOR
Office 405 14th st . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 9 - 5 5 9 9
Lagrone Tommy
16109 Angel Ln Ama ..............................557-4909 Lawrence Almalinda
815 Butterfield Trl ..................................655-4952
15100 soncy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 1 5 Lawrence Curtis 8375 Plantation Dr ..656-0402
Lawrence Lisa 718 foster Ln ..............655-1473
Lair G W 12101 s Us 87 Rd ..................655-0521 Lawrence su 2524 9th Ave ..................655-0452
Lair Greg 21275 interstate 27 ..............655-2089 Lawyers Title 412 15th st....................655-6500
Lair Greg Buick & GMC Laxson Paulette 1500 8th st Unit G ..452-7028
Laxton Brian & Cynthia
i-27 & Rockwell Rd ................................324-0700
Lair Jonathan 17501 Valley Lake Dr ..655-9167 6111 Grimes Cir Ama ..............................655-9602
Lair Lisa 2 Havenwood Ln......................452-7071 Leach Ottis 28 Greenwood Cir..............655-0847
Lair Mark & sally 19 southridge Dr ..655-7612 Leavitt Mildred 2606 11th Ave ..........655-3374
Lair Thomas 711 Taylor Ln ..................557-6245 Leavitt Odessa 18500 Jowell Rd ........488-2467
Lamas Martha 2506 8th Ave ..............655-5189 Lee Clifton & Kathy 2100 13th Ave ..656-0145
Lambert Joe 54 Hunsley Hills Blvd ......655-7044
Lancaster Danny & Melanie LEE DON CLU
1420 4th Ave ste 26 . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 8 9
1205 23rd st ..........................................655-9977
Landis Kurt & Pam 24531 Hix Rd......656-0160 Lee Jared 1 Birch st ............................557-4003
Lane Colin Lee Rex 204 Turkey Track Trl ................656-0017
Lee Robert 207 10th Ave ......................655-2202
16901 Westline Rd Wildorado ................499-3654 Lee Robert 207 10th Ave ......................655-5592
Lane Elton Lee Robert 207 10th Ave ......................655-7635
Lee Tracie 2400 11th Ave ....................655-2892
3210 Russell Long Blvd Apt 14 ..............452-7202 Lefevre Don 70 Country Club Dr ..........655-3646
Lane Elton Keith 19001 Devon Rd ....655-1149 Leheska Mike & Jennifer
Lang Brandi & Chris
19511 Hunters Run ................................488-2641
16328 Turtle Dove Ln..............................557-4455 Lehman Darrel 18201 s Western st ..655-2472
Lang Keith & Tara 25310 Dunn ........499-3356 Lehman Darrel 18075 s Western st ..655-7377
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Lehnick - Luedecke 31
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Lehnick shirley 405 Thompson Ln ....655-3135 Lokey Cathy 12900 s Dowell Rd Ama ..499-3423
Leigh Jarod 24 Creekside Ln Apt 214..452-7212 Lombard Joe 1016 santa fe Trl ..........655-9449
Lemaster f 3203 Conner Dr ................655-7724
Lemon Kay & Ron LONE sTAR fAMiLY
34 Windy Meadow Ln..............................655-7597
Lenerose B E 734 foster Ln Unit B......557-6027 7410 Golden Pond Place ste 200
Lenormand Elaine 100 N 13th st ......655-0783
Lester Taylor 65 Valley View Rd Apt B 452-7143 Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 2 - 2 0 7 3
Lethen Richard 1111 4th Ave ............655-7199
Level four Advisory service Lone star Livestock Equipment
14701 Gordon-Cummings Rd Ama ........499-3791
412 15th st ............................................656-0637
Levens David 5707 W 4th Ave #310 ..488-2478 Lone star Taxidermy 2304 10th Ave 655-4868
Levy's Painting & Urethane foam
..............................................................683-8943 sERViCEs
Lewis Brian & Cindy 2000 6th Ave ..655-3163 7490 s Loop 335, Ama . . . . . . . . .6 7 7 - 7 3 8 7
Lewis John & Melissa 203 10th Ave 655-8702
Lewis M N 2004 7th Ave Apt B ............557-6393 Long Brandon 2005 4th Ave................656-5025
Lewis Pam 1202 9th Ave ......................655-4629 Long C 16351 Hope st ..........................557-4737
Lighthouse Ranch Long Gerald 1034 Cimarron Trl ..........655-4605
Long Judi 2310 7th Ave ........................452-7092
7517 Duling Lane Ama............................488-2128 Long N ..................................................655-5253
7517 Duling Lane Ama............................488-2138 Long W O 1401 26th st ........................655-3574
Lilley David 406 4th Ave ......................557-4612 Looney B D 95 Valley View Rd ............655-3371
Lindeman Andrew H PO Box 71 ......499-3540 Looney Greg 10321 Mountain Trl ........488-2285
Lindley Kelly 3 splawn Ct ....................655-8644 Lopez Claudio 509 12th Ave ..............557-4056
Lindmark B 1007 6th Ave ....................655-6655 Lopez Josephine 1206 3rd Ave..........655-9610
Lindsey Betty 807 santa fe Trl............656-0880 Lopez Louisa 17601 Lake Ridge Dr ....557-4845
Lindsey Bob & Diane Lopez Martin & Becky
12801 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-0401
Lindsey Connie 1009 4th Ave Apt 4....452-7016 3303 Conner Dr ......................................655-9907
Lindsey Debbie 411 Lair Ln ................655-1349 Lopez Pina 1001 3rd Ave......................557-6041
Lindsey James 2505 5th Ave ..............655-1812 Lopez Rick 26101 s Us Hwy 87............655-9360
Lindsey Lucille 15210 Avent st Ama ..655-0647 Lopez Robert 802 4th st......................655-0543
Lindsey Monica 1600 7th Ave ............452-7109 Lorah Dustin 15203 Avent st Ama ......655-0945
Lindt Alex 9 Hospital Dr Apt 112 ..........452-7060 Lorkowski Casimir
Linzey Amy 29 Lindsey Ln ....................557-4642
Lippold Annette 7 Windwood Pl ........557-4048 17650 Creek View Dr ..............................557-4790
Lippold Cole 18003 fM 168 ................499-3331 Lough David G 400 13th st ................655-0776
Lish Casey E 707 28th st ....................452-7195 Loughlin Linda 24 Cherrywood sq......452-7148
Little Truman 45 Jynteewood Cir ........557-4810 Love Danny & Judy 15528 fM 1062 499-3684
Love Gary 2417 10th Ave ......................655-3805
LiViNG WATER CHRisTiAN Love James fred Jr
10100 W U s Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 1 9 6 6704 susie Rd Ama ................................655-9497
Love Jean 2704 7th Ave........................655-2142
Lloyd Gregg & Debbie Love Lisa 8450 Bryeson Ln....................655-3556
32101 Brown Rd ....................................488-2858 Lovelett steve 312 Country Club Dr....557-4600
Lovelett steve 312 Country Club Dr....655-1174
LOCAL LEGEND OUTfiTTERs Lovell Jim & Gayla
6661 Canyon Dr Unit G, Ama . . . .3 6 7 - 9 2 1 5
2000 W Cemetery Rd ..............................488-2125
Lockhart Lynn 31610 Tradewind st ....488-2283 Lovett Lonnie 23 Eagle Pass................655-0421
Loe Bob ..................................................655-2233 Lowrance Darrel 1111 9th Ave ..........655-2018
Loe Joyce ............................................655-4358 Lowry Darla 900 14th st ......................655-0110
Loe Travis 19440 Chaparral Rd ............499-3110 Lozano Mike 201 Pitch fork Ln ..........557-4802
Logan Barbara 607 9th Ave ................420-7904 Lucas John P PO Box 643 ..................488-2505
Logan David 607 9th Ave ....................674-3433 Ludington Josh 702 foster Ln............656-0134
Lueb Jeremy 610 18th st ....................557-4833
Luedecke Mary Jo
7821 star Burst Ln ..................................452-7027
32 Luetkahans - McBroom CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Luetkahans Ronnie Martin Alan 22 Hwy 60 Apt 44 ............452-7168
17550 Lake Ridge Dr ..............................557-6277 Martin Jerry 8001 Raburn Ln ..............557-4615
Martin Nathan 22704 City Lake Rd ....499-3631
Lugo Jesus 6707 Lair Rd Ama ..............656-0856 Martin Pecos 904 4th Ave ..................557-4824
Luman Ruth 2 Buffalo Trl ....................655-7798 Martin samuel 205 6th Ave ................557-4729
Luna Nora PO Box 351..........................655-4067 Martin sandra 6713 Pondaseta Rd ....655-7439
Lundy Dwight 2505 7th Ave ................655-1740 Martin Terry & Warnetta
Lutes Carolyn 4550 White fence Rd ..655-9779
Lutes James D 703 Taylor Ln..............655-9971 6709 Pondaseta Rd ................................655-0544
Lyles Betty Lou 8303 W Cemetery Rd 655-4170 Martinez Anthony 14801 Maria Ln ....655-5478
Lynn Jeral 6307 susie Rd Ama ............655-5215 Martinez David ..................................656-5051
Lynn Jeral 6307 susie Rd Ama ............655-5596 Martinez Jose 1510 N 2nd Ave ..........655-3035
Martinez Jose Jr
HEATiNG 2903 Mable Dr Unit B ............................557-6055
900 s Adams, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 9 - 6 5 5 0 Martinez Margari 309 5th Ave ..........452-7094
Martinez Zelda 2329 14th Ave............557-6221
Lyons Kathy & Robert ....................655-7954 Massie Janna 2418 16th Ave ..............655-9465
Mata Daniel 2615 16th Ave..................656-5014
LYONs REALTY Mathews stephen 2810 7th Ave........557-4012
1602 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 7 7 0 Matos Elizabeth
Lytal Mark 8910 Dove Rd......................656-0807 16321 Dove View Cir ..............................655-2278
Matos Elizabeth
16321 Dove View Cir ..............................655-7524
M & L Equipment inc Matt Gary 5625 Bailey Ln Ama..............655-8043
18100 W UH 60 ......................................499-3815 Matthews Wayne
MacDonald J 15004 Grimes Cir Ama ..655-2248 1709 Brookhaven Dr ..............................655-1918
Mackechnie Lynelle 805 7th Ave......655-7335 Matz Randy 16951 Lake Ridge Dr ........557-6190
Macklin T 2011 9th Ave ........................557-6150 Maxwell Mike & susan
MacMillan Janice 809 Butterfield Trl655-9258
Magness A J 911 W Nance Rd ............488-2683 PO Box 488-............................................488-2193
May Bill 402 Taylor Ln ..........................655-4769
MAGNEss JODY iNsURANCE May Royce & Marilyn
[email protected] 28950 s UH 87 ........................................488-2841
May Thurman 712 Taylor Ln ..............655-7851
1301 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 0 7
Magness Phil 9 Yucca Cir....................655-4758 4803 Catalpa, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 2 - 5 6 4 9
Mahaffey Cliff 67 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..656-0496
Maki William 50 southridge Dr Apt 86655-7329 Mayfield Todd E 95 Jynteewood Dr ..655-8888
Malone Betty 800 5th Ave ..................655-7210 Maylone R iii 8051 Weatherly Ln ........452-7029
Manley Marie 29 Cottonwood Ln ........655-7990 May-Miller Deanna
Manning Darwin PO Box 236 ............488-2359
Manning Myrtle ................................452-7070 1000 Cimarron Trl ..................................655-3880
Manuel Billie 2913 Greg st ................655-3899 Maynard Ken 2626 12th Ave ..............655-2064
Maples Dorothy 30 Tiffany Ln ............452-7211 Maynard Patty - 402 Thompson Ln....655-0103
Maples Dorothy C 30 Tiffany Ln ........656-0181
911 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 0 4
16620 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3463
Marnell Kirk 20400 Mallard Cove ........488-2191 McAllister Michael 901 W Nance Rd 488-2603
Marquez Elias & Lupe McBride Eddie 803 santa fe Trl ........452-7190
McBride Ruby 7750 Weatherly Ln ......655-0223
8001 Pondaseta Rd ................................655-7128 McBride sarah 2519 13th Ave ............655-6097
Marriott Carroll 1303 3rd Ave ............655-9364 McBride susan 606 College st ..........452-7170
Marrugo Rodie 17500 Robin Rd ........557-4716 McBride Travis 2607 17th Ave............452-7100
Marshall David 520 12th Ave..............655-9410 McBroom Jimmy
2 Cottonwood Ln Apt 126 ......................452-7184
McBroom Marvin 106 N 14th st ........655-3369
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
McBroom Michael McDonald Troy 23501 City Lake Rd ..499-3140
22 Country Club Dr ................................655-4313
McBroom Ronna 1100 7th Ave ..........656-0672
McCabe Raymon 200 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 5 0 2
15202 Avent st Ama................................557-4878 McDougall Ronald
McCain G 5213 4th Ave ........................655-3036 10000 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-9298
McCandless Elizabeth 1200 3rd Ave557-4001
McCandless Margaret 505 10th Ave656-0296 McDowell Aubrey 410 9th Ave ..........557-4084
McCandless Mike 1000 5th st ..........655-3572 McElroy shannon 8001 Outlook Ave 452-7215
McCandless shaun Mcfather David & Janice
15007 Grimes Cir Ama ............................557-6135 19400 Mockingbird Rd............................499-3864
McCartney Ken 7 Country Club Dr......557-4445 Mcfather shane 19 Griffin Dr ............655-0667
McCarty Marjorie 500 22nd st ..........655-0749 McGavock shelia 1002 Holly Ln ........655-8426
McCaskill Zachary 5 Turtle xing ......452-7105 McGee Mike 9019 Dove Rd..................655-6631
McCasland Bob & Joan McGibboney Greg & Monika
151 T Anchor Vw ....................................655-3909 20901 Raintree LN ..................................488-2409
McCasland James R McGimpsey Deon
13300 W fM 1705 ..................................488-2441 2 Cottonwood Ln Apt 120 ......................452-7206
McGlohon Roy 23901 s Lakeside Dr ..488-2496
MCCAsLiN APARTMENTs McGowen J A 2614 12th Ave ..............655-4703
2400 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 1 - 5 8 0 0 McGuire insurance
McCaslin Claudia 3303 Mable Dr ......656-5075 2001 4th Ave ste 5..................................655-0335
McClain Alvin 200 W 6th Ave ..............452-7163 Mcintosh William
McClain Anne 6400 freddie Rd ..........655-1312
McClanahan Monte 1304 7th Ave ....655-7698 14400 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3176
McClean John 1203 Hillcrest Dr ........655-2349 McKay Ceola 1027 shelley Dr..............557-6033
McClintock Lyndon 24801 Oasis Trl 655-1552 McKay Dick Palo Duro Club ................655-3259
McClish Martin McKay Joe 43 Palo Duro Club Rd ........655-3724
McKay R R 20802 City Lake Rd ............499-3330
100 Hunsley Hills Blvd ............................655-1980 McKay sara & steven
Mcclish Pat 93 Country Club Dr ..........655-4772
McClure frances 21541 Arnot Rd......499-3323 12 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-6854
McClure Helen A 1504 8th Ave..........655-7208 McKee Donna
McClure Tom PO Box 8022 Ama ........499-3449
McClure Weldon 24 Creekside Ln Apt 315 ........................557-4814
McKee Jeff 1100 8th Ave ....................655-7488
12150 W Country Club Rd ......................499-3353 McKeehan Rick & susy
McCollom Gayle 15655 Bell st Ama ..557-4385
McConnell Philip & Kristin 16850 Wydick st ....................................499-3337
McKillip Carl 14300 Jonathan Ama ....557-4410
121 T Anchor Vw ....................................557-6444 McKinney Carol
McCord Andrew 37201 fM 1721 ......488-2536
McCoy James 18 frog Leap Rd ..........622-3236 16011 Hammon st Ama ..........................655-0837
McCrady Larry 501 38th st ................655-4775 McKinney David 2624 14th Ave ........557-4949
McCraw s 16000 Bell st Ama ..............557-4353 McKinney Duane L & Cathy
McCreless Bruce 506 13th st ............655-0921 2605 10th Ave..........................................655-9189
McCright Alan & Lynne McKinney Thomas G 9 Hospital Dr ..655-3452
McKinney William
1240 E state Hwy 217 ............................488-2679
McCright Tim 16010 Neal st Ama ................................557-4026
McKown Melvyn 7415 star Light Ln ..452-7081
12000 Rockwell Rd Ama ........................499-3142 McLain Tommy & Vivan
McDaniel Gary 23711 Hix Rd ..............655-2690
McDonald Loraine 2419 15th Ave ........................................655-3141
McLarty John 1912 Greg st ................655-6501
2 Cottonwood Ln Apt 104 ......................452-7200 McMahan Jared 415 Lair Ln ..............557-6090
McDonald Terry G McMahan Joe 6101 W Hungate Rd ....488-2712
McMahon Bryce 1011 6th Ave ..........452-7062
13 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-2314 McMenamy William T
McDonald Don & Julia Johnson
16001 Cavin Rd Ama ..............................499-3757
10440 Mountain Trail..............................488-2469 McMillan Janiice
7880 Blue Grass Rd ................................656-0198
34 McMinn - Moldenhauer CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
McMinn shane Midencey Grace 10841 Crestway Dr ..488-2205
20020 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2393 Miguel Paul Jr 20719 Mallard Cove ..488-2397
Mike McGee 9019 Dove Rd..................655-6631
McMurphy Casey 308 Pitch fork Ln ..452-7153 Miller Charlene 1406 8th st spc 92 ..452-7175
McNeely Gene Miller Charles L 4 Macy Ln ................488-2161
Miller Dana 2409 9th Ave ....................655-7099
15104 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3185 Miller Gene 712 foster Ln....................655-9416
McNew Judith 15208 Lesly Dr Ama ....656-0201 Miller Gene 712 foster Ln....................655-0582
McQueen Tristyn 1310 23rd st ..........656-5095 Miller Jerry 29 Village Dr ....................655-7616
McRoberts Carol 31 Cottonwood Ln ..557-4552 Miller John & K 6800 W Dowlen Rd ..488-2345
McRoberts Don 57 Hunsley Hills Blvd 655-4005 Miller Malissia & Rodney
McRoberts Gary 1406 Creekmere Dr 655-2686
Mcwest Lee Ann 16 Thunderbird Dr ..655-5669 210 Turkey Track Trl ..............................655-6781
Meador John & Ellise PO Box 168 ..499-3660 Miller Misty 27 Tiffany Ln ....................655-2675
Meador Wade 16401 City Lake Rd ......499-3431 Miller Pam 9153 Plantation Dr ............655-1514
Meadows Leta 17401 Valley Lake Dr ..557-6064
CANYON iNC Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 9 - 8 7 5 4
PO Box 57, Umbarger . . . . . . . . . .4 3 3 - 4 4 0 5
Miller s L 101 Jynteewood Dr ..............655-1846
Medford Jeff 306 Mourning Dove Dr ..358-6294 Miller Tom & Audrey
Medford Jeff 306 Mourning Dove Dr ..622-9641
61 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-8248
MEDi-DRiVE PHARMACY Millett Robert 7821 star Light Ln ......656-0616
Mills Gwen A se Of City ......................655-1448
507 23rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 2 4 Mills Paul & Karen 15200 Winn Rd ..499-3354
Mills Robert C & Joanne
Medina Robert 21 Tiffany Ln ..............656-0046
Medlock Robert 17 Mesa Dr ..............655-7417 208 Rocky Point Rd ................................622-9819
Meister Carl & steffi Millsap Tyconda 1909 7th Ave ..........452-7183
Miner Barbara 403 Palo Duro Dr ........655-7814
309 Prairie Pt..........................................622-8650 Minium Jule 8 Dellwood Ln ................655-2629
Melcher Dana 1018 5th st ..................557-6014 Minnick Mary 1507 Brookhaven Dr ....655-7464
Melear David 7 Thunderbird Dr ..........655-3821 Minor Richard 2912 Greg st ..............557-4243
Melissa Couch Ph.D. 2001 4th Ave ..557-4160 Minter Jeff 17350 Bobbye Ln ..............655-2980
Melton Crystal Minton Janet 1711 5th Ave ................656-0139
Minton scott 17300 Bobbye Ln ..........557-4851
16333 Prairie Garden Rd ........................557-4042 Mireles Ryan 2406 16th Ave................452-7103
Melugin Terry 18 Griffin Dr ................655-4865 Mirelez Delia 7050 Peace Ave ............452-7210
Mende Joe Mitchell David 16950 Dove Prairie Rd499-3833
Mitchell Jeff 19504 Quail Hollow Dr ..488-2344
6001 Lair Rd Unit Rt Trl Ama..................655-2173 Mitchell John 3909 Keeter Ave ..........452-0015
Mendez sergio 2960 E Nance Rd ......488-2352 Mitchell Kristen 16351 Bexley st ......557-4662
Mercer Dan & Melissa
27101 s Hwy 87 ......................................488-2450 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 7 0 - 3 3 5 4
Mercer James M 4050 W fM 3331....488-2199
Merkel Michelle 171 Laurel Leaf Ln ..655-4680 Mize Chris 401 Lair Ln ..........................655-0694
Merrill Brandon 18 Cherrywood sq....452-7108 Moberly Marsha
Merrill Monty
16312 Turtle Dove Ln..............................557-4362
16250 Dove Meadow Rd ........................499-3212 Mock Chad & Nichole
Merriman M 5801 White fence Rd......655-0302
Messer Theron 13 Greenwood Ln ......655-1949 9901 Braden Dr ......................................499-3493
Meyer John 8805 Dove Rd ..................655-3615 Mode Marvin 53 Country Club Dr........557-4326
Meyer Repair shop PO Box 7............499-3527
Meyer Tara & Dustin MODERN CLEANERs
411 16th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 6 1 1
14989 s Dowell Rd..................................499-3822
Meyer Vincent Moe A 16900 fM 2590 ..........................655-0977
Mogford David 16651 Dowd Ln ..........557-6399
10500 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-4609 Moldenhauer Jerry 2413 7th Ave ....655-0710
Michaelson Gary 1103 3rd Ave ..........452-7136
Mickey Brack 16335 Lake Ridge Dr ....557-4902
Mickey Donald 608 6th st ..................655-2291
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Molland Julie 904 6th Ave ..................557-6222 Morrow Dr Chris
Money Edel & Jo Nell 19300 fM 1541 Canyon ..........................488-2321
24901 s soncy Rd ..................................655-3635 Morse Roland 43 Jynteewood Cir ......557-6319
Morton Greg & Marissa
510 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 1 7 1 37200 fM 1721 B....................................488-2866
Moss Christina 2407 9th Ave ..............655-1586
Monroe Courtney 48 Hunsley Rd ......452-7018
MONTANO CONsTRUCTiON & i-27 & Hollywood, Ama . . . . . . . .4 6 8 - 7 1 0 0
656-0629 or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 8 2 - 5 9 0 2 Mountain stuart & Wendy
15849 Gordon Cummings Rd ..................499-3779
Montgomery Lorita Ted
5801 W Cemetery Rd ..............................655-0446 Mounts Mark 1310 23rd st..................656-5067
Mowry Bret 2416 16th Ave ..................656-5053
Montoya Pete 17800 Lake Ridge Dr....656-0716 Moya Angie 4 Cypress st......................655-9102
Mooney Ronnie 15551 fM 1062 ........499-3406
Moore Angie 7700 Co Rd 283 ............488-2144 MR ROOTER Of AMARiLLO
Moore Blake 15 Jynteewood Cir..........452-7104 3801 W Amarillo Blvd, Ama . . . . .4 5 2 - 3 1 1 2
Moore Bruce 1006 5th st ....................655-3149
Moore Carol 6101 W Rockwell Rd ......655-4063 Muehling Mark & Daina
Moore Destiny 207 28th st Apt 5 ......656-5046 10801 CCC Loop ....................................499-3287
1319 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 5 8 21636 City Lake Rd . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 5 5 6
Moore J V 28900 s soncy Rd ..............488-2228 Mullins Rachelle 1401 3rd Ave ..........452-7137
Moore Kyle 2621 4th Ave ....................655-0105 Muncy Robert 16327 Country Rd ........655-5635
Moore Larry 15211 Avent st Ama........655-1694 Munger Charles 12 summit Dr ..........655-1635
Moore Melissa & Marty Munoz Tammy 801 15th st ................656-5032
Murphy Oil 1707 N 23rd st ..................655-0789
6201 fM 3331 ........................................656-0644 Murphy Patrick 15501 Greg st Ama ..557-4896
Moore Ronnie & Judy 609 10th Ave655-2576 Murphy Roy L 4 Thunderbird Dr..........655-4361
Moore skip 500 Taylor Ln ....................655-3731 Musick Lossidell
Moore Thomas L
9 Hospital Dr Apt 211 ............................557-4690
17725 Lake Ridge Dr ..............................656-0753 Musser Edgar R 801 Butterfield Trl....655-8206
Mooring Kelli 41 Canyon Rim Dr ........557-4141 Mustoe Alan 1310 23rd st Apt 405......655-4630
Mooring Kelli 41 Canyon Rim Dr ........655-0338
Morales isabel MYATT & CO CPAs
1701 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 6 2 8
24 Creekside Ln Apt 118 ........................557-4870
More s ..................................................655-2381 Myatt Layne 36 Griffin Dr ....................557-4652
Moreland Gwen 2517 10th Ave ..........557-4381 Myers Allison R 500 24th st ..............656-5056
Morgan Mary Myers Jim & Rebecca
24 Creekside Ln Apt 226 ........................557-4844 6701 Peace Ave ......................................655-2149
Morgan Trim inc 18700 s Us Hwy 87655-9777 Myrick Chad 56 Country Club Dr ........655-9165
Morris Emily
3210 Russell Long Blvd 17......................557-4417
Morris Erin Nance Ranch 3450 E Nance Rd ..........488-2265
Nancy Hinders DC 2306 7th Ave ......655-2373
2910 Antelope Rdg Canyon ....................488-2167 NAPA Auto Parts
Morris farms Al & Kathy
2309 9th Ave ..........................................655-2523
2259 W Dowlen Rd ................................488-2782 Navigation financial Group of Canyon
Morris James 307 21st st ..................655-6400
Morris Joe & Peggy 19001 fM 1541488-2339 1319 4th Ave ..........................................655-0251
Morris Tracy 719 foster Ln ................655-2506 Navigator faith Bible Center
Morrison Gene 1307 9th Ave ..............655-3510
Morrison Gene 1307 9th Ave ..............655-3511 201 26th st ............................................655-6487
Morrison Lisa 6101 Matthew Rd ........557-4569 Neal Byron & Christa
23099 Crooked Creek Rd ........................499-3468
Nease Brandon 1401 2nd Ave ............656-0262
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Nease Brandon 509 26th st................656-5054 Norwood L 1401 1st Ave ......................452-7209
Nease Ron 19 idlewood Ln ..................655-2366 Norwood s D ......................................655-1882
Needham Wayne 2001 4th Ave ..........655-0063 Nuckols J T 1800 W state Hwy 217 ....488-2576
Neeley Kellie 1202 Brookhaven Dr......655-1241 Nunley Jo 2411 11th Ave ......................655-3577
Neill Derek & Charleine
4170 fM 3331 ........................................488-2884 4 Medical Dr ste C, Ama . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 7 3 0 0
Neill Duane 1702 Brookhaven Dr ........655-0707
Neill Mike 403 Holman Ln ....................655-7930 Nusser Danny 13 Tiffany Ln ................656-0998
Nelson Justin Nutrition Plus 1205 23rd st ste 9 ......655-0505
16321 Prairie Garden Rd ........................557-4252 O
Nelson Norman J
O Neok Texas Mcspadden Compressor
1502 Creekmere Dr ................................655-9144 Hix Dr ......................................................655-2784
Nelson staci 412 scott Ln....................655-0578
Nelson stanna 1202 12th st ..............655-5101 Oberst E A iii 1401 W Cemetery Rd ....488-2529
Ness John R & Myra O'brian Bridget 17401 White Wing Rd655-2916
O'Brien Jay 16451 Wydick st ..............557-4783
15920 fM 1062 ......................................499-3820 O'Brien Mason 219 Co Rd 29 Lamesa 499-3835
Nester Chuck & Mary Lou O'Brien susie and Jay
1400 Hillcrest Dr ....................................655-1971 45 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-7692
Newell Mark 3206 Linda Ln ................655-0036 O'Brien Tom 1001 Wtamu Dr ..............655-1705
Newman Tom 902 8th Ave ..................557-4115 Ochoa Constance
Newton J C 410 foster Ln....................655-2748
24 Creekside Ln Apt 109 ........................452-7089
NExT iN sTONE Ochoa Martin 2602 13th Ave ..............655-0962
2306 10th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 0 1 0 O'dell Barry 59 Hunsley Hills Blvd ........655-3286
O'Dell David & Amelia
Nguyen son 17150 fM 2590................557-4606
Nguyen Tung 1030 Cimarron Trl ........557-4041 10300 indian Camp Trl ..........................488-2288
Odneal Duane 8 Jynteewood Cir ........557-4096
NiCHOLs fRAME BODY & sHOP Ogden Louise 24 Creekside Ln............656-0550
Ohmes Gerhardt 501 8th Ave ............557-4710
1004 Us Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 4 6 2 Okeson L 907 3rd Ave ..........................452-7112
Old West stables 11450 Park Rd 5....488-2180
Nichols Joe & Dianne Oldfield Doug 20710 Mallard Cove ....488-2658
31700 s soncy Rd ..................................488-2304 Oler J 1818 6th Ave ................................655-1807
Oles Patrick 64 Palo Duro Club Rd ......655-0577
Nichols Linda Olguin Andrew 3925 Jj st ..................452-7201
3210 Russell Long Blvd 20......................452-7186 Oliver Kevin 17100 Old Ranch Rd ........499-3224
O'loughlin Richard
Nicholson Deborah
10501 Cliffwood Drive ............................488-2415 7851 Weatherly Ln ..................................655-0085
Olsen J 12 Bunker Pass ........................557-4250
Nickell Darla Olson Clint 2930 Mable Dr ..................655-5356
313 Pitch fork Ln..........................915-261-0366 Olson Donald M 9 Hospital Dr............655-3579
Oltien Allan C DVM 23400 Oltjen Ln 655-4392
Nickell Gerry 313 Pitch fork Ln ..........655-0032
Nickson Mark 16300 Country Rd ........655-5955 Residence 23400 Oltjen Ln ................655-9480
Niegos Philip 25 Country Club Dr ......655-9355 Oluwakotanmi Olatunji 103 21st st 452-7049
Niemiec Laura 6711 Pondasetta ........656-0215 Olvera Carolina PO Box 711 ..............499-3255
Noe Robert 910 5th Ave ......................655-0466
Noel Brian 201 T Anchor Vw ................655-8256 1-800-PLUMBER Of AMARiLLO
Noel Melvin 2 Cottonwood Ln Apt 102 655-2676 1751 sE 16th Ave, Ama . . . . . . . .6 2 2 - 3 8 6 2
Noggler Tom 908 8th Ave....................655-1201
Nolan sandra 406 scott Ln..................655-1684 100.5 Radio 2308 10th Ave..................452-8080
Noriega Christina 7500 star Light ....557-4046 Oneok Westex Transmission inc
Norman Daniel & Karen
Mcspadden Compressor ............655-2784
316 Country Club Dr ..............................655-2760 Oppe Hubert W 2408 12th Ave ..........655-2087
Norman Rhonda 3310 Linda Ln..........655-7923 Oppe M 2408 12th Ave ..........................656-0166
Norris Dorothy 8200 W CR 283 ..........488-2282
Norris Michael 17251 Valley Lake Dr 655-9413
Northern shelby
5 southridge Dr Apt 3 ............................452-7204
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Opportunity - Parker 37
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
OPPORTUNiTY PLAN iNC Palo Duro Canyon Adventure Park
504 24th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 5 2 8 11100 E sH 217 ......................................488-2260
O'Reilly Auto Parts 1003 23rd st ......655-5192 Palo Duro Canyon state Park
Original Team Roping Assn 11450 Park Rd 5 ....................................488-2227
13500 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3584 PALO DURO CREEK GOLf COURsE
Ortiz Enedina 706 28th st Apt C ........655-1425 50 Country Club Dr . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 1 0 6
Ortiz fred & Janet 2404 16th Ave ....655-4004
Ortiz Nicholas 715 N 2nd Ave ............655-2378 Palo Duro Crossfit 908 2nd Ave ........557-4173
Ortiz Wendy 1005 7th st......................655-9278
Ostrander Paula 1009 4th Ave Apt 9..452-7203 PALO DURO DENTAL
Ovs 23400 Oltjen Ln ................................655-2128 1801 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 1 0 4
Owen Charles Hereford Hwy ..............655-2993
Owen Kerry & Jolynn Palo Duro Quick Oil Change
1201 23rd st ..........................................655-0852
14987 fM 1062 ......................................499-3797 1201 23rd st ..........................................655-9891
Owen Kerry Joe & sarah
14987 fM 1062 ......................................499-3491 9 Hospital Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 7 1 2
Owen Kevin 4700 White fence Rd ......655-8002
Owen Kevin 4700 White fence Rd ......655-8035 Palo Duro RV Trailer Park
Owen Robby PO Box 1245 ..................499-3776 5707 4th Ave ..........................................488-2548
Owens Douglas C
Palo Duro Trading Post
300 Mourning Dove Dr............................352-2082 11450 Park Rd 5 PO Box 283..................488-2821
Owens Lydell 721 Taylor Ln ................656-0978
8990 W Us Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 7 2 3
Pace sam 15203 Lesly Dr Ama ............655-0367
Pace Vianna 17 Turtle xing ................452-7154 Pananen Linda 1007 3rd Ave..............452-7014
Pacheco Romon 2918 Mable Dr ........557-4753 Pananen R ............................................557-6282
Pachulski Gerry Pandolfi Gerald 1 Havenwood Cir ......655-7903
16311 Turtle Dove Ln..............................655-0831 PANHANDLE EAR NOsE & THROAT
Pack Wayne & Kami 3501 soncy #140, Ama . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 5 6 2 5
15 southridge Dr ....................................655-8076 Panhandle filters & supply
Packard Amy ......................................452-7088 1211 1st Ave ..........................................655-2571
Packard Aubrey 67 Northridge Dr......656-5048
Padilla Eddy 508 5th Ave ....................655-3218 PANHANDLE fOUNDATiON REPAiR
Padilla Gabe 1103 9th Ave ..................656-5083 Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 4 0 0 0
Pagett Blake 11 Cottonwood Ln ..........557-4030
Pagett Ronnie 36 Jynteewood Cir ......655-0052 PANHANDLE OBsTETRiCs
Pak-A-sak 2800 4th Ave ......................655-9811 & GYNECOLOGY
Pak-A-sak 1100 4th Ave ......................655-7559 7620 Wallace Blvd, Ama . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 5 4 6 8
Palace Coffee 420 15th st ..................476-0111
Palacios Belinda 54 Country Club Dr 655-1359 PANHANDLE-PLAiNs
Palla inc 9951 W Country Club Rd ........655-7504 HisTORiCAL MUsEUM
Palm Beach Tan 710 23rd st ............655-0718 2503 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 1 - 2 2 4 4
Palmentera Mildred
Papach George 409 27th st Apt 8 ......655-0034
101 Valley View Rd ................................655-4732 Park Denny R 5 Mulligan Cir ..............655-7518
Palmer Jennie Parker Aaron
14500 Jonathan st Ama..........................557-4663 30001 Running Water Rd........................488-2216
Palo Duro Animal Hospital Parker Allen
1901 4th Ave ..........................................655-2106 5601 W Rockwell Rd Ama ......................655-2028
Palo Duro Auto 1004 Hwy 60 ............655-6172 Parker Brad 42 Canyon Rim Dr............655-9240
Parker Don W 285 W fM 285 ............488-2396
PALO DURO BUiLDERs Parker Dudley 19920 Hunters Run ....488-2290
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 3 - 4 4 7 5 Parker Glenn & Brandi
19600 Hunters Run ................................488-2384
Parker Jimmy 2408 14th Ave..............655-6481
Parker Jimmy 2408 14th Ave..............655-8858
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Parker Kelsey 3 Northridge Dr ............452-7064 Pendleton Bonnie & Mike
Parker Omer 22 Greenwood Cir ..........655-1656 408 scott Ln............................................655-6896
PARKER’s DisTRiBUTiNG CO Penner Contessa
4701 W fM 3331 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 5 8 8 15104 Grimes Cir Unit B Ama ................557-6017
Parks Cody 19650 Quail Trl..................499-3315 Penny Elmer 193 E Hwy 217................488-2562
Parr Lonnie 3 southridge Dr Apt 1 ......452-7158
Parrish Jeff & sue PEOPLE’s fEDERAL CREDiT
PO Box 30001 Ama ................................499-3613 120 Hunsley Rd, Canyon . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 8 5 7 1
Parrott William & stephanie 7200 Hillside, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 8 5 7 1
3601 W 15th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 9 - 8 5 7 1
4231 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2287
Parson Kay 14903 stewart Dr Ama ......655-1392 Pepito's Auto sales 400 23rd st ......655-2116
Parsons s E 700 21st st ......................655-3700
Partners in Palo Duro Canyon PEPiTOs MExiCAN REsTAURANTE
408 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 7 3 6
11450 Park Rd 5 ....................................488-2506
Parvin Nina 7851 Outlook Ave ............452-7177 Perkins Krisha ....................................452-7113
Paschal Bucky & shelly Persinger Jim 14 Windy Meadow Ln ..655-5754
Peters AJ 37 Jynteewood Cir................655-9665
3110 Grouse Pt ......................................488-2368 Peters Properties 2203 4th Ave ........655-0777
Pasley Jana 506 La Duchess Dr ..........452-7121 Peterson Gary 412 Taylor Ln ..............655-4766
Petersen Peter 1407 26th st ..............655-2308
PATCHEs PLUs Peterson Tisha Palo Duro Clb ............655-3272
Melanie Winters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 6 - 5 8 0 1 Petrick steven 2618 10th Ave Apt 3 ..655-2745
Petruccione Julie 2421 13th Ave ......655-1858
Patel Hasmukh 300 23rd st................655-0253 Petty Barbara 10 Lindsey Ln................655-9437
Patel Hasmukh 300 23rd st................655-2853 Phenix Gary 5 Date st ..........................557-4681
Patterson Craig 2 stoneway Ct ..........655-3905 Phillips Brady 8 Havenwood Cir ..........655-8158
Patterson David N 2521 12th Ave......655-3076 Phillips Doris 2419 10th Ave ..............656-5039
Patterson MB Phillips J 14200 Jonathan st Ama ........655-2046
Phillips Janet
2 Cottonwood Ln Apt 119 ......................655-7330
Patton William 2616 13th Ave ............655-1828 5980 W Rockwell Rd Ama ......................655-1906
Paul Blake Roofing 1501 4th Ave ....655-3094 Phillips Jd 7500 star Burst Ln ..............655-7066
Phillips Joseph 16040 Dixon st Ama..655-4701
PAULLUs WAYNE ‘CP’ iii MD Philpot Denise ....................................452-7125
11 Medical Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 4 0 0
PAULLUs WAYNE s MD 3501 soncy Rd #140, Ama . . . . . .3 5 2 - 6 9 0 1
11 Medical Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 6 4 0 0
Payne Thomas 4 Bogey Cir ................655-7094 WEALTH MANAGEMENT
Paz Celia 16332 Prairie Garden Rd ......557-4330 412 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 6 3 7
Peak Monty & Niki 1003 Buffalo Trl 557-6463
Pearcy Don 1 Canyon Rim Dr ..............655-2003 Pierce Michael
Pearson Joyce 2 Eagle Pass ..............655-0825 8980 W Country Club Rd ........................655-9274
Peeples D Layne Attorney
Piper Lorena 700 16th st ....................655-3686
1404 4th Ave ..........................................655-7118 Pirtle Richard 18 Thunderbird Dr ......655-1488
Peeples Kent 17 southridge Dr ..........655-3896 Pirtle Richard 18 Thunderbird Dr ......655-9804
Pistocco Timothy 21401 Hope Rd ....655-5355
PEEPLEs PROfEssiONAL Pitman Gayland 3104 4th Ave ............655-4270
CLEANiNG sERViCE Pitman insulation ............................655-7262
Mobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3 6 - 3 0 0 0 Pittman Mark E 2517 13th Ave ..........655-4582
Pixel Worx 1109 4th Ave ......................656-0588
or ............................................................655-4686 Plain shirley Mae 1310 2nd Ave........655-7446
Peggram Jim 122 Wildwood Ln ..........655-3592 Plank Beverly 1420 Hillcrest Dr ..........655-4129
Pekrul Lindsey H ..............................655-2982 Platt Monty 512 12th Ave ....................655-4848
Pena John 57 Valley View Rd Apt B ....557-4880
Pender Charles 20301 City Lake Rd ..499-3355
Pender sam 20305 City Lake Rd..........499-3636
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Platt Patricia 2519 14th Ave................655-7407 PREsTON WEsT GOLf COURsE
Pletcher Dallis 4904 4th Ave ..............655-4123 9101 s Coulter, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 7 0 0 3
Pletcher floyd 3607 Conner Dr ..........655-1237
Pletcher John 55 Country Club Dr ......655-9634 Price Joe 1 Bramblewood Ln ................655-4585
Pletcher Rhonda 2403 13th Ave ........655-9514 Price Margaret 5 Hooper Dr ..............655-0469
Plotts Courtney 503 Palo Duro Dr......557-4829 Price PA 2607 14th Ave ........................655-3705
Plotts shirley Price stanley D 19310 Chaparral Rd ..499-3433
Price Tonya 15313 s Dowell Rd Ama ..499-3752
61 Valley View Rd Apt A..........................557-4044 Pride & Co. LLC 2001 4th Ave............655-7188
Pluhar Darwin & Jennifer Pristash John W 705 Taylor Ln ..........655-7825
PO Box 784 ............................................488-2373 PROPE’s REPAiR CENTER
Poarch Kim & Joan 3814 Business Park, Ama . . . . . . .4 6 3 - 1 1 1 8
101 Diamond Tail Dr ..............................655-3387 Pruett Judy 1701 Brookhaven Dr ........655-4796
Podzemny Tim & Jody Pruett A L 1503 Brookhaven Dr ............655-7624
Pruett Jim 1305 9th Ave ......................655-7863
4271 W fM 3331 ....................................488-2414 Pruett Richard 27800 s UH 87 ..........488-2272
Pomper Mike 25 Creekside Ln ............655-7318 Przilas Colette 19300 s Osage st ......488-2123
Puga Danee 108 Mohawk Trl ..............656-5086
POND PEsT CONTROL Pullen Amanda 7901 Weatherly Ln ....557-4619
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 4 0 6 9 Pullen Larry 2519 6th Ave....................655-9519
Pulliam Dale 9145 Plantation Dr ........655-0304
PONY ExPREss BURRiTOs Pulliam D 7 summit Dr ........................655-9065
2808 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 1 6 6
(see Our Coupons) Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 7 8 7 5
Pool Wayne 8150 Bryeson Ln ..............655-2492
Poole Lance 7451 Mission Ave ............557-4861 Purple Circle Magazine
Popham Judy 2612 12th Ave ..............452-7135 14200 fM 1062 ......................................499-3749
Porter Dan 1708 Creekmere Dr............655-4385
Porter Jerry & shea 112 N 19th st ..656-0722 PURPLE ZEBRA sALON &
Porter shey 1600 7th Ave ....................656-5074
Porter Terry & Ginger 5 Par Cir ......655-7677 BOUTiQUE
Porter Vernon 15 Turtle xing..............656-0021 404 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 8 8 9
Posadas Robert 3307 Linda Ln ..........655-6025
Post M 2508 12th Ave ............................655-4665 Q
Potter Timothy & Tommie
501 E state Hwy 217 Canyon ..................488-2608 1500 W 3rd, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 3 - 6 8 0 1
Potts Gwen 9 Hospital Dr Apt 205 ......656-0095 QUALiTY PLUMBiNG HEATiNG &
Pounds Danny & Deenie AiR CONDiTiONiNG
27 Eagle Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 8 0 8
29301 Brown Rd ....................................488-2143
Powell serena 8201 Rice Rd ..............656-0634 Qualls Mary 24 Creekside Ln Apt 205 ..452-7166
Powers Leroy 510 12th Ave ................655-0410 Quarles Debbie 27 Creekside Ln ........557-4086
Quarles Lori 610 Oregon Trl ................557-6622
PRAiRiE’s EDGE LiVEsTOCK Quiggle L 2519 11th Ave ......................452-7046
10150 W Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 5 7 7 9 Quintanilla Victor 17590 Abbe Ln ....452-7085
Quiroz susana 3114 Grouse Pt ..........488-2170
Pratt Arty 16326 Prairie Garden Rd ......656-0028
Pratt Bill PO Box 94 ..............................488-2520 R
Pratt-steele William H
R & R Liquor 22590 W UH 60 ..............499-3553
38 summit Dr..........................................655-4275
Precure Wayne & Cenee RABERN RENTAL CENTER
8900 W 34th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 6 7 - 5 4 4 4
20101 Hunters Run ................................488-2638 4807 s Washington, Ama . . . . . . .3 7 9 - 6 4 4 4
Preschool-Parents Day Out
Rack The 1609 4th Ave..........................655-7000
1818 4th Ave ..........................................655-5437
Presley Kurt 28900 s UH 87 ................488-2558
Prestidge Ken & Beverly
1030 shelley Dr ......................................655-4473
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
RAEf CHiROPRACTiC CLiNiC Randall County cont’d
402 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 1 0 8
County Court At Law #2-Ronnie Walker
Raef Kevin 1206 Creekmere Dr ............655-2358 2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5670
Raef Krista 802 Butterfield Trl ............452-7098
County Judge-Ernie Houdashell
RAfTER G BAR-B-QUE 501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5500
Hwy 60, Umbarger . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 3 4 7
Courts District - District Coordinator
Ragland J D 30 Griffin Dr ....................557-4641 2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5556
Ragsdale Rhett 80 Hunsley Hills Blvd 655-4232 47th District-Dan schapp ........468-5677
Rahlfs Penny 6 Griffin Dr ....................452-7069 181st District-John B Board ..468-5559
Ramaekers Henry 251st District-Ana Estevez ......468-5563
11 Hunsley Hills Blvd ..............................557-4637 Criminal District Attorney-James farren
Ramaekers Larry 16 Griffin Dr ..........655-4261 2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5570
Ramaekers Rosemary 402 Lair Ln ..655-2783 Hot Check Office ..........................468-5588
Ramirez Oscar 8351 shady Lake Dr....656-0207
Ramirez Oscar 8351 shady Lake Dr....656-0209 Department Of Public safety
Ramos Alonzo 104 N 12th st ..............655-0722 501 16th st, Canyon ............................477-1711
RANCH HOUsE CAfE THE District Clerk-Jo Carter
810 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 8 7 8 5 2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5600
Child support services ..............468-5601
(see Our Menu) Payment inquiry Line..................468-5618
facsimile ..........................................468-5604
Ranch House Weddings Jury services..................................468-5600
26400 s soncy Rd ..................................655-0339 Jury services Night Line ..........468-5602
26400 s soncy Rd ..................................655-0340
Domestic Relations-Harry ingram
Randal Joe PO Box 1568 ......................499-3497 4111 s Georgia, Ama ..........................468-5680
Randall County feedyard
Elections 1605 5th Ave, Canyon ........468-5510
15000 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3701 fire Department
Randall County Of station #1
1111 E Loop 335 s, Ama ..................477-1750
AgriLife Extension service
station #2 (Greyhawk)
Ag-family & Consumer sciences-4H 9451 fM 2186, Ama ..........................358-9959
200 N Brown Rd, Canyon ....................468-5543 station # 3
22680 Pondaseta Rd ..........................499-3425
Child support services flood Plain Administrator
301 W Hwy 60, Canyon ........................655-9890
2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5601 Human Resources-Warren Pitt
501 16th st, Canyon ............................477-1701
Payment inquiry Line..................468-5618 information Technologies
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5513
Or Call ..............................................468-5619 Jury services ....................................468-5600
Jury services Night Line ..............468-5602
Collections Justice Of The Peace
Precinct #1-J Tracy Byrd
2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5512 501 16th st, Canyon ..........................468-5606
Constable Pct 1-Chris Tinsley
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5642
Constable Pct 1-Chris Johnson
4111 s Georgia, Ama ..........................468-5683
County Auditor
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5530
County Clerk-Renee Calhoun
2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5505
County Commissioners
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5650
County Court at Law #1-James Anderson
2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5551
Randall County cont’d next Column Randall County cont’d next Page
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Randall County cont’d Randolph sherry 7 Edgewood Ln ......655-7753
Rasmussen Russell 7601 Raburn Ln 452-7036
Precinct #4-Clay Houdashell Ratcliff Hal 5 Edgewood Ln ..................557-4577
4111 s Georgia, Ama ........................468-5658 Ratcliff Robert D 19441 Robin st ......499-3122
Rathjen E 2400 14th Ave ......................655-3584
Juvenile Probation Office Ratliff Bob 1300 3rd Ave ......................655-4279
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5611 Ratliff sharon L 2417 9th Ave ............655-2805
Rausch John 404 La Duchess Dr ........656-0067
Juvenile services 9300 s Georgia, Ama Ray David & Nicole 22842 Rodeo Rd499-3743
Probation Office ..........................468-5700 Ray Lois 79 Jynteewood Dr ..................655-1005
Administration ..............................468-5705 Ray scott & Amanda 414 foster Ln..655-2453
Probation Officers ......................468-5706 Raymond Brenda 46 Hunsley Rd........557-4684
Youth Center of the High Plains468-5708 Raymond Johnny 2408 15th Ave ......655-4669
Job Line............................................468-5709 Rea Dean 18700 W McCormick Ama ....499-3333
Residential Programs ................468-5710 Read Anna 403 Thompson Ln ..............655-3047
Read Paul 2506 13th Ave......................655-4073
Law Library Read's Automotive 502 15th st ........655-7251
2309 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon ..........468-5608 Reagan Emily 503 6th Ave ..................655-9500
Reagan Michael 1408 Hillcrest Dr ....655-2210
Mental Health Coordinator Reasor Mark 2621 14th Ave ................452-7053
4111 s Georgia, Ama ..........................468-5608 Rebstock Michael 16601 Country Rd 557-4647
Redbox 201 N 23rd st ..................866-733-2693
Northern Panhandle Child Protection Redden Debbie 132 Pheasant Run ....655-4237
2309 Russell Long Blvd suite 137........468-5696 REDDEN PROPERTiEs
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 2 3 7
Noxious Weed Control District..655-2021
Probation Officers Reece Bailey 2623 12th Ave ................655-5803
Reed Christine 46 Griffin Dr ..............557-4077
Adult-501 16th st, Canyon................468-5632 Reed J 63 southridge Dr........................655-2680
Purchasing Department Reed Jeff Ed PO Box 451 ....................684-2673
Reed Keith 1500 Brookhaven Dr ..........655-6890
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5546 Reed Tiffany 803 5th Ave ....................452-7025
Road superintendent-stan Cranmer Reedy Buster 23000 Hix Rd ................655-1099
Reese Dan 40 Jynteewood Cir..............655-4449
301 W Hwy 60, Canyon ........................655-3861 Reeves B ..............................................655-2328
sheriff’s Department-Joel W Richardson Reeves Dale 15527 fM 1062 ..............499-3659
Regal J E 85 Palo Duro Club Rd............655-1421
9100 s Georgia st, Ama ......................468-5800 Rehabworks 15 Hospital Dr ................655-4236
Criminal investigations ..............468-5790 Reid D 15001 Bell st Ama ......................655-7193
Emergency Only ........................................911 Reinart Doug 27 Lindsey Ln ................557-6375
Central Dispatch ..........................468-5751 Reinart Doug 27 Lindsey Ln ................656-0155
Reinart Galen & Mary
Or Call ............................................352-9678
Jail ......................................................468-5752 23800 fM 168 ........................................499-3441
Civil Division Reinart Gary 3603 Conner Dr ..............557-4796
Remling Don & sharon
4111 s Georgia, Ama ........................468-5652
small Claims Court 10050 Braden DR ....................................499-3699
Remlinger M 12 Windwood Pl ............655-4638
Precinct 1 501 16th st, Canyon ......468-5606 Rempel Jacob 26521 Rempel Ln ........488-2366
Precinct 4 4111 s Georgia, Ama ....468-5658 Renner Jerry 508 11th Ave..................655-0632
Tax Assessor-Collector- sharon Renteria John PO Box 312 ..................488-2596
Hollingsworth Republic services 20700 Helium Rd 656-0567
501 16th st, Canyon ..........................468-5540 REsALE THE
4111 s Georgia, Ama ........................468-5654 403 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 5 1 5
Treasurer-Glenna Canada
501 16th st, Canyon ............................468-5535
Voter Registration
1605 5th Ave, Canyon ..........................468-5539
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Resendez Jennifer 4 splawn Ct ........656-0904 Risenhoover Debbie
7700 star Light Ln ..................................655-7758
Risner Alvin Rockwell Rd ....................655-4214
1505 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 7 0 - 8 5 0 6 Ritter David 1033 santa fe Trl ............655-7100
Ritter Elizabeth
1513 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3 6 - 1 9 0 3 9 Hospital Dr Apt 115 ............................656-5004
Ritter William 89 Country Club Dr ......655-4832
Revel Jane 2806 7th Ave ......................655-9429 Rivas Aurilo 1025 Cimarron Trl............655-4745
Revel Weldon 1710 8th Ave ................655-4055 Rivas Gabrial M 600 2nd Ave ............655-3745
Reyes Agapito 13601 W UH 60 ..........499-3218
Reyes Edna 2604 15th Ave ..................655-6093 RiVERfiELDs
Reyes Hector 13601 W UH 60 ............499-3571 2465 i-40 W, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 1 - 0 9 8 0
REYEs TRAiLER Rizcallah John 44 Canyon Rim Dr ......557-4648
MANUfACTURiNG iNC Roach Roberta 15906 Bell st Ama......557-6096
13601 W Us Hwy 60 . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 2 6 7 Robbins Randy 170 Laurel Leaf Ln ....655-3048
Robbins Vera 16350 Russ Rd ..............557-6061
Reyher Rick 501 La Duchess Dr ..........655-4278 Roberson Wesley
Reynero Antonia 1001 4th Ave ..........655-7936
Reynolds April 805 8th Ave ................656-5107 16010 Brett st Ama ................................557-4321
Reynolds Brian 510 11th Ave..............655-4441 Roberts Ditching LLC 19 Village Dr 655-4751
Reynolds Earl 32799 s Eastern st ......488-2246 Roberts Ditching LLC
Reynolds L fm 2590 ............................655-3727
Reynolds Ronnie 11201 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-7702
Roberts Krista 616 4th st....................656-5062
12152 W Country Club Rd ......................499-3310 Roberts Larry & Amy
Reynolds scott
4302 Wolflin Ama ..................................488-2176
3210 Russell Long Blvd Apt 15 ..............452-7066 Roberts Linda 19 Village Dr ................655-4751
Rhoades Jack 200 T Anchor Vw..........655-3641 Roberts Mike s 10 Country Club Dr....655-9855
Rhoads M E 1026 shelley Dr................655-4377 Roberts Todd & Lisa
Ribera Laura ......................................655-5561
Rice Dennis 8200 Rice Rd....................655-4304 16101 City Lake Rd ................................499-3712
Rice Mary 1309 3rd Ave........................655-7494 Robertson Jack L
Rich Nathan 2507 13th Ave ................655-4833
Rice William 2929 Mable Dr ................655-2693 1202 Creekmere Dr ................................655-4579
Richardson Calvin 405 Lair Ln ..........655-2030 Robertson James 17100 Jowell Rd ..488-2855
Richardson Clint 2427 16th Ave ........452-7080 Robertson Leon & Pat
Richardson farm supply inc 15681 Cavin Rd Ama ................................499-3264
Robertson Timothy 19100 Dee Ln ....476-0004
Hereford Hwy ..........................................655-7075 Robinson Bob 43 Canyon Rim Dr ........655-3316
Richardson J 412 foster Ln ................655-9507 Robinson Christy 27601 s soncy Rd..488-2361
Richardson J 412 foster Ln ................655-9527 Robinson Garre & Lisa
Richardson Jody 1030 santa fe Trl ..655-7255
Richardson Justin 401 Thompson Ln 655-8739 8100 Rice Rd ..........................................655-7241
Ricketts Albert Robinson Jason 19000 Dee Ln ..........655-5599
Robinson Jerry 12 Dellwood Ln..........655-0678
14651 fM 1062 ......................................499-3546 Robinson Jim 1551 s Mesa Rd............488-2297
Ricketts Zane Or Allison Robinson John 1002 7th st ................655-3987
Robinson John & Michele
9850 Braden Rd ......................................499-3767
Ricks sylvester 804 Oregon Trl ..........655-0284 8001 W Rockwell Rd ..............................655-1715
Rickwartz Joe 1103 Creekmere Dr ....655-7028 Robinson Kathie 1418 Hillcrest Dr ....655-7454
Rickwartz Kevin 20815 Hope Rd ........499-3880 Robinson Ken
Ridenour Ken 17000 s Georgia st ......622-3322
Ridenour Ken 17000 s Georgia st ......655-7443 57 Valley View Rd Apt A..........................655-1958
Riggin Patricia 1400 N 2nd Ave..........656-5028
Riha Diana 510 15th st ........................655-9205 ROBiNsON LAW GROUP
Riley Norma 1204 Creekmere Dr ........655-0273 Cristal Robinson-Attorney . . . . . .3 5 0 - 5 2 9 7
Rinehart Joanna
Robinson Monte 107 4th Ave ............656-0643
5501 W Rockwell Rd ..............................452-7205 Robinson scott 417 Thompson Ln......655-0717
Rock N Roll soda shoppe
404 15th st ............................................655-3381
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER Rockin’ - schaefer 43
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
ROCKiN’ R sELf sTORAGE Rusk-Brooks Annette
Office 1205 23rd st suite 4 . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 2 7 1 408 Holman Ln........................................655-3408
ROCKWOOD fURNiTURE CO Rusler Kenneth & sharon
11570 i-27, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 8 - 8 7 7 8 200 20th st ............................................655-2562
Roder Joe 19601 fM 2590 ..................655-8892 Russ sherry 5200 Lisa Ln ....................655-1678
Rodgers Karen 409 Lair Ln ................656-5096 Russell Amy 22871 Pondaseta Rd........499-3764
Rodriguez Joe 800 Oregon Trl............655-8501 Russell James 6 Ute st........................655-2029
Rodriquez Roberto & Brenda Russell Kevin 2002 13th Ave ..............655-9709
Russell Rex 8500 Bryeson Ln ..............655-5850
15859 Gordon-Cummings Rd ................499-3780 Russell Ron & Geri
Rodriquez stephanie 203 10th Ave..557-4673
Rogers Nelda 105 Jynteewood Dr ......655-9256 900 W Cemetery Rd ................................488-2380
Rogers Andy & Rita
22300 s Georgia st ................................488-2413 420 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 7 - 4 1 4 0
Rogers Darrell & sidona
Rusty's Weigh scales & service inc
20651 fM 1541 ......................................488-2323 16400 interstate 27 ......................800-666-2802
Rohane Jeremy
19 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................656-0924
Rohrbach David sagniere Thomas
1250 E state Hwy 217 ............................488-2453
20100 Quail Hollow Dr............................488-2354
Rolland Georgia 16061 Dixon Ama ....557-4618 sALAZAR LAUREN A OD
Roman Andres 1805 1st Ave ..............656-5057 1801 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 4 8
ROOf sMiTH salazar Robert 4 Edgewood Ln ..........656-5019
saldivar James & Crystal
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2 2 - 9 5 0 1
19300 B s Osage st ................................488-2659
Root C R 406 5th st ..............................655-2067 saldivar Rudy 5545 Tranquility Ama ..655-5548
Root C R 406 5th st ..............................655-7406 salicco Donna 6993 Main st Ama ......557-6169
Root H Company 1420 4th Ave ..........655-2391 salinas Maria 1606 6th Ave ................655-8565
Root Harold E 14004 fM 1062............499-3426 salyer Gerrod 307 Pitch fork Ln ........656-0305
Root N 1711 7th Ave ..............................655-8405 samarron Kimberly
Root Norris 1111 8th Ave ....................655-3340
Rose Duane J 1908 6th Ave ................655-7316 19001 Blue Creek Dr ..............................488-2847
Rose Glenn 75 Hunsley Hills Blvd ........655-7136 sampson Christina 9 Turtle xing ......452-7114
Rose Richard 2607 15th Ave ..............557-4709 sanchez Noe 1702 Hillcrest Dr............557-4320
Rossen Brett 16305 Country Rd ..........557-4722 sanders Brittany 500 4th Ave Apt 9 ..452-7196
Rosser Judy 17400 Old Ranch Rd ........499-3271 sanders Robert 10550 Cliffwood Dr ..488-2462
Rosser Nancy 2714 9th Ave ................656-0153 sandlin isabella 610 24th st Apt 5 ....452-7118
Rothmeyer Rosalie sanford Carol 303 4th Ave ..................655-9387
santoyo G 607 18th st ..........................557-4895
24 Creekside Ln Apt 121 ........................557-4105 sappington Amy 1206 12th st ..........655-3638
Rowe John O 5211 Michael Rd ..........655-7220 satterwhite Matt 24530 Woodland ....488-2342
Rowe Loreen 2707 7th Ave Apt A........655-2456 sauer Gerald L & Marilyn
Rowe Patricia A PO Box 34 ................499-3253
Rowell Vince 6801 W Rockwell Rd......655-0355 13750 fM 1062 ......................................499-3836
Rowland Clois 14701 fM 1062 ..........499-3615 sava Jennifer 2606 3rd Ave ................655-6463
Rueda Ricky 2608 13th Ave ................655-9545
Ruffini Helen 1814 2nd Ave ................655-9546 sAYAKOMARN’s THAi & LAO
Ruffins Aj 17 Cherrywood sq ................452-7239
Rugger Arline 503 12th Ave ................656-0602 CUisiNE
Ruiz Omar 5600 W Rockwell Rd Ama ..655-2251 421 16th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 6 9 8
Running T farms LLC
(see Our Menu)
501 E state Hwy 217 ..............................488-2608 sayers Mary 16301 Country Rd............655-1260
Rush Avery 11 Windwood Pl ................655-4908 scarborough Jim 44 Hunsley Rd ......655-9875
Rush Jim 507 2nd st ............................656-5038 schacher Dawn 14 Aspe LN................488-2645
schaefer Doranna 5240 W Rockwell 557-4782
44 schaeffer - sherrod CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
schaeffer Jennifer scrivner Gallena
16501 Abbe Ln Lot 85 ............................655-0461 5401 Tranquility Rd Ama ........................656-0773
schaffe sabrina 6951 Morris Ave ......557-6067 seabridge Audre 23350 Hix Rd..........655-7498
schank Betty 6104 Grimes Cir Ama ....655-0183 sealey Murray 23 Cottonwood Ln ......655-3396
schenk Laverne star Rt Wildorado 499-3313 seals Billy 504 W 3rd st ......................655-7288
schenk Roger & Roxane sears Phillip 1311 4th Ave ..................655-9667
see sean 5 Mulberry Ln ........................656-0617
23000 Hunsley Rd ..................................499-3482 see sean 5 Mulberry Ln ........................656-0617
schiller J L 2505 11th Ave ..................655-9243 self frank s 19420 Chaparral Rd ........499-3442
schindler Virginia 900 4th st ............557-4074 self Jim 19400 Chaparral Rd ................499-3879
schlegel Brad & Paula selinger sally 141 Laurel Leaf Ln........655-0925
sellers Alan 16450 Patience st............557-4721
250 Country Club ....................................488-2685 sellers Charles T ..............................655-4926
schley Bryan 11350 fM 2219 Ama......499-3419 semore Leah 2700 9th Ave Unit B ......557-4872
schley Mattew 14700 Taylor Rd Ama 499-3895 senter Roger & Cindy
schlichter Terry 5425 Bailey Ln Ama 557-4109
schlom-Hefner Obie 19350 Chaparral Rd ................................499-3285
9551 fM 1714 Canyon ............................488-2251 sERVPRO
schlotzsky's Deli 901 23rd st ............655-2867 1301 sW 8th Ave, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 3 1 - 4 5 5 5
schmidt Alvin 902 25th st ..................655-4761
schmidt Brent 15005 Lesly Dr Ama ....655-1713 serviceMaster Clean 2623 12th Ave 655-2894
schmidt Len 2610 10th Ave ................557-6217 seth Dan 2603 15th Ave........................655-2253
schneider Bob & Barbara sexton Leigh 400 10th st ....................557-4781
seymour A 202 5th st ..........................655-0441
72 Country Club Dr ................................655-1955 seymour Karen 15209 Avent st Ama..655-7875
schoenenberger Karl & Amanda shaffer Gordon 2909 Greg st ............655-0848
shaffer T 7850 Weatherly Ln ................656-0670
21051 City Lake Rd ................................499-3809 shaller steve & Cortney
schoenenberger Melissa
16880 fM 1062 ......................................499-3192
2612 5th Ave ..........................................656-5104 shamphan sally 24 Creekside #326 557-4788
schreur Michael 8700 Plantation Dr..655-9574 sharber Leanna 808 Oregon Trl ........655-5402
schrib Gary & Marilyn sharber Michael 1102 Brookhaven....557-4743
sharp Barbara 9 Hospital Dr Apt 110 557-6993
900 Pondaseta Rd ..................................488-2479 sharp Daniel 1032 Holly Ln ................452-7159
schrib Linda 9 stoneway Ct ................655-1009 sharpe Donald & Jill 2621 17th Ave655-3590
schulte Jaret 6 Griffin Dr ....................655-0173 shaw Latrelle 2 Village Dr ..................655-7609
schulte stacy 8000 Raburn Ln ............655-5682 shaw shirley & Weldon ................655-9797
schumacher Cory & Lindsay sheets Lynda 42 Northridge Dr ..........655-3164
sheets Martha 2612 17th Ave ............655-1272
17300 Old Ranch Rd ..............................499-3507 sheffield Mike 2613 11th Ave ............655-4453
schumacher Janett 2615 17th Ave ..656-0815 sheffield Russell
schwan's 10300 W Us Hwy 60 ..............655-1688
schwan's shared services LLC 15400 Cruse Cir Ama ..............................655-3223
sheffler Terry 44 Cottonwood Ln........656-0146
10300 W Uh 60 ......................................656-0960 shehan Joseph 402 scott Ln ..............655-2862
schwartzengrabe faith 6 Yves Ct ..803-1832 shehan Patrick 1406 9th Ave ............655-2026
scivally Reid 17450 White Wing Rd ....557-4811 shelley Tray 2410 8th Ave ..................557-4746
scoot sharon 1010 5th Ave ................655-7228 shelly Walter 1201 7th Ave ................655-7269
scott Charles Pat 1019 Holly Ln........655-7972 shelly Walter 1201 7th Ave ................488-2296
scott Diana & David Robin Rd..........655-0019 shepard Bob 3311 Linda Ln ................655-3193
scott James 2407 13th Ave ................655-1369 shepard Crystal 204 5th Ave ..............655-7305
scott LaRae 1019 Holly Ln ..................655-7972 shepherd Brenda 6 idlewood Ln ......655-1932
scott Randy 12 Coyote xing ................656-5041 shepherd Tracy 24581 Canyon Dr......488-2470
scott s K 1010 5th Ave ........................655-3356 sheppard J R 2911 Mable Dr ..............655-4319
scott Trista 12201 W Us Hwy 60 ........655-2944 sherman Robert 3304 Conner Dr ......452-7021
scott Wanda 1007 7th Ave ..................655-7686 sherrod M 2501 11th Ave ....................655-3829
4121 sW 50th, Ama . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 4 6 6 3
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER sherrod - snack 45
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
sHERROD RANDALL L PC slack Luella 2811 Conner Dr ..............655-3581
320 s Polk #501, Ama . . . . . . . . .3 7 6 - 4 4 4 7 slagh Kay 2413 6th Ave ........................656-0840
slater Toby & Tina
sherrod T N 8 Edgewood Ln ................655-7550
22400 City Lake Rd ................................499-3808
sHERWOOD BROCK slaughter L R 600 Oregon Trl ............655-2001
2808 A 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 2 7 1 slay Charlotte 9 Hospital Dr Apt 122 ..655-0914
sloan David 3 Thunderbird Dr ............655-5295
shill scott 6 stoneway Ct......................557-4887 small Holly 17300 Valley Lake Dr ........452-7231
shilling Kevin 2509 8th Ave ................655-1227 small Holly 17300 Valley Lake Dr ........557-4856
shipman Emil & sherri smallwood Vanessa & Brad
39000 s Hwy 87 ......................................488-2190 1210 9th Ave ..........................................655-8278
shippy Brenda & Rolland smart Ken & Viola 19103 Helium Rd 499-3691
smith Aegina
8255 Plantation Dr..................................655-9669
shoemaker Keith 2934 Mable Dr ......655-0408 17301 Laguna Vista Ama ........................499-3855
shore Richard 501 7th Ave ................655-6114 smith Amy 7 Willowood Cir..................452-7055
short Loyd 1001 Buffalo Trl ................655-9492 smith B 8251 Kemper Rd ......................452-7232
short T PO Box 652................................655-0011 smith Calvin & Marty
shroyer Lynda 1901 10th Ave ............655-7743
6 Canyon Rim Dr ....................................655-3204
sHUMAN DAN smith Commie & Betty 6050 Kim....655-6469
1610 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 9 9 4 smith D 416 Thompson Ln ....................655-7246
smith D A 1514 2nd Ave ......................655-8897
shuman Dan Lois 7251 W Cemetery 655-4567 smith Danny 4407 W fM 3331 ............488-2812
smith Earl 66 Palo Duro Club Rd ........655-7514
siCHER fOOT CENTER smith Gary 24860 Valley View Dr ........488-2575
19 Care Cr, Ama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 3 - 3 3 6 6 smith James 3309 Mable Dr ..............452-7131
smith Jeff & Leta 31251 s fM 1705 488-2872
sides Brandon 17400 White Wing Rd 655-7910 smith Jim 12800 fM 2219 Ama ..........499-3579
sievers Melody 16125 Angel Ln Ama 557-4018 smith Kenneth 7414 star Bright Ln....655-9817
siler Roger 206 5th Ave ......................655-4760 smith Kingston f
siLVER TURTLE 24590 Woodland Dr ................................488-2226
1519 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 4 4 7 smith Larry 2425 15th Ave ..................452-7058
smith Michael K 1107 Creekmere ....655-1401
silvey Tonya 15625 Bell st Ama ..........557-4448 smith Paul 20700 Hunters Run ............488-2217
simmons Rusty & Tara smith Randle 1 summit Dr..................655-3386
smith scott 30001 s Us Hwy 87 ..........488-2109
PO Box 1452 ..........................................488-2355 smith shirley 2522 11th Ave ..............655-4151
simms Danny 7600 Raburn Ln ............656-0560 smith steven 7 Havenwood Cir ..........655-2307
simpson James L or Ronna
28090 s Us Hwy 87 ................................488-2124 1900 Coulter Dr, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 9 4 1 1
simpson Jim 178 T Anchor Vw............655-7265
simpson Robert L Jr sMiTH WiLsON LAW fiRM
308 17th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 0 7 3 9
92 Country Club Dr ................................655-5391
sims fletcher Jr Nw Of City ..............655-4515 smithberger Deborah
sims Jerry & Mary 21001 City Lake ..499-3825 7 Bunker Pass ........................................655-9203
sims Katie 49 southridge Dr ................656-5088
sims Kyle 3910 W Co Rd 388................488-2713 smith's Body shop 100 N 11th st ....655-7117
singleton Joletta 23140 Pondaseta ..499-3460 smyrl Charles 2 Date st ......................655-9180
sipes Ann ............................................655-8140
sisters of st Benedict sNACK PAK 4 KiDs CANYON
17825 s Western st ................................655-9317
skarke Christopher 25000 Hunsley ..499-3286 PO Box 526, Canyon, Tx 79015
skoch Karen 406 Lair Ln......................557-4391
11805 i-27, Amarillo . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 3 - 9 9 5 7
2623 12th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 9 1 1
46 snead - stephenson CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
snead Michael & Andrea springer Daliene
25501 Adkisson Rd ................................499-3504 24 Creekside Ln Apt 115 ........................557-4555
snell Trini 17701 Lake Ridge Dr ..........557-4230 sprouse D 6950 Joy Ave ......................452-7013
sro Rentals 420 15th st ......................656-0099
100 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 7 9 - 6 6 2 7 sT ANN’s CATHOLiC CHURCH
605 38th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 3 0 2
snyder Michelle ................................655-9077 Parent’s Day Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 3 0 2
sobey R & V 19500 Hunters Run ........488-2758
solis shalane 2606 12th Ave ..............452-7162 sT ANN’s LiTTLE LAMBs
solmon Carrol 15500 Greg st Ama ....557-4015 605 38th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 1 9 5 0
solsbery Viola 9 Hospital Dr ..............655-7611
sommerfield Rosalie st Marys Parish Hall PO Box 105 ....499-3542
Rectory PO Box 105 ............................499-3531
506 Holman Ln........................................655-0247
sonic Drive-in 1007 23rd st ..............655-3661 sT PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH-LCMs
sorelle A W Bill iii 2600 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 0 8 6
39 Palo Duro Club Rd ............................655-9483 stafford Jim 17400 Valley Lake Dr ......557-6042
sorenson Jesse 10160 E sH 217........488-2799 stafford Richard & Carol
sorenson Mikel & Kay
19401 Mockingbird Rd............................499-3755
10400 E state Hwy 217 ..........................488-2113 stafford Richard & Carol ..............499-3182
sorelle Maxine ....................................655-7473 stagner John & Candi
sorrell Kim 7050 Morris Ave ................655-2031
south Randall County Hospital District 12 Canyon Rim Dr ..................................655-1077
stahlecker Winston
911 23rd st ............................................655-7751
southwest Dairy farmers 55 Cottonwood Ln ..................................655-1572
standefer Mike
301 N 15th st ..........................................656-0756
southwestern Association of Episcopal 11200 indian Camp Trail ........................488-2465
stanfield James 910 28th st Apt A ....557-4332
schools 1420 4th Ave ste 29 ..............655-2426 stanhope Paul 2910 Greg st ..............655-1287
sovilay Phengsy 2703 2nd Ave ..........557-4016 stanley Kyle A
sowers Mark & Deanna
12801 Kuykendall Ln Ama ......................499-3578
19341 Mockingbird Rd............................499-3630 stark Clay 1402 Creekmere Dr ............655-9066
spain D 714 Taylor Ln............................655-5302
sPARKMAN ORTHODONTiCs Rural & Residential . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 5 8 4
7701 sW 45th Ave, Ama . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 9 7 3 2
sparks Allen 900 6th Ave ....................655-2069
sparks Delinda 25801 s soncy Rd......655-7919 KENNY DEAN-AGENT
sparks J PO Box 608 ............................655-8166
sparks s s 510 14th st ........................655-1806 1709 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 1 0 4
sparling Russell 22 Tiffany Ln............655-4530
spears Christopher 320 Cedar Way..622-9623 JODY MAGNEss-AGENT
spectrum License Consultants inc
1301 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 0 7
407 Harrell Ln Apt A ..............................655-5557
speer Christine 9 Hospital Dr ............655-0308 stayton Mozelle 22749 City Lake Rd..499-3687
spencer Christopher 2701 9th Ave ..656-5076 stearns Michael 1304 8th Ave ..........656-5029
spencer Michelle steele Janna C 14201 Taylor Ama......499-3740
steen saml 1001 18th st......................655-1244
6708 Mark Rd Ama ................................655-0270 stegall Jennifer 2516 6th Ave............452-7010
sperry Craig & Jennifer steinman Brad 6101 Lisa Ln ..............655-9349
stephens Alan 9 Willowood Cir ..........655-1919
10 Village Dr ..........................................655-8564 stephens Bea 16060 Hammon Ama ....655-4784
spiller K 7711 star Bright Ln ................452-7119 stephens Gary & Diane
splawn Robert E 1703 Hillcrest ........655-7349
24001 fM 1541 ......................................488-2417
sPOONER & sON MAsONRY iNC stephens J Pat 10 Windwood Pl ........655-2259
All Phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 9 - 3 6 1 0 stephenson Ann 26 Country Club Dr 655-1008
stephenson David & Rhonda
spooner John & Tami
25500 Laguna Vista Rd Ama ..................499-3610 19361 Mockingbird Rd............................499-3244
stephenson Randy 16751 Robin Rd ..557-4849
CANYON-CLETA-UMBARGER stephenson - Tate 47
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
stephenson stephen strickland Polly 15 Hunsley Hills Blvd655-2517
16315 Lake Ridge Dr ..............................655-9339 strickland sue 517 12th Ave ..............452-7226
stroh Jeffrey 20100 Hunters Run........488-2860
sterquell Marshellette stubblefield C W 2607 9th Ave..........655-0269
14 Palo Duro Club Rd ..............................656-0000 stull Ted 3202 Linda Ln ........................452-7555
stevens Barry ......................................655-9600 stuntz Jean 1613 7th Ave ....................655-0680
stevens f Piner 10160 W Uh 60 ........655-3279 sturgess Kynan 19501 fM 168 ..........499-3862
subway 204 23rd st ..............................655-1193
CENTER sUBWAY inside Canyon Walmart
545 N Hwy 385, Hereford . . . . . . .3 6 4 - 2 1 6 0
1701 N 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 6 5 5 5
suchar Melissa 20300 Hunters Run....488-2678
1515 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 3 7 3 2 sullivan Gary & Corda
stevens Justin T 22951 Pondaseta ....499-3810 7715 star Light Ln ..................................557-6242
sullivan iRA 67 Country Club Dr ..........655-7661
sTEVENs LANDsCAPiNG summit Church 2000 12th Ave ..........655-2347
Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 3 - 8 8 9 0 summit Church 2000 12th Ave ..........655-7799
sumpter Brad & stephanie
stevens Philip 1104 Brookhaven Dr....655-0224
stevens Wayne 25661 Adkisson Rd ................................499-3626
sumpter Julie 39000 s fM 1705 ........488-2271
3210 Russell Long Blvd Apt 23 ..............452-7031 sumptner Michael
stevens Wilkes 1000 santa fe Trl ......655-7368
stevenson Max 7501 W Cemetery Rd 655-4219 84 Country Club Dr ................................557-4679
stewart Dusty 8201 Bryeson Ln ..........656-0276 sunderman Holly 1310 23rd st ........655-9748
stewart Keith & Wendy sunlight Exploration inc
13120 fM 2219 Ama ..............................499-3123 1415 23rd st ..........................................655-7181
stewart Pamela 703 W 6th Ave..........655-9590
sTEWART TiTLE 2108 13th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 9 8 2 1
203 N 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 6 - 0 4 2 0
sunshines Expressions
sticksel Pan 36 Palo Duro Club Rd......655-4234 23000 W UH 60 ......................................499-3790
stidham Ernie & Jane
surface Ultimate 614 Butterfield Trl 557-4098
5103 W Cemetery Rd ..............................655-3871 swaringen Jerry 16751 Hope Rd ......499-3250
stocker Aline PO Box 12 Umbarger ....499-3831 sweetgall Paul 16 Aztec Dr ................655-5945
stocker Danny 20700 fM 1714 ..........499-3118 swepston Danny & Judy
stocker farms PO Box 22 ..................499-3221
stocker Glen 1707 7th Ave ..................655-9185 1101 Brookhaven Dr ..............................655-0468
stocker Jeff PO Box 128......................499-3167 swindell David 7450 Raburn Ln..........655-7416
stocker Vicky 3308 Conner Dr ............557-4050 swires Patrick 2418 9th Ave ..............557-4677
stockstill Matt 411 Thompson Ln ......655-0948 szydloski D 906 5th st ........................655-3453
stockton Gerard & shannan
12201 Divot Dr........................................499-3886
stoddard L D & Colette T f x Refinishing Experts
17350 Robin Rd ......................................655-7412
22500 s Osage st....................................488-2897
stoker Leslie PO Box 1693 ..................488-2747 TACKY TANGLEs HAiR DEsiGN
stokes Brenda 17501 Bobbye Ln ........557-6161 301 N 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 7 4 4
stolle Katy 8375 Cattle Dr ....................488-2187
stone Charles 2419 7th Ave................655-4048 Taco Bell 611 23rd st............................553-4263
stone Diana 23775 Canyon Creek Rd ..499-3350 Taco Villa #18 101 N 23rd st ............557-4218
stone Jerry 30 summit Dr....................655-4916 Tallant Johnny 702 7th Ave ................655-9245
stratton sharon 25 Cottonwood Ln....557-6166 Talley Carolyn 17 Canyon Rim Dr ......655-3232
strebeck Brett 10 Eagle Pass..............655-1236 Tankersley Brian 2626 13th Ave ........557-4754
stribling Lee 2610 14th Ave ................655-0918 Tardy Deborah 2111 3rd Ave..............655-4040
stribling Pam 600 15th st ..................655-2405 Tariq susan Martin 300 Arrowhead..622-9272
stricker Dorthy 1027 santa fe Trl......557-4858 Tarpley Jack 75 Country Club Dr ........655-2489
stricker Warren 1020 Cimarron Trl ..655-0456 Tate Bruce 28 Mesa Dr ........................655-1220
Tate Barbara 12101 W Us Hwy 60 ......655-5666
655, 656, 557, 488, 499
Tatum Eddie 34 Canyon Rim Dr ..........655-3354 Texas Panhandle Heritage foundation
Tatum Bonnie 1014 santa fe Trl ........655-3701 11450 Park Rd 5 ....................................488-2220
TAxEQUENCEs LLC Texas state Of
1422 s Tyler #104, Ama . . . . . . .3 7 9 - 6 4 5 5 Department of Public safety
Driver’s License
Taylor Audrey 1105 4th Ave................655-2387 4200 Canyon Dr-Amarillo .................468-1400
Taylor Charles 509 Holman Ln............656-0611 Highway Patrol 501 16th st..........655-2041
Taylor Erin 1900 2nd Ave ....................452-7007 510 16th st-Canyon ..........................655-2051
Taylor James & Heidi family Protective services
404 21st st-Canyon .............................655-3071
23000 s Dowell Rd..................................499-3522 Health Department 300 Victory Dr 655-7151
Taylor Joann 22881 Hix Rd ................655-2146 Northern Panhandle Child
Taylor Johanna 14200 Potts Dr Ama..557-4697 Protection Court
Taylor Juanelle PO Box 343 ..............655-4507 2309 Russell Long Blvd suite 137 ....468-5696
Taylor Kayla 1900 N 2nd Ave Apt A ....452-7218 Parks & Wildlife Department
Taylor starlet 3917 Jj st ....................655-2712 inland fisheries Biological station
Taylor Ronald Pinky 2000 8th Ave ..655-4302 400 UH 60 .........................................655-4341
Taylor G 2418 15th Ave ........................655-4904 state Health WTAMU Box 60968.......477-1100
Taylor Wilford iii Texas Rangers 501 16th st-Canyon.656-0414
Transportation Department
17451 White Wing Rd ............................655-3607 Resident Engineer Hereford Hwy.655-4401
Taylor Petroleum 601 23rd st ..........656-0733 Maintenance Warehouse ..........655-4372
Taylor Talton & Kim if Busy Call ...................................655-0417
16601 Wexford st ..................................499-3844 TExAs WiNDOWs DOORs
Techline inc 16005 i H 27....................656-0105 & MORE
Teel Patricia 13932 fM 1062 ..............499-3480 2610 s Roberts, Ama . . . . . . . . . .3 5 5 - 5 3 8 8
Teeter Dr Terry
19300 fM 1541 Canyon ..........................488-2321 713 23rd st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 7 4 1
Teltox Barbara
The Cabinet shoppe
12201 W Us Hwy 60 ..............................655-7194 18700 s Us Hwy 87 ................................655-2071
Templeton smithee Hayes Heinrich
The Cake Co of Canyon
& Russell LLP ..................................452-2535 1502 5th Ave ..........................................655-8700
Tercero Rick 1906 8th Ave ..................655-4748
Terrel Gary Lee & Judy Ama ..........655-0536 The Canyons Land Development
Terrell Cloyce 16 Eagle Pass ..............656-0300 308 Hugh Currie Rd ................................622-2100
Terry John M 29 Quay Ln ....................488-2126
Terry Neil & Anne 12 Tiffany Ln ........655-9922 The Car spa 700 23rd st......................557-6401
Teters Tyler 2 Turtle xing ....................656-5037 The King and i 104 15th st ................655-2491
Teuton James 2712 6th Ave................656-0741 The Pampered Pooch 1601 4th Ave 655-8770
Teweleit Russ ....................................655-9173 The Rack Boutique 1607 4th Ave......655-7000
The Ranch House Cafe 810 23rd st 655-8785
TExAs BODY sHOP The stuccoed Barn 7875 Harvest Rd 655-4679
108 N 15th st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 4 7 9 4 The summit 2008 12th Ave..................655-7799
Or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 8 0 8 The Texas Country store
fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 7 5 4 2
6701 W Rockwell Rd ..............................656-0885
Texas Car Title and Payday Loan services The Ultimate surface 1207 2nd Ave 557-4098
inc 306 23rd st......................................656-0169 The Upholstery shop 417 16th st ....655-3451
Texas Home Management inc THE UPs sTORE
4 idlewood Ln..........................................655-4499
Texas Lonestar Truck & Body
17900 ih 27 ............................................655-7770 2200 4th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 1 1 1 2
TExAs MUsiCAL DRAMA Theiss Latawnya 2416 5th Ave ..........557-4133
1514 5th Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 5 - 2 1 8 1