News Events Staff Announcements
August 4 - August 18, 2018
Calendar of Events
Aug. 4 Christopher Abshire
Aug. 4 Ray Loe
Aug. 6 Aug. 15 Aug. 4 Joyce Silvester
Agency-Wide Meeting Employing Possibilities Job Aug. 5 Stephanie Bishop
Auditorium Fair Aug. 5 Rosalind Brown
525 W. Capitol Ave. Friendship Pediatric Services Aug. 5 Gracie Gilbreth
Little Rock, AR 72201 1301 Russell Road Aug. 6 Shayla Alexander
10 a.m. Russellville, AR 72802 Aug. 6 Courtney Loring
Aug. 6 Greta Sheldon
Aug. 6 Rosalie Stolz-Riddell
Aug. 6 Trisha Wiatt
Aug. 9 Aug. 6 Denise Wilson
Employing Possibilities Job Aug. 7 Jack Devore
Fair Aug. 8 Darnell Cooper
Fort Smith Convention Center Aug. 8 Quincy Pridgeon
55 S. 7th Street Aug. 9 Billy Ottinger
Fort Smith, AR 72901 Aug. 10 Ronald Neal
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Aug. 11 Stanley Delaughter
Aug. 11 Tina LaFountaine
Aug. 12 Caty Young
Aug. 13 Melinda Davis
Aug. 14 Sarah Yager
Aug. 15 Debra
Aug. 18 Trina Harris
Aug. 18 Barbara Pierce
Aug. 18 Charles Robinson
West Memphis Field Office Prepares The
for Active Shooter Situation
A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Ellice Scales
Caty Young
[email protected]
Sargent Richard Dennis and his partner Hayes Gregory of the West Memphis Police
Department lead an active shooter training session for the West Memphis Field office. @ARCareerEd
The staff learned practices that will provide safety for themselves and others during the
event of an active shooter.
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene
to [email protected].
August 4 - August 18, 2018 Page 2
Farewell to the Interns
he Arkansas Department of
Career Education served
Tas a site for Summer Youth
Employment Opportunity, an initiative
of the City of Little Rock to give the
city’s youth a chance to learn about
careers while earning a wage during
the summer. The agency welcomed
four interns this summer. They
worked 32 hours each week and were
immersed in the various programs
that are provided by the Arkansas
Department of Career Education.
ARCareerEd Personnel Manager
Lisa Thompson organized a farewell
luncheon for the interns, all of whom
will be seniors at their respective high
schools in the fall. Thompson said this
“Fabulous Four” did an excellent job
and are the best group the agency has
welcomed for the summer initiative. ARCareerEd Personnel Manager Lisa Thompson, Brailah Pree, Jenae Jackson, Alyssa
Staff members attended the Murry, Nadia Jackson, and Inventory Control Manager Leifel Jackson enjoy the farewell
luncheon as well and offered words luncheon for the interns.
of wisdom and encouragement to the
ARCareerEd in the Community
Jonesboro Crossett Little Rock
The ARS Pine Bluff Field Office
The ARS Jonesboro Field Office participated in the Crossett High School Keondra Hampton (third from left),
partnered with Arkansas Support Network Transition Parent Night. North Little Rock Field Office Counselor,
to host the “Employing Possibilities” job fair celebrated the completion of the “Set for
at St. Bernards Auditorium on July 25. Success” Summer Program with her Pre-
Conway ETS clients. These clients participated in
the program with Easterseals, where they
Hot Springs were engaged in the five core areas of
Pre-ETS and gained work experience with
Sodexo at Baptist Health Hospital. After
completing the program, four of the clients
were offered jobs.
The Conway ARS Field Office
participated in the Conway Area
Leadership Institute. They were able to
connect with over 60 business leaders
Tim Johnston, Curriculum and Career and interact with the Executive Panel of
Development Program Coordinator, and Leaders from Conway Corp., the City of
Cheryl Wiedmaier, Ph.D., Associate Conway, and the City of Conway Planning
Director for Occupational Programs, Department.
present program updates concerning CTE
at the Annual ACTE Conference.