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Published by AR Career Ed, 2018-06-28 09:41:03

The Scene: June 24 - July 7, 2018


News Events Staff Announcements

June 24 - July 7, 2018

Calendar of Events Birthdays

June 24 - July 20 June 27 June 24 Tauny Chaffin
Transition Employment AKDC Board Meeting June 24 Gaye
Program (TEP) ARS Central Office Jones-Washington
Arkansas Career Training Auditorium June 24 Scotty Simmons
Institute (ACTI) 12:00 p.m. June 24 Sandra Trotter
107 Reserve Street June 26 Malcolm Alred
Hot Springs, AR 71901
June 27 Kimberly Clark
July 1 Marsha
June 25 July 4 July 2 Jackalyn Harris
ACT WorkKeys System Independence Day July 2 Stephen Percival
Arch Ford Education Service All state offices are closed. July 2 Regina Radke
101 Bulldog Drive
Plumerville, AR 72127 July 2 Joseph Watson
9:00 a.m. July 3 Mark Bogard
July 4 Kofi Adzokpa
July 4 April Hamilton
July 4 Lisa Thompson
June 25 - June 27
Cyber Security Professional July 6 Anesia Flowers
Development July 7 Bart Draper
Jacksonville-Little Rock AFB
University Center
Room 114
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

ARCareerEd Employee Completes The

Leadership Greater Little Rock

A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Ellice Scales
Caty Young

[email protected]


Kelly Hunt Lyon, Ed.D., (middle) is pictured with Bobby Harris, Co-Chair, Leadership
Greater Little Rock Class XXXIII, and Robin Connell, Chair, Leadership Greater Little
Rock Class XXXIII. The program, an initiative of the Little Rock Regional Chamber, seeks
to develop community leaders by informing them about on a wide range of local public
policy issues.Organizers hope will urge leaders to become involved with local issues and
the decision-making process.


June 24 - July 7, 2018 Page 2

Girl Power! ARCareerEd Hosts High School Seniors

During Summer Youth Employment Opportunity

he Department of Career
Education is hosting four
Tlocal high school seniors
as they participate in the City
of Little Rock’s Summer Youth
Employment Opportunity.
The goals of the initiative are
to teach youth the value of
earning a wage and to build
employability skills and work
ethic. The following students
will be working with the agency
over the next several weeks
(from left to right): Alyssa Murry,
Nadia Jackson, Brailah Pree,
and Jenae Jackson. Please
be sure to offer them words of
wisdom and encouragement
whenever you encounter these
future professionals.

Welcome: May and June New Hires Goodbye

Laura Griepp
Susan Hovey
Brenda Steward
David Tunnicliff
Mary Willingham
Judy Wynn
Amanda Crawford
Dominique Davis-Warner
Douglas Everhart
Dewayne Miller, LaQueena Johnson, Eugene Gray
ARS/West Memphis ARS/Little Rock Doris Bynum
Administrative Specialist Rehabilitation Counselor Jonathan Roberson
Laura McNeel
Sandon Williams

Get Social with Us!

Michael Dingler, Margaret Everett, @ARCareerEd ARCareerEd
Program Coordinator Cook

Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].


June 24 - July 7, 2018 Page 3

ARCareerEd Helps Employee’s Son
with Huge Donation Around the

ichael Jordan, son of Agency
Business Engagement
MAdministrative Specialist ustin Barnes has
Lisa Jordan, collected and been named Assistant
donated 1,051 boxes of cereal DCommunications Director
for the THV Summer Cereal for the Arkansas Department
Drive. of Career Education. In this
Michael, 14, has participated role, he will provide counseling
in the cereal drive for 12 on all strategic communication
consecutive years. The THV efforts for the agency and its
Summer Cereal Drive provides four divisions: Adult Education,
hungry families in Arkansas Arkansas Rehabilitation
with non-perishable breakfast Services, Career and Technical
items that are both nutritious Education, and the Office of
and kid-friendly. It also serves Skills Development.
as a healthy breakfast option for Barnes previously served the
children and families in central agency as the Public Information
Arkansas who would otherwise Coordinator, a role he assumed
go without the most important in 2014.
meal of the day: breakfast. Barnes, a Louisiana native,
The Jordans appreciate the has more than a decade of
Arkansas Department of Career experience in communications.
Education for helping Michael Before joining the agency,
achieve this endeavor each Barnes was an award-winning
year. television news reporter, having
worked in Monroe, La.; Jackson,
Miss.; and Little Rock, Ark.
Texarkana Field Office Hosts Career Fair Barnes’ investigative reporting
skills were recognized in the
disappearance of a Pine Bluff
RS Field Services District
IX (Texarkana and El teenager, who vanished from
ADorado) hosted a Business her part-time job back in 1994.
and Career Fair at the Arkansas His storytelling led to authorities’
Convention Center. searching a location they had
Fifteen businesses partnered not previously explored. This
with ARS to help arrange the story led to his participation in a
event, including Tyson Foods and documentary on TVOne’s Find
Wal-Mart. Our Missing.
There were three breakout In 2017, Barnes received a
sessions that job seekers had Ashley Cross, Business Engagement Master’s Degree in Journalism
the opportunity to attend. These Corporate Manager, advises attendees on with a focus in Public Relations
sessions included Social Media preparing a rÉsumÉ for job seekers. from Kent State University. He
Savvy, presented by Business earned a Bachelor’s Degree in
Engagement Administrator Yvonne Mass Communication with an
Rowland, and RÉsumÉ Tips emphasis in Broadcast News
and Techniques, presented by from Grambling State University.
Business Engagement Corporate
Manager Ashley Cross.
“We’re grateful to our VR
staff and Business Engagement
partners who helped keep things
running smoothly,” Business
Engagement Representative Jill
Turner said. “
Over 100 job seekers attended A representative from Walmart speaks to
the event. an event-goer about career opportunities Dustin Barnes,
with the company.


June 24 - July 7, 2018 Page 4

ARS Well Represented at ARA Conference

rkansas Rehabilitation Services
played a monumental role at the
A2018 Arkansas Rehabilitation
Association Conference, which took
place May 30-June 1 at Hotel Hot
Springs. This year’s theme was
“Strength Through Inclusion.” ARS
staff members either served as
panelists or attended the sessions.
Those who attended sessions will
receive continuing education credits,
as they will be able to incorporate what
they learned into their profession.

AAMRC surprised Judy S. Smith (third from left) by recognizing her for her contributions
to the organization with an award named in her honor – the J.S. Smith Service Award.
She was presented the honor by (left to right) Carl Daughtery, ARS Chief of Field
Services; Darlene Owens, AAMRC President, and Alan McClain, ARS Commissioner.

Bonnie O’Boyle (right) accepts the
Counselor of the Year Award from Kasi
Miller, President-Elect of ARA. O’Boyle is
a Counselor in the Fayetteville Field Office.

Members of AAMRC attend the ARA Conference last month. The new officers for
AAMRC are Darlene Owens, President; Valencia Butler, President-Elect; Yolanda
Jerelene Watson, an Administrative Graves, Secretary; Gaye Jones-Washington, Treasurer; Dr. Deandriea Bass-Carrigan,
Specialist in the Pine Bluff Field Office, Board Member; Robin Hunt, Board Member; Latisha McClendon, Board Member; and
was presented the Support Staff of Judy Smith, Board Member.
the Year Award by Quincy Pridgeon.
Pridgeon, a counselor in the Pine Bluff
Field Office, nominated Watson for the

AAMRC also recognized Ellice Scales,
(right) former AAMRC President, for
her tireless efforts as a leader for the
organization on the state and national Medlinc, Inc. recognized several ARS field offices for their partnership in Healthcare
levels. Darlene Owens (left) presented Education, Training, and Employment. These field offices include Little Rock, North Little
Scales with the award. Rock, Lonoke, Benton, Hot Springs, Conway, Monticello, and Pine Bluff.

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