News Events Staff Announcements
March 11 - March 24, 2018
Calendar of Events Birthdays
March 13 March 14 March 11 Barbara Lensing
Deaf History Month ARS Book:Faces of March 11 Loyda Sandoval
Celebration Transition March 11 Elizabeth Valovich
State Capitol Transition Fair March 12 Cynthia Harris
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. East Arkansas Community March 12 Dolores O’Neal
College March 12 LaTara Parris
Forrest City March 12 Robert Virgil
March 13 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. March 14 Tonya Hudgens
Career Education and March 14 Leah Elmore
Workforce Development March 15 Jacob Bryant
Board Meeting March 16
525 W. Capitol Ave. Oh, The Places You’ll Go March 16 Aaron Eastworth
Little Rock, AR 72201 Transition Fair March 17 Yvonne Rowland
1:30 p.m. El Dorado Conference Center March 17 Laura Smith
311 S. West Avenue March 19 Tanya Roe
El Dorado, AR 71730 March 20 Kecheta
March 14 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Jacobs-McCoy
Jefferson County Transition March 20 Michael Llyod
Fair March 21 Pamela Johnson
University of Arkansas at Pine March 22 Tammie Orlicek
Bluff March 23 Marion Douglas
Pine Bluff March 23 Essie Hardin
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. March 24 Doris Franklin
March 24 Diane Hughes
ARS Featured on Radio Shows The
A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Pictured left to right: Christy Lamas, YLF
Coordinator;Shemar Davis, former YLF Director of
participant; Broadway Joe of KOKY; and Communications
Keondra Hampton, Transition Counselor. District IX Manager Kensel Spivey shares Dustin Barnes
information on KIXB-FM radio about the El Susan King
Dorado Office’s Transition Fair, which was Caty Sample
held on March 16.
Ellice Scales
[email protected]
Christy Lamas, YLF Coordinator, and
Shemar Davis, former YLF participant,
talk about the Youth Leadership Forum for
teens with disabilities on KOKY.
March 11 - March 24, 2018 Page 2
ARS Well Represented at APSE Conference
rkansas Rehabilitation
Services (ARS) was
Aproud to sponsor
the annual Arkansas APSE
Employment First Conference,
which took place March 5-7
at the Holiday Inn Airport
Conference Center in Little
Maryanne Caldwell, Transition ®
Coordinator, and Christy Jermaine Moore, 2015 Project SEARCH
Graduate, (left) and William Stevens,
Lamas, Vocational Education ARS Administrative Specialist II and Maryanne Caldwell, Transition
Coordinator, each led separate 2016 Project SEARCH Graduate, Coordinator, leads a session on bridging
the gap from transition to employment.
sessions on “Bridging the Gap! (right) present at the Arkansas APSE
Transition to Employment.” Employment First Conference.
William Stevens, ARS
Administrative Specialist II
and 2016 Project SEARCH
Graduate, shared his story on a
project he completed with fellow
Project SEARCH Graduate,
Jermaine Moore. Their
project focused on improving
accessibility at the University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences Christy Lamas, Vocational Education Marcie Flowers, Vocational Rehabilitation
(UAMS). Coordinator, leads a session on bridging Counselor for District VII, provides
the gap from transition to employment.
information on ARS to people attending the
APSE Conference.
District VI Holds Monthly Counselor Chief of Field Services
Meeting at Goodwill Excel Center Represents ARS on KATV
AServices’ Chief
of Field Services Carl
Pictured left to right: Abigail Fryar, Sandra Gonzalez, Sydney Washington, Valencia
Butler, Debbie Bryant, Tynesha Ivory, and Kimberley Holland. Daughtery (left) on Good
Afternoon Arkansas to talk
istrict VI held its monthly staff were gracious hosts about Youth Leadership
counselor meeting and the counselors toured Forum (YLF).
Dfocusing on Pre-ETS the facility and discussed the
at the Goodwill Excel Center. various programs available to
Goodwill Industries of Arkansas ARCareerEd clients and the
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].
March 11 - March 24, 2018 Page 3
ARS Hosts Luncheon to Help the Community
Arkansas Rehabilitation Better Understand Supported Employment
Association (ARA)
Training Conference upported Employment
Award Nominations (SE) is an essential
Selement of ARS and
he Arkansas Rehabilitation District VI provided an
Association (ARA) is opportunity for business,
Ttaking nominations for industry, SE providers
awards that will be presented both current and potential,
at the ARA Training Conference teachers, as well as students
May 30-June 1. to learn more about SE
Awards will be presented ARS Counselors and Administrative
Specialists engage participants in
to the Support Staff of the and engage participants in discussions on their needs in the
Year, Rehabilitant of the Year, discussions about supported community as they relate to employment.
and Counselor of the Year. employment and the
Deadline for nominations is April community needs of Clark
9. County.
The event was held at
To nominate for Support Henderson State University in
Staff of the Year, fill out this
form: the Garrison Center Campus
KHwkVgNGqmM0hmPq1. Ballroom on Feb. 15. The
theme, “Through the Looking
To nominate for Rehabilitant Glass: Taking a Peek at
of the Year, fill out this Supported Employment,” was Sydney Washington, Supported
form: based on the sequel to Alice Employment Counselor for District VI of
HTV2wRfBUWqYPF103. ARS Field Services, shares information
in Wonderland where Alice about Supported Employment during the
To nominate for Counselor again enters a fantastical "Through the Looking Glass" Luncheon.
of the Year, fill out this world, this time by climbing
form: through a mirror into the world
fQQBvNdEbd4DUmMP2. that she can see beyond it.
When working with individuals
with disabilities we have to
see beyond the disability and
see possibilities that were
unimaginable. Supported
Employment services support Stephanie Bennett, Business
this concept. Engagement Representative presents on
Inclusion Works.
Sympathy: William Stephanie Bennett, Business
“Bill” Sanges Engagement Representative
presented on Inclusion Works,
illiam “Bill” Sanges, a Sydney Washington outlined
retiree of ARS- Division
Wof PPD&E- Quality SE services, Dale Turrentine
Assurance Coordinator for the was available to vendors for
Benton Field Office, transitioned questions during lunch, and
on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. Sean Shuttleworth with Group
He worked over 40 years for the
agency. Living introduced Brandon
Please keep Bill Sanges’s Buck, who gave a riveting Pictured left to right: Deandriea
family in your thoughts and story of how his employers Carrigan-Bass, District V Manager;
Stephanie Bennett, Business Engagement
prayers during this time. at AllCare Pharmacy have Representative; Abigail Fryar, Vocational
helped him overcome his Rehabilitation Counselor; Tynesha Ivory,
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor; Gaye
limitations and complete Jones-Washington, District VI Manager;
job duties successfully. He Dale Turrentine, Rehabilitation Program
Manager; Valencia Butler, Vocational
is currently employed as a Rehabilitation Counselor; Sydney
medication packer and loves Washington, Supported Employment
his job. Buck’s family was able Counselor; Kimberley Holland, Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor; Deborah
to come show support during Bryant, Vocational Rehabilitation
the lunch and learn. Counselor; Sandra Gonzalez, Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor; and Laura
Parker, Administrative Specialist (center).
March 11- March 24, 2018 Page 4
Pat Hefley Retires After 14 Years of Service to ARS
dministrative Specialist Pat
Hefley retired on Friday,
AMarch 9 after 14 years of
service to Arkansas Rehabilitation
Services (ARS) in the Pine Bluff
Field Office and 23 total years
of service for the state. Her co-
workers, family, and friends
celebrated her while enjoying good
food and great fellowship.
Pat Hefley (center) accepts plaque from Carl Daughtery, Chief of Field Services, and
Sterling Hughes, District X Manager.
Quincy Pridgeon escorts Pat Hefley to
her retirement celebration.
Pat Hefley (left) and a relative are all
smiles as she begins a new chapter in life.
Colleagues share well wishes to Pat
Hefley (second from left) on her retirement.